Example of A Research Paper

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Bagongon, Christian K. Educ 50.

1 Educational Research

Edpalina, Connie Ryan S. Dr.Amphie Dinagsao

I. The Problem

A. Introduction

Reading is an attempt to absorb the thought of the author and know what the author is

conveying (Leedy 1956). Studying is the interpretation of reading materials. Study habits and

skills are particularly important for college students, whose needs include time management,

note taking, Internet skill, the elimination of distractions, and assigning a high priority to

study. Fielden (2004) states that good study habits help the student in critical reflection in

skills outcomes such as selecting, analyzing, critiquing, and synthesizing. Nneji (2002) states

that study habits are learning tendencies that enable students work privately. Azikiwe (1998)

describes study habits as the way and manner a student plans his or her private reading

outside lecture hours in order to master a particular subject or topic. Study habits help

students master their areas of specialization.

The objective of this study is to examine the study habits of undergraduate students in

Xavier University, looking at duration, place of study, materials used for study, and their

main motivators. This study will help to establish whether undergraduate students are on par

with their peers in other countries in the acquisition of intellectual skills.

B. Conceptual Framework

Time Management
Learning Skills Study Habits
Study Skills

C. Statement of the Problem

What are the common factors affecting study habits among XU students?

D. Hypothesis

These factors do not affect the study habits among XU students.

E. Significance of the Study

The proposed research will determine the common factors affecting study habits among

XU students.

The result of this study will make the XU-community be aware of the common study

habits among the students. The researchers expect that through this study, the Xavier

University will develop strategic solutions regarding study habits if we found out that most

of the students have poor study habits.

F. Scope and Limitations

The scopes of this research are the students here in Xavier University of any year level

and course. The limitations of this research are only those students that are currently enrolled

at XU and is having the prescribe study load for a given semester. Only those undergraduate

students are allowed to participate in the research.

G. Definition of Terms

Constitutive Definition:

Factors- one that actively contributes to an accomplishments, results, or process

Develop- to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of

Study Habits- manner which you consistently use to study for school or college or

even for the next day lesson.

Students- describe as one who directs zeal at a subject. Student is used for anyone

who is learning.

Operational Definition:

Factors- these refers to anything that contributes to the study habits

Develop- refers to fast or gradual changes in a range of time

Study Habits- refers to the ways of studying on a particular subject

XU Students- referring to all officially enrolled students of Xavier University

II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Most studies and literatures on study habits would point that the factors affecting study

habits are learning skills, personality, time-management, parental involvement, intelligence,

study skills, achievement, caste and region.

Study habits may be taken for granted, particularly in developing countries.

Professors in the developing countries should attempt to equip graduates with high level of

analytical skills, the capacity for critical reasoning, self-reflection and conceptual grasp and

ability to learn autonomously and exercise flexibility of mind (Simmons 2003). Study habits

are actually improving because of the advent and wide use of the Internet, hypertext, and

multimedia resources (Liu, 2005). Karim and Hassan (2006) also note the exponential growth

digital information, which changes the way students perceive study are reading and in how

printed materials are used to facilitate study. Liu (2005) and Ramirez (2003) report that

students print material from the Internet in order to study and read later on. Igun (2005) also

found that Nigerians study from materials downloaded from the Internet.

III. The Methodology

A. The Research Design

The research method is a survey because we would just give our respondents the

questionnaire for them to fill out the needed data. It is appropriate because our research is not

a behavioural research that would need observation on the respondents

B. Samplings

C. Respondents
D. Data Gathering

E. Scoring Method

F. Statistical Instruments Use


You Are:

What year are you in college?

1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
5th year
Dont know

How would you describe your grades on average?

Dont know

How far in advance do you start studying for finals?

One month
Two weeks
One week
Days before
The night before

What time of day do you do the most studying?

Morning (6 a.m. to noon)
Afternoon (noon to 6 p.m.)
Evening (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
Night (9 p.m. to 12 a.m.)
Late night (12 a.m. to 6 a.m.)

On average, how many hours do you study for finals?

20-24 hours
15-19 hours
10-14 hours
5-9 hours
1-4 hours

What is your favorite way to study?

Repeating points out loud
Writing index/flash cards, then using them
Writing outlines
Highlighting text
Studying in a group
Going to review sessions
Other, please describe:

Where is your favorite place to study?

Dorm room
Dorm common room/lounge
Coffee shop
Parents home
Campus pub/bar
Student union
Other, please describe:

Do you do any of the following while studying?

Drink caffeinated drinks?

If yes, then why?
Relieves stress and tension
Increases focus and concentration
Combats boredom

Chew gum?
If yes, then why?
Relieves stress and tension
Increases focus and concentration
Combats boredom

Eat snacks?
If yes, then why?
Relieves stress and tension
Increases focus and concentration
Combats boredom

What is your favorite music to study to?

Hip Hop/Rap

What is your favorite study break?

Watching TV/movies
Surfing the Internet
Playing video games
Other, please describe:

Do you feel increased stress or anxiety leading up to exam time?


Do you have a good luck charm or ritual you perform before exams?

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