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Chapter 1 - Organizational Behavior Impact of Emphasized the importance of carefully practicing efficient:

Organizations are much more than only a means for providing goods and service Fayols o Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling
They create the settings in which most of us spend our lives Functions of Management is a separate body of knowledge that can be applied
They have profound influence on employee behavior Management in any type of organization
The core 21st century qualities needed to create the ideal work atmosphere begin with A theory of management that can be learned and taught
intelligence, passion, a strong work ethic, and a genuine concern for people. There is a need for teaching management in colleges

Managing and Working Today and in the Future:

Managers must become agile and flexible to help their firms develop and sustain Definition of Organizational Behavior (OB)
competitive advantage The study of human behavior, attitudes, and performance within an organizational
To be successful, managers will need to harness the powers of: setting
o information technology o drawing on theory, methods, and principles from such disciplines as psychology,
o human capital sociology, political science, and cultural anthropology
o to learn about individual, groups, structure, and processes
Environmental Forces Reshaping Management Practice Key 1. OB is a way of thinking
1. Power of Human Resources points 2. OB is multidisciplinary
2. Globalism about 3. There is a distinctly humanistic orientation within OB
3. Cultural Diversity OB 4. The field of OB is performance-oriented
4. Rapidity of Change 5. The role of the scientific method is important in studying variables and
5. New Worker-Employer Psychological Contract relationships
6. Technology 6. OB has a distinctive applications orientation

Challenges of These Forces to Managers Contributions to the Study of Organizational Behavior

Resisting the reality of these forces Failing to cope and deal with these
will likely lead to: forces will likely result in:
o Unnecessary conflict o Job dissatisfaction
o Reduced managerial performance o Poor morale
o Reduced non-managerial o Reduced commitment
performance o Lower work quality
o Lost opportunities o Burnout
o Poor judgment
o Unhealthy consequences

Taylors Develop a science for each element of an employees work

Topics in Studying and Understanding OB
Scientific o which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method
1. The Organizations Environment
Management Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker
2. Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior
Principles o whereas in the past a worker chose the work to do and was
3. Group Behavior and Interpersonal Influence
4. Organizational Processes
Heartily cooperate with each other to insure that all work was
5. Organizational Structure
done in accordance with the principles of science
6. Change and Innovation
There is an almost equal division of the work and the
responsibility between management and non-managers
The Basic Elements of a System Envi -> Input -> Process -> Output -> Envi
Three Perspectives on Individual effectiveness -> Group effectiveness ->
Effectiveness Organizational effectiveness
Time Dimension Short run Intermediate run Long run Chapter 2: Organizational Culture
Model of Productivity Adaptiveness Survival National culture: the sum total of the beliefs, rituals, rules, customs, artifacts, and
Effectiveness Efficiency Efficiency institutions that characterize the population
Satisfaction Satisfaction A nations culture and sub-cultures effect how organizational transactions are
Systems Theory and Effectiveness Learning to operate in a world influenced by national culture is becoming a
Effectiveness criteria must reflect the entire input-process-output cycle, not simply requirement for effective management
output Values the conscious, affective desires or wants of people that guide their behavior
Effectiveness criteria must reflect the interrelationships between the organization and Organizations are able to operate efficiently only when shared values exist among the
its outside environment employees
Organizational effectiveness is an all-encompassing concept that includes a number of An individuals personal values guide behavior on and off the job
component concepts Values are a societys ideas about what is right or wrong
The managerial task is to maintain the optimal balance among these components Values are passed from one generation to the next
Managers can lead the way to higher levels of effectiveness by:
Providing opportunities for training and continuous learning Hofstedes Four Value Dimensions
Sharing information with employees Power The level of acceptance by a society of the unequal distribution of
Encouraging cross-development partnerships Distance power in organizations
Linking compensation to performance In higher power distance cultures, employees acknowledge the bosss
Avoiding layoffs authority and follow the chain of command
Being a supportive role model The result is a more centralized authority and structure
Respecting the differences across employees Uncertainty The extent to which people in a society feel threatened by ambiguous
Being a good listener Avoidance situations
Key points: Countries with a high level of uncertainty avoidance tend to have
The key to an organizations success is its human resources specific rules, laws, and procedures
Organizations need human resources that: Managers in these countries tend towards low-risk decision-
o work hard making
o think creatively Employees exhibit little aggressiveness
o perform excellently Individualism The tendency of people to fend for themselves and their family
Rewarding, encouraging, and nurturing the human resources in a timely and In countries that value individualism, individual initiative and
meaningful manner is what is required achievement are highly valued and the relationship of the individual
The behavior of employees is the key to achieving effectiveness with organizations is one of independence
Masculinity The extent to which assertiveness and materialism is valued
In highly masculine societies, there is considerable job stress and
conflict between job and family roles

A societys values have an impact on organizational values because of the interactive nature
of work, leisure, family, and community.

Organizational culture what the employees perceive and how this perception creates a
pattern of beliefs, values, and expectations.

Edgar Scheins Definition of Culture:

A pattern of basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given

group as it learns to cope with the problems of external adaptation and internal
integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore,
to be taught new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation Socialization Stages
to those problems.
Anticipatory Recruitment using realistic job previews
Organizational Culture and Its Effects (strong culture weak culture) Selection and placement using realistic career paths
Role Provision of professional counseling
management Adaptive and flexible work assignments
Sincere person-oriented managers
Accommodation Tailor-made and individualized orientation programs
Social as well as technical skills training
Supportive and accurate feedback
Challenging work assignments
Demanding but fair supervisors

Mentor a friend, coach, advisor or sponsor who supports, encourages, and helps a less
experienced protg.

Mentoring Guidelines
1. Do not dictate mentoring relationships, but encourage leaders/managers to serve
a mentors
2. Train mentors in how to be effective in mentoring others
Three 1. Cultures are so elusive and hidden that they cannot be adequately 3. Include in the firms newsletter or in other forms of mass communication (print and
Views on diagnosed, managed, or changed electronic) an occasional story of mentoring as reported by a current top-level
Influencing 2. Because it takes difficult techniques, rare skills, and considerable time to executive
Cultural understand a culture and then additional time to change it, deliberate 4. Inform employees about the benefits and difficulties of mentor relationships with
Change attempts at culture change are not really practical individuals of different race and gender
3. People will naturally resist change to a new culture 5. Make sure there is diversity among the mentors
Cultures sustain people through periods of difficulty and serve to 6. All mentors should be trained in dealing with diversity
ward off anxiety
Cultures provide continuity and stability Phases of the Mentor Relationship
1. Initiation
Socialization the process by which organizations bring new employees into the culture. 2. Cultivation
The Process of Organizational Socialization 3. Redefinition
1. Careful selection of entry-level Deselect, select 4. Separation
2. Humility-inducing experiences promote Teaches the new entrant that he/she Cultural Diversity or Diversity the vast array of physical and cultural differences that
openness toward accepting doesnt know everything about the job or constitute the spectrum of human differences.
organizational norms and values company The managerial challenge will be to identify ways to integrate the increasing
3. In-the-trenches training leads to mastery Extensive and reinforced on-the-job number and mix of people from diverse national cultures into the workplace.
of a core discipline experience
4. Rewards and control systems are meticulously refined to reinforce behavior that is Workforce diversity issues for managers to consider:
deemed pivotal to success in the marketplace Coping with employees unfamiliarity with the English language
5. Adherence to values enables the reconciliation of personal sacrifices Increased training for service jobs that require verbal skills
6. Reinforcing folklore Keeping alive stories that validate the organizations culture Cultural (national) awareness training for the current workforce
Learning which rewards are valued by different ethnic groups
7. Consistent role models Reward and recognize individuals who have done the job Developing career development programs that fit the skills, needs, and values of
well the ethnic group
Rewarding managers for effectively recruiting, hiring, and integrating a diverse
Focusing not only on ethnic diversity, but also learning more about the diversities
of age, gender, and workers with disabilities

Spirituality employees have a personal or inner life that nourishes and is nourished by
performing relevant, meaningful, and challenging work
Workplace spirituality is not the same as religion
Spirituality is a path, is personal and private, contains elements of many religions,
and points to a persons self-inquiry

Research on spirituality and work dimensions indicates:

Employees who are more spiritually involved achieve better results
Spirituality encourages:
work/life balance
empathy and compassion about others
the value of human assets
the full development and self-actualization of people
ethical behavior

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