107 Network Theorem

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Electrical and Electronic

Mechanical Engineering
minor Energy Systems
(Year 1)
Instructor: Dr. B.

Author Name : HOSANY B. Hamnah

Student ID : 1312661

Partner Name :HOSSENBACCUS Zoheb

Student ID : 1314610

Experiment Conducted on: 31/10/2014

Report Submitted on: 21/11/2014

Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Mauritius
The objective of this experiment is to verify the basic network theorems;
Superposition and Thevenin.

(Part A) Superposition theorem

The superposition theorem states that in a linear circuit with several
sources the voltage and current responses in any branch is the algebraic
sum of the voltage and current responses due to each source acting
independently with all other sources replaced by their internal impedance.

The strategy used in the Superposition Theorem is to eliminate all but one
source of power within a network at a time, using series/parallel analysis
to determine voltage drops (and/or currents) within the modified network
for each power source separately. Then, once voltage drops and/or
currents have been determined for each power source working separately,
the values are all superimposed on top of each other (added
algebraically) to find the actual voltage drops/currents with all sources

Equipments and components used

Circuit board
Digital meter
Two d.c sources


i. The circuit was setup as shown below.

ii. The d.c sources were adjusted to the values shown in the figure using
the digital multimeter set as a voltmeter.
iii. Both sources were switched on.
iv. The current (I) was recorded. .
v. Then the sources were switched off. Terminals C and D were
connected when V2 was removed.
vi. The current I1 was noted.
vii. The terminals A and F were linked when V2 was removed.
viii. The value of I2 was recorded.
ix. The readings were recorded in table 1.

Results and calculations

Table 1: Measured Current

Measured current /
With both supplies 0.73
With V1 only 0.40
With V2 only 0.33
(i) Due to both sources

-12 + 10I1 +10(I1 I2) =0

20I1 10I2 = 12____(1)

10(I2 I1) + 10I2 +10 = 0

-10I1 + 20I2 = -10 ___(2)

Solving (1) and (2), we get I1 = 7/15A and I2 = -4/15A

Thus, I = 7/15 + 4/15

= 11/15A
= 0.73A

(ii) Short circuiting the 10V supply (V2),

Reff = 10 + (1/10+1/10)-1
= 15 k

I = 12/15
= 0.8 mA

I1 = 10/20 0.8
= 0.4 mA

(iii) Short circuiting the 12V supply (V2),

Reff = 10 + (1/10+1/10)-1
= 15 k

I = 10/15mA = 2/3mA
I2 = 10/20 2/3
= 1/3 mA
= 0.33 mA

Note, I = I1 + I2
= 0.4 + 0.33
= 0.73 mA
Table 2: Measured Current compared to Calculated Current
Measured current Calculated current /
/ mA mA
With both 0.73 0.733
supplies (I)
With V1 only 0.40 0.400
With V2 only 0.33 0.333

(Part B) Thevenins theorem


Thevenin's Theorem states that it is possible to simplify any linear circuit,

no matter how complex, to an equivalent circuit with just a single voltage
source and series resistance connected to a load. The qualification of
linear is identical to that found in the Superposition Theorem, where all
the underlying equations must be linear (no exponents or roots). If we're
dealing with passive components (such as resistors, and later, inductors
and capacitors), this is true. However, there are some components
(especially certain gas-discharge and semiconductor components) which
are nonlinear: that is, their opposition to current changes with voltage
and/or current. As such, we would call circuits containing these types of
components, nonlinear circuits.
Thevenin's Theorem is especially useful in analyzing power systems and
other circuits where one particular resistor in the circuit (called the load
resistor) is subject to change, and re-calculation of the circuit is necessary
with each trial value of load resistance, to determine voltage across it and
current through it.

i. The circuit was set up as shown below.

ii. The d.c source was adjusted to 15 V through the use of the digital
meter set as voltmeter.
iii. The supply was switched on and the voltage (Vac) across terminals A
and C was measured.
iv. With the supply switch off, the digital meter, set as milliammeter, was
connected to RL (2.2 K).
v. The current through RL (IL) was determined when the supply was
switched on.
vi. The value was recorded.
vii. RL was changed to 1.0 K and the current IL was noted.
viii. With the supply disconnected and the milliammeter removed,
terminals A and B were linked.
ix. The resistance (Rac) across terminals a and c was measured using the
digital meter set as ohmmeter.
x. Table 3 shows the measured values.
Results and calculations

Table 3: measured values

Quantity Measured

Rac 3.35k

Vac 0.50V
IL with RL = 2.2 0.087mA
IL with RL = 1.0 0.107mA


Consider loop AbadBA

10kI + 2.2k(I-I1) + k(I-I1) -15 = 0

10kI + 2.2kI -2.2kI1 + kI kI1 = 15
13.2kI 3.2kI1 = 15 (1)

Consider loop bcdab

4.7kI1 + 5.1kI1 + k(I1-I) + 2.2k(I1-I) = 0

4.7kI1 + 5.1kI1 + kI1 kI + 2.2kI1 - 2.2kI =0
13.0kI1 3.2kI =0
-3.2kI + 13.0kI1 =0 (2)
13.2k -3.2k I 15

-3.2k 13.0k I1 0

Determinant = (13.0k*13.2k) (-3.2k*-3.2k)

= 161.36k2

I= 15 -3.2k = 15*13.0k/161.36k2 = 1.208mA

0 13.0k


I1 = 13.2k 15 = 15*3.2k/161.36k2 = 0.297mA

-3.2k 0


Calculating Eth
- [(I I1)*2.2k] + (I1*4.7k) + Eth =0
Eth = 2.2k (1.208m -0.297m) (0.297m*4.7k)
= 2.004214179 1.398116014
= 0.61 v
Calculating Rth
Using Delta-Star Transformation:

Ra = 2.2k*k/2.2k + k + 10k
= 2.2k2/13.2k
= k/6

Rb = 2.2k*10k/2.2k + k + 10k
= 22k2/13.2k
= 5k/3

Rd = 10k*k/2.2k + k + 10k
= 25k/33

Rth = Rb + [(Ra + 4.7k)// (Rd + 5.1k)]

= 5k/3 + [(k/6 + 4.7k)// (25k/33 + 5.1k)]
= 4.32k

Current flowing through 2.2k, IL = Eth/Rth + 2.2k

= 0.61/4.32k + 2.32k
= 0.093mA
Current flowing through 1.0k, IL = Eth/Rth + 1.0k
= 0.61/4.32k + 1.0k
= 0.114mA

Table 4: Measured and Calculated values

Quantity Measured Calculated

Rac 3.35k 4.32k

Vac 0.50v 0.61v
IL with RL = 2.2k 0.087mA 0.093mA
IL with RL = 1.0k 0.107mA 0.114mA


(i) A real instrument, such as a digital or analog voltmeter, may be

by an equivalent circuit consisting of an ideal meter and its internal
resistance. In general we should consider internal impedence, which
beside resistance may have a capacitive or inductive component.

Another set of instruments in which internal resistance plays an

important role is represented by power supplies. A voltage supply,
such as a battery or the power supply at the laboratory can be
represented as an ideal voltage source and a resistance. In an ideal
voltage source this resistance is zero, so there is no voltage drop across
it, and the output voltage is independent of the amount of current

(ii) A. Limitations of Superposition theorem

Superposition Theorem works only for circuits that are reducible

to series/parallel combinations for each of the power sources at a time
(thus, this theorem is useless for analyzing an unbalanced bridge circuit),
and it only works where the underlying equations are linear (no
mathematical powers or roots). The requisite of linearity means that
Superposition Theorem is only applicable for determining voltage and
current, not power!!! Power dissipations, being nonlinear functions, do not
algebraically add to an accurate total when only one source is considered at
a time. The need for linearity also means this Theorem cannot be applied in
circuits where the resistance of a component changes with voltage or
current. Hence, networks containing components like lamps (incandescent
or gas-discharge) or varistors could not be analyzed.

Another prerequisite for Superposition Theorem is that all components

must be "bilateral," meaning that they behave the same with electrons
flowing either direction through them. Resistors have no polarity-specific
behavior, and so the circuits we've been studying so far all meet this

The Superposition Theorem finds use in the study of alternating current

(AC) circuits, and semiconductor (amplifier) circuits, where sometimes AC
is often mixed (superimposed) with DC. Because AC voltage and current
equations (Ohm's Law) are linear just like DC, we can use Superposition to
analyze the circuit with just the DC power source, then just the AC power
source, combining the results to tell what will happen with both AC and DC
sources in effect. For now, though, Superposition will suffice as a break
from having to do simultaneous equations to analyze a circuit

B. Limitations of Thevenin theorem

Thevenin's Theorem is only useful for determining what happens to a

single resistor in a network: the load.
Table of Contents

Objective............................................................................................................ 4
(Part A) Superposition theorem ......................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................... 4
Equipments and components used ................................................................. 4
Procedure ....................................................................................................... 4
Results and calculations .................................................................................. 5
(Part B) Thevenins theorem .............................................................................. 8
Introduction .................................................................................................... 8
Procedure ....................................................................................................... 9
Results and calculations ................................................................................ 10
Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 13

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