Biography Tuesday Lesson

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Rebekah Eden

Lesson outcome
By the end of the lesson students will have a greater understanding of information relevant to
biographies, how to structure a biography and how to begin writing a biography. In addition to
this students will improve upon their skills in collecting information in the form of interviews.

Australian Curriculum link

Identify and explain characteristic text structures and language features used in
imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (Australian
curriculum, 2016)

Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of
formality (Australian curriculum, 2016)

Lesson introduction
Students will receive the features of biography handout, there will be a brief discussion as to
what some key learning aspects were in the previous lesson. This brief recap will assist
students with writing their own biographies. Students will then be introduced to some
sample interview questions and told to interview the person sitting next to them and record
it in their English books.

Key learning activity

Students will receive 15 minutes each (totaling 30 minutes) to interview one another,
students can use the sample questions provided on the whiteboard or they can make up
their own questions. Once students have concluded their interviews they will be required to
write a biography in their English books on the person they interviewed. Students will be
expected to write this in the form of a biography, making use of detail, paragraphs and

To conclude this lesson the teacher will gain students attention bringing them together as a
class, some students will be selected to read aloud the biography they have written, before
concluding the lesson.

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