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Form A: EPR201

This form is used to assist the pre-service and mentor teacher to identify and notate examples of teaching practices
that demonstrate initial understanding and competence against the Australian Professional Standards for Graduate
Teachers. The identification of this evidence forms the basis of professional dialogue based on the demonstrable skills
and understandings of the pre-service teacher. Note also that Pre-service teachers are required to provide planning
documentation at least one day prior to the teaching of the relevant lessons.
Complete this form at the mid-point and again at the end of the Professional Experience.

Pre-Service Teacher: Rebecca Stephens Student No: 261805

School: Centralian Middle School State Or Territory: NT

First Date Of Completion: Enter date Second Date Of Completion: 29/05/2017

Mentor Teacher: Professional Learning Leader (Where

Bonnie Chapman
Laryssa Montgomentry


Developing Satisfactorily,

1.2 Understand how students learn

Standard 1 Satisfactory
Know students and how
they learn 1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that
Developing Satisfactorily
are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of
students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and
socioeconomic backgrounds.

1.4 Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding

Developing Satisfactorily
of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic
background on the education of students from
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.

1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the
specific learning needs of students across the full
range of abilities.

1.6 Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding

Developing Satisfactorily
of legislative requirements and teaching strategies that
support participation and learning of students with

Standard 2 2.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Satisfactory

concepts, substance and structure of the content and
Know the content and how
teaching strategies of the teaching area.
to teach it

FORM A: EPR201 1
2.3 Use curriculum, assessment and reporting Developing Satisfactorily
knowledge to design learning sequence and lesson

2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies Developing Satisfactorily

2.6 Implement teaching strategies for using IT to expand Satisfactory

curriculum learning opportunities for students

Standard 3 3.1 Set learning goals that provide achievable Developing Satisfactorily
challenges for students of varying abilities and
Plan for and implement
effective teaching and
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence leaning program Satisfactory

3.3 Include a range of teaching strategies. Satisfactory

3.4 Select and use resources Satisfactory

3.5 Use effective classroom communication Satisfactory

3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching programs Satisfactory

3.7 Engage parents/ carers in the educative process Developing Satisfactorily

Standard 4 4.1 Support student participation Satisfactory

Create and maintain
4.2 Manage classroom activities Developing Satisfactorily
supportive and safe learning
4.4 Maintain student safety Developing Satisfactorily

4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically Satisfactory

Standard 5 5.1 Assess student learning Developing Satisfactorily

Assess, provide feedback
and report on student

Standard 6 6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice Satisfactory

Engage in professional

Standard 7 7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities Satisfactory

Engage professionally with
colleagues, parents/carers
and the community 7.3 Understand strategies for working effectively, Developing Satisfactorily
sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers.

FORM A: EPR201 2
Goal For Next Period of Professional Experience (developed by pre-service teacher and mentor teacher)
We have identified behaviour management as an area that Rebecca would like more experience with in her
next placement. We acknowledge that this takes time and is often dependent on the relationship with the
students, but specifically want to focus on having the strategies put in place to prevent behaviours and how
to react to said behaviours.

Mentor Teacher Comment:

Rebecca has consistently demonstrated that she can prepare and teach lessons that are engaging and
informative to the students. She took on all feedback and actively tried to incorporate it into her next
lessons. Throughout the placement Rebecca worked on developing relationships with the students and this
was evident towards the end of the placements where students were very receptive to her classes.

Please send a copy to the Pre-service Teacher Date sent: 29/05/2017

Mentor teachers signature:

**A copy should be kept by the pre-service teacher and may be used to contribute towards evidence in his or her
electronic portfolio to be presented at the completion of the course. Completed form needs to be sent to

FORM A: EPR201 3
A copy of this form should be kept by the pre-service teacher and may be used to contribute towards evidence
in his or her electronic portfolio to be presented at the completion of the course. Completed form needs to be
sent to

Pre-Service Teacher: Rebecca Stephens Student No: 261805

School: Centralian Middle School State Or Territory: NT

Mentor Teacher: Professional Learning Leader (Where Applicable)

Bonnie Chapman Laryssa Montgomentry

Date of Completion: 29/05/2017

APPLYING DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES TO PRACTICE Plan, teach and assess a unit of work
Quality evidence Satisfactory evidence Satisfactory Insufficient evidence
with assistance despite assistance
Rationale The unit of work meets The unit of work The unit of work is The unit of work has little
the needs of the identifies student and planned with some connection with the needs
student learning and community needs. consideration of of student learning.
works in harmony with student and school
classroom needs.
/school practices.

Outcomes Outcomes are Outcomes are identified Outcomes are Outcomes do not address
appropriate for learners and detail appropriate indicated with the requirements of the
across 2 or more learning strands and indicators indicators supplied. curriculum.
areas. Learning across 2 or more
outcomes are clearly learning areas.
identified and integrated.

Teaching Relevant and thorough, Informative, accurate Greater detail in some More information and
Points insightful, accurate and and clear with areas would have detail was needed
clear with explicit detail appropriate levels of enhanced the overall throughout to ensure
throughout. detail throughout. effectiveness of this clarity, relevance or
unit. accuracy.

Sequence of Very clearly Pre-service teacher is Learning is sequenced Lessons are fragmented
Learning communicated and beginning to connect satisfactorily. There is and do not explicitly connect
logically sequenced lessons sequentially with scope for greater learning concepts.
with explicit links implicit learning concepts clarity and depth in
between learning addressed at each some lessons.
concepts. stage.

FORM B: EPR201 1
Assessment Assessment rubric is Assessment and/or Assessment of unit Assessment and/or rubric
comprehensive in rubric is well designed outcomes rubric is is unclear and does not
design and intuitive in its and thorough in its satisfactory and identify how the students
use. coverage of outcomes identifies a number of have met the outcomes of
addressed. areas in which the the unit.
student/s can
demonstrate meeting the
learning outcomes of the

Mentor Teacher Comment:

Within the consigns of our current unit plans and assessment scheduling, Rebecca was able to
implement two weeks of teaching. In once class, she was administrating an assessment in which
she needed to be across the content as well as the rubric for assessment. In the other class,
Rebecca had the opportunity to revise a topic, assess the topic and then introduce the next topic. In
both classes, Rebecca demonstrated that she was able to plan and deliver sequential lessons that
were differentiated to meet the needs of the students.

Please send a copy to the Pre-service Teacher Date sent: 29/05/2017

Mentor teachers signature:

FORM B: EPR201 2
FORM C: Overall Professional Experience Evaluation Record
Completed form must be returned to

Pre-service Teacher: Rebecca Stephens Student No: 261805 Unit Code:EPR201

School: Centralian Middle School State Or Territory: NT

Class/year: Middle Subject / teaching area: Science/Maths

Mentor Teacher: Bonnie Chapman Professional Learning Leader (Where Applicable)

Laryssa Montgomentry

Practicum Start Date: 2/05/2017 Practicum End Date: 29/05/2017

Each task must be completed to DETAIL OUTCOME (Please indicate)
gain an overall Pass

FORM A Provides examples of evidence that could be used

Professional experience in the final portfolio. Pre-service Teacher to keep
record of Graduate a copy.
Standard Form A has been completed and submitted:

FORM B Unit of work planned and implemented in the

placement class.
Form B has been completed and submitted:

Teaching and Learning Appropriateness of proposed strategy discussed

Methodologies with Mentor Teacher prior to development of unit
of work:

The daily journal Sighted by the Mentor Teacher:

'Concern' Process: Click here to enter comment

Date initiated: Enter a date.

Date completed: Enter a


There are 20 professional experience days attached to EPR201 - Professional Experience 3

Has the Pre-service Teacher completed the required number of days?

Has there been any variation to the number of professional experience days?
Note: If Yes please provide details of variation: Click here to provide

EPR201 FORM C Page 1 of 2

OVERALL RATING (Pass, Fail or requires more time): Pass Date: 29/05/2017

If more professional experience is required, please provide details: Click Click here to enter amount of
here to enter comments time

Mentor Teacher
Please send Comment:
a copy to the Preservice Teacher : Date sent: 29/05/2017

Mentor Teachers signature:

EPR201 FORM C Page 2 of 2

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