Irony Lesson Plan

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Stations 5/6

Student Teacher: Erin Tafoya School: Eppler Junior High

Curriculum Area: Irony Stations Grade Level: 9th

Anticipatory Set:
We will begin class by discussing some ironic situations that have occurred in
The Odyssey. We will discuss how Odysseus returns to Ithaca disguised as a beggar,
which is regarded as one of the lowest social classes in Ithaca and what makes it
ironic is that he once use to be the King of Ithaca. Then we will discuss how we as
an audience as in on a secret that Odysseus is dressed as a beggar, but his family
and friends in Ithaca arent aware of his true identity.

Students will determine each type of irony and find examples of each type in
The Odyssey along with examples from other media resources.

Checking for Understanding:

I will walk around the room during the activity to ensure student
understanding. Student will have a homework assignment to find two items that
represent different types of irony. They can use movies, tv shows, pictures, or songs
from the internet. Then they will describe what type of irony this shows along with
how the example is considered ironic.

Guided Practice/Independent Practice:

We will work in partners to determine a definition for each type of irony.
Then as a class we will work out our definitions of each types of irony and think of
examples that we have read in literature of each type. Students will record these
definitions. After we have determined what each type of irony is, students will have
stations that they visit of different examples from media that represent a various
types of irony. As a class we will watch the video clip I am so smart from the
Simpsons, then with their group they will discuss and determine how this clip is
consider ironic and then determine what type of irony is being represented.

We will then discuss this example together and then determine what type of irony
the clip represents. After students will visit 6 other stations with the different
examples of irony. Students will work with their group to determine how each
stations example is ironic and what type of irony is presented. Then students will
travel to the next station and repeat the process.
Irony Stations 5/6

Students will find two more examples of irony at home either from the
internet, in a television show, movie, picture, song lyrics, etc. and bring a copy of the
example to class the next day.

We will discuss what type of irony is represented at each station and how it
is considered ironic. Then we will discuss the homework assignment.

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