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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32 (2016) 373e379

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Pressure transient behavior analysis in a dual-porosity reservoir with

partially communicating faults
Guo-qing Feng a, Qi-guo Liu a, *, Lie-hui Zhang a, Yang Zeng b
State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610500, PR China
CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing, 100027, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many oil bearing fractured reservoirs are faulted reservoir (Abbaszadeh M.D. and Cinco-Ley H., 1995).
Received 19 January 2016 Hydraulic characterization of these faults is essential for eld-scale development design. In this study,
Received in revised form a mathematical model is presented that describes the pressure transient behavior of a reservoir
15 April 2016
separated by a partially communicating fault (PCF). In the math model, vertical well is treated as an
Accepted 17 April 2016
Available online 21 April 2016
innite line source; and PCF is treated as an innitely long, vertical semi-permeable barrier. Based on
the Warren Root model, transient pressure model of a two-region-innite-composite dual-porosity
reservoir with PCF has been established. Two regions on both sides of the fault have distinct prop-
Partially communicating fault
erties. Given a line source, constant-rate well in a composite reservoir, analytical solutions of pressure
Pressure behavior transient behavior are obtained using one Fourier space transformation and time-space Laplace
Boundary skin transformation. In addition, derived type curves and sensitivities of relating parameters are discussed.
Well testing analysis Model presented in this paper could be directly applied for well test analysis in a dual-porosity
Dual-porosity reservoir reservoir with PCF.
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with signicant contrast of rock and petrophysical properties such

as thickness, porosity and permeability. Cinco and Samaniego
Faults in a hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir may be either sealing (1976, 1981) studied the transient ow behavior of a well near an
or non-sealing. A sealing fault will completely impede uid ow innite conductivity vertical, nonintersecting, natural fracture in an
laterally and may act as a trap for hydrocarbon accumulation. Due innite slab reservoir based on point source function. Streltsova
to juxtaposition of two permeable fault blocks, PCF will allow some and McKinley (1984) studied the impact of PCF on the well inter-
degree of lateral uid ow along or cross fault surfaces. The fere test using numerical simulation by considering fault as a linear,
permeability of a fault plane may be different from permeability of vertical and semi-permeable boundary and neglecting the reservoir
adjacent formations. Depending on the permeability contrast be- capacity.
tween fault and formation, uid may ow along or across fault plan Later, Yaxely (1987) presented a mathematical model that cap-
to establish communication between two adjacent fault blocks. In tures the effect of a PCF on transient pressure behavior. The well is
general, uid ow through nite-conductive fault have mixed modeled as an innite line source and the PCF as an innitely long,
behavior of ow along and across the fault plane. vertical and semipermeable barrier. These solutions considering
The inuence of a PCFon interference testing was rst studied by PCF improved the design and analysis of interference tests.
Stewart et al. (1984), who modeled the fault zone as a linear, ver- Ambastha and Sageev (1987, 1989, 1990) modeled a linear fault as
tical semi-permeable barrier with negligible capacity. Bixel et al. an innitesimal thickness skin boundary. Analytical solution of a
(1963) presented a mathematical model of a well located near a line-source, constant-rate well in a composite reservoir is obtained
linear PCF in an innite reservoir where the PCF was considered as a with one Fourier space transformation and time-space Laplace
linear discontinuity. However, the model is only limited to reservoir transformations.
Above models only allow porous uid ows laterally across
the fault planes. However, in reality, in porous media, uid often
* Corresponding author. ows both along and across the fault plane. Particularly, when
E-mail address: (Q.-g. Liu). permeability along the fault plane is larger than the adjacent
1875-5100/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
374 G.-q. Feng et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32 (2016) 373e379

reservoir permeability, the uid ow along the fault plan is not Two regions have both matrix and fracture system; and the
negligible. Abbaszadeh and Cinco-Ley (1995) presented a general uid in matrix only ows to the fracture system and not to the
analytical solution of pressure transient distribution in a reser- wellbore (Cinco and Meng, 1988). Fluid in fracture can ow
voir with an active well near a nonintersecting nite- directly to the wellbore. The ow between matrix and fracture
conductivity fault. However, the model neglects the compress- system is pseudo steady ow. In any location of reservoir, there
ibility of the uid within the fault plane; the solution is exist matrix pressure pm and fracture pressure pf.
complicated; and the accuracy of the result cannot be guaran-
teed. Zhang and Liu (2012) proposed a model of pressure tran-
sient behavior of a reservoir with a normal fault, double porosity 2.1. Establishment of mathematical model
system and inclined well based on the point source function.
Zhang et al. (2012) published an analytical solution for the According to above assumptions, active well is a line source with
pressure response of a slanted well in a slab reservoir with an a constant production rate q, the diffusivity equation for an ideal-
impermeable fault. Based on the basic-point-source-solution in ized composite dual porosity innite reservoir as shown in Fig. 1(c)
an innite space, the basic-point-source-solution was obtained is:
by using mirror image principle. Ezulike and Igbokoyi (2012) At region I (x > 0), for the fracture system, the diffusivity
illustrated that, in a composite reservoir with leaky fault, hori- equation of uid ow in the fracture system incorporating the
zontal well interference tests could be analyzed using Tiab's source item can be described by the following equation (Guppy
direct synthesis and curve making techniques. et al., 1981, 1982):
From geological core and outcrop observation, PCFs are often
observed in the dual-porosity reservoir. However, untill now, the
studies on dual-porosity reservoir with PCF are rarely reported. In kf 1 v2 p f 1 v2 p f 1 q k  
this paper, mathematic models are established to describe Pressure  dx  ady  b a m1 pm1  pf 1
m1 vx2 vy2 h1 m1
Transient Behavior in dual-porosity reservoir with PCF. The solution
of the model is rst derived by using the Laplace and Fourier f1
ff Ctf
transformation. Subsequently, transient pressure type curves are 1 vt
generated; and four key factors impacting type curves are discussed. (1)
According to the assumption, the uid ow in the matrix system
obeys the Warren and Root dual porosity model, and follows the
2. Mathematical model
pseudo-state-interporosity ow. So the diffusivity equation in the
matrix system including the interporosity from the matrix into
In this paper, a composite dual-porosity reservoir with two re-
fracture is
gions separated by a PCF is studied. Interface skin factor is intro-
duced in the mathematical model of dual-porosity reservoir with
vpm1 k  
PCFs. Two reservoir regions on both sides of the fault may have fm Ctm 1 a m1 pm1  pf 1 0 (2)
vt m1
different diffusivities and transmissivities; and fault resistance to
uid ow is modeled as a thin skin (Hurst, 1953; Van Everdingen, At region II, x < 0:
1953). The presence of boundary skin is represented by a pres-
sure discontinuity at the boundary (Ambastha and Ramey, 1990).
8 !
The assumptions are listed below (Cai and Yu, 2011): >
> k
> f2
v2 p f 2 v2 pf 2 km2     vp
<m a pm2  pf 2 ff Ctf
2 vx vy 2 m2 2 2 vt
(1) Reservoirs on the both sides of semi permeable boundary
have following features: each reservoir has dual-porosity >
> vp k
: fm Ctm 2 m2 a m2 pm2  pf 2 0
system (following Warren and Root, 1963); the perme- vt m2
ability and porosity in the two reservoirs can be different and (3)
do not vary with pressure.
(2) Single phase uid ow is of slight compressibility and con- where d is the delta function denoting the constant-rate line-source
stant viscosity and follows Darcy's law. well; a kmmi pmi  pfi ; i 1; 2, is inter porosity ow rate per unit
(3) The reservoir thickness of two adjacent fault blocks can be volume from the matrix to the fracture; a is the shape factor (Zhao
different. et al., 2013).
(4) Active well is treated as a constant production rate line The initial condition is:
(5) Wellbore storage and skin effect are considered.
(6) Boundary skin is modeled the same way as Ambastha and pf 1 x; y; 0 pf 2 x; y; 0 pm1 x; y; 0 pm2 x; y; 0 pi (4)
Ramey (1990). To calculate the transmissibility of fault
plane, boundary skin is used to model pressure discontinuity The boundary condition is:
at the fault plane. The larger the boundary skin, the poorer
pf 1 ; y; t pf 2  ; y; t pf 1 x; ; t pf 2 x; ; t pi
the fault is connected.
(7) Gravity and capillary effects are negligible. (5)
The connection condition is:
In two dimension space, reservoir with PCFs can be modeled as
a linear discontinuity where boundary skin exists in its nearly
vertical plane (Kuchuk and Habashy, 1997). As shown in Fig. 1, an kf 1 h1 vpf 1 kf 2 h2 vpf 2
innite conductive well is located in region I. The compressibility ;x 0 (6)
m1 vx m2 vx
of the uid is constant. Fluid only ows horizontally; no uid
ows in the vertical direction.
G.-q. Feng et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32 (2016) 373e379 375

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a reservoir with partially communicating faults (PCF): (a) sketch map of a strip reservoir with PCF (b) modeling fault as a skin boundary (c) Idealized
composite innite reservoir.

vpx; y; t 1h i
kf 2 m2
 pf 2 x; y; t pf 1 x; y; t ; x 0 (7)
vx SF M . (11)
kf 1 m1
where SF is skin across the fault.
Ratio of thickness

2.2. Dimensionless mathematical model hD (12)

Dimensionless variables are introduced to the equations and Dimensionless diffusivity ratio
boundary conditions in order to simplify the solution (Zhao et al., .
2014). kf 2 fCt f m2 m2
hD . (13)
2pkf 1 h1 h i kf 1 fCt f m1 m1
Dimensionless pressure : pDf 1;2 pi  pf 1;2 x; y; t
m1 q Coefcient of inter porosity ow that from matrix to fracture
km1;2 2
l1;2 a r (14)
2pkf 1 h1 h i kf 1;2 w
pDm1;2 pi  pm1;2 x; y; t (9)
m1 q Storativity ratio
Dimensionless distance
fCt f 1;2
u1;2 (15)
w x y a b fCt f m1;2
wD ; xD ; y ; a ; bD (10)
rw rw D rw D rw rw
The dimensionless mathematical model is as follows:
Ratio of mobility At region I, xD > 0
376 G.-q. Feng et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32 (2016) 373e379

> 2 2  
> v pDf 1 v pDf 1 2pdx  a dy  b l p
> vpDf 1
< D D D D 1 Dm1  pDf 1 u1
vxD 2
vyD vtD
>  vp
: l1 pDm1  pDf 1 1  u1 Dm1 0

2.3. The solution of mathematical model

At region II xD < 0: The Laplace transformation with respect to tD and the Fourier
transformation with respect to yD of Eq. (16) and Eq. (17) yield the
> v2 pDf 2 v2 pDf 2   u vp following:
> Df 2
< l p  p 2
vx2D vy2D
2 Dm2 Df 2
hD vtD 8
(17) >
> v2 b
p Df 1
>  a1 b
p Df 1 a3 dxD  aD xD > 0
: l2 hD pDm2  pDf 2 1  u2 Dm2 0 < vx2
vtD (22)
> v2 b
p Df 2
The initial condition is: >
:  a2 b
p Df 2 0 xD < 0
pDf 1 xD ; yD ; 0 pDf 2 xD ; yD ; 0 pDm1 xD ; yD ; 0
where a1 ; a2 ; a3 are the intermediate variables in the Fourier
pDm2 xD ; yD ; 0 0 (18) transformation:

The boundary condition is:

zl1 1  u1
a1 m2 zu1 ;
l1 z1  u1
pDf 1 ; yD ; tD pDf 2  ; yD ; tD pDf 1 xD ; ; tD p (23)
2 zu2 zl2 1  u2 2p imbD
pDf 2 xD ; ; tD 0 a2 m ; a  e
(19) hD l2 hD z1  u2 3 z
The connection condition is: The solution of Eq. (22) is:

p p p p p
b a3 e a1 jxD aD j a3 e a1 xD aD a1 MhD S a1 a2  MhD a2
p Df 1 xD ; m; z  p  p  p p p xD > 0
2 a1 2 a1 a1 MhD S a1 a2 MhD a2
p p (24)
b a3 e a2 xD  a1 aD
p Df 2 xD ; m; z p p p xD < 0
a1 MhD S a1 a2 MhD a2

vpDf 1 vpDf 2
MhD ;x 0 (20) a3 is substituted into Eq. (24) and inverse Fourier trans-
vxD vxD D
formation is:

xD aD  1; yD bD
Z " p p p #
1 1 p a1 MhD S a1 a2  MhD a2 p (25)
pDf 1 aD  1; bD ; z p e a1 p p p e a1 2aD 1 dm
z a1 a1 MhD S a1 a2 MhD a2

vpDf 1 xD ; yD ; tD 1h    i
 pDf 2 xD; yD ; tD pDf 1 xD; yD ; tD ; xD Based on the Duhamel theory, wellbore storage constant and
vxD SF skin factor can be added in the equation:
G.-q. Feng et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32 (2016) 373e379 377

Fig. 5. The effect of inter porosity ow coefcient l1 to type curve.

Fig. 2. Comparison of analytical solution with numerical solution.

zpDf 1 SF
pDf 1 h  i (26)
z 1 zCD zpDf 1 S

3. The type curves and its characteristics

The type curve of dual-porosity reservoir with PCFs is gener-

ated; and the sensitivity of following factors (distance to boundary,
boundary skin, inter-porosity ow coefcient and storativity ratio) Fig. 6. The effect of inter porosity ow coefcient l2 to type curve.
are discussed (Zeng and Zhao, 2010).

3.1. Comparison with numerical solution numerical result. Only in the later period, the pressure derivative
curve is a slightly lower than that of numerical result.
To validate the analytical solution presented in this paper, we
compare the solution with numerical solution, which is shown in 3.2. The impact of distance from boundary
Fig. 2. It can be seen the analytical result matches well with
Fig. 3 presents the type curve of different distance aD from well
to boundary when the fault skin factor equals 104 (SF 104).
When aD is relatively large (aD 1000), as shown in Fig. 3, after
the early wellbore storage stage, the pressure wave does not
propagate to the fault. The radial ow stage of fracture in region I
and inter porosity ow stage between matrix and fracture system
appear. When the impulse of pressure wave reaches the fault with
skin factor SF, the pressure derivative curve will move upward. This
period is affected by the fault. After this period, the inter porosity
ow stage in region II will appear. Then the radial ow stage of
matrix and fracture system appears again in a short time. In sum-
mary, the characteristic of the dual-porosity reservoir is not
When aD is relatively small, (aD 50), inter porosity ow in
Fig. 3. The inuence of aD to the type curve. region I appears after the impulse of pressure wave propagates to
the fault. After the wellbore storage period, the pressure derivative

Fig. 4. The inuence of SF to the type curve. Fig. 7. The inuence of u1 to type curve.
378 G.-q. Feng et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32 (2016) 373e379

increase. The storativity u2 in region II mainly affects the shape of

the second dip. But u2 doesn't affect the type curve as much as u1

4. Conclusions

(1) An analytical solution is presented for the pressure transient

behavior of a line source well which producing at a constant
rate in a dual-porosity reservoir. In the reservoir, a fault is
modeled as a skin of a linear discontinuity; and reservoir
properties are different on both sides of the fault
Fig. 8. The inuence of u2 to type curve. (2) The inuence of boundary skin to the type curve mainly
appears after the pressure impulse propagates to the inter-
face of the two regions. The larger SF represents the weaker
curve will move upward rstly; and the dip of the curve appears
transmissibility between two regions. And the slope of
next which is affected by the inter porosity ow of region I. At last,
pressure derivative curve is greater. By increasing of SF, fault
the impulse of pressure wave propagates to the region II, and the
becomes sealing; pressure derivative curve becomes a hori-
characteristic curve of inter porosity ow in region II appears and
zontal line with the value 1.
the radial ow of all the system appears.
(3) The inter porosity ow coefcient l mainly affects the arrival
When aD is relatively moderate, 50 < aD < 1000, the inter
time of the rst dip of derivative curve. The larger l is, the
porosity ow in region I and fault skin will simultaneously affect
earlier the rst appears.
the characteristic of the pressure derivative curve. After the storage,
(4) The shape of dip of the derivative curve is sensitive to the
the characteristic of type curve is insensitive to aD and all curves
storativity ratio u. The smaller u represents a longer the
transfer period; and the shape of dip in derivative curve
becomes wider and deeper.
3.3. The impact of fault boundary skin (5) For a dual-porosity reservoir, after the pressure impulse
propagates to the region II, the radial ow behavior appears
Fig. 4 illustrates the effect of the fault boundary skin on type in a short time, so the transfer ow behavior in region II is not
curve when the pressure impulse doesn't reach the fault. The obvious.
storage stage is followed by the radial ow stage of fracture system
in region I. Then it follows by the inter porosity ow stage from Acknowledgment
matrix system to fracture system when the pressure impulse
propagates to the fault. Because of the inuence of skin factor in the This work was supported by National Basic Research Program of
fault, the pressure derivative curve starts to go upward. With the China (Grant No. 2014CB239205) and the Natural Science Foun-
increase of skin factor, the derivative curve continuously goes up- dation of China (Grant No.51374181). The authors would also like to
ward. When SF 106 or sealing fault, the derivative curve shows a extend the appreciation to the reviewers and editors whose critical
horizontal line with the value 1; and there is no dual-porosity comments were very helpful in preparing this article.
behavior in region II because of the sealing fault.
3.4. The impact of inter porosity ow coefcient
p pressure, MPa
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 represent the inuence of the inter porosity pi initial pressure of reservoir, MPa
coefcient l1 and l2 in region I and II. l1 mainly affects the arrival k permeability, md
time of the rst dip in derivative curve. The larger l1 indicates the h thickness, m
earlier arrival time of dip. The effect of fault skin appears shortly w width of reservoir, m
after this period. Vice versa, the smaller the l1 is, the later arrival of m viscosity of the uid, mpa.s
the dip and the effects of fault skin appear before this period. 4 porosity, fraction
Similarly, l2 mainly affects the time that the second dip of type Ct total compressibility, MPa 1
curve appears. The larger l2 is, the sooner the second dip appears. q rate of active well, m3/d
However, inter porosity ow in region II is not obvious. But l2 does t time, hr
not affect type curve as much as l1 does, which is because when the x x coordinate, m
pressure impulse propagates to the region II, the radial ow period y y coordinate, m
will appear in a short time. The effect of l2 to the type curve is a x coordinate of well, m
covered up by the radial ow in region II. b y coordinate of well, m
S skin around wellbore, dimensionless
3.5. The inuence of storativity ratio SF skin across the fault, dimensionless
d dirac delta function
Figs. 7 and 8 present the inuence of storativity ratio u1 and u2 a shape factor
to type curve when the inter porosity ow in region I occurs before pD dimensionless wellbore pressure drop
the impulse of pressure wave reach the fault. The storativity u1 in wD dimensionless width
region I mainly changes the shape of the dip of derivative curve. The hD ratio of thickness
smaller the u1 is, the longer the transition time requires, and wider hD dimensionless diffusivity
and deeper dips appear on derivative curve. After this period, the CD dimensionless wellbore storage constant
effects fault skin arrives and the pressure derivative curve will l transfer coefcient from matrix to fracture
G.-q. Feng et al. / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32 (2016) 373e379 379

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