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REVENUE (DM) Department

Andhra Pradesh Disaster Recovery Project,
Office of the Project Director, APDRP, Tadepalli, AMARAVATI.

Dated: . 05 .2017
AP Disaster Recovery Project (APDRP)
Credit No. 5694-IN
Reference No.: IN-PMU-14989-CS-QCBS

The Government of Andhra Pradesh have received financing from the World
Bank towards the cost of the Andhra Pradesh Disaster Recovery Project (APDRP) and
intends to apply part of the proceeds for PROVIDING CONSULTANCY SERVICES and
intends to engage a Consultant to undertake Visitor Perception Survey.

The objectives of the Assignment are

a) To Undertake a perception survey focusing on visitors and other key stake
holders in
o Visakhapatnam Zoo
o Kambalakonda Eco Park
o Visakhapatnam Beach Front
o Kailasagiri hill top Park
b) Analyze findings and provide key insights to inform the proposed master
planning exercise under APDRP for the reconstruction, redevelopment and
restoration of the above mentioned four sites.
The duration of the Project is 3 months .

The Commissioner Revenue (DM) Dept and Project Director, APDRP Project,
invites eligible Sample Survey Conducting Agencies/ Firms to indicate their interest in
providing the Service. Interested Agencies/ Firms should provide information
demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to
perform the Services.

The short listing criteria are:

(a) Similar experience as Sample Survey Conducting Agency/ Firm in India over the
past 5 years
(b) Audited Financial turnover of last 3 years
(c) The Agency/ Firm should demonstrate that they have enough capacity in
handling the Programme.
(d) Experience in handling Externally Aided Projects such as World Bank, ADB
and other multilateral financing agencies will be an advantage.

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Expression of Interest (EOI) must include the following.

Introductory letter on letter head (with complete contact details name of
contact person, mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail etc.,) explaining how the
Agency/ Firm is best to deliver the task.
Organization Profile of the Agency/Firm.
Two years annual report ( Yr 2015-16 and Yr 2016-17) and 3 years Financial
Statement ( Yr 2014-15, Yr 2015-16 and Yr 2016-17)
Short note on the similar projects implemented by the Agency/Firm pertaining to
the Short listing criteria.
Details of relevant similar project undertaken in the Country.

The EOI should contain sufficient supporting documents to substantiate the

claim of the Agency/Firm towards their qualification as per the short listing criteria given
in the Annexure. The attention of interested Agencies/Firms is drawn to paragraph 1.9
of the World Banks Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD
Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 and
Revised July 2014 (Consultant Guidelines), setting forth the World Banks policy on
conflict of interest.

Agencies/Firms may associate with other Agencies/Firms in the form of a

Joint Venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. Such associations
must be clearly stated as either Sub-agency or Joint Venture in the EOI.

An Agency/Firm will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost

Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultants guidelines.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office

hours, i.e. 10.30 to 17.00 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written
form to the address below (in person or by e-mail) by 30.06.2017
before 5.00 pm.

Commissioner for Disaster Management &

EO secretary to Government
& Project Director, APDRP,
Genious JR towers,
Kunchanapalli Service Road,
Tadepalli, Guntur Dist, AMARAVATI.

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Proforma to be furnished along with REOI

Annexure 1



General Particulars of Consultant

Name of the Consultancy Firm

Registered Address

Phone No:

Email ID:

Name of the Contact Person for this


Phone No. Of the Contact Person for

this EOI

Email id of the Contact Person for this


Branch Offices if any

Date of Firm Establishment

Number of full Time Partners


Number of Full Time Qualified Staff

Number of Other Staff who are

Semi Qualified/ Unqualified


Financial Particulars of the Consultancy Firm

Financial Year Turnover from Similar Activity Turnover from Other Total Turnover



Turnover would mean the Professional fee earned excluding service tax and travelling, if
billed separately.

Partners Brief Profile

Name of the Age Associate Years of Post- Qualifica Years of Name of Clients Number of Years
Partner/M.No. / Fellow Qualification tion Experience Handled Associated with
Experience as Singing the Consultancy
Partner Firm( Post

Detailed CVs can be Provided separately which includes details of Clients handled with
nature of Assignment.

Full Time Qualified Staff Brief Profile

Name of Staff/M.No Age Years of Qualificat Number of Years Brief Nature of Work
Experience ion Associated with the Done
Consultancy Firm(Post

Detailed CVs to be Provided Separately.


Other Staff Brief Profile

Name of the Staff Age Years Qualifications Number of Years Assignments where the
of Associated with Staff has worked with Year
Experience the Firm

Relevant Assignments- Last Five Years

Name of the (1) Funded by Client Name Nature of Year of Partner Project Professio
Project/ Multilateral/ Work Work Expenditure nal Fees
Agency Bilateral Funding Done
Audited Agency);
(2) Agencies
Government Projects
(Other than above);
Or (3) Public Sector
Undertakings in the
same Sector please
Specify 1,2,3

Detailed citation of work can be provided separately. Please also attach self- attested copies
of the assignments certificates/ offer letters for the above assignments.
Andhra Pradesh Disaster Relief Project (APDRP)



1. Project Background

With a population of 1.7 million persons (2011 census) and spread over 544 km2, Visakhapatnam
is the largest city in Andhra Pradesh. With a strong industrial base and the growing IT sector,
this city is the engine for growth too in the state. It is also a major port and a defense hub.
The provision of ample public spaces within the city area such as the beachfronts,
Visakhapatnam Zoo, Kumbalakunda Eco Park and Kailasagiri hilltop Park is a prominent
characteristic of the city of Visakhapatnam. These spaces appear to have become key
destinations for locals and tourists.
The city of Visakhapatnam was hit by Cyclone Hudhud on 12th and 13th October 2014, resulting
in massive devastation. Severe winds during the cyclonic storm damaged public and private
properties. A substantial section of the city's green cover was destroyed. Among the badly
affected areas were the Kalasagiri hilltop park, the beachfront and nearby buildings, the
Kambalakonda Eco park, the Visakhapatnam zoo and avenue plantations.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh, with the support of the World Bank, is planning the
reconstruction, redevelopment and restoration of the Visakhapatnam Zoo, Kambalakonda Eco
Park, the Visakhapatnam beachfront, and Kailasagiri Hilltop Park, and has accordingly embarked
upon a master planning exercise for the said task.
Through this consultancy assignment, it is proposed that an extensive visitor perception survey is
carried out that will contribute to preparing the master plan, detailed designs, supervision and
quality control for all the required redevelopment activities for the above mentioned sites.
2. Project Funding

The Government of India has received a loan from the World Bank towards the cost of Andhra
Pradesh Disaster Relief Project (APDRP) for Government of Andhra Pradesh and intends to
apply a part of the proceeds for undertaking a visitor perception survey for four public sites
namely: Visakhapatnam Zoo, Kambalakonda Eco Park, Visakhapatnam Beach Front and
Kailasagiri hill top Park.
3. Objective of the consultancy services

The objectives of the assignment are to:

Undertake a perception survey focusing on visitors and other key stakeholders in:
o Visakhapatnam Zoo
o Kambalakonda Eco Park
o Visakhapatnam Beach Front
o Kailasagiri hill top Park
Analyze findings and provide key insights to inform the proposed master planning
exercise under APDRP for the reconstruction, redevelopment and restoration of the above
mentioned four sites.

4. Scope of work and specific tasks

The assignment will involve the following tasks:

Task 1: Development of questionnaires:

The first task is to develop detailed questionnaires for visitors, as well as key stakeholders for all
four sites. The questionnaires and methodologies will vary for each site as per site conditions.
The methodology of preparation of the questionnaires includes the following key aspects:
a. The agency will undertake scoping visits to the four sites and speak to key stakeholders
prior to preparation of the questionnaires
b. Once the draft questionnaires are prepared, the agency will pre-test the questionnaires in
each of the four sites, as well as submit the questionnaires to the client. The agency will
then incorporate the feedback and finalize the respective questionnaires.
c. Questionnaires are to be prepared in 3 languages, English, Hindi and Telugu, which are
then to be used as per visitor preferences while administering the surveys.
d. The agency is required to prepare separate questionnaires for each stakeholder. Beside
visitors, the stakeholders include: guards, ticket sellers, trinket/food sellers and other
vendors, caretakers, administrators, security personnel / police, and other relevant
categories of people whose livelihoods depend on the four sites. Visitors are to be
surveyed through individual interviews. The agency may use either individual interviews
or focus group discussions to survey the other stakeholders.
e. The agency must carefully identify the various classes of visitors (local visitors, domestic
tourists, foreign tourists, children) and prepare questionnaires accordingly. For example,
children are an important visitor group, and their feedback must be captured
(questionnaires for children may be administered through parents / caretakers).
f. The questionnaire will constitute qualitative as well as quantitative questions. Questions
are expected to be simple, short and concise, and neutrally worded to avoid bias. Open
ended questions will be used only when it is not possible to use close ended questions.
The agency must strive to make the questionnaire interesting and innovative.
g. Questionnaires will capture demographics that cover basic information about the visitor
such as the name, sex, age, the place they belong to, education level and profession.
h. Questionnaires will capture team composition of the visitor whether the person is in a
group, visiting alone and if part of a group, to define the kind of it such as research,
education, and tourist groups etc.
Aspects specific to the individual sites that may be part of the questionnaires are as listed in the
following table. This is an indicative list and is not exhaustive. The eventual list of questions will
depend on assessment following site scoping visits as well as client feedback:

Visakhapatnam Zoo a. Key activities taken up by the visitor in the zoo such as walking
around, watching the animals, reading information, visiting
restaurants for food, being exposed to conservation and so on.
b. Basic amenities the visitor would like to avail in the zoo such as
availability of food, drinking water, guided tours, availability of
clean bathroom, ergonomically designed sitting, proper sign boards,
play area for the children, cooperative staffs, availability of
education and research based programs.
c. Factors relating to visitors anticipated (at the entrance) and actual
(at the exit) satisfaction such as seeing rare/endangered animals,
enjoying the beauty of the zoo, being connected to the nature,
seeing the children learn, cleanliness and maintenance of the zoo,
availability of open space and health standard of the animal.
d. Key factors visitors disliked about the zoo such as the collection of
animals and their health, amenities such as food, toilet and signage,
playing areas for children etc.
e. Seasonal issues that affects the visitors accessibility to the zoo
such as proper sheds during the monsoon/summer, water clogging,
improper pathways, and visibility of animals due to climatic
f. Location specific queries about the zoo such as the availability of
sufficient parking space, accessibility of the zoo by public
transport, sufficient signage about the zoo in the public places.
g. Visitor spend in the zoo and their point of view about the value for
money for visiting the zoo and availing its various amenities such
as affordable entry ticket, availability of family/group discounts,
monthly/yearly membership, availability of seasonal tickets and the
price of the food.
h. Visitors opinion about the overall layout of the zoo such as proper
sign posts for all the main attractions, accessibility of key areas in
wheel/push chair etc.
i. Visitors perspective about the variety of animals in the zoo such as
whether there is a good selection of animals, availability of more
than one species in each category, exhibit of lesser known/unusual
animals, the overall appearance and wellbeing of the animals.
j. Animal enclosure specific queries such as the cleanliness and
maintenance of it, suitability of enclosures for specific animals,
sufficient space and privacy and its appearance close to the
animals natural habitat.
k. About the viewing areas whether it allows clear view of animals,
accessibility to young children/elderly and disabled, for
photography and the safety of it as per the international standard.
l. Availability of educational aspects of the zoo such as useful
information at the entrance (map, list of feeding time, conservation
programs etc), special education sessions, information sign at the
enclosure, availability of signage in multiple language.
m. Whether the zoo website is up to date in terms of information and is
easy to navigate.
n. The scope of a having a thematic shop for buying animal themed
merchandise (soft toys, wild life themed accessories, documentary
films, stationery etc)
o. Popularity of various schemes the zoo runs such as animal
adoption, the visitors keenness to opt for such schemes and its
p. Mapping the kind of visitors the zoo receives such as those who
visit for entertainment, to see their loved ones having a good time
in the zoo, for photography or to escape from daily life.
q. Visitors opinion about various new programs zoo can introduce
such as guided photography tour, overnight zoo camp for families,
workshop with zoo professionals, animal themed art classes for
kids, school holiday camps for children, thematic birthday parties,
storytelling session of animal themed stories such as Jungle book
and animal themed folk regional performances such as Pulivesham.
Kumbalakunda Eco a. Perception of the overall quality of the park
Park b. Visitor type, frequency, mode of arrival, source of awareness about
park etc.
c. Perception of key aspects of the park such as quality of natural
environment, ease of access, upkeep, cleanliness and tidiness,
d. Perception of key amenities of the park such as sign boards,
facilities for children, information on park features, seating
facilities, sporting facilities, jogging tracks, recreational activities,
e. Perception of the park's catering facilities, quality of food and
Kailasagiri Hilltop prices
Park f. Seasonal issues that affects the visitors accessibility and
experience of the park such as proper sheds during the
monsoon/summer, water clogging, improper pathways etc.
g. Perception of the visibility and friendliness of staff
h. Purpose of visit by visitor which may include walking / strolling,
running, seeking peace and quiet or to relax, for fresh air, picnics,
meeting friends / family, visiting cafe / restaurants etc.
i. Visitor spend in the park and the key categories of expenditure
j. Visitor awareness about various features of the park, staff,
management, annual expenditure for maintenance etc.
k. Interest levels of visitors in possible new initiatives such as guided
walks, open air screenings, music events / concerts, sports events,
nature events etc.
l. Scope of thematic shops and merchandising in the park
m. Whether the park websites are up to date in terms of information,
and the quality of visitor experience while using the websites
Visakhapatnam a. Perception of the overall quality of the beachfront
Beach Front b. Visitor type, frequency, mode of arrival, source of awareness about
beachfront etc.
c. Perception of key aspects of the beach such as the layout, quality of
sand, sand texture, beach length, beach width, slope into the water,
presence of rocks, landscaping, treatment of litter, cleanliness of
sand / water, general cleanliness / tidiness of the beachfront etc.
d. Perception of key amenities of the beachfront such as sign boards,
information on marine life and other aspects about beachfront,
facilities for children, toilet facilities, information on beachfront
features, seating facilities, shower facilities, recreational facilities
e. Perception of the beachfront's catering facilities, quality of food and
f. Seasonal issues that affect the visitors accessibility and experience
of the beachfront such as during the monsoon/summer (water
clogging, improper pathways etc.)
g. Perception of the visibility and friendliness of staff
h. Perception about various safety precautions such as the availability
of life guards, appropriate focus lights, rescue equipment,
information on whether the sea is suitable for swimming, warning
systems for cyclones and other natural threats etc.
i. Perception / awareness on various permissible activities in the
Beach front such as various games (beach racing etc), setting up of
shops (food stalls), etc.
j. Purpose of visit by visitor which may include walking / strolling,
running, swimming, seeking peace and quiet or to relax, for fresh
air, picnics, meeting friends / family, visiting cafe / restaurants etc.
k. Visitor spend in the beachfront and the key categories of
l. Awareness about various features of the beachfront, staff,
management, annual expenditure for maintenance etc.
m. Interest levels of visitors in possible new initiatives such as fairs
with marine life themes, sand sculpture and other festivals, open air
screenings, music events / concerts, sports events etc.
n. Scope of thematic shops and merchandising in the beachfront
o. Whether the beachfront website is up to date in terms of
information, and the quality of visitor experience while using the

Task 2: Administering the survey:

The second task is to develop a robust surveying methodology and administer the questionnaire.
This will involve the following:
a. The sample size for the visitor perception survey for each site should be at least 1000.
Focus Group Discussions for other stakeholders should include a minimum of 5 people.
b. The agency will use a smart-phone or tablet based interface to capture responses to
c. Each interview will be mapped and geo-tagged, and will feed into a survey map that will
be included in the report
d. The agency will apply a multiple location survey method (at the entrance, exit and other
key interview points using 'random stop' technique) and administer the questionnaire
e. The agency will plan the data collection method in a manner that does not intercept a
visitor twice (at the entrance, exit or otherwise).
f. The agency will be expected to use methods of data collection that are unbiased (such as
interval sampling procedure).
g. The agency will ensure appropriate inclusions and exclusions while conducting the
survey, on the basis of sound reasoning.
h. The agency will choose the time and dates for collecting data in a manner that is
representative as well as results in optimal data collection.
Task 3: Analysis and report writing:

The third task is to analyze the data and submit comprehensive reports. The agency will present
the findings to the client, seek feedback and incorporate the feedback in the final reports. This
will involve the following:
a. The agency will present four reports, one for each of the four sites listed in the objectives
b. Apart from submission of the reports, the agency will make an illustrated presentation on
survey findings for each individual site
c. Reports will include quantitative as well as qualitative analysis derived from interviews
and Focus Group Discussions.
d. The agency will use SPSS or similar statistical software to analyze the gathered data
e. Reports will include photo documentations to illustrate survey findings and illustrate
representative visitor behaviour
f. The agency will submit raw data for each of the four surveys separately
5. Ownership and Confidentiality of Data

All data and work produced under the project will be the property of Government of Andhra
Pradesh. The agency will not own work products created under the consultancy, nor possess
particular or exclusive usage rights to those work products, and may not use these in any manner
except with the agreement of Government of Andhra Pradesh. The agency shall ensure the
security and confidentiality of data and products that is considered confidential as per prevailing
Government policies.

6. Timeline and deliverables

The duration of the project is 3 months (90 days). The deliverables and corresponding milestones
are as follows:

Deliverable Timeline (Days from

signing contract)
Inception report detailing action plan and methodology 5 days
Visakhapatnam Zoo Submission of Draft Questionnaire 10 days
Submission of final Questionnaire after pre- 15 days
testing and incorporating feedback of client
Draft Report and Presentation to client 40 days
Final Report incorporating client feedback 45 days
Kailasagiri Hilltop Submission of Draft Questionnaire 25 days
Park Submission of final Questionnaire after pre- 30 days
testing and incorporating feedback of client
Draft Report and Presentation to client 55 days
Final Report incorporating client feedback 60 days
Visakhapatnam Submission of Draft Questionnaire 40 days
Beachfront Submission of final Questionnaire after pre- 45 days
testing and incorporating feedback of client
Draft Report and Presentation to client 70 days
Final Report incorporating client feedback 75 days
Kambalakonda Eco Submission of Draft Questionnaire 55 days
Park Submission of final Questionnaire after pre- 60 days
testing and incorporating feedback of client
Draft Report and Presentation to client 85 days
Final Report incorporating client feedback 90 days

7. Consultancy Staffing
The agency is expected to put in a place a competent, dedicated team to ensure that the study is
of the highest quality. Applying agencies are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the
project and specific tasks at their own cost, before submitting the proposal; and propose an
adequate number and skill-set for the senior specialists and technical support staff required for
this assignment. However, basic minimum requirements are specified in the team composition in
Annexure 1 of this ToR. The agency is free to employ additional resources as they see fit.

8. Payment Schedule

Payment will be made as per the following milestones.

Billing Milestone Timeline (days after % of Amount

singing contract)
Submission of Inception Report 5 days 12% of the contract value
Submission of final report for 45 days 22% of the contract value
Visakhapatnam Zoo
Submission of final report for Kailasagiri 60 days 22% of the contract value
Hilltop Park
Submission of final report for 75 days 22% of the contract value
Visakhapatnam Beachfront
Submission of final report for 90 days 22% of the contract value
Kambalakonda Eco Park

9. Reporting

The agency will report to PMU, APDRP.

Annexure 1: Team Composition

Team Member Number of Qualification, Experience, Responsibilities

Project Lead 1 Post Graduate in Management/Finance/Business with
minimum of 8-10 years of experience in handling large
scale surveys in various public places such as museums,
national reserve forests/parks and similar work experience.
Will be responsible for providing overall direction and
guidance to the team. Will interface with government
officials and other key stakeholders.
Researcher 1 Post Graduate in Social Sciences, Development Studies,
Management with at least 5 years of experience in
formulating research strategy and conducting research
through large sample surveys. Will be responsible for
providing inputs to the questionnaire as well as the analysis
of the data collected.
Field Manager 1 Graduate degree in Social Sciences, Policy Studies, Applied
Research or Development Studies with proven experience
in qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis,
and minimum experience of five years in working with
large public place surveys. Will be responsible for
overseeing the administration of the survey and managing
Analyst / 1 Degree in Social Sciences, Policy Studies, Applied
Documentation Research or Development Studies with proven experience
Officer in data analysis and report writing. Will analyze the data
collected and contribute to the composing the final report.
Field Surveyors 5 Higher secondary school certificate with fluency in local
language. Local recruit is preferred.
IT specialists 2 Degree in computer science or related field. Will be
responsible for digital entry of the data, and undertaking the
required querying and processing activities.

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