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MCQ of Marketing Management

Submitted to-
Nafees Imtiaj Ahmed
Designation & ULAB Business School

Prepared by-
Md. Majharul Islam

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)

Date: 31-03-2014
Chapter 1 : Defining Marketing for the 21st Century

1. How many types of entities marketing people market?(page:7 para:4)

A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
Ans: D

2. What are the basic human requirements?(pagea:14 para: 1)

A. Needs
B. Foods
C. Wants
D. Demands.
Ans: A

Chapter: 2: Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

1. What are included in Assessing growth opportunities?(page : 45 para: 3)

A. Planning new business
B. Downsizing
C. Terminating older business
D. All of above.
Ans: D

2. The innovation in marketing is what?(page 47 para 6)

A. Easy
B. Hard
C. Critical
D. None of them
Ans: c

CHAPTER 3: Scanning the Marketing Environment, Forecasting Demand and Conducting

Marketing Research.

1. What is the full meaning of MIS?(slide)

A. Marketing Information System.
B. Management Information System.
C. Marketing Information Service
D. None of them
Ans: A

2. ____More predictable and durable, reveal the shape of future?(slide)

A. Fad
B. Trends
C. Mega trends
D. None of them
Ans: A

CHAPTER 4 : Creating Customer Value and Customer Relationships

1. What is full meaning of CRM?(slide)

A. Customer Relationship Management
B. Customer Resource Management
C. Consumer Relationship Management?
D. None of them
Ans: A

2. How many ways company use Database?( SLIDE)

Ans: B

CHAPER 5 : Analyzing Consumer Markets

1. _____ is the fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behavior

?(page:144 para : 2)
A. Culture
B. Religious
C. Nationality
D. Tradition
Ans: a
2. Behavior Group having a direct influence are called______?(page : 146 para 7)
A. Reference group
B. Membership group
C. Primary group
D. None of them

CAHPTER: 6 : Analyzing Business Markets

1. _____a total problem solution from one seller?(slide)

A. Buying
B. Consuming .
C. Selling
D. None of above.
Ans: A
2. _____ those who will use the product or service?(SLIDE)
A. Influencers
B. Users
C. Deciders
D. Buyers
Ans: B

CHAPER 7: Identifying Market Segments and Targets

1. A flexible market offering consist of _____ parts?(page 200 para 3)

A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. Five
Ans: A

2. Marketing usually identify niches by dividing a segments into_____?(Page:201 para 3)

A. Sub segments
B. Sub total
C. Full
D. None of them

CHAPER 8: Competitive Dynamics

1. How many forces Michael Porter has identify that determine the intrinsic long-run
attractiveness of a market/segment? (page 226 para 1)
Ans: A
2. How Many types of defense strategies? (SLIDE)
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

CHAPTER 9 : Crafting the Brand positioning

1. What is the full meaning of POP?(SLIDE)

A. Points of party
B. Points of Parity
C. Points of partners
D. None of them.

2. Brands can have multiple ______?(slide)

D. None of them
Ans: B

Chapter: 10 : Creating Brand Equity

1. Which one is marketing advantage of strong brands?(slide)
A. General loyalty
B. Larger margins
C. Greater financial market returns
D. All of above
Ans: D
2. Brands performance is how well the product or service meets customers
A. Functional needs
B. Needs
C. Functional demands
D. None of them

Ans : A

CHAPTER:11: Setting Product Strategy

1. Co-branding also called ______?(page 329 para 6)

A. Dual branding
B. Brand bundeling
C. Both a+b
D. None of them

Ans : c

2. _______ are formal statements of expected product performance by

manufacture?(page 334 para 7)
A. Warranty
B. Guarantees
C. Both a and b
D. None of them
ANS: 334 PARA: 7
(Note: According to Marketing Management - A South Asian Perspective by Kotler,
Keller, Koshy and Jha, Pearson Prentice Hall, 13th Edition)

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