Krishi Parashara PDF

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AAHF Classic Bulletin 2 (1999) Taerational English Edition ARISHI-PARASHARA (sre by Doras) Krishi-Parashara (Agriculture by Parashara) KrishiParashara (c. 400 BC) probably i the fistever ‘textbook’ on agriculture in which the information s logically organized in chapters. Here are some highlights from Krishi-Parashara, The detailed description of agricultural implements, especially the plow, along with measurements of the various parts is a noteworthy feature of the text. Different parts of the plow are first identfied by names, and measurements ‘of each one of them are then prescribed. Emphasis laid onthe quality and strength ‘ofthe implements, Parashara has mentioned not one but several methods for predicting rainfall in the ‘whole year or part ofthe year, and sudden showers, For annual rainfall prediction, he has given methods based on the ‘ruling planet’ and the ‘minister plane’ of the year, transition of the Sun in Aries with reference to nokshatros (stars) and some other ‘methods. Even today in the 21” century, very large majority of farmers in rural areas ‘ofindia speaks in terms of planets and starsin relation co not only the rainfall preciction, but also many other farm operations. Parachara has highlighted the importance of good management in farming, using ‘examples relevant chs tme, We must remember that sustainable agriculture without |good management cannot be achieved. The message of Parathara wil hold true at ongas agriculture exists. Cattle werean important resource for food and farm power. "Management of etl i emphasized, Case sanitation, health, and nutrition are stressed. “The seed has to be dried well, leaned from weed seeds, and kept securely in small pouches. Emphasis on uniformity of seed clearly points tothe existing knowiedge that ‘varietal characteristics ae inherited and the desired tras in gran can be obtained ‘through visbly similar seeds, Storing the seed is mentioned: this reveals an excelent Understanding about the importance of good seed. Iris believed thac Parashara must have written the manuscript prior to Kautiya's Artha-sstra, i. prior to 4° century BBC. Parashara most likely lived in Taxila, now in Pakistan,

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