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St Mungos Management Performance Standards

1. Takes responsibility for managing health and safety

For all managers:

Ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is displayed in their hostel/office and
that all staff are acquainted with its provisions, through the provision of a copy as
part of the induction process.
Ensure that the induction sheet for all new starters is completed within 5 working
days and returned to the Health and Safety team Supporting document K00 A1.
Induct, supervise and instruct employees and arrange for training.
Be available for consultation on health and safety matters and actively
encourages all staff to participate in the maintenance of a safe environment.
Health and safety and fire safety are standard items on the team meeting
Ensures that the health and safety manual is up to date, and accessible to all
Undertake risk assessments, act on those assessments and review them at least
On a weekly basis, an inspection of all areas of the hostel or other workplace will
be made. Reported or observed hazards will be either actioned on site or
referred for action.
All staff have received a briefing on the fire safety procedure for the
project/service in the last year.
Fire arrangements are monitored and it is ensured that fire exits are kept clear of
obstruction at all times.
All fire safety records have been completed and the fire risk assessment has
been reviewed in the last year.*
Ensure that false alarms are reported to the Health and Safety team.*
Ensure that all routine legionella tasks, including temperature recording, shower
head cleaning and descaling and flushing of little used outlets are undertaken
and are appropriately recorded.*
Understands the lone working system and uses it effectively.**
Monitors where there are false alarms on the lone working system and
investigates these appropriately.**
Ensure that all accidents and acts of violence are appropriately recorded and
where necessary reported under RIDDOR, and then investigated.
To consider and approve/reject incident forms within 48 hours of receiving them.

* These items are only relevant to managers who have responsibility for managing
the health and safety of a building.

** These items are only relevant to managers of lone workers.

In addition for managers of managers:

Ensures all managers are booked on to or have completed the managers health
and safety training.
Proactively monitors and spot checks to ensure that relevant reports understand
the lone working procedures and use the system effectively (as above).
Proactively checks that all projects in area of responsibility are completing the fire
log book effectively.
Proactively checks that all managers in area of responsibility are reviewing risk
assessments and fire risk assessments.

In addition for Executive Team/Directors:

Ensures all direct reports have received health and safety (and fire safety
training, where appropriate) within the last 3 years.
Takes steps to ensure that health and safety is embedded in the work of
Health and safety is discussed at each 1:1 with direct reports.

2. Takes responsibility for managing diversity and inclusion and encourages an

inclusive culture

For all managers:

Ensures that there is an identified diversity champion for team(s) and measures
their output in relation to this.
Encourages and enables staff to participate in diversity network meetings and
events and recognises achievements in supervisions and appraisals.
Ensures that Diversity and Inclusion updates are included as a standing item in
team meetings and that EDI contributions and support issues are covered in
Proactively instructs staff to complete diversity information on the HR database
and encourages them to keep this information up to date
Ensures that all staff are booked on to and complete mandatory training
Takes personal responsibility for diversity and inclusion, acting where diversity
and inclusion issues are evident
Involves clients and OutsideIn in appropriate matters
Seeks feedback from clients and stakeholders and makes improvements to
services as a result

In addition for managers of managers:

Proactively takes responsibility for ensuring an inclusive culture in their area,
acting where diversity and inclusion issues are evident
Ensures that diversity updates are included in area/group meeting
Ensures that there is a localised diversity strategy and action plan for own
area/group which is reviewed annually
Ensures that all direct reports are booked on to and complete mandatory training

In addition for Executive Team/Directors:

Takes responsibility for ensuring an inclusive culture in their area, acting where
diversity and inclusion issues are evident
Attends at least one diversity event annually and provides examples of diversity
and inclusion making a difference in their directorate
Ensures that all direct reports have completed mandatory training (including
E&D) in the past three years
Ensures that diversity and inclusion considerations are included in annual
business planning
Monitor progress against the diversity and inclusion objectives

3. Recruits and inducts good quality staff

Participates in the recruitment, selection and induction of new staff within team
and St Mungos and complies with St Mungos recruitment procedures.
Updates job descriptions and person specifications before recruiting.
Follows St Mungos Recruitment Standards guidance document in drawing up
and applying appropriate tests and competency-based interview questions.
Exercises a high level of diligence in the selection of the highest quality staff and
the screening out of unacceptable candidates (permanent and temporary staff).
Prepares performance objectives and up to date standards for new staff prior to
their start date.
Inducts new staff fully into their competences profile, performance objectives and
standards, code of conduct, and attendance expectations.
Ensures all new staff receive a full induction to their role (including clients and
work environment), their division and St Mungos.
Ensures all staff attend/complete relevant mandatory courses (including H&S)
within first 6 months.
Closely monitors all aspects of probationers performance and carries out
probationary appraisals within the six month deadline.

4. Motivates and supports staff and improves performance

For all managers:

Team meetings are held at least once every 6 weeks.
At least one team Away Day per year is held to engage the whole team in service
improvement activities.
Develops a team work plan in line with feedback from the team, clients and key
partners/customers and ensures it is reviewed annually.
Sets and monitors individual performance targets and objectives for staff in order
to effectively manage the team and feed into the appraisal process.
Requests 360 appraisal feedback in time to be received back in advance of
Carries out appraisals to a high quality within 3 months of the due date.
All appraisal paperwork is written up and uploaded to the HR system within 4
weeks of the appraisal date.
Conducts a supervision session with staff at least once every eight weeks.
Monitors progress against performance objectives and Personal Development
Plan at every supervision session.
Notes of supervision are provided within 2 weeks of each session.
Supports and enables staff to ensure on-time attendance at planned training
After each learning or training event attended by staff, evaluates the impact of the
learning in supervision and ensures application of the learning to the work.
Ensures that common team development needs are identified, budgeted for and
Evaluates the impact of team learning and development activities on team
Identifies and applies appropriate ways to recognise and value individual and
team achievements.
Takes responsibility for the proactive and positive management of any change
which affects team members.
Checks and authorises all staff time sheets on the HR system within five working
days of the end of each period.
Checks and authorises requests for annual leave and flexi-time/time off in lieu
Manages sickness in line with service and St Mungos policy, including ensuring
that staff sickness and unauthorised absence is notified to HR and that sickness
meetings are held consistently when required
Provides starters, leavers and other relevant information to payroll in line with
payroll cut-off dates
Ensures that data protection legislation and procedures are strictly adhered to.
Deals promptly and consistently with emerging and existing staffing
issues/problems in line with St Mungos procedures (including conduct,
performance and attendance issues).
Ensures that absence and staff cover is effectively managed so that the impact
on the service is minimal. Exercises due diligence and manages risk in hiring
and using the services of temporary and locum staff.

In addition for managers of managers:

Proactively ensures that managers attend the management development
Ensures that the management performance standards are adhered to by all
managers within reporting structure and regularly evidence this through
supervision sessions. This will include regularly quality checking supervision
Proactively follows up on reports of non-completion of appraisals from managers.
5. Maintains robust financial management

For budget holders:

Is aware of and follows prescribed procurement processes.
Monitors income and expenditure of the cost centres that you have responsibility
for on a monthly basis.
Ensures that services / functions stay within budget and discusses any significant
variances (both favourable and adverse) with allocated management or financial
Makes staff teams aware of the financial situation on a regular basis during team
Where actions are required in relation to the budget; ensures that these are
completed within an agreed time period.
Reviews monthly cost centre reports within two weeks of receipt from the Finance
Department and informs Finance of any inaccuracies or omissions.
Processes Goods Received Notes / Purchase Invoices within 2 days / 3 days of
receiving notification and payment requests through the EBis system. Ensures
that the correct cost centre and expense code are being used.
Returns all invoices and receipts relating to Petty Cash payments and Alto card
purchases promptly to the Finance Department.
Submits reconciled and checked petty cash claims to Finance on a regular basis.
Ensures that HR/payroll are advised promptly of the dates staff start, leave or
transfer between departments and that, where applicable, the correct cost codes
are provided.
Advises line manager and Finance Department immediately any significant
changes to funding or expenditure become known.
Prepares for and discusses on a quarterly basis the actual outturn compared to
budget with allocated management or financial accountant and discusses any
proposed changes with line manager.
At the appropriate time of the year, develops a plan for service and ensures that
the resource requirements fit within the anticipated funding. Ensures that this
information feeds into the budget setting process.
Reviews the annual plan regularly with a view to delivering improvements within
existing financial constraints and, where practical, possible savings.

In addition for managers of budget holders:

Proactively assesses budget holders capability and understanding of budget
management and seek to develop this.
Supports and monitors budget holders in a structured way in supervision
sessions, ensuring that they have a good understanding of the current budgetary
Ensures that agreed actions in relation to financial issues have been completed
Examines budgets first hand with budget holders on at least a quarterly basis.
At least quarterly, discusses the financial performance of schemes / functions
with allocated management or financial accountant.

6. Effectively manages staff cover

For all managers:

Closely monitors usage and spend on agency staff within service and only uses
agency when all other alternatives have been exhausted.
Where a shift or line needs to be covered, except in circumstances of short
notice, the following order is followed in attempting to obtain cover:
a. Considers whether another team member or manager can cover
b. Seeks an existing staff member to work through the occasional extra
shifts scheme
c. Tries to cover with a St Mungos locum
d. As a last resort, agency cover is booked
Seeks to minimise staff cover costs through proactively managing staff TOIL to
ensure that where possible this is taken at times when additional cover is not
Ensures that vacant lines are recruited to and no lines are covered by locum staff
which arent being actively recruited to
Where longer term cover is required, proactively seeks to engage a locum worker
on a fixed term contract (on St Mungos standard terms).
Works creatively to reduce cover costs through proactive planning and
management of rotas and effective use of staff and management.
All locum and agency shifts are accurately entered onto the supporting IT system
in advance of the shift taking place, except in exceptional circumstances.
Signs off or queries locum and agency timesheets through the automated system
within two working days of receipt ensuring that any deadlines are met
Raises and addresses any conduct or performance issues relating to locum and
agency staff
Takes responsibility for addressing queries with timesheets to ensure that they
are processed and accounted for in a timely fashion.

In addition for managers of managers and budget holders:

Regularly reviews the use of agency workers.
Regularly spot checks the management of TOIL in services.

7. Accurately maintains records and files

For all managers:

Ensures that all systems are updated within the timescale outlined in appropriate
procedures or within 5 working days of relevant action, whichever is shorter.
Actively monitors information produced by team to highlight and address areas of
discrepancy within agreed timeframes.
Proactively monitors staff performance in relation to data management, including
reviewing information on the relevant client data system(s) before staff
supervision meetings to ensure that staff performance is appropriately managed
in relation to this.
Captures and records all data required for their service including incidents,
complaints, etc.
Ensures accurate and appropriate information is presented to stakeholders to
agreed deadlines.
Ensures all electronic and paper document storage is done in a timely, efficient,
safe and logical way and in line with Information Management policies &
Regularly weeds document storage systems at least twice a year.
Ensures the service operates in line with the Information Management P&Ps and
complies with the Data Protection Act

8. Takes responsibility for effective communication

For all managers:

Ensures that team works within agreed brand guidelines
Ensures that team views are fed back to senior management and ensures that
senior management responses/decisions are communicated to the team.

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