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This text is for questions 1 and 2 the time the paramedics arrived, Mr. Lim was already
dead. Some neighbors said they saw someone walking
Feel out of touch? Just because youre in a taxi, on calmly along the corridor, shortly after the shooting.
a plane, or in a line, doesnt mean that you are cut Hundreds of police officers immediately
off the world. As a business executive, you know surrounded the crime scene, and the police dogs were
how important it is to maintain communication called in to search the entire apartment, unit by unit,
with your office and with your clients. You know looking for the suspect killer without any success.
that if you arent talking to your customers, your Within hours, the suspects features and identity were
competition will be established. The police suspected the killer might have
We have the solution. The fled to another country. They immediately contacted
portable SE-543 mini-phone Interpol for help to nab the alleged murderer.
fits easily into a pocket. Its According to a reliable source, the suspect
all digital, so your who is also a Triad member had business transactions
communication is secure. with the victim for many years. It was alleged that the
And you can plug it into any victim had cheated Tan, and that Tan might have killed
phone jack to pick up your him cold-bloodedly because of this.
e-mail. It has a 56.6 Kbps Tan was with his wife and three other people
built in modem and 1 MB in a room on the 13th floor of the five-star Grand Plaza
memory for storing both Park Royal Hotel in Kuala Lumpur when the Malaysian
voice mail and e-mail police stormed into the room. All the suspects were
messages. quickly arrested without any resistance.
The Singaporean police have requested their
Stay ahead of the pack. Malaysian counterpart of Tan to be extradited to
Stay in touch with our SE- Singapore to stand trial for the murder charge.
543. According to the spokesman, Malaysia has accepted
the request and is now preparing documents for Tans
1. Who is the advertisement aimed at? extradition to Singapore. If the suspect is found guilty
A. People who are lonely. of murder, the penalty will be death or life
B. People who dress well. imprisonment plus canings.
C. People who work short hours.
D. People who communicate a lot by phone. 3. Who arrested the victims murderer?
E. People who need the newest model of phone. A. The Indonesian police
B. The Thai police
2. According to the advertisement, why is it important C. The U.S. police department
to be in touch? D. The Malaysian police
A. To compete with your competitors. E. The Swiss police
B. To maintain good client relations.
C. To learn about your competitors. 4. Which of the following sentences is true?
D. To work out a solution. A. The suspect was arrested by the Singaporean
E. To use a fast modem. police.
B. Hundreds of police dogs surrounded the crime
This text is for questions 3 to 4 scene.
NLF Malaysia: The Malaysian police have C. The suspect murderer was also a Triad
notified the Singaporean police that a suspected member.
murderer, Tan Chor Jin, who fled to Kuala Lumpur D. Than Chor Jin was killed by Lim Hock Soon.
after shooting and killing Mr. Lim Hock Soon, has been E. The murderer did not recognize the victim.
The 39-year-old suspect, who is blind in one
eye, has been dubbed the One-eyed dragon. It was
alleged that Tan entered Mr. Lims apartment at
Serangoon Avenue on February 15 at 7:00 a.m. when
the maid opened the door to send the victims
daughter to school. Tan forced the maid and the
daughter back into their apartment. Tan then shot Mr.
Lim. Tan was said to have taken some valuables before
he left the house. The wife then called the police. By

12 SMA IPA/Pra-UN2/2016-2017 Prestasi tanpa batas 1 | 7

This text is for questions 5 and 6. etc. I just began to learn computer program after I
graduated from the university. Did you know that I
December, 20 2012 worked part time at a computer company while I was
studying at the university? It was very hard actually.
Dear Clients,

As of Monday, July 1, 2006, Seroja Sales 7. Which statement is NOT CORRECT based on the
Corporation of Indonesia's Western text?
A. The writer always got the first rank in every
Regional Office will be located in our
new offices and warehouse building at B. The writer won the scholarship when he was in
Jln. Delman Utama I/30 Kebayoran high school.
Lama, Jakarta The telephone number C. The writer took the teacher training and
for this new location is (021) 7260904. education program.
Our Manufacturing Division will remain D. The writer was active in discussion, seminars,
at Jln. Hang Lekir 5, Kebayoran Baru, training.
Jakarta. I have enclosed our most recent E. The writer was an activist.
brochure on robotic equipment for your
8. I got anything Ive been dreaming of.
review. I hope you find it interesting. The underlined word has similar meaning to .
Sincerely, A. wishing
B. enjoying
Yoga Iswara C. needing
D. searching
of Seroja Sales Corporation E. looking for

This text is for questions 9 to 11.

5. What does the text mainly announce? The internet is the fastest growing and largest
A. The promotion of an official. tool for mass communication and information
B. The new address of an office. distribution in the world. There has been increasing
C. The soft opening of an office. concern about damaging internet content from violence
D. The launching of a new product. and sexual content, which can gives negative influence
E. The selling of robotic equipment. on the culture identity. The government should censor
materials on the internet based on the following
6. What does writer attach in the letter? reasons.
A. The list of prices. Firstly, child pornography in the media is never
B. The addresses of other branches. tolerated. They are apparent victims of harmful and
C. The brochure on robotic equipment. offensive content in the internet. The internet should be
D. The address of warehouse building. no exception to these basic standards. Truly offensive
E. The address of manufacturing division. material such as pornography and extreme racial hatred
are no different, simply because they are published on
This text is for questions 7 to 8. the World Wide Web as opposed to a book or video.
Im so excited. Finally, I got anything Ive been Secondly, people recognize that moving
dreaming of, but It was not so easy to get it. Lets look pictures and sound are more graphic and powerful then
back to my past. I was born thirty-two years ago. I was text and photographs or illustrations to influence
born in a small village. When I was a child, I was so peoples minds. There is also normally more regulation
naughty but so smart according to my mother. I got of videos from the internet then cinema films. It is
the second rank when I finished my elementary because the viewer of a video is a captive audience with
school, and in high school I got the first rank, thus I the power to rewind, view again and distribute more
won the scholarship. I was so glad and my parents widely.
were very proud of me. Then I went to one of the best Lastly, censoring harmful materials in the
State Universities in Bandung. I took the teacher internet is an international problem. If a global solution
training and education program. I majored in English. I is required then it can be achieved by international co-
studied at the university for four years. There, I used operation. Children are particularly vulnerable to the
to be the best in all of subjects I took. In addition, offensive and harmful content in the internet. The
guess!, I got the first rank from the first semester till government should soon regulate a rule to protect the
the last semester ! I won the scholarship for the third nations from negative influence from the internet.
time. I was active at student organizations, and in
many activities, such as discussion, seminars, training,

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9. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is . D. Weather.
A. the government should censor harmful internet E. Climate.
B. moving picture and graphic has powerful 13. Which of the following statement is NOT true about
influence in the internet fogs?
C. the government should regulate a rule to A. Fogs usually appear in Autumn.
protect the nation from internet B. City fogs are much thicker than country fogs.
D. censoring child pornography needs C. There is similarity between fogs and clouds.
international government cooperation D. The droplets in a fog are bigger than those in
E. censoring harmful material in the internet clouds.
needs international cooperation E. A cold current of air hitting down on the
warmer surface of the land makes fog.
10. The following is NOT censored in the internet
A. sexual content 14. and thus it seems denser to us. (Paragraph 5)
B. violence content What does the word it refer to?
C. informative content A. fog
D. negative graphic content B. light
E. extreme racial hatred content C. cloud
D. droplet
11. They are apparent victims of harmful and offensive E. number
content in the internet.
The underlined word has the same meaning to . This text is for questions 15 to 17.
A. useful Living in a big city has both advantages and
B. horrible disadvantages.
C. massive On the plus side, it is often easier to find
D. destructive work, and there is usually a choice of public transport,
E. fearful so you dont need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of
interesting things to do and places to see.
This text is for questions 12 to 14. For example, you can eat in good restaurants,
A fog is a cloud in contact with ground. There is visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts.
no basic difference between a fog and a cloud floating What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually
high in the atmosphere. When a cloud is near or on the find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on
surface of the earth or sea, it is simply called fog. a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full
The commonest fogs are those seen at night of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
and in the early morning over the lowlands and small However, for every plus there is a minus. For
bodies of water. They usually are caused by a cold one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very
current of air from above striking down upon the well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the
warmer surface of the land or water. things that there are to do, because living in a big city
In the autumn they are very common, because is often very expensive.
the air is cooling faster day by day than the land or the It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap
water. On still nights after dark, thin layers of fog often accommodation. What is more, public transport is
form close to the ground in low places. As the earth sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush
cools at night, the lower air gets cooler, where this hour, and even the parks can become very crowded,
cooler air meets the moist warmer air just above, fog especially on Sundays when it seems that every city
forms. dweller is looking for some open space and green
As a general rule, city fogs are much thicker grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still
than country fogs. City air is full of dust and soot that possible to feel very lonely in a city.
mingle with tiny particles of water to form a thicker In conclusion, I think that city life can be
blanket. particularly appealing to young people, who like the
The reason fogs often seem denser than clouds excitement of the city and dont mind the noise and
is that the droplets are smaller in a fog. A large number pollution. However, many people, when they get
of small drops absorb more light than a smaller number older, and particularly when they have young children,
of large drops (as found in clouds), and thus it seems often prefer the peace and fresh air of the
denser to us. countryside.

12. What is the text about? (Adapted from an article in The Week-end Australian
A. Fog. Magazine, 2005)
B. Cloud.
C. Season.

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15. What is the suitable title of the text above? 18. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. Living in a big city. A. The film presents Danny Glover, American Idol
B. Advantage of living in a big city. runner-up.
C. Disadvantage of living in a big city. B. McCarthy has his best role in the film as the
D. The positive effect of living in a big city. chief scientist.
E. The danger of living in a big city. C. The crucial sequence is filmed and edited well
with the requisite clarity.
16. What is the advantage of living in a big city? D. 2012's cinematography, production design and
A. It is difficult to find work. visual effects are not good.
B. It is not expensive to fulfill daily needs. E. The scenario is written based on the Mayan
C. There are many interesting things to do. calendar and other end-of-days prophecies.
D. It is difficult to find good accommodation.
E. There are not noise and pollution affecting 19. All in one, 2012's cinematography, production
peoples life. design and visual effects are awards-worthy
What does the sentence mean?
17. In conclusion, I think that city life can be A. Award wont be given to the movie.
particularly appealing to young people, who like the B. The movie deserves to win the award.
excitement of the city and dont mind the noise and C. The movie should have several aspects.
pollution. (Paragraph 6) D. Visual effect is worthy in producing the movie.
The underlined word means . E. The art and methods of film photography are
A. eye catching necessary.
B. interesting
C. beautiful 20. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good
D. wonderful paragraph.
E. lunatic 1. The head of the political party then becomes
the president or the Prime Minister.
This text is for questions 18 to 19. 2. This person is usually the candidate for a local
2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses region.
the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies 3. The political party which wins the most seats
for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world then has the right to form a government and
coming to an end in 2012. take power.
2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie 4. This is because the voters usually vote for a
hits its peak early on. It starts when Cusack drives a limo person who belongs to one of the main political
through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and parties.
skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 5. In most countries, a usual way to become the
10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is leader of the country is to become a politician
equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, and then the leader of the most popular
when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the political party.
entire mission. 6. The candidate who receives the most votes
Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or becomes the political representative for that
edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich region and takes a seat in the national
leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to parliament or assembly.
whom. However, Emmerich' 2012 deserves credit for
offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog The right arrangement of those sentences is .
charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's A. 4 3 1 2 5 6
cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the B. 5 4 2 6 3 1
tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief C. 4 2 6 5 2 1
scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock D. 5 6 3 2 1 4
role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and E. 3 4 1 6 5 2
Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed
radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about
All in one, 2012's cinematography, production
design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also
propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up,
Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the
end credits.

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21. Sebuah mikroskop memiliki lensa objektif yang A. klakson motor D. Peluit
berjarak fokus 2 cm. Sebuah objek diletakkan 2,2 cm B. sirine mobil ambulans E. bel sekolah
di bawah lensa objektif. Jika perbesaran okuler 10 C. klakson mobil
kali, maka perbesaran mikroskop adalah .
A. 100 kali 26. Perhatikan gambar muatan berikut!
B. 120 kali
C. 150 kali q2 = 9 C P
q1 = ?
D. 200 kali
E. 250 kali
6 cm
22. Cahaya monokromatik dengan panjang gelombang Jika kuat medan listrik di titik P sama dengan nol dan
600 nm jatuh pada celah ganda. Jarak layar terhadap jarak kedua muatan sebesar 9 cm, maka besar
celah sejauh 100 cm. Jika jarak antara terang pusat muatan q1 adalah ... .
dengan gelap pertama 2 mm, maka jarak kedua (1C =1 x 106 C)
celah adalah . A. +36 C
A. 0,15 mm B. 36 C
B. 0, 50 mm C. +4 C
C. 0,75 mm D. 4 C
D. 1, 15 mm E. +2 C
E. 1, 25 mm
27. Perhatikan gambar muatan berikut!
23. Jarak pada terang kedua dari terang pusat pada
percobaan Young adalah 2 cm. Jika jarak antara dua q1 = +80 C q2 = 30 C q3 = +4 C
celah 0, 3 mm dan layar berada 5 m dari celah, + +
panjang gelombang cahaya yang digunakan adalah a a
A. 400 nm Jika besar gaya listrik di q3 sama dengan 36 N ke kiri,
B. 500 nm maka nilai a adalah ... .(1C = 106)
C. 600 nm A. 30 cm D. 10 cm
D. 650 n m B. 20 cm E. 5 cm
E. 750 nm C. 15 cm

24. Mobil A bergerak mendekati mobil B dengan 28. Dua kapasitor 3 F dan 5 F disusun seri dengan
kecepatan 144 km/jam, membunyikan klakson beda potensial110 Volt. Energi yang tersimpan
dengan frekuensi 600 Hz. Mobil B bergerak dalam sistem tersebut adalah .
mendekati mobil A dengan kecepatan 72 km/jam. A. 0,011 J
Jika cepat rambat bunyi di udara saat itu 340 m/s, B. 0, 110 J
maka frekuensi bunyi yang didengar oleh C. 0, 111 J
pengemudi mobil B adalah .... D. 1, 011 J
A. 505 Hz D. 720 Hz E. 1, 101 J
B. 500 Hz E. 800 Hz
C. 712 Hz 29. Perhatikan gambar rangkaian berikut!

25. Perhatikan tabel taraf intensitas satu sumber bunyi

12 V 2
pada jarak 100 m berikut!
2 2
Taraf intensitas pada 2
Sumber bunyi i
jarak 100 m
klakson mobil 60 dB
sirine mobil ambulans 100 dB Nilai kuat arus dalam rangkaian adalah .
klakson motor 30 dB A. 5,0 A
Peluit 20 dB B. 4,5 A
bel sekolah 40 dB C. 3,0 A
Jika taraf intensitas bunyi yang terdengar oleh D. 2,4 A
seseorang berjarak 10 m dari sumber bunyi sebesar E. 1,0 A
40 dB, maka bunyi yang didengar oleh seseorang
berupa bunyi ... .

12 SMA IPA/Pra-UN2/2016-2017 Prestasi tanpa batas 5 | 7

30. Besarnya induksi megnetik pada jarak 6 cm dari 1000 lilitan 100 lilitan
pusat sebuah kawat lurus yang berarus 48 A adalah
input output
22 V
A. 1,2 x 10-4 Wb/m2 220 V
B. 1,6 x 10-4 Wb/m2
C. 1,8 x 10-4 Wb/m2
D. 2,2 x 10-4 Wb/m2 35. Pernyataan-pernyataan berikut berkaitan dengan
E. 2,4 x 10-4 Wb/m2 rangkaian R-L-C seri:
1) reaktansi induktif > reaktansi kapasitif
31. Sebuah penghantar lurus panjang dialiri arus seperti 2) reaktansi induktif = reaktansi kapasitif
tampak pada gambar di bawah. 3) impedansi = hambatan R
4) impedansi = 0
X Pernyataan yang benar saat terjadi resonansi adalah
2 cm .
I A. 1) dan 2)
1 cm B. 1) dan 3)
C. 2) dan 4)
Y D. 2) dan 3)
Jika induksi magnetik di titik X sebesar 4,0 x 105 T, E. 3) dan 4)
maka besar dan arah induksi magnetik di titik Y
adalah ... . 36. Pernyataan-pernyataan berikut berkaitan dengan
A. 4,0 x 105 T, masuk bidang kertas model atom:
B. 4,0 x 105 T, keluar bidang kertas 1) atom terdiri dari inti atom bermuatan positif
C. 8,0 x 105 T, keluar bidang kertas dan elektron bermuatan negatif yang bergerak
D. 8,0 x 105 T, masuk bidang kertas mengelilingi inti atom
E. 16,0 x 105 T, keluar bidang kertas 2) atom merupakan bagian terkecil suatu unsur
dan tidak dapat dibagi lagi
32. Sebuah partikel dengan muatan sebesar 16 C 3) atom berbentuk bulat padat dan memiliki
bergerak membentuk sudut 600C terhadap medan muatan positif yang tersebar merata dan
magnet homogen B = 2 x 104 tesla yang dinetralkan oleh muatan negatif
mempengaruhinya. Kecepatan partikel tersebut 4) dua atom atau lebih dari unsur berlainan dapat
4000 m/s. Besar gaya Lourentz yang dialaminya membentuk suatu molekul
adalah ... .
(1 C = 1 x 106 C) Pernyataan di atas yang merupakan teori atom
A. 8,0 x 106 N D. 3,2 3 x 106 N Dalton adalah .
B. 6,4 3 x 106 N E. 3,2 x 106 N A. 1) dan 3)
C. 6,4 x 106 N B. 1) dan 4)
C. 2) dan 3)
33. Berikut ini faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi D. 2) dan 4)
besarnya ggl maksimum pada generator arus bolak E. 4) saja
1) jumlah lilitan kumparan motor 37. Proses fotolistrik dari lima logam ditunjukkan oleh
2) besar kuat arus grafik berikut:
3) kecepatan sudut putaran motor
4) diameter kawat kumparan
Pernyataan yang benar adalah .
A. 1) dan 3) D. 3) dan 4)
B. 1) dan 4) E. 4) saja
C. 2) dan 4)

34. Perhatikan gambar trafo berikut! Logam yang memiliki nilai frekuensi ambang terkecil
Bila kuat arus output 6 A dan efisiensi transformator adalah .
75%, maka besar kuat arus input dan daya output A. 1
adalah ... . B. 2
A. 0,2 A dan 66 W C. 3
B. 0,2 A dan 132 W D. 4
C. 0,4 A dan 66 W E. 5
D. 0,4 A dan 132 W
E. 0,8 A dan 132 W

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38. Sebuah benda yang panjangnya 40 m bergerak 1 sma = 931 MeV, energi yang dibebaskan pada
dengan kecepatan 0,8 c ( c = kecepatan cahaya). reaksi inti tersebut adalah ... .
Menurut pengamat yang diam, panjang benda itu A. 1,464 MeV D. 1,862 MeV
adalah ... . B. 1,565 MeV E. 2,794 MeV
A. 10 m D. 48 m C. 1,778 MeV
B. 24 m E. 64 m
C. 32 m 40. Bahan radioisotop dapat dimanfaatkan dalam
kehidupan. Bahan radioisotop dan manfaat yang
39. Perhatikan reaksi inti di bawah ini! tepat adalah .
0n 105 B 73 Li 24 He A. Zn-65 digunakan untuk terapi leukimia
B. Na-24 digunakan untuk perunut pemupukan
Bila Massa:
1 7
C. I-131 digunakan untuk terapi kelenjar tiroid
0n = 1,0087 sma 3 Li = 7,0160 sma D. Co-60 digunakan untuk mengukur kecepatan
= 10,0129 sma 4
= 4,0026 sma debit air
5B 2 He
E. Ar-41 digunakan untuk menentukan umur fosil

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