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Running head: Significance of Dreaming 1

Significance of Dream

Alex Barrera Fuentes, Shania Warren, Chloe McGlown

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Author Note

First paragraph: Overview

Second paragraph: Project Plan

Third paragraph: Justification

Fourth paragraph: Roles and Responsibilities

Fifth paragraph: Timeline

Sixth paragraph: Conclusion

Significance of Dreaming 2

Significance of Dreaming

Our project is focused around dreaming and if there is any significance behind dreaming.

Sometimes people assume that within their dreams, certain colors or pictures could be a sign.

The signs could correlate to something that may happen in the future or an event/place that

should be revisited in your past. We will start our paper with the history of dreaming as well as

sharing viewpoints on why we dream. Within the history of dreaming we will discover how far it

dates back as well as philosophers who have influenced the way weve perceived dreaming.

Dreaming is different in cultures around the world. Sometimes dreaming in cultures can mean

there soul is leaving their body or assuming that evil dreams were temptations by the devil.

There are also several different types of dreams. We will research each individual type of dream

and the impact it could have on you and possibly your everyday life. With each dream type an

example of someone who has experienced that specific type of dream will be provided as well as

if it has any proven significance behind it. We will also dig into the stages of sleep as well as

sleep walking. Another topic we will address is if someone is dreaming while they are

sleepwalking? We will explore what stage of sleep, sleep walking occurs.

In order to have an effective project that clearly gets its point across to the viewers, we

will use a digital format that will organize our thoughts, making it easy for the audience to

follow. Our main idea of the significance of dreaming will be broken down into sub topics. Each

topic will have a substantial amount of detail to ensure that the viewer will have little to no

questions, once the presentation is complete. Data and statistics will also be integrated into our

presentation to back up everything that we say to decrease any doubt or confusion with the

Significance of Dreaming 3

Our proposed plan is appropriate and effective for our topic, as using a digital format will

be an attractive as well as a clear way to convey the broad message that dreaming indeed has a

significance. The digital format will also provide a good platform to explain why individuals

dream, the history and the different types of dreams individuals have. We will also be

incorporating facts and statistics about dreaming from a variety of sources in order to explain the

types of dreaming known to man in an efficient and correct way. The audience also needs to

value the importance of this topic because many individuals experience dreams, but some

experience them more than others as well as the significance behind the dreams.

Due to the fact that this is a group project, the majority of the research and work will be

done together to ensure that we are all on the same page. The researching and gathering of

information will be done by all of us because we all need to know the ends and outs of this

project. In addition, the formatting of the slides, presentation, and online component will be

conducted by the one who is most technically savvy and feels more comfortable with a

computer. However, each of us will be assigned a certain number of topics within our

presentation so that when we present, each of us will have an equal amount of talking time. Also,

each of us will be responsible to find at least three sources and come together to see which ones

will be most conducive to our research project.

Since our multimodal inquiry project has different stages, slides 1-6 will be on the

question of why individuals dream and should be completed by July 21st. Slides 7-15 will be on

the history of dreaming. This stage should be completed by July 28th. The final slides 16-25 will

be on the different types of dreaming, that will be covered in detail. These slides should be

finished August 1st in order to give a full day to go over our project on the 2nd. On August 6,
Significance of Dreaming 4

our final product should be completed, edited and practiced from our peer reviews. Our

multimodal inquiry project will be able for presentation in front of the Second Summer

Semester, UWRT 1103: Accelerated College Writing and Rhetoric Course class at UNC


The ultimate goal of this presentation is for the audience to understand the types of

dreaming and the significance it can have on your life. They will walk away with a broad

understanding of how dreaming is perceived within different cultures as well as the overall

history of dreaming. A better understanding on why we dream will be given.

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