Design Space Exploration For Every Expertise: Pseven Introduction For Automotive Industry

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pSeven introduction for

Automotive industry

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Data Analysis
Surrogate model
Surrogate model


Automotive examples

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service


Software Developer AIRBUS Group

A global leader in aerospace
Institute for Information Transmission
Problems of the Russian Academy of
Is a joint venture company between AIRBUS Group
and private Groups Spin-off Academics Russia
One of the leading mathematical centers
Evolved out of a collaborative research program
in Russia

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven is industry-proven solution: Current users base

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Generic Tools

Approximation Optimization

Design of Data Fusion Dimension Important

Experiments reduction variables

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Data , ,





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(X) (Y)



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Data Fusion
Data set data
set .

alpha angle
Simulation Data Data

Measurements data
Mach number
Adaptive DoE(Design of an Experiment)

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Data Analysis

Surrogate model

Surrogate model

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Data analysis : Surrogate Model
- X Y .
- A B .
- , Data .

Surrogate Model

Real Data


pSeven Surrogate Model ()

Data Point .
Data Point 2d_in+2

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Data analysis : Surrogate Model
Approximation Techniques Surrogate model export

MACROS surrogate model can be import

- Human readable format

Test Data (Matlab/Octave)
- Standalone application (C, C++,
JAVA source code)

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Data analysis : Approximation techniques
Approximation techniques
High Dimension Approximation
Sigmoid functions
- intern al nod e

- inp ut/output no de
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Option Tensor Approximation

Input vector Output vec tor

(n numbers ) (n numbers )

Middle layer
(m num bers )

Input layer Middle layer Output layer Surrogate model

F (x)

RBF Radial Basis Function

Multi regression

Kriging / Gaussian Process

Automatic decision tree

Save time in expertise
ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service
Data analysis : Surrogate Model (1)

Surrogate model ()

Surrogate Model

- , , Data .
- Data , , .
- , , , .

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Data analysis : Surrogate Model (2)
Predictive maintenance / Diagnostic

Analyze signal pattern and early detection of events

Life Time Prediction for component equipments

Significant cost savings reached

Minimize service interruption and non planned maintenance

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Data analysis :
pSeven Surrogate Model

Automatization & Decision

- (Embedded intelligence) , .
- Auto Option Approximation Method .

- Methods & Algorithms

- pSeven Method .
- 1000 , 1000 .


- Matlab C .
- Data .

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Data analysis :

Automatization & Decision

- (Embedded intelligence) , .
- Auto Option Approximation Method .

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Data analysis :

- Methods & Algorithms

- pSeven Method .
- 1000 , 1000 .

X Input

Y Output

Variables of

Constraints of

X input + Y output dimensions 500

Number of samples 100 000

Time CPU for training: 4 hours on a standard laptop !!

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service
Data analysis :


- Matlab C .
- Data .

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best values

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Sample : a linear objective function

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Optimization : MDO

Single-objective problem Multi-objective problem

- one objective - multiple conflicting objectives
- no uncertain parameters - yet no uncertain parameters
- most preferable and simple to solve - hard to solve and analyze

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Optimization : MDO, SBO, RO
Optimization interesting features

Multi Objectives Optimization

Best for Objective F1
Surrogate Based Optimization
Mass F
objective 2 Feasible region


Best for
Objective F2

Better objective

Robust Stochastic Optimization



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Optimization : process

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Optimization : Process Integration
Process Integration in pSeven : design process

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Optimization : techniques
F(X) Initial Guess /
MACROS GT OPT Starting Point
Quasi Global
Steepest Newton Local
Gradient AUTO Surrogate X
Option Based
Derivative Free
Automatic decision Optimization Optimization
tree of optimizers techniques
Save expertise time Robust

SQPCP Constrained Adaptive Filter SQP gradient based Optimal
Quadratic Programming Sequential Quadratic Descent

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Optimization :
Why GT opt in pSeven?

Integrated part of pSeven : use GT Approxmodels in optimization

Modern optimization algorithms: GT Opt automatically chooses the most
appropriate for the task
Gradient-based methods (use analytical, numeric and framed gradients)
Primary aim: reduce the number of user function calls
Easy multi-objective optimization
Surrogate optimization global surrogate and iterative surrogate based

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Automotive industry

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Application of Simulation in Automotive Industry

Valves & regulators Cylinder head cooling Transmission Crash

External aerodynamics


Engine manifold

Electric traction motor


& aftertreatment

Turbocharger Steering &

& pumps Filters suspension Brakes & squeal HVAC Tires

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios

Problem Hard to find the best product in a big number of design variables

Solution Design Optimization:

Define input and output parameters in a simulation or analytical model
Run optimization cycles to evaluate the best input and output parameters

Benefit Find the best product design parameters

Simulation Parameters Optimization

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Unstable product behavior due to variability of input parameters

Solution Robust Design Optimization:

Define input and output parameters in a simulation or analytical model
Define distribution (variability) of input parameters
Run optimization cycles to evaluate input parameters that gives the most robust output

Benefit Design reliable and robust products

Simulation Parameters Distribution Optimization

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Expensive test rig experiments

Solution Test rig data analysis:

Create surrogate model from experimental data series
Explore surrogate model to predict product behavior in different conditions

Benefit Reduced number of test runs

Experiment Data Surrogate model Analytics

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Expensive wind tunnel experiments and time-consuming simulations

Solution Predictive modeling with Data Fusion:

Create surrogate model of a product from various simulation, analytical and/or experiment
data series
Explore surrogate model to predict product behavior in different conditions

Benefit Reduced number of experiments/simulations


Surrogate model Analytics


ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Growing need for systems modeling

Solution Surrogate models for co-simulation:

Create surrogate model of a product from simulation, analytical and/or experimental data
Import surrogate model to systems modeling software in C or FMI format for co-simulation
LMS Amesim, ANSYS Simplorer, SimuLink, MapleSim, SimulationX etc.)

Benefit Fast systems simulation and optimization

Simulation Surrogate model Export System model

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Preserving IP rights

Solution Black-box surrogate model:

Create surrogate model of a product from simulation, analytical or experimental data
Send model in C, FMI, Excel or native format to contractor to develop auxiliary equipment

Benefit Contractor gets the results safely and fast

Surrogate model

Product model Contractor

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service
pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Hard or impossible to determine unknown system parameters

Solution Model identification (data matching):

Run experiment and collect data
Create simulation or analytical model with unknown input parameters (damping, friction, etc.)
Set up residual check and run optimization to match predictive and experimental data and
dentify unknown input parameters

Benefit Less expensive research and more reliable simulation

Experiment Data Simulation Input

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Unknown causes of production failures

Solution Production data analysis:

Collect data series describing production process and failure rate
Run sensitivity analysis to identify input parameters and/or their combinations that affect fa
ure the most

Benefit Problem identification and less failures

Production Data Analytics

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Underused and underrated data from in-operation sensors

Solution Predictive modeling and data analysis:

Collect data series describing exploitation process and failures
Run sensitivity analysis to identify input parameters and/or their combinations that affect
failure the most
Create and explore surrogate model to predict product behavior in different conditions

Benefit Understand how to improve the next generation design

Exploitation Data from sensors Analytics Surrogate model Analytics

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Equipment goes out of service before scheduled maintenance

Solution In-operation data analysis for Predictive Health Management:

Create predictive models from data series describing acceptable exploitation process
and failures
Compare predictive models with real-time exploitation data to predict failures

Benefit More operational time and less repairs costs, shift from scheduled to predictive

Train data

Exploitation Predictive models Health monitoring

Exploitation data

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem SPDM systems collect valuable data, but its not used

Solution Predictive modeling and data analysis:

Run simulations and collect data in SPDM system
Create predictive surrogate models and perform data analysis in pSeven

Benefit Extra insights from data for next product design cycles

SPDM pSeven

Surrogate Analytics
Simulation Data model

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Growing need for engineering software democratization

Solution Run-ready workflows:

Create workflow with pSeven license
Deploy workflow into the product development process for less experienced users
Change inputs, run workflows and get outputs without the ability to change workflow itself w
ith pSeven Runner license

Benefit Increase efficiency and save time of experienced users

User 1 Workflow User 2 Results

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Scenarios
Problem Growing complexity of product development cycle

Solution Collaborative workflows:

Create workflows with global inputs and outputs
Import them to another workflow as a composite block (template)

Benefit Enhanced collaboration between engineers and different departments

User 1 Workflow

User N+1 Workflow

User N Workflow
ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service
pSeven Application Examples

Optimization of external aerodynamics using simulation,

analytical and/or experimental data to reduce drag

Optimization of radiator and heat exchangers geometry to

reduce size and maximize heat transfer

Optimization of vehicle body elements to reduce weight

and minimize NVH

Optimization of impellers in the turbocharger to maximize


Optimization of exhaust systems to reduce drag and

minimize NVH

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Examples
Optimization of catalytic converter geometry to reduce
emissions by enhancing aftertreatment

Optimizing electric motor efficiency in different operating


Sensitivity analysis of geometry parameters and robust

optimization of breaks to reduce squeal

Optimization of HVAC systems to enhance temperature and

moisture comfort

Optimization of car seats structures to reduce weight and

improve reliability

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

pSeven Application Examples

Optimization of cams geometry in camshaft with d

imension reduction to enhance shape of lift, veloci
ty, acceleration and jerk curves and also dozens o
f other characteristics in valve train

Optimization of valve and intake/exhaust channels

geometry with dimension reduction to enhance in-
cylinder flows

Optimization of piston head geometry with dimens

ion reduction to enhance combustion

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Use Case: Predicting Lift and Drag in a Formula 1 Car
Predict lift and drag in a Formula 1 car to improve car control s
Create Fast and accurate model of aerodynamic forces applie
d to a Formula 1 car
Small database of available experiments as a base for model c
Surrogate modeling methods applied
Several models created, their accuracy and robustness estima
Most accurate models predict lift coefficients with mean error <
0.007 and drag coefficient with error < 0.002
Models converted into several different formats including
Matlab/Octave and C++ functions

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Use Case: Accelerated Fitting of Tire Dynamics in Formula 1
Accelerate fitting of tire dynamics for Formula 1 cars
Customer fitted the model with 80 parameters in ~20 ho
urs -> Reduce the fitting time to ~1 hour
Dynamics of tires in Formula 1 cars described by Pacej
kas Magic Formulacontaining 80 free parameters
Parameters depend on specific driving conditions and c
an be fitted using track data
Calibration performed in pSeven
Original Excel implementation of Magic Formula identifi
ed as a bottleneck and replaced with a fast C++ implem
pSevens Generic Tool for Optimization applied
Fitting time reduced to ~10 minutes: more than 100 tim
es faster!
ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service
Use Case: Formula 1 Car Side Panel Design
Minimize mass of a side panel exposed to impact loads
Impact data coming both from tests and simulations
Layered panel material makes the problem discontinuous
Create surrogate model using all available experimental and
numerical data (data fusion) and optimize it
10% mass reduction with less number of simulations and full
scale experiments

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Use Case: Optimization of Bus Suspension Beam Geometry
Beam mass minimization
Complying constrains on stresses and strains for two load ca
vertical loading
13 parameters are varied
Problem has 8 constrains
Geometry is prepared in PTC Creo
Stresses and strains are calculated in ANSYS Mechanical
Mass is reduced by 6% (from 55 to 52 kg)
Number of iterations 450

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

Use Case: Optimization of IGBT Cold Plate
Find an efficient heat exchanger design
10 input parameters:
Geometry of pins pattern has 6 parameters
Inlet flow rate and temperature
IGBT and diod heat rate
3 output parameters:
Maximum temperature to prevent electronics damage
Flow drag force for less fan power and battery charge saving
Temperature variation to provide equal lifetime i.e. service interval
FloEFD is used for CFD simulation
Time of one simulation is 1.5 hour on 8 cores
Pareto frontier is constructed with 120 simulations,
from which an optimal design was chosen

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service
Why pSeven?
Academic-level algorithms in commercial software:
Complete set of tools for Design Space Exploration
State-of-the-art algorithms and techniques for uncertainty management,
sensitivity and dependency analysis, surrogate modeling and multidisci
plinary design optimization packed into user-friendly graphical interface
Powerful process integration platform:
Direct integration with SolidWorks, CATIA, PTC Creo, Siemens NX, AN
SYS Workbench, FloEFD, Excel and integration via external file with al
most any other engineering software (Abaqus, MSC etc.)
Capturing of complex project schematics and creating run-ready workfl
ows for further deployment
Creating surrogate models from simulation, analytical and/or experime
ntal data that are easy to use
SmartSelection technology implemented in pSeven allows even non-en
gineers to use advanced mathematics in their product development pro

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Thank you

ableMAX | Engineering Total Solution Service

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