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Coaching Call 1:
December 28, 2012

Copyright 2012
By Max Persuasion and Kenrick Cleveland.
Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

Kenrick: Alright, Good Morning Everybody. This is Kenrick and this is our first
coaching call for the dark side of covered hypnosis and it is happening right now,
December 28, 2012. Wow, am I ever excited in doing this call with you guys, this is
really fun.

I am, beside myself, Ive been so excited for this to happen, I cant even tell you and
Im really looking forward to the additional calls as we move forward and away we
go. This going to be great. Remember that, you know, the real goal of this is not
really, you know, to answer the questions and all but its really to coach you to be
better at this and to use it affectively and powerfully in every possible way were
going to be working together for a few months on this you know, so the more you
participate, the more we all, you know, really win here.

I learn so much, you know, reading from the questions you asked in working
together so its really nice. You know, also I was just thinking yesterday what a
wonderful gift this is for you as we start 2013. And Ill tell you, my ability with
influence jumped hugely as I begin to practice hypnosis. As you know, in reality,
everything I do, I consider hypnosis as it relates to getting yeses.

It all has its center; its core is based in hypnosis. All of the, for example, the
persuasion factor, is really about conversational hypnosis, thats really it is. I just
took out all the lingo many years ago and everything I do is relatively lingo-less.

But, you know, I think its a wonderful thing for you to practice. I do want to tell you
as well as we jump in to all of this together, you know, its one thing to hear me do it,
its another thing to read about it, its another thing to watch and listen. To it being
done but none of that will help you as much as you actually going out and doing this

Right, you can talk about it all by yourself, you can imagine, you can imagine you got
someone in front of you. You can do the trance as if they were there, you know, and
all of those things are good. But if none of that works as well as what will happen for
you when you actually do this with someone whos working with you.

So, I hope you actually take the time to, you know, to really go through and do it.
Okay, Ive got a message that I am not being heard. Can anybody hear me? If you can
hear me would you press start two to raise your hand? Okay, Im being heard.
Alright, thank you guys, I appreciate it, I just want to make sure Im being heard.

So, let me lower the hands now so I know that, but thank you for doing that, it helps
a lot. Alright, so as I was saying, I really want you to, let me just make sure that I.
alright, so what I was trying to get across there is that it is really important that you
actually do this with a real live person. Thats really important. We need to do it and
do it again. And I dont care of you are not going to be doing this on a regular basis if
your goal is not to be doing hypnosis all the time. You know, there are some people I
know, that they just want the latest, greatest, best that they can possibly be and they

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

want to have a secret weapon in the event that they, you know, want to go, into a
dark side application or something.

Well, I agree and most of this people are going to be doing this to benefit them in
getting yeses. Fantastic! You still need to absolutely do this work and you need to do
it with a real live person and you need to do it over and over again.

Right, every time you need to one of this, especially this is an advanced course. You
guy already have, you now, the equivalent, at least the persuasion factor and many
of you far beyond looking at least the of you on the call right now and you know
most everybody that I see here has a tremendous background.

So, you are going to find when you start applying the actual skills of hypnosis in live,
you now, live with a person. Your skills ware going to sky rocket and Im excited
about that for you.

Alright, so lets move on and let me go to some of the questions that we have as we
start our coaching here. So, alright, the first one is from Desmond. He says, Hi
Kenrick, youve talked about standardizing anchors. Is it possible to over use my
own anchors or dilute it by adding additional states on it?

Okay, yes, it is possible to over sue an anchor. Now let me explain to you what I
mean by that, Im not sure if it is the same as what you mean by that. Lets say that I
create an anchor of rapport. Lets say its a wave of my hand and Im going to use
this one with a persons eyes open, let e say its a different one, le say its a touch on
the shoulder.

Okay, so its a touch on the shoulder and Im doing with a persons eyes open or
close in and out of trance. Okay, so Ive got it. I know it works. I can fire it off right
now and see that it works. I can see them have rapport. Now, lets say, fifteen
minutes later I say something like, Can you believe how stupid this race of people
is? And so happens that, you know, their husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, is of
that race, what a stupid thing anyone could say anyway.

And I see that I begin to lose rapport with them right? So I reach over and touch
them at the shoulder. Okay, thats going to help a lot. May bring them all the way
back in rapport with you. However, you have now weakened the anchor. Youve
done the equivalent of collapsing it by firing it against something where you needed
to have.

In other words, anytime you need an anchor, you know, what you are firing it
against is going to weaken it. So you need to again go back and strengthen the
anchor again a number of times and then youll have it strong and youll be able to
go out and keep using it.

So, if you kept firing it and firing it and you didnt strengthen it. You will in fact be
diluting it overtime and maybe almost immediately. So, you need to take a look. Lets

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

say on the other had the anchor is a, how to I put it, on the fork, you have at least;
lets say, four times, you have four different prongs coming out of the fork. And so,
lets say that the two in the middle, theyre going in the same direction, well they are
going in the same direction really but they are going in the same direction.

So, you know, of you were feeling for example, love and I wanted you to feel, caring,
for example, I could fire off the caring anchor and yes its going to and this is really
watering it down. Its kind of; its going to in a same direction. It has a less of a
watering effect. However, I still suggest that you to restrengthen your anchors from
time to time.

In other words, I would keep on making them stronger. I mean that would help you
a lot. Now, you go on and say or dilute it by adding states to it. Lets say I want to
come up with a very unique state. Lets say, so I want to have you, have a
tremendously, powerfully, open mind. So, I might want to elicit something thats
absolutely true. And I, anchor that. Now, I want to add to that, lets say. A state of
being wonderfully curious, like, Wow, whats that about. Okay, so I combine that
with absolutely true. And do you see what that does? Im combining, absolutely true
with an open minded curiosity so whatever it is that Im firing it may, you know, is
going to have a greater chance of being accepted.

Look at the unconscious learning sessions that, you know, in other programs that
you have of mine. And you know, with those, for example, Im firing the no longer
true but used to be to get rid of a bad thing or something that is absolutely true to
help wire in a good thing you know, like using the skills, or what have you. So it
helps tough, and we suggest that, you know, every so often, at least you go back to
the conditioning sessions so you get better at it. So that hopefully makes sense.

So, hopefully you are, you know, that helps. So you can stack these things, as what I
call them, to make a more powerful and a more unique one. You can certainly do
that. And its extremely powerful and extremely helpful. And I would still even make
that stronger from time to time.

I think this are all, I hope its answering your question. I hope that helps to give you
a direction. Okay, by the way, I want to recommend another thing for everybody as
we go through these coaching calls.

When you submit your question, its good to tell me your name. But would you
preface the question like, dont say my name if you dont want me to say your name.
And because I didnt tell you that I would go ahead and not say name from here out.
In the event that you have a real heavy duty question that you want to ask, and you
dont want it associated with your name, thats fine. You can even come on and ask
me additional questions about it. You can say that one person had a question about
whatever, so I want this to be something that you can absolutely participate in and
not worry about people knowing tour name.

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

You can ask me anything you want about this course and I want you to be able to do
it n absolute comfort. So, lets go to the next one.

The next question says, Why would you not prefer someone in a full blown trance
in order to manipulate them if at that point they are so suggestible to you? Okay,
thats a good question. So there would be reasons to not induce a very profound
trance. And those reasons would largely add up to things like you dont have a
relationship established for full blown trance and you are doing things

So, I might start by conversationally suggesting to them that there are ways that we
can work together powerfully that they would really enjoy and we may want to
transition to that down the road if they would like, you know, and I would be
inferring and talking about working with them in trans. So, if I were just doing it
conversationally, I might want to establish enough of a trance that theyre more
suggestible but not so much that they go Oh my god, Im sitting in this party and Im
completely knocked out, whats going. You know, their alert triggers might get
triggered. Okay, and now if you did it with a panel interrupt, well their alert triggers
may not yet triggered. But Ive done enough panel interrupts to know that if it scares
them in some way, they might react with a fighter flight type of mechanism.

So, I used to walk down in the middle of a big city at lunch time and everybody is
pouring out of the office building and standing on street corners and I would walk
right up to someone and Id look at them and say, and I would hit in front of my head
and Id say Oh, youre um, Im sorry Im Kenrick. And Id stick my hand out and
they would go Oh, theyd put their hand out and Id stick a hand out on their face
and Id say Look at your hand. And I would just be quiet and see how they
responded. A few percentages of them, ripped their hands out of their face, looks at
me like I was the devil himself, and took off.

It didnt happen very often but depending on how you do it and what the context is
there can be a bit of a fighter flight response. So if youre in a middle of a party and
its a real high falutin Hollywood party for example and you walk around sticking
peoples hands up to their face you might not go over real well. On the other hand,
theres other ways you could do that. Okay, so youll have to get creative.

Alright, the next question, is, said, Are you saying bring them out of trance after
youve developed a deep connection? Wow, I dont understand that, I dont know,
can you give me more contexts when you ask me something like that.

So, let me try to imagine what youre asking me. If I induce trans, and I ran a
connection pattern on them, the one that I gave to he who shall remain nameless
those of you whod probably know when I worked with a slime ball many many
years ago , in the seduction world, that I gave a pattern that became known as the
instantaneous connection pattern.

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

And so lets say you were to, so I gave it to this guy, and I was just playing with him
and I he transcribed it and came out with then with the instantaneous connection
pattern. Any of that, whatever. Im sure hes changed and become a wonderful
human being since then. But in any event , the point is that when I ran a pattern with
someone, you know in a trans, theres no need to bring them out in a trans after I did
that like to prove it worked or to theres no real reason to do it, I just ran it. Now
why I would want to bring him out of trans is to use the fractionation strategies that
is simply putting someone into a trans and then bringing them out and suggesting at
the deepest part of the trans that every time you put them in a trans theyre going to
go in deeper and faster and more profoundly than the time before.

And you can make that sound logical by the way and by saying Of course that
makes sense because every time you do something it gets easier, you learn it better.
So lets practice this a little bit. Lets come on back out and by the way another way
to make trance deeper is to really talk about the difference between what it feels like
to be in a trance and what it feels like to be out in a trans. The transition out.

So, I like to say the words, as you begin the transition back to normal consciousness
and you begin to think about what a profound difference you experience when
youre in a very profound altered state like you are now and you can go ahead and
begin to transition. You might want to re speed up your breathing. You might want
to bring some tension back to your muscles. You might want to begin to imagine
yourself taking a rather long walk, you know, maybe climbing up a ladder back up to
a full waking consciousness and as you do that you notice that theres such a
gigantic difference between the two.

So when you talk like that you also help reinforce the difference between, where
they are were and where they are going. Okay, that will help you a lot too. Then
when you get them back up to normal consciousness then distract them by talking
about something irrelevant and then say hey well you might be able to get them to
stand up, say Lets stand up for a moment, turn around, got your balance real
good? Okay, great Well that implies that maybe they wouldnt have their balance as
well before. All this kinds of things are like proof points that help people to see what
youre doing. Okay, not to see what youre doing but to see that they had something
that was really profound. Then you put them back into trans. Okay, so fire off the
trans anchor , notice that I am doing my unconscious learning sessions right, that I
always start with what I call a trans bell.

So, when you had them in a trance , you say , every time I say the word whatever ,
and you know, you could even say if you want to do it like this , every time you see
me and I say the word whatever it is, youll immediately sit down if youre not
already and go into a very deep and profound trans.

So, you say, alright , lets go and begin again. Whats nagamobble, whatever your
word is or your anchor is, right, and they sit down if theyre not and immediately go
back down and you say, you know and encourage them, support them as they do it

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

thats right, excellent, thats working really, really well, fantastic , and as you
imagine yourself now, going back down to that journey again to get right where you
where this time notice that this happens quick and you just take a breath and let
everything relax, youll notice youre muscle relaxing, youll notice youre breathing
relaxing and youve taken them back down again. And do that five or six times with

Each time they go, you will see that they go deeper, in fact remember that in fact in
one of the videos that you have up to this point, I think I was working with a guy
named Dennis, he was the clotty guy and after taking him in and out a couple of
times he goes wow, yeah that was really something So, but it took a few times to
really get him in a deep place. I would do that; there is a reason to do depth training
like that. And I would be doing a lot of it and I would do it, say, five or six time with
someone and on our next session Id do it again.

Maybe on your next session, Id do it again. Right and well talk about that as we go
through the program. Ill go into that further.

Alright, lets go to the next question, same person asks Could you drop something
into their unconscious, inception style then bring out and suggest away with deep
rapport a way to manifest it. Would that be any better than doing it all in a deep

Wow, I dont understand unconscious inception style. Inception. Reminds me of

insemination, I realize theyre not the same. But I dont understand what youre
asking me. Can you drop something into their unconscious, inception style, then
bring them out and suggest a way of deep rapport as a way to manifest it. You know
Im sorry I dont, I cant even quite imagine what youre asking.

I think youre saying, bring them out and suggest a way. Somebody has their hand
up so I dont know if this is the person who did it, you dont have to admit it. But if
you have any insight about it, let me open up the call for you and lets interact.

So, the call is live for the person who raised your hand.

Kenrick: Hello

Caller: Hello

Kenrick: Yes I can hear you, go ahead.

Caller: yes, can you hear me?

Kenrick: I can hear you. Yes, go right ahead.

Caller :I believe, the question I believe is in reference to a movie. There was a movie named

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

The Inception. And the premise of the movie was they were actually going back in
peoples dreams and they were actually the intent behind the word inception is to
go in their dreams ort their unconscious and place an idea but then they believe
grows and origin has originated in their own self conscious as suppose to somebody
else placing it there.

Kenrick: Okay

Caller: So thats actually in reference to the movie itself.

Kenrick: Okay, I got it. Im going to put you on mute for a few seconds so I can answer. Ive
noticed something a little strange and that is when I talk and someone else talk at
the same time, it cancels my microphone, I dont know if its the adjustment that
had to make but in any event , but Ill bring you back and make sure that Im
to the issues.

Yes, I understand what youre saying. I think there is some value, Ive seen that as
well by the way and I think there is some reality to that. I think they took the
Hollywood style further than reality because if I remember right, the dreamer,
would, you know, the person who was going to install that, would enter the mind of
the dreamer and enter into the dreams and then put things, they build a whole
elaborate scenarios that they would take the dreamer into and that they would
enter with them etc.etc.

So, let me give you the modern reality version of that, or the reality version of that is
lets say, Im dealing with an executive. Okay, and I might, I know that this guy has a
certain history as a result of being an executive. I know that he is used to making
decisions, theres a lot of things like that. So the metaphors that Im going to tell him,
the stories that Ill talk about, the things Im going to do with him will all be centered
around whats real for him.
If I told him stories about, tearing apart engines on tractors and that kind of things.
Lets say he has no experience with it whatsoever. That would might be less
impactful. Then again if I talked about how gears work together for good or they
grind themselves into nothingness and the car stops that would be understood too.
But I would use my stories and my way of speaking and understanding in his model
of the world to be able to insert something into that model of the world that make

Now when we get into a little bit later in the course, we will be talking about
installing secondary personalities and other personalities etc. and this other
personalities can be built of a childhood friend as an example. These personalities
can be built into full on functioning personalities. Full on functioning people with a
great division between each personalities. So, yes, to answer as simply as, I hope this
answers it, Im going to bring you back here in just a few seconds and get ready and

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

come back and talk with me. But the point is that since we are dreaming the dream
with the dreamer, we cant do the exact same thing.

So, using this strategy that we are talking about in this program, Ive given you the
way to do that. Now there are other strategies. There are people who can dream
with the dreamer. And they can do these things. That goes far more into the realm of
psychic manipulations so to speak or metaphysical manipulations and it is
absolutely possible. It is one hundred percent, absolutely possible.

But we wont really be getting into that as much here. It requires a whole different
set of skills. Im going to bring you back on and open up the line for you again. And
see if that handled it. So you should be live now, go ahead, did that helped?

Caller: Well if you are speaking to me, I actually raised my hand to provide you an insight
The Inception reference that was not actually my question.

Kenrick: Thats fine.

Caller: I can understand your question but that wasnt my question being answered here.

Kenrick: Well, great. Thank you so much for bringing me that additional clarity. Cause I had
forgotten the name of it. And which I tend to do and that helped a lot, because I did
see that
Movie. I really appreciate it, thank you so much.

Alright, put it back to mute.

Lets go on. We have more questions. This is so fun. I love having questions.

Alright, Ive watched a couple of hypnotic programs recently. The first was of Derren
Brown in the UK and the second was on The Discovery Channel curiosity series
which looked like trying to copy Derrens format. If anybody has any of this, if you
have happened to record it, we will give u a way to upload it and I would love to
make that available for our group.
I do realized that, that maybe causing some conflict with certain things but even if
we make it available for a short period of time, for people to see that would be
pretty interesting or if you can reference where we might go and find it to se it.

Okay, you say, at first before we may go further, whatsoever. As good as Derren
Brown is and as interesting and a s entertaining he is to watch, I will tell you that a
lot of what he does is trickery. And so, he is adept, a very adept at using full out
trickery. And so, you know, everything from mentalist to strategist to you knows all
kinds of stuff. What he does can have some, I may actually post a video for you folks
that Ive got and It would be private for this group and I would probably leave it up
for long but I might try and see if I can arrange and try to do that.

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

In any event, it does work. Okay, like the video that Ill try to find it, it does work. Its
called the heist. And it does work. And these people were really messed with in the

Then again, he is not, in all above, equivalent just simply putting in a stooge in the
middle of things that is going to go along with whatever he says has agreed even
consciously to do that and the there he goes. And he will work with people before
the show and often times repeatedly and then act again as if he is just catching them
in a phone booth and you know, he is able to say one word to them and drop them
right into a deep trance. Well, that is really easy to do if youve worked with
someone for ten sessions before hand, right. So, he could even make them looked
surprised. So, dont take any of Derren Brown or any emulator of him work does and
think its the gospel. It can be done with enough understanding of the additional
trickery etc. And you can use that kind of trickery in all that we will be doing as well.

Okay, so, alright, well go on to your question. On both programs, the hypnotist has
produced post hypnotic phenomena on more and more extreme levels which led up
to the big one. I think doing that might bring trust to a level where they would go
along in pretty much anything you say. Will you stop and comment.

Absolutely, anything at all that build from one thing to the next will in fact be
increasing the trust levels as well. Okay, and thats absolutely true. There is the case
of the girl that worked for the CIA and she was a performer and the case of, I got the
book here somewhere and I dont see it in front of me. The CIA, she would travel
when she would go and meet with her CIA handler, she dropped right into a trance
and regurgitate whatever shed memorize to tell them to bring back. And in that way
she was able to really help them.

And they used her big time. She had no clue that she was actually doing that kind of
stuff. Candy Jones was her name. But there are other examples of , where a woman
was put into a trance by a con artist/hypnotist who was able to built her out of
money by making for example her arm locked up and not being able to move. He
made her, she gave her pain said it would get worst until her husband paid money
and that was really interesting too. But one of the things he got to was to be a
prostitute for him.

So he would turn her into a slave basically and he would give the command words
hed installed to a friend of his that would have fun with her through the night and
did bunk her memory of it. The thing of it is, theyve found out about it. You know,
they got a real expert to go in and systematically work with her many many many
many sessions and systematically figure out what the con artist did. The con artist
wasnt using as good of technology as the investigator was using who was highly

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

Okay, so, it will in fact build trust. And you can in fact get people do the ultimate.
However, there are other elements that play there. But I will go along the general
idea youre saying. Alright, all the suggestions of the program were done in a deep
trance and seemed like they are building reliance like blind faith.

Yes, that is right. That how cults do it as well. You talk about going against real and
though out values and the guy in the curiosity program was mortified by what he
had done which would suggest he want again some deep values. Do I have this right?

Lets take a look at a guy who would consider himself to be, well relatively moral,
right. He just like to go out and get drunk on the weekends. And it pretty much
seems that on the weekends he does go out and get drunk. And then occasionally,
cant remember what happened when he got drunk. But later, he finds out that he
was in party that turned into a devolved into, you know, everybody having sex with
everyone and yet hed hardly believed it when youve told him later. Hed I didnt
do that, I didnt go to some orgy, that never happened This happens all the time ask

Women will go out, theyll get drunk. Theyll say how they are prim and proper and
theyll go out and get drunk and have a nice evening and the next day theyll forget
all about it. Because they cant, they would like to be able to do that but in their
conscious state they cant allow themselves to do it. So the way they do that is to get
drunk, and they open themselves up to be able to experience what they want, and
men do it as well. Im not picking just to women. This is a rather classic thing that

So, you absolutely can use drugs and alcohol with hypnosis and if were talking
about the real dark side of it and we are you can absolutely use the two together.
The CIA has used drugs for many many years to induce trance to give people
examples of completely dissociated trance and then build all kinds of things to
people and then wipe their memory of it.

There is a drug in Colombia; its actually a tree that grows. The drug is produced that
it is so powerful that it completely removes will. I am blown away by the reports of
this drug that I have read. All you have to do is get a little bit of it on the person you
want to influence; you blow it on them, if I understand it right. And they will
completely do whatever you tell them and ask them to do and they will be, their
eyes will be awake and if you say pull out your wallet and give me all the money in
it they would gladly do it. If you say go to the ATM machine with me and take out
everything you can theyll go ahead and do it.

There have been reports. Verified reports, of people going out and burglars coming
in a persons house blowing a little bit of this on them. And then saying, great, I
want you help me pack up all of your house. And they pack up the whole house and
help them and they put everything into a truck and the truck drives away. They told

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

the person, theyd take him out and put him in a park and tell him to go to sleep and
when you wake up youll forget about all of this. And they do.

However, it so happen that there was a security camera that caught all of this and
the person wakes up and they go back to their house and everythings gone. They
file a police report and the police get a hold of the security tape and it shows them
helping these people pack up everything and move everything to the truck and help
them drive away.

And they just cant believe it. So, I will tell you that there is far less going on with
real deeply seeded values that you might believe. What there is, what you need to do
to help get pass in anything like that is a good reason why.

Okay, a good reason why can get a pass a lot of this kind of things. For example, an
overused example but we will be using this and talking about it a lot. Im referring
to, you want to get someone shoot someone? Probably easy. Gives them a knife,
gives the attacker a knife and have tem actually cut the arm of a person. And then
stop for a moment, gives the person who was being cut a gun, and then point it at
the attackers head and say Shoot him, hes going to cut your arm off and then kill

The person will shoot right on the spot. Okay, so, you know, I mean you give them
enough reason why, you can create most of the result you want. Now, imagine if you
have installed the personality in the person that you were able to access and that
personality you installed was immoral. It didnt have any morals. It only looked out
to get that person ahead and the handler you, ahead.

Uh huh, okay. Hope that helps.

Moving on, next question. Hey man, turns out eleven eastern looks like a bad time
for you but Im sending out this email question at the last minute. Ive seen the three
videos so far and interestingly find it easier to integrate hypnotic language patterns
into my everyday conversations. Yes, thats the ticket. Youre doing it right.

I want to start in something simple. Ive hired an artist to do a commission for me

but she says artistically shes been slumping. Nagging would clearly get me
nowhere, I thought of mentioning the circadian rhythms which cause you to feel
drowsy and alert indifferent points of the day linking that to her experience in
mentioning that its okay to go in a slump and naturally come out of it. Also, the
divorcing the experiences of slumping from her identity .Could you give me an
example pattern on that idea that I could tweak as necessary

Certainly. So you now, one of the things that Ive found. You know, you say that
youre in a slump and you know, I know thats how you felt. The thing that Ive found
because Im a musician. Ive started in second grade and I played, well I started in
first grade with piano, I didnt do well with that, Im regretting it now. And then in

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second grade I went to trombone and then by the time I was freshmen in high
school, I went to guitar. In fact I had a scholarship to a University with principal
trombonist in their touring symphony if I would go, I ended up not doing that.

But in any event, one of the things that Ive found is that you dont really make
steady progress with music. It doesnt really happen. Now it does if you look back
over lets say, a years time, you can see that you have gotten better. It happens like
this, you work like crazy to get ahead. You know, you just seem like you cant.

You know, youre working on a triplet, for example, taaat..taat..taaaat, for example
you are doing it on trombone, and you have to teach your tongue and go,
taa...taaat..kaataaat..ta..kaand the tough part is sort of back in the back of your
mouth a little bit and you have to learn to get the taaa..taaa..ka..taaa..tata ka.You
have to get that to the front of your mouth to get the triplets fast or doubles
tat..ta..ta..ta..ta or thats just using the T sound or you can but you can go taka..taka
and then you go so much faster taka..takatakalike that. And that comes across to
the instrument.

Okay, when you first start doing it, trust me try it, youd go taka..taka..takaand
thats about how fast you can go for a while and you go
takatakatakata..ta..ta..taand you stumble all over yourself. Right, but you
keep doing it and you keep doing it and finally you just say thats enough! Man, my
tongue hurts, my mouth hurts, Im so sick of it and Im not going anywhere and you
walk away.

The next morning you get up and then you go taka..Takataka..takwow! And you
all of a sudden start to get it. Over a period of a couple of months of practice and you
can do it like a real pro. And all of a sudden you can stick your horn up into your
mouth and wow youre tripleting with the best of them.

Okay, so what happens is you go on cycles. You go up and then youre practicing
something thats hard, too hard that you cant get it and so you drop off. Right and
you kind of cycle down and then after a little bit the cycle turns and you might not
even know it. And all of a sudden the creativity and the ability merges with the
technicality and all masterpieces start becoming produced now.

Ill tell you that have worked so well for me and you know what, that worked for me
over the years as I got into teaching the strategist skills. You know I found the same
thing was actually happening and I recognized it and I started using it to my
advantage. And you know what, the students that Ive worked with, the same things

And so, great! Well you know what, Ive learned to just enjoy the down period.
Because I know, its probably going to be a day or sometimes maybe two at the most
and all of a sudden it just comes and enforce.

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So, that way I can start to feel really good and I dont have to put such pressure on
myself and allow myself time for cycling. Alright, by the way, it has sometime when I
ride a bike too.

Alright, so all of that was for the purpose of example. Okay, so you can bake and
tweak and maneuver anything that you want.

Alright, the next person actually says I would appreciate it if you didnt say my
name for my question. Its personal. Thank you. I appreciate that. I will try not to
say your name, Robert. No, Im just kidding.

Here we go, How did you help the woman who has pre-orgasmic create change
Every guy on this call wants to know that. How did you help the woman who has
pre-orgasmic create change I am not telling likewise how would you help a man
create change to maintain an erection I dont know. I never had a problem not
being able to maintain one myself. So, I dont know how to help you with that. Im
just kidding. At least, on the first one.

Ill tell you how I did this with the woman. First, of all I controlled my brain and I
you know, I decided not to take it in a way that was exciting to me. So, I just started
to evaluate, you know, what this was. So I began to tell stories about things that I
know could cause women to have difficulty. As stress, tension, inability to relax. And
this question is an adult question, so Im going to respond in an adult manner.

So, all those 18 years or younger, please close your ears although we dont have
anyone 18 years or younger, I dont think. But, what I did is I set up idio-motor
Signals, for Yes and No. And I started talking about sexual experiences. I talked
about being tensed and stress and she indicated Yes, that was an issue.

So I began giving her suggestions on how to relax like she was right then and there
in an altered state. That altered state is a sense of relaxation and she could bring
that same relaxation to her sexual experience in the future. When the sexual
experience is going to begin, she could see it in the look that her lover would give

That her husband - to - be would give her. With the tone in his voice, touch that he
might give her and that would also equally be a signal for her to relax just like she
was in the session as we were speaking. And so, I began to link those things up for
her. I also talked about how often women are conditioned to believe that orgasm
was suppose to be a vaginal event.

And that for many, it was more of a clitoral event. And that she needed to, by the
way, she responded Yes to that as well. And so, I was able very indirectly to give
metaphors and suggestions and I was able to learn that she was okay with
masturbating. And so, I gave suggestions of crossing that over into her lovemaking
with her husband-to-be and that she could indulge in that with him and show him

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how to do it and that could heighten their lovemaking even more and bring her right
to the verge and actually help her cross that gap right on into orgasm during the
actual making love itself.

I simultaneously used stories and suggestions to eliminate guilt with that because a
lot of people have a sense of guilt with it. So I did that as well.

And I then ask her to imaging a time with her husband-to-be. And asked her to
imagine, you know, relaxing as she saw her and felt the signals that indicated that
this is going to take place. To fully give her consent for it. And if she was, you know,
if the timing or what have you was not correct for her to feel comfortable
withholding consent.

You know, for her to feel to suggest and alternative time. And, that once I got her to
be able to imagine, giving her consent freely and also suggesting alternative times, I
proceeded to ask her to imagine the event happening and unfolding with the
relaxation she was looking to have and also with the clitoral stimulation that she
was going to have. I could absolutely tell that at that time that it was having an
impact and I very strategically kept myself incredibly dissociated.

I imagine myself, imagining myself, imaging myself, imagining myself doing that
session. And so I could stay myself the hell out of it. But that is how I did it. I
repeated the visualizations repeatedly and you know, she was very open, I might
add, in trance, this would be a good example of a, you know, values, I am relatively
certain, that have I wished to drop my values, I probably could have experience
more, that however is not worth it on a professional level.

But, on a personal level, could have absolutely worth it. I would have been happy
doing that all day long. But, on a professional level its not worth it. If you are a
therapist, dont just go there.

But you can certainly do what I did. You can certainly help people if feel thats
appropriate. You know, and there are many therapists that do specialize on that
kind of thing.

So in any event, I was able to then see with the Idio-motor signals that she was able
to do that. She did feel confident in her ability and at that point I told her that a lot of
this would be best left at the unconscious level to be fired and to be acted upon as
the situations unfold in her life.

And thats just what I did. And when she woke up. She was able to look at me in the
face without any discomfort but I think thats because I really, didnt let it
consciously surface. And I think thats why. So, also had been extraordinarily
honorable with her. So you know, that I think also helped her feel really good and
really confident.

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And that was it. That was the last I saw her. So there we go. I hope that helped.

As to helping a man, I cant imagine a man you know, I cant imagine a man that
would have an issue with this. With not wanting to have better sex. Now I can
imagine a man not wanting to have his woman help him to have better sex. Because
that would be like admitting that he has a problem or an issue maybe. So, you know,
if a woman wanted to have better sex with a man, it might be better to have
someone else do that work.

However, another thing that you might be able to do is without broaching the issue
of sex whatsoever. If a woman wanted to do this, is, you might, do a lot of hypnotic
work that has nothing to do with sex whatsoever. And get the person to the point
where you are able to talk about and do things, and have them do things in a trance
that they no longer remember.

I would suggest that you get them to a point where you can, with post hypnotic
suggestion get them to do, in their waking life, at a pre set trigger, go into a trance,
for example, send you an email message and then delete the trace of the email
message and then deny any knowledge of doing so.

And, youre going to test that by saying hey, I got your email message the other day,
I really appreciate it. What email message, I didnt send you an email message. If
you get them to the point of being able to do that, okay, the you have got them into a
very sophisticated ability with amnesia.

At that point, induce trance, do what youve got to do to help them. And Ill give
some ideas and suggestion in a minute. Okay and then blank conscious memory of it.
Set up a very strong post hypnotic suggestion that when sex begins they will then
carry out all this things.

I would, here again, youll remember what I did with the woman and you want to do
some similar things. You might want to set up idio-motor responses to yes and no.
Finger moving on yes with one hand and the other hand are moving for no or the
same hands or the index finger moving or the little finger moving. Index for yes and
the little finger for no, whatever you like.

Sometimes, a nod with their head. I sometimes, would say this to a person You
know, you can think an answer and demonstrate that, you know, we all have
experiences like that in have conversation with someone we sometimes nod our
heads for yes without even thinking about that and we shake our heads for no, you
know what I mean? And just wait and be quiet. Sometimes, we move a finger and we
dont even know it. We dont really know what finger were moving.

But it happens to be consistent all the time and because youre unconscious makes
that happen. Now, so, you know what I mean. And you may see a finger jerk or you
may see the head not. And then you would really go Thats right, thats exactly

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right. And as I talk, youll feel signal. You know and we can have a conversation
between your unconscious, you and me all the time.

While your conscious mind goes off and involves itself in something, altogether
different, maybe recalling fun chess game you were involved in the past or a fun
movie youve watched. And you watched it over and over while you and I talked at
the unconscious level like this now.

Okay, so then, suggestions for that kind of sex stuff, you want to talk to a guy about
not being a, getting a degree of excitement, feeling a warmth in their body, might
really be helpful. You know, all of those kinds of things you could talk about having
an excitement build. But that levels of f somewhere between, rock solid erection and
desire for the ultimate result. You could talk about mediating their desire so that
they are able to maintain it.

You can also do time in distortion, so it seems like its been hours going by and they
are just enjoying that rock solid feeling and engaging in that activity. So thats, those
are some things that I think will help. So I hope that helps.

Alright, lets go on. Is there a quick way to know you have a mis matcher, like asking
question or you find that out eventually from their responses? Both, I mean you
can, ask, you can say How was your day today? and they go You know, that was
pretty good, I mean there was this problems but that would give you, I mean, of a
guess. If somethings coming in like that as well. You know, you can just say to them,
Well, seems like a pretty nice day out and they go Well not that nice. So, you may
also find that their mismatching is context related. Look for that from time to time as
well. You know, if only in one context they seem to mismatch but I dont know I
seem that think mismatch go across context.

Thats what it seems like to me. So youll know it pretty quick. And you want to use
that to your advantage.

Alright it says, on one of your trances on the video it looked like you were grabbing
the throat of Joel, when you were doing the magnetic trance, was there a reason for

No, playing probably. I dont think there was a reason for it. No, I dont think theres
any reason for that.

So in video three, when you give the command, did you give the command before
you induce confusion or induce the confusion, before you give the command?

The last, you induce confusion, and then you give the command, okay. Alright, let me
think , let me see, theres a couple more that came in. By the way, I will tell you that
if I dont get these questions, at least an hour in advanced, I may not know that
theyre there. Because I get them all organized and ready to go and so if I dont have

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them let say an hour before the call, it may, they may not get answered. So please,
make sure youre getting them in well in advanced of our coaching call.

Heres another one. What kind of stories, metaphors would you use for the different
personality types? and then this person talks about DISC. I dont use DISC. I dont
like it really well, Its okay but its just like saying, you know What kind of story
would you tell to a Virgo as supposed to a Scorpio. You know, in fact Id rather do it
astrological way, its more accurate as long as you got at least sun sign or moon sign
and rising sign. I could do it accurately than DISC.

However, you already know the answer to the question like that. I would use
metaphors that were oriented to that pattern. So if you know those patterns and you
know that the person is a High D for example, dominance, driver, decision maker, as
you would. Then you might want to use metaphors that would highlight those

It would just add to the rapport. Let me state very clearly, what we are talking about,
you know just adding things in. That you know, build up more rapport. You could
even tell influence a person, as to which story they should adopt, in their life as a
good example, by telling a story that is closely related to them, as one possible
alternative. And another
Story that was the opposite of their High D for example, someone thats a High C.

Okay, or you know, if you actually have done a test on them, so you would know
what they were, use their lowest scoring attribute. Right, and thats story is meant
for them not to be acted upon but is given as a possible choice.

So you can choose whichever of this ways of doing things it is. However, you know,
one of them will make more sense to you. And of course that one will be laced on the
kind of things, you know their decisions strategies if you know them, their DISC if
you know it, you could lace it with all kinds of stuff.

So hopefully that helps. Looks like we have one more and In zeroing on the meta
programs, were your given context, be a faster way to induce trance, by sing the
language and meta program preferences than any other approach?

Not necessarily. I mean maybe, but my unconscious, fired off a not necessarily
response. Because really, trance is really about getting them into an altered state
and then doing something with them in an altered state. Thats the fractionation
strategy for example, are extremely powerful for inducing the trans while meta
programs are, you know, I guess when youre contradicting them meta programs a
lot it may be drawing to them and therefore not letting them to trance and not
helping them in the trance.

But, I think that it would be better to use Meta programs as ways of delivering
suggestions and stories. Okay, kind of the same as the last question that was asked.

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Its a way delivering stories that will influence. Its a way of establishing decisions
and that kind of thing once trance has been induced. I dont really see it as a faster
way to induce trance.

Alright, and with thats aid, we have reached the end of the questions that were sent.
These are phenomenal questions. Man we had it for a solid hour. This is fantastic! I
love this.

Alright, let me open it up. Coaching is all about interacting with you. So if theres
anybody who would like to interact with me right now , if you have questions of if
you have something you would like me go over with me, anything that I didnt
answer , anything that you have further questions on. Lets keep it related to this
topic of what we have gone through so far. So it will be meaningful to us in the
future, and, but if theres anybody who has anything youd like to go through please
hit start 2 to your touch tone phone and that will raise your hand and I will bring
you live.

I see someone with their hand up right now; let me bring them on just a second.
Alright, you are live. And if you raise your hand, just start talking and will see if I
hear you.

Robert: Hey Kenrick, Robert here.

Kenrick: Hey I hear you.

Robert: Hello Kenrick can you hear me?

Kenrick: Yes, I sure can. Just pause for a second after you speak that way my mic would kick
back in.

Robert: Okay, this DISC, Im not sure what that means, can you elaborate on that

Kenrick: Yeah, like I said, I dont use that; I dont like it that much. Its not bad; its one of the
million psychological profiles that are now available. The profile that I tend to like
about more is the Myers-Briggs. But that does real training to be able to use. And it
is quite, can be an extensive questionnaire to try to figure out what it is. I really like
that one though. DISC is sort of a dumb down Myers-Briggs. It is valid, it does work,
it does point you to some direction but it divides people to four things. Whether
theyre dominant, ,or of an influencer personality , the S and the C. C is compliant. I
dont know, its kind of an arbitrary way of dividing people into four personality

And then they try to go further into the personality types by saying, by saying, you
can be a high D type , or a high D low or High S low C, you know stuff like that,
another one that I like really really well is the Enneagram.

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That is also extraordinary. That is also very complex and takes real time to learn it
and understand but I would say of all psychological profiling systems, the
Enneagram would be right up there is to the one I would like to spend more time
with. I have spent a lot of time with it and I do really enjoy it. And it breaks people
down into numbers and assigns personality types to the different numbers. That is
very, very, very useful. Enneagram. E-n-n-e-a-g-r-a-m I believe thats how it is
spelled. And theres a million ways of profiling people and if you are good at DISC
and you like it. And youve trained yourself to see it and hear it. Great! Use it.

You know, but the way to use it, like Ive talked about when I talked about that just a
little bit ago. That helped?

Robert: Yes and the other one is fractionation, can you elaborate on that one?

Kenrick: That I talked about quite a bit in the videos, did you see them?

Robert: Oh, okay. I got it there.

Kenrick: I was talking about, fractionalization. Where you put someone into a trance, you
tell them each time you put them in a trance that youre going to go deeper, faster,
and easier. You do it with great suggestions as well, naturally as a result of learning,
how to enter this altered state youll find that each time you do it, it gets easier.
Because its like that with anything you learned, is it not, now? You can learn and
you can realize every time you repeat that learning that its easier thats one
advantage to learning.

And of course, naturally, as you enter the state, youll enter it more fully and more
completely. It will be even easier to do all the things that can be done in this states
the we will be learning together as we move forward. And as you begin now that the
huge difference between what an altered state is like that youre in now than being
fully awake.

Lets begin that journey back to full consciousness. To normal consciousness, the
normal everyday consciousness, you know when your muscles are tighter and
breathing is probably a little shallow and a little bit more rapid and you are
probably not quite as relaxed.

And you just make that journey all the way back up then, you know, youll find
yourself really enjoying that process and each time in the future that youre going to
go into a nice altered state again, youll find yourself able to do that very

So make them do an anchor, and when they are fully alert, you have to move around,
you have to talk about other things. You have to induce trance again.

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Now watch the videos where I give absolute example of that, and show you exactly
what to watch for and exactly what I did. So watch for that and I think, youll enjoy it.

I see you havent seen that on the videos right?

Robert: Thank You.

Kenrick: Alright. No worries. Looking forward to talking to you again, well anything else?

Robert: Im not sure about the other folks on the call but is this for folks who wants to
become a hypnotist? Or is this for people who want to use this more on the business
type of setting or kind of maybe combining them? This class.

Kenrick: This is all of the above. I would say there are more people in this class that are
wanting to use this for getting yeses in their professional life, right, but they are very
interested in the dark side and would like to know how do we take this out as far as
we can using hypnosis.

And so, what I said in all our sales material before this is that, I would be showing it
both ways. I would be showing how to do this, well; the point of the class is the dark
side of hypnosis. So, how can we go out and actually use hypnosis to create
whatever it is we want on the dark side level. How can we take this out to the
farthest that we possibly can. So, we definitely are going to do that.

But, you will learn also, if your intention is to use this in your day to day life. You will
also see that jump up like we talked about the very first of this call. Youll see a huge
jump in your ability to use these skills in getting yeses. I mean thats huge. Thats
where my skills really took off.

I knew about the suggestion patterns, Ive been learning about them, but I began to
be able to do them well when I actually started doing and learning hypnosis. So I
would recommend, whether you would want to be a hypnotist or nit that you
actually, do it exactly like Im teaching you how to this in the course.

Follow, the suggestions exactly like Im giving you. And you will be able to do exactly
that. You will be able to sue it on your day to ay business life. And youll be able to
use it in actual hypnotic work if you want to. And youll be able to use it on the dark
side level if you want to do that too.

That helped?

Robert: Okay, thank you.

Kenrick: You betcha. Alright, so let me put you back on mute and there is another person
with the hand raised. And so Im going to bring you up now, so go ahead and start

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talking if you are one of the people with your hand raised and we will know who you
are instead of calling out names or numbers.

Caller: Hi Kenrick.

Kenrick: Hi! I hear you. Hello I hear you.

Caller: Okay, well my question is, since, Ive listened to the video one twice, do you have any
experience with hypnosis over the last two years? I like that part of it where looking
at your astrology, Im a sun and moon Scorpio, Gemini rising.

Kenrick: Good, are you serious?

Caller: I realized when you were giving the homework, to go back and analyze everything
on here, I realized, Im in trance, and I dont have a conscious way of going back in
there and trying to pick the part of what you did, because every time, I listen to it I
go down and any suggestions would be very helpful on how to deal with this.

Kenrick: Yeah, speaking of your astrology, from that deep dark place where you guard
everything and keep everything so private and personal. And the creativity that just
comes shining through out of that, you can understand what Im going to tell you in
a way that it makes so much personal sense right to you.

Okay, got use that script you and Gemini stuff there, thats a hell lots of Scorpio but
in some really interesting places. Okay, in any event, let me tell you a quick story.

Im going to put you back on just a quick second so that I can and Ill bring you back
again to interact to you but that way I wont get cut out for everybody else.

So when I first started listening to the Nick and Mundy video from Erickson that just
made me mad. That really did because, Id be able to watch the first few minutes and
I just, like Id get it then all of a sudden, Id wake up. I mean like, what in the hell just

And so Id watch it again and same thing just happened. And so I watched it again on
the same thing just happened. So I even got up pacing on the floor, Ive walked and I
still couldnt figure out, why I couldnt remember what he did after a particular

Well, finally I figure it out. Because I stood up, I paced, I dropped it for a while, I
drank really cold water, I splashed iced water on my face, watched about a minute of
it stop and analyzed it, went back, watched the next minute, stop, analyze it, and the
next minute and I went through like that and all of a sudden it hit me.

What Erickson was doing if you have seen that video, you may or you may not know
if you were to get through it either?

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He had Nick and he has Monde. Monde was a long time client of his. And Nick
brought her to the session. And Erickson is going to demonstrate how to hypnotize
somebody by having them, by hypnotizing the person who was good at it. By the
way, I use this all the time with dogs. With my dogs, I have one older dog that knows
a few more trick and so I do the trick in front of the younger dog and the younger
dog learns them real quick.

So, Erickson says to Monde. Now Monde, you can go ahead and go into a trance.
Thats right. And then Nick, Id like you to watch how Mundys face. Not too fast
Monde. And thats where I lost it. How her face what?

And Nick Id like you to watch how Mondes face. And I was trying to watch her face
like crazy trying to do it like Erickson said. And what I see her face do? Go into a

So did I. Goodbye Kenrick. And it did that every time and it was just unbelievable. It
just knocked me out and knocked me out. But finally I got it. And Ill offer the same
advice to you.

There is a link, Jared has shared with me that, where you can see this. Crap, I
shouldnt have told you the story. Oh well, you still would have the effect. Watch and
see. And Jared
and I will post it in the community immediately so that you can just click on it. I
would highly recommend you watch that video. Highly recommend. In fact if that
video is freely available we will do our best to capture it and put it in the forum so
that it doesnt go away.

Incredible, incredible, incredible video. So I will suggest the same thing to you.
On of the things that I promised to do that I have never done before, is I am telling
you exactly what to look for. Im showing you the example and then I am telling you.
Now, lets go back and this time I want you to look for this , and I want you to look for
that and the way to do that is just stop aster the first time through. Get up , walk
around, you know , change the way, do something else. Make a few phone calls, do
some learning of some other things, etc.

By the way , I just had a thought. Im sorry, Im going to change subject here again.
The gentleman that I was speaking before , he asked, what was this oriented
towards. But before we get to the dark side stuff we will first going to a hypnosis
training in general.

This is just a free me for you. This is an extra. And Im doing this because I want to
make sure that we are on the same page. We are all able to really use the material
and that we can really get to the dark side of this stuff and all of us understands how
this works.

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So bottom line is that, as you are wanting to get more information on this, break it
up. Maybe watch two minutes and come back. Maybe watch five minutes and stop it
and come back. And the reverse it, go back and see those five minutes again. Focus
on what Im suggesting and you do what you do. I think Jared just posted it on the
forum so thats great. So you know, thats what you do. Thats the best advice I can
give you.

It will take some time. Thats why I say theres a big difference between hearing it,
seeing it, experiencing it and then doing it yourself to someone else. Then all of a
sudden, all this takes on a whole new meaning. And then theres a whole new
experience again when you try to teach it.

Alright, hope that helps, let me bring you back on to see if you have any question
about it and live again.

Caller: Well thank you very much. Ill go and try that. I know in my other training which Ive
gone through, hypnotherapy training, conversational hypnosis, conversational
hypnosis mastery and Ill find it in the learning phase that Im just having a really
difficult time you know remembering it consciously , but then when you get up and I
let the other me do it then I just sort of trance out and all those fabulous stuff comes
out in my mouth and then just like wow, I didnt know that, you know. It really helps
other people so I just let the subconscious mind take over and run especially when
Im doing that to other people.

Kenrick: Yes, Im sorry, I just needed to comment there. Let me just tell you that you are
absolutely right. Now, please though, to take your skills further, dont let yourself
think. Oh I will let my unconscious will do it. Oh yes , thats true and you will.

But if you ever stop doing hypnosis for a short period of time, what will happen is
that all of a sudden you will, you would might not be able to remember it as well.
Versus if you actually learn what youre doing, and you say in embedded command
binds and you know, you can just have theme coming out of your mouth at will.
Youll find that you will be able to much better at doing this in the future and youll
always be able to remember your skills better. Youll always have better access to
your skills as well. That might help as well. Let me bring you back live again. Does
that make sense?

Caller: Yes it does and Thank you very much.

Kenrick: My pleasure. Glad to have interacted with you here. By the way, I wanted to ask
the next caller a question. I just lowered one hand. I dont know, do you see your
hand raised as well when you do that? Well I guess you dont. I guess I only see it
because I am logged in like this. Alright, thats fine. Theres two more people with
their hand up and this is great. Ill take all the questions that you guys want to give
me. Anyone else as well.

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Let me go to the first one. This is someone calling in from Skype, its my way that I
can identify it so Im opening you up now. Go ahead, youre live.

Caller: Hello, do you hear me?

Kenrick: I sure do.

Caller : Well , this is Henry.

Kenrick: Okay, great.

Caller: Great! Well I just want to add a short comment on the heist and the assassins from
Derren Brown. You can easily find it on youtube , just search, you can find it and
sometimes with foreign subtitles.

Kenrick: Really, well thats interesting to know. You know, if you have resources like that.
Would you post it in the forum so that people calling form, where are you calling
from? You are definitely not from the US are you?

Caller: yes, I am calling from Europe.

Kenrick: Right, fantastic. If you have resources that would help, because we have people
that speak a number of different languages in the program and it would be
wonderful to from all the way to Russia, you name it are here with us, French ,
Australia they speak English more or less, but we have them all over the world in
the Program. You know if theres some resources that will help people to find any of
this in different language that would be really helpful.

Caller: yes, I will post it.

Kenrick: Thank you. Thank you very much. Is there anything else, youd like to ask me?

Caller: No, just congratulations for this great program. I enjoyed every second of it.

Kenrick: Well, thank you so much , I appreciate that youre, youve joined us and youre part
of it and look forward to interacting with you.

Caller: Thank You. Goodbye.

Kenrick: Alright, Ill just put him back on mute. And now the next hand up. Ill identify with
the number ending in 315. It looks like, so Im going to click and open you up live.

Caller: Hey Kenrick, can you hear me?

Kenrick: I sure can, go ahead.

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Caller: Okay, hi there, hows it going? In regards to the comment earlier on the inception
thing, the question is asking about nets and loops and one thing that I would
recommend to the person is just to watch the first video because honestly youve
been doing nets and loops, weaving nets and loops throughout the video training for
a while and I am not sure if they can pick that out, I mean theyre , and I would say
we are definitely learning those skills on the unconscious level just as much on the
conscious level. Yeah, thats just about that has occurred to me. So there you go.

Kenrick: Perfect, I think youre absolutely right. I mean one of the things that my , Im
leveling this as strongly as I can and in every way I can to make the learning happen
and so youre right. I think they were probably talking about, there was that, I dont
know if you have seen the movie, but its pretty darn brilliant in which they built
whole dreamscapes to the other peoples dreams and once they get in they will lead
them to have certain opinions. It is a fascinating, fascinating movie. Alright, great, let
me bring you back live , by the way, Im putting everybody on mute when I talk just
to make sure that I dont fade out. The slightest noise gets amplified and it just cuts
out my mic. Im going to bring you back live now and if theres anything you would
like to ask me. Im bringing you live back now.

Caller: And, yeah absolutely. As a matter of fact, I have definitely seen the movie and the
entire movie itself is one multiple nested loop and self structure so, its pretty cool
on the regard . Just in terms of questions, Im guessing that, I am certainly jumping
ahead here but since folks have been bringing up the entire installing of the
personalities thing and the Candy Jones CIA thing , does this have something to do
with, Im sorry if Im jumping ahead, does this have something to do with suing
dissociation on multiple levels?

Kenrick: Sorry, I have to be muting you in a few seconds, so that I can answer. Yes, it
certainly does. Thats exactly right. And well talk about what specific levels and how
we will do it as we progress in the dark side material but yes that is absolutely right
and I agree with your comment on that movie being structurally a bunch of nested
loops. It was brilliant. It was incredibly brilliant. And thats good analysis of it as
well. Let me bring you live again. Go ahead.

Caller: Awesome. I am totally excited to be here and learning this material, Im really
enjoying everything. So thank you very very much.

Kenrick: My pleasure, its really great to have you here. Put you back on mute. Wonderful.
Alright, thank you so much. Im glad youre here. Im glad that , these are wonderful
group of people , very advanced group of people by large, Im really impressed. I see
no more hands up so let me call again. If youd like to interact with me, press start 2
now, raise your hand and well interact. Just you and me. Man, weve been at it an
hour and a half. Isnt that awesome? Im thrilled with this. Keep this up guys , I live
by this kind of stuff. Alright, weve got an hand up. I will bring you live. Caller ending
in 443 youre live.

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Armando: Hey. Kenrick, how are you doing? Its Raymundo.

Kenrick: Hey , Im doing great.You?

Armando: Good, good, good. My question I have for you was, if you could explain a little bit
on the one gentleman that you put into a trance, it wasnt the martial artist, but the
other person. When you were doing the pattern you have said after you brought him
out that you get so in synch with another person. You started talking about
machinery breaking down, even though he had not really mentioned it. Can you
expand on how exactly do you get to synch with someone else where start bringing
out things that he doesnt really tell you but you are getting a sense of?

Kenrick : Yeah, I, you know, first of all, like we talked about, in persuasion factor. All of
those strategies are helpful in really locking a with a person. You know, and then
picking up intuitively, psychically, in whatever way we can, some people dont
believe in the psychic, I absolutely do. I absolutely believe it. I dont care how you
explain it. It exists. If you want to think that it is within the five senses, which are
fine with me, if you think its the sixth sense, thats fine with me too. I absolutely
believe that the five senses are used to kick in to gear the sixth.

I have an extraordinary bonus for you guys that we will be getting in that kind of
thing. Im not going to divulge the bonus yet but Im a little intimidated but I agreed
to teach it because its going to take some to do. We are going to have a number of
classes and its going to be a lot of fun.

In any we are definitely, getting to that area. But to help you get there even more,
between now and then, theres a couple of things you can practice on immediately
that would really start helping you and that is putting your physiology into one
hundred percent synch with the others. So that means, you want to sit like youre
sitting. You want to stand like youre standing. All the way down to the nth degree as
much as you possibly can.

Now, the way Ive learned to do this and that the exercise that helped me the most
by far the most, was to, and Ive done this even in my more recent classes is I pair
people up , in the groups of two even groups of three but you know with and A and a
B lets say and Im going to do first of all, I stand like your standing, and when I close
my eyes, you are going to make one big move like you know, one little finger moves
a 16th of an inch and you cock your head an 8th of an inch in one direction and you
know, you shift you weight, ten percent towards the other foot.

Im not talking about that. Im talking about one movement. You extend your arm,
you take a step, you know. But you make a good size movement. Okay, and so I close
my eyes, and I say go ahead and do it. And you tell me, Im done. I open my eyes and
I immediately, make my body do what your body is doing. And then I close my eyes
and tell you to keep making smaller movements. And when I open my eyes, I am

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

doing it with the expectation that my body will move where yours is. And thats the
secret that I dont know if I ever said it in so many words.

Well, it just hit me right now. Thats what Im actually doing. So, I open with the
expectation that my body will move like your body is and then my body moves. And
if its right, you say thats right. Okay and I ask you to keep making smaller and
smaller adjustments, until you are making your finger move, ever so slightly or you
are shifting your weight ever so slightly. And I open my eyes, and I know that I got it
when I have an urge to move like youve moved.

Studies done with EEGs, with psychics doing readings for their clients. And they
measure the brainwaves of the client and they measure the brainwaves of the
psychic. The best psychics are actually able to adjust their brainwaves over a period
of a few minutes. To more closely match that of the person they are reading. If the
psychic cant match the brainwave of the person theyre reading, If they cant within
about ten percent of it, then the reading isnt very good.

If the psychic is able to match it, then the reading commences with the reliability
and the person is really happy. So its very interesting like that, so I would say
practice matching physically with the person and then add in everything else that
you can too. Add it with the speed of which they speak, add it to the tone that they
used. The speed of their breathing, try to become them.

Thats exactly how Im going to do this. It is really, powerful, it is really effective and
it really works. Now after you do the one that I told you wherein the move with your
body like theyre doing, now take it to the next level, right, and this time dont move.
Just tell them what they moved, and do that a good number of times until you get a
least five in a row right. I personally task myself to get ten in a row. And do that with
a number of people.

Then ultimately, one of the highest grades is now you start turning in circles. You do
not move like they move and you do not hold still. You turn in circles. And reverse
the circles from time to time. Turn to your right, and then a little bit later, turn to
your left. So take a look at them and start turning in circles. Now tell them to make
their move and when they make their move you say, okay. And they come and
decide again youre turning around and you see them, you tell them what their move
is. And you open your eyes, you capture it, you tell them where it was. You dont
keep your eyes open in order just to see it capture. Close it. Close your eyes. And
then you are opening your eyes now with the intention that you are going to s know
exactly what their movement was. When you get back inside again, you open your
eyes, long enough just to see them and shut it again. So Im keeping my eyes open for
less than a second. Like you are taking a snapshot and you are comparing it with the
previous snapshot.

And you are disorienting yourself physically by your turning. And can right doing
that and you will see that. That will dramatically helps your ability to lock right in

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

with someone when you sit down to talk with them. Ill also tell you another thing,
doing hypnosis with someone makes you far better at locking on with them in

Then, any other psychic pursuits that you might have including reading tarot cards,
including the one that I will teaching you as a bonus to this class will also help you
very substantially with that as well.

Getting comfortable with the idea that, you can know things about someone that
traditionally you wouldnt have known. Had it not been for the use of that kind of
skill? We will also help you just to admit to yourself, I can know things about people,
And dont worry about it if in when you are wrong. Because often times, you wont
be wrong, they may just say, thats not right.

Because it scares them. But well get there and Ill show you a lot more about that
but start with those exercises, do it tem with about five people if you can, and youll
start to get a lot better at it. Let me bring you back live again, did that helped?

Armando: Absolutely, that was great Kenrick, thanks a lot! Is that using a pre course that
you do when you actually start feeling the other persons energy level as well?

Kenrick: Yes, absolutely. That is the kind of thing that I do and I did to get to the point of
being able to do that. And remember that, you know, psychic stuff, you wont always
have a feeling, and you may have a vision. You may not always have a vision, you
may have sounds. Some people have better visions than sounds. Some are better at
hearing, and then feeling. Some are better in feeling than hearing or seeing.

But you can get to the point of doing all of them. But it just takes sometimes a little
bit more work. Just be patient with yourself. Let me open it back up and any
comments or thoughts?

Armando: No, no thats great. The other question that I did have a little bit different is
when you put the one gentleman who is the martial artist into a trance and you
were asking him questions, this is the first time Im really studying anything really in
depth with hypnosis, but Ive never seen someone ask a person a question and then
hell give the answer out loud, I just , I would think that the person answering the
question out loud would bring them sort of out of the trance, so I was wondering if
you could expand on that, why does that happen as suppose to like youve
mentioned earlier like answering yes or no, or raise a finger on the right hand or the
left hand.

Kenrick: Well, because hypnosis is not something that you only do in silence. One of the
advantages of doing hypnosis with somebody is that you can get feedback about
whats going on. You dont want them to analyze their own self so much for you like
you know, well, how does that feel when I gave you that suggestion? Youre not

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Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

asking for that. Im asking, did you find the event? Its a lot more authoritative in one
sense that it more looks. It looks like Im asking them to do something, in reality; Im
confirming that they did. Theres a degree of authoritativeness and the degree of
permissiveness to it. Youd see it again, if youll go and watch it again.

But if they havent found it yet, whats the point of me charging like a bull in a shiny
shop, you know what I mean, so I mean like, Im going to get some feedback, Im
going to make sure that Im getting feedback.

I dont have to be always verbal; it could also be absolutely physical. But it doesnt
hurt the trace to get a verbal response. Alright, that helped?

Armando: yes, it did Kenrick. Thanks a lot. Absolutely, its a great course and Im really
enjoying it.

Kenrick: Alright, Im glad you are with us. Thanks so much. Alright, put you back on mute.
And alright, since I dont see any more hands up right now, yet Im going to go to
cover the pdf that I said we would cover as well and its called the dark side of
covered hypnosis module one, language patterns.

And, Im going to go over a few of this with you and help you to be able to use this.
Its really pretty simple, and you will be able to do this pretty easily. Lets look first
to the conscious unconscious dissociation language exercise. I really like this, this is
pretty sleek.

And all you have to do here, is you could mix all the phrases on the left with the
casual link on the middle an unconscious pattern on the right. You just pick anyone
to the left and anyone at the middle and anyone to the right.

And you are going to say this, to someone you are practicing with, and the person
you are practicing with can say back to you. It sort of like the Magical Objection
Mastery where we do the trance horse, where we do the horse, the language pattern
horse, Well here , these arent really for horse exactly but theyre use to what it feels
like so you know the impact you are having to someone else.

Because your conscious mind can listen to what it is Im saying to you, it can hear
my words while your unconscious mind, develops maybe a line of thought that is
absolutely relevant but that is installing the kind of things that Ive been talking
about throughout this call. See, we know that the unconscious mind operates
linearly and the unconscious mind does a lot with that at its level, right. See you
know that you may have come in today to this session thinking that you are
interested on a particular level of trance while your unconscious mind has an idea of
what you really need.

And its always deeper. You know that? Always, deeper and as a result, thats where
youre going now. And its really nice.

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Okay, so thats just a couple of quick example. I just gave you a quick example, going
between one and the other between a number of them right? Thats really easy to do
like you know to start trance I might say your conscious mind right now, can focus
on one spot. While you begin to access at the unconscious level a storehouse of
learning and dreams and potentials. That are triggered as I speak now, just hold that
spot, hold it, hold it, notice how your eyes start to get a little tired and now just let
your gaze drift down and as it does your eyelids close and you begin to process of
drifting into that calm and comfortable, pleasant altered sate of hypnosis.

Now, by the way, for actual hypnotic work with people, you feel pretty good and use
the word hypnosis. Right, I also want you to practice doing hypnotic work with
people without using the word hypnosis.

Theres no real reason to alert people with what you are doing. But if it come to you
for hypnosis or you have said hey let me help you with hypnosis then there you go.

Alright, so you can work with that table and really start to get good at
conscious/unconscious dissociation which will really help you. I gave you some
examples on the next page, and then we go through a learning set.

Learning sets are phenomenal and all were really doing the way to make the whole
idea of learnings set understandable. We are just reminding people of times when
they learned that they have probably forgotten about until you bring it up again.
Learning how to tie your shoes, learning the abcs and learning how your abcs led
words, led to the writing of words, and then phrases and being able to express
yourself far more powerfully as a result of all that.

Today, when you do your writing of speaking or thinking, you dont think in terms of
the letters. But when you first start to do it, you did. About how tying your shoe for
example, it was a very difficult thing, now its just part of getting dressed. You get
dressed, you tie your shoes and you get on to work. And you learn that you dont
always have to tie shoes, you can slip them on, for example. Or strap them on
depending of what kind of shoes you are talking about.

So, its just a matter of giving the unconscious mind, a reference, of it learning on its
own. Learning with the conscious mind but it learning then being able to carry out
those tasks on its own. Thats the point of doing that.

Alright, then theres Eleven Language Pattern and applications for them. And for
each one I followed the format called beginning trance orientation that you might
want to sue to start someone into a trance. You know, at the start of your session,
then developing trance, which is what you should continue to do with. Then you
could do arm levitation if you want to do this, theres different phenomenon. Theres
arm levitation, age aggression, learning from the experience and then using the
learning after trance.

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Okay, so Im not going to go through one with you because you can go through with
that on your own but there are eleven major patterns. Right, starts with pattern one,
open ended pattern suggestions. So maybe right before we start trance, I see now
you can really learn in many ways. And I found that to be very interesting. Its not
quite as a cut and dry as they come to teach you in school. I mean, after all you are
here. And hypnosis is a way of learning about yourself in a different level of being.
And so thats the statement about opening a trance using open ended suggestions. It
doesnt tell you how you are going to learn about yourself in a different level, just
that there are other different levels.

Yeah, hypnosis is one of them and you are about to find out. Alright, so you can then
go on and induce trance and later on you know you can talk about how people can
show a wide variety of movement and posture. And then start talking about how
arm level levitations can be done naturally in trance etc.

So you know, while they are deeply in a trance, maybe after you have helped them to
realize something you might talk about the learning experience. You might say, You
know, you can develop a line of thought here, for your own use.

And then go on and talk about using that learning after the trance and keep your
learning. And having memorized them, use them in the days and years to come. You
might follow with future pacing. You can identify a time when using this now would
really be useful or you can tell them, you always go immediately into a trance when
you see me and I say Whanadaginabadin. You know, and so you are going to give
them the time in the future when somethings going to happen. Right?

Okay, and so, we can just, you can just go through this, each one follows a format.
They start getting real cool, you know, like pattern nine begins with double
dissociative conscious/unconscious double minds. So like the beginning trance
orientation is like, your conscious mind may have begun, with the aide of your
unconscious or perhaps your unconscious is ready to begin, with any aide you can
offer consciously. By the way, the word is aide not age I misspelled that.

For example, learning from the experience. Your conscious mind, can be interested
from what you learned from the experience and your unconscious mind can take
care form really learning from it. Or perhaps your unconscious mind only allows you
to develop interests as your conscious mid develops a learning.

Now that wouldnt be good for blanking the memory of something, right? But it
could be useful, let me give you a dark side tactic, if you could talk about the reason
that you put them in trance and teach them a lesson that they could use to help
themselves and give a suggestion like I just did with the learning from experience

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Okay, so they think that they can remember, and then go on into a deeper level of
trance or into a private room, where whats going to happen wont be remembered
in the conscious level.

So, also then, they can remember something from the trance but they dont
remember anything else. Which is very useful.

Okay, were getting to pattern ten, reverse conscious/unconscious double binds, and
pattern eleven non- secretive double binds. For example, you will either be able to
go in a trance as we speak or you will alter your consciousness of experiences. Great,
great,great patterns.

And we end that pdf with waking state ideas, like you know, and things to consider
like reinforcing dissociation between hypnosis and consciousness, Delivering a post
hypnotic suggestion, the establishment of amnesia continuing to integrate all that
theyve been taught during the sessions. Follow the ideas that they have been given
and their unconscious would remember to do the thing thats agreed to do.

I suggest that you actually write some of those out that would really help you. Now
the thing is you are going to see me do those stuff on the videos. And so Id
recommend you watch that. You will see a lot of it. And then practice with the
specific patterns to get better at it.

So that will help a lot as well.

Alright, let me call one more. What a coaching session. My goodness folks, weve
been had it now close to two hours. I can tell. Theres a lot of talking. But let me call
one mote time for any questions, of you have questions, comments, feedback, or you
just want to tell me how great I am, I dont care. Im just kidding, anything I can do to
help you, let me know right now please.

Hit start two if you want to interact with me. Alright, here we go, hang on a second;
let me open up for that one person. Alright, you are live. Go right ahead, youre live.

Armando: Hey Kenrick, its Armando again.

Kenrick: Yup.

Armadno: I dont actually have the pattern with me but the question I did have is, the
language patterns, where exactly go in the whole process of the trance. Where am I
inserting them?

Kenrick: Okay, notice that, Ill put you on mute again so that I dont get cut out, notice that
of the eleven big patterns, just the conscious dissociation thing the first page that
you are just going to pick one pattern from the left, one pattern from the middle and
one from the right.

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You can put that in, anywhere. Because, conscious and unconscious dissociation is a
definition of trance. You just take it anyway you want. Ive been doing this from time
to time to reinforce that there is a difference. You know, it builds the muscles of the
unconscious as being drastically different than that of the conscious mind. So you
use those anywhere.

But of the eleven, patterns that follow everyone is broken down into, developing,
you know, starting trance, developing trance, arm levitation. So at the point you
might want to do arm levitation you might start using those kinds of patterns there.
At the point you want to develop the trance further take them deeper, you might
want to use the pattern that is demonstrated there. It kind of gives you where to use
it as you go through. And otherwise, just practice doing them so you get good at
using these patterns just like you did, you know, for example, awareness pre step
positions. So, thats basically the ideal there. Let me put you back, with me. Does that
make sense?

Armando: Yeah, it does, Thanks a lot Kenrick. I really appreciate this.

Kenrick: My pleasure. Put you back on mute. We have another hand raised. You guys just
cant get enough. This is fabulous. Youre live. Go ahead.

Caller: Hi Kenrick, I just wanted to ask, how do you approach, I guess the phrase would be ,
projecting hypnotic intent. Some people refer to it as being a hypnotist and I mean
this in terms of outside a clinical setting. I heard various approaches involving
wrapping your attention around the other person like a bubble or etc..etcI
certainly have my own ways of doing it but I m curious as to your take on the entire

Kenrick: I think the, any of those are useful. I dont put, I dont put personally as much of
attention into doing that kind of stuff. And what I do put attention to is being an
expert, Having them see me as an expert because that will facilitate the, and
switching a referential index in my language, by the way, but if they see ne as an
expert, then when they see referential index, when I switch referential index with
them, it tends to blur that distinction and it they believe Im an expert in anything
and in everything.

That whole transference phenomenon that psychologist tries so hard to get away
from and I enjoyed creating. I think sometimes, all of this like they have trace stair
and they have all this other stuff. I dont get in to that really because I dont find it
really necessary and usually that comes from the direct authority and models that
people think they have to be different.

When in reality, different really is only saying, expert So if you write down to it, and
if you are being seen as an expert by the other person and if you can get them to do a
trans-derivational , I mean, Im sorry, If I want to get rid of my language again, I start

Copyright 2012 by Max Persuasion and Kenrick Cleveland. Page 34 of 37

All rights reserved in all media.
Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

doing all this stuff when we are talking about clinical stuff and I forget about using

Anyway, if we can get them to switch referential index with us, in other words to
blur the distinction where I end and they begin or they end and I begin. Then you
can just start to see me as an expert even more. Im doing the blurring thing just to
be funny. And I wouldnt say see me as an expert that would kind of rock their world
in unnecessary manner but as long as, and youve noticed that on the
demonstrations that I did in the videos, I am very much putting myself in the
position of the expert, happens to be that I am, but you know what, its really an
attitude. More than anything, its an attitude.

I can make myself come up as an expert on any subject if I want to. So, all you have
to do is believe you are and you step in to fully being an expert and let that transfer
right across in your words and in your actions. Let me bring him back again and ask
if that helped and if you have other comments about that?

Caller: Thats beautiful Kenrick, Thank you so much. Thats absolutely awesome.

Kenrick: My pleasure. Alright. Put you back on mute, we have another hand up. This is
great, okay, let me bring you live here and youre live, go ahead.

Michael: Hello.

Kenrick: Hello.

Michael: Hi Kenrick. Its Michael.

Kenrick: Hi! Michael.

Michael: hey I was just wondering. These patterns are terrific. Any suggestions you have
and how we might integrate this with your magical Objections Material?

Kenrick: Not really, well, I mean, yes. Let me say that in a different way, I was going to say
integrate and it didnt catch me how might I integrate, but yes.

First of all, if you want you think about it this way. Magical Objection Mastery
patterns are really pattern interrupts. So, at every stage that you can use a Magical
Objection Mastery pattern were doing little interrupts and every time we are doing
interrupts we can use a suggestion immediately because a pattern interrupt is
disorienting and thats the difference between me.

I man the fact is, a disorientation can spontaneously cause a reaction that enables
the suggestion of the person doing that suggestions you just say Now is the time to
use this in combination and make it work, now! I want to get in into something that
you really liked.

Copyright 2012 by Max Persuasion and Kenrick Cleveland. Page 35 of 37

All rights reserved in all media.
Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

So you asked about Magical Objection Mastery and I have to demonstrate just like
that. So I did a Magical Objection mastery pattern. I then went on and do a
nominalizations and then I went on doing a strongly delivered command and
leverage right back out into a normal conversations.

Okay, so the bottom line is all Magical Objection Mastery patterns can be used, and I
started with saying thats the difference between me. Where youre on a search
trying to figure out that is. That search is youre trying to figure out between me and
who. Well by then, Im nailing you. Youre being slammed. Right, the Magical
Objection Mastery patterns are probably one of the best ways you can deleverage
the habitual framework of reference that people have. Whats a fancy way of saying
it is, you hold your world together with glue and bolts and how you hold your world
together. And Magical Objection Mastery patterns come along and just unglue.

Whatever, that person is dealing with, you know, or whatever you want to deal with,
lets say you are working to install a whole new personality. You can talk about
some people have some rigid mind set they think they knew but then all of a s
sudden something comes along in life, a divorce, a bankruptcy or whatever and all of
a sudden, you know, theyre not so rigid anymore. And theres ways to do that, you
can say that are pleasant and useful.

For example, a business person who wants to simply make more money and want to
be a bit of a different person can become a business personality. You know, a model,
who wants to be able to just get down and let it all hang out, they want to take the
world by storm, well guess what, If you want to be Americas Next Top Model, youre
going to have to model nude.

No, youre not going to show everything, but there wont be any clothes on you
when they are taking the pictures. And so, there are times when its useful to just
open up and accept a model that would really work for you and you are going to
build that model from the ground up as well be doing.

So I both, was talking about whats possible and demonstrating but you can take
actual patterns and then you can take what you want the person to so and apply
patterns against the opposite such that youre breaking. If those patterns exist for
them youre breaking them. So youre going to destabilize their habitual frame of
reference and you are going to reinstall things that you want them to have. So, I
would say that, that is a spectacular program to be using in combination with this. It
is very advanced when you combine it all that together but wow it really is

Let me bring him back for a second, and see if that helps. That helped you?

Michael: Thats absolutely fantastic, Its like you dropped the other shoe.

Copyright 2012 by Max Persuasion and Kenrick Cleveland. Page 36 of 37

All rights reserved in all media.
Dark Side of Covert Hypnosis Coaching Call1: December 28, 2012

Kenrick: I like shoes dropping. Alright, let me put you back on mute and let me. Alright, so
what a day this is folks. This has been absolutely phenomenal. I love coaching
sessions like this. I hope its really meaningful to each and every one of you. I want
to that you for being here. Thank you for submitting calls in advanced and I look
forward to the next time that we do one of this. We will be posting the schedule for
you shortly and I think with this Im going to bring this to an end this is about all the
talking I can do right this minute. I see no other hands up so, thank you everybody
for being a part of this. Thank you for being on the call.

And youll start seeing learning session Ive been working for you come out and also
the next video stuff will start coming out as well pretty quick and were right on
track and we will be rockin and rollin.

Alright, everybody. Talk soon. Take care. Goodbye.

Copyright 2012 by Max Persuasion and Kenrick Cleveland. Page 37 of 37

All rights reserved in all media.

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