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Simulation Project

In this final project, students must identify a real problem, need or opportunity an organization
is facing. Students will form in teams of 3 to 5 members, the team must ensure that there is
significant design content in the proposed project; that is, the scope of the project must be
such that a recommendation for a change to a system is made and there is demonstrated
value for implementing the change, and that it has a significant impact on the organization. The
software ARENA must be used in this project.

A report must be submitted covering the following minimum requirements:

1. Problem definition, identification of organizational needs, realistic constraints and data

2. Analysis: identify the skills needed to solve the problem, make assumptions considering
real constraints.
3. Considerations: list all the different considerations in your project such as engineering
standards and/or economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability and sustainability constraints.
4. Decision-making: what design alternatives were considered and a proper justification for
the final choice.
5. Explanation of the results found and how you got them.
6. Conclusions and future recommendations.

The report must be at least 30 pages in length, using Arial letter size 12 and 1.5 spacing
between rows (normal margins) without including the appendix. The report must be
submitted electronically to the Instructors e-mail , uploaded into the
portfolio mi-campus and uploaded into Blackboard by Monday, June 8th 2015.

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