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Amazon Village TM


Plano, Texas, USA March, 2017


After several years of working in the renewable energy, food, technology and construction sectors,
ProfitMania, LLC and a group of partners decided to take an important step towards the
implementation of an integrated effort to provide a sustainable life alternative to low income families
around the world. The objective of this project is to build food, water, housing and energy
independence rural villages, in order to generate local sustainable wealth and drastically reduce
migration to larger cities.

Our vision is supported by the clear directive of United Nations to promote the protection of the
environment and its natural resources.

Guiding Principles

Migration from smaller villages into larger cities generate significant challenges to larger urban
centers and rarely resolves peoples life sustainability issues;
Local inhabitants of small villages could increase their wealth if they had access to the right
tools, technology, funding and training;
Rural living can offer a higher quality of life than urban living, if families had access to enough
All villages need energy and food independence in order to achieve sustainable development;
Decentralization of energy and food production can be very beneficial to increase
environmental sustainability.

What is the Amazon VillageTM?

Its a sustainable development project to help communities become wealthier while developing food,
housing and energy independence.

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Amazon Village is a villa or group of families with strong interest in increasing their revenues through
their hard work while improving their quality of life. Families will use an Amazon Village pre-fabricated
kit (Amazon Village Kit) with the following elements:

1. Installation and operation of a modular plant to convert biomass and municipal waste into heating
and electricity;
2. Installation of pre-fabricated house;
3. Installation and operation of household-level fish and vegetable farms utilizing advanced nano
technology equipment to maximize productivity;
4. Equipment to treat, reuse organic waste and reuse waste-water.

Target Market - Rural communities, low-income areas and refugees camps around the world that need
to increase their revenues to improve the quality of lives and are ready and willing to put hard work to
improve their living standard. Initial emphasis on Eastern Europe and Latin America. Africa and Asia
also present high potential.

Pilot Markets Honduras, Ecuador and Italy.

Manufacturing facilities for Amazon Village kits will be established in Eastern Europe and Latin

Benefits for local families

Use of a complete, safe and decorous house

Work security combined with investment in a long time sustainable enterprise
Sustainable incremental income
Use of latest technology for production optimization, waste water treatment and waste to
energy conversion
Food, water and electricity security

Implementation: Each family participating in the Amazon Village project will have access to a piece of
land of 10,000 square meters. They will receive (as lease) a house, a 5,000 fish tank and the elements
necessary to create a vegetable farm (horto, exact products will be determine per location. For this
projections pepper was used). 6 HH will make up a BLOCK, which will be the basic production unit.
Each Amazon Village will have 12 blocks (72 HH/families). Collectively, we will refer to this package as
the Amazon Village Asset (AV asset). 30% of the land will be used for common leisure areas,
infirmary, nursery, roads, storage and power generation.

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After 10 years, families will own their villas. The Foundation, with the support of local strategic allies,
will provide training, build the villages and support the preparation and startup process. The Amazon
Village Foundation (AVF) will oversee field execution, negotiate technology transfer agreements, and
supervise the operation to ensure the proper management of the assets and provide technical and
commercialization support. 25% of their gross profit will be paid to the Foundation for the use of the
AV asset, startup costs and ongoing management expenses associated with AVF services.

Production and Revenue Generation

1. Fish farm The basic production unit will be a 5,000 fish tank, (depending on the weather, this can
also be a shrimp tank). Each family will have one tank and will be responsible for its operation.
There will be 72 fish tanks in each Amazon Village for a total annual projected production of 1.35
million pounds. Fish species will change depending on location, market and water temperature.
For this plan, the assumption is that the villages will be producing Tilapia fish. A total of 2.5x
annual production cycle is considered. Market price varies, but a base of 1.2 per pound has been
applied in the financial projection. Organic waste from the fish will be reused to make fish food
and fertilizer, water will be filtered and reused. Equipment to saturate water with oxygen will be
used to maximize productivity. AVF has already established relations with some large buyers of

2. Agricultural farm Each family will operate an agricultural farm of 8,500 square meters. A
production of Jalapeno pepper was used for the projections. An annual production of 170,000
pounds is projected. A selling price of 400 per ton (0.18/lb) has been applied. Crop will vary
depending on location, temperature and market condition. Equipment to saturate water with

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oxygen will be used to maximize productivity. AVF has already established relations with some
large buyers of Agricultural products.

3. Energy generation A 1.5MW waste to energy plant will be installed in each village. Agricultural,
forest and municipal waste will be use to feed the plant. 0.5MWH will be used for the consumption
of the village and 1MWH will be sold to the local grid. An average price of 90 per MWH has been
used in the financial projections.

First Location (see attached pictures)

The location for the first Amazon Village is already in partial operation. It is located in Sula,
department of Santa Barbara in Honduras, Central America. Honduras is one of the largest global
producers of Tilapia fish, shrimp and lobster. Therefore, production and technical know-how is well

The Amazon Village Foundation (AVF) has made an agreement with a small local operator, to take
over his existing Tilapia farm. Negotiations have been made for him to provide the necessary land,
technical and operational support. AVFs plan is to enhance the existing operation, by expanding
current production, applying more developed technology to treat and re-use waste water, to feed the
fish, implement the agricultural portion, install the energy plant and build / install the houses.

Sula is an underdeveloped 5,000 people community and this first village will offer an excellent
opportunity to the first 72 families that will join the program. A recruitment process will be used to
ensure that these families will have the serious commitment and capability to operate well the asset
and take advantage of this opportunity.

In order to start having a meaningful impact in Honduras alone, approximate 100 Amazon Villages
will need to be built in the next few years.

Timeline Our goal is that the first Amazon Village starts operating in Honduras late 2017. A second
and third location in Italy and Ecuador is underway to start operating early 2018. The Foundation will
start actively seeking to secure contracts once funding has been guaranteed. Due to the nature of this
project, there is strong potential in the international market.

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AMAZON VILLAGE #1 Mo -3 Mo -2 Mo -1 Mo 0 Mo 1 Mo 2 Mo 3 Mo 4 Mo 5 Mo 6 Mo 7 Mo 8 Mo 9 Mo 10 Mo 11 Mo 12 Mo 13 Mo 14 Mo 15 Mo 16
Funding receipt
Contract negotiation
Detailed design/engineering
Order placement
Site purchase
Village kits
Raw materials
Start Operations

Investment - An initial investment of 30 million euro will be used to design the project and
components, manufacture elements and develop management and operational systems and tools for
startup and ongoing operations. These funds will also be used to build pilot projects in Italy and
Honduras. For the global launch of this project, an investment of 216 million euro is required for the
first 20 villages. In the first 10 years, the goal is to establish a minimum of 314 villages which will
require an estimated investment of 3.3 billion euro. Investment for a 72-household village is
estimated at 10.5 million euro. Amazon Villages will generate 3.9 billion in revenue by its tenth full
year of operation.

Financing model 10% of the required capital will be privately sourced by the Amazon Village
Foundation (AVF). 90% will be secured through humanitarian funds, institutional investors and
international development banks. Each village will pay for the investment through their profits from
the sale of energy and food.

To learn about:
ProfitMania, LLC technologies:
GGI Energy:

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