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VDB 4213 - Assignment (10%)

Date of Presentation: 8 August 2017


1. Choose any scope of study below

2. Do a mini VIDEO documentary (5-10 minutes per group)
3. Write a summary report for the presentation
4. Be sure to upload the video to
5. Teach us something we did not know!

(MAJOR COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES." National Research Council. 1994.
Priorities for Coastal Ecosystem Science. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press).

1. Habitat Modification

Physical modifications of habitats by either natural forces or human influence pose

serious threats to coastal ecosystem integrity and these modifications are often difficult
to reverse. Such modification may result from filling of intertidal or subtidal habitat;
loss of tidal wetlands; submerged aquatic vegetation or coral reefs due to a decline in
water quality or changes in sedimentation; or from changes in the hydrodynamics of
coastal systems.

2. Hydrologic and hydrodynamic disruption,

Geomorphological modifications of shallow coastal systems may significantly affect

the hydrodynamics of the coastal regime (Inman, 1976), affecting the influence of the
coastal ocean on estuaries as well as the movement of materials from rivers to the sea.
Such modifications may result from dredging of navigation channels, shoreline
development and filling, shoreline protection (e.g., breakwaters and groins), and
channelization of tidal wetlands. For example, dredging channels can change salinity
structure, circulation, flushing, and residence times of these semi-enclosed coastal

3. Shoreline erosion and hazardous storms

Shoreline erosion is influenced by coastal processes resulting in offshore and

alongshore transport of sediments. Changing patterns in coastal storm climate can
change the direction of sediment transport by altering the intensity and direction of
waves incident to a beach. This change has altered sediment movement and the
resulting nature of the coastline (Shepard and Kuhn, 1983). Shoreline erosion and
hazardous storms are affected in a complex manner by land-use decisions and climate
change and, conversely, can greatly affect coastal environmental quality.

Guidelines for mini VIDEO documentary


Guidelines for summary report (6-8 pages only)

The report must contain:

1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Methods
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions

Additional info

1. Equal Participation
Each team member should contribute equally.
2. Grading
Grading is based on the mini VIDEO presentation and report writing.

Links for your reference:

1. The Best Free Video Tools:

Mini Documentary
Good-5 pts Fair-3 pts Poor-1 pts Marks
Mini-documentary Documentary is 510
- content minutes in length and
clearly and effectively tells
Documentary is 58
the real story on a topic
minutes in length and
that engages multiple
includes still images.
audiences. The
The documentary story Absent, incomplete, or
documentary topic is clearly
uses research and unfocused.
and fully researched, tells
interviews to support
multiple sides of the story,
the content and engages
and the interviews support
multiple audiences.
the content. The
documentary is engaging
and uses still images.
Research Project shows little
Project is well researched Project contains a few evidence of research.
with sufficient evidence to facts but needs more Project does not include
give a complete account of evidence to add to the facts from the case that
the event. credibility of the case. support the limitations of
human justice.
Information The team's video
documentary is very
informative. It covers the
The team does not cover
required criteria which is The team does not
any of the required material.
the history, features, cover all of the required
Their video documentary is
benefits, and the downfalls criteria and is not
not detailed or informative.
of two types of detailed in presenting
The information that is
communication; as well as their information.
presented is irrelevant.
how they affect society. The
team's personal viewpoint is
also expressed.
Editorial/Script The voice over script is The voice over script is
well-written and gives a poorly written and
No voice over is included.
complete account of the leaves the audience
events of the case. confused.
Creativity The team's video
The team presents their documentary is not
The team presents their
video documentary in an presented in an original or
video documentary in a
extremely unique, original, creative way. The
basic way that tries to
and creative way. It catches information is read to the
capture the viewer's
the viewer's attention and viewers and fails to present
holds their interest. the information in an
interesting format.
Graphics Project has many
Project has appropriate graphics. Some graphics
graphics. The graphics are not appropriate for Project has only a few
enhance the project and are the content of the case. graphics that help tell the
well placed and thought out. Timing of the graphics story. Some graphics are
Project shows great effort, need work. More inappropriate for the
and the graphics help tell graphics would improve content of the case.
the story of the case. the quality of the
Organization The team's information
The team's information is
The team's information in in the video
not organized in any
the video documentary is documentary has a
manner and lacks a flow of
organized and flows. The general order and flow.
conversation. The
transitions are smooth and The material is
terminology used to present
the material is easy to presented in a difficult
the material is unfamiliar to
comprehend. The video manner. The video
the viewer. The video
documentary ranges from documentary ranges
documentary is less than 5
510 minutes in length. from 5-8 minutes in
minutes in length.


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