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zomanot7 Howto hack Windows 7,8, 8.1 & 10 Adiistrater password with and wet ary sotvaro or instalation CO/Rosel disk | PANDA Tals PANDA Talks Being a Tech-shrewd How to hack Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 Administrator password with and without any software or installation CD/Reset disk. |ULY 10, 2015JANUARY 4, 2017 / VAIBHAV GARG Hi..today Iam going to teach you How to hack Windows 7 Admin password without any third party software or any kind of installation disk. So, you don’t have to get prepared or get things ready to perform this hack. Windows is a very secure and powerful operating system which can abort all the attacks faced by it. It allows you to create a password to secure your user account. But wait, then how we are going to hack the system if it is so strong? hips:pandatals. wordpress com201S17/10how-io-hackvindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihoutany-sofwareandwltodinstallalonccresetdsh 18 zamnn017 Howto hack Windows 7,8, 8.1 & 10 Adriisiraor password wih and witha ary sotvare or instalation CO/Reset disk. | PANDA Talis (https://pandatalks files, word) ym/2015/07/161 ‘There's a back door from where you can hack Windows Admin password, follow these steps. This post is for educational purpose only and doesn’t support any kind of unauthorized access to anyone's computer. Method 1: Reset Windows & Password with iSeePassword Windows Password Recovery Pro When you forgot your Windows 7 password and you can’t access to your system, you tried to recall possible password and still not works. In fact, there are many chances and ways for you to recover your Windows login password. For starters, Windows 7 already has a built-in feature of resetting your disk which can be used to reset your password. One of the first things you have to do upon setting up your computer is creating a Windows 7 password reset disk. Many people choose not to do this or are not even aware of this Windows 7 feature. You only need to remember your Windows password reset disk to gain access to the Password Reset Wizard and create a brand new password. hips:pandatals wordpress com201S107/10how io-hack vindows-7-8-8 tadmiisralor-passwordwihoutany-sohwareandwithodnstallalonccresetdsh 2118 zanan0i7 Hot hck\Mindans 7.8.81 & 10 Adriistrateraaeevocd wth and what ary scare or installation CD/Reset isk | PANDA Tals Another way to reset your password if you have forgotten your Windows 7 password is by using iSeePassword Windows Password Recovery Pro, which can help you reset your admin or login password for Windows 7, 8 and 10 without system res-installation. Let’s see how to use it to Reset Windows 7 Admin or Login Password (http://www.iseepassword.com/how-to-reset- windows-7-password.htm]) Step 1. Download and install Windows 7 Password Genius on an accessible computer. Step 2. Insert a writable USB (CD/DVD drive) into the computer and select it from the drop-down list. Click Begin burning to create a Windows 7 password reset disk hips:pandatals wordpress com201S17/1Ohow-io-hack vindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-password-wihoutany-sohwareandwlthodnstallalonceresotdsh 18 zomano17 Howto hack Windows 7,8, 8.1 & 10 Adniisiraor password wh and without ar software or nstlaton C/Resel dick | PANDA Talis Step 3. Insert your created USB or DVD reset disk into your locked. computer, and reset the USB as the first boot order in the BIOS. It will oad the program and show all the account on your computer. Select ‘Windows 7 system and a user account that you hope to reset password in the user list, then click the password reset button to reset the password. ‘St Sets windows i Then reboot the computer and eject burned reset disk from locked computer, to finish Windows 7 password reset without disk and restart win 7 computer from the hard drive without the password. When you forgot Windows 7 login password hips:pandatals wordpress com201S07/1Ohow-io-hackvindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihout-any-sohwareandwlthodinstallalonceresetdsh 4/18 zomanot7 Howto hack Windows 7,8, 8.1 & 10 Adiistrater password with and wet ary sotvaro or instalation CO/Rosel disk | PANDA Tals (http://www, iseepassword.com/forgot-window: ssword.html) iSeePassword Windows Password Recovery Pro would be your best choice. Method 2- Without Using any Software © First, you need to give the Windows a hard shutdown. To do that, put the power off when the “Starting Windows” is active and in Windows 7 when the boot animation happens. (https://pandatalks files. wordpress.com/2015/07/20090111 (https://pandatalks. files. wordpress.com/2015/07/wojbw.png)*Windows 7 Windows 8 © The next time you start the PC, you must see a screen saying “Windows Error Screen” © Hit Enter on “Windows Startup Repair (recommended)” hips:pandatals wordpress com201S17/10how-io-hack vindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihoutany-sohwareandwltodinstallalonceresetdsK 8/18 zoaun017 Howto hack Windows 78, 8.18 10 Adriistrator password wih and wit ary software cr instalation CD/Rosol disk | PANDA Talis ee eae ar) oat (hitps://pandatalks.files. wordpress.com/2015/07/crack-a-windows-7- password-1-2,jpg) © Now you will jump into the Windows anda window “Startup Repair” will be there. Sea Your computer was unable to start Startup Repatis cheng your system for problens. Startup Repair Do you want to restore your computer using Syster ‘Startup Repai can ty to restore your computer to an eavierpointn tnorked correctly. ‘This repair ll not change personal data, butt might remove some progr vere insted receny. You cannat undo th restaraten (https://pandatalks files, wordpress.com/2015/07/crack-a-windows-7- password-1-3.jpg © Click on the ‘Cancel’ button, hipspandatals wordpress com201S17/10how-io-hack vindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihout-any-sohwareandwltodinstallalonceresetdsh 18 zanan0i7 Hot hck\Mindans 7.8.81 & 10 Adriistrateraaeevocd wth and what ary scare or installation CD/Reset isk | PANDA Tals © Wait until Windows has finished repairing your computer. ‘Attempting repairs’ will lash on your screen. It will not harm your personal files. Sons ‘Your computer was unable to start ‘Startup Repatis checking your system fr problems. problems are found, Startup Rep wi fic them automaticaly. Your computer might restart several tes dng this process. No changes willbe made to your personal ies or information, This might take several minutes, a ee | | (https://pandatalks.files, wordpress.com/2015/07/crack-a-windows-7- password-1-4 jpg © After the wait is complete, it will show “Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically.”. You have to click on View Problems little down arrow button. Eso = ‘Windows cannot repair this computer automatically ET = lx ‘Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically | hips:pandatals wordpress com201S17/10how io-hack vindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihout-any-sohwareandwltodinstallalonceresetdsh 7/18 zomanot7 Howto hack Windous 7,8, 8.1 & 10 Adriisiraor password wih and witha ary soar or instalation CO/Reset disk. | PANDA Tlie (https://pandatalks files, wordpress.com/2015/07/crack-a-windows-7- © Now, scroll down to bottom and there you see a link-label named ” vs) 32 \ en-US | " ‘Windows cannot repair ths computer atorticaly ssa our pivacy statement © Click on that label and Notepad will be opened with the error logs in it. © You don’t have to change anything in this. Just click ‘File’ and navigate to File > Open > Computer > Local Disk > Windows > System32. © Now, from the drop-down, change the Text Documents (*.txt) to All Files. hipspandatals wordpress com201S17/10how-io-hack vindovs-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihout-any-sohwareandwlthodinstallalonceresetdsK 18 zomano17 Howto hack Windovs 78, 8.1& 10 Adriisiraor password wih and witha ary sotvareo instalation CO/Reset disk. | PANDA Talis Fi est Fema we PAD fhttps://pandatalks.files. wordpress.com/2015/07/crack-a-windows-7- © There you will find an application named ‘Sethe’, rename it to sethe-bak, (or anything you feel like). Sethc is the file responsible for showing the Stick-keys message. I hope now you know what we are trying to do. on 55 Japon sia sone air 27papon sa 7/3/2008 514 hips:pandatals wordpress com201S0710how-io-hack vindovs-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihoutany-sohwareandwlthodinstallalonceresetdsh 18 zanan0i7 outback Windas 7, 88:18 10 Aristo petevord WE and wba ary soar of instalation CDRetel dk | PANDA Tas © Now, search ‘cmd’ and make a copy of it in the same directory. Tsao 550 7p S359 ‘7hsfam 550% 2rsnos 4m pop saa 7asnos sas 7137209 54 © And rename the copy to “Sethe”. Now whenever the sticky keys are enabled the CMD opens, with the Administrator privileges. @ sie 535 naps sisi nara 535 name 5149 eal nara 535m hips:pandatals wordpress com201S107/10how io-hack vindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihoutany-sohwareandwltodinstallalonceresetdsK 1018 zanan0i7 outback Windas 7, 88:18 10 Aristo petevord WE and wba ary soar of instalation CDRetel dk | PANDA Tas © Close all opened windows and select "Finish”. You're done! Now you just need to close out of all the opened windows and restart your computer. ‘Windows cannot repair this computer automatically (https://pandatalks. files. wordpress.com/2015/07/crack-a-windows-7- password-1-11.jpg) © When your computer is successfully restarted and you have the screen to choose the account, just press shift key five times. Instead of the Sticky Key window, CMD opens with administrator privileges. That's what we wanted. @ hips:pandatals wordpress com201S107/1Ohow io-hackvindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-password-wihoutany-sohwareandwltodinstallalonceresetdsh 118 znnn017 Howto hack Windows 78, 8.1 & 10 Adriistrator password wih and wit ary software cr instalation CD/Rosol disk | PANDA Talis < Li: are © Now you need to enter some commands by which you will be able to change the Admin password without knowing the current password. © Type “net user {username} *” without quotes and replace {username} with the admin username. Suppose the Admin's username is PANDA Talks then the command will be — net user PANDA Talks * Make sure you type a space between the username and the’*’, hips:pandatals wordpress com201S107/10how-io-hackvindows-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihout-any-sohwareandwlthodnstallalonceresotdsh 12/18 zonan017 Howto hack Windows 78, 8.1 & 10 Adriisrator password wih and wit ary soar cr instalation CD/Rosol disk | PANDA Tals © Now you will be asked to enter the new password for the user. Hit the keys of the password. Ya, you will not see the password typed in the cmd nor the dots, just nothing. Press enter after you put the password. © Now retype the exact password and hit Enter. © Ifeverything went fine, you will sce a message saying “The command completed successfully.” Close the Command Prompt after that. © Now type exit’ and hit enter. hips:pandatals wordpress com201S17/10how-io-hack vindovs-7-8-8 tadmiisralor-passwordwihout-any-sohwareandwltodnstallalonceresetdsK 1918 Howto hack Windows 78, 8.18 10 Adriisrator password wih and wit ary software or instalation CD/Rosol disk | PANDA Talis © Now click on the Admin icon and put the password you just entered in the cmd. © Here you Go! You have successfully broken into Windows. Congrats (https://pandatalks files, wordpress.com/2015/07/hack-like-pro-crash- your-roommates-windows-7-pe-with-link-1280x6001 jpg) hips:pandatals wordpress com201S107/10how io-hackvindows.7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihoutany-sohwareandwitodinstallalonceresotdsh 14/18 zomanot7 Howto hack Windows 7,8, 8.18 10 Adiistrator password with and et ary sotvaro cr instalation CD/Rosol disk. | PANDA Tals owssenens — AMAZONn BR Lenow K6 Note 4GB._Lenow K6 Note 368 Rs. 15,899.00 Rs. 14,410.00 otals + deve (etal + deliver Hi oe, aes 4account, 44pm Bop ADMINISTRATOR AND 4 BACK co" CHEAT, you jooot 2 * COMPUTER, CRACK DISK DOOR EASILY, HACK 4 How INSTALLATION @ raRTY FASS -ASSWORD ‘paaurt ROMPT giralk , “Pom STEPS RESET SOFTW: RE ve stant SE WITHOUT UT. 17 thoughts on “How to hack Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 Administrator password with and without any software or installation CD/Reset disk.” 1. amares FEBRUARY 3, 2016 AT 9:59 PM that only worked for windows7 REPLY 2. Craig SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 AT’ 8:34 PM ‘Thanks it was so AWESOME REPLY © VAibhav GArg OCTOBER 2, 2016 AT-3:52 PM ‘Your Most Welcome REPLY hips:pandatals wordpress com201S107/10how io-hackvindows.7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihoutany-sotwareanduwltodnstallalonceresotdsh 18/18 zanan0i7 Hot hck\Mindans 7.8.81 & 10 Adriistrateraaeevocd wth and what ary scare or installation CD/Reset isk | PANDA Tals 3. chadzink EPTEMBER 25, 2016 AT 10:58 PM Ok I've tried using this and when I restarted the computer pushing the shift key 5 times does nothing. I would get into details of why T need to do this but it’s personal. A friend died and his wife doesn’t know the password for the computer. The disc drive isn’t working right now for some reason so I can’t do anything that way. She wanted me to try to get into the computer without restoring the software. It has windows 7. REPLY © VAibhav GArg BER 2. 2016 AT 3:56 PM Please read all the mentioned steps carefully. It will definitely ‘work on Windows 7. I wish I could use that PC physically to help you. REPLY 4. Mikhel OCTOBER 4, 2016 AT 5:38 AM I tried it but after clicking cancel when it asks me if I want to restore my PG, it takes a while and then presents me with a window saying that everything went as expected, there's no window saying that it couldn’t be done so I am not presented with the log to click on the X:\ link NOVEMBER 1, 2016 AT 10:43 AM Yes Mikhel, it happens when Windows finds some issues and fixes them. Try it once again and it will work @ Rl 5. ankit OCTOBER 16, 2016 AT 1:11 PM Wall too have a trick to bypass admin password.....only follow simple steps 1 follow this site's tutorial until u reach system file. 2 then in that file copy cmd file in other folder. 3.cut Utilman file form system 32 folder and paste anywhere . 4, now rename copied cmd file as ‘Utilman’ as it is and place it in same system 32 folder. now the hack begins. start windows until u see log in screen. click button at bottom left side it will open cmd. XY now follow regular hack with net user. as described in site this is quite easy trick which has worded many times with me. hips:pandatals wordpress com201S07/10how-io-hack vindovs-7-8-8 tadniisralcr-passwordwihoutany-sohwareandwlthodnstallalonceresetdsh 16/18 zomanot7 Howto hack Windows 7,8, 8.1 & 10 Adiistrater password with and wet ary sotvaro or instalation CO/Rosel disk | PANDA Tals REPLY © VAibhav GArg NOVEMBER 1, 2016 AT 10:26 AM This trick is completely same, we use the same backdoor but with a different file REPLY 6. ragia NOVEMBER 1, 2016 AT 4:46 AM We have to click on which disk and after that i was not getting folder sethe REPLY © VAibhav GArg NOVEMBER 1, 2016 AT 10:16 AM We are changing the system files so itis the disk on which the Windows is installed. Generally, it is the Drive C://, but it depends on the system. REPLY 7. billz NOVEMBER 16, 2016 Does it work in wind too? 10:19 PM REPLY © VAibhav GArg DECEMBER 25, 2016 AT’ 8:22 PM ‘This method is only for Windows. REPLY 8. vinod NOVEMBER 18, 2016 Thanks a lot... but how can i apply this on laptop. ..beoz it don’t have power cable to hard shutdown... plz tell me... Thanks again., REPLY © VAibhav GArg DECEMBER 25, 2016 AT 8:19 PM You can hard reset your device. Just pull the battery out when the Starting Windows screen comes up. REPLY 9. Khlorine ‘NOVEMBER 28, 2016 AT 6:40 AM Do you need a reset disk in order to do this? (Meaning a copy of window8/etc) And does this procedure erase any personal files REPLY ° VAibhav GArg hips:pandatals wordpress com201S17/10how-io-hack vindovs-7-8-8 tadmiisraor-passwordwihout-any-sohwareandwltodnstallalonceresotdsK 17/18 zanan0i7 Hot hck\Mindans 7.8.81 & 10 Adriistrateraaeevocd wth and what ary scare or installation CD/Reset isk | PANDA Tals DECEMBER 25, 2016 AT 8:21 PM No, this method does not require any sort of PD/CD/DVD, you just need physical access to the PC. No, it will not erase any data. REPLY BLOG AT WORDPRESS.COM. hips:pandatals wordpress com201S17/10how-io-hackvindows-7-8-8 tadmiisracr-password-wihoutany-sofwareandwlthodnstallalonceresetdsh 18/18

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