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An Overview of Efficiency Enhancement

Techniques for RF Power Amplifiers

Caroline de Frana
PGMICRO - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Abstract Enhancement techniques to radio frequency power Doherty, Envelope-Tracking (ET), Envelope Elimination
amplifiers (RFPAs) are a trend in the telecommunications systems. and Restoration (EER) are the most famous and classic
The decrease of the channel in complementary metal-oxide techniques of circuits to improve efficiency. Linearization
semiconductor (CMOs) process puts a challenge to deliver high techniques as Digital Baseband Pre-distortion (DPD) are widely
power in transmitters with low supply voltage, and the increase of used to improve the back-off and especially combined with
the data rates with the new services is offered is some of the circuits with high efficiency like Doherty power amplifier.
obstacles to be overcome in the transmitters to 4G, 5G and so on.
Some techniques are developed in this context. The Doherty power A Doherty amplifier was the first technique proposed of
amplifier, Envelope tracking power amplifier (ET), Envelope efficiency enhancement and it is the most known enhancement
Elimination and Restoration to power amplifier are techniques technique, due the simplicity of implementation. The basic
with the object to increase the global efficiency in the RFPAs. The concept of Doherty it is two PAs: a Class AB and a Class C,
digital baseband predistortion (DPD) is a technique to linearize the combined with a fourth-wave transmission line. The Doherty
RFPAs to allow them to have a linear amplifier in the chain to have has described like an active load-pull technique because it is
a signal with good quality without distortion. Then this work is a possible to modify the RF load due the current from the Class
review about these techniques. AB or from the Class C PA. This is the technique used in this
KeywordsPower amplifier; Doherty amplifier; Envelope
tracking, Envelope elimination and restoration, Pre-distortion; Linearization techniques as feed-forward, Digital Baseband
Efficiency enhancement. Predistortion and feedback have been widely used in RF
systems, to improve efficiency and to correctly distortions.
Nonlinearities as memory effects (due the network impedance)
I. INTRODUCTION that results in distortion of the signal, can be resolved using
DPD before the PA. With linearization techniques, it is possible
Due the demand for the large-scale integration levels and to
to extend the range of compression region of the PA, which
reduce cost of the production the use of CMOS devices in RF
results in a gain of efficiency [1].
transmitters have been widely used, instead of the poor linearity
and efficiency low level achieved. This work is organized as follow. Section II introduces the
theory of a classic Doherty amplifier. Section III describes the
However, modern wireless systems as 4G are established in
basics concepts Envelope tracking PA. Section IV is about the
an ortogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) that has
Envelope Elimination and Restoration PA. Section V describes
high PAPR (peak-to-average power ratio). Thus, the power
the linearization technique to PAs, the Digital Baseband
amplifier is working in the most part of the time in an area of
Predistortion. Section VI summarizes the conclusions.
low efficiency. Another challenge in circuits design is to extend
the battery life of handsets. Therefore, the design to enhance the
efficiency of PAs, beyond to resolve the problem of PAPR is
essential to increase the autonomy of the battery of handsets. II. THE DOHERTY AMPLIFIER TECHNIQUE
To compensate the nonlinearities of the system, it is A common behavioral of the power amplifiers is they
essential to work with linear power amplifiers like Class A or achieve maximum efficiency when the Pout it is in the peak of
Class AB but these classes of PAs do not achieve high saturation, after this range, the efficiency decreases
performance. This PAs do not achieve high PAE in back-off substantially. Indeed, system with transmitters which have a
region because they obtain maximum efficiency in a single PAPR between 3 and 6 dB, is a probably candidate to use the
power level and, when the drive is backed-off the efficiency Doherty amplifier [1]. This technique consist in to enhance the
drops sharply [1]. Due to the high PAPR, the PA works most of efficiency of the back-off region (until 6 dB).
the time in a region of low efficiency. Such poor PA efficiency A traditional Doherty amplifier combines two outputs
critically deteriorates the overall system performance, since the of two linear radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers, a main
PA is the circuit that consumes the highest amount of power in amplifier biased in Class AB, and an auxiliary power
a wireless transmitter. Improving the PA efficiency is highly amplifier biased in Class C, through an impedance-inverting
desirable to extend the battery autonomy in handsets. In this networking. A fourth-wave transmission line designs this
context, the design of PAs with enhanced efficiency for modern impedance-inverting networking of the output. In the input, to
wireless systems is of paramount importance.
match the delay motivated by this transmission line of the amplifier see at output a load of 2Rl. In this case, the decreased
output, it is used another fourth-wave transmission line. A of the load is due the current of the auxiliary amplifier. In
power divider (splitter) it is responsible to divide the power at Doherty amplifier, the change of the load line of the main
the input of the PAs. This architecture is based is based on the amplifier is responsible by the overall efficiency. The idealized
load modulation effect that the auxiliary amplifier has on the behavioral of drain efficiency of the PA it is show in Fig. 3.
main amplifier [2]. From Fig. 1 we have an e.g. of a classic
Doherty amplifier, in Fig. 2 a simplified schematic of Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of classic Doherty Amplifier.

Fig. 3. Idealized drain efficiency for an ideal Doherty Amplifier.


The objective of envelope tracking is to improve the
efficiency of PAs carrying high peak to average power (PAPR)
signals. The most part of the power dissipation in the power
amplifiers is due the use of constant supply voltage, so, the most
Fig. 2. Simplified schematic of block diagram of Doherty Amplifier. part of the power is waste by heat. This behavioral is show in
the Fig. 4. The efficiency of an ET PA is improve by varying
the PA supply voltage according with the envelope of the RF
Applying Kirchhoff law in the circuit of Fig. 2, the voltage signal. To low power input the supply voltage decreases
across the load ZL is given by: substantially so, the power dissipation by heat drops down in
this region [2]. The main object is guarantee that the PA works
VL=ZL.(IM+IA) (1) in the region of the maximum efficiency possible to every input
Where IM are the current supplied by the main amplifier and
IA by the auxiliary amplifier. At low outputs, when the auxiliary
amplifier is turned off and IA=0, the load seen by the Class AB
amplifier is given by:

ZM=ZL=2.RO (2)

Therefore, if both currents are different from zero, the load

seen by each current source (or amplifier) is given by:

ZM=ZL.(1+IA/IM) (3)

ZA=ZL.(1+IM/IA) (4)
Fig. 4. Power dissipation: first to a regular PA, second to the ETPA [3].
At low input drives, only the main amplifier is turned-on
and it operates linearly and at the output see a load of 4RL due In a typical envelope tracking system, the supply voltage is
the effect of the fourth-wave transmission line [2]. When the adjusted dynamically to track the RF envelope at high
input achieve around 6 dB below of the potency of saturation instantaneous power. Here, the PA operates with high
(Psat) than the auxiliary amplifier is turned-on and, the main efficiency in compression [3]. The envelope- tracking power
amplifier is formed by an envelope amplifier and a radio
frequency power amplifier. The envelope amplifier (EA) will AB) together with a switched amplifier (class C, class D and so
be responsible to control the supply voltage of the RFPA. The on). Ideally, the maximum efficiency possible in linear
EA forces the RFPA always to work in saturation that is the amplifiers are 78.5% (in a class B), and in the switched
region of maximum efficiency in amplifiers, so, for any given amplifier is almost 100%. In the Fig. 7 is show a schematic of
supply voltage, there is an optimum (or maximum) level of the hybrid ETPA.
efficiency achieved. With this technique, the RFPA can
operates at its maximum efficiency level for any given power
level. In this topology, the RFPA will works as a load to the
envelope amplifier. The load (RFPA) has the behavioral of a
variable resistor that varies with the supply voltage. The block
diagram is show in the Fig. 5. In the Fig. 6 is show the power
efficiency of the ETPA for different supply voltages.

Fig. 7. Schematic of the hybrid ETPA.

In this topology, the switched amplifier is responsible to

operate in the high frequency region, and the switched amplifier
Fig. 5. Block diagram of Envelope tracking power amplifier [2]. will turn on just in the low frequency. In amplifiers, the most
part of the time the RFPA operates near DC, then the switched
amplifier will works in a width range. So, the use of hybrid
amplifiers will provides an improvement in the global
efficiency in the EA.


Envelope elimination and restoration (EER) is a logical
alternative to high-level amplitude modulation, which was for
many years the standard method for modulating AM
transmitters [1]. The EER technique is the best alternative to
power amplifiers for single sideband because are more efficient
than regulars Class AB. The envelope elimination and
restoration technique is similar of the ET technique. The EER
consists in to separate the input signal in amplitude and phase
and amplifiers each component separately and attaching both in
Fig. 6. Power efficiency to the ETPA for different supply voltages [3].
the end [1]. Then, the amplification of the phase of the signal
can be doing using a switched amplifier with maximum
This topology beyond to provide high efficiency, provides efficiency as class D, class E and class F. These class of
high bandwidth to RFPA. The design of the EA is crucial to amplifiers are better than the class C because achieving higher
determine the global efficiency of the ET. The global efficiency efficiency and because can obtain power gain better than the
of this technique is defined by the envelope amplifier and by class C. In the EER the main idea is to use, a linear amplifier to
the RFPA as follows: amplifier the AM signal and use a switched amplifier in the PM
ET=EA.ET (5) In this technique, the preservation of the information of the
phase is a crucial step to the success in this topology. So, to
There are some possibilities to design the EA, the use of a preserve the phase information, is used a limiter. The use of
linear amplifier is essential do not causes distortion but is not limiter eliminates the possibility of AM-PM distortion in the
the topology that achieves the best performance possible. So, nonlinear RFPA. The envelope amplitude will be restored at the
the use of hybrid amplifiers is interesting to provides an output a voltage supply modulation derived from an envelope
improvement in the EA. The concept of the use hybrid detector. The block diagram is show in the Fig. 8.
amplifiers is to use a linear amplifier (class A, class B or class
The improvement of the efficiency is due the RFPA works
only in the region of the maximum efficiency, as in the ET
amplifier. The concept is the same as in the ET technique, the
RFPA will work in saturation for every input power, and then
the global efficiency of the RFPA will be improved.
Fig. 9. Diagram of Predistortion system.

Fig. 10. Full system of PA and DSP using DPD technique [2].
Fig. 8. Block diagram of the EER technique [2].

However, some challenges are introduced by this technique, VI. CONCLUSIONS

the process of amplifying the envelope detected signal will High data-rate is desirable and the use of schemes of
consume a lot of power [1] and the EER introduces limitations modulation tightly nonlinear have been used and this beyond to
in the bandwidth of the system. The necessity of the calibration put the amplifiers to work in the most part of the time in a region
is a question in the EER but is the technique with the possibility of low efficiency, it causes distortion in the signal transmitted.
of the highest power efficiency mentioned in this paper. Then, the use of enhancement techniques to increase the global
efficiency used together with linearization techniques is a trend
in the telecommunications. The Doherty amplifier was the first
technique proposed with the object to increase the efficiency
V. PREDISTORTION - LINEARIZATION TECHNIQUE and is the most used nowadays. This topology is the easiest to
Since the beginning of radio wireless applications, high implement and achieves good performance. The ET and EER
data-rate is desirable [3]. Indeed, with the implementations of are more recent and similar, both achieves high levels of
new technologies that consume electromagnetic spectrum, the efficiency and have good performance to safe power, the EER
frequency bands have been becoming scarce. Therefore, it is has a performance better than the ET but is more difficult to
crucial efficient modulation schemes to permit more data implement. The use of linearization technique is essential to
transmission. The modulation schemes of the signal works with allow the RFPA to work in a not so linear region and with that
non-constant envelope that have to satisfy standards of linearity to achieve better performance. The DPD technique is the most
in order to do not degraded the information. A Digital Pre easiest and fast to implement with low cost.
Distortion Technique is widely used with the object to satisfy
the high linearity exigencies in the transmission.
In CMOS process this technique is much useful to cancel ACKNOWLEDGMENT
AM-PM distortions introduced by the PA, due CMOS The author would like to acknowledge the financial support
transistors have high nonlinear behavioral. Other solutions can provided by CI Brasil Program and the PGMICRO the facilities
be provided by the DPD: reduction of memory effects, cancel provided.
of third harmonic and reduction of adjacent channel power ratio
(ACPR). Indeed, this technique is a lot useful to use together
with Doherty power amplifiers. Due the transistor for larges
swings is turn on and off, the Doherty PA produces
discontinuities at the output that causes a high ACPR [4]. [1] S. Cripps, RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, 2nd
edition. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2006.
The concept of this technique consists in the use of a [2] H. S. Ruiz, R. B. Prez, Linear CMOS RF Power Amplifiers. New York,
cascade connection between the DPD and PA, which the PA it NY: Springer, 2014.
is placed after the DPD. Predistortion linearize the PA through [3] Gerard Wimpenny, Nujira Ltd. & Member of OpenET Alliance,
a use of a distorted signal that is put at the input of the PA, in Understand and characterize envelope-tracking power amplifiers.
such way, that this signal cancels the distortion of the amplifier. Available:
The DPD have a transfer characteristic equal to the PA inverse [4] E. G. Lima, T. R. Cunha, J. C. Pedro, A Physically Meaningful Neural
transfer characteristic as Fig. 9. In the Fig. 10 is show the full Network Behavioral Model for Wireless Transmitters Exhibiting PM-
AM/PM-PM Distortions, in IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and
system using the RFPA and the predistortion technique realized Techniques, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 3512-3521, December 2011.
using the DSP and the lookup table.

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