Mrs Rebecca A Stephens Epr100

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o— CHARLES DARWIN School of “7 UNIVERSITY | Ecucation FORM C: Overall Professional Experience Evaluation Record aacher as Learner form must be retumed to the Professional Experience Office Sem: by 15 June ~ Sem 2: by 2 November. Pre-Service Teacher| * Unit code: ERP100 [rebeeca Ve Keck, Student no.| School OLS Waoda/ Compu oe State or Territory NT. Classiyear YR. 4 Z a Subjectiteaching areal ASSESSMENT DETAIL Pee cus FORM A Provides examples of |For 4 has been filed out and AITSL Standards for Graduating Teachers. evidence that could be used in /submited the final portfolio. This form is | Yes No kept by the pre-service teacher | _FORMB Rubric. Form B has been filled out and | ‘submitted Yos No Two Lesson plans, the second informed by Sighted by the mentor teacher reflective practice and mentor feedback prior to teaching ae na |The dally journal ves [7] No “At risk" process NA Date initiated Date completed| Form C: Overall Professional Experience Evaluation Record ERP100 Page 1 of 2 nce days attached to professional Exporionco 1 There are 10 professional exper (including 4 week block) 3s the pre-service teacher completed the required number of days? Has there been any variation to the number of professional experience days? Performance rating Each task must be satisfactory to gain an overall Pass for the professional exp OVERALL RATING: Requires more professional experience to meet assessment requirements No placement and for the unit Fail Please suggest an amount of time Please keep a copy of this comment to add to final portfolio Mentor Teacher Comment: F qlaowse F Fave vet C WA SuQ fof eho este all ck undos hes See Ty} ‘ase send a copy to the Preservice Teacher : Date sent Mentor teacher's signature Farm c: Over Professional Experience Evaluation Record ERP 100 Page 2 of 2 rey == CHARLES DARWIN School of 7 UNIVERSITY | Education FORM A: EPR100 Teacher as Learner This form is used to assist the pre-service teacher (PST) and mentor teacher to identify and notate examples that demonstrate initial understanding and beginning competence against the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers. Please complete twice: at the mid-point and again at the end of the professional experience. Pre-Service Teacher | ‘Student No!| ehecaa Veeck, Unit Code: EPR100 School i HT Cam us State or Territory st Dato of Completion| e/ FDI | Second Dato of Complotion| Montor Teacher Hy J] ONRNO PLL (if applicable} ey PRU te PER n AITSL Standard 1 4.2, Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research info is [> [ju hou students lean and the implications for teaching AITSL Standard 2 sf jo fju dard 3.2 Plan lesson sequences sing knowiedge of student laring, 8 AITEL Standard 3 content and effective teaching strategies. Pu 3.4 Demonstrate knowledge ofa range of resources, instuding s []> [Ju IGT, that engage studens in ther arin, AITSL Standard 4 sf ]o [ju AITSL Standard 5 a s[ Jo [Ju AITSL Standard 6 6:1 Demonstrate an understanding of he role ofthe Ausiraian Profesional Standards for Teachers indenting professional | [JS [Jo [_ ]u learning needs 6.3 Seok and apply constructive feedback fram supervisors and teachers to improve teaching practices. AITSL Standard 7 7-1 Understand and apply the Key principles described in codes of| tethes and conduct forthe teaching profession Goal for next period of Professional Experience (developed by PST and mentor teacher) Huo ting taal ol olacs, Teaching ete ey Please send a copy to the Pre-service Teacher. Date sent: Montor toachor’s signature Complete in ful electronical, sign and send form to: Pro-sorvice teachers are required to koop thelr own coplos of assessmont forms for use in final course portfolio EPR100 FORM A Page 1 of 1 Z10 4 abe Sugny wowssasse Bu1ypes} pue BuIUUelg oorwea quosedde sovaudko woovsep eo ‘s1e ABobepad ereudosdde. paunsnf ety tape wiper § 0} sya me Ueld uosso] ‘1 suondepe vossay ejap| Uo DuMelP PoHeI” s voRPaHeu 3 sauosino wnnowino| ayo seate auos u peaig ua weuanoidu pue ssa00n8| wouorodu] eg § 4 qwawenatyoe woprs ulwo}op 1BoBeped jo poeu u 5 3h ‘seynbes uonoayey “eouspina| 2 1wewsssesse uo posed Aes0o Ee Sywsee an jo uondiosap ou; | Suuseey swepnis o uorssrosia 6 vcos| Pepmu wows uur j0 suse) uy Aquotoyyreut ‘souenbos Bu ‘woojno wnjnowno yun sq equosap uouoo apni; Sues) jo wauissessy on ; payejaiun sopue anben| wousssosse a ‘ue wouss26e pus sowooyno| 0} syuy uu ‘poytuops ouooyno 2)}4lue, UossaT ADAP ‘Sreydoxdde jo houen opm| lunfaung “ereduo)ueld] 0} 0ud so uoUr ye SHEP Jo ssn pue Bubebue 6) yBnos4) = uosso/u pepriox! ip awos| uowshospe soopas ued vostoy| poreiope spades ueWtuosGen| Onan Aryare sued vosser| poitnbei e2uepine ion) e9uepiAe BulB10Urg ‘eouepine Aiojoejsies ‘souepine poeied BSAA VOW, OW VIVioW (oraeardde ovouna) epee T Buiuseo7 jeuoISSO,07a Tetoes 0 WOH SOU PORE OW ig THOT VSO WopaAUIOD Jo Syeq v Mowe 10 HS Tooyss LARA D> ooruaa ‘poo un z 4 ar ouqny juewssesse Buyyoee} pue Buuueld OOLYd a :@ WO4 ALISHAAINN 4, NIM’a sai¥ 05 uoneonp3 Jo jooyog zyozabeg ‘ugny juauissasse Buxpeo} pue BuLucig oor en = eangeusis $1949e9) JOON fn Cay ‘243 0) Ado & pues esesid VOC VaS : = bob aren “We jepoese lw ‘hon ul a vonrniarg (ve hy ‘sunsou Jov9g 9y1 199] “sewooINo ywopMIg BUNo:dU 01 paidepy sian yeuL AboBepog 1 opeateeein erp ‘sajopoauy ayjoads puy sojopoeuy eousuadica Buwee’, stupeog quis) to pen "sauoayno BUIWIeo7 ' ssauo9!ng Buea" sepnpuj Buea JO WaLssassy epUETU! 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