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6 July 2017

Week One

Prompt: Quickly make a list of anyone who has helped your literacy narrative. Include a brief

explanation of why they have helped you beside each entry.

1. My mother- Read to me every night before I went to bed

2. Preschool teachers- Conducted reading circles every day and were encouraging if I ever

got stuck

3. My older siblings- Listening to them talk and wanting to repeat everything that they said

4. Church- When I was younger, asked me to read from the Bible some Sundays in front of

the whole congregation

7 July 2017

Week One

Prompt: A special place that was very significant in shaping my literacy narrative.

A place that played a significant role in shaping my literacy narrative would be my childhood

room and kitchen. My room growing up was the place where a lot of my reading and writing

took place because my mother would conduct story time before bed in the rocking chair in the

corner of my room and I would write in my activity books often. Another place significant to my

literacy narrative would be my kitchen due to the fact that that was the place where the majority

of my homework was done. As a child, my mother always thought that completing homework in

my room would not make me as attentive as I needed to be. Therefore, I would always do my

homework at the kitchen counter to ensure that there were no distractions.

11 July 2017

Week Two

Prompt: When was the first time you used a computer; think about how technology

affected your literacy narrative through computers, PowerPoint, or Prezi.

When I was younger my house only owned one computer in which everyone used. Personally,

my main reason for wanting to be on the computer was to play computer games. However, when

I progressed into middle and high school I realized all of the other functions of the computer

when I had to begin creating presentations. It was during this time that I was introduced to Prezi

and PowerPoint. I believe that having this kind of technology affected my literacy narrative by

teaching me how to become technically savvy at a young age because now everything has to do

with some sort of technology. It also gave me access to learn anything that I wanted to know by a

simple google search.

12 July 2017

Week Two

Prompt: Share some of your thoughts about an inspirational place, an unforgettable place,

or a place that served some purpose in your life.

Recently, I was able to go to Costa Rica for my senior mission trip where we taught children

how to speak English, performed some improvements on a church, and spread the Word of God.

While I was here I really connected to one particular female student at the school where we

conducted English classes. So much so that I gave her my number without even thinking about

the international charges that would be added to my phone bill. In all Costa Rica was inspiring

because even though I went there to give back to them, they ended up giving back to me tenfold.
17 July 2017

Week Three

Prompt: Think about an ethnic dish that someone in your family has made

There are two go to dishes that my mom makes whenever there is nothing else to cook which are

spaghetti and chili. The baked spaghetti that she makes is very good and contains sausage within

the spaghetti which gives it extra flavor. She also adds bell pepper and onions to the meat to

make the flavor bolder. In addition, she makes chili all the time as well which was passed down

to her by her mother. I am not 100% sure how to make it myself, but it is probably my favorite

chili of the ones that I have tried. There are no secret ingredient for these recipes but no one

else that I know can make anything close to it.

19 July 2017

Week Three

Prompt: Write about a certain connection that you have encountered so far in connection

with your family tree.

With my family not having much information on our origin, conducting research on our history

has been very difficult. However, I did find out the country that some of my ancestors came from

and where they ended up in the United States. I received this information from my mother, but

that is the most that she remembers. I also think I may have found information on my great

grandparents. However, when I look things up online it is hard to be 100% sure that it is correct

information since I do not know much about our origin.

24 July 2017

Week Four

Prompt: Henry Louis Gates Jr response

His response was significant because it shows how he realized the importance of his family

history at a young age all because his father sparked his curiosity by showing him a picture of an

elderly woman. This is important because it reminds us that where we came from is relevant to

our lives.

25 July 2017

Week Four

Prompt: Write about two different modes you plan on using and explain how you see this


For our semester-long multimodal project we plan on using visual and oral modes to help convey

our research about dreaming to the audience. This will be done using a PowerPoint presentation

that will include interesting facts and pictures as well as orally telling them information

regarding our topic. Doing this will make it easier for them to remember our presentation

because they are not only hearing the information in reference to dreaming, but they are seeing

the information also.

1 August 2017

Week Five

Prompt: Write about one presentation experience-good or bad.

One middle school presentation that I remember is when I had to make a trifold poster on a

country of my choice and present it in front of the whole class. I remember being very nervous

because it carried a lot of weight to my final grade. Public speaking is not my favorite thing to

do, but I knew the importance of this grade. In the end I received an A, but that was because a lot

of time was put into researching to ensure I knew all of the information before I presented it in

front of my classmates.

3 August 2017

Week Five

Prompt: What was your best experience at UTOP and what are you looking forward to in

the Fall

My best experience in UTOP would be meeting new people and getting used to walking around

the campus. Although I wasnt sure about coming at first, I am glad I did because it was worth it.

The one thing I am looking forward to in the fall would be getting involved on campus and

making good grades to start my journey to becoming a Neonatologist.

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