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fe Congregational Church 1954 THE COMNERSTONE Vol.37 No.8 ) agus, 2017 Minden United Church of hist 0x218, 106 Lincoln St, Minden IA 51553 E maitmindernuce@alnute net ‘Web Ph. 712-489-2808 Parsonage 712-407 2370 I Pastor Brian Wouter Worship 10:00 Fellowship 1:00 e4 3 Madeline Hei, Hannah Lateen, in Manhart Kapoo sehen | ieeaate | Ushers: Joyee Olson, Kyle & Sara Amold, “Tracey Roane Board Alex Meeting wotihter 700 ‘4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Coffee’Wiggins Family Ushers: Dave Fischer & Mona 17 19 oo 20 20th Sunday a Ordinary Time (Cote: Fam Darker Tor Don &Peaay Marat sore, ‘ine bon ‘Nel Cole ‘oso 24 sason Menke 28 27 24st Sunday in Ordinary Time Coffee: Kristin Longmeyer & Marsha Grandick toe Cream Social 11:30 - 00 ‘Marsha Daeington, Kay Burord Judy Martens & Paula Sehnack (ial Comerston 29 Eloise Haight, “usin | Koh ‘cheyenne Pree, 30 31 ‘Altondance Mary Jane Jone 25-98 ania bly? 28 Sinan sty9-24 vero sy 18-7 suty23- 65 Minister's Musings Isuspect there are a lot of fans who feel okay about a half-hearted relationship with Jesus, because they have every intention of one day going all-in and being completely committed. They don’t feel convicted about not following Jesus because in their minds they know that one day they will. They let themselves off the hook for a lukewarm faith because they didn't tell Jesus no; they're just waiting till later. When fans are asked about when they will get serious about their commitment to follow Jesus, the most common answer is tomorrow. ‘There is a tendency to treat our relationship with Jesus like the diet we keep meaning to start. “I’m going to start eating right, as soon as I finish off this chicken chimichanga. Tomorrow for sure.” We treat our relationship with Jesus like the workout program we keep meaning to start. We go to bed telling ourselves, “Tomorrow I'm going to wake up early and exercise.” But the following night we find ourselves getting into bed promising, “Tomorrow for sure.” ‘The most dangerous part of following Jesus tomorrow isn’t what you will lose between now and then, That's not the worst thing that can happen. ‘The worst thing that can happen is that tomorrow might never come. The truth is the longer you put him off, the more likely it is that following him will never happen. Saying “tomorrow” to Jesus is like hitting the snooze on your alarm in the morning, Let's say you set your alarm for six in the morning. The alarm goes off. It wakes you up, but you could sure use ten more minutes. The next morning it goes off again and again you hit the snooze. By the next week you're hitting the snooze three or four times and the alarm is going off longer and longer before it wakes you up. I have one of the demonic alarms that gets louder and louder until you turn it off. But the more you hit snooze the harder it is for you to hear it and respond the next time, and you may eventually find that you'll just sleep right through it Jesus says to you, “follow me.” But you tell him “Ten more minutes.” The more you put him off the less likely he is to get your attention. When I was in college I was introduced to the “as now, so then” principle of human behavior. Simply stated the “as now, so then” principle is the idea that current habits are overwhelmingly the most likely predictor of future practices, ‘The vast majority of time, the decision you make today will be the decision you make tomorrow. If you don’t do it now there is no reason to think you will then. Hebrews 3:15 days, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” ‘The time is now. The day is today. Don’t tell yourself, tomorrow I’m going to surrender my secret sin, Don't tell yourself, tomorrow I'm going to start being generous to those in need. Don’t tell yourself, tomorrow I'm going to walk across the street and introduce myself to the neighbor. Don’t tell yourself, tomorrow I’m going to check into a mission trip, or sign up for a Bible study, or volunteer at the shelter, or call about being a foster home. Today is the day to start following. From the book: not a fan. by Kyle Idelman Minden UCC Board Meeting - July 12, 2017 Attending: Amanda Murley, Christina Richards, Richard Dau, Tom Nelson, & Phylisha Wolfe Pastor Brian lead with prayer. Pastor's Report: Pastor Brian was on vacation at his parents and also Tracy's parents. Tracy's dad had knee surgery on July Sth and everything went well. Brian will be gone Friday July 15th and Sat. the 16th to take Isaac to the IA Games. In June, took the confirmation class on a trip to the Islamic Center on Dodge St. in Omaha for the open forum about their book the Quran. Discussed the Quran and the meaning of the book, then had an open question session but not many questions. On the way out, Josh Rihner asked a really good question and the gentleman gave a very thorough and detailed answer to the question that was a good 20 minutes of information. Great question, Josh! Next year’s confirmation class: 6 Baptism coming up on Sunday July 23rd: Landon Joshua Kohl, son of Joshua Kohl & Kelsey Handy. VBS starts at the end this month: July 30th - August 4th, Need game helpers but all other positions are filled. Parsonage is primed and there was also some extra caulking done. Ellie Brazeal plays the piano again this Sunday the 16". Thanks Ellie! Prayers: Eloise and Jerry Hallstrom-both doing ok Total miles driven last month: 275 Giving is up $1,000.00 but money was borrowed from the bank for last month. Committee Reports: Memorial Fund-reimbursed $898.00 to general fund to pay for parsonage painting to start Treasurer's Report: $60.00 bank correction was done and this was transferred to the parking lot fund. Bill for plumbing repair at the parsonage by Griffin for two full days of work due to roots in the pipe and also had to get a stronger pump to get through the drain. Total for sewer and pipe repair bill at the parsonage was approximately $1300 and this was transferred from the Building Fund but need to discuss this and make a motion, Paid plumbing bill at the parsonage with leftover money from the Estate Fund CD that was cashed out for parking lot: $1,417.65. Board okayed use of this money for now. Will discuss this at annual meeting to see if this was ok use of CD funds or if there is another option. Another option would be to cash out the building fund CD of $5,100.00 but that didn't seem like the best choice. Motion was ist by Tom Nelson; 2nd by Amanda Murley. To use leftover money from Estate CD-motion carried Mission Fund report: Scholarship decision coming up soon and also gift cards to TC teachers Trustee report: Painting lines in the parking lot -called Tracy Thomspon but no response yet so may call again. Randy Price installed new pump under the stage in sub-basement cause the old one quit, Without a working pump, there would be water build-up in the sub-basement. No repair bill received for this yet. Rewire the kitchen-someday look into this and thoughts from Charlie Leaders to make better. Pam Danker: fixed the leaking down spout. Thanks Paml Deacon Fund: No funds were used. Memorial Fund: pay for painting of parsonage and also new cameras for recording service. New cameras are $500 each and need 3. No rush on this so wait to discuss at the next congregational meeting for approval to update cameras. Sunday School Superintendent position is filled. Marsha Grandick has taken the position. Kris Brockhoff has also volunteered to teach the Ath & Sth grade Sunday School class. The rest of the Sunday School teachers will stay the same. Christina Richards volunteered to fill in if needed. Events/Upcoming New: ‘Minden Fun Days is coming up on August 19th. Church is doing the concession stand at the ball field for the ball game and other outdoor games. Need workers to do the stand and will be sending around a sign-up sheet in church. Also mentioned doing a float in the parade. 2 campers this summer at Hidden Acres Camp: Jason Meinke & Gavin McDaniel Food pantry has offered to give $100.00/month for utilities. They will also be joining the rotation for the backpack program. Discussed thoughts on how to spend the extra money: Give to the donation for the Christmas family or start an Emergency Fund for unexpected expenses like plumbing bill. Some other ideas were to take down the light fixture out on the north east. side of the parking lot since it is disconnected and no longer works. The railroad ties on the flower bed are also deteriorating and need replaced or removed completely. Another idea: fix the broken sidewalk out in front of the church and uneven spots. A fun or unique idea was to have a Christian speaker come or do a youth/family friendly concert of Christian music. Discussed that Group 3:16 was good on funding so no need to donate money to them. And another idea: use the money for a regional/close youth conference or event to send youth if interested. Ice Cream Social is coming up on August 27th. Pastor Brian closed with a prayer. Meeting was adjourned. Prepared by Phylisha Wolfe ICE Social hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, salads, drinks, homemade pies, bars and Ice Cream! Ay. — a oN August 27,201 Ree 11:30-1:00 G= Minden United Church of Christ Minden, lowa Freewill donation Sunday School begins Seprember 10, 2017 August Scripture Readings August 6 — Genesis 32:22-31, Psalm 17:1-7, 15 ot Isaiah $5:1-5, Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21, Romans 9:1-5, Matthew 14:13-21 August 13 — Genesis 37:1-4, 12-18, Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b or 1 Kings 19:9-18, Psalm 85:8-13, Romans 10:5-15, Matthew 14:22-33d August 20 — Genesis 45:1-15, Psalm 133 or Isaiah 56:1, 6-8, Psalm 67, Romans 11:1-21, 29-32, Matthew 15(10-20), 21-28 August 27 — Exodus 1:8-2:10, Psalm 124 or Isaiah 51:1-6, Psalm 138, Romans 12:1-8, Matthew 16:13k-20 art thinking about the church Quick update on how income and borrowing look this year compared to last. Ata quick glance, the numbers are good. Income up a little and total borrowed is down a little. Let me remind you, financial numbers are one, and only one, indicator of a church's overall health both financially and spiritually. Obviously, the trend is good, but we will continue to need your support to keep us a vital body of Christ. Minden UCC Church Board. Income 2016 Income 2017 $32,150 $33,065 Borrowed 2016 Borrowed 2017 $10,150 $9,200 ‘Why should I give to Minden UCC? Sometimes a person wonders what their offering goes to, and why so many times we're asked to increase our giving. ‘The last part of that wondering is easy to answer.,.expenses go up year to year even for a church. Insurance, utilities, salaries, building upkeep, and the list goes on. Everything increases from year to year. What does my money do? Maybe that’s the better way to answer the question of where my money goes. Quick breakdown based on 2017 budget: 62% Minister Support-insurance, retirement, salary, continuing ed. 31%-Secretary & Custodian salary/building insurance & maintenance/ worship & custodial supplies 3.6%-Wider church giving-OCWM & MOPS 2%-Christian Education-Sunday school materials, Vacation Bible School, confirmation Not unusual for a small church’s budget to go mostly to the pastor. Since the pastor in a small church is youth pastor, worship leader, wedding counselor, grief counselor, sick and shut in visitor, etc. What else does your money “do”? ‘TC Backpack program, food pantry, weddings, funerals, baptisms, senior scholarships, TC teacher gift cards, Sunday worship and Sunday school, youth group, confirmation, MOPS, Boy scouts, community outreach, and the impossible to measure love and support given by this church family to those inside our walls and our communities. We do a lot here at ‘Minden UCC, and we couldn't do any of it without you. Thank you for all you've done and will do in the future, But what about here? ‘Acage 4, Anna was starting to make sense of prayer. Her parents had been praying with hee since birth, but now her developing cognitive and language skills caused her to re- ally ponder what prayer meant for br (One night, after cucking her into bed and leaving the ‘oom, Annas dad heard her voice. He paused outside the oor to se ifshe needed something, But she was speaking to her Aeaveny Father: "Dear God,” Anna prayed, “when is the best time for me to talk to you? I mean, Mama and ‘Daddy say I can pray anytime, and [know you're always listening. But when will you be listening eecially hard in Minneapolis?” —Adapted from The Childers Ged, David Heller = || | i Car The log in your eye ‘This humorous illustration ofhow not to get along at | college also demonstrates Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:3-5. ‘A young man from Scotland went to study at an English university. A month into the school year, his mother visited and asked how be liked living in the dorm. “Ics awful!" he exclaimed, “The fellow in the room next door bangs his ‘bead on the wal constantly, and the one on the other side screams all day.” “How do you stand ie?” his mother asked in amazement. “Oh, ignore them," her son replied. “just sit here qui- ely plying my bagpipes.” | 2. oops! From a church bulletin: ALtenu Lue devavest Carol Johnson is preaching, and Joy Burke will lead the sinning. Rakasshments: This eventiis sure to get people talking (and singing)! Puzzje! Try to spell as many words as possible. Start anywhere and ave along the connecting ines. Don't kip letrs; for ; ‘example, you can't form must because to get fom mto w you'd nze to skip ether or n You may retuntouse the ‘ame leter twice, as when you form noun, but you can't use the same eter twice in a row. o T | iM 3 | R E] || P T I A 6 Sete wads: Sater ws: i Words wth 6 malate SiGe ‘yonn03d ‘yanout ‘sue spas Bopsour spron nua guNOU AOU RN I sou ‘Suny ed ue spon apap ued Wes ued 9uS8 ‘syed our sy nd te spon ary APP SM Pee ee Jacob had two wives, two concubines (his wives’ maids), 12 sons and one daugheer. Who gave bist co the daughter, Dinah? A, Zila Rathi PEFERERERS (12-6106 stsau99 299) 3 soMTY (CAsearcabie Actes Pag ndexis located inthe Actes section on ou website.) Subscribers can download these activities from our wobsite Ne The h WS! OOP sce ACTIVITIES PAGE VOLUME 39, NUMBER 8 ‘This summer, put your best foot forward by brightening up apa of flp-fps anatase OP + Flip-flops in your size + Metallic permanent markers + Foam stickers * Craft gemstones. + Plastic flowers + Ribbon + Hot glue gun (and adult help) Whatyou do: Use these ideas to decorate clean, dry flip-flops: + Draw with markers on the soles. + Decorate the sides and soles with stickers. + Glue gemstones along the strap. + Glue plastic flowers on the strap between your toes, + Wrap ribbon around the strap and glue in place. BE HAPPY IN THE LORD Happiness and joy are frequent themes in the Old Testament book of Psalms. Directions: Solve tho crossword using [F : the eves below. Then i the blanks to. complete the Bible vesse, AcROSS 3, A word for happy (hye with had) 4. What you do when you're very happy 5A song written by David 7.Fallo joy LETT F fe Down 1. People who obey God 2. Our Creator 6. The month after Api “But may the 1. be 3. _and 4, before 2. they be happy and 7. ae 68:3, NIV (1008174) AIN 299 wes rs hol poe ‘eddy aq oxy Sou Fpop au030q opps pu peje 9q snoenys Ap ACW IN, fous'9 p07 ‘snoonySe- (uop) rydol mesg solr pers g(ssazy Stay (10006178) ‘Gap 017 by Cormrlnn Renu Al roa rane Tha Newlcer Newel GO HDs plad ray by Carmncon Proce, na. akhtrl Unt easton Se atees-184,Phonn 0088-214 Ema enla@Nowsseowstacr Wb reenter, Sn or Spans arin bsnigson 7085 th corpora 6080 Mae my ad ey Wafer! ou path puso Ne pation ay beeper et ‘MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST _ Receipts and Expenses for the Month of June Balance in Bank June 1, 2017 S$ 349.10 Income: Envelopes & Loose Offerings 4,902.00 Bank Correction 60.00 Loan From Bank (total borrowed to date $9,200.00) 6,750.00 Coffee Hour 35.40 Miscellaneous ‘Transfer from Bldg, Fa, 2,316.60 ‘Transfer from VBS. 209.50 ‘Total Income $ 1427350 ‘Expenses: ocwm 320.00 Salaries 4,072,54 Pastor Cont. Ea. 60.00 Insurance ~ Pastor 2,833.91 Social Security — Pastor Church Insurance 1,557.00 Soe. Sec, ~ Medicare Utilities — Church 532.04 Postage 38.02 Office Supplies 56.51 Copier 64.38 ‘Custodian Supplies 3435 Maintenance Church Grounds 248.24 Parsonage 2,316.60 ‘Transfer to Parking Lot 60.00 Christian Ed, Department, V.B.S. 209.50 Other: Bank Correction 60.00 Miscellaneous: Donation 100.00 Total Expenses: $14,463.91 Balance in Bank June 30, 2017 8 158.69 THE CORNERSTONE NON-PROFIT oRG. | U,8. Postage PAID MINDEN, TOWA Permit #7 Return Service Requested Matted Sily 84, 2017 | Spirit! LOVE! FORGIVE! ves. "Keep THE SPIRIT" d "Be YOURSELF" [; itis — Qs

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