Concrete Construction Article PDF - Design Information For Concrete Arch System

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Figure 1.

Details of corrugated arch reinforcement, showing

V-rib at the base of corrugations. Photo shows how concrete
comes through openings to inner face of the arch; inner
arch surfaces are usually protected later with a thin layer of
shotcrete Sheets of the reinforcement are approximately 3

Design information
for concrete arch system
Useful for earth-sheltered Se ve ral earth-sheltered homes using this system have
been built in the United States (see Concrete Construc -
or cut-and-cover construction tion, January 1982, page 43). Construction of these
homes has resulted in cost savings in labor and materi-
BY JAMES I. DANIEL als, as well as long-term energy savings that go along
ASSOCIATE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER with earth-sheltered construction. Howe ve r, lack of ac-
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY LABORATORIES tual strength information has led to a conservative ap-
proach in structural design.
BRAD BURNSIDE This article reports new strength data for the system
FIELD MARKETING MANAGER and discusses how they can be applied to achieve opti-
UNDERGROUND SUPPORT SYSTEMS mum structural design with minimum concrete thick-
UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY ness and adequate safety. The test program was con-
ducted at the Construction Technology Labora t o ri e s

A n arch system that combines concrete with modular

steel sheets has been introduced recently for both
e a rt h - s h e l t e red and cut-and-cover construction. The
steel sheets function as both formwork and reinforce- Precurved interlocking steel sheets are linked togeth-
ment for the concrete. This form i n g - a n d - re i n f o rc i n g er on site to form an arch. Details of the sheet are shown
system originated in Switzerland for use as tunnel lining in Figure 1. Sheets are approximately 3 1/2x4 feet, made
in about 1968. Since that time it has been used success- of 14-gage steel and weigh 46 pounds each. They are
fully for many applications including highway bridge manufactured with ribbed corrugations to contribute
construction, transit system tunneling and mining. strength for forming. The continuous steel needed for
Once assembled, the steel form is covered with low-
slump concrete or shotcrete. When the arch is complet-
ed, the temporary supports are removed leaving a clear
span. A thin layer of shotcrete is usually applied later to
the underside of the arch for protection of the steel. The
arch is finished using conventional construction tech-

An experimental program investigated strength prop-
erties of concrete specimens using this steel forming sys-
tem as the only flexural reinforcement. Details of the test
program are given later. Test results verified that Section
10.2 of the ACI Building Code Requirements for Rein-
forced Concrete1 or Article 1.5.31 of the AASHTO Stan-
dard Specifications for Highway Bridges2 can be used to
determine capacities of concrete structures using this
forming-and-reinforcing system.

Test results
Test data for bending moment versus axial thrust are
shown in Figure 2 using dashed lines. These data are
based on a 14-inch-wide section as tested.
Diagrams of calculated moment versus axial thrust in-
The arch is assembled by linking together precurved
interlocking steel sheets. teraction are also plotted in Figure 2. Calculated data
are shown as crosshatched zones with upper and lower
bounds representing steel areas equal to 0.60 and 0.44
square inch respectively. A steel area of 0.44 square inch
development of flexural strength is provided by the V- represented the cross-sectional area of the three V- ri b s
ribs. Sheets are assembled so that the continuous V-ribs contained within each specimen. A steel area of 0.60
are toward the inner surface of the arch and run parallel square inch is shown for comparison.
to the arch perimeter. A temporary shoring system is Calculated values were based on nominal strength fol-
used at center span. lowing the ACI Building Code or the AASHTO Specifi-
cations. Calculated nominal strength of a section in 3.3 or 5.3 inches. The ratio of shear span to effective
pure compression was taken as 80 percent of the calcu- depth was maintained constant at 2.
lated maximum strength following the ACI Code, Section
Test specimens
10.3.5. Strength reduction factors were not applied to the
calculated data. The configuration of test specimens is illustrated in
For the test configuration shear strength did not con- Figure 3. Each specimen was approximately 14 inches
trol. For each specimen tested, shear strength was high- wide to include three complete waves of sheeting. Spec-
er than bending strength. This behavior would be ex- imens were approximately 6 feet long and of va ry i n g
pected with the amount of flexural reinforcement thickness. Specimens subjected to axial load had 1-inch-
provided by the steel sheets. When the ratio of moment thick steel plates welded to the ends of the steel sheets
to shear divided by the effective section depth is greater before casting. This prevented premature end failures by
than 2, shear strength design can be based on the shear evenly distributing axial load into the steel and concrete.
strength provided by the concrete, ignoring any contri- Specimens were cast in groups of 12 in gang forms
butions by the steel. made for the purpose. Steel sheets in all specimens were
supported off the floor to simulate field casting condi-
Implication of test results tions. After the concrete hardened, the specimens were
An arch subjected to a specific loading condition has turned over and a 1-inch-thick concrete cover was cast
different combinations of bending moment, axial thrust on the original underside. Specimens were stored at 73
and shear force at each point around its perimeter. F and 50 percent relative humidity at least one month
Based on given applied loads and specified arch bound- prior to testing.
ary conditions, the forces can be calculated. Calculated Average concrete compressive strength at time of test-
forces must be resisted by the structure. With the appro- ing was approximately 6000 psi. Yield stress and tensile
priate calculated values of bending and thrust, the re- strength of the steel sheet were 45,000 psi and 55,000 psi,
quired thickness can be determined using the informa- respectively.
tion supplied in Figure 2. The shear strength also must
be checked. 1
Section 10.2 of the ACI Building Code or Article 1.5.31
HOW THE TESTS WERE CONDUCTED of the AASHTO Specifications2 can be used to determine
Specimens were tested under different combinations capacities of concrete structures using this forming-and-
of bending moment, shear and axial thrust. The objec- reinforcing system. For determination of flexural capac-
tive was to develop criteria for design of concrete struc- ity the effective steel area should be taken as the actual
tures using this system. One part of the program deter- cross-sectional area of the V-ribs alone. Shear strength
mined bending moment-axial thrust interaction, and design can safely be taken as the shear strength provid-
the other part determined bending moment-shear in- ed by the concrete, ignoring any contribution by the
teraction. steel.
In Part 1, eleven specimens were tested with the steel Test results now allow optimum design of these con-
sheets located at the bottom of the cross section to es- crete structures for earth-sheltered applications, using a
tablish positive bending-axial thrust interaction dia- minimum concrete thickness while ensuring adequate
g ra m s. Nominal effective depth to the centroid of the safety.
steel V-ribs was 3.3, 5.3, or 7.3 inches. Throughout each
test axial thrust was maintained constant. Howe ve r, References
since the ratio of bending to thrust varies around an 1. ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for
Reinforced Concrete, ACI Standard 318-77, American Con-
arch, different ratios of axial thrust to concrete compres- crete Institute, Detroit, 1977, 99 pages.
sive strength were used to establish interaction diagrams
2. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, American
for each specimen thickness. Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
Depending on support conditions for the arch, high Washington, D.C., Twelfth Edition, 1977.
negative bending moments could exist at the supports. Acknowledgement
Therefore, three specimens were tested with steel sheets The test program described in this article was performed by
located at the top of the cross section to establish a neg- Construction Technology Laboratories, a division of the
ative bending moment-axial thrust interaction diagram. Portland Cement Association, under contract to Metal Prod-
Nominal effective depth to the steel was 3.3 inches. ucts Division, United States Gypsum Company, Chicago,
These specimens were similar to the others but were Illinois.
tested upside down.
In Part 2 tests were conducted to investigate bending-
shear interaction. Specimens were tested with the steel PUBLICATION #C820581
sheets located at the bottom of the cross section. Nomi- Copyright 1982, The Aberdeen Group
nal effective depth to the centroid of the steel V-ribs was All rights reserved

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