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El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 2017

Message From Presidente Dayton

Baptism a Sign Ordained of God

A common response given by investigators of other faiths when we challenge them to
be baptized is that I have already been baptized in the _______ Church. It would
be good if we all had an appropriate response when we hear this objection. A good
start is to show our investigators with this response Acts 19:1-6 in which the Apostle
Paul re-baptizes 12 men who had been baptized improperlythey had not received
the Holy Ghost. The Prophet Joseph Smith has said that the baptism of water, without
the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost attending it, is of no use; they are necessarily
and inseparably connected. A second scripture worth knowing as it relates to this
topic is Section 22 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Verse 2 states, Wherefore,
although a man should be baptized an hundred times it availeth him nothing, for you
cannot enter in at the strait gate by the law of Moses, neither by your dead works.
Finally, a powerful scripture regarding this topic is 2 Nephi 31:21 which says, And now,
behold my beloved brethren, this is the way, and there is none other way nor name
given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God (referring to
baptism in the Saviors Church).

The Prophet Joseph Smith wrote a masterful summary of the above principle in D.H.C.,
Vol. IV, pp. 554-555. In it he states, God has set many signs on the earth, as well as in
the heavens; for instance, the oak of the forest, the fruit of the tree, the herb of the
fieldall bear a sign that seed hath been planted there; for it is a decree of the Lord
that every tree, plant, and herb-bearing seed should bring forth of its kind, and
cannot come forth after any other law or principle. Upon the same principle do I
contend that baptism is a sign ordained of God, for the believer in Christ to take upon
himself in order to enter into the kingdom of God, for except ye are born of water
and of the Spirit ye cannot enter into the kingdom of God, said the Savior. It is a sign
and a commandment which God has set for man to enter into his kingdom. Those
who seek to enter in any other way will seek in vain; for God will not receive them,
neither will the angels acknowledge their works as accepted for they have not
obeyed the ordinances, nor attended to the signs which God ordained for the
salvation of man to prepare him for, and give him a title to, a celestial glory;
Again, the Prophet expounds, .according to His (Christ) solemn declaration to John:--
now let Me be baptized: for no man can enter the kingdom without obeying this
ordinance: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Surely, then, if it become
John and Jesus Christ the Savior to fulfill all righteousness to be baptizedso surely, then,
it will become every other person that seeks the kingdom of heaven to go and do
likewise; for He is the door, and if any person climbs up any other way, the same is a
thief and a robber! Those are pretty strong words the Prophet uses as he tells of the
importance of CORRECT baptism.

A final scripture to show those who think they have been morally and legally baptized is
Joseph Smith 1:18-19 in the Pearl of Great Price. It states, My object in going to inquire
of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join.
No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I
asked the Personages.which of all the sects was rightand which I should join. I
was answered that I must join none of them for they were all wrong ; the Personage
who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sightthat:
they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for
doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of Godliness but they deny the
power thereof. He again forbade me to join with any of them.

Our God is a god of order, not confusion. He has made clear through his prophets the
correct way to baptize. The myriad of ways that mankind has come up with to
somehow represent baptism shows what happens when there is no revelation. They are
poor and cheap imitations. Ephesians 4:5 makes it clear that there was to be only 1
baptismnot many. Baptism was to be done in His way, according to His plan in which
it represents laying down the old life, letting it die and being buried in water, then arising
to a newness of lifeclean, pure and worthy to enter Gods kingdom. It is our
responsibility to teach our investigators that this is, indeed, the only way and the only
manner which will be accepted by our Heavenly Father. May we do so as we testify of
the power of this beautiful, sweet, simple ordinance is my prayer.

Proponiendo el bautismo hecho de modo correcto,

President Merril T Dayton

El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 2017

Message From Hermana Dayton

Endurance vs Discouragement
Endurance is the inward strength to withstand stress and do our best. Most days
involve some stress and high pressure situations seem to come in bunches. Endurance
insists in remembering the objective and taking the next step to get there. It is
focusing on a goal greater than distractions along the way. When we focus positively
it leads to solutions. Each challenge we encounter can stretch us to accomplish more
than we believe possible. Resolving problems can reduce future stress and the
endurance we build can steady our confidence in future situations. Endurance is
often associated with the physical stamina required for a race. The character quality
of endurance is much deeper than physical stamina. In the scriptures there are many
examples of things to endure: Enduring hardness, afflictions, persecutions, tribulations,
grief, temptation, and even chastening from the Lord.

Endurance is based on faith and hope. In the mission field we have faith that bringing
others to Christ will bring happiness. We have hope that others will join the church.
Very often through this process we endure rejection, trials, and disappointments. Ive
noticed that after the disappointments we very often experience a greater measure
of spiritual power as we continue to grow and endure knowing we are doing the
Lords work. We can have confidence that God will provide what is necessary to
accomplish a necessary task. Our Heavenly Father always enables us to do what He
calls us to do. President Monson said,"Whom the Lord calls the Lord qualifies".

The greatest example of one who endured was the Savior, Jesus Christ. He was
persecuted, tormented and yet he faithfully endured to the end knowing he had a
mission to fulfill in life. His greatest desire was to do His father's will. Another who
endured for the gospel of Jesus Christ was the prophet Joseph Smith. He gave all,
even his own life, to accomplish his mission. None of us will probably ever have to
endure what the Savior and the prophet endured, but each of us will have daily
discouragements and set backs that we will have to endure. I know that as we
endure each day, staying focused on building the kingdom, we become who our
Heavenly Father desires us to be.
We can apply endurance to missionary work by:
-Sticking to language study even when we are tired, or think we know Spanish well
-Not giving up and getting discouraged when people reject our message
-By continuing to proselyte even when it is cold, rainy, or we are tired.
-By not letting the criticism of others discourage us-Keeping our eye on the reason why
we came on a mission
-Following the spirit when the spirit bears witness that a slowly progressing investigator is
one of the lost sheep.

Our loving Heavenly Father has promised us everything if we faithfully endure. In D&C
121:29 we read, "All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed
and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

President Dayton and I feel grateful for the many examples we see around us of
missionaries enduring in the face of challenges, rejection, and discouragement.
Righteous persistence always results in Character growth and invites the support of the
spirit. We love you very much and feel grateful for all you do to bless the lives of the
good people in Spain. We will continue to pray for you daily as you faithfully serve the


Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,
Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,
Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,
Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self
Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity, Obedience, Discernment, Boldness,
Discretion, Responsibility, Attentiveness, Hospitality, Thoroughness, Deference, Justice,
Contentment, Tolerance, Resourcefulness, Thriftiness, Security, Contentment, Truthfulness. Virtue,
Forgiveness, Honor, Gentleness, Benevolence, Boldness, Creativity, Endurance
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 2017


Jos Ramirez Vega Las Arenas B lderes Bledsoe y Steagall

Fernando Figuereo Vic B Hermanas Martens y Dow

Gloria Ins Campaa Jimnez Hospitalet 2B Hermanas Spencer y Chas

Clara Ins Casana Rafael Hospitalet 2B Hermanas Spencer y Chas

Eliana Juliet Correa Marulanda Manacor lderes Dixon y Astorga

Grimaldo Prez Romo Zaragoza 2B lderes Bowman y Dominguez

Confirmaciones esta semana 6
Confirmaciones este mes 79
Confirmaciones hasta la fecha este 180

Eran contados y se 12 19M 26 4 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 29 4

inscriban sus nombres Mar ar Mar Abr Abr Abr Abr Abr May May May May Jun

Bautismos 9 11 7 4 8 4 11 17 1 6 12 10 6

Confirmaciones 9 11 7 4 8 4 11 17 1 6 12 8 8

Fechas bautismales 119 119 121 154 153 134 125 103 126 158 162 130 114

Inv reunion sacramental 187 206 175 155 172 187 163 179 163 184 189 166 143

Nuevos Investigadores 569 517 600 581 643 629 508 447 599 621 580 550 531
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 2017

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.
Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

Compaerismos que lograron Oremos por estos investigadores con

las pautas de excelencia: fechas bautismales para esta semana:
Sabadell 1A Grisel
CINCO: Sabadell 1B Abdel
Sabadell 2A Lilia, Pau
Badalona 1A Omar
CUATRO: lderes Blake y Christensen Gerona B Daniel
lderes Cvijanovich y Bunnell Vic A Anabel
Lleida A Andrs
lderes Harris y Deursch
San Sebastian A Karen, Loli
San Sebastian B Karina
Las Arenas A Loli
Hospitalet 2A Olman, Raj
Hospitalet 2B Esmilda
Hospitalet 1B Emelisa
Cornell B Sofia
Tarragona B Francisco
Castelln B Fabricio
Valencia 1B Mar, Mariano
Valencia 2C Angeles
Vitoria A Abi, Ekain
Vitoria B Nicole
Vitoria C Sandra, Edu,
Manuel, Desmon
Pamplona B Mila
Pamplona C Mackam
Burgos A Rony
Palma 1A Kristina, Johnny
Ibiza A Roberto, Vitoria
Marratxi Washington

The Zone
Valencia is in the Zone!
-With 7.41 New Investigators per companionship!
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

I would like to start out with understand the life changing and content just the way it
saying thank you very much power and indescribable was. She is so great. When
for attending the baptism and happiness this gospel brings. she got in the water, she told
saying a few words to Rafaela There truly is nothing like me to give her a minute, and
in the baptism. We really being a conduit for the Lord she stood there silently, I think
appreciate all the help and in bringing the gospel unto His praying, we arent sure, but it
everything you do for us. It children. You come to was a very spiritual moment.
really meant a lot to us and understand the reality of She was so happy! We
Rafaela. Her life is a little crazy. being the Lord's instruments! changed and then sang her
She is divorced, with two kids, This is His work and through a song and she was
lives in a tiny apartment with a Him we are able to teach emotional, it was a sweet
woman with 9 other kids. The repentance and baptize moment. At the end of the
woman doesnt treat her very worthy converts. The joy service she bore her
well and doesnt take care of promised in Doctrine and testimony and said she really
her baby at all when she goes Covenants 18:15-16 is real! just wants to be a good
to work. She has to work 11 Oh how my heart is full and daughter of God. It was so
hours a day to help her anxious for the progress of our good for the few members
kids. Also her baby is always other investigators! here to hear that. Her sister
sick and she always takes him had to leave early so she
to the hospital Also she Realmente fue un milagro los missed it but that's alright. It
called us on the day of her bautismos. Me encanta was such a neat service.
baptism, asking if we can poder ver los resultados del After we had some
change the time because her trabajo que hacemos. cheesecake and then
baby is throwing up, has a high Quiero que sepa que soy President _____ from _____
fever and needs to take her to seguro de mi parte en la came, and got to meet
the hospital. Then she told us obra, de que estoy haciendo Deysee and Daniela. It was
she will do it so she left her el mejor que pudo, solo no so good for Deysee; he
child at her house to show up me gusta recibir honor por las congratulated her and they
to her baptism. She didnt cosas que no he hecho solo.. chatted for quite a while.
seem freaked out or stressed Elder ____ y los ______ como
or anything just calm But haba dicho, son misioneros Wow, what a crazy week we
she ended up showing up to excepcionales. Pero de esto had here in Tarragona. This
the baptism anyways and Ud tambin ya sabe. Friday we had the
during her baptism, it was also opportunity to have baptism
her daughters birthday. She is It's been a quick week here, for Myrian Bellot Romero.
an incredible woman, with a and we had the baptism of She's is twelve years old and
strong testimony of Christ and Deysee YAY! She is such a me and Elder Christensen
what he did for us. miracle. So Saturday we found her and her
spent all day filling the font grandmother/mom on the
We've had an incredible week because the water heater bus. Her grandmother Maria,
out here in Palma. Lander got kept shutting off so we had to is a menos activa of a long
baptized on Thursday! work with it and slowly fill the time; the last time she had
Watching him take these steps font. We got it done right in been to church there was a
and follow the example of our time. Only about 5-6 barrio in Reus. We invited
Savior, Jesus Christ has members showed up, them to the baptism of one
changed my life. Through the everyone had work. But, of our friends at the time and
process of finding, teaching, Deysee brought her sister and immediately Myrian wanted
reading, understanding, that was huge, also, she said to be baptized. Their situation
praying, fasting, and now she doesn't care who is or is not easy and for Maria she
acting, Lander has helped me isn't there, she was happy had a hard time because she
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

had lived a hard life. Over testifies that he knows that he serve a mission!
the time the gospel had just is now clean and pure and
given them so much hope for that he was happy to be able This week I got another
the future. Maria knows that to be baptized and that he testimony of that the trial of
God gives his toughest was filled with such joy! What faith precedes the miracle.
challenges to his strongest a beautiful testimony form a This week was a trial of faith.
warriors. Elder Sorensen and I young boy of eight years old! On Saturday night I was
continued to teach them this Then, our ward mission leader feeling really down. We had
transfer. Myrian is so tells us about how he was a goal of setting two fechas,
incredible, she's so smart and reminded about the day the and almost all of our visits fell
has learned a lot from her day he was baptized and through. So, trying my best
mom about what's right. After reminded of the covenant he and trust in the Lord, I
she was baptized she started made with God at the time. I prayed. And He told me, sit
to cry because she "was just too, thought back to many tight, just watch. You'll see.
so happy." I learned so much years ago when I was So I did. And on Sunday we
from this little family and baptized. saw a huge miracle. First
literally all of me is pulling for while contacting, we had a
them right now. Well, this week was another super good conversation
good one with the baptism of with 3 really prepared
So this week we had the Bartolomeu! Bartolomeu's people. They all agreed to
wonderful, spiritual baptism was absolutely return visits. And then after
opportunity to see the beautiful, with a sweet and we sent numbers, we went
baptism and confirmation of powerful Spirit. He moved and knocked on the door of
Lucy, Iker and Estrella! It was here from Angola, Africa to Miguel, who we've been
a beautiful service as each of get his masters in the trying to talk to for the whole
them entered the water and university only a few months week! And he was there and
were lifted up with such a ago. He feels very alone, actually invited us in. We
brightness in their being away from his family in had a super powerful lesson
countenance. It was so a foreign country. But In his about goals and plans and
wonderful as this whole family baptismal service, he bore a invited him and his son to be
was brought together and strong and powerful baptized. We had never
become members of the testimony of the love that he taught his son before
Church of Jesus Christ. I love has felt from the members, because he just got here
the eagerness and and how he sincerely feels from Ecuador, but he's super
excitement that little Iker had. like he has found a new prepared. Another miracle
He told us before his baptism family. It was beautiful to was that we got a text from
that he wanted to bare his hear, and amazing to see the a member telling us she was
testimony and that he would change that has taken place bringing the mom of her
probably cry because he in him over the past few fianc to church. The mom is
would feel the spirit, but he weeks. He is so much a less active who is coming
was so anxious to share it. happier, constantly smiling back now. And she wants
And yes he did bare his and laughing. Although has her son baptized.
testimony. And it was heart only been a member for 2
touching! He stands up and days, he already wants to
hacemos todo lo que podemos a fin de que la obra avance;
pero sta es la obra del Seor, l la dirige y l est al mando. Nos
maravillamos al verlo abrir puertas que nosotros no podemos
abrir y efectuar milagros que apenas podemos imaginar
lder Neil A. Andersen
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

Monthly Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

29 30 31 1 2 3 4
Conferencia Conferencia Conferencia Entrevistas Entrevistas Conferencia Conferencia
Hospitalet/ Bar/ Bilbao/Vitoria Vitoria Bilbao de Estaca de Estaca
Zaragoza Badaona Valencia Valencia
Andorra y

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Conclilio Viejo Viejo
Entrevistas Entrevistas

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Viejo Traslados Traslados Conferencia Conferencia
Entrevistas de Distrito de Distrito
Baleares Baleares

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Manacor Zaragoza 2B

Vic C
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Tarragona A Vilafranca B

Las Arenas B
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

The New Office

Hallelujah: Elders and Hermanas The office

renovation is complete! While we need to wait a
few months before the budget will allow us to
purchase the new furniture, we have moved in and
love it! You will notice that it is a light, positive,
calm environment where the spirit can be felt. We
have beautiful backround music, large screen TVs
displaying mission acitivities and a very open
comfortable environment.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to

Elder and Sister Morejon for directing the move and
office renovation. Elder and Sister Morejon what
would we do without you! A special thanks to the
wonderful office staff; Elder Jones, Elder Hale, Elder
Jacobson, Elder Garr, Elder Hemeyer and Elder
Barton for the many hours of work along with the
Brammers and the Berretts for their dedicated
El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

The New Office

El Clarn de El Faro 4 de Junio de 132017
de abril de 2014

The New Office

Sister Morejon and Hermana

Dayton hope all of your
kitchens look this clean!

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