Berrios Project 2

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Cooking Steps

The learner will be using the constructivist approach. It is almost certain that the first full
attempt at making a paella will not be up to mastery. Therefore, an approach that leaves
room for learning from experiences is a must. There are many factors and events to keep
in mind while making a paella. Therefore, a first attempt can be useful for self reflection
upon a second and third attempt. Constructivism allows for the learner to literally construct
(assemble) and master the fundamental ingredients: rice, broth, heat, and time.


The learner will be using the constructivist approach. It is almost certain that the first full
attempt at making a paella will not be up to mastery. Therefore, an approach that leaves
room for learning from experiences is a must. There are many factors and events to keep
in mind while making a paella. Therefore, a first attempt can be useful for self reflection
upon a second and third attempt. Constructivism allows for the learner to literally construct
(assemble) and master the fundamental ingredients: rice, broth, heat, and time.


Too many North Texans are eating too much BBQ, which is understandably one of the best
in the world. We realize that populations tend to eat local ingredients and may not be
accustomed to eating completely different ingredients outside their comfort zones.
However, our society wants 21st century learners, thus we should also have 21st century
palates. World renowned ingredients can now be found with ease in North Texas. A paella
is a good palate cleanser for those seeking to move outside traditional BBQ and have a
culinary experience that combines Moor, Jewish, African, and Persian roots all in one dish.


The directed audience should be those that can appreciate the visual aspect of following


The purpose is to provide the learner with skills to make rice dishes using traditional tools
(paella pan) and methods. These skills hopefully will motivate a new trend in North Texas,
in making paellas. As the internet of things brings the worlds social platform together, it
is also imperative that we get to know each others cultures via authentic cuisine that quite
prominently defines our sense of culture. This interaction of dishes will foment passion,
contributions and cultural responsiveness never before seen in human history.

In this design, the learner will understand the basic steps in assembling the basic ingredients
into the paella. The steps will be formatted into simple icons that explain the steps needed
to make a basic paella. The style of instructions is similar to that of IKEA manuals.


The leaner will be able to cook and assemble a paella that is decent for a North Texan
palate. Also, the key to perfecting a paella through experience, is to cook the rice


At the end of this course, the learner will be able to successfully:

G.1. Cook and assemble a basic paella.

O.1. The learner will choose which is the ideal rice for paella.
O.2. The learner will compute the appropriate ratio of rice to water needed
to simmer the paella.
O.3. The learner will identify and employ the ideal platter to cook the
paella on.
O.4. The learner will judge the correct heat and time to finish cooking the
O.5. The learner will synthesize by adding supplemental ingredients, as to
take it to the next level.


1. The learner will follow the steps that are described in detail on the instruction set.
It is imperative that all instructions are followed for the first attempt at making a
paella. The learner must not get discouraged at an outcome that was not favorable.
This is a dish which was perfected through centuries of trial and error. As more
experience is gained and feedback is logged, the results will get better.

2. As the learner is assembling and following instructions, it is important to monitor

heat control. The more even the distribution of heat, the better consistency
throughout the pan. The heat level should never rise above medium level on typical
stovetops. When all ingredients are assembled, it is important to LET IT BE, and
simmer. Relax, drink some wine and let the rice handle the work.
3. As the learner gains experience, it is important to develop keen sense of sounds,
visuals, and a feel for what should be happening.

4. By far the most difficult task for the learner will be to consolidate rice, broth, and
cooking temperature. This is the essence of the paella. The learner who masters
this, masters the art of the paella. Therefore, the learning process of perfecting this
dish is through consistency, THEN taste.

5. Assessment rubric will be based off technique, correct essential ingredients, heat
control, rice to broth ratio, and selection of wine on hand for bonus.


The main expected outcomes for this lesson are as follows:

1. Correct heat control of the process.

2. Correct rice to broth ratio.

3. A good consolidation of timing, heat, and letting the rice be.

4. Correct final product of good rice consistency. Rice should be loose yet a bit moist.


1. Special 24 paella pan. Most specialty stores in North Texas offer them now.

2. (Optional) 3 ring paella gas burner. This will make the paella masters life much
easier. If budget permits, get this burner.


The cooking time should take around 45min. to 1hr and 15min. Again, time is an important
ingredient. So relax during the simmer and enjoy a nice Rioja.


Rubric for Paella


Requisites Total

Proper selection of rice
Good technique of cooking well the ingredients

Correct rice to broth ratio (1:3 or 1:3.5)

Good heat control during meat ingredients

Good heat control during assembly

Good heat control during simmer

Allows enough time to let the rice be (approx. 20-30min.). Therefore, no /10
interruptions on the rice

Good rice consistency on the end product


Total points

General feedback:

o Self-Assessment
Overall, how does feel to make a paella?
What was easy?
What was most difficult?
What would you change next time?
What is your feedback on rice consistency?
What is your feedback on managing rice, broth, heat, and time?

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