Reflection Journal - b2b CH 1 - Koans

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Reflection Journal -- Koans

Expectation for reflection journals -- include a thoughtful, thorough answer that can
be understood by any reader - your answer should always include explanations that
show your thinking & provide some evidence to support your answer (CER)

when answering a question leave a line of space between the question & your answer & the next question, have the
indention of your entire answer match that of the question, do not change the font or size, BUT DO change the COLOR

Turning in your Reflection Journal:

This will need to be posted to your weebly on the Blown to Bits section that you set-up for the class.

After reading Blown to Bits Chapter 1, complete the following assignment:

1. Explain what a Koan is in a few sentences.

Koans are what are used to explain the 7 truths about bits. These truths are called koans because they are paradoxes.
These particular koans about bits are oversimplified, but it quite accurately describes the development of technology in
the current society. Technology is still in development and the koans accurately describe the state of Technology in

2. Give a 1 sentence -- gist -- summary for each Koan in chapter 1.

Koan 1 Its all just bits: there is no specific type of bit is different for a photograph or a text message; all information is
made up of bits.
Koan 2 Perfection is normal: When messages with copies are sent in emails, text, or other message programs, the
copies will be perfect because it is all made up of bits; The copy will not be a lesser quality than the original.
Koan 3 there is want in the midst of plenty: If the information wasnt digitalized, it wont exist in the bit information,
likewise if there is no device to read the information off of, the information is useless.
Koan 4 Processing is power: The computers ability to process is just as important as the human ability to do something
with the information the computer provides.
Koan 5 More of the same can be a whole new thing: Processing speed is growing at an exponential rate and even if it
seems like there is very little growth, doing something about the smallest bit of growth in bits can create a big change.
Koan 6 Nothing goes away: All data in the consumer industry is retained; laws decree that we cannot erase data, so
shopping habits, credit cards, birth records will always exist.
Koan 7 Bits move faster that thought: in the world of bits, information can move instantaneously, giving the false
perception of a cyberspace, however, countries can still limit the amount and type of information its citizens have access

3. Choose 1 of the Koans & argue if you agree that it is truth & if it will always be a truth

I think Koan 6 is a truth and will always be a truth. Not only because of the US law for corporation to retain
information, but because once something exists on a computer, let alone the internet, its difficult to completely obliterate
it. Even if the original is seemingly erased, copies of the information already exist elsewhere, and as Koan 2 states,
copies are the exact replica, made with the same bits as the original.

4. How does the Koan you chose intersect with your life as a student?

Everytime we go shopping for clothes, log into the Aeries to check grades, research information for homework and
school projects, our history is saved. The information of our shopping habits, grades, and information we access can be
accessed based on the wifi we which are usually registered to phone companies who keep the data saved. Because
data is so easily saved, The bits of information will always exist until laws government laws say otherwise..

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