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Name Date. @ Semicolons and Colons Teaching € Hit ‘A semicolon marks a break in a sentence; itis stronger than a comma, but not as | strong as a period. Use a semicolon in the following ways: to join the parts of a ‘compound sentence if no coordinating conjunction is used; to separate the parts of a series when there are commas within the parts; and before a conjunctive adverb that joins the clauses of a compound sentence. Twelve actresses tried out for the leading role in the musical; only three were called back for 1 second reading. ‘The frst was from Garfield, Pennsylvania; the second was from Waco, Texas; andthe third was from Los Angeles, California. ‘Al12 did well; however, the first and third auditioned best. ‘A colon indicates that a list, a quotation, or an explanation follows. Use a colon in the following ways: to introduce a list of items; between two independent clauses when the second explains or summarizes the first; and to introduce a long or format quotation. ‘The perfect actress for this role will have the following qualities: enthusiasm, the ability to dance well, and a strong singing voice, [After the second aucition the choice was clear: Melinda sang like an angel. William Shakespeare wrote: “Al the world's @ stage, and allthe men and women merely players; they have their exts and entrances; and one man in hs time plays many parts." Ca ‘Aiso use a colon in these pleces: after the greeting of a business letter; between y numerals indicating hours and minutes; and in references to religious works, Using Semicolons and Colons i ‘Add semicolons and colons appropriately to the following sentences. i 1. Jim enjoys history, literature, and psychology but Rebecca prefers math, Hi science, and music. I, 2. Beethoven visited Vienna in 1787 Mozart heard him play there. | 3. Dan is interested in Japan consequently, he enjoyed the novel Shogun. | 4, The runner has trained for months unfortunately, yesterday he broke his ankle. 5. Alison is a real gymnestics expert she has been participating in gymnastics for nine years. 6. Before you paint, gather the following things paint, a palette, and brushes. 7. Let's ask Syivia to play the piano she's the best pianist | know. 8, The plane took off at exactly 5 28 RM. 9, Rembrandt was a great painter nevertheless, he died penniless. 410. For skiing you need the following skis, poles, a warm jacket, a hat, and gloves, 11. In one of his essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not” 12. E. B. White was an essayist however, he is best known for the children’s book Charlotte's Web. 3 g g 8 5 a 184 Graxowan FoR Watrina WorKaooK S8b X00EHHON ONT YOR WIERD | SUOA, MAN ‘ALI HOA MEN Ul pully. AW! pu SOUR ‘OBEOIYD Ut puoges Au Apniuay ‘uopjuedy ul Aeid jeuoIssayoud assy AU MES | “peaye ued skenye :uosse| Aw pauses | 9 "™mOYS auf JO Aep ey) UO Aue 286 3,UpINOD | ‘Anuenbesuoo eouenpe ul Aejd etn OF si=%H A880! 20U PIP |“ ,AANO 20M Ayeuy pinom sani sreyp reya Buoy | ue siysitu eseut Gupyy Ajentoe sloskw punos | pessesbo1d ‘aid oun se ‘sier9e1euD auf ie Jo SuoneAROW e\p pUeISIepUN JOU pinod | 1811} 1 YBNOYY, BION aAIO JeIeEKR OUD“ ‘eBessaur Bulyono, | —————_ artpue sowny ry6y sit ‘a0ed 182) s,Aeid etn Aolue saouaipny “e. 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Proofreading a Movie Review : ‘The reporter who wrote this movie review was in a great hurry. She omitted both semicolons and colons. Prepare her review for publishing by adding the needed semicolons and colons. Then rewrite the article correctly. Kate is a big-city lawyer with a problem she can't seem to make any personal commitments. Rick is the super in her apartment building. Only in the World of movies can a couple like this one come together nevertheless, that is the premise that audiences are expected to swallow in this light, ultimately forgettable romance. Both actors do a creditable job Kate is likable in an odd, ‘weak sort of way and Rick is attractive and sympathetic, although not very bright. If you have nothing better to do, go to see this movie. However, | can ‘suggest a few alternatives wash the dishes, vacuum the rug, or read é book. B, Writing Sentences with Semicolons and Colons For each item, write the sentence that is described in parentheses. Exampte (sentence that uses a semicolon to join the parts of a compound sentence without a coordinating conjunction) My sister is learning how to drive a car; she just got her learner's permrt. 1. (sentence that uses a colon to introduce a long quotation) 2. {sentence that uses a semicolon to separate parts when commas appear within parts of a series) 3, (sentence that uses @ colon to introduce a list of items) 186 Grawoian ron Warrine Wons00K e@ Copyright © McDougal LittllHHoughten Miffin Company. om

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