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Performance Standards for Project Managers (Registered Care Home)

The 2 performance areas relating to leadership are:

1. Is accountable and demonstrates a high standard of communication.
2. Continuously improves the service and St Mungos as an organisation.

The 4 areas relating to support service delivery are:

1. Ensures a good service is provided prior to the client entering the service.
2. Ensure the sign up and assessment process is thorough and effective.
3. Ensures clients are involved and consulted with in a meaningful way.
4. Is able to resolve problems and more complex situations.

The 3 performance areas relating to financial and resource management are:

1. Ensures effective licence management.
2. Ensures effective rent and arrears management.
3. Ensures effective void management.
Please also refer to the Management Performance Standards.

A) Performance Standards relating to Leadership

1. Is accountable and demonstrates a high standard of communication.
Details and examples:
Maintains a professional image both internally and externally through punctuality,
appropriately preparing, dressing appropriately and delivering agreed action plans
Actively participates in the meetings. Makes appropriate arrangements when not able
to attend.
Deputises when required for manager or peers at internal and external meetings.
Seeks stakeholder feedback on performance ad hoc and for annual work planning.
Demonstrates knowledge of all relevant legislation and codes of guidance
Oversees the development and maintenance of named contacts within other
agencies, especially local organisations and service providers relevant to the client
Sets and maintains appropriate professional boundaries with all clients, staff,
volunteers and contracts
Information is recorded, kept and provided in accordance with the Data Protection
Act (1998), and in the best interests of clients
All information, reports, support planning documents and applications, including
computerised records, are factual, accurate, in plain English and recorded or
submitted on time
Promotes a safe and welcoming environment to all clients, visitors, contractors
Participates in organisational communication and development e.g. reading Bulletin,
Core Brief, responding to consultations (e.g. Annual Staff Survey, procedures)
Measures of success
Positive appraisal feedback
Attendance at external/internal meetings evidenced in minutes.
Stakeholder feedback received and used for service development.
Appraisal and supervision notes demonstrate preparation.
2. Continuously improving the service and St Mungos as an organisation.
Details and examples:
Has a clear and accurate service statement.
Has an annual work plan in place with SMART targets which is regularly reviewed,
updated and achieved.
Provides a service that meets legal requirements and St Mungos own Diversity and
Inclusion Policy and Strategy.
Seeks out suggestions for improving the service from clients, staff and other
stakeholders through a variety of consultation methods.
Ensures all feedback is followed up and that individuals and groups are informed of
how it has been used in improving the service.
Maintains awareness of new developments and practices in other teams,
organisations, publications and following external audit.
Sets up service level agreements, where appropriate, with referral agents and other
Actively plans for and participates in CQC reviews or service audits.
Ensures that any anomalies in Opal reports are following up with the Information
Plans and monitors teams compliance with Opal recording to ensure highest levels
of accuracy and consistency.
Responds to threats to funding through the use of action plans, reviewing budgets
and seeking new income streams etc.
Ensures service staff and clients contribute towards the development of organisation
policy and procedures.
Takes a lead on developing local policy and procedures.
Ensures their service meets CQC standards
Measures of success
Work plan in place with tasks completed throughout the year
B. Support Service Delivery
1. Ensuring a good service is provided prior to the client entering the service.
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service):
Ensures effective and efficient relationships are built and maintained with key referral
source/s to ensure appropriate and prompt referrals and minimum voids.
Ensures that referrals are requested according to agreed timescales and void data is
promptly shared with key contacts.
Ensures that clear and accurate information is provided to potential clients about the
service (e.g. a Service leaflet)
Ensures that all assessments are carried out according to procedure and within
agreed timescales.
Ensures that clients are able to have a 3-day trial period in the service before
agreeing to move in
Measures of success
Meets void targets.
Good feedback received from stakeholders
2. Ensure the sign up and assessment process is thorough and effective.
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service):
Ensures all clients receive a thorough induction to the service and the other services
St Mungos provides.
Ensures needs and risk assessments are carried out thoroughly and within the first
week of the client starting or receiving the service.
Ensures information is correctly and sufficiently input into Opal to ensure accurate
internal transfer of tenancy information.
Measures of success
Opal reports show assessments completed and input on time.
3. Ensures clients receive a high quality support service.
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service)
Ensure case call-overs are held with staff at a minimum of every 4-8 weeks.
Draw up shift rotas to ensure clients have appropriate levels of support at all times.
Measures of success
Opal reports and audit reports demonstrate reviews are completed to timescale
and support provided of the highest quality.
4. Ensures clients are involved and consulted with in a meaningful way.
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service):
The following to be evidenced via Opal reports and the Client Involvement file:
Ensures clients meetings take place on a regular basis and at least once every 6
Promotes and encourages clients to become involved in the services client
involvement opportunities
Ensures the service has a Client Involvement plan incorporating the St Mungos
Client Involvement tool kit. This should include a wide and varied range of local client
involvement activities
The following to be evidenced by internal audits, complaints records on Opal and client
involvement file
Involves different community groups in the service where possible.
Encourages clients to participate in celebrating events of different cultures.
Encourages clients to share their opinions and experience in a way that is respectful
to the opinions/sensibilities of other clients and staff
Constructively and sensitively challenges inappropriate treatment of other staff and
Measures of success
Opal reports and quality audit reports.
5. Is able to resolve problems and more complex situations.
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service):
Provides advice and assistance in emergency or high stress situations, when
Provides effective support to staff after dealing with an emergency or high stress
Become involved in mediation between clients, where appropriate.
Hears and responds to client, neighbours and local community complaints and
oversees any necessary action to resolve them (to be evidenced by complaints
records on Opal).
Follows Safeguarding procedures when aware of a safeguarding concern, records
and shares information appropriately, engages in multi-agency safeguarding work eg
strategy meetings
Measures of success
Minimal complaints/incidents escalated beyond local level.
Good feedback from clients on appraisals
Positive feedback from external agencies involved in safeguarding cases
C. Financial and resource management.
1. Ensuring effective licence management.
NB. Spot-checks should be carried out on, at least, a quarterly basis.
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service):
Spot-checks clients files to make sure that procedures are properly followed at the
beginning and end of residencies/service delivery.
Ensures that advice and support is provided to staff to deal effectively with breaches
of licence in line with policies and procedures. Liaising with clients and legal
agencies where a managers involvement is needed.
Ensures that advice and support is provided so that staff can deal effectively with
cases of neighbour disputes, etc. and in line with policy and procedures. Liaising
with and mediating between clients and legal agencies where a managers
involvement is needed.
Oversees all evictions and attends only if appropriate.
Ensures adequate emphasis on move-on is maintained throughout every stage of
the support planning process.
Oversees the Deputy Managers management of the office/service environment.
Measures of success
Voids targets met.
No upheld complaints/appeals in relationship to licence ends.
2. Ensuring effective rent and arrears management
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service):
Ensures there is effective liaison with the Rents team.
Oversees the checking of rent accounts to ensure that they are accurate and up to
date (checks at hostels should include a weekly check by the staff member
responsible for HB/Rent and a monthly check by Project/Deputy Managers)
Ensures the rent arrears procedure is adhered to.
Monitors arrears levels for the team as a whole, and for individual support workers.
Sets appropriate targets to reduce arrears and takes appropriate action to meet
those targets.
Follows up and action any anomalies in financial reports relating to rent arrears.
Ensure local authorities pay on time and chases late payments
Liaises with local authority to ensure payment by direct deductions
Measures of success
Rent arrears target met.
3. Ensuring effective voids management.
NB. Spot-checks should be carried out on, at least, a quarterly basis.
Details and examples (these responsibilities should be carried out by either the Project
Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, as appropriate for the service):
Takes appropriate action to minimise voids times including proactively contacting
referrers and managing the referral process in advance of a planned void.
Carries out spot-checks to ensure all voids, abandonment and non-contact
procedures are followed.
Ensures that spot-checks are carried out and that information is correctly input on
Monitors the level of voids and takes action where voids exceed normal levels.
Takes action when refurbishment/repairs work is taking longer than normal.
Measures of success
Void target met.

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