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(2) Equality and Balance of Opportunity

Inequalities of chance and condition negate equality and balance of opportunity to enjoy the
enviable objects of human desire.
Equality and balance of opportunity means equal condition and equal access to the effective
expression of individual merit toward success or even failure.
The social realities complicate the race for good life. EXAMPLE: For the rich and the poor
there are inequalities in getting education or employment, buying a house or engaging in
These social realities have been addressed by means of affirmative policies and actions.
EXAMPLE: educational programs, special training courses, hiring quotas for minority groups,
balancing of gender initiatives.
CRITICISMS of affirmative policies and actions: 1) they are unfair and unjust because they are
conducive to reverse discrimination; 2) they are contrary to the constitutional principle of
equal protection of the law.

(3) Equality and Balance of Rights and Freedom

Human dignity is the basis of this particular aspect of social value equality.
IMAGO DEI All persons are created imago dei. It is generally perceived that every human
being is endowed with certain primal or original rights and freedoms. They can be asserted
against the government anytime.
the right to life the right of persons that their bodies and souls are not to
become the property of anyone, nor of nay political, religious or social
the right to liberty right to enjoyment of legal authorities and legal
the right to security and pursuit of happiness right to realization of safety,
well-being and graceful attitudes
the right to property freedom through possessions
the right to religion right to believe in God and trust to religious tenets and
the right to education right to adequate development of the mind
the right to free expression right to make known ones opinions, beliefs or
the right to peaceably assemble for the redress of grievances right to
secure a place and an audience to test the worth of ideas or to meet with
others to share their problems and seek for solution

(4) Equality and Balance of Political Value

Equality means that every individual must count for one and only one in the political
participation without regard to person.
One-on-one Principle One individuals political value should be counted no more and no
less than of another. Otherwise, there can be no real freedom of the will from arbitrary
subjugation to the will of another.


Direct way 1) the imposition of property or religious qualifications in the exercise of

suffrage; 2) the holding of controlled and dishonest elections.
Indirect way really worth in political value 1) method or system of intimidation or instilling
fear; 2) the technique of suggestion or admonition of physical violence; 3) the act of violence
itself; and 4) the system of block-voting.

62. The Overarching Social Value

While all social values are desirable, it is true that different individuals, being ruled by
heterogeneous interests and diverse purposes, may not cherish with the same intensity the same
values at the same time or at all time. Esteem for human personality and dignity is the overarching
social value. Conversely, where the social value respect is not considered at all the other social
values are difficult to attain.

63. Concept of Law

The Policy Science School of jurisprudence posits the view that the law can truly be an
instrument of global, regional and national control in relation to the complete achievement of the
social values that constitute the professed end of democratic societies. The law is a vital instrument
for ordering conduct through the formation, clarification and realization of social values where
patterns of authority are conjoined with the patterns of control.

64. Importance of the Policy Science Concept

The conflict of claims, demands, and expectation is true in the regional and global levels
whereby the approach to these conflicts is based on the social values. In policy science
jurisprudence, a bad decision is simply one that is not in accordance with the social values.

65. End in View

The jurisprudence of policy science looks at the law as having a distinct role in the realization
of this goal. While each state preserves its separate individuality, they shall be so unified through the
universal identification of the social values binding humankind together in one close-knit
organization for the highest world good wherein its fulfillment would increase chances of human

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