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LIGHT CHASERS and SHOP DISPLAYS This kit is available from: Talking Electronics email Colin Mitchell: for pricing and postage. lights was seen by shop ights were being fontion grabbers’ in many shops and advertising signs. Early signs used different coloured neon tubes ‘twisted into the shape of letters or pictures. Later, fluoroscont tubos ware used to back - light signe of coloured porspex. These signs did not flash, ‘due to the nature of the fluorescent tube. ‘Then someone thought of the chaser. By sequentially illuminating chains of bulbs, an illusion of movement could be generated. Chasers were soon being used around neon advertising igns, and shop windows. The clroult described her to attract attantion from the people viewing your layout. Quite ‘a number of variations are possible using the Shop Display PC board. These are a set of arrows, 8 window display and five straight lengths, whieh ca be used individually or together LIGHT CHASERS AND SHOP DISPLAYS s0 that the main bulk of the circuitry will not need 10 bbe mounted in the model shop, but can be placed under the layout with other circuitry. How it works Because the shop display driver PC board is designed to be used in several different arrangements, the circuit diagram is ‘a litle confusing. so we will look at it in several parts, ‘The first stage is a two transistor multivibrator ‘operating at 6HZ. The signal from this is fed into the 4017 counter decoder. This is where the first decision has to be ma reset line of the counter can be connected by a link to either ‘output ‘Q3" or output 'O6'. When connected to output ‘03’ the counter will reset after ery third pulse, and when connected to output ‘Q8"'t will reset after every sixth pulse. 28 ELECTRONICS FOR MODEL RAILWAYS The first two sections of this diagram are self exclanatory: the third section has been designed to cater for several different types of display, and is covered in the text. If you wish to change the ‘speed of the oscillator, replace the 10 mid with an electrolytic of aliferent value. Tho fist output, ‘00° drives, the, fret bufor Depending on whether you build the arrow sign of transistor. The second butler transistor ct ‘the chasor_a diffrent arrongem the ‘ivon by either output “QT” or “G2 eee ‘utter transistor can be driven by eithor output ora" ‘When making on ordinary sequencer, the reset pin ig connected to "03" and the butfor tansistors aro {tis, only one of the three ariven outputs {a tine, but immediately one output switches of, the nest wl sch LEDS Respinne terse QO 900 Seaeienee ase es QT 000 ~~ coe RESET ‘are drivan by outputs and “Q4', there will bo a blank step between driven output. fh Hf LED is connected to each of the driven outputs, this is what you would see. only one LED in three i LEDS iEDe' Cam share’ wav QO e00 prem above, This reduc Qt 000 ‘ct wires between the deplay and the driver board asragnes umecrvoraness 92 000 Q3 o00 Q4 cce Q5 000 Q6 RESET Vv VV MYY ‘This second type of display would be good with the arrow sigh Qi @2 Q@3 @4 @5 a6 GUY By adding the two diodes marked "X’ on the circuit slagram, we achieve this: Qi Q@2 Q@3 Q4 Q5 a6 Da A ODO DH ODD) Of course it looks much better then these diagrams nthe arrow sign. thereis 8 cycle when all LEDs are ae Iit 50 every LED will need its own resistor. Ny ELECTRONICS FOR MODEL RAILWAYS 29 Construction Decide which display you are making. This will determine which way you assemble the Shop Display Driver PC board, Look at the two smbled Driver boa locations, This ie because the PC board ie dosigned ‘0 cater for both the arrow sign and the chase holes marked ‘R’ and 6’. Mounting the rest of the ‘components is straight forward. Use the diagrams ‘and photographs for part locations. Be careful with ‘the orientation of the 4017 chip. The two 1N4OO2 diodes in the lower corner are stood on end so they will fit, If you feel like experimenting, try reversing ‘one or both of these two diodes, They are the diodes. marked "X' on the circuit diagram: For the shop display and chaser bars, the resistors should be mounted betwaen the outer holes. A link ‘should be soldered between the holes marked ‘I ‘and’3’, The two 1N4002 diodes in the lower comer ‘re omitead. Arrow sign. Note the spacing of the resistor leads land the position of the link. @gerrrseresesessrses ® Paes oP Eerie ee OO This is tho layout used for tho shop display and 7 E Sie ees ee Be ite aos 10 1D la determined by the number of leds used, inthis case ~ + = (the shop display) 8 resistors are used for 24 LEDs. To increase the speed of the chaser, the 2.2mid electrolytic has been replaced with a 1 mfd. 30 ELECTRONICS FOR MODEL RAILWAYS The display board To minimise the wiring needed, the displays are constructed on 2 deuble sided PC board. Thie board measures 9om x 5,5em and can be cut into seven ‘maller boards ae needed. Select the display you want, and cut it from the PC board. Smooth the edges with a file. Insert the LEDs es shown in the diagram. Solder th taling sure that they aro in straight lines en the same height. A good way of doing thie Isto place the board on a piece of expanded polystyrene foam. fri pusn te wren ofthe LED though the PC board ‘and into the styrer ‘One wire of each LED can then be solderad on the top sido of the PC board, to hold each LED in place. Fomove the board from the styrene. Solder all the ‘connections on the bottom of the PC board and trim the leads. Follow the wiring diagrams and photographs to Connect the Display board to the Driver board How the display isto be mounted canbe determined by you es each model itis to be mounted in will differ. itis possible to cut the contra out of the Shop Display beard to give the modol more depth. ‘The arrow sign could be used to indicate Mitence sft storoy ear park or could be bat Lting orange LEDs end fixed toa ralerto represent S'seale rosd works sign. Experiment with this project: many variations This is the shop display. Make sure all LEDs are ‘mounted in straight rows and are at an even height. ‘See tho toxt above for an easy way of doing this. The contre of the board may be cut out to add more dlnih 09 model cares taken not 9 cut the PE ® ®, ® O, ge SHOP DISPLAYS The polarity of each LED on the Shop Display PC joard 1s shown In this diagram. Wiring the shop display. The wiring between the ‘shop display and the driver PC board is shown on tho noxt page. Use this photograph as a guide a ELECTRONICS FOR MODEL RAILWAYS 31 32 ELECTRONICS FOR MODEL RAILWAYS Shop Display Driver Parts List Ww i] ve eiliil jes og g g af 5 5 see : a} Soe foe Ses tee ELECTRONICS FOR MODEL RAILWAYS 33

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