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Americans Uneasy about North Korea -- and the Presidents Ability to Handle It
Aug 3-6, 2017

Q58. In general, do you have confidence in Donald Trump's ability to handle the situation with North Korea's nuclear program, or are
you uneasy about his approach?

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Confident 35 76 10 31
Uneasy 61 22 87 64
Don't know/No answer 3 3 3 4

Q54. Which of these comes closest to your opinion? 1. North Korea's development of weapons is a threat to the U.S. that requires
military action now. 2. North Korea's development of weapons is a threat that can be contained right now. OR 3. North Korea's
development of weapons is not a threat to the U.S. at all.

Threat requiring action now 29 48 22 24

Threat that can be contained 60 47 69 61
Not a threat at all 7 4 6 10
Don't know/No answer 4 1 4 5

Q56. Do you think North Korea is actively planning to strike the United States with a nuclear missile, or is North Korea just trying to
use its missile program to gain power and influence?

Planning a strike 26 36 21 24
Trying to gain power and influence 68 59 73 70
Don't know/No answer 6 5 6 6

Q57. Which comes closer to how you feel about the situation with North Korea uneasy about the possibility of conflict, or
confident things will be resolved without conflict?

Uneasy about conflict 72 68 79 69

Confident things will be resolved 26 30 20 27
Don't know/No answer 2 2 1 4

Unweighted Weighted
Total Respondents 1,111

Total Republicans 268 266

Total Democrats 362 348
Total Independents 481 498

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