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C<>r>~riithtcd and Published

/\'USTIN-\\' ALl<EH S,\ L.ES CO.
:ll r, 1"n1trth Avenue, New York
Br,;;1011 J.ond.1n
,. .., .

.,,. ..


Hare indeed is the woman whose fiugcrs 1lu 1111t li11gr1
lnvi 1)';1" "1 th~
ht.. :t\.1tift1~ ~Jf':1(1S \\lliC'~l arr- (.() rempting ly displayedOil the Cl>ltlitlr:; o i (l11 tlll'
1:tr~c stores. Rarer still is the one who <l(>C;'.'!11 not sccrctlv, ii not ~)l>lt1l ... Iu-cnk
that C<>n1111a11cl111e11L which a<l111c:111i!'-l1es tis. not lJ covet. (L"i her <'}'t:'S- \1o:;111cltr
Irom one basket to another fillet! witl: their treasures which vie ,,.;111 tl11,,: ~,.J,,r:-
f the rainbow.
Nor jg this craze fur bc;.ao:J\\'oi-k, '' hich i:t 1111\\' at i1 ... ,.,11i1l1. :i 11, .,.,, ind hv
:i1t.}' 111e::\11.s, [or ir h::i" been quite as popular many times before (lt1rr1J.!' tll,..,
centurks t:1a.t have rras~<-<I, altl1r11~11 its revival is always ~t('.,,.'<111111:ulit:I 1,_\
speciflc modifications to suit the tle111a11(I~ of TI:1111c~ Fa-hion. This time it
is lite lndian work which is lone r11 a hand loom tl'iat is nt1rac.ti11g- !(J\'C'r;; ti
fancy work; and handsome indeed in design and workmanship are the heh <,
sashes, [an, lorg:1c.:tle. :t11<l watch-chains. 11t1l'~L'~. l,.r;,_1ct"111' .l111l i.-11-11.,, \\llh'll
are woven 011 these loi)nl". As the heauri Iul ready-made accessories of bcurl-
work. which are so clear to the heart of every 1111111an, sell at prices that are
beyond the slender purse, there is no reason why one shoukl deny h"rs11f ilrc
luxury of possessing them, if she has skillful fingers and a small amount II'>
mvcst in materials.
The woman who has command of her own :ime could nut find a11ytli:111:
more pleasant to Jxgi.1111: her leisure 1-11)\lfS t11a11 lurlian ~n. . adwork ; and the
busy woman who has to depend 0:1 odd moments (f\r i"J\(lOrtu11itie; to do fau<y
work could no: find anything more nicely adapted fo1 "pick-up" work than
bcarl-weaving. I1s 1_1tility both as a 111ea11s of amusement Cllicl education f<1r
the rising generation is proven by the fact that several Stale Il<artls of Educa-
tlo11 in America have adopted the work a~ one of the branches in 1hc 1mhlic
ki11clergnrtt"11s. 1'11c. po~sil"li1ities of this work in {lf'\rl"lOf>i11g th<: rncchan ical
and artistic tastes arc unlimited, and many stormy rl:irs may lw 11rr1fitahly as
\l'l'll as pleasantly spent by the little folk.

111 order to produce nit'c:-1)' woven chains, behs, fobs. bags, or purses, it
w ill J,c necessary l1J1' you lt.t have a practical 100111. \\ic know vf IJ11l ouc.


I 1 1..: 1t1('fl1anic::ill~ t'(1rrrt:t; has a clr11111 <111 the ('11<1 to wiud the \V1Jl'k 1Jt1
.1~- ) utt pr.,1.a.:.rrss. \\'c here Jtrii1t a 1>il.'..tt1rc oi it, lltal you llta) not Le deceived.

ruu 01\l(:IA'..IL


rh< above 1,,~1111 cau Ix lu,ugltt Irum till Jane) goods and toy dcpar uucnts.
:111<1 ."ltvrcs.

Directions for Using the Apache Beadwork Loom

f'ut Ollt lllJf~ \\:\II 1!i1v;uJ than paucrn Shn\'S \.t(:S1(s wldr-, (;nt same l\\l'l\'C iuchr:t
1.. 11i.:<'t' th1111 article IV lie made. L' '\~ t1v11g liucu 1i11i?h lhread. or silk. K11ul tl1llell1c1 :tl
1111r t"lHI anrl fasten 10 s:ihhc,'tdt1l tack No. J. Turn the spool once around and put J.:ilt
11,1il Xv. 2 intu hole rn end of ,.;11001, on inside of nost. Senarnte threads and place e:11:h
1lnr:id in correspcndlna notches in Irci s Nus. J and 4, remuving 11lus: No, S; dnt\\' moder-
:urly ti~hl nll the thr<'<1d~ dn"n 1hro11${h the hole and replace the plng , The warp ls JJ0\\1
r~tI.) (vf use. Thread tine ru-edle, holding l11nn1 wirh s1w)o1 :t.\\1;1.y from you. tic end (I(
1hr;;i\I 1'> left-hand warp thread near fr't:l Nn . i, pas!'i n<MI~ unrler wn rp threads, $Iring
t1c:.1t~ cn11ul{h or once :1cr6~S 11a11crn roue 1efs than warn threads), 11rc:ss bc:lrfc; up through
and ~1.,.:eru r~C'h w;.irp lhl'e;1rl, 1:.:t""' needle :1g':tin il11ot1gb each head. 1,ein)t sure it is above
c-,cr;it warp thread, lht11 hark 1111llr \\;1r-11. String r11n11,;h Iur :tnothcr row ;\flJ repeat
111'1cc,.!>. \\'hen you have fini~llcd lcncth of l1rn, wiud 1111 work 1>0 s1)Qol and ccnriuuc
:1.,.,. IJrfor-e. Paucrns can l,e worked t>\1i in combinations uf cclcr,

Use slrou~ Llaek er \O;l11te thread for "':lr~ tl1r1::1ds. Use six-cord N'u. 10 to strio;
beads on.


.. ---
l1t>~11;11~ fur tftt mere ..t)fi .. h \\ra~t 11 ,..:.,, n~\\cr ..J1a11("1, ctc., ii 1tl \ttll1
:r1structiJ11s fur tll'lk1111:. t111 1.1alr.(t:s 2) to 3!.I.

'-'' ....

In making Sautuir or French beaded chains, the most important
object is 10 have yn11r heads nf 1L~ near uniform size as possible, Do
not use too large a bead : the small 2/0 or 3/0 Plain Seed Bead. or
12/0 cut jet and lustre color heads or the French cul 6 or 7 colored
meta! beads Jl'I' pre ierable and .<atisfactory to produce a goocl look-
itlg cl1ai11
Silk sewing silk. size:\ or B. color acrording' to your ground color
head is preferable, rand, more easily to work than thread.


Ground color 12/0. Cr~stul Lustre Cut Bend. l'iRUres anll star 111
medallion (~;ri111 ''I .11,1I"t":
~N'.-You can use auy combination of color, but to illustrate we ha c
\JSCd the above memioned co.ors.
'J " 1. -St nn.c; 12 warp strmgs upon locm-a\ tcast 15 inches long-
01: more ~tri:1g than amount cf beads.
In m~kittg Sautoir "ebains in one l)iecc you make the strands Cr sr and
rncdalhon anc irin~c .ast.
Ko. Z.-Thread ueedle about 24 inches long and tie with ore ,Ingle knot
upon the tirs1 warp thread to the left about six inches from the top of loom
so us LQ allow plenty of room for the fringe, Pass needle under w ar p tl11.,a1.I
aud strinR' enough heads, namely (11 grccn) , for o~e across pattern, continue
same operaticn using lhc beads to form your solid pattern as shown.
No. 3.-\'ou are now ready lo put in llic lon<e <tnrl<. llmnw rhe hrAt
\\l.10 \Var11 stri11gs ;111d ~tri11g same w itn bcarls (grc<"r) 10 the lt11~tl1 oi .~ inches.
Repeat same operatiuu with the next 7 strings 0111} using si11gJc warp instead
of double except 011 the last rwo strands where .)'I.lit use double w"rl' '"'""
1he first two so as to make chain strong and less breakable.
No . .t-Ccl11ti1l.ic to weave another pattern same as i11 operation No. 2.
No. 5.-Crmti""' as in lh~operation xo. 3, and repeat alternate until you
have 6 sections nJ loose str anrl and 7 sections of solid weaving.
No. 6.-.Remove chain you have so far completed from loom.
No. i. Replace chain upon loom in two equal <tllad1iug tl1>: ~N11tr
of ch<1'11 10 hrass tack on St>OOl of loom and rewinding same until you are ''F.r
to put :he end o i warps in Jlel{s-l and 3.
No. 8.-Slrin~ 9 warp 'l' iug> upon lnom, attaching same to spool all'
to peg No. 2. SL11arat" warps in center of frets and have them parallel with
warps in ire1 I and :l. You are now ready to begin weaving tbe medallion.
Continue to weave acruss L,,,;,~ warp <lr:incls and when completed cut out
the 9 center wari< 8 inches I rem mednllion 31lrl weave each warp strand back
in figure of rnerlallinn you are now ready to put on fringe.


9 .I


..t. -4
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' :A,4(.._



Bew K1,nt
Silver ;inrl Hlack

Strini'{ evur y other warp l;1re.;.J except 1hrcnil centre ..... here
each ii~re:1C i~ c.trung, t.o p;:iin thii:k1:~t.s in rin~-O. To n~~:.:e
geld knots. ~triug- l\\10 JtQld beads in centre and ihrcc nt the
bonusr.: then Ji3.SS the i1e(:c1le up through <h::o: black beads to
('t"tltre.; p111 nu l\VO more g:il;l an.l par:r. 111; tl:rouith the re-
:1ll\i1~i11i black l~c:a:l::: to top. 'l'h~ waeo !hr(f1d!) 1-0t t1ft'11 are f'h~ ;t:-
woven 1,,..-=;.c into the fob and cur off, a~ i:r; the curl of the ''hitc- :11!d
thr,:td or lbOSt! 'strun~.
Finli.., 1n1' of fnh rilllf>r f'l1inpI :1t tor :\~ .:llt'eCrl";t nn fl!''r." 1.l, with "'''iv1l nr prt:fc:r.J1IJ
. lJO!.toni,, l"o1~ Trl1n.1\in~~. ~1$ here 's;lt\n. Cclors : ~.;:.'.d, suit;i.1, or silver, Weave
first finish fru1ll bottom UJ), the second Frcm tor: dewn,
. . .~.

. ~

..: - ,,,

"'<- . :..;,,..: :::

.:. -:::
t- . - -:,;
.... Y. ,.

:: .;1 :::
...... -

-- ,.. ,.
... -;> .,

- ..
:: '
e -

An('lent Order of
ot rytht)it

To tltli~h f<.il; \~ltlt ribhun end. leave ...,Jl .1 bead on each J1ide of centre l>ta(I until voo narrow
down to one bead. Weave all the <.'nils of \r~1p lhr'l."nds bnck between the beads of foh.
111.1king n 511li.-l c1lgc.- t4) 1Jii.., ril;l11ln 11n1nt.


Odd Ftllowt 'Knlghtt Te-mplars &'Jngnnic

Red Cross Whole Oc-si~n in

Gold Crown Guld er Silver




f.p,"orth Leaeue Chl'istian Endta\or

Cirt"t'l: Cross, golll outline I l l"~il, hrO\\'U Citound. black
Fill in with white Horns, likht brown Lener C. red
Inalde Circle (o) iJl y,hite Hearl Outliut'd, gold Letter E, whit<'
Centre of Circle, black. -:..: ... se, black Croseee, white
with Sn1:all Cross in red Ere, rcll
Letters E and L [n geld
Cro~l!e-' ae top and
he,,tton1 in red



. i:.. '{;! L
...... 1 :~;.~
'il:l. I rn: 1' : "
11 ' ,

tilc~11 of Colu.mbus
Oettlne. cold. l"1>1~r 1t":ft Knlgh1s of Honnr J(c1} ral A reanum
and lv,~r ri)'lll 11::i11t'J of
c-;, ...~i.: ('rn.. ~. whhe. llther f)u1li11t. uo11I. fill iu tu'' \\'hole dcait:n Iu gold or
p.,ueJ, oi cruss, I11th>i11 ~hirhl hl;ick. l.cf1 h:11ul ti1\.:r.
red. l '11fl\'.r )'r1rt ~hi1lc1 611 naucl, I 11di11n red. ~lid-
in '''ilh i:old. :t~ wel! as dtc, vellow, Jlii:llt 1.111t:I,
(1n1li11tio:. Lower 1i;irt white. l.c:tlrr ... blnrk.
shic:lt1, n);\')' hllk'. J)r."ign
inside tihit:hl, ~nlcl.
'f'n hni"h oh "itll rilil11111 tnI, lca\t' uff a tH":.1 "" each ~iJl' of centre ~.:ir1 uruil you
n:irro~ Jown tu 011C" benel, weave ;111 thr- eude o; "':'\fl) 1hr<"ads l.t-atk 1'tl"rr:11 1ht bt"ado;
of Iott. r11Al<in1~ n 5'llirl edac to thii 1ihl.ivn 1>0oint.

t:ound f:r~ti:tn Otln \ lolI Ue5isin
f nr Siecl 0 ( ;1'('f'O
I "ink
I )-:)rk \tolct
l.i,:11t \*i>lt'& I 1111i.lt1
0 l.J~hl <~ro.:<"n
e e
Ill Ycllo\\
111.H'k r \\'liitt
f 1rru11rl
x ';r('tn
( ;,,1,1
0 \\'l..i '
0 )lilk \\"loik 0' ,:\;,\ \

1. 111111:.h the end if 1111 1:"111111 ru, ,tJ\' fur "'' ,, ... l 11r wruch nt1:i."hn11:n1 weave , h(h
<'11 t .1 I Jllll 11f l1tntl 1 ... j.:;1\lt
tJtlt u. l'i u l~:trl 1111 c~11,,l1 ~uh.
11f clai11 ,a., ~1111 nnr n.w.
~I hen ht1: tl\C' t1Jnatl n t':'l(t, f'-lltl \I "l Ill lhP ll''1nt, Ctlt to wuhin nt1f' (t)Urth 1n("h of
cha 111. l.1~ the- c.11,ls t>f \.l1~1111 d.1rly 111;.tt tbe r-, .1n1l t111J... t11t' "ncl .. ,,, tl1re.1d 111 ht:l\\t-Cn thetn.
:\.,,,. h11tto11h11lt ~!gt.''" tr.Sift'thf'r, ltrij'.111111ng \\ht rt- }'flll tr,:(lll111\'IU'r1l tn nnrro,,, \\Urktn)C tt\\'Ar'I!
the r11,11tt. at w hich :i.v.1,el '' f;, \\1th ...1n1e thratL ('ont111l1e to l}tlltl1tlhtlr "'lt1tr11 111l
the th<' ,.,Jgr ,1i <:11r1i11 t> cnr t ""'J111ntl ,,ith ''l'l'lil1 .. idr-. 'l'hc- cn1l.., uf rhc.i1l ~n11 3J ..,. fie
1~<1111~t: I .111d tt111 .. he.:1I \\ilh '
l.n ee 1,.,.,,1 ,,, . ... li 111:lll, . r l1raI ...


U"t this
0 T111quoi1e 0 Ul:'I('\.:
Oat k Grttn
o t.ight (;rf!~n eress 1n1th

e 11a1wr fnr
x (iold or S1ccl x R<J ,. vour own

0 }lilk \\'hi1e '
0 \\'hitc '
0 ~it:n"

Also p-rclly wi1b eoler Thi:- 1l""ii11 mak"'' :.
handsome with
(@) bead in 11tmc:t.
grttn. or pink. jtroundwork nf crystal
nr vfi:;l1r~t1'111 white,
'A'ith clever leaf niade
in trid~:nl hcatl.s.

Flnwl"r ftnd Ll'ar Turqaoite Flower

l\l:1ck G1 eeu <:old Jltad 111

0 I 'ink centre of each .
\\fhilc c:rnund
l,,igllt Blue x

0 t "halt. \\1h1tc. '
0 \\0 hitt l ht" ch11in 1, woven
five ht"':11l"i wide, like
th' uJlt)('r de-Ian. The
thrr-e llt't\d' on edee
rt( c~ch Ilower are
~1run~ t>n attrw;a.rd\
.\ Dl:11.:k li;fOunrl lo ccmptete the othtr
cou lt' uecd \\"itll h>ll.


()11('. oi the latest ll0\'1l1ies in beudwork i~ the tl"\C" uf l1ta(l ~1rir1~ fin' cu110l1'S, f'UilA. and
'A':t.1.:1 t11111n1in.:. 1-,,r c1ll;.r., make n &traight "'1r11t ~ .. for a ll(lt, ..,.,c of r\t-tk, fi11i..,h ends
with juece o( enllar bone and h1Jnk,; nud ere-c front ean be made \Cf)" tfTcC'tl\C \\'lth atrung
head friui:c.:. a.s here shown. l)c1iu-u1, pages 8, 9, 11, IH.
,\ \Ct)' ;t,rti ...tie idea i., ,,, <.tnrt it 1.hain uiai1\j! the Iower warp Lhrc~il.s on one cull ot
the (t.ll:i.r: the other end oi cbaiu ... 1Jn111g [rntn the t)thtr skte, ;is n1any ,,.:1fl'" aJ)O,C IO\\'tr
edge ut eollur a~ tl1c eharu ,.., to he l.eails ,, ide, t'.hntn lie in [rum 1h1e.:tl) under the
frh1~(' 1;roluC('S n 11l1ri5111~ ::t.1111 tlO\'CI rfTtCl.

- IG-

lltl\\' l\11tlf Otsiur1

Flc 11 r-de-Lis
I ;,.1o1 11r Sih1r a11<I t 1.dc,1cnt \Vhitc nr ( 'iu l!l:uk Jct

SktI and Ulnck

\\.t::i\t' litit clit It 11~111
t11tirrtl, :11111 lil tll(' 1IY th1r;\1I ;,1 ('11tl"
(l.,~e C) 1 he l>t::tI-. If; keep l lu 1:1:->t r1\V i rom .. ~itlj)ittg rlt~\\'11. 'I'll<'
ln-lt ca11 r lu-n [u- i'Ut it11,, t1 l.uck h-, li11i .. h1.I w it h f1'i111:11 11r i11
.111)- ,,.;,~ l1 .. irvd.

Grecian Design

Stet! or Gold
I l:> rk 111 UC

l.a~en<ler and \Vhitc Ground

This belt is also handsome with stars of blue and green alternating.
These designs very effective for collars, cuffs, or bead strips.

No. 1

r11l rhcsc 1,,.,, 1):1g<.::-. ~1.-r i~}r 1111~ -.hai11.
<)L'~i~11 11a It 1:-- ~11t cx.u-t fac:-:.i1tli!c of :11 <>l<l !',:;a1J11,Jer chain
made ver a hundred >c.ars ;l1''J, ;t11LI, althoug h apnaremly ::i111v)c, is most nr tist ic.

No. 15
J1. 111~1ki11~ 1!ii..: .._!1:ii11. -...( u-t at ~tl, I ~1ntl <':al al X . 1 S. 11::1-k~''l! (::1l1 :-:;e<'lin fr1111 t.)I t> 11;.i<:
ei g:}1 t r w s u1 1 I :1111 '-1,lr l>t.:'1 '\.L'<:11 cnr-h it-.~i ;::11. )lo~l 1.tJc.ti\'t: i11 JJl~11' :111.i \''J,i11., Hlack a1,(I

. "'

.- '

-:?I -
This little chain illustrates the construe-
tion of chain 011 the opposue page. It is
practically 2 chains. each woven _::; heads
wide, jointed at J tlifflr(nt $CC'tinn~ with 2
1li\idcd ,:crtion:' between the wide sectious :
then the 2 separate chains extend to bottom.
a,; seen 111 cut. The inside chains arr ias-
1t1ucl toi,:<thcr
wi11t a swivel for watch: the
outside chains are rinishcd with tassel ends.
T make thb odd and blautifuil chain. -ct

up on the 100111 12 \varp threads. using Ii inr

' each ni the 2 chains, which arr S lll'acls wirlc,
woven like pattern ~s follows, the beads

being cut black. cut turquoise. cut opalescent.

anti gold.
lllack-ll Turquoisc-T kcpcat design 11 both chains: then
nrncs 111
Gold G l>p:ll-t, weave J black in each chain. The 2 chains ar e
1st. 2uJ anll Jrd JO\VS, D. needs. mrw woven iogc1l1c:r into 1 broad chniu 11
.frh rnw, 21t-1'l'-21t. beads wide. the extra bead coming between the
5th .. l ll-JT-111.
61h " 2T-IG-2T. 2 inside edges uf the narrow chains. :\ >\V
7th .. 111--,-.rr-111. weave J rows 11 bra<ls wick oi black, .incl con-
Rth '' 21l--lT-2J:. tinue pattern as photographed. The whitest ap-
9th. 101 h and 11th rows. D. 1>t'~tri11g heads are turuuuis, the clouded whiu-
12th tow. 21t-11-2fl.
U1h ' J ll-JT-C-IT-1 n. arc opal, the 4 beacl,; which reflect the li~ht in
14th .. 21}-l"l"-21J. the turquoise cross in the centre of wide sec
1 Srh " Sit. rions arc gold. The 2 half diamonds which
16th .. 211-10-211.
1i1h 11.1-10-1c,-10-1 n. 111r("t in the centre of wide sections are 011tli11e,J
1Srh .. 211-1()-211. with 2 rows of opal beads. The half diamonds
lh .. lit. in centre edged with black arc opal. Evcrv
;?flth '' 20-tT-21J.
Zl<t IJJ-tT-111--tT-lll. other color is plain ill the photograph, anr]
2''jl .')0-lT-?.O. cas ily counted.
- 21-

:\rak< the woven part 7 beads wide and about 2 inches in length.
thr iancy 1'tringing i done 11po11 th<.:~ warp thread>. For cxampl.
siring the leit outside warp thrrarl with .) white heads, I black, ,)
white. and I black. repeat iuj; rhi-, until about .~~-'2 inches in kngth is
struug : then take rh next 11arp thread and stri11g on 3 white hc:vl:<.
and pass tht threacl 1hro11gli the Jir,t black Lead on the out sirlc \\'arp
~tri11g you have previously ,;tnlnf!. and repeat. s1ri111-:ing 3 white and
p:iing thread t hnnt~li each hlaclc head in outer warp thread in .;11c-

cession. 1111til the 3;/i inch<'< is nuulc. :\v" take the third warp
" thread and ,;iring exactly ,;a111e length of plain black. On the next
2 and last 2 warp threads the heads arc stn211g as 011 the f-ir>t 2
describer]. and the sixth thread is strung plain like the third.
For fringe pass warp threads thrn11gh center of a large bead.
making' loops of fringe by stringing heads on each warp string; 11:<i11g
both colors in the chain. Pass each end of thread throuch larue
" "
bead and fasten. More loops of fringe can be added by tying on
threads ar0'1111<l bottom of hig hra<l if desired.
Xinc woven sections and 10 slrung sections, before fringe i<
added, makes a chain over a yard and a hnl f in length-the popular
I engt h worn.

\:iulet CarJ Cast or Pocketbook

O:irk Violet
o J,igbt Yiolet

cp f :nlcl or :\t.::tl
x ( ir cen
' ~ iolrl
0 "Rl:tck or '\1t1i1c

Design for card case or pocketbook. To he woven in three strips,

as indicated. strips Lo lie woven twice the length of design. :\lake
hack plain, or repeat the design. .1\ Ircr weaving three strips, join
together hy sewing- bark an<I Iorrh through the centre of the l>t'.ads
co111posi11g the edge row, lieing- can.:iul to have the thread ,;o 1.1se<I
above the warp thread 011 the edge of the strip. Draw tightly tog-ether
and joint will not show.


It is the ambition of every headworker who has become proficient

in making chains. fobs, and bells. to make the larger pieces as sug-

gested above, The impression has been that a wider f rame was

necessary. and the warps for the full width of the bag or purse must

be ,1:1 np before you could begin. This method has been found to

be very impractical. 'and that the only way to get good results is to
. weave rhc several patterns in strips. and then join them together a s

-direcied 011 the opposite page.

The very old-fashioned hags were knit after the beads hat! been

str1111g. yards and yards at a time, where the miscount .of even a

single bead in the stringing would have thrown the pattern out all

-ovcr the .design. \Vith the use of the Apache Bead work Louin and

the.;<: instructions you can produce the same heautiful designs of our

-grandn1others with hut half the expenditure of energy anti nerve


-26- .



mu~~ ..

Su~~('';Htnn~ Inr lM.'A\I~

1(1 f.- ueed r
o Gold
o Black

ThC' above <llsign io lie made in strips anti joined tugl'tln:r a111C'
as card case described on paJ.!c 2,;, The insides can be mnde oi card-
board covered with silk, or leather mourning's can undouhttdly be
had f rom the leather goods dealers.


\Vhat ls a Better Present to Your Friends?

~lade on .vpache Loom, 111ou111ed on leather. with leather edge;
made in strips joined togcrhcr. as p<'r instructions on pag-c 2~.



.. - -t


Cut or mark the pattern into strips. starting ro111 the left-hand
end; strips cut or marked f rom top to bottom : 4 strips about 1 Y,
inches wide. Weave one strip for a section of the front of the bag,
and continue same length as the front for the hack of the hag, either
plain or repeat the design. 1\ uer wea Ying: the other three strips.
join together as directed 011 page 2.'i.
Weave centre strips first, and then make two outside strip' wide

enough to fit ynnr f rame .
\ \' c recommend the


same as illustrated on page 37. H:1g clamped by metal inlays and

slips into the frame easily, and only requires four rivets. making a
beautiful finish. Size of Irame for this design. 6 inches.
Bead bag frames are made in sizes 4Y,, .:;, 6. and 7 inch, in gold,
gun metal. and polished nickel.

/11 111oki11g /1ugs be sure 1u1d gl'I your tops first 1111d
111ake your bag lo fit Ilic top.


:ic r: rcen

0 Hlat k or Wh itr

Vio:>lct \Vrit Bag


(>11 opposit page is a violet pattern. which can be sh.uled in flower

and lea ( with good effect. The grou11cl cun he made in either black
or white.

T11 mak :1 -;hap('cl bag which will h1ilgc 0111 al the ends. as hags
shown 011 pages 35 and '.17, acid more warp threads and widen 0111

below the hinge of tbe Iramc, and narrow 1i1 lower corners. Ends
oi bags are joined together same as strips. as directed on page 25.
i\[c1111H with a (1-inch "Apache" bead bag-

,. A:,t ..
I -r-

.. -+,
+ I+ ~.

R=!'.f+FH't :i~]l .. ..t

"e r tiI .'
. ' ~"T;

e 111ack
o I .ig"ht Green
0 1>~11!..: Yvllow , .1.' ..
6'l ( .. iJ?!tt lflue
., l>ark Blue +
Dark (;r~t.11
' Light Yellow
.t .
0 Dark Ned or
(ja met ..
! . "1' :
r. .1:1.r.



This very okl-Iushioued de:;ign ior ~ wr isr hag with the church.

trees and flowers below is copied i ro111 a hai:: worn hy a 111aidc11 in

the days of George \\'ashington, and gi\'l!> an idea of the coloring

and desigu in beadwqrk of that period. Directions ior wea,in" on

' pages 26 to 3S. I.lags should he lined i11 silk or leather. to prevent

stain or wear on the hcadwork. Takes a 6-inrh heacl ba!! i rame,

t.; I
,_ .

. .,.



To pro-

..l.. his <.lrsiQ11

~ 10 l1t~ \\.,),t11 iu

4 strips ;.\-;; <lirt'<'tr~l <11~ previous pages.

,----- .. ..


Mounted on 4;1i-inch "Apache" Iramc iii polished nickel or gilt.
Above bag is easily made on the Apache Beadwork Loom.

~ - I )ark Red Flower
cdlo1k Green Leaf
o l.i!(ht f'iuk
0 I Jark J'i11l~
x l~igllt Green
0 Black nr \Vliile

- +


. J..
, .-r

.+ r. -1-
i- :r- ~

.. .. .. j_
Hi -
Wild Rose for Chatelaine Bag,


Directions for Making

:i,1.1h.l ti. chaiu ,.( I :\UI J"lll, Int' 1lii.i '
i.;f11, 1!1 .. iutu t'illh 111 th, ... ,. t'or111i.1~ thv vitvlv.
1111., p:1.1h of 1111.i, .~ 1.:i1.ll1.; "''1r!, " I ,,.;,II
f 1 tl11l 1r ... 1it .. ht-. :.: \\ilh ll'l'l' ;11t1I : 1'Lti11.

C' 11i1111c- \\'11rki11J.! in thi-, 111;111111:, uddiu~ I lir.:.I t ih' 11til.:h \\i,l,nii~!.! !ht 1rr\l1l"
'"'Ill'!. ~1n,J ,'\d1li111-t :1 J)l:1in stin-h to1 r-: .. h _.1,,1inn 11r i;f:1r 1111111 tlu:~ ;11\ '' t:1d.., i11 ~:1 h
\\11h ;, -invlc 11:'1111 .. 11t\'.h 11 l\\t'l'O ,:11,'h .. ,.,till, u1:1rki11!:' lho li\'i~i" 111 1111 .. 1.1r, \\ lh 11
1lil'll' ~t!'t 1 hf'rul .11 \\nl"ktl i lu- \\j(!, ... 1 111 1l11 l'!:11 h.1\i'I>.: 111:1! .. j.; 1~lt'ht1I rh1 lll\\!UL'
ru110J., \\'totktol h) tllli ti iu~ I ht l:t .;f ht"lt ! i II 1:uI)
.n'v .. ,.I i1111, 1111 I il \II ill\l 11it11( >ft .'I ll:tiH
nu-h. au! 111;1ti1111i11Jt I widcu I!'> 1, v (,.r(', i,, ;\1l11itill ,,j :l .in;:l1 11h1iu ... 11111. 111111;.: ,.,,,,,1ul
111 l1.t\'1' 1h1 \\ i{l111i11;: al 1h1 ':ill!' plo11'1 ;1~ f,.l 1111'1'1, 111.11 i". ,it tht .. 111,h j11(l l .. i1111 111,.
111.hl. "" thi.;. Hue mav 1!1 1r11'\1.J l1t1hr11l-tu, 11111il h11 11111,uu-- ,, -.111<:1 l1 d
1 :11 1:1h
...,.1111 :1. ,, l1i1h "ill ,.,,,, 1, tlu- iii 1hl .. t.u'. 'fr
I In-rr- wrl! l lu-n lit :1 l't1t11l.r 11.d r-irr-ular 1u:.t ,,hich .. hunl-1 J,; 1hr11 i11ih1 .. In
1li:11lll11 Ii rll 1l1t< c,.'Pllt'lu..,in11 f'i ;h1 ~l~lr Ill( 01:11 i-: 11 .. ..: 111.111 lh11r i11 h1-.., lth'l'1:""' ii
h1 I ht dt'it11I i1.t' ),)' 1h1 ;vlditi11n <i "'('\'11;d !'u\\""' 11( 1hiit1 i 11\h1I.

rJ, work i-;

nt it-, \\'id,:-l ;1111 t.,t't:-('"l , .. ,int. ,'l.1111 j.; t.''Htiuutl
110,\ I,\' ,,.,,rl:u1~ 1'0\\'t:
,,j 1L1ru ~iu~lr rre-In-t n11d 11:1r1'''iUf! :~1 "a1l1 point ,,hi<h wa- '''''''*"'"''\ \\i1f111~I. 1',,11.
1in11r 111 1111rr1>\\' i11 this uun.uvr fu1' .tl"\ll , 1'11untl..:;, t\ht. n 1h~.; 1:\rl \':1il l1i (11nn1I 10
.J .. ul,lt nt1r lll1111 1111 mm-lik 111~rti 111 n11d \tifl 1111~1111 Jiu a~11;,11111c1 11 :\ n1i'1i:11u1t '1':1111

(1':..l1,1nlt'l <"~I frrn11 which ii .. n!l11t1 i<( 1:1k111. \\'ll1u 1h1 '1f'1lt , .. u.n'r \\I 111 tln- ._j,,.
,,, '''I' ,,.r, .._.,,.,, wm-k J r1)\\''" 111 t)(nd1h 1r,htI. which ... 11 111.1 .. t111d up lik1 n 1:111.t. ''' \\hi1h
!lit" 11J i~ ,,.111" :111:11!11 v],

1/df1'1iu/.": ()n\~ l1t111lh oi l(":l.J", whh-h .,i.nultl lie 'ti uug un"u tlu riilk !1tfqlf' lh1 \\u1 l.
;,. < .. 111111111: 111. ,,tll fir -.111l'111111t 1~ 111ak1 '!11 1111 :-1. (l1h' hal( t\11\ 1 ,.j 1111', t\\i ... 1: !olh'
r:1111 11:;11:11lh.'r 'l'..1. l '..,c. ~tl,I t11uh1t l1>11k.


'f'lti"I m-w 11:tl1nt1l l1111 r<'quit~ u 1'i\'('t;11~. l'nt ...1 ;~ .;(\\'til u, \\il't in1:. thr-u pu-:h
J,:i~ +l1\\'ll 1hr<111,l{h ''l'('nlu;.;:.
w irh ui,l,1hd
('t~\'(.1' 1 iu1. 111 1 11 ,i,,,\ 11 1u1i111 .. li h11l11,
\\ ir1 ,\ll
lh1 t11 ,J., rlt'l'l'~!i:11 y (u( f:1.:t\"llill\(, :1 1~1;1' .,( lli1r I' .,, j-.-:,,, ..,, :-i,t\\'- fi\1!\U~ 1''(,IC'll"I' auI
t.111h1r. :t11d nrt11llu1'{ 1hi.!anl hHihll. '1'.1111 t 1'!"\h:1 ll r 1'111 .. 1 'l'.11 111:1111 111 111.11\ 111a1111f11I

li~!u~ ... -.:ilii'tI :1:11! u .. 111,

- ',,, -
Directions For Making Change Purses

This new knitted b .. cl purse is tho latot novelty. Con

l-e maJe hy ony cee who know how lo lr.nit

lne Bead Purse lo Suspend 011 the

Woven Chains
Cn be mode in .. me c:olorini the chnin, mnkint( an
l\rliflric eembinauon: full size, with complete inlrucrionJ
acs to m.otcrials rcquarcd and ditcction~ for kntttin9.
Old Silver HolE Size


Cast on 30 stitches, fter strin;ini all b.,,.ds.

Knit) tiuac& e.crc.>~S. plaiu.
Knit 3 stitches, pul needle in'ned tikh as if to knit it, and belcrc k11illin9 pueh on 2
beeds, Knit that >titch &Dtl lnit die next one. Put ncedl" in "'" t1i1rh if 10 kni1 i1, pouh on
2 mete bead11 and to on te end o( row, ht1.,i1g 13,ter& of l\Yl) bcods cech, Then knit
bock the same, Kni tluee rows. 2 !Jead tu each cluster.
Seven1h row knit 3, pth on 3 beaclo, knitting 12 clulc,. on 3 beda eeross.
Hs-e 3 ruw. 3 bcod le> the cluster. Ha10 3 rows, 4 heads 111 1he cluuer.
Knit-I row, with 5 b<ada above,
Second row wi1h S Lcaol. narrow I <tilch I eoch encl.
Third row with S boads, narrow ono1he1 olitch ot eech end, ti.en knit 4 rows more, 5
l><d to t he cluster,
Then knit 5 ro\<; of 6 b..-ods to th duotcr.
Then lait 5 rows oi 7 i,,,,d, In the cluuer,
TbOll knit 11 rows of 8 bcJ.d I<> the cluotcr.
Starling these rows with I J.'lain 11i1.:h in"ed of 3 as I top.
Thell knit bock 5 rows of 1 bcds in td cluster.
Tl.en I.nit back S rows of 6 brak in ch duster.
Then knit back 4 1ow of 5 bcds in each cluster.
Widco I ~do t each end. nnother row of 5 be.ado.
Widen another ol each end with S bcede, Then with 3 plain .1i1d1c'1 at eech end knit
anoc:her S, oontin111n3 \\'ith .. .
Three row>, 4 beads each cluster, Three rows, 3 beads each duster.
Three rews, 2 beads ach cluster.
Knit croos plam 3 lime. nnd l>ind oil. Fold over nd sew the ,;,i., lo tlie clasp.
If you Ute 9 mNI beads, cast on 32 stitches int<ad of 30, knitting 14 du>lrt 10>1cad
of l).

- -tU..:...

REL TS. Cl li\l~S. FORS. H.A.C.S. CARD Ci\SF.S, ETC.

::>l~!P! F 1....: C:():-.:STRL1L TIO:-. rR0Dl <..E> !'I RH< 'T R f~l LT~


rtegl1lar Size J 14 in~h :: Large Size 8 inch
111ligo lu ... 1 i1<. 111a111 work -, wl 111 li.l ve bi.: ..'(>:llt' 5.~ 1.l rgt. 1,:- intcr c ct lcl i11 l>1:t.1 \Y1 r k .
',, .. it ~1l\'C'i \'1111)lt1t'I) 1111 1l1Jlic t1lti1s t1JC'()tt1l1tr1<1 in a111111pti11g to rna:..;.(' cho in-,
:111<1 1~1~ .. ,,i1it11 1>r'l"-'r n1t;111-. 1 .. t(lic. ... arc f:i.:-.i111:t:1'I l1y 1!11 <tr'~tic r~,1!1-..
(1t>~:\lll1 d. :tllcl l~ll' l)IJ)l)rlU!l;ty ior ff11 t ..\l'I\ j.,t c1i llltl~\'l(!lt.'11 f:l-.11" .II rit.:ill.}1
1l1 ... 1t:n and c11l<>r'inJ::-.. \\ l1at :l.!fl'all..'r rk-lichr tl1.11l ,,1...1vi11;.: l.l{"at1liil~I J:,?:if,, f,,,
1t t.llll'! ,,j h-v c." \\'lti<'fl \\il} 111. 1{<1',Jl,I,\ ('llt'f!'-}l\'d

Ill .. '.!l('X)Xll\.l\'(
ft:' 111\ 'l'l~:i11unl ''''"'-ll 111~1> 1j)1 111 ~ :\;. l'.X'tll~11t 1pf)(1l'1)J1lil)' 11-. (';1111 l)in t11111Jt'\'.

/\ New Fancy W ork : \Vhat Better I or Hnli<lr1y Cif ts?

.'.fi;lfJt'r( f1Ur{ /111.ft('I'$ :;h11t11(1 gt\ 1ht~,.l (11f 1111: chil-Irru. It ,,111 ltt.!1, tllt'~l\
I ln- ... kill i ul wrth tl1fi1 fill,l!l't', .11ld l~ invaluable ,,, i1 tll.'\l..')(;Jl<.'f <'!; tl1t:1
t!l<.'('l1:1nit:il nud tlr~t,lic brain ftll..:;. 1:,,r rt-.l..:, ... 11<.~s on :i f:ti11\ tl.tJ' it is w.vr th
11 tuucv i:c. ....... 1

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