Black Women Society

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Running Head: BLACK WOMEN IN


Black Women & Society

Adrianne Lyons, Maya Hunter, and NeudS Saint-Cyr

UNC Charlotte

Black Women & Society


From childhood and beyond, black women are being bombarded with images and ideals

that not only exist in society,but also the media and their own community.These ideals

stereotype them and affect how they view themselves.

We want to explain the function of the media and its affect on young black girls who then

grow into black women.

We want to talk about hair, skin color issues, negative portrayals in the media, and the

lasting effects of all of the things mentioned above.

We also want to talk about a new age of empowerment amongst the black female

community that promotes promiscuity and negative competition in our community.

The modes we will be using will include videos from speeches, such as Malcom Xs and

clips of documentaries. We also will be using a lot of pictures.

Project Plan:

We will gain information from articles, documentaries, journals, as well as interviews.

We plan on interviewing Debra Smith, an Africana studies professor.

We plan on using emaze to execute the project by posting, video clips, statistics, and

excerpts from articles and blogs to support our thesis.

We also plan to talk about the different stereotypes that we were used to seeing and how

the older ones affected our parents and how the new ones affect us.


Our plan will be appropriate and effective for our topic since well be given the chance to

research about the perspectives of others. Well get firsthand accounts on how this topic

affects black women all over the world.

We aim to justify the consequences of black girls seeing negative stereotypes being

perpetuated on television.

The audience should care because these young girls mature into adult women that feel

like they are targeted and dispensable by society. They should also care because these

women are our moms, daughters, sisters,wives, aunts, co-workers, and essentially human

beings that deserve to be treated like one.

Roles and responsibilities:

We plan to have an equal share in all of the work. We will all do the same amount of



Week One (7/16-7/21)

Research Stereotypes in the Media, Hair Types, and Skin Color Issues & Finish at

least 10 slides

Week Two (7/23-7/28)

Research the lasting effects of negative body image and lack of representation in

the media, and finish another 10 slides.

Week Three (7/28- 8/2)

Start and finish the conclusion.

Gather all sources and put them in APA format

Finish the last five slides of the presentation and practice for showing the class.


Throughout their early lives, black girls are exposed to negative stereotypes

within the media and they are bombarded by society at such an early age about

their body image. This leads to insecurities as they are growing up, as well as

little hope for improvement within their social class as they are constantly

exposed to reality television which does not show the positive images of black

women, which leads young girls to believe that they can only be stereotypical

black women, or they can be powerful, but they will always be miserable.

We also want to show that these negative stereotypes not only affect our images

of ourselves, but also negatively affects our image in the eyes of the general

public. We want to show we are being destroyed by both the outside and the

inside due to these stereotypes.

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