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Until recently, the coexistence of the modalities of face-to-face and distance education in
the learning systems used to have a complementary character. However, the development
and extension of information and communication technologies has changed this situation.
In the following lines, I will explain some of the most relevant aspects of both learning
systems, which are the type of teaching, technology and assessments.

First of all, face-to-face learning allows you to interact easily with your classmates and
teachers, and in this way to socialize with people from your environment, promote
teamwork and ask the teacher for help on some subject that you did not understand during
class. In contrast, distance learning is oriented towards the individual learning and
autonomous work of the people. Normally, distance classes are made up of people who
work, who live in different countries of the world or who do not have enough time to take
face-to-face classes, because they have many activities to do during the day.

On the other hand, the use of technology is very important in any learning system,
however, in face-to-face learning the methodology used is mostly verbal and gestural. For
example in this type of learning are used, projectors, computers, tablets and air
conditioning to improve the environment and quality of learning. On the contrary, in the
distance classes it is indispensable to use information and communication technologies
such as computers, laptops, virtual campus, electronic information sources and a good
internet connection to have no problem with distance learning.

Finally, assessments in face-to-face learning are flexible, dynamic and are performed
according to the progress of the classes programmed in the study schedule. The
evaluations that are carried out are mostly written exams, oral exams, reading exams and
final projects. Similarly, assessments in distance learning are conducted according to the
study schedule established at the beginning of each academic period. In contrast,
assessments in this education system are more demanding and competitive because it is
the only way to evaluate the student's real progress. Evaluations in this type of learning
are written or graphical, and have an exact time duration to be solved. In some cases, no
claims are accepted after the exam has been completed.
To conclude, although distance and face-to-face learning have disadvantages and
benefits, both education systems pursue the same objective, which is that the student
reaches the competences of the course and obtain meaningful learning to face the
challenges in the professional life. Now that we know basically the differences and
similarities between both learning systems, which one do you decide for?

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