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all that s/warms is not of a hive

The difference between a fire and the flame is an act of swarm
The bee is female and queer and given to the production not of
babies but of an addictive nectar, honey .1
They said success is a sex thing, honey .
They said weve snapped, honey .
The notion that an individual orga- nism can snap is a re-
cognition of threshold .
Many an individual orga- nism likes to flirt with this
threshold to experience height without
gravity .
There are very few male bees . Their eyes are large,
all the better to locate their queen .
They ejaculate . They
die . They fall to the
ground. They parish [sic] . The queen flies
but once . This is what she me-
ant when she said grace . Man is born to trouble / as
the sparks fly upwards .2 We both agree we are
not selfish enough to destroy ourselves for anyone (or rather
all that swarms is not of a hive) .
[W]holeness; intensive inter-
active dynamics; flexibility; high level of po- tential for formation of trans-
ient dynamic patterns and accomplishment of coherent actions; alertness; re-
ceptiveness; criticality (edge-of-chaos be- havior)endow the swarm
with an exceptional ability for survival .3 In conditions of
perfection we are all supposed to fall at the same rate Let us
fuck perfection Let us fuck the future with a lack
of insertion .
The transbiological element here has to do with the alternative meanings of
gender when biology is not in the service of re-
production and patriarchy .4 Male bees are identified
as drones. Their lack of a stinger identifies them
as male . Worker bees are non-regal
are female bees are martyr bees workers labor
workers sting workers die workers dont reproduce
The stinger of a worker is less colloquially called an
ovipositor . The workers
ovipositor (etymologically, placer of eggs) is a re-
productive organ weaponized by failure . If you bite it
and die it is poisonous ; if it bites you and you
die it is venomous
.5 Toxic masculinity dismantles
the biological/social binarism in the difference between
toxin/toxicant . Let us a honeycomb
epistemology to suck dry wet . A swarm fucks
with all our grand G-words but we do not need this hive mind to cum
back to ourselves as a unit of the Q . This body is is not under your
thumb this poem is not an- other suicide per-
verse prurience is just an- other realism this is just an-
other act of de- creation this is just another act of
buzz , like failed destruction
has the fuck of the onomatopoetic . We cling and sting [we] the
bodyground [we] smitten in search of [we] that other earth [we]
rendered other than solid [we] fire be- cause flowers are re-
aching not toward sky but rather sun [we] dig the organs out from
under the church [we] unarchive the pipes in a surrogation of
song [we] sing there is no future future future [RE-
.6 God save the bees.

1 J. Jack Halberstam, The Queer Art of Failure

2 The Book of Job

3 V. Dimitrov, Swarm-like Dynamics and their Use in Organization and Management, Complex Systems, 12 (2000), 414.

4 J. Jack Halberstam, The Queer Art of Failure


6 The Book of Job

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