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(Chadijah Irani,1320119011, Graduate Law Study Program Faculty of Law
University of Andalas, 153 Pages, 2015)


The existence of the electric transmission network construction of high-

voltage air duct (SUTT) 150 kV Indarung-Bungus implemented by PT. PLN
(Persero) is meant to optimize the distribution of electrical power from existing
generating units, so that the power supply to the area of Padang city and beyond to
the South Pesisir Regency will be greatly helped.
The purpose of this research is to know the process of land acquisition, great form
and determination to replace losses, and the State Attorney's role in dispute
settlement damages to transmission network construction of high voltage air duct
(SUTT) Indarung-Bungus, Padang City.
The method used in this research is yuridis empiric approach which is used
primary data taken from field research towand respondents and sources, and
secondary data taken from library research used document study through primary
law sources and secondary law sources. Both kind of datas then analyzed
qualitatifically in answer the problems of these research.
The result from the research find out that the implementation of the land
acquisition were in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 36 in 2005
about the Land Acquisition For the Implementation of The Development For the
Public Interest, as amended by Presidential Regulation Number 65 in 2006, that
with the release of he has done right over the land from the owner and document
proof of ownership has been left up to PLN then has the start of construction, the
substancely, land acquisition has been completed. However, the land acquisition
are unfinished in concretely because the construction of the tower which is aimed
at the public interest will not run properly if there are still conflicts in society who
do not agree and have not received any damages.
In determining the form and magnitude as well as the payment of damages PLN
refers to legislation applicable procurement regulations of the land as well as the
conditions set out in Kepmentamben. Implementation of the damages done by the
initial deal as PLN at the time the first form and magnitude of the damages.
Especially in terms of payment of damages PLN can not implement policies
beyond the regulation that exceeded the State budget that will harm the country's
The task of Legal Assistance by Prosecutor also did not succeed because of the
position of the State Prosecutor of Padang as Attorney Lawyer in Legal
Assistance which in the settlement of the issue of a unilateral request just from
PLN so it's likely not a successful resolution of the problems between the two
sides facilitated by the Prosecutor of the State Attorney.

Keywords : Land Acquisition, Torts, and Electric Transmission.

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