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8/7/2017 Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement, DCRM | Electrical Concepts


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LATEST POSTS Dynamic Contact Resistance

Design Basis for Electrical Measurement, DCRM

Creeping in Energy Meters

Why DC Shunt Generators

are Self Protective to Short First question which strikes in our mind is that why
do we need to do DCRM even though we already had
Mutual Inductance Perfect
Coupling and Coupling Factor Contact Resistance Measurement,CRM? Seems good
Working Principle of question and this question will take you to the depth.

Which is More Dangerous So, rst of all we need to know about the contacts of
Voltage or Current?
Circuit Breaker. Basically, a CB has two types of Contact.
Equivalent Inductance of
Parallel Connected Inductors

Equivalent Inductance of
Main Contact Main contact of CB are designed to
Series Connected Inductors

carry current when the CB is closed but it is not
Wattmeter Construction designed to take arcing stress during Closing /
Concept of Self Inductance Opening operation of CB. Therefore, obviously
Main Contact will make after the making of Arcing
contact during Closing operation and it will
separate before the separation of Arcing contact
during Opening operation.
Arcing Contact Arcing contact is provided in CB to
take all the arcing stress. 1/7
8/7/2017 Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement, DCRM | Electrical Concepts

From the picture, it is clear that how arcing contact and

Main Contact work. When we measure the CRM, we do it
after closing the CB so the measured resistance is
basically the Net Resistance of Main Contact and Arcing
Contact. If the Resistance of Main Contact is R and that of
arcing contact is r the both of them are parallel when
Breaker is closed. So measured resistance during CRM =

Next, If I ask you how will you determine whether the

Arcing Contact assembly is properly working or
malfunctioning then will you answer by doing CRM?
Obviously your answer will be a big NOOO..

How will we con rm then? Its by conducting DCRM.

Why dynamic? As because the arcing contact travels while

Opening / Closing operation to fully take closed position /
open position. Therefore the word Dynamic came in
picture. Therefore as you can guess, DCRM measures the
contact Resistance during dynamic condition. Basically it
is the measurement of Arcing contact resistance when
contact travels. 2/7
8/7/2017 Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement, DCRM | Electrical Concepts

How do we conduct this test and what are the results?

This test is conducted by DCRM kits available in market of

many makes like SCOPE, DOBLE etc. What we do, we
extend the 220 V DC supply to the kit and form the kit 220
V DC is extended to the nearest point of Trip Coil-1 & TC-2
and Closing Coil. By this manner we take the control to kit
for closing / opening of Breaker. For taking the Breaker
Open / Close feedback to the kit, we connect the kit to the
NO contact of Auxiliary Switch of CB. Now, we need to get
the travel of contacts, for that we connect kit to the
closing / opening lever via a Transducer. By this manner,
we are now able to control the CB, Status of CB and
contact travel in kit.

DCRM kit now injects 100 A / 25 A current through the

contacts and plot a curve of Current through the contact
during dynamic condition, Travel of contact and Dynamic
Resistance with respect to Time. Straight forward, a
ngerprint of CB we get.

How does the ngerprint looks and how to interpret? 3/7
8/7/2017 Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement, DCRM | Electrical Concepts

This a typical ngerprint of healthy CB. How do we

analyse this signature of CB?

See the graph, there are three quantities namely

Resistance (Dynamic), Current and Travel of Contact. Lets
start when the CB is open, obviously Resistance will be
high as shown by horizontal red line. But as soon as we
give close command to the CB, rst Main Contact makes
and resistance decreases to point P1. After that Arcing
Contact start closing, resistance varies from P1 to P2 and
nally when it is fully closed the resistance is constant P2
to P3. At P3, CB is fully close. Now we will see what
happens to the Current.

Initially current is zero as CB is open. As soon as we give

close command to the CB,at P1 current increases and at
P2 it will be highest as CB is fully close here. Current will
remain at its maximum up to P3.

At P3 we give opening command to the CB by the Kit, so

Main Contact will open at P3 and Resistance will increase
slightly to P4, and then Arcing Contact start opening and
at P4 it fully opens and hence Resistance take the
maximum value. Likewise current also, decreases to its
original value i.e zero.

Now we focus on Travel of contact. Leaving this portion

for you to think but in case you need help write in
comment box. 4/7
8/7/2017 Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement, DCRM | Electrical Concepts

Now, see the dynamic period is from P2 to P3 as in this

period Arcing contact is travelling to get at fully close
position. Therefore, during the dynamic period the
Resistance curve is almost at which signi es constant
resistance during dynamic period which in turn meand
Arching contact and main contact assembly are properly
working and contacts are in good condition. Now take a
look at this Signature of CB.

See the dynamic resistance(Green curve) during Close /

Open period is not at rather it is uctuating which means
contact condition is not good or assembly is

That is all which I can convey. If you have more

information share it by writing in comment box, I will be
very happy. Thank you!!!

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8/7/2017 Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement, DCRM | Electrical Concepts

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