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People smoke for a variety of reasons:

because they are shy, nervous or dont feel at ease in society,

to appear sophisticated and older, to be part of a group. The
truth is that smoking doesnt solve these problems; it only
masks and adds to them as 15-year-old Jeanette found out too late:
I can remember very clearly the day I started smoking. I was 12 and my parents
had let me go to a Christmas party with my friend Cath. I was extremely shy and at the
beginning I just sat in a corner of the room. However, Cath was quite different. She
looked about 16 and acted in a very sophisticated way. After we had been at the party
for about half an hour, Cath came over to me with Roger and Graig from the year above
us at school. We talked for a while. Then Roger suggested we went outside for some
fresh air.
Once we were outside, Roger took a pack of cigarettes and lit one. The same
happened with Graig and Cath. I was shocked because I knew that Cath had never
smoked before. Roger asked me if I wanted a cigarette and I said: No, I dont smoke.
The boys started laughing saying that only kids didnt smoke and asking me how old I
was. I was so embarrassed that it was hard to say no. And thats how I started.
It became a habit after that. I thought smoking was a sign of being grown-up and
that anyone who didnt smoke was a baby. Im ashamed to admit I pressured many of
my friends to begin smoking exactly as I had been influenced to do it.
As I was shy, I used smoking as a cover for it. Whenever I felt anxious I smoked
a cigarette. Now, three years later, I smoke about 20 cigarettes a day and I stink of
smoke. I have a bad cough and Id love to stop, not only because I know Im harming
myself, but also because it is costing me a fortune. To tell the truth, I dont even like
smoking. I hate it but I simply cant stop.

Stink have an unpleasant or offensive smell;
Cough send out air from the lungs violently and noisily

I Read the text and find the synonyms:

1. Timid 2. Discovered 3. Distinctly 4. Adult

II Read the text and find the opposites:

1. Relaxed 2. Simple 3. End 4. Below

III Complete the sentences according to the text:

1. The reasons for smoking are varied

2. Smoking is not a solution for
3. Cath and Jeanettes reactions at the party were different
4. Roger suggested going out for fresh air because
5. Jeanette doesnt like smoking but

IV Answer the following questions about the text:

1. Did Jeanettes feelings towards Cath change during the party? Why?
2. Why did Jeanette start smoking?
3. What reason did she find to go on smoking?
4. What influence did Jeanette have on other people regarding smoking?
5. How did smoking affect Jeanettes life?

VII Write a text based on the following questions (+/- 100 words):

1. Why do young people smoke?

2. What is your opinion about the problem?
3. How can smoking affect young people? Give examples.
4. Publicity campaigns regarding cigarettes have been banned. Do you agree with this?
5. What can you (as a friend) do to help a person that smokes?

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