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Q 2008 by The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EDUCATION

Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 262273, 2008


Pedagogies of Engagement in Science


Received for publication, October 10, 2007, and in revised form, January 31, 2008

Thomas Eberlein, Jack Kampmeier, Vicky Minderhout, Richard S. Moog||, Terry Platt,
Pratibha Varma-Nelson, and Harold B. White||||

From the School of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg,
Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-4898, Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester,
New York 14627-0216, Department of Chemistry, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington 98122,
||Department of Chemistry, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604, Department
of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627-0211, Department of Chemistry,
Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois 60625-4699, and Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716-2522

Problem-based learning, process-oriented guided inquiry learning, and peer-led team learning are stu-
dent-centered, active-learning pedagogies commonly used in science education. The characteristic fea-
tures of each are compared and contrasted to enable new practitioners to decide which approach or
combination of approaches will suit their particular situation.
Keywords: PBL, POGIL, PLTL, active-learning, student-centered, pedagogy.

INTRODUCTION particular emphases and applicability. For faculty interested

Problem-based learning (PBL), process-oriented guided in adopting active-learning strategies, the PXnL pedago-
inquiry learning (POGIL), and peer-led team learning (PLTL) gies provide a rich array of options, but may generate con-
represent three student-centered pedagogies in science fusion due to their mix of shared and contrasting features.
that have received wide attention and NSF support in the Our goal here is to describe, compare, and contrast the
past two decades. All are motivated by a call for change characteristics of these three pedagogies with the recogni-
in the way we teach that fundamentally recognizes the tion that each is evolving in practice and that hybridization
way people learn [1]. All have much to offer, but each has among them and with other approaches occurs frequently.
As long-time practitioners of one or more of these pedago-
gies in a variety of higher education settings, we appreci-
* This work is supported by a grant from the U.S. Department ate that the suitability of one or the other for particular sit-
of Educations Fund for the Improvement for Post-Secondary
Education (FIPSE) grant P116B40949. We thank several funding uations will depend on the student audience, facilities,
sources for their initial and continuing support of our efforts instructional goals, personal preferences, and available
spanning more than a decade. These include National Science resources. We hope that the information and perspectives
Foundation (NSF) grants 9354606, 9620082, 9653203, 9653663,
that we offer will stimulate interested colleagues to learn
FIPSE P116B60737, and HHMI 520030062, 52003754, and
52005898 for PBL projects; NSF grants 0231120, 0618746, more about those approaches that seem well-suited to
0618758, 0618800, and 0717392 for the POGIL Project, and their situation and needs.
NSF grants 9455920, 9972457, and 0231349 for the Workshop Undergirding each of the PXnL pedagogies are the
Chemistry Project. tenets of social constructivism [2]. As the term is typi-
Pratibha Varma-Nelson current address: Department of
Chemistry and Center for Teaching and Learning, Indiana Uni- cally used in educational contexts, constructivism rec-
versity-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI). ognizes that knowledge is constructed in the mind of
This effort originated from an evening discussion among T.E., the learner by the learner [3]. Social constructivism
R.M., H.B.W., and others at the MADCP (Middle Atlantic Dis- implies that this building process is aided through co-
covery Chemistry Project) Meeting in 2004 at George Washing-
ton University, which was continued at the MADCP Meeting at
operative social interactions. Simultaneously, it implies
Washington College, Chestertown, MD, in 2007. All of the that lecture-only methods of teaching do not take opti-
authors, listed alphabetically, have contributed substantively to mal advantage of the unique characteristics of the edu-
the preparation of this manuscript. cational milieu, in which many students are engaged in
|||| To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 302- a mutual effort to both master course content and to
831-2908; Fax: 302-831-6335; E-mail:
The abbreviations used are: PBL, problem-based learning;
learn how to learn. Because the human mind has limita-
POGIL, process-oriented guided inquiry learning; PLTL, peer-led tions on the rate and amount of new information it can
team learning; PLGI, peer-led guided inquiry. accurately assimilate and comprehend, any strategy
DOI 10.1002/bmb.20204 262 This paper is available on line at
that attempts to transfer knowledge more or less is facilitated by the instructor sometimes assisted by
directly from teacher to studentteaching by telling near-peers who have taken the course before. PBL has
is ineffective for many if not most students [4]. As cog- origins as a lecture-less pedagogy. In practice, however,
nitive load increases, the need for student engagement many instructors intersperse lectures with PBL problems
increases. Students must actively build for themselves stretched out over one or more class periods. Recently,
a workable understanding of sophisticated concepts, the instructional approaches of PBL have been viewed
and must be engaged in developing their own higher- as a way to actively encourage students to think like sci-
order thinking skills. The PXnL pedagogies intentionally entists and as a prelude to undergraduate research [12].
create learning environments that stimulate students to
construct a robust understanding of concepts.
We will rst provide a brief description of the three ped- Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning [13]
agogies and the theoretical bases for each. A detailed
POGIL, like PBL, was designed to replace lectures in
comparison follows in which the similarities and differen-
the classroom and thereby involve students in discussing
ces among the pedagogies are eshed out. This compari-
the course material, rather than just hearing about it. Stu-
son amplies the entries in Table 1 that summarize the
dents work in self-managed teams during class on spe-
content and serve as the centerpiece of this article.
cially designed materials. These activities consist of a se-
ries of carefully crafted questions (the guided inquiry)
DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PEDAGOGIES that generally follow the three-phase learning cycle
Problem-Based Learning [5] approach [1417] which includes an exploration phase, a
concept invention phase, and an application phase. In
PBL originated in medical education as an alternative
the exploration phase, students examine a model,
to information-dense lectures given to large classes [6].
search for patterns within it, and attempt to extract
Students working cooperatively in groups of eight to 10
meaning from it. The model consists of any combination
with a facilitator explored the basic medical sciences, for
of pictures, tables, equations, graphs, prose, or other
example, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, endocrinol-
types of information. Often, the questions lead students
ogy, and microbiology in the integrated context of actual
to test hypotheses or explain the patterns and relation-
patient cases (the problems). PBL is driven by the pre-
ships found in the model. Next, in the concept inven-
mise that basic science concepts will be understood and
tion (or term introduction) phase, a specic concept
remembered longer when they are learned, discussed,
or relationship emerges and a term may be introduced to
and applied in a practical, real-world context. An essen-
describe the newly developed concept or relationship.
tial and distinctive feature of the approach is that prob-
Alternatively, rather than being invented, the concept
lems come rst and introduce content, rather than prob-
may be more fully developed or generalized during this
lems following a presentation of facts and concepts. Stu-
phase. In this case, the phase is referred to as concept
dents learn on a need-to-know basis by group-directed
formation rather than concept invention. Finally, the
exploration with the idea that they gain experience on
application phase gives students the opportunity to
the way to becoming self-directed learners.
extend and apply the concept to new situations, aug-
Although the basic premises of the medical school PBL
menting their understanding of the concept. The
model have been retained, the source of problems and
sequence of questions in POGIL materials are carefully
the classroom structure required adaptation to the college
devised to help students progress properly through the
and university settings [79]. In the latter settings, students
phases, to guide them toward appropriate conclusions,
work cooperatively in smaller groups of four or ve stu-
and to develop desired process skills, such as problem
dents to solve complex, open-ended problems that are
solving, deductive reasoning, communication, and self-
based typically on real-world situations, but usually not
assessment. Examples of POGIL materials can be found
medical cases. For example, in one model, students
at the POGIL website [13].
attempt to read an article from the primary literature on
In POGIL, the instructor serves as a facilitator to assist
their own [10, 11]. At the next class meeting, group mem-
groups in the learning process and does not answer ques-
bers collaborate to dene learning issueswords, con- tions that students should be able to answer on their own.
cepts, or procedureswhich they will need to learn about Students are assigned specic roles such as manager, re-
before they can truly understand the article. Learning corder, reector, technician, and presenter. The facilitation
issues (sometimes called learning objectives) are ranked planned by the instructor and the roles that the students
in order of perceived importance and assigned to group fulll enable the development of process skills beyond
members to look up before the next class. After several what is addressed within the activity itself [16, 18, 19]. In
iterations of this process, students might demonstrate some ways, this is similar to the team-based learning
their understanding by completing a specic assignment approach developed by Michaelsen et al. [20, 21].
such as writing a 200-word abstract of the article, or con- The POGIL approach has been used successfully in all
structing a concept map based on the article. of the typical areas of undergraduate chemistry, as well
Often instructors create PBL problems by reworking as biology, physics, mathematics, computer science, en-
articles into stories about unresolved and messy real- gineering, environmental science, education, and in high-
world situations that require integrating multiple discipli- school settings (predominantly in chemistry and biology).
nary perspectives even though this may not lead to a POGIL approaches can also be used for developing lab-
unique solution. In the undergraduate setting, group work oratory experiments [2225]. Although POGIL has been
Comparison of problem-based learning, process-oriented guided inquiry learning, and peer-led team learning

Points of comparison PBL POGIL PLTL
A. Fundamental aspects 1. Purpose To promote higher-order thinking skills; to help students learn to reason though problems, instead of using
algorithmic approaches; to build conceptual understanding through active engagement with the material; to
foster growth in teamwork and collaborative problem-solving skills
2. Theoretical basis (why it works) Constructivist ideas of Dewey Constructivism and the learning cycle Constructivism and zone of
and Piaget proximal development
3. Particular emphases Need-to-know learning Learning cycle format Peer-led learning team
B. Classroom characteristics: 1. Are lectures retained? Sometimes No Yes
Set-up; Roles and 2. Course format or supplemental Course format Course format Supplemental, but integral to course
Materials and methods 3. Group problem solving sessions During normal class hours; usually, all groups in the same room Extra sessions usually held outside
normal class hours; each group in
a separate room
4. Is the course grader present? Yes Yes No
5. Group work a. By whom? Instructor (6peer facilitators) Instructor Peer leaders
facilitation: b. What do they do? Instructor circulates, peer Instructor circulates among groups Peer leader stays with one group,
tutors promote interaction intervening only if necessary promotes group interaction
within a group
c. Training? Facilitator training course, or Attend POGIL workshops; nd Orientation, weekly faculty/leader
pre-semester training materials at POGIL website meetings; leader training course
6. Nature of the a. Problem types Complex, open-ended, real Structured by learning cycle: Similar to most challenging
problems/in-class world, deliberately vague exploration, invention, application examination problems; structured
student work (sometimes) for group work
sessions: b. Duration Varies; can range from a One activity lasts one period; One session lasts for 12 hr, with
single class to an entire unnished portions are homework many problems per session
c. Problem sources Primary literature; reworked Published workbooks; problem sets adapted from workbooks by the
stories of case-based instructor; problem sets of the instructors own creation; websites
7. How are concepts treated? Problems drive concept Develop concepts through group work, Probe and apply concepts
discovery on a need-to- reinforce w/ application introduced in text, lecture, and
know basis homework
8. In-class textbook use? Textbook, if any, used as one Textbook not used in class; reading Textbook is resource for problem
of many resources done after group work except in solving work sessions
upper division courses
9. Groups a. Ideal group size 45 (some use 810) 35 68
b. Permanent groups Yes No Yes
10. Students a. Responsibility of Students must do individual Students must each play their assigned Students must each prepare
responsibilities individuals to the group research to bring back to roles to ensure effective group work adequately to make worthwhile
group contributions to the group effort
b. Groups responsibility Individuals have a responsibility to the group, but the group also has a responsibility to each individual to
to its members ensure a shared understanding of the concepts developed and/or reinforced in the group work session
11. Class size limits (scalability) Ideal class size <30 Ideal class size <30 students. Many No restrictions on class size.
students. Managing larger techniques available for adapting to Limited only by peer leaders and
groups is doable, and large classes meeting rooms availability
BAMBED, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 262273, 2008

similar to PLTL

Points of comparison PBL POGIL PLTL
C. Out-of-class: 1. Preparation a. By instructor Prepare appropriate problems; prepare Prepare group activity and quiz; Prepare workshop materials;
Preparation; for class tutors for facilitation anticipate problems prepare peer leaders for
Follow-up; Grading facilitation
b. By students Students individually gather information Complete previous activity and related Students complete all related
for addressing reading; prepare for quiz, or reading and homework relevant
learning issues, and prepare to complete assignments in upper to upcoming workshop
share their ndings with group division
c. By facilitators Weekly tutor meeting with instructor; Instructor is the facilitator Weekly peer leader meeting; leaders
plus separate course complete workshop as though
they were students
2. Homework a. Types of problems Students conduct research for Exercises and problems related to (Homework from lecture class)
addressing learning issues group work; textbook problems
b. Use of textbook Multiple resources are necessary, and Textbook reading in intro courses done Textbook is for reading and
usually include the text, after the group work has led to the homework problems, as in any
internet, primary literature, review formation of an important concept, lecture course; completed before
articles, and seeking variable in upper courses the workshop
out experts
3. Grading a. In-class group work Major effect on course grade from Some credit usually assigned for group Workshop attendance and
attendance, participation, work, attendance, and participation participation usually does not
preparation, and attitude have direct effect on grade
b. Tests Tests can include group effort Tests usually involve only individual work
D. Miscellaneous 1. Proven outcomes PBL has most often been used in Decreased DFW rates, increased proportion of quality (ABC) grades; increase
medical schools; data on persistence to higher-level classes; no reduction in standardized test scores;
outcomes are harder to come by other benets
2. Benets for peer facilitators Authentic teaching experience helps N/A Authentic teaching experience helps
leaders with their own leaders with their own learning;
learning; develops leadership skills develops leadership skills
3. Required resources Recruitment, training, and Same resources required as for Recruitment, training, and
compensation for (peer) tutors ordinary lecture courses compensation for peer leaders;
need rooms for group work
266 BAMBED, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 262273, 2008
used most extensively in small classes, it has been 6) Institutional and departmental support of innova-
adapted for classes as large as several hundred with tive teaching methods is essential, including logis-
much success [26, 27]. tical and nancial support.
The essential elements for POGIL implementation are
the use of small, self-managed groups of students; the
role of the instructor as facilitator; the use of specially THEORETICAL BASES FOR THE PXNL PEDAGOGIES
designed activities that generally follow the learning cycle Being the oldest of the PXnL pedagogies, PBL has
paradigm; and the emphasis on development of process evolved and diversied the most in its practice [30, 31].
skills in addition to mastering course content. Although hybridization with other approaches has
occurred, it demands more student independence than
PLTL or POGIL. The originators of PBL in medical
schools in the 1960s certainly had a sense of what did or
Peer-Led Team Learning [28] did not promote learning [6, 32]; however, they were not
motivated by educational theory. Only more recently has
Unlike PBL and POGIL, PLTL supplements, but gen-
learning theory been applied to the practice of PBL [33].
erally does not replace, lecture time with group work
The constructivist ideas of Dewey [34] and Piaget [35]
sessions called workshops. There are no inherent
underlie much of todays PBL practice. From that per-
restrictions on the size of the class. Under the PLTL
spective, instructors engage students with new challeng-
model, undergraduate students who have done well in
ing experiences and guide them to use those experien-
the class previously are recruited and trained as work-
ces to build and construct their own meaning and
shop leaderspeer leaderswho guide the efforts
of a group of six to eight students. These peer-led
Although PLTL and POGIL also have constructivist
groups meet weekly (separate from the lecture and the
underpinnings, they were motivated more by specic
instructor) to work together on problems that are care-
concepts in learning than PBL. PLTL emphasizes the
fully structured to help the students build conceptual
social aspects of learning developed by Vygotsky [36,
understanding and problem-solving skills. There are no
37], in which the peers are often better catalysts for
answer keys for either the students or the peer-lead-
learning than the superiors [29]. Vygotsky argued that
ers; the emphasis is on learning to nd, evaluate, and
learning is essentially social and that there is a gap (the
build condence in answers. Simultaneously, the work-
zone of proximal development or the ZPD) between
shops and the peer leaders provide a supportive envi-
learning outcomes produced in isolation and the level of
ronment that helps each student participate actively in
potential development that can be achieved through col-
the process of learning science. Thus, PLTL offers a
laboration with capable peers. PLTL situates students in
mix of active-learning opportunities for students and a
their ZPD, as does PBL, by presenting challenging prob-
new role for undergraduate peer leaders that is appro-
lems that they cannot solve easily on their own, but can
priate for their stage of development. PLTL has been
accomplish by interaction with the members of the work-
used successfully in courses in chemistry, biology,
shop team [38]. Thus, PLTL draws students into their
physics, math, computer science, and engineering. In
ZPDan area of learning gains they can achieve, but
practice, the weekly workshop replaces traditional reci-
only with helpby having them work together on prob-
tation sections led by graduate teaching assistants or
lems in groups in the instructors absence, but with facili-
faculty. Although most peer leaders are undergradu-
tation by a near peer who has successfully completed
ates, many graduate students with appropriate training
the course previously [39].
have also worked effectively and enthusiastically in
POGIL, like PLTL and PBL, uses students working to-
that role.
gether in groups, and therefore emphasizes the social
Through many years of workshop evaluations, the
aspects of learning. However, the POGIL groups have
developers of PLTL identied six critical components
greater structure due to the assigned roles. This pro-
[29] vital to ensuring the success of a PLTL program.
motes the positive interdependence and accountability
1) It is essential that the workshops are closely inte- cited by Johnson et al. [40] and also provides opportu-
grated with the course and all its elements. nities for development of specic process skills
2) Faculty teaching these courses must be actively through the student roles and the interactions between
involved with the workshops and with the peer them.
leaders. The learning cycle that guides the structure of POGIL
3) Peer leaders are students who have taken the activities is derived from the mental functioning model
course, who have good people skills, and who proposed by Piaget [41]. Piaget identied several factors
are well trained and supervised in facilitating in the development of cognitive reasoning and suggested
small-group collaborative-learning sessions. that two factors were essential for cognitive growth. Spe-
4) Workshop problems must be appropriately chal- cically, students must connect to their prior knowledge
lenging and designed for use in collaborative or past experience and they must experience a cogni-
group learning settings. tively challenging situation. These ideas were incorpo-
5) Organizational arrangements must ensure ade- rated into the learning cycle devised by Karplus and
quate and appropriate rooms for conducting others, who developed materials for the Science Curricu-
workshop sessions. lum Improvement Study [42]. Later, these ideas were
brought to the attention of the higher education commu- expert tutor facilitators.) Because PBL problems are con-
nity by, among others, Lawson [14] and Abraham and ceptually complex with few and rather open-ended
Renner [43]. prompting questions, students must generate the ques-
tions that guide learning. They must pursue these ques-
tions outside of class and bring back information to the
CLASSROOM CHARACTERISTICS group. As a consequence and in contrast to POGIL, the
The PXnL pedagogies all focus on students discussing issues being discussed at one time in different PBL
course content in small groups. Thus, the ideal physical groups can be quite different. It is expected that different
setup of a classroom with chairs around circular or hex- students will be learning different things in association
agonal tables and lots of blackboard space contrasts with the core content objectives. Because groups can
with a typical lecture classroom where seats or desks get off track, peer facilitators are especially helpful in
are often bolted to the oor facing forward, with writing classes with students having their rst PBL experience
boards or a slide projection screen at the front of the [45]. The classroom role of the instructor is much the
room. Despite the similarity in physical appearance asso- same as for POGIL except that he or she often joins
ciated with working groups in PXnL classrooms, the groups for short times to facilitate discussions. Originally,
structure of the group activities differ with respect to the PBL was intended to replace lectures in the medical
student tasks and role of the instructor. school setting; however, many PBL courses now include
For POGIL, group work takes the place of lecture time, lectures. The ideal PBL classroom has resource books
but the instructor is still present to administer quizzes, and wireless laptop computers for students to look up in-
distribute and collect materials, monitor progress, and formation during class time. In many cases, instructors
intervene with groups that need guidance [16, 19]. Occa- write or adapt the PBL problems they use.
sionally, if many groups are struggling, the instructor may By contrast to PBL and POGIL, PLTL retains lectures
nd it benecial to insert a mini-lecture to clarify con- and has groups meet at separate times in different pla-
tent and re-engage the students. Using assigned roles ces. The instructors do not attend the workshop sessions
for students enables the groups to take much of the because their presence perturbs the group interactions.
responsibility for learning the material. The role of the in- Typically, PLTL groups have six to eight members and
structor-as-facilitator is to help students understand that thus are larger than PBL or POGIL groups. Peer leaders
they already possess the background and the reasoning manage the group dynamics and facilitate the collabora-
skills necessary to develop new concepts and solve tive problem-solving activities of the PLTL groups. Facili-
unfamiliar problems [44]. Often, instructors will respond tating group discussion is an acquired skill for most
to student questions by asking further questions. They workshop leaders and thus they need to be instructed in
monitor student progress toward meeting learning goals, the art of questioning, the power of discussion and
andif that progress is unsatisfactorythey make deci- debate, and the principles and practice of collaborative
sions about what form an intervention should take in and cooperative learning. Usually this is accomplished in
order to ensure that the learning goals are met. Instruc- a course taught by a teaching/learning expert in cooper-
tors help students to perform at a higher level than they ation with the content instructor. When peer facilitators
could without the facilitation, but do not do the work for are used in PBL classes, similar preparation is needed
the students. They share responsibility with the group [46].
manager and reector for maintaining constructive group Workshop leaders for PLTL and the peer facilitators
dynamics. Instructors must also make decisions about sometimes used in PBL are recruited from the pool of
the timing of students oral reports of their results, which students who have taken the course before, done well,
brings closure to any given portion of the activity, allows and like the instructional format; but this is not enough.
students to validate their answers, and maintains the Good workshop leaders also have good interpersonal
pace of the class at an acceptable rate. skills. Workshop leaders usually get paid for their service,
The structure of the classroom experience in advanced and so nancial resources are normally needed to imple-
courses may be different. For example, in an upper-level ment the PLTL model. If funding is a problem, schools
biochemistry course, many of the fundamental concepts can offer course credit in place of a stipend. Alternatively,
have already been developed in previous coursework. being a workshop leader may satisfy a service-learning
Students are held accountable for these concepts and requirement for graduation at some schools and at
may be asked to complete an assignment prior to class others both stipend and credit may be offered [45, 46].
that serves to remind them of the prerequisite knowl- Typically, the instructor assigns students to PBL or
edge. In this way more class time is devoted to the con- PLTL groups at the beginning of the semester and group
cept formation phase and application phase of the learn- membership does not change during the course. In con-
ing cycle. Assigned homework is used for additional trast, the composition of POGIL groups can change and
application experience. One example of this approach the assigned roles rotate among group members.
has recently been published [18].
Supercially, a PBL classroom might look like a POGIL
classroom in that both have groups of four or ve stu- NATURE OF THE PROBLEMS AND ACTIVITIES
dents and the instructor is present. (This is different than Although learning goals of the PXnL pedagogies have
the original PBL model in medical schools where larger much in common, the nature of the classroom activities
groups of eight to ten met separately with assigned differ considerably among them. PBL uses complex
268 BAMBED, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 262273, 2008
problems, often presented as multistage, progressive- book. Workshop problems are usually multistep, providing
disclosure cases or stories, which may represent real- opportunities for discussion, visualization, and building
world dilemmas or controversies. They are distinctly understanding piece-by-piece. The leaders role is to facili-
interdisciplinary or at least integrate several topics, tate the studentstudent discussion of the problems and
whereas PLTL and POGIL problems have a more specic the related concepts that will simultaneously lead to better
disciplinary and conceptual focus. Resolution of PBL understanding of the ideas and their application to nding
problems requires students to dene the problem, iden- answers to the problems. Although peer leaders will have
tify information they need to acquire, and apply it in order worked through the problems in advance of the work-
to resolve the problem. The problem itself can take a sin- shop, they are not given answer keys [29]. Prentice-Hall
gle class period or span an entire semester [47]. Typically has published PLTL workshop books for various chemistry
the rst stage of a PBL problem is open-ended and courses and workshop problems are now available in sev-
intentionally vague so that students review what they al- eral other areas [5052]. A broad array of workshop mate-
ready know and consider a variety of possibilities. Sub- rials can be obtained from the PLTL website [28].
sequent stages provide more information that serves to POGIL materials for introductory courses assume no
narrow the options and introduce additional things to prior knowledge of the topic of the day (other than the
consider. Ideally, resolution requires a decision based on concepts already developed in the course) and thus are
careful analysis and reasoned assumptions. A PBL prob- distinctly in contrast with PLTL problems. Many POGIL
lem usually involves the integration of concepts, rather classes will begin with a short quiz reviewing material
than focusing on a particular concept. It encourages from the previous class; in an advanced class, this quiz
problem-solving strategies and relies heavily on student may be replaced with an out-of-class assignment on ma-
initiative to locate resources and use the information they terial from the previous class or on prerequisite material
nd. Because group progress in each successive class from previous courses. Student groups then progress
depends on every group member bringing new informa- through the activity and write down a common set of
tion to the discussion, PBL encourages students to be answers to a series of questions crafted to elicit infer-
responsibly prepared and to attend class regularly. PBL ences and conclusions. Application questions may be of
problems that engage students interest and clearly the end-of-chapter type, or they may be more concep-
relate to the discipline help reinforce these behaviors. tual than computational. The recorder may turn in a copy
The nature of PBL makes it difcult to publish PBL activ- of the activity with the groups answers at the end of the
ities because students searching for information would period, or may record the important concepts that have
access and thereby short circuit the desired learning pro- been developed that day. A general chemistry text for
cess. Although there are some books [48] and a pass- POGIL has been published [53], as have many activity
word-protected PBL Clearinghouse for problems [49] that books geared toward various branches of chemistry [54
can be used as is or serve as models for writing new 60]. Sample activities on a wide variety of topics may be
problems, PBL instructors often write their own. downloaded free of charge from the POGIL website [13].
In contrast to PBL, PLTL and POGIL activities are POGIL materials for some advanced courses may be
designed to be completed during class time. A PLTL ses- different. Many of the concepts for an advanced course
sion involves students working on a coherent set of (such as biochemistry) have been introduced in prior
problems designed by the course instructor to help stu- courses and concept invention is not needed. Still, stu-
dents develop and internalize their understanding of key dents must make connections that include the prior
concepts and build problem-solving skills. They need to knowledge and extend that knowledge by examining
be suitable for group work and more challenging than new relationships involving these previously encountered
typical end-of-chapter drill problems. For example, con- concepts. Thus, the questions that comprise the explora-
sider a case in which we are trying to help students tion phase and concept invention phase of the learning
understand how concentrations change with time and cycle may be somewhat different in advanced courses
the concept of equilibrium for a reversible chemical reac- compared with those in an introductory course, even
tion, A B. Students in a PLTL workshop will have read though their purposes remain consistent with the learning

text, listened to lectures and worked some problems on cycle approach.

kinetics before coming to the workshop. In workshop, the All of the PXnL pedagogies confront the learning pro-
concentrations of A and B are simulated with pennies and cess in which students periodically reect on what they
the reaction is modeled in successive exchanges by pass- learned, how they learned it, and what works best. This
ing a percentage of the A pennies from student A to stu- metacognitive approach was prominent in the original
dent B and vice versa. The students record the number of medical school PBL model and is now especially empha-
A and B pennies after each exchange (corresponding to a sized in POGIL.
time interval) and ultimately construct a plot of concentra-
tion versus time. Different pairs of students are assigned
different percentages of pennies for the forward and back TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER RESOURCES
reactions and the results of different simulations are com- Because PLTL and POGIL have a distinctly disciplinary
pared and discussed. focus, they use a textbook. However, the text is used dif-
PLTL problems assume that the students have com- ferently. With PLTL, the course includes lectures and a
pleted the preliminary work of reading the text, studying structure that often follows the sequence of chapters in a
the lectures and working homework problems from the textbook. Students are expected to read the textbook
before coming to lecture and workshop, complete ity a signicant issue. Of the three pedagogies, PLTL
assigned problems from the text, and use the textbook emerged in a large class setting. The lecture is retained
during the PLTL workshop. For many introductory POGIL and the workshops meet at separate times in smaller
courses the textbook is not used during the class; it settings. The size of the class is only limited by support
serves as a source of problems and a reference to con- for workshop leaders and the availability of meeting
sult on an as-needed basis after the concepts have been rooms. PBL, as it developed in medical schools, was
developed in class [16, 61], whereas for advanced intended to replace lectures and have each tutorial group
courses the textbook may serve as a source of models, of eight to ten students meet with one facilitator from a
graphs, and text used during the exploration and con- cadre of clinical or basic science faculty facilitators.
cept formation phase. Because most colleges and universities lack such exten-
By contrast, the interdisciplinary and integrated nature sive instructional resources, multiple smaller PBL groups
of PBL means that topics are not limited to a single text often meet together with the instructor as a oating facili-
or to a particular order of chapters. Students need to tator during the scheduled lecture time. The groups
identify what they need to learn, look it up wherever they may also include peer facilitators. In the absence of dedi-
can, and be able to judge reliable sources. Textbooks, cated group facilitators, students will often have assigned
including those from previous courses, serve as resour- roles in PBL groups much as in POGIL. Larger classes
ces along with the Internet and library resources. Often a with more than 35 students or more than ve to seven
collection of faculty desk copies serve as a classroom PBL groups, and non-ideal teaching spaces can be
resource. accommodated, but these require more structure and
planning, sometimes tending toward the POGIL model
Similarly to PBL, POGIL groups meet together in the
If the learning goals and the teaching and learning
same room with a single instructor serving all groups.
activities of a course change, but the assessment of stu-
Because POGIL has a rather structured format with mul-
dents knowledge does not change accordingly, a signi-
tiple groups working simultaneously on the same tasks,
cant problem exists in course integration [62]. All of the
some scale-up is possible with a corresponding sacrice
PXnL pedagogies emphasize communication of concep-
in the group contributions to whole class reporting and
tual understanding of course content. Consequently, stu-
extra demands on monitoring and attending to the needs
dent assessment must evaluate conceptual understand-
of individual groups. Still, there are a number of strat-
ing over rote memorization. Students need to demon-
egies that have been successfully used for implementing
strate their ability to use what they know by processing
POGIL in large classrooms, including the use of clickers,
and evaluating information. They need to be able to
as mentioned in the previous section [70].
explain what they know clearly and in complete senten-
ces. While most instructors limit their use of multiple-
choice tests for PBL [63], PLTL, and POGIL, there are OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT
ways to incorporate appropriately designed multiple-
The PXnL pedagogies fall in the categories of active
choice tests effectively and remain consistent to the phi-
and cooperative learning. Of the assessment of the edu-
losophy [6466].
cational effectiveness of these approaches, Richard
In addition, all of the PXnL pedagogies involve group
Felder states:
work in which individuals have responsibility to group
practice and function. This can be done with peer and Such teacher-centered instructional methods [tradi-
self evaluations, quizzes and examinations, and by facili- tional lectures] have repeatedly been found inferior
tator observations. While these assessments of attend- to instruction that involves active learning, in which
ance, participation, preparation, and attitude may only be students solve problems, answer questions, formu-
a small part of the students grade (10%), ignoring late questions of their own, discuss, explain,
these issues implies they are not valued [19]. For exam- debate, or brainstorm during class, and cooperative
ple, some PLTL courses assign modest credit for partici- learning, in which students work in teams on prob-
pation in the workshop. lems and projects under conditions that assure
Although not commonly used, some intensive PBL both positive interdependence and individual
courses employ group parts for 25% of midterm and accountability. This conclusion applies whether the
nal examinations [67]. For POGIL in particular, the use assessment measure is short-term mastery, long-
of personal response systems (clickers) is also showing term retention, or depth of understanding of course
great promise for assessing student comprehension, for material, acquisition of critical thinking or creative
pacing classes of any size, and as a means for easily problem-solving skills, formation of positive atti-
assigning participation credit [68]. tudes toward the subject being taught, or level of
condence in knowledge or skills [71].
SCALABILITY Specic assessments of PBL, PLTL, and POGIL sup-
Because many science courses involve large lecture port such claims, although the individual studies vary as
classes, the additional logistics of creating, scheduling, conducted by different instructors in different disciplines.
supervising, monitoring, and training associated with co- There is clear evidence that POGIL improves perform-
operative learning groups in PXnL courses make scalabil- ance in both organic and introductory chemistry in terms
270 BAMBED, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 262273, 2008
of increased attendance, better grades, decreased drop- the basis of their intuition alone, teaching methods
outs, and increased enrollment in subsequent chemistry that are not the most effective? [89]
courses [7274]. Aside from issues of performance, stu-
Faculty development workshops address issues of re-
dents and instructors nd the POGIL classroom environ-
sistance and put participants in the role of learners.
ment enjoyable [13, 75] and conducive to the develop-
Nevertheless, such experiential approaches, anecdotal
ment of important learning skills.
testimonies and even data about efcacy encounter
Like POGIL, data from numerous studies of PLTL
skepticism and resistance. Even when faculty accepts
instruction also show signicant gains in performance,
that active-learning methods have merit, there is an acti-
retention, perseverance, and student attitudes and opin-
vation energy to try something new and a fear of the
ions [74, 7682]. Concerns that group work comes at the
consequences of failure [90]. Adoption of a different ped-
expense of content have been dispelled by the perform-
agogy also carries with it a many unexpected new practi-
ance of workshop students on standardized American
cal and organizational issues [91]. Of the three PXnL ped-
Chemical Society examinations. Other reports anticipate
agogies, PLTL generally involves the least and PBL the
not only improvements in grades for students in PLTL
greatest departure from traditional instruction [92]. How-
classes, but also gains in general intellectual process
ever, in schools without recitations, adding a 2-hour
skills, higher-order thinking skills, and improved ability to
workshop to a course can be challenging. Likewise, to
talk about scientic concepts [83, 84].
the extent that serious leader-training is undertaken, an
PBL as practiced in medical schools has been eval-
additional set of resources employing learning specialists
uated extensively [85], and the results are mixed.
may be daunting. Nonetheless, faculty who embrace the
Although PBL students performed as well or better clini-
need for instructional change and conquer the initial
cally and were more likely to enter family medicine, their
steep learning curve nd the experience transformative.
performance on basic science examinations were some-
There is work in adopting these new pedagogies. For-
times lower. As with other forms of active learning, the
tunately, much of the effort is startup; in the steady state,
students enjoyed the process more than traditional peda-
the faculty work load is similar to that in traditional
gogy. Among the perceived challenges for assessing
courses. There are also some decreases in work load.
PBL are its inherently interdisciplinary nature and its
Since all three methods emphasize the responsibility of
heavy emphasis on self-directed learning, which require
the student for learning, ofce hour trafc from depend-
different assessment instruments [86, 87]. A standardized
ent students usually decreases. The developers of the
test on factual knowledge in a specic discipline might
methods have worked diligently to reduce the activation
well yield poorer performance for PBL students when
barriers for new adopters by documenting their methods
compared with students taking traditional courses whose
and appropriate problems. The PLTL project has pub-
major focus is on content. Consequently, most PBL
lished a Handbook for Team Leaders [93] for use in
instructors are satised when assessments show little or
leader training courses. A recent research paper
no difference in content knowledge. What they would
describes new dimensions in leader training for PLTL
really like are assessment instruments that could docu-
[94]. The POGIL website provides information concerning
ment the improvement in students ability to learn on
implementation in the classroom, including the Instruc-
their owntheir growth in intellectual maturity that trans-
tors Guide to Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning,
lates into taking personal responsibility for learning
which can be downloaded at no cost [19]. In addition, an
throughout their lives. This is a major emphasis for PBL
ACS symposium series devoted to POGIL is available
and a reason many instructors are attracted to it. Gener-
and includes the topics of implementation strategies in a
ally, PBL requires a greater level of intellectual maturity
variety of contexts and effectiveness [95] and several
on the part of the students than either POGIL or PLTL
sources for general information about POGIL [16, 96].
because PBL students are expected to generate their
As a general rule, students prefer the interactive format
own questions to drive their learning, while the instruc-
of active-learning pedagogies and they appreciate being
tors questions drive inquiry in both POGIL and PLTL.
challenged [97, 98]. Key elements in assuring acceptance
from students include clear explanation of the classroom
FACULTY AND STUDENT ACCEPTANCE format and expectations, an understanding of how the
Rare is the teacher in higher education who has expe- format is connected to research on learning, and fre-
rienced any of the PXnL pedagogies as a student. Con- quent reinforcement of how the classroom activities will
sequently, there is a signicant barrier to acceptance and benet them.
adoption of these unfamiliar methodologies that chal- Much of the early research and development work on
lenge personal beliefs. As highlighted recently [88], this PLTL was driven forward by the overwhelming enthusiasm
results in a gap between what is now known about learn- of students and peer-leaders for the new format [28]. Stu-
ing and the way science is often taught. This is a major dent testimony is powerful and often converts skeptics
concern of those interested in reforming science educa- who are not convinced by faculty and staff innovators.
tion with the adoption of active learning strategies, as Peer leader opinion is even more forceful because the
the following question indicates: peer leaders have a unique perspective on the course and
are among the best students in the institution.
So why do outstanding scientists, who demand rig- A universally recognized benet of active-learning ped-
orous proof for scientic assertions in their agogies that use peer facilitators is the effect of the ex-
research, continue to use and, indeed, defend on perience on the facilitators [38, 99101]. They, perhaps
more than the students they serve, benet from the ex- PEDAGOGIES OF ENGAGEMENT
perience. Not only do they consolidate their disciplinary Studies of how people learn show that active-learning
understanding, they often develop a mentoring relation- environments involving problem-solving discussions with
ship with faculty instructors and thereby gain consider- peers are more effective than traditional lectures. There
able insight into the teaching-learning process and enter- is no doubt that good lectures are efcient ways to illu-
prise. They often report that they have a new perspective minate course content and that they work quite well for
on themselves and how they approach learning in all of some students, but even the best lectures remain gener-
their courses. Some decide to become teachers. All ally in the realm of passive learning, and it is arguable
leaders report signicant gains in their understanding of that some students survive despite this approach, rather
others and in a supporting portfolio of marketable skills than because of it. Moreover, the contention that if it
such as leadership, communication, and team-building. aint broke, dont x it, ies in the face of the many
These benets are most apparent in the PLTL pedagogy studies (NSF and otherwise), indicating that a large frac-
because it is built around the power of the peer leader tion of students are not served well by this traditional
and emphasizes structured peer leader training. model, and may be hindered by the one size ts all
A recent multi-institutional study of student perspec- model of higher education, contributing to the demon-
tives on the use of POGIL in organic chemistry showed strated attrition of underrepresented groups in the STEM
overwhelmingly positive attitudes, with fewer than 8% of disciplines. In contrast, the evidence is that all students
more than 1,000 students being negative about the thrive when their education is supplemented with the
method [102], when compared with 30% who expressed structured interdependent settings created by various
negative attitudes toward the traditional lecture approach PXnL pedagogies. Our goal here is to outline the
[13]. Students assessment of their own growth in pro- resource- and implementation-dependent nuances and
cess skills in organic chemistry were measured using the variation available within this subset of pedagogies. We
Student Assessment of Learning Gains survey [103]. The hope that our comparisons will provide the impetus for
students experiencing a POGIL approach in class the adoption of signicant improvements to our current
reported signicantly higher gains in their own process educational system, which Ibarra (2001) argues,
skills compared with those students whose classes were
taught in a lecture format. . . . is literally teaching only half the knowledge
basethe information that tends to be readily
HYBRIDIZATION AMONG PEDAGOGIES absorbed by roughly half of the populationand it
Much of the confusion associated with labels for differ- continues to do so with only half the information
ent pedagogies is that individual instructors adopt and about learning methodology and pedagogy cur-
adapt instructional ideas that suit them and their situation rently available to it [106].
[104]. As a consequence, the archetypical models of The dilemma of serving the wide variation in todays
PBL, POGIL, or PLTL often become blended with each constituency of learners has been examined in the context
other and with other pedagogies to the point that one of a PBL approach, using peer leaders and applying Ibar-
short acronym is insufcient to capture what goes on in ras ideas of a multicontextual learning environment
the classroom. For example, PBL as originally conceived [107]. This means deliberately maximizing the accessibility
expected students to dene what they needed to learn. to learning by all kinds of students, using a variety of styles
The students then spent considerable time outside of and approaches such that everyone can benet optimally.
class locating and studying what they found in order to All of the authors of this paper have years of experi-
share it in class with others in their group. However, ence teaching in a lecture format and most still enjoy lec-
much of what instructors now call PBL has a signicant turing. However, we have discovered that there is a dif-
guided-inquiry component and the problems, though ference when one teaches beyond a content-driven cur-
retaining their real-world relevancy, can be completed in riculum towards the goals of student learning and
class with textbooks and other resources. Such modi- understanding. For that reason, we teach differently than
cations may be quite appropriate for the situation though we were taught and encourage readers, who wish to do
they are probably indistinguishable from pedagogies the same, to attend to the literature and any of the sev-
associated with case studies [105]. Similarly, those eral dissemination workshops for PBL [108], PLTL [109],
POGIL courses that devote more class time to applica- or POGIL [110].
tion acquire some of the characteristics of PBL courses.
Some instructors deliberately hybridize different ped- Acknowledgments We thank our many colleagues, peer
leaders, and students associated with the PXnL pedagogies
agogies with the intent of optimizing the benecial ele- whose long and productive associations with us have signicantly
ments of each. For example, peer-led guided inquiry shaped and transformed our thinking about education.
(PLGI) combines elements of POGIL and PLTL [74]. The
approach is based on POGIL materials, but employs REFERENCES
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