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House of Orange-Nassau

House of Orange redirects here. For other uses, see

House of Orange (disambiguation).

The House of Orange-Nassau (in Dutch: Huis van

Oranje-Nassau, pronounced [ys fn or nsu]),
a branch of the European House of Nassau, has played
a central role in the politics and government of the
Netherlands and at times in Europe especially since
William I of Orange (also known as William the Silent
and Father of the Fatherland) organized the Dutch re-
volt against Spanish rule, which after the Eighty Years
War led to an independent Dutch state.
Several members of the house served during this war and
after as governor or stadtholder (Dutch stadhouder) dur-
ing the Dutch Republic. However, in 1815, after a long
period as a republic, the Netherlands became a monarchy
under the House of Orange-Nassau.
The dynasty was established as a result of the marriage
of Henry III of Nassau-Breda from Germany and
Claudia of Chlon-Orange from French Burgundy in
1515. Their son Ren inherited in 1530 the independent 1544 - Orange-Nassau symbolized by adding the Chlon-
and sovereign Principality of Orange from his mothers Orange arms in an escutcheon to the Nassau arms
brother, Philibert of Chlon. As the rst Nassau to be
the Prince of Orange, Ren could have used Orange-
ing Counts of Arnstein (now Kloster Arnstein). His sons
Nassau as his new family name. However, his uncle, in
Walram and Otto split the Nassau possessions. The de-
his will, had stipulated that Ren should continue the use
scendants of Walram became known as the Walram Line,
of the name Chlon-Orange. History knows him there-
which became Dukes of Nassau, and in 1890, the Grand
fore as Ren of Chlon. After the death of Ren in 1544
Dukes of Luxembourg. This line also included Adolph
his cousin William of Nassau-Dillenburg inherited all his
of Nassau, who was elected King of the Romans in 1292.
lands. This William I of Orange, in English better
The descendants of Otto became known as the Ottonian
known as William the Silent, became the founder of the
Line, which inherited parts of Nassau County, and prop-
House of Orange-Nassau.[1]:10
erties in France and the Netherlands.
The House of Orange-Nassau stems from the younger Ot-
tonian Line. The rst of this line to establish himself in
1 The House of Nassau the Netherlands was John I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg,
who married Margareta of the Marck. The real founder
The Castle of Nassau was founded around 1100 by Count of the Nassau fortunes in the Netherlands was Johns son,
Dudo-Henry of Laurenburg (German: Dudo-Heinrich Engelbert I. He became counsellor to the Burgundian
von Laurenburg), the founder of the House of Nassau. In Dukes of Brabant, rst to Anton of Burgundy, and later
1120, Dudo-Henrys sons and successors, Counts Robert to his son Jan IV of Brabant. He also would later serve
I (German: Ruprecht; also translated Rupert) and Arnold Philip the Good. In 1403 he married the Dutch noble-
I of Laurenburg, established themselves at Nassau Castle woman Johanna van Polanen, and so inherited lands in
with its tower. They renovated and extended the castle the Netherlands, with the Barony of Breda as the core of
complex in 1124 (see Nassau Castle). the Dutch possessions and the family fortune.[2]:35
The rst man to be called the count of Nassau was Robert A nobles power was often based on his ownership of vast
I of Nassau (Ruprecht in German), who lived in the rst tracts of land and lucrative oces. It also helped that
half of the 13th century (see family tree below). The much of the lands that the House of Orange and Nas-
Nassau family married into the family of the neighbor- sau controlled sat under one of the commercial and mer-


2 The Dutch rebellion

Main articles: Dutch Revolt and Eighty Years War
Although Charles V resisted the Protestant Reforma-

The Nassau Cavalcade, members of the house of Orange and

Nassau on parade in 1621 from an engraving by Willem Del.
From left to right in the rst row: Prince Maurice, Prince Philip
William and Prince Frederick Henry.[5]

tion, he ruled the Dutch territories wisely with modera-

William the Silent, Prince of Orange, leader of the Dutch War for tion and regard for local customs, and he did not persecute
Independence, and stadholder of Holland, Zeeland, and Utrecht. his Protestant subjects on a large scale. His son Philip
II inherited his antipathy for the Protestants but not his
moderation. Under the reign of Philip, a true persecu-
tion of Protestants was initiated and taxes were raised to
an outrageous level. Discontent arose and William of Or-
ange (with his vague Lutheran childhood) stood up for the
cantile centers of the world (see below under Lands and
Titles. The importance of the Nassaus grew throughout Protestant (mainly Calvinist) inhabitants of the Nether-
lands. Things went badly after the Eighty Years War
the 15th and 16th centuries as they became councilors,
generals and stadholders of the Habsburgs (see armorial started in 1568, but luck turned to his advantage when
Protestant rebels attacking from the North Sea captured
of the great nobles of the Burgundian Netherlands and
List of Knights of the Golden Fleece). Engelbert II of Brielle, a coastal town in present-day South Holland in
Nassau served Charles the Bold and Maximilian I, Holy 1572. Many cities in Holland began to support William.
Roman Emperor, who had married Charless daughter During the 1570s he had to defend his core territories in
Mary of Burgundy. In 1496 he was appointed stadtholder Holland several times, but in the 1580s the inland cities in
of Flanders and by 1498 he had been named President Holland were secure. William of Orange was considered
of the Grand Conseil. In 1501, Maximilian named him a threat to Spanish rule in the area and was assassinated
Lieutenant-General of the Seventeen Provinces of the in 1584 by a hired killer sent by Philip.[3]:vol3,p177[4]:216[6]
Netherlands. From that point forward (until his death in William was succeeded by his second son Maurits, a
1504), Engelbert was the principal representative of the Protestant who proved an excellent military commander.
Habsburg Empire to the region. Hendrik III of Nassau- His abilities as a commander and the lack of strong lead-
Breda was appointed stadtholder of Holland and Zeeland ership in Spain after the death of Philip II (1598) gave
by Charles of Ghent in the beginning of the 16th cen- Maurits excellent opportunities to conquer large parts
tury. Hendrik was succeeded by his son Ren of Chlon- of the present-day Dutch territory.[3]:vol 3,pp243-253[7] In
Orange in 1538, who had inherited the principality of 1585 Maurits was elected stadtholder of the Provinces
Orange and the title Prince of Orange from his mater- of Holland and Zealand as his fathers successor and as
nal uncle Philibert of Chalon. Ren died prematurely a counterpose to Elizabeths delegate, the Earl of Leices-
on the battleeld in 1544. His possessions, including ter. In 1587 he was appointed captain-general (military
the principality of Orange and the title Prince of Or- commander-in-chief) of the armies of the Dutch Repub-
ange, passed by his will as sovereign prince to his pa- lic. In the early years of the 17th century there arose
ternal cousin, William I of Orange. From then on, the quarrels between stadtholder and oligarchist regentsa
family members called themselves Orange-Nassau.[1]:8 group of powerful merchants led by Johan van Oldebarn-
See also Adolf of Germany. eveltbecause Maurits wanted more powers in the Re-

public. Maurits won this power struggle by arranging the 4 Exile and resurgence
judicial murder of Oldebarnevelt.[4]:421432,459[7]
Frederick Henry died in 1647 and his son succeeded him.
As the Treaty of Munster was about to be signed, thereby
ending the Eighty Years War, William tried to main-
tain the powers he had in wartime as military comman-
der. These would necessarily be diminished in peace-
3 Expansion of dynastic power time as the army would be reduced, along with his in-
come. This met with great opposition from the regents.
When Andries Bicker and Cornelis de Grae, the great
regents of the city of Amsterdam refused some mayors
he appointed, he besieged Amsterdam. The siege pro-
voked the wrath of the regents. William died of small-
pox on November 6, 1650, leaving only a posthumous
son, William III (*November 14, 1650). Since the Prince
of Orange upon the death of William II, William III,
was an infant, the regents used this opportunity to leave
the stadtholdership vacant. This inaugurated the era in
Dutch history that is known as the First Stadtholderless
Period.[9] A quarrel about the education of the young
prince arose between his mother and his grandmother
Amalia (who outlived her husband by 28 years). Amalia
wanted an education which was pointed at the resurgence
of the House of Orange to power, but Mary wanted a pure
English education. The Estates of Holland, under Jan de
Witt and Cornelis de Grae, meddled in the education
and made William a child of state to be educated by the
state. The doctrine used in this education was keeping
William from the throne. William became indeed very
docile to the wishes of the regents and the Estates.[8][9]
The Dutch Republic was attacked by France and Eng-
land in 1672. The military function of stadtholder was no
longer superuous, and with the support of the Orangists,
William was restored, and he became the stadtholder.
William successfully repelled the invasion and seized
royal power. He became more powerful than his pre-
decessors from the Eighty Years War.[8][9] In 1677,
William married his cousin Mary Stuart, the daughter of
the future king James II of England. In 1688, William
embarked on a mission to depose his Catholic father-in-
Willem II (1626-50), prince of Orange, and his wife Princess law from the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Maria Stuart of England (1631-60). He and his wife were crowned the King and Queen of
England on April 11, 1689. With the accession to the
thrones of the three kingdoms, he became one of the most
Maurits died unmarried in 1625 and left no legiti- powerful sovereigns in Europe, and the only one to defeat
mate children. He was succeeded by his half-brother Louis XIV of France.[8] William III died childless after a
Frederick Henry (Dutch: Frederik Hendrik), youngest riding accident on March 8, 1702, leaving the main male
son of William I. Maurits urged his successor on his line of the House of Orange extinct, and leaving Scotland,
deathbed to marry as soon as possible. A few weeks England and Ireland to his sister-in-law Queen Anne.
after Mauritss death, he married Amalia van Solms-
Braunfels. Frederick Henry and Amalia were the par-
ents of a son and several daughters. These daughters were
married to important noble houses such as the house of 5 The second stadtholderless era
Hohenzollern, but also to the Frisian Nassaus, who were
stadtholders in Friesland. His only son, William, married The regents found that they had suered under the power-
Mary, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange, the eldest ful leadership of King William III and left the stadthold-
daughter of Charles I of Scotland and England. These erate vacant for the second time. As William III died
dynastic moves were the work of Amalia.[1]:7274 [8]:61 childless in 1702 the principality became a matter of dis-

6 The end of the stadtholderate

William IV died in 1751, leaving his three-year-old son,
William V, as the stadtholder. Since William V was still a
minor, the regents reigned for him. He would grow out to
be an indecisive person, a character defect which would
come to haunt William V his whole life. His marriage
to Wilhelmina of Prussia relieved this defect to some de-
gree. In 1787, Willem V survived an attempt to dispose
him by the Patriottentijd (democratic revolutionaries) af-
ter the Kingdom of Prussia intervened. When the French
invaded Holland in 1795, William V was forced into ex-
ile, and he was never to return alive to Holland.[1]:228229

After 1795, the House of Orange-Nassau faced a di-

cult period, surviving in exile at other European courts,
especially those of Prussia and England. Following
the recognition of the Batavian Republic by the 1801
Oranienstein Letters, William Vs son William VI re-
nounced the stadtholdership in 1802. In return, he re-
ceived a few territories from First Consul Napoleon Bona-
parte of the French Republic (Treaty of Amiens), which
was established as the Principality of Nassau-Orange-
The collateral house of Nassau: the four brothers of Willem I, Fulda.[10] William V died in 1806.[11]
prince of Orange: Jan (1536-1606), sitting, Hendrik (1550-74),
Adolf (1540-68) and Lodewijk (1538-74), counts of Nassau.

7 The Monarchy (since 1815)

pute between Prince John William Friso of Nassau-Dietz
7.1 A new spirit: the United Kingdom of
of the Frisian Nassaus and King Frederick I of Prussia,
who both claimed the title Prince of Orange. Both de- the Netherlands
scended from Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange. The
King of Prussia was his grandson through his mother, After a repressed Dutch rebel action, Prussian and Cos-
Countess Luise Henriette of Nassau. Frederick Henry sack troops drove out the French in 1813, with the sup-
in his will had appointed this line as successor in the port of the Patriots of 1785. A provisional government
case the main House of Orange-Nassau would die out. was formed, most of whose members had helped drive
John William Friso was a great-grandson of Frederick out William V 18 years earlier. However, they were re-
Henry (through Countess Albertine Agnes of Nassau, an- alistic enough to realize that any new government would
other daughter) and was appointed heir in William IIIs have to be headed by William Vs son, William Frederick
will. The principality was captured by the forces of King (William VI). All agreed that it would be better in the long
Louis XIV of France under Franois Adhmar de Mon- term for the Dutch to restore William themselves rather
teil, Count of Grignan, in the Franco-Dutch War in 1672, than have him imposed by the allies.[1]:230
and again in August 1682. With the Treaty of Utrecht
that ended the wars of Louis XIV, the territory was for-
mally ceded to France by Frederick I in 1713.[2]:1 John
William Friso drowned in 1711 in the Hollands Diep
near Moerdijk, and he left his posthumously born son
William IV, Prince of Orange. That son succeeded at
that time his father as stadtholder in Friesland (as the
stadtholderate had been hereditary in that province since
1664), and Groningen. William IV was proclaimed the
stadtholder of Guelders, Overijssel, and Utrecht in 1722.
When the French invaded Holland in 1747, William IV
was appointed stadtholder in Holland and Zeeland also.
The stadtholderate was made hereditary in both the male
and the female lines in all provinces at the same time.[1]
:148151,170 Prince William of Orange wounded at Waterloo, 1815
7.3 A modern monarchy 5

At the invitation of the provisional government, William constitution. He continually tried to form governments
Frederick returned to the Netherlands on November 30. that were dependent on his support, even though it was
This move was strongly supported by the United King- prohibitively dicult for a government to stay in oce
dom, which sought ways to strengthen the Netherlands against the will of Parliament. In 1868, he tried to sell
and deny future French aggressors easy access to the Luxembourg to France, which was the source of a quar-
Low Countries Channel ports. The provisional govern- rel between Prussia and France.[3]:vol5,483
ment oered William the crown. He refused, believing William III had a rather unhappy marriage with Sophie
that a stadholdership would give him more power. Thus, of Wrttemberg, and his heirs died young. This raised
on December 6, William proclaimed himself hereditary
the possibility of the extinction of the House of Orange-
sovereign prince of the Netherlandssomething between Nassau. After the death of Queen Sophie in 1877,
a kingship and a stadholdership. In 1814, he was awarded
William remarried, to Emma of Waldeck and Pyrmont
sovereignty over the Austrian Netherlands and the Prince- in 1879. One year later, Queen Emma gave birth to their
Bishopric of Lige as well. On March 15, 1815 with
daughter and the royal heiress, Wilhelmina.[3]:vol5,497498
the support of the powers gathered at the Congress of
Vienna, William proclaimed himself King William I.
He was also made grand duke of Luxembourg, and 7.3 A modern monarchy
the title 'Prince of Orange' was changed to 'Prince of
Oranje'. The two countries remained separate despite Wilhelmina was queen of the Netherlands for 58 years,
sharing a common monarch. William had thus fullled from 1890 to 1948. Because she was only 10 years
the House of Oranges three-century quest to unite the old in 1890, her mother, Emma of Waldeck and Pyr-
Low Countries.[3]:vol5,398 mont, was the regent until Wilhelminas 18th birthday in
As king of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1898. Since females were not allowed to hold power in
William tried to establish one common culture. This Luxembourg, due to Salic law, Luxembourg passed to
provoked resistance in the southern parts of the country, the House of Nassau-Weilburg, a collateral line to the
which had been culturally separate from the north since House of Orange-Nassau. For a time, it appeared that the
1581. He was considered an enlightened despot.[3]:vol5,399 Dutch royal family would die with Wilhelmina. Her half-
brother, Prince Alexander, had died in 1884, and no royal
The Prince of Orange held rights to Nassau lands (Dillen-
babies were born from then until Wilhemina gave birth to
burg, Dietz, Beilstein, Hadamar, Siegen) in central Ger-
her only child, Juliana, in 1909. The Dutch royal house
many. On the other hand, the King of Prussia, Frederick
remained quite small until the latter 1930s and the early
William IIIbrother-in-law and rst cousin of William I,
1940s, during which Juliana gave birth to four daughters.
had beginning from 1813 managed to establish his rule in
Although the House of Orange died out in its male line
Luxembourg, which he regarded as his inheritance from
with the death of Queen Wilhelmina, the name Orange
Anne, Duchess of Luxembourg who had died over three
continues to be used by the Dutch royalty [3]:vol5,507508
centuries earlier. At the Congress of Vienna, the two
and as evidenced in many patriotic songs, such as "Oranje
brothers-in-law agreed to a tradeFrederick William re-
ceived William Is ancestral lands while William I re-
ceived Luxembourg. Both got what was geographically The Netherlands remained neutral in World War I, during
nearer to their center of power.[3]:vol5,392 her reign, and the country was not invaded by Germany,
as neighboring Belgium was.[12]
In 1830, most of the southern portion of Williams
realmthe former Austrian Netherlands and Prince- Nevertheless, Queen Wilhelmina became a symbol of
Bishopricdeclared independence as Belgium. William the Dutch resistance during World War II. The moral
fought a disastrous war until 1839 when he was forced authority of the Monarchy was restored because of her
to settle for peace. With his realm halved, he decided rule. After 58 years on the throne as the Queen, Wil-
to abdicate in 1840 in favour of his son, William II. Al- helmina decided to abdicate in favour of her daughter,
though William II shared his fathers conservative incli- Juliana. Juliana had the reputation of making the monar-
nations, in 1848 he accepted an amended constitution chy less aloof, and under her reign the Monarchy be-
that signicantly curbed his own authority and transferred came known as the cycling monarchy. Members of the
the real power to the States General. He took this step royal family were often seen bicycling through the cities
to prevent the Revolution of 1848 from spreading to his and the countryside under Juliana.
country. A royal marriage policy quarrel occurred starting in 1966
when Julianas eldest daughter, the future Queen Beatrix,
decided to marry Claus von Amsberg, a German diplo-
7.2 William III and the threat of extinction mat. The marriage of a member of the royal family to a
German was quite controversial in the Netherlands, which
William II died in 1849. He was succeeded by his had suered under Nazi German occupation in 194045.
son, William III. A rather conservative, even reactionary This reluctance to accept a German consort probably was
man, William III was sharply opposed to the new 1848 exacerbated by von Amsbergs former membership in the

Hitler Youth under the Nazi regime in his native country, disposal of the monarch in perpetuity.[14] Members of
and also his following service in the German Wehrmacht. the Royal House also receive stipends in order to carry
Beatrix needed permission from the government to marry out their duties which are listed here. The Royal House
anyone if she wanted to remain heiress to the throne, but is also exempt from income, inheritance, and personal
after some argument, it was granted. As the years went tax.[15][16]
by, Prince Claus was fully accepted by the Dutch people. The House of Orange has long had the reputation of be-
In time, he became one of the most popular members of ing one of the wealthier royal houses in the world, largely
the Dutch monarchy, and his death in 2002 was widely due to their business investments. They are rumored to
have a large stake in Royal Dutch Shell. Other signicant
On April 30, 1980, Queen Juliana abdicated in favor shares are supposed to be in the Philips Electronics com-
of her daughter, Beatrix. In the early years of the pany (known in the Netherlands as Royal Philips), KLM-
twenty-rst century, the Dutch monarchy remained pop- Royal Dutch Airlines, and the Holland-America Line (a
ular with a large part of the population. Beatrixs el- cruise ship company). How signicant these investments
dest son, Willem-Alexander, was born on April 27, 1967; are is a matter of conjecture, as their private nances,
the rst immediate male heir to the Dutch throne since unlike their public stipends as monarch, are not open to
the death of his great-grandfather, Prince Alexander, in public scrutiny. Their holdings are spread among real es-
1884. Willem-Alexander married Mxima Zorreguieta, tate (include Castle Drakensteyn in Holland and a villa in
an Argentine banker, in 2002; the rst commoner to ever Tuscany), investments, and commercial companies.[17] It
marry an heir apparent to the Dutch throne. They are should be noted that given Royal Dutch Shells 2012 earn-
parents of three daughters: Catharina-Amalia, Alexia, ings, revenue, and equity, even a few percent stake in this
and Ariane. After a long struggle with neurological ill- company alone would exceed the estimates of earnings
ness, Queen Juliana died on March 20, 2004, and her below.
husband, Prince Bernhard, died on December 1 of that Forbes magazine is the most consistent in estimating the
same year.[12] net worth of heads of state. As late as 2001, the fortune
Upon Beatrixs abdication on April 30, 2013, the Prince of the Royal Family was estimated by various sources
of Orange was inaugurated as King Willem-Alexander, (Forbes magazine) at $3.2 billion. Most of the wealth was
becoming the Netherlands rst male ruler since 1890. reported to come from the familys longstanding stake in
His eldest daughter, Catharina-Amalia, as heiress appar- the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. At one time, the Oranges
ent to the throne, became Princess of Orange in her own reportedly owned as much as 25% of the oil company;
right.[12] their stake is in 2001 was estimated at a minimum of 2%,
worth $2.7 billion on the May 21 cuto date for the Bil-
lionaires issue. The family also was estimated to have a
7.4 Net worth 1% stake in nancial services rm ABN-AMRO.[18][19]
The royal familys fortune seems to have been hit by
See also: List of the richest royals
declines in real estate and equities after 2008. They
were also rumored to have lost up to $100 million when
Unlike other royal houses, there has always been a sep- Bernard Mado's Ponzi scheme collapsed, though the
aration in the Netherlands between what was owned by royal house denies the allegations.[20] In 2009, Forbes es-
the state and used by the House of Orange in their oces timated Queen Beatrixs wealth at US$300 million.[21]
as monarch, or previously, stadtholder, and the personal This could also have been due to splitting the fortune be-
investments and fortune of the House of Orange. tween Queen Beatrix and her 3 sisters, as there is no right
The Royal Familys biggest wealth advantage, is that they of the eldest to inherit the whole property. A surge in
don't need to live o their wealth for their day-to-day export revenue, recovery in real estate and strong stock
needs and job functions. As monarch, the King or Queen market have helped steady royal familys fortunes, but
has use of, but not ownership of, the Huis ten Bosch as uncertainty over the new government and future auster-
a residence and Noordeinde Palace as a work palace. In ity measures needed to bring budget decits in line may
addition the Royal Palace of Amsterdam is also at the dampen future prospects. In July 2010, Forbes magazine
disposal of the monarch (although it is only used for state estimated her net worth at $200 million [17][22] This esti-
visits and is open to the public when not in use for that mate was unchanged in April 2011.[23]
purpose), as is Soestdijk Palace (which is open to the pub-
lic and not in ocial use at all at this time).[13] The crown
jewels, comprising the crown, orb and sceptre, Sword of
State, royal banner, and ermine mantle have been placed
in the Crown Property Trust. The trust also holds the
items used on ceremonial occasions, such as the carriages,
table silver, and dinner services. Placing these goods in
the hands of a trust ensures that they will remain at the

8 Stadtholderate under the House A detailed family tree can be found here.[41] A detailed
family tree of the House of Orange-Nassau from the 15th
of Orange-Nassau century can be found on the Dutch Wikipedia at Dutch
monarchs family tree.
9 Stadtholderate under the House A summary family tree of the House of Orange-
of Nassau[31] Nassau [42] from the joining of the house of Nassau-
Breda/Dillenburg and the House of Chlon-Arlay-
Orange to the end of the Dutch Republic is shown be-
10 Principality of the Netherlands low. The family spawned many famous statesmen and
generals, including two of the acknowledged rst cap-
(1813-1815) tains of their age, Maurice of Nassau and the Marshal
de Turenne.
11 Kingdom of the Netherlands The house of Orange-Nassau was relatively unlucky in
establishing a hereditary dynasty in an age that favoured
(1815present) hereditary rule. The Stuarts and the Bourbons came to
power at the same time as the Oranges, the Vasas and
12 The Royal Family and the Royal Oldenburgs were able to establish a hereditary kingship in
Sweden and Denmark, and the Hohenzollerns were able
House to set themselves on a course to the rule of Germany. The
House of Orange was no less gifted than those houses, in
A distinction is made in the Netherlands between the fact, some might argue more so, as their ranks included
royal family and the Royal House. some the foremost statesmen and captains of the time.
Although the institutions of the United Provinces became
The royal family is the Orange-Nassau family.
more republican and entrenched as time went on, William
However, not every member of the family is also a mem- the Silent had been oered the countship of Holland and
ber of the Royal House. By Act of Parliament, the mem- Zealand, and only his assassination prevented his acces-
bers of the Royal House are:[12] sion to those oces. This fact did not go unforgotten by
his successors.[1]:2831,64,71,93,139141
the monarch (King or Queen);
the former monarch (on abdication);
the members of the royal family in the line of suc-
cession to the throne, limited to the second degree
of sanguinity reckoned from the reigning monarch;
H.R.H. Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, (for
whom an exception was made);
the spouses of the above.

Members of the Royal House lose their membership and

designation as prince or princess of the Netherlands if
they lose the membership of the Royal House on the suc-
cession of a new monarch (not being in the second degree
of sanguinity to the monarch anymore), or marry without
the consent of the Dutch Parliament. For example, this
happened with Prince Friso in 2004, when he married
Mabel Wisse Smit. This is written down in the law of
membership of the Royal House, 2002.[39]

Painting by Willem van Honthorst (1662), showing four gener-

13 Family tree ations of Princes of Orange: William I, Maurice and Frederick
Henry, William II, and William III.
The lineage of the House of Nassau can be traced back
to the 10th century. The Prince of Orange was also not just another noble
The following family tree is compiled from Wikipedia among equals in the Netherlands. First, he was the tradi-
and the reference cited in the note[40] tional leader of the nation in war and in rebellion against

Spain. He was uniquely able to transcend the local issues sons was the famous general Henry de Nassau, Lord of
of the cities, towns and provinces. He was also a sovereign Overkirk, King William III's Master of the Horse, and
ruler in his own right (see Prince of Orange article). This one of the most trusted generals of John Churchill, 1st
gave him a great deal of prestige, even in a republic. He Duke of Marlborough. His descendants became the Earls
was the center of a real court like the Stuarts and Bour- of Grantham in England. Frederick van Nassau, Lord of
bons, French speaking, and extravagant to a scale. It was Zuylestein, an illegitimate son of Frederick Henry, Prince
natural for foreign ambassadors and dignitaries to present of Orange, gave rise to the Earls of Rochford in England.
themselves to him and consult with him as well as to the The 4th earl of Rochford was a famous English diplomat
States General to which they were ocially credited. The and a statesman.
marriage policy of the princes, allying themselves twice In 1814, William VI of Orange became King of the
with the Royal Stuarts, also gave them acceptance into the
Netherlands. The institution of the monarch in the
royal caste of rulers.[43]:7677,80 Netherlands is considered an oce under the Dutch
Besides showing the relationships among the family, the Constitution. There are none of the religious conno-
tree above then also points out an extraordinary run of tations to the oce as in some other monarchies. A
bad luck. In the 211 years from the death of William the Dutch sovereign is inaugurated rather than crowned in
Silent to the conquest by France, there was only one time a coronation ceremony. It was initially more of a
that a son directly succeeded his father as Prince of Or- crowned/hereditary presidency, and a continuation of the
ange, Stadholder and Captain-General without a minority status quo ante of the pre-1795 hereditary stadholderate
(William II). When the Oranges were in power, they also in the Republic. In practice today, the monarch has con-
tended to settle for the actualities of power, rather than siderably less power. This summary genealogical tree
the appearances, which increasingly tended to upset the shows how the current Royal house of Orange-Nassau is
ruling regents of the towns and cities. On being oered related:[12]
the dukedom of Gelderland by the States of that province,
William III let the oer lapse as liable to raise too much
opposition in the other provinces.[43]:7583
14 Coats of Arms
Main articles: fr:Armorial de la Maison de Nassau
Ligne Ottonienne, and nl:Wapen van Nassau Tak van

See also: Coat of arms of the Netherlands

Princes of the collateral House of Nassau-Dietz from the Stad-

houderlijk Hof (nowadays called Princessehof Ceramics Mu-
seum) in Leeuwarden, H.Prince of Nassau, Henry Casimir,
Prince of Nassau, George, Prince of Nassau, and Willem Fred-
erick, Prince of Nassau_Dietz

The main house of Orange-Nassau also spawned sev-

eral illegitimate branches. These branches contributed
to the political and economic history of England and the
Netherlands. Justinus van Nassau was the only extramar-
ital child of William of Orange. He was a Dutch army
commander known for unsuccessfully defending Breda
against the Spanish, and the depiction of his surrender on
the famous picture by Diego Velzquez, The Surrender
of Breda. Louis of Nassau, Lord of De Lek and Bev-
erweerd was a younger illegitimate son of Prince Mau-
rice and Margaretha van Mechelen. His descendants Arms of the Ottonian Branch of the House of Nassau:[47] Azure
were later created Counts of Nassau-LaLecq. One of his billetty or, a lion rampant of the last armed and langued gules

The gallery below show the coats of arms used by mem-

bers of the house of Orange-Nassau. Their growing com-
plexity and use of crowns shows how arms are used to re-
ect the growing political position and royal aspirations
of the family. A much more complete armorial is given
at the Armorial de la Maison de Nassau, section Ligne
Ottonienne at the French Wikipedia, and another one at
Wapen van Nassau, Tak van Otto at the Dutch Wikipedia. Arms of Engelbrecht II and
Henry III of Nassau-Breda.[47]
The ancestral coat of arms of the Ottonian line of the
house of Nassau is shown right. Their distant cousins
of the Walramian line added a red coronet to distinguish
them. There is no specic documentation in the litera-
ture on the origin of the arms. The lion was always a
popular noble symbol, originating as a symbol of nobility,
power, and royal aspirations in western culture going all
the way back to Hercules. The lion was also heavily used
as a heraldic symbol in border territories and neighbour-
ing countries of the Holy Roman Empire and France. It Coat of arms of Rene of
was in all likelihood a way of showing independence from Chalons as Prince of Orange.[47]
the Holy Roman Emperor, who used an eagle in his per-
sonal arms and the King of France, who used the famous
Fleur-de-lis. The lion was so heavily used in the Nether-
lands for various provinces and families (see Leo Belgi-
cus) that it became the national arms of the Dutch Repub-
lic, its successor Kingdom of the Netherlands, Coat of
Arms of Belgium, and Luxembourg. Blue, because of its
nearness to purple, which in the northern climes tended to
fade (red was the other choice), was also a popular color
for those with royal aspirations. The billets could have Arms of William the Rich,
been anything from blocks of wood to abstractions of the count of Nassau-Dillenburg.[47]
reenforcements holding the shield together. The fact that
these were arms were very similar to those of the counts
of Burgundy (Franche-Comt) did not seem to cause too
much confusion. The princes of Orange in the 16th and 17th century used
Henry III of Nassau-Breda came to the Netherlands in the following sets of arms. On becoming prince of Or-
1499 as heir to his uncle, Engelbrecht II of Nassau- ange, William placed the Chlon-Arlay arms in the center
Breda. His and his uncles arms are shown below. When (as an inescutcheon) of his fathers arms. He used these
Philbert, prince of Orange died in 1530, his sisters son arms until 1582 when he purchased the marquisate of
Ren of Breda inherited the Princedom of Orange on Veere and Vlissingen. It had been the property of Philip
condition that he used the name and coat of arms of the II since 1567, but had fallen into arrears to the province.
Chlon-Orange family. History knows him therefore as In 1580 the Court of Holland ordered it sold. William
Ren of Chlon instead of as Ren of Nassau-Breda. bought it as it gave him two more votes in the States of
The 1st and 4th grand quarters show the arms of the Zeeland. He owned the government of the two towns,
Chalons-Arlay (the gold bend) princes of Orange (the and so could appoint their magistrates. He already had
bugle). The blue and gold cross is the arms of Jeanne one as First Noble for Philip William, who had inher-
of Geneva, who married one of the Chalons princes. ited Maartensdijk. This made William the predominant
The 2nd and 3rd show the quarterings of Brittany and member of the States of Zeeland. It was a smaller ver-
Luxembourg-St. Pol. The inescutcheon overall is his pa- sion of the countship of Zeeland (& Holland) promised to
ternal arms quartered of Nassau and Breda. William the William, and was a potent political base for his descen-
Silent's father, William the Rich, was rich only in chil- dants. William then added the shield of Veere and Bu-
dren. He bore the arms shown below. Clockwise from ren to his arms as shown in the arms of Frederick Henry,
upper left they displayed the arms of Nassau (1st quar- William II and William III with the arms of the mar-
ter), Katzenelenbogen (3rd quarter), Dietz (2nd quarter), quisate in the top center, and the arms of the county of
Vianden (4th quarter). Buren in the bottom center. William also started
the tradition of keeping the number of billets in the up-
per left quarter for Nassau at 17 to symbolize the original
17 provinces of the Burgundian/Habsburg Netherlands,
which he always hoped would form one united nation.


Coat of arms of William the

Silent as Prince of Orange from 1544 to 1582, and
his eldest son Philip William[47]

Coat of arms of King William

III of England as King of England.

When John William Friso became Prince of Orange, he

used the arms below. However, he was never recog-
The coat of arms used by nized outside of Holland and areas friendly to Holland
William the Silent from 1582 until his death, as Prince of Orange. His son, William IV, recognized as
Frederick Henry, William II, and William III as Prince of Orange, seems to have used the original arms
Prince of Orange[47][47] of William the Silent.[51] When the princes of Orange
ed the Netherlands during the Batavian Republic and
the Kingdom of Holland, and when France occupied the
Netherlands, they were compensated by Napoleon with
the Principality of Nassau-Orange-Fulda. These princi-
palities were conscated when Napoleon invaded Ger-
many (1806) and William VI supported his Prussian rel-
atives. He succeeded his father as prince of Orange later
that year, after William Vs death. The house of Orange-
Nassau also had several illegitimate lines (see below) who
The coat of arms used by based their arms on the arms of Nassau-Dillenburg.
Maurice showing the county of Moers (top left
center and bottom right center) and his mothers
arms of Saxony (center)[43]:78[48][49]

Arms of Johan Willem Friso

as Prince of Orange.[52]
An alternate coat of arms some-
times used by Frederick Henry, William II, and
William III as Prince of Orange showing the county
of Moers in the top center rather than Veere.[50]

Arms of William VI of Orange

as prince of Orange-Nassau-Fulda. The bottom
most shield shows clockwise from top left the prin-
Coat of arms on expeditionary cipality of Fulda, the lordship of Corvey, the county
banner of William and Mary, 1688, showing the of Weingarten, and the lordship of Dortmund.[51]
arms of William III impaled with the royal arms of

determination to defend the nation, and the bundle

of 7 arrows the unity of the 7 United Provinces of
the Dutch Republic.

Arms of Justinus van Nas-

sau,[51] natural son of William the Silent.

Arms of William VI as sovereign

prince of the Netherlands.[47]

Arms of the Louis of Nassau,

Lord of De Lek and Beverweerd, natural son of
Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, and his
descendants the lords of den Lek and the earls of
Grantham in England[51]
First arms of the Kingdom
and Kings of the Netherlands from 1815 to 1907.[12]

Arms of the lords of

Zuylestein, natural son of Frederick Henry, Arms of the Kingdom and Kings
Prince of Orange and his descendants the earls of of the Netherlands since 1907.[12]
Rochford in England[51]

Wilhelmina further decreed that in perpetuity her de-

When William VI of Orange returned to the Nether- scendants should be styled princes and princesses of
lands in 1813 and was proclaimed Sovereign Prince of the Orange-Nassau and that the name of the house would
Netherlands, he quartered the former Arms of the Dutch be Orange-Nassau (in Dutch Oranje-Nassau). Only
Republic (1st and 4th quarter) with the Chlon-Orange those members of the members of the Dutch Royal Fam-
arms (2nd and 3rd quarter), which had come to symbolize ily that are designated to the smaller Royal House can
Orange. As an in escutcheon he placed his ancestral arms use the title of prince or princess of the Netherlands.[12]
of Nassau. When he became King in 1815, he combined Since then, individual members of the House of Orange-
the Dutch Republic Lion with the billets of the Nassau Nassau are also given their own arms by the reigning
arms and added a royal crown to form the Coat of arms monarch, similar to the United Kingdom. This is usu-
of the Netherlands. In 1907, Queen Wilhelmina replaced ally the royal arms, quartered with the arms of the prin-
the royal crown on the lion and the shield bearers of the cipality of Orange, and an in escutcheon of their paternal
arms with a coronet.[53] arms.[54]

Arms of the States General of Juliana of the Netherlands &

the Dutch Republic. The sword symbolizes the Oranje-Nassau Personal Arms

Beatrix of the Netherlands &

Oranje-Nassau Personal Arms

William Alexander of the

Netherlands and Oranje-Nassau Personal Arms

Coats of arms corresponding to the titles borne by various Dutch

monarchs, including Veere and Flushing (right above the bottom
crowned arms), displayed at Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam

15 Lands and Titles

Arms for children of King Besides being sovereign over the principality of Orange,
William Alexander of the Netherlands this is a partial listing of larger estates and titles that
William the Silent and his heirs possessed, most enfeoed
to some other sovereign, either the King of France, the
Habsburgs, or the States of the provinces of the Nether-

Marquis of Veere and Vlissingen

Sons of Princess Margriet of the
Netherlands, Pieter van Vollenhoven [55]
Count of Nassau-Dillenburg

As sovereign Princes, the princes of Orange used an Katzenelnbogen , Dietz , Vianden ,

independent princes crown or the princely hat. Some-
times, only the coronet part was used (see, here and here).
After the establishment of the Kingdom of the Nether- Buren , Moers and Leerdam ,
lands, and as the principality of Orange had been incor-
Viscount of Antwerp
porated into France by Louis XIV, they used the Dutch
Royal Crowns. The full coats of arms of the princes
of Orange, later Kings of the Netherlands, incorporated
the arms above, the crown, 2 lions as supporters and Baron of Breda , and of Aggeris, Cranendonck
the motto Je maintiendrai (I will maintain), the lat-
ter taken from the Chalons princes of Orange, who used
Je maintiendrai Chalons.[2]:35 , Lands of Cuijk , Daesburg, Eindhoven

lands (18151908)

, City of Grave , Lek , IJsselstein

, Diest , Grimbergen , Herstal,

Warneton, Beilstein, Bentheim-Lingen, Arlay

, and Nozeroy ; Royal Flag of the Nether-

lands (19082013)

Lord of Baarn , Bredevoort , Dasburg

, Geertruidenberg , Hooge en Lage

Zwaluwe , Klundert , 't Loo, Montfort,

Naaldwijk , Niervaart, Polanen/lands Royal Standard of the

of Polanen , Steenbergen , Sint-

Maartensdijk , Soest , Ter Eem, The standards of the current sons of the former Queen,
now Princess Beatrix and their wives and the Queens hus-
Turnhout , Willemstad , Zevenbergen

, Btgenbach , Sankt Vith , and


In most of the estates in the more populous provinces of Royal Standard of the
Holland and Zealand, the land itself was secondary to the Princes of the Netherlands (Sons of Queen Beatrix)
prot on the commerce that owed through it.

16 Standards
Main articles: Royal Standard of the Netherlands, Flag
of the Netherlands, and List of Dutch ags
Standard of Claus von
The Dutch Royal Family also makes extensive use of Amsberg as Royal consort of the Netherlands
royal standards that are based on their coats of arms, but
not identical to them (as the British Royal Family does).
Some examples from the Royal Familys website are:[12]
The standards of the ruling king or queen:

Standard of Princess Max-

ima of the Netherlands
Royal Flag of the Nether-

In Robert A. Heinlein's 1956 science ction novel Double

Star, the House of Orange reigns over - but does not rule
over - an empire of humanity that spans the entire Solar

Standard of Princess Lau- Hofstra University

rentien of the Netherlands

18 References
A fuller listing can be found at the Armorial de la Mai-
son de Nassau, section Ligne Ottonienne at the French [1] Rowen, Herbert H. (1988). The princes of Orange: the
Wikipedia. stadholders in the Dutch Republic. Cambridge University

[2] Grew, Marion Ethel (1947). The House of Orange. 36 Es-

17 See also sex Street, Strand, London W.C.2: Methuen & Co. Ltd.

[3] Blok, Petrus Johannes (1898). History of the people of the

For further about the Dutch Monarchy and the Dutch Netherlands. New York: G. P. Putnams sons.
Royal House:
[4] Israel, Jonathan I. (1995). The Dutch Republic: Its Rise,
Greatness and Fall, 1477-1806. Oxford University Press.
Dutch monarchy ISBN 0-19-873072-1. ISBN 0-19-820734-4 paperback.

House of Nassau [5] Del, Willem Jacobsz. De Nassauische Cavalcade.

From an engraving on exhibit in the Rijksmuseum, Ams-
Prince of Orange terdam. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Retrieved 26 April
Principality of Orange
[6] Motley, John Lothrop (1855). The Rise of the Dutch Re-
Orange Institution public. Harper & Brothers.

William III of England [7] Motley, John Lothrop (1860). History of the United
Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the
Synod of Dort. London: John Murray.
Traditionally, members of the Nassau family were buried
in Breda; but because that city was in Spanish hands when [8] Geyl, Pieter (2002). Orange and Stuart 1641-1672.
William died, he was buried in a new crypt in the New Arnold Pomerans (trans.) (reprint ed.). Phoenix.
Church, Delft. The monument on his tomb was originally [9] Rowen, Herbert H. (1978). John de Witt, grand pension-
very modest, but it was replaced in 1623 by a new one, ary of Holland, 1625-1672. Princeton University Press.
made by Hendrik de Keyser and his son Pieter. Since
then, most of the members of the House of Orange- [10] He acquired Fulda, Corvey, Weingarten and Dortmund.
Nassau, including all Dutch monarchs have been buried in He lost the possessions again after changing sides from
that church. His great-grandson William the third, King France to Prussia in 1806 when he refused to join the
Confederation of the Rhine. Cf. J. and A. Romein 'Er-
of England and Scotland and Stadtholder in the Nether-
aters van onze beschaving', Querido, 1979
lands, was buried in Westminster Abbey
[11] Hay, Mark Edward (1 June 2016). The House of Nassau
Crypt of the House of Orange-Nassau in Delft between France and Independence, 17951814: Lesser
Powers, Strategies of Conict Resolution, Dynastic Net-
Burial Monument to William the Silent works. The International History Review. 38 (3): 482
504. doi:10.1080/07075332.2015.1046387.
Crypt of the Frisian Nassaus in Leeuwarden
[12] The Ocial Website of the Dutch Royal House in En-
Crypt of the Nassau-LaLecqs in Ouderkerk aan den glish. Archived from the original on 30 May 2013. Re-
trieved 26 April 2011.
[13] (Dutch)Wet op het Kroondomein
Original Crypt of Netherland Nassaus in Breda
[14] Dutch Royal House - Movable Property. Archived from
Crypt of Engelbrecht II van Nassau in Breda the original on 29 September 2007. Retrieved 2008-06-
Crypt of the Nassau-Bergens in Bergen
[15] (Dutch) Constitution for the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Crypt of the Nassau-Siegens in Siegen Article 40 (Dutch edition of WikiSource)

[16] Netherlands Constitution 2008, Article 40 [37] In 1675 the State of Friesland voted to make the
Stadtholdership hereditary in the house of Nassau-Dietz
[17] "In Pictures: The Worlds Richest Royals. Forbes. 7 July
2010. 30 September 2010. [38] Hereditary Stadtholder of Friesland (1707 - 1711) and
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[18] "How Much Is Queen Elizabeth Worth?. Forbes 26 June
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[19] "Royal Flush. Forbes 4 March 2002.
[40] Louda, Jiri; Maclagan, Michael (December 12, 1988),
[20] "Monarchs and the Mado Scandal. Forbes. 17 June Netherlands and Luxembourg, Table 33, Heraldry of
2009. the Royal Families of Europe (1st (U.S.) ed.), Clarkson
N. Potter, Inc.;
[21] In Pictures: The Worlds Richest Royals.
30 August 2007. Retrieved 2010-03-05. [41] Marek, Miroslav. Nassau index page. geneal- Retrieved 5 September 2013.
[22] "Queen Beatrix Net Worth. Forbes 7 July 2010.
[42] Ocial Website of the Dutch Royal House. Rijksvoor-
[23] "Report: The Worlds Richest Royals. Forbes. April 29, lichtingsdienst (RVD), The Hague, the Netherlands. Re-
2011. trieved 2013-04-30.
[24] Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht (employed [43] Haley, K(enneth) H(arold) D(obson) (1972). The Dutch
by Philip II: 1559 1567, employed by the States Gen- in the Seventeenth Century. Thames and Hudson. pp. 75
eral: 1572 1584), Stadtholder of Friesland and Overijs- 83. ISBN 0-15-518473-3.
sel (1580 1584)
[44] Rietstap, Johannes Baptist (1875). Handboek der
[25] Stadtholder of Holland and Zeeland (1585 1625), Wapenkunde. the Netherlands: Theod. Bom. p. 348.
Utrecht, Guelders and Overijssel (1590 1625), Gronin- Prins FREDERIK: Het koninklijke wapen, in 't shcild-
gen (1620 1625) hoofd gebroken door een rooden barensteel, de middelste
hanger beladen met een regtopstaanden goud pijl.
[26] Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Guelders, and
Overijssel (1620 1625), Groningen and Drenthe (1640 [45] Junius, J.H. (1894). Heraldiek. the Netherlands: Frederik
- 1647) Muller. p. 151. tweede oon voert het koninklijk
wapen gebroken door een barensteel van drie stukken met
[27] Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Guelders, een zilveren pijl.
Groningen, Drenthe and Overijssel
[46] Junius, J.H. (1894). Heraldiek. the Netherlands: Frederik
[28] Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht and Overijssel Muller. p. 151. het wapen afgebeeld van de oudste
(1672 - 1702), Guelders (1675 - 1702), Drenthe (1696 - dochter van den Koning der Nederlanden. De barensteel
1702) is van keel en beladen met een gouden koningskroon.
[29] William III invaded - on invitation - England and became [47] Rietstap, Johannes Baptist (2003). Armorial general.
king of England, Scotland and Ireland vol.2. Genealogical Publishing Co. p. 297. ISBN 0-
8063-4811-9. Retrieved 26 May 2015. Ecartel : au 1.
[30] Hereditary Stadtholder of Friesland (1711 1747), Hol-
d'azur, sem de billettes d'or au lion d'or, arm et lampass
land, Zeeland, Utrecht and Overijssel (April/May 1747
de gueules, brochant sur le tout (Maison de Nassau) ; II,
November 1747), Stadtholder of Groningen (1718
d'or, au lopard lionn de gueules, armc ouronn et lam-
1747), Guelders and Drenthe (1722 1747), was for-
pass d'azur (Katzenelnbogen) ; III, de gueules la fasce
mally voted the rst Hereditary Stadtholder of the United
d'argent (Vianden) ; IV, de gueules deux lions passant
Provinces (1747 - 1751)
l'un sur l'autre ; sur-le-tout cartel, aux I et IV de gueules,
[31] Stadtholders of Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe, be- la bande d'or (Chlon), et aux II et III d'or, au cor de
came the direct male line ancestor of the Republics hered- chasse d'azur, virol et li de gueules (Orange) ; sur-le-
itary Stadtholders, and later of the kings of the Nether- tout-du-tout de cinq points d'or quipols quatre d'azur
lands. (Genve) ; un cusson de sable la fasce d'argent brochant
en chef (Marquis de Flessingue et Veere); un cusson de
[32] Stadtholder of Guelders (under Philip II), architect of the gueules la fasce bretesse et contre-bretesse d'argent
Union of Utrecht brochant en pointe (Buren). Cimier: 1er un demi-vol
cont. coup d'or sur gueles (Chalons), 2er une ramure de
[33] Stadtholder of Friesland (1584 1620), Groningen (1594
cerf d'or (Orange) 3er un demi-vol de sa, ch. d'un disque
1620) and Drenthe (1596 1620)
de armes de Dietz. Supports: deux lions d'or, arm. et
[34] Stadtholder of Friesland (1620 - 1632), Groningen and lamp. de gueles. Devise: JE MAINTIENDRAI.
Drenthe (1625 - 1632) [48] Anonymous. Wapenbord van Prins Maurits met het de-
[35] Stadtholder of Friesland (1632 - 1640), Groningen and vies van de Engelse orde van de Kouseband. Exhibit of a
Drenthe (1632 - 1640) painted woodcut of Maurices Arms encircled by the Order
of the Garter in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Rijksmu-
[36] Stadtholder of Friesland (1640 - 1664), Groningen and seum, Amsterdam. Archived from the original on 11 Jan-
Drenthe (1650 - 1664) uary 2012. Retrieved 26 April 2011.

[49] Rietstap, Johannes Baptist (1861). Armorial gnral, con- 19 Literature

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patriciennes de l'Europe: prcd d'un dictionnaire des ter- Herbert H. Rowen, The princes of Orange: the stad-
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holders in the Dutch Republic. Cambridge and New
celebre prince Maurice qui portai les armes ...
York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
[50] Post, Pieter (1651). Coat of Arms as depicted in Begra-
eenisse van syne hoogheyt Frederick Hendrick"". en- John Lothrop Motley, The Rise of the Dutch Re-
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John Lothrop Motley, History of the United
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[51] Rietstap, Johannes Baptist (1861). Armorial gnral, con- the Synod of Dort. London: John Murray, 1860.
tenant la description des armoiries des familles nobles et
patriciennes de l'Europe: prcd d'un dictionnaire des ter- John Lothrop Motley, The Life and Death of John
mes du blason. G.B. van Goor. p. 746. of Barenvelt. New York & London: Harper and
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[52] ""Coat of Arms as depicted on the Familiegraf van
de Oranje-Nassaus in de Grote of Jacobijnerkerk te Petrus Johannes Blok, History of the people of the
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Jonathan I. Israel, The Dutch Republic: Its Rise,
[53] Wapens van leden van het Koninklijk Huis. Coats of Greatness, and Fall, 14771806 Oxford University
Arms of the Dutch Royal Family, Website of the Dutch Press, 1995. ISBN 0-19-820734-4
Monarchy, the Hague. Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst (RVD),
the Hague, the Netherlands. Retrieved 30 April 2012. Pieter Geyl, Orange and Stuart 1641-1672
Het wapen van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (Rijk- Phoenix Press, 2002>
swapen) en dat van de Koningen der Nederlanden (Konin-
klijk wapen) is vanaf de oprichting van het Koninkrijk in Mark Edward Hay, 'The House of Nassau between
1815 identiek. Het Wapen werd in 1907 gewijzigd en France and Independence, 17951814: Lesser Pow-
laatstelijk vastgesteld bij Koninklijk Besluit van 23 april ers, Strategies of Conict Resolution, Dynastic
1980, nr. 3 (stb. 206) bij de troonsaanvaarding van Networks, The International History Review, 38/3
Koningin Beatrix. De beschrijving van het wapenschild (2016), 482-504
in het eerste artikel is dwingend voorgeschreven, de in het
tweede en derde artikel beschreven uitwendige versierse-
len zijn facultatief. In de praktijk wordt de basisuitvoering
van het wapen wel het Klein Rijkswapen genoemd. Het 20 External links
Koninklijk Wapen wordt sinds 1907 gekenmerkt door een
gouden klimmende leeuw met gravenkroon. De blauwe Dutch Royal House ocial website
achtergrond (het veld) is bezaaid met verticale gouden
blokjes. De term bezaaid geeft in de heraldiek aan Sources about the history of Orange-Nassau in the
dat het aantal niet vaststaat, waardoor er ook een aan- Hessian Main State Archives, Wiesbaden
tal niet compleet zijn afgebeeld. Het wapenschild wordt
gehouden door twee leeuwen die in proel zijn afgebeeld.
Op het wapenschild is een Koningskroon geplaatst. Op
een lint dat onder het wapenschild bevestigd is, staat de
spreuk 'Je Maintiendrai'. Bij Koninklijk Besluit van 10
juli 1907 (Stb. 181) werd het Koninklijk Wapen, tevens
Rijkswapen, aangepast. De leeuw in het schild en de
schildhoudende leeuwen droegen vr die tijd alle drie
de Koninklijke kroon, maar raakten deze kwijt nu de
toegevoegde purperen hermelijn gevoerde mantel, gedekt
door een purperen baldakijn, een Koningskroon ging
dragen. De schildhouders waren vr 1907 bovendien
aanziend in plaats van en proel.

[54] Wapens van leden van het Koninklijk Huis. Coats of

Arms of the Dutch Royal Family, Website of the Dutch
Monarchy, the Hague. Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst (RVD),
the Hague, the Netherlands. Retrieved 30 April 2012.

[55] Klaas. Maurits van Vollenhoven. Article on Maurits van

Vollenhoven, 18-09-2008 10:28. Retrieved
4 April 2013.

21 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

21.1 Text
House of Orange-Nassau Source: Contributors: Jeronimo,
Andre Engels, Eclecticology, Eijkhout, Rmhermen, Toby Bartels, Ghakko, Ellmist, Branko, Atlan, Olivier, Leandrod, Patrick, Michael
Hardy, Erik Zachte, Kaihsu, Adam Bishop, Viajero, Wik, Zoicon5, Mackensen, Wetman, Eugene van der Pijll, Dimadick, Pigsonthewing,
Naddy, Auric, Gidonb, Saforrest, Somercet, Nunh-huh, HangingCurve, Elf-friend, Fishal, Gadum, OwenBlacker, Anrion, Martin Wisse,
Ellsworth, PFHLai, Burgundavia, Icairns, Sonett72, Rich Farmbrough, LindsayH, Dbachmann, Bender235, Aecis, Thortful, Lambton, Cm-
drjameson, Mdd, Duman~enwiki, HenkvD, Ilse@, Grenavitar, Empoor, Nuno Tavares, Philthecow, Timrichardson, Pacobob, Tabletop,
Lapsed Pacist, Paxsimius, Mandarax, Aughavey, Rjwilmsi, Coemgenus, Scaoc, Gryndor, BlueMoonlet, Chekaz, The wub, Ttwaring,
MWAK, FlaBot, KarlFrei, Str1977, WouterBot, Chobot, Gdrbot, Bgwhite, YurikBot, Hairy Dude, RussBot, Astorknlam, Howcheng, Stijn
Calle, Gadget850, DWC LR, AjaxSmack, Ray Chason, LeonardoRob0t, JLaTondre, HansM, One, Lordmarchmain~enwiki, The Minis-
ter of War, West Virginian, Edward Waverley, SmackBot, Charles, MeiStone, Setanta747 (locked), Eskimbot, HeartofaDog, Flux.books,
The Gnome, Chris the speller, Rmt2m, Hebel, Penrithguy, Alphathon, Elendils Heir, Winn3317, Mitrius, MichaelBillington, Gemertp,
Esrever, Arnoutf, JorisvS, Gregorydavid, LCahill, Makyen, Neddyseagoon, Thomas Antonius, DabMachine, Kcops7, Paul Foxworthy,
Adam sk, Vlaascho, GHe, Gregbard, Cydebot, Soetermans, PKT, Thijs!bot, ObRoy, Marek69, Sazaedo, Flany, Fayenatic london, JAnD-
bot, Jarkeld, Demophon, 0704monochrome, Renetus, CommonsDelinker, J.delanoy, BigrTex, DrKay, Spathaky, Btouburg, Dustyrawlins,
Pdcook, Deor, Stefan Kruithof, Les Invisibles, Frednile, Mazzelino, X...naomi...x, Edwinaloca, Nikosgreencookie, LuigiManiac, Amulet
of Yendor, MussoMusso, StAnselm, WereSpielChequers, Barliner, Fidelia, Bobjuh, Vanished user kijsdion3i4jf, C0nanPayne, ImageRe-
movalBot, Dancingwombatsrule, Brederode~enwiki, Unbuttered Parsnip, GrandLodgeMaster Flash, Niceguyedc, P. S. Burton, Auntof6,
Sun Creator, Coinmanj, L.tak, Arjayay, Royalty Parsing Project, Sunquanliangxiuhao, , Spoonkymonkey, Ereunetes, SelfQ, Surt-
sicna, Luwilt, Addbot, Roux, Fmni research, Lightbot, Archengigi, Legobot, Luckas-bot, Yobot, The Emperors New Spy, Vincent Steen-
berg, AnomieBOT, Rubinbot, Galoubet, Wickerwork, Materialscientist, LilHelpa, Xqbot, Sodacan, Sublimo69, Armbrust, RibotBOT,
Donald1972, Berylcloud, Broomwick, Thehelpfulbot, Noisedoes1, FrescoBot, Rubenescio, Tobby72, Thayts, Leptosome, Harpercollege,
Orenburg1, FoxBot, Watisctie, Mike Wolstencroft, Fry1989, Redrobsche, Nederlandse Leeuw, FetchcommsAWB, Robbiekron, John of
Reading, Dewritech, Hpvpp, LeoDavid, Lobsterthermidor, THATSBETTER, PBS-AWB, Tom-L, Blueavouredcat, AvicAWB, Franzy89,
NYMets2000, Heralder, B1b1b1b123, Targaryen, Wafaashohdy, ClueBot NG, Davout1769, Satellizer, Editr, Frietjes, Greenskynr151,
Mr. D. E. Mophon, Helpful Pixie Bot, JMvanDijk, BG19bot, Vagobot, Marcocapelle, Archivare, Compfreak7, Minsbot, M'encarta,
, YFdyh-bot, MODCHK, Mogism, Vanasan, Luxorr, KingQueenPrince, Killuminator, Melonkelon, Jodosma, Mevagiss, Un-
HommeGesund, Felderburg, Peter238, Narky Blert, KasparBot, AlaskanNativeRU, Re5x, Allthefoxes, InternetArchiveBot, Pppery and
Anonymous: 148

21.2 Images
File:Amsterdam_wapenbord.JPG Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Armoiries_empereur_Adolphe_de_Nassau.svg Source:
empereur_Adolphe_de_Nassau.svg License: Copyrighted free use Contributors: Own Work, Custom Creation according to the description
at Hraldique Europenne Original artist: Drawing created by David Liuzzo
File:Arms_of_Beatrix_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_Bernhard_of_Lippe-Biesterfeld.svg Source:
Bernhard_of_Lippe-Biesterfeld.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_Claus_von_Amsberg.svg Source:
Amsberg.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_Hendrik_of_Mecklenburg-Schwerin.svg Source:
Hendrik_of_Mecklenburg-Schwerin.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_Johan_Willem_Friso_as_Prince_of_Orange.JPG Source:
Arms_of_Johan_Willem_Friso_as_Prince_of_Orange.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Picture from the Family Grave Mon-
ument of the Friesan Nassaus Original artist: public
File:Arms_of_Juliana_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_Maurice_or_Nassau_Prince_of_Orange.PNG Source:
of_Maurice_or_Nassau_Prince_of_Orange.PNG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: public Original artist: self
File:Arms_of_Maxima,_Queen_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
Maxima%2C_Queen_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_Nassau.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_Sovereign_Prince_William_I_of_Orange.svg Source:
of_Sovereign_Prince_William_I_of_Orange.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work
File:Soeverein Vorst Willem de Eerste.jpg Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_William_Henry,_Prince_of_Orange,_Count_of_Nassau.svg Source:
commons/2/20/Arms_of_William_Henry%2C_Prince_of_Orange%2C_Count_of_Nassau.svg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors:
Own work, Based on: File:Arolsen Klebeband 01 343.jpg Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_William_Henry,_Prince_of_Orange,_Count_of_Nassau_with_Veere.png Source:
wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Arms_of_William_Henry%2C_Prince_of_Orange%2C_Count_of_Nassau_with_Veere.png License: CC
BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Based on:Sodacan Original artist: JMvanDijk

File:Arms_of_the_Dutch_Republic.svg Source:

Republic.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
Kingdom_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_the_Prince_of_Orange_(1815-1884).svg Source:
the_Prince_of_Orange_%281815-1884%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_the_children_of_Beatrix_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
Arms_of_the_children_of_Beatrix_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_the_children_of_Margriet_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
Arms_of_the_children_of_Margriet_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_the_children_of_Wilhelm-Alexander_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
commons/b/be/Arms_of_the_children_of_Wilhelm-Alexander_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_the_eldest_daughter_of_the_king_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
commons/a/a2/Arms_of_the_eldest_daughter_of_the_king_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work
Original artist: Sodacan
File:Arms_of_the_second_son_of_the_king_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
13/Arms_of_the_second_son_of_the_king_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:
File:BE_Buetgenbach_COA.svg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Wappen der Gemeinde Btgenbach Original artist: Jrgen Krause
File:BE_Sankt_Vith_COA.svg Source: License: CC-
BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Stadtwappen von St. Vith Original artist: Jrgen Krause
File:Blason_Grimbergen.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Laubrau
File:Blason_Jean_II_de_Wassenaer,_Seigneur_de_la_Lecke_(selon_Gelre).svg Source:
commons/4/42/Blason_Jean_II_de_Wassenaer%2C_Seigneur_de_la_Lecke_%28selon_Gelre%29.svg License: CC BY 3.0 Contrib-
utors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='
thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88' height='30' style='vertical-
align: top' srcset='
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe source code
of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_Nassau-Dietz.svg Source: License: CC
BY 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='
commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88' height='30'
style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe source
code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,ss=1#source'>valid</a>.
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_Nassau-Dillenbourg.svg Source:
License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88'
height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe
source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,ss=1#source'>valid</a>.
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_Nassau-LaLecq_Beverweert_Ouwerkerk_Odijk.PNG Source:
Blason_Nassau-LaLecq_Beverweert_Ouwerkerk_Odijk.PNG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: JMvanDijk
File:Blason_Nassau-Orange.svg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88'
height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe
source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,ss=1#source'>valid</a>.
Original artist: Jimmy44
21.2 Images 19

File:Blason_Nassau-Vianden.svg Source: Li-

cense: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88'
height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe
source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,ss=1#source'>valid</a>.
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_Nassau-Weilbourg.svg Source:
License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88'
height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe
source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,ss=1#source'>valid</a>.
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_Nassau-Zuylestein.svg Source:
License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88'
height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe
source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,ss=1#source'>valid</a>.
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_Nozeroy.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Chatsam
File:Blason_Philippe_de_Nassau-Sarrebrck_(selon_Gelre).svg Source:
d/d6/Blason_Philippe_de_Nassau-Sarrebr%C3%BCck_%28selon_Gelre%29.svg License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: <a
href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='
1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88' height='30' style='vertical-
align: top' srcset='
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe source code
of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_Ren_de_Nassau-Dillenbourg,_Prince_de_Chlon-Orange.svg Source:
commons/8/8f/Blason_Ren%C3%A9_de_Nassau-Dillenbourg%2C_Prince_de_Ch%C3%A2lon-Orange.svg License: CC BY 3.0
Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='
thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88' height='30' style='vertical-
align: top' srcset='
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe source code of this SVG is
<a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_famille_fr_Chalon_Orange.svg Source:
Chalon_Orange.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Bruno
File:Blason_gueules-bande_or.svg Source:
License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88'
height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x,
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe
source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//,<span>,&,</span>,ss=1#source'>valid</a>.
Original artist: Jimmy44
File:Blason_ville_be_Schoten.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Wikibelgiaan
File:Blason_ville_fr_Arlay_(Jura).svg Source:
%28Jura%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C'
%28green%29.svg.png' width='88' height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x, https://upload.wikimedia.

org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x'
data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text'
Original artist: bvs-aca
File:Blason_ville_fr_Besanon_(Doubs).svg Source:
Besan%C3%A7on_%28Doubs%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: <a href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img
alt='W3C' src='
SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88' height='30' style='vertical-align: top' srcset='
commons/thumb/1/1a/Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/132px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 1.5x, https://upload.
2x' data-le-width='512' data-le-height='174' /></a>iThe source code of this SVG is <a data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text'
Original artist:
Image created for the Blazon Project of the French Wikipedia
File:Blason_ville_nl_Zevenbergen.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Wikibelgiaan
File:Bredevoort_coat2.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Buren_wapen_klein.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Baarn.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: hrva Original artist: svg by User:Arch
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Cranendonck.svg Source:
Cranendonck.svg License: Public domain Contributors: SVG is own work. Original artist: Original by User:Arch
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Cuijk.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: HRvA SVG is own work. Original artist: Unkown, svg by User:Arch
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Diest,_Belgium.jpg Source:
2C_Belgium.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: - Originally from nl.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Original artist: The original uploader was Kevinv at Dutch Wikipedia
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Grave.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: HRvA SVG is own work. Original artist: Unkown, SVG by User:Arch
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Veere.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Hoge Raad van Adel Original artist: Unkown, SVG by User:Arch
File:Coat_of_arms_of_William_and_Mary_as_Prince_and_Princess_of_Orange.svg Source:
wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Coat_of_arms_of_William_and_Mary_as_Prince_and_Princess_of_Orange.svg License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Contributors: Own work; Based on: File:Histoire-de-Guillaume-III-MG 0122.tif [1] [2] Original artist: Sodacan
File:Coronet_of_a_Child_of_the_Sovereign.svg Source:
Child_of_the_Sovereign.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Counts_of_Nassau.jpg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: : Home : Info Original artist: Workshop of Wybrand de Geest
File:Crown_of_Holy_Roman_Empire.png Source:
Empire.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Heralder Original artist: Little Blue Bird
File:Crown_of_Saint_Edward_(Heraldry).svg Source:
Edward_%28Heraldry%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_Kingdom_(Variant_1).svg Original artist: Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_Kingdom_(Variant_1).svg:
File:DEU_Dasburg_COA.svg Source: License: Pub-
lic domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Maxxl2
File:Dietz_wapen.svg Source: License: Public domain Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Eindhoven_wapen.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Hoge Raad van Adel Original artist: SVG by User:Arch
File:Frederik_Hendrik_by_Michiel_Jansz_van_Mierevelt.jpg Source:
Frederik_Hendrik_by_Michiel_Jansz_van_Mierevelt.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info
Original artist: Workshop of Michiel van Mierevelt
File:Geertruidenberg_wapen.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Hoge Raad van Adel SVG = Own work Original artist: Unkown, SVG by Arch
File:Graafschap_Meurs_wapen.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Graafschap_Vianden.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
21.2 Images 21

File:Guillaume_IV_d'Orange-Nassau.jpg Source:

27Orange-Nassau.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Originally from [1]; description page is/was here. Original artist: Original
uploader was [[:fr:User:--Goku 19:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)|]] at fr.wikipedia
File:HendrikCasimirII.jpg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: : Home : Info : Pic Original artist: Louis Volders (?)
File:Hendrik_Casimir_I_van_Nassau-Dietz.jpg Source:
van_Nassau-Dietz.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info Original artist: Wybrand de Geest
File:Hoge-Lage-Zwaluwe-wapen.svg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Own work
File:IJsselstein_wapen.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Hoge Raad van Adel Original artist: SVG by User:Arch
File:J._G._Ziesenis_-_State_Portrait_of_Prince_William_V.jpg Source:
_G._Ziesenis_-_State_Portrait_of_Prince_William_V.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Dutch Republic in the Days of John
Adams Original artist: Johann Georg Ziesenis
File:Jan_de_Oude.gif Source: License: Pub-
lic domain Contributors: (the Dutch Wikipedia) Original artist:
Unknown<a href='' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718'
src='' width='20'
height='11' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='1050'
data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Juliana_1963.jpg Source: License: No restrictions Con-
tributors: Koningin Juliana tijdens del Koninginnedag / Queen Juliana during parade on Queensday Original artist: Nationaal Archief,
Collectie SPAARNESTAD PHOTO/H. Hilterman
File:Justinus_van_Nassau_wapen.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Katzenelnbogen_wapen_klein.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:King_Willem_II.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Nicolaas Pieneman
File:King_William_III_of_England,_(1650-1702)_(lighter).jpg Source:
King_William_III_of_England%2C_%281650-1702%29_%28lighter%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
Original artist: Sir Godfrey Kneller
File:Klundert_wapen.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Based on: Nederlandse wapens van het Rijk, de Provincin, en de gemeenten, voorts van waterschappen, heerlijkheden, enz.
beschreven volgens het ocile register van de Hoge Raad van Adel. (SVG is own work.) Original artist: Unknown, SVG is Own work
File:Koningin_Beatrix_in_Vries.jpg Source:
License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: FrozenImage via Wikiportrait Original artist: Emiel Ketelaar, FrozenImage
File:Leerdam_flag.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Own work Original artist: Andreas Trepte
File:Louis_Volders_001.jpg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: : Home : Info: Pic Original artist: Louis Volders (. 16901713)
File:Mali_tsr.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Ptutjohn
File:Markizaat_Veere_wapen.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Michiel_Jansz_van_Mierevelt_-_Maurits_prins_van_Oranje-edit_1.jpg Source:
commons/6/6f/Michiel_Jansz_van_Mierevelt_-_Maurits_prins_van_Oranje-edit_1.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Rijksmu-
seum Amsterdam Original artist: Michiel van Mierevelt
File:Naaldwijk_wapen.PNG Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Original artist: Ralf Hartemink
_William_II_and_William_III_-_1662-1666.jpg Source:
and_William_III_-_1662-1666.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info : Pic Original artist:
Attributed to Pieter Nason (. 16321690)
File:Nassau-Chalons_wapen.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Nassau-Diez_1636_wapen.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Nassau-Diez_1640_wapen.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch

File:Nassau-Dillenburg_1420.svg Source: Li-

cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Nassau-Dillenburg_1559-1739.svg Source:
1559-1739.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Nassau-Fulda_wapen.svg Source: License: Pub-
lic domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Nassau-Saarbrcken_1381.svg Source:
1381.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arch
File:Nassau_laLecq.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: SVG is own work. Original artist: User:Arch
File:Pieter_Nason_Wilhelm_Friedrich_(Nassau-Dietz)_Governor_of_Frisia_1664.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Pieter_Nason_Wilhelm_Friedrich_%28Nassau-Dietz%29_Governor_of_Frisia_1664.jpg License: Public
domain Contributors: Original artist: Pieter Nason (.
File:Portrait_of_Ernst_Casimir_van_Nassau-Dietz_(Wybrand_de_Geest,_1633).jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/3/32/Portrait_of_Ernst_Casimir_van_Nassau-Dietz_%28Wybrand_de_Geest%2C_1633%29.jpg License: Public
domain Contributors: : Home : Info : Pic Original artist: Wybrand de Geest
File:Prince_William_of_Orange_gets_wounded_at_the_shoulder.jpg Source:
9e/Prince_William_of_Orange_gets_wounded_at_the_shoulder.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Legermuseum, Delft Original
artist: Senus, Willem van /Odevaere, Joseph
File:Princely_crown.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work, using File:Crown of a Duke of France.svg + File:Princely Hat.svg
Original artist: Tom Lemmens
File:Rangkronen-Fig._18.svg Source: License: Copy-
righted free use Contributors: Own work Original artist: David Liuzzo
File:Royal_Arms_of_England_(1603-1707).svg Source:
England_%281603-1707%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Royal_Arms_of_England_(1689-1694).svg Source:
England_%281689-1694%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Royal_Arms_of_England_(1694-1702).svg Source:
England_%281694-1702%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Royal_Arms_of_the_Netherlands_(1815-1907).svg Source:
Arms_of_the_Netherlands_%281815-1907%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
arms_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, Based on: Painting by Johannes Evert van Leeuwen
(1855-1931) (from 1907) Original artist: Sodacan
File:Royal_Crown_of_the_Netherlands_(Heraldic).svg Source:
Crown_of_the_Netherlands_%28Heraldic%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Royal_Standard_of_Laurentien_of_Orange-Nassau.svg Source:
Standard_of_Laurentien_of_Orange-Nassau.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, based upon File:Standard of Princess
Laurentien of the Netherlands.png Original artist: TRAJAN 117
File:Royal_Standard_of_a_Prince_of_the_Netherlands_(Sons_of_Beatrix).svg Source:
commons/8/85/Royal_Standard_of_a_Prince_of_the_Netherlands_%28Sons_of_Beatrix%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
Own work, based upon File:Royal Sandard of the Princes of the Nethelands (Sons of Queen Beatrix).png[1] Original artist: TRAJAN 117
File:Royal_Standard_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, based upon File:Royal Standard of the Netherlands.PNG Origi-
nal artist: TRAJAN 117
File:Royal_Standard_of_the_Netherlands_(18151908).svg Source:
Standard_of_the_Netherlands_%281815%E2%80%931908%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, based upon [1]
Original artist: TRAJAN 117
File:Royal_Standard_of_the_Netherlands_(19082013).svg Source:
Standard_of_the_Netherlands_%281908%E2%80%932013%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, based upon File:
Royal Standard of the Netherlands.PNG Original artist: TRAJAN 117 & Sodacan
File:Royal_coat_of_arms_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
arms_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, Based on: Painting by Johannes Evert van Leeuwen
(1855-1931) (from 1907) Original artist: Sodacan
File:Royal_coat_of_arms_of_the_Netherlands_(1815-1907).svg Source:
Royal_coat_of_arms_of_the_Netherlands_%281815-1907%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, Based on:
File:582px-Rijkswapen met mantel 1840 tot 1907 Rietstap 1883.jpg Original artist: Sodacan
Leeuwarden_-_20130988_-_RCE.jpg Source:
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed Original artist: Antonietti, J.P.A. (Fotograaf)
21.3 Content license 23

File:Sint_Maartensdijk_wapen.svg Source: Li-

cense: Public domain Contributors: Hoge Raad van Adel Original artist: unkown, SVG = Own work
File:Standard_of_Claus_von_Amsberg_as_Royal_consort_of_the_Netherlands.png Source:
wikipedia/commons/2/20/Standard_of_Claus_von_Amsberg_as_Royal_consort_of_the_Netherlands.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work, based upon [1] Original artist: Buho07
File:Standard_of_Princess_Maxima_of_the_Netherlands.png Source:
Standard_of_Princess_Maxima_of_the_Netherlands.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: [1] and [2] Original artist: Buho07
File:State_coat_of_arms_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source:
arms_of_the_Netherlands.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, Based on: Painting by Johannes Evert van Leeuwen
(1855-1931) (from 1907) Original artist: Sodacan
File:Steenbergen_gemeentewapen.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: SVG is own work. Original artist: Original by User:Arch
File:Teuton_flag.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contrib-
utors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Original artist: No machine-readable author
provided. Piom assumed (based on copyright claims).
File:Thrse_Schwartze_013.jpg Source:
Schwartze_013.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: [#cite_note-1 [1]] Original
artist: Therese Schwartze
File:Turnhout_wapen2.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Original artist: unkown, SVG = Own work
File:Wapen_Lekkerkerk.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Venius
File:Wapen_van_Soest_(Nederland).svg Source:
%28Nederland%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Unknown, SVG by User:Arch
File:Wappen_Preuen.png Source: License: At-
tribution Contributors: Custom Creation according to blazon of the coats of arms. Original artist: David Liuzzo
File:Willem-Alexander,_Prince_of_Orange.jpg Source:
2C_Prince_of_Orange.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Original artist:
srslyguys (Flickr)
File:Willem_III_(1817-90),_koning_der_Nederlanden,_Nicolaas_Pieneman,_1856_-_Rijksmuseum.jpg Source: https:
Pieneman%2C_1856_-_Rijksmuseum.jpg License: CC0 Contributors: Nicolaas Pieneman Original artist: Nicolaas Pieneman
File:Willem_II_prince_of_Orange_and_Maria_Stuart.jpg Source:
II_prince_of_Orange_and_Maria_Stuart.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info Original artist:
Gerard van Honthorst
SK-A-1519.jpeg Source:
der_Verenigde_Nederlanden%2C_later_koning_der_Nederlanden_Rijksmuseum_SK-A-1519.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Anonymous
File:Willem_Jacobsz._Delff_003.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Web Gallery of Art: <a href='' data-x-
rel='nofollow'><img alt='Inkscape.svg' src='
svg.png' width='20' height='20' srcset='
png 1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='60'
data-le-height='60' /></a> Image <a href='' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img
alt='Information icon.svg' src='
icon.svg.png' width='20' height='20' srcset='
svg/30px-Information_icon.svg.png 1.5x,
40px-Information_icon.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='620' data-le-height='620' /></a> Info about artwork Original artist: Willem Jacobsz.
File:Willem_Lodewijk_van_Nassau_1560-1620.jpg Source:
Lodewijk_van_Nassau_1560-1620.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info : Pic Original artist:
Workshop of Michiel van Mierevelt
File:Willem_van_Oranje_wapen.svg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: SVG is own work. Original artist: User:Arch by original at File:William the Silent-Coat of arms.JPG
File:Willemstad_wapen.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Hoge Raad van Adel Original artist: Arch
File:WilliamOfOrange1580.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info Original artist: Adriaen Thomasz. Key
File:William_I_of_the_Netherlands.jpg Source:
Netherlands.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info Original artist: Joseph Paelinck
File:Workshop_of_Gerard_van_Honthorst_001.jpg Source:
Gerard_van_Honthorst_001.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: : Home : Info : Pic Original artist: Work-
shop of Gerard van Honthorst

21.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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