Maria Malkova Portfolio 2017 IDEO

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portfolio Maria Malkova MM

Cosmos is also story about us. It a saga how My hand-drawn starmaps literally launched into
Saga wandering bands of hunters and gathers found their space and right now are in the Medium Earth orbit
way to the stars, one adverture with many heroes.
To this journey, well need the imagination. But
imagination alone is not enough. Because the reality
of nature is far more wonderous than anything we
can imagine. This adventure is made possibile by
generations of researchers strictly adhering to a
simple set of rules.

test ideas by experiment and observation

build on those ideas that pass the test
reject the ones that fails
follow the evidence wherever it leads
question everything

- Neil deGrasse Tyson, Cosmos: A Spacetime


The Pleiades and Orion seen through a

(G. Galilei, Sidereus nuncius, 1610, c.16r)
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

This project is my first step to the Art medium. In My hand-drawn starmaps literally launched into
Saga splite of enomous preasure to become a soldier, space and right now are in the Medium Earth orbit
I though that can I bring to the world as my own
creator, my slight step at the humankind history.
The answer as always was in front of me. All my life,
I lived at the russian cosmodrome, situated in the
north. I saw the stars, the north light and launching
the rockets into space. To launch my own map into
space and make this event as a real thing was a hard
task. I needed courage to call things what they are,
to correct mistakes and to make urgent decisions.
But now, I know that at least five of my maps are in
the Medium Earth orbit. And later will fly away into
About the place where my icons are, this is the
payload system (nosecone/payload fairing ogive nose
section and payload fairing module)

the constellation Orion and the Pleiades, 2014

the constellation Cygnus and Lyra, 2015

the cinstellation Draco the Dragon,

and a former pole star, 2016

the constellation Libra, 2016

the constellation Cygnus and Lyra, 2015

the cinstellation Draco the Dragon,
and a former pole star, 2016
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

MM Maria Malkova portfolio

the constellation Orion and the Pleiades, 2014 My hand-drawn starmaps literally launched into
Saga space and right now are in the Medium Earth orbit
the constellation Cygnus and Lyra, 2015

the cinstellation Draco the Dragon,

and a former pole star, 2016

the constellation Libra, 2016

the constellation Leo, 2017

portfolio Maria Malkova MM

It is important not only what a person receives Redesign the receipt which connected to personal
Receipts and how he processes information, but also have bank account
fun. Nowadays people use the music as the way to
abstract from outside and inside information.
The concept is based on the Phonopaper. Its a free
app for Adroid and iOS that purports to turn sound
into visual codes. The customer gets the receipt
with this code. As a result, person can hear the part
of music in the real time by scanning code using
this app. The sound printed on receipt depends on
country, data and price of purchase.
Relay to the purchase sum, the card holder have a
possibility to get the album or the song for free.
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

Everybody buys coffee. Everybody buys bread. This is a game mofication design strategy for
Royal Opera House Everybody buys something each second in the world. promotion opera amoung audience 20-30 ages.
recommends Why not connect this event to the Opera?
The proposal is an application what actually allows
you to navigate opera to everyday life. The prize
is 2 free tickets. Everytime you make a purchase in
ROHs parther store or organisation. you receive
a musical note. To win the tickets, you need to
complite the overture of your choosen opera. This
is a game mofication design strategy for promotion
opera amoung audience 20-30 ages.

MM Maria Malkova portfolio

This is a game mofication design strategy for

Royal Opera House promotion opera amoung audience 20-30 ages.
The Good Life 2.0
bring craft to people
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

Indeed, stress symptoms can affect human body, app presentation

The Good Life 2.0 thoughts and feelings, and behavior. Being able to
recognize common stress symptoms can give you
a jump on managing them. The solution for the
project is an application that allows bring craft to
everyone in the daily routine. The researchers say its
possible that having a creative outlet could provide
an opportunity to discover new skills, which could
also be helpful in the workplace.They suggested that
companies could even benefit from encouraging
their employees to consider creative activities
outside of work. It helps to improve human being
lifestyles behaviour for better using surrounding
world for development mental, chemistry and
physical abilities.
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

The app helps learners to find entertainment for the app presentation
The Good Life 2.0 leisure time, thereby making a possive monitor for
the health consition. It helps master to share their
experiences, easily find place where it will happens
and earn money. For the landlords, this is a good
opportunity get the popularity and earn money.
Hence, this application combines three differenct
groups of target audience with different goals and
desire, but in summery they hekp people to achieve
one thing, the good life 2.0
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

Promotion via digital digital promotion

The Good Life 2.0 * Lets imagine user wants to access for the free
Wi-fi in the Underground/Metro/
*User have to choose what he/she wishes to know
*And user will share this wish with anybody in her/
his public transport
- a huge target audience
- observation of possibilities
- interaction with people
- physical training for neck
- find pathers
- so on
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

Promotion via tipping point physical promotion

The Good Life 2.0 The best way to promote the craft this is the craft
Envoke human senses of making smth.
The simpelest way - is to remind people how to
make origami. Where - nearby the underground/
metro. What - the advertisement sheet of paper
with instrutions/fun part of taking a part in origami
subculture. It also determines the master and the
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

closed exbition about how the bad design can look exhibition brie f
Exhibition good, especially with modern standards of fashion
Design so bad three stands - base of every design - form, style and
its (almost) good video
MM Maria Malkova portfolio
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

Mirny (lit. Peaceful) is a closed town in the west of The final project for the bachular degree in Graphic
The Military town Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, serving the Plesetck Design. The alternative documentary of closed space
Cosmodrome. Since the Soviet time, cities and military town called Peaceful, situated on the north of
called Peaceful towgns with the status of restricted areas were Russia.
covered by a haze of secrecy. They were not on the
maps; their names were not normally mentioned in
the media. Still, only a few people know that near
Arkhangelsk, there is Mirny. With the display I
provide the access to the town. Using the map, the
uniform, the elements, the brochure and the media
as information basics as art basics as well.
The removable elements of space rocket The uniform The brochure The map The local TV channel MTC

They were prohibited to show. I got a call. The stereogram For more The map was Using the profissional
The space rocket can be obtained by the image is used information redrawn by operator was prohibited.
exploitation. as a medium. reread. memory and This is official Peaceful TV
The town Google Earth. channel. The local everyday
callled Peaceful The most secret news.
for the reasons. dangerous
Mainly, every rocket fuel
soldier is vs. non-toxic
an engineer photopolymer
there. etching.
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

The final project for the bachular degree in Graphic

The Military town The removable elements of space rocket
They were prohibited to show. I got a call. The space Design. The alternative documentary of closed space
called Peaceful rocket can be obtained by the exploitation.
The uniform
military town called Peaceful, situated on the north of
The stereogram image is used as a medium.
The town callled Peaceful for the reasons.
Mainly, every soldier is an engineer there.
The brochure
For more information reread.
The map
The map was redrawn by memory and Google Earth.
The most secret dangerous rocket fuel vs. non-toxic
photopolymer etching.
The local TV channel MTC
Using the profissional operator was prohibited.
This is official Peaceful TV channel, local news .
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

The process book describes the whole process under The final project for the bachular degree in Graphic
The Military town called the project. To begin with the primary research of Design. The alternative documentary of closed space
my degree essay and research of town itself, ending military town called Peaceful, situated on the north of
Peaceful the process and mock under the each elements Russia.
process book separated.
Prohibited to show in the Internet. just personal
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

Classic litreture in a new format. The Star Rover The newspaper is a new format for classic book.
The Jacket by J.London (The Jacket) by Jack London Format A1 pronting Illustrations by Ilia Shatokhin
graphic plotter A0
illustrator Ilia Shatohin
design& editting Maria Malkova
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

The publication represents the fine art artists Experimental erasing book
Erasing book project. By experiment, I created a new technology Collaboration with fine artist Oleg Kuznetsov
named as an erasing ink. This tech stuff appropriates
to the concept of artists project.
His project exposes visual and conceptual conflict
between different crews of street artists. The
element of public interaction and public work
disposal brings responsibility to the work of the
artist. Artists goal is to overwork graffiti, by
responding with intervantions allowing himself to be
potentially be seen as an irruptive and destructive
element, uncomfortable for both street-artists and
street-cleaners. This could be perceived as a tacit
but visual confontation of stylistic and content
decisions. This is a process reciprocal: one element
could not exist seperated from another.
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

Design proposal for the exhibition catalogue for the Design proposal for the exhibition catalogue for the
Degree show BA (Hons) Fine Art degree show. BA (Hons) Fine Art degree show.
BA Fine Art 2016 // when reading the front side, you flip through
everyones work as a book; when you turn it over, you
get a landscape with development work on it, as well
as students contacts

// each artist has one spread on the front side and

one on the back side
every spread has its own color (that is repeated as a
tint on the photo- graphs on the back side)

// the front cover is white; exhibition name is

embossed, colourless
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

Design proposal for the exhibition catalogue for the

Degree show BA (Hons) Graphic Design degree show.
BA Graphic Design catalogue with sticker pack

portfolio Maria Malkova MM
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

Cooperation betweeen graphic designers, engineers Literally fridge inside the book connected to sensors
Touch book and programmers. Here is a book. Viewer should put Arduino
his hand on the bookcovers surface, and than he will
receive the subjective experience by tectile. It can
be -15 C degree or 80 C. Just start the process of
energy output or input.
Actually, its a cool experience. Because you dont
expect that something will happen if put your hand
on the paper surface, especially such consequences
as getting warmer or colder(really who can predict
it?) When you put your hand on the books surface,
in the beginning you dont trust your sense. And its
funny looking for your thinking process while your
mind is changing from wait a min, my feelings are
playing trick on me till oh, its real, its really was
cold & right now hot, very hot.
portfolio Maria Malkova MM

Right The fear (sticky fear) is the poster was created The Poster produced for the compost campaign and
Posters by experiemntal week in the university. Model is me, used to have the same yellow color as Undergrounds
my back. and Metros doors do. Hidden but so annoying to be
MM Maria Malkova portfolio

I have been allowed to start my education without professional basketbal player

Adrenaline Life any collages and pre-foundation and foundation professional runner
courses. Then my life have changed, I traveled a lot, learn 5 languages
learn three additional languages, continue to play a advanced screenprinting asisstant
basketball and professional running. Any program or
technique became to me easy to learn and find.

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