Road To Professional Engineer (Pe) or Ir.: Mfadhlan Mydairy 2 Comments

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Road to Professional Engineer (PE) or Ir.

by mfadhlan15/04/2013MyDairy2 Comments

I have recently get my result on top-up courses by my university due to Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
guideline. It only effected some batches as some courses need to have some extra subject to fulfill their

Alhamdulillah, its PASS/FAIL result, so its PASS. So on 3rd April 2013, I have search again for registering at
BEM as Graduate Engineer. Now, the registration so easy, register online and pay online. However, after
submission thru online, we still need to sent copy of IC, Degree & Transcript & Diploma and also must be
certified by an active Professional Engineer. After online submission, it give you 4 week sent the required
document to their office.

When i was on secondary school, right after get PMR result, i choose to go on technical or engineering as
Biology class makes you a book worm. I heard a lot of rumors that you need to memorize all the human
anatomy. Im not a memorize person. So I end up on Techical School at Bentong, Pahang. Stop on old
memory. =)

After getting Graduate Engineer (GE) which it usually take 4 month for processing after all document
received by BEM, now you can do practice in order to pursue Professional Engineer (PE).

The practice would take 2-3 years minimum as you need to attend courses by BEM as stated on Circular
2/2005 under Regulation 22, Registration of Engineers Regulation 1990 (Amendment) 2003.

22.(a) the Graduate Engineer must undergo_

(i) at least two years of general training that will provide a sound basis for professional
development; and

(ii)at least one year of professional career development and training providing wide exposure
to the various managerial and technical expertise in engineering practise

where at least one year of the training must be obtained in Malaysia under the supervision
of a Professional Engineer in the same branch of engineering as that practiced by the
Graduate Engineer, although Professional Engineers in other related branches of
engineering may be acceptable with prior approval of the Board; and

(b) the Graduate Engineer must have satisfactory attendance in courses and the professional
development programmes determined by the Board, and conducted by the Board or
institutions approved or accredited by Board.

The Board has decided that compliance to Regulation 22 (1)(b) be as follows:

A. Satisfactory attendance in the following courses conducted by BEM or institutions

approved by BEM

(i) Code of Ethic (12hours)

(ii) Health and Safety at Work (12 hours)
(iii) Engineering Management Practice (12 hours) and
(iv) Courses related to graduates branch of engineering (24hours)


B. Completion of not less than 30 units of Professional Development which includes

attendance at

(i) technical talks

(ii) seminars
(iii) society/association meetings and
(iv) community services.

*one unit of Professional Development is equivalent to one hours participation in the above-
mentioned activities subject to a maximum of four unit in a day.


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Tags: BEM, Board of Engineer Malaysia, GE, Graduate Engineer, Ir, PE, Professional Engineer

About mfadhlan

Berkelulusan Sarjana Telekomunikasi, kini bekerja sebagai jurutera di anak syarikat GLC terkemuka di
Malaysia. Merupakan penulis utama Berpengalaman di bidang bisnes peruncitan, asas
keusahawanan, pengurusan kewangan serta takaful. Jika anda musykil mengenai sebarang info yang
dikongsikan, disarankan anda merujuk kepada pakar yang bertauliah terlebih dahulu. Penulis tidak akan
bertanggungjawab di atas sebarang kerugian di pihak anda.

2 Responses to Road to Professional Engineer (PE) or Ir.

03/05/2013 at 9:26 pm

tahniahall the best tuan

anip recently posted..Have Clothes Will Travel

05/10/2016 at 4:48 pm

Tuan, saya nak tanya, berapa overall kos (rm) nak complete semua course by IEM.

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