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Message for RC Batanes Isles Induction Program

Thank you ____________________, for your kind words.

Good Evening!

It is with great pleasure to be with you fellow Rotarians and guests this
evening to celebrate and grace this momentous occasion, the ___ turn-
over ceremony and induction of the officers of the Rotary Club of

Lady Leilyn and I together with the group deeply appreciate your warm,
friendly and cordial hospitality you have accorded us. Again, Dios

This is my first time to visit this beautiful island of Batanes, a wonderful

creation of God. Thank you for providing us a tour yesterday and still to
continue tomorrow to see more beautiful places. Batanes is indeed a place
worthy spending more time.

Thank you very much Great Class Pres. Albert Calagui for inviting me to
be your speaker and your inducting officer.

Before I proceed with my message, allow me to express my deepest and

sincerest appreciation to RC Batanes for joining me thru IPP Cesar Calma
during the Handover and Induction Ceremonies last July 7 at Sofitel

Your club has registered one Rotarian during the said event which
contributed to the record breaking and highest recorded attendance of any
induction ceremony in the annals of D 3770. Once again, thank you
fellow Rotarians.

Before going further, I would like to congratulate the newly inducted

Rotarians for joining Rotary. You made the right choice in joining the
right organization and voluntarily offered yourself to be a part of service.
It is here where you will learn to cherish and enjoy the true meaning of
service. My only point of advice is for you to extend your full support
and to actively participate in all our undertakings.

As your DG, I would like to personally commend the outgoing officers of

this club headed by the Immediate Past All Star Team President Cesar
Calma for your remarkable and impressive performance. Again,
congratulations Pres Cesar for a job well done.
To all the newly inducted officers the Great Team, led by our Great
Club Pres. Albert, my sincere congratulations because you have been
elected to lead the Club for another year. The success of your club lies in
your hands. Your collaborative efforts and your unity will pave the way
to realize your plans and programs for the year. It is with high hopes that
thru your unity and solidarity and team work under your leadership, you
could bring your club to higher level of performance and make a

Please be reminded that the respective offices conferred upon you, the
trust repose upon you and the responsibilities of your positions demand
corresponding fidelity, integrity and attachment to the welfare of Rotary.
Let no effort be wanting in the faithful discharge of your duties. Let the
benefit of Rotary be our constant aim and desire. Thus, we will merit the
continued esteem of our members and we shall have the occasion to
rejoice in the consciousness of service well rendered.

Im confident in your capacity and ability as an effective leader to lead

your club to greater heights this year. As President of this club, consider
this year as the best year for you as a Rotarian as if there will be no other
year to come.

Remember that leaders are the persons who rise above the crowd pointing
the way to worthwhile goals and make dreams come true. They are
achievers who soar to new heights, who accomplish great things. They
are not afraid to go where no one else has gone.

Let me just share to you, the 3 important principles of leadership.


Character of Integrity


To all other great officers and members of this club, your President can
not do the task alone. Your President needs your full support and
cooperation to assure success. I therefore encourage you to work as a
strong team observing the spirit of peace and unity. For in the saying:
United we stand, divided we fall.
As your DG I will do the best I can to work closely with you to create and
nurture a culture of service that does not live in cosmetics or slogans but
measured by outputs or performance. I look forward to the changes that
we shall bring this year thru the power of true friendship, unity and

At this point in time, allow me to discuss with you the District Road Map
for Rotary Year 2017-2018 aligned with RI Pres. Ian Riselys 7 Point
Priority Programs.

1. Membership and club growth.

It is our objective to increase club membership thru recruitment, retention

and organization of new clubs. It is my belief that having new members
with different perspectives and backgrounds will make our club more
interesting and will widen our horizon. Membership is the heart and soul
of any organization.

And as a reminder, let us comply with the advisory of RI Pres. Ian Risely
to settle by July and January all our financial obligations particularly the
SARS payment which will be the basis to qualify for Presidential
Citations and Governor Citations for the clubs. I will be counting on you
to serve as an example for other clubs to follow.

Present status of membership in the district

Targets (RI Standards)

2. TRF Giving/Human Service Project.

We are all aware that aside from friendship among Rotarians, one
reason for our existences is founded on humanitarian service projects
funded by The Rotary Foundation.

I challenged each club to produce as many Paul Harris, Multiple Paul

Harris, Members of the Paul Harris Society and ultimately have one or
more major donors.

Appreciation to:
RC Barasoain ($16 K)
RC Sta. Maria ($15 K)
RC Pandi (All Erey Club)
Fellow Rotarians, let us all remember that the mission of The Rotary
Foundation is to enable Rotary members to advance world understanding,
goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of
education, and the alleviation of poverty.

Any amount you can contribute makes a big impact to humanitarian


3. Public image.

Part of our public image and public awareness program is to construct a

minimum of 21 new Rotary Markers which shall be erected in the 21
areas of the district. The design will be presented to you later by AG Jim
Venturina, the In-coming Chairman of the Public Image Committee.

The AGs and Club Presidents will take charge on these projects. Funding

4. Peace

Peace is defined as the absence of conflict.

We recognize that conflict is part of the leadership package for there is
no perfect organization. But we want true peace in the district.

Let us remember that Rotary was conceived for fellowship, friendship

and service. Let us live up to that principle. Let us win friends and
remove barriers. Let us all exercise the virtues of never ending patience,
love and humility.

Fellow Rotarians, let us enjoy life while serving humanity thru Rotary.

5. Literacy/Education.

In line with the program of PDG Juliet Riseley, the district, thru the Club
Officers and AGs with the kind assistance of my spouse, Lady Lenilyn, is
set to enhance reading literacy among school children and promote the
same among adults who are non-readers.

Our district goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support

basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and
increase adult literacy. Let us support education for all children and
literacy for children and adults.
We will strengthen Rotarys program on Rotaract and Interact in the
different schools.

Reading Literacy
Computer Literacy (RC Sta. Maria)

6. Wash in Schools.

WASH in Schools does not only promote hygiene and increase access to
quality education but also support national and local interventions to
establish equitable, sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation
services in schools.

WASH in Schools aims to improve the health and learning performance

of school-aged children and reduce the incidence of water and
sanitation-related diseases. Every child friendly school requires
appropriate WASH initiatives that keep the school environment clean and
inhibit the transmission of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Elementary Schools- Projects where pupil will wash their hands
with clean water

7. Protection of the Environment.

We have coined a slogan DAMAYAN: SAGIP KALIKASAN for the
first activity of the district in July. This tree planting activity in which
every Rotarian is expected to plant at least one tree one Rotarian, one
Tree. More than one tree per Rotarian would be an excellent
achievement. If possible, each club must adopt a place to nurture and
conduct the tree planting.

Im glad to know that there are already clubs that have implemented this

Fellow Rotarians, if we only join our hands together to serve humanity

thru this Road Map, certainly we can achieve this years battle cry:
Rotary: Making a Difference

Thank you.

Mabuhay RC Batanes! Long live D 3770! God bless everyone!

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