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Running Head: Daily Writing 7 Update 1

Daily Writing #7- Update

Since I originally wrote my original Daily Writing, my inquiry about the white side of

my family has remained the same. I have not been able to uncover that side of my family. I

dedicated some time during my genealogy project to trying to find them. However, I was

unsuccessful in my attempts. Since I started with very limited information about them, I could

not obtain any leads. I did not have any of their names. I only knew that their last name was also

Barnett, and they lived around the North/South Carolina area. Although I was unable to find

them, I am not disappointed. I did not expect to find much since I had such little information, and

no one in my family knew anything about them. I was just curious to find out if there was any

merit to the story because I have heard it since I was little. I remember that my great-

grandmother told me once, and then I heard the rumor again a few years ago when I was talking

to my mother. As for now, the story remains a rumor. However, when I was researching, I did

come across a few unfamiliar names when I was making my family tree. While I was trying to

find information on my great-great grandmother, Emma, I found some of her children, but they

were not the same names that I have always heard. I knew that she had children named Maggie,

Dorothy, Ernest, Robert, Walter, Marion, and John. However, as I was looking, I found a U.S.

Census from the 1940s. The census listed all of her childrens names, but there were children

named Arthur and Calaway listed as members of the household. So, now I am curious to find out

about what happened to Arthur. My mother had never heard of a child named Arthur or Calaway,

so she believes that it was a mistake. However, my great-aunt says that Emma had another son

that died at a young age, and that might be the Arthur Sanders that was listed. As for Calaway,

both of them do not know about anyone with that name, or of any possible explanations behind

that child being listed as a member of the household. Now, there is a mystery person within my

family tree. So, I am very curious about what that discovery could possibly lead to. Could
Daily Writing 7 Update 2

Calaway be the key to the rumor that my great-grandmother started? If not, then who could she

possibly be? As for the validity of the rumor, I am also unsure of it. I know that sometimes my

great-grandmother told me little, white lies as a child, but I do not think that she would lie about

the existence of an entire family. Plus, my mother knows about the rumor too, so that means that

my great-grandmother would have been lying about those people for at least twenty-five years

before I was even born. That explanation does not make a lot of sense to me. I believe that there

truly is a white side of the family, and we just have not found them yet. Even within the

Concord area, there are multiple streets named for people. In my town, we have a Barnett and

Barnette street. Maybe one of those streets was named for a member of my family. I cannot be

certain, but at this moment, anything is possible. Now, I also wonder if my familys last name,

Barnett, is derived from Barnette. They are very similar since they only differ by one letter.

Maybe the other side of my family spells theirs with an e. That may explain why I cannot find

them anywhere. Lastly, maybe this rumor is really true. However, maybe the time for the truth to

be unveiled has not come yet. When the right time comes, I think that the truth will finally be


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