Configuration KM1820 SMB FTP Email en

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KM-1820 SMB, FTP y Scan to E-Mail Configuration

1.- Open the KM-1820 Command Center

2.- Select the Basic menu
3.- Select Contacts under the Address Book tab.

4.- Select Add Contact

5.- Name Enter user name

6.- E-Mail Address enter Scan to E-Mail Address

7.- SMB (Scan to shared folder)

a.- Under Host Name Enter the IP or the Host name of the Computer where the folder is shared.
b.- Under Path enter the name of the folder without using the Slash \ unless you are scanning to a folder under this folder.
1. If I share a folder named Share I would only use the name Share
2. If I share a folder named Share but I want to scan the document in another folder named Scan contained under my folder named
Share then I would specify it in the following way Share\Scan

9.- FTP (Scan to FTP)

a.- Under Host Name Enter the IP or the Host name of the Computer where the FTP Server is running.
b.- Under Path Enter the name of the folder using the same format as SMB.
c.- If you would like to Scan and Print directly to a color or B/W Printer, Enter the Printers IP Address under Host Name and under Path enter
10.- Activate the FTP and SMB Protocol
11.- Configure SMTP to scan to E-Mail
a. Activate Protocol
b. Under SMTP Server Name enter the IP or Host Name of the SMTP server
c. Configure password if required for access
d. Under Sender Address enter the name of the sending machine
e. You can test the communication to the server by selecting the Test button. If communication is unsuccessful, please check your settings
or contact the SMTP Server Administrator
12.- In the machine you can send a document by pressing the SEND Key

13.- Push the Address Book button and the message will appear on the screen, press the Enter Key.

14.- Select the Name of the user

15.- Select the appropriate function (Scan to E-Mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to SMB) In this case we select Scan to SMB
16.- Enter the User Name and Password to access the computer where the folder is shared.
When scanning to SMB the User Name and Password cannot be Blank !!!!(Machine does not allow to save the User Name and Password)
When scanning to FTP if the Server is configured for anonymous access, a User Name and Password is not required.
Note: You can create a user with a User Name of a and with Password a to simplify access. (You can assign permissions for the user to only view the shared folder)

17.- In this example we used a user named Test

18.- The password is also Test

19.- After you enter the information above press the Enter key and the machine will be ready to send

20.- Press the START key to send

21.- The configuration of the One Touch is very different than the KM-1815

22.- Press the System Menu key and select Common Settings

23.- Select One Touch Set

24.- Here you will select what the One Touch key will be used for:
a.- Program Used to program machine functions
b.- Destination Used to program a sending destination like E-Mail, SMB, FTP and Fax. ( in this example we use Destination)

25.- Select One Touch Keys to program the keys

26.- Select the One Touch Key that you would like to program. In this case we select Key1

27.- Select Address Book

28.- Select the user name that you would like to program

29.- Select the function (Scan to E-Mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to SMB)

30.- Confirm overwriting of the KEY by pressing Yes

Hope this guide will help you with the basic configuration. For more details please refer to the Basic and Advanced Operation Guides that are available Online
in KMAconnect.

Walter E. Mehlig
International Product Support Specialist
LAD Technical Division

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