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VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER I January - March 2001 !SSN No.

0 II 5-7450

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Executioc Order No. FlV-OI-01: Transfer of Munagellient afthe Public APPOINTMENTS

Policy ]ounzal to the Center for Integrative and Development
Studies . . . . 1 Appoilltments, reappointments, promotions, etc. 6
Execuiioe Order: No. FN-OI-02: Trallsforllling the System Ugl1ayull Transfer to Permanent Stlltl/S. 6
I1g Palrillllllgod/The Oblation Corps into the System Pahilllwgod Professorial Chairs, .... 6
Coordinating Committee (SpeC). Ullivfrsity Officials .. 6
Executiie Order No. FN-OI-03: Creation oflhe UllllJersity Committee Extension of Service BeyondCompliisory Retirement Age of65. 6
011 Student Adnsission, Progress and Crodnaticn, Reappointment Beyond Age 65.. 7
Executioe Order No. FN-OI-04: Supervision by the Offier of Renewal of Appointlllcllt Beyolld Age 70. 7
AdmissiollS oftire Cpen UniversityUIIdergradlwte Admissio/! Test Confinnattcn oj Ad Interim Appoilltmellts 7
Executioe Order No. FN-OI-05: Creation ofthe UIJii1crsity Ccnnnntee MATIERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES
0/1 Linkages. 2 OF THE 1147fH MEETING (21 DECEMBER 2000)

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS On the proposed redefinition offHllctions of tllf Philippine Cenemi

Hospital (PGH) and its relatiol1ship with U.P. Manila. 7
Administrative Order No. FN-01-04: Reconstitnticn of the System
Committee all Bioprospeetillg of Biological alld Genetic Resources 2 POLICY MATIERS APPROVED
Administrative Order No. FN-01-16: Reccnstituticn oftl/(.' ilP, System
Disposal Conunutee . 2 Proposed Reoroaniration oftheOjJice ofthe Vice Presidentfor Acadelllic
Affairs. 9
MEMORANDA Proposed abolition of the Office of the Vice Prcsidl'llt for lllformation
and Conmnnncation Systcllls . . . . 9
Memorandlllll No. FN-01-09: (lI.P. Participation ill Current National Proposed recansiitution of the System-ItVuic Network all Archipelagic
Events) .. 2 and Ocean Strl/7les mto 17 Program under the UllitJfrsity Center
MemoranduJII No. FN-Ol-14: Pre-election Ccnierence in the case for lntegmtioc and Dcrelopntent Studies (UClD5).. 9
entitled "tn re: Petition for Certification Election muollg all the Proposed deootution of the u.P. Computer Center alld erection of a
rallk alld file IlOlIteaelling admiliistrative IlersollJid of tile System trret COl11l11itteefor COlJlpllterizaflOJl COIICCI"IiS. 9
University of the Phiiippines-Ntmontvidc", Proposed devolution o.fthe Varsity Athlrtic Admission System (V AAS)
lvIemOralldlllJl No. FN-01-16: Awarding Ceremony (Aclldenuc and tire VAAS Connnittec from the System to U.P. [)ililJlall. 10
Distinction Awards). 3 Proposed Organiziltiolllll Structure of fire Ulli,wrsity oftIrc Philippines
MemorandulJI No. FN-Ol-17: Internatiollal Awardfor the Arts. 3 System. 10
MelJlOmlldwl1 No. FN-Ol-1 S: Teachillg Load/Overland ofU.P. Officials Proposed Progn7/lls under tlie Office of flte Vicc President for ,AcademiC
including Dealls, Directors. Department Chairs. Heads of Units, Affairs. 10
Administrative Personnel and REPS. 4 Proposal todelegate the flIIthority fo appoint legalStajJofthl'System Office
Memorandum No. FN-01-20: Call1paiglljora Revitalized GE Program 4 of Legal Scnnces (OLSj and the Legal COllllsels/Assistants of CUs 11
Memorandum No. FN-01-23: PaylllelltoJUnijorm/Clothing Allowance Proposal to amend the authority of the President to appoint Affiliate
for FY 2001 .. 4 FaCIlity. . . 11
Memorandum No. FN-01-24: Sagad MOlletary Award (one shot)for Appeal for waiver of the rule that a faCility snentoer be all fllll-time
FaCIlIty, REPS, and AdministrativeStaff 4 status ill order to enjoyafaCIlity grallt. 12
,'V1.emoralldwlI No. FN-Ol ~27: Facnltyand Staff Promotions. 5 Request for waiverof the rulewhich requires flrat afellow beenrolled
tvsemoranduw No. FN-Ol~29: Economv Measures for CY 2001. 5 in order to be ell titled to a IIIOllthI!! stipend. 12

The University of the Philippines Gazette is a quarterly publication of the Office of the Secretary of the University.

Resolution granting the President of IIII' University of tile Philippines V.P. los Banos
full power lind authority to represent the University in its
application for ECOZONE approval toitttin the Philippine Three Separate Memoranda of Agreement with tire Nagoya University
Economic Zone Authority or PEZA. 12 Graduate School aflnternational Deoelopment (NUGSlD) (Japan) 19
Proposals 011 adnnssicn of students at file U.P. lntegmted School. 12 A:lemonmduJ/l ofAgreementWith the National AgriCIIlhlral and Fishen;
Build-Operate-Trallsfer ArrallgcmClltfor theprojects proposed by Lt.P. Council (NAFC) . . . 19
Diliman. 12 MemorandulII of Ullderstandillg with the 51'0111 National Uniuersitlj
Proposal toincrease tire honoraria foracademic administrative positions (SNUj, Korea, . 19
andcorresponding automatic increase thereafter. 14 Omllibus MemorandulIJ of Agreelllelltwith the Philippine COUllcil for
Proposal oftheCollege 0.(Home Eccnosmcs (CHE) to change the }lIlIlIe Agriculture, Forestry and Natllral Reso1lrces Research and
oftheDepartment ojClofliilIg, Textiles and Related Arts (eTRA) Development(PCARRD). 20
to Dcpar/lllcllf of Clot/ling, Textiles and usterior Dcsigll (eTlD) 14 lvlelJiorandlllJl iJf Agreement with ttw Post Grndllate lnstitnte of
Confirmation offheapproual by tire Board throughreferendum of Board Agncunuve (PGlA), University of Perndemya, Sri Lanka. 20
Resolutions. 14
V.P. Visayas
MemOn7lldlllll ofCooperation with Del!fsc!lcr t.Jltwicklllllgsdiellts (OED) 20 ,

Cvadsmtion of Miss Kristine 5. Killtanar for the degree of Bachelor of Two Separate MCl/1oralldll of Agree/Uf/lt with the University Center
Science ill Ciull EngincerilJg. 15 for \"\/01111'/1'5 Studies Foundation, {lie. (UO'V5Ff) .. 21
Establishmcntof Profl'ssorial C!lairs. 15 MCIIIOrlllldlllI/ ~fAgreeJllel/t witli tire Bureau of Agricultural Research 21
COllfermflJ1 of thf degree of Doctorof Laws 0101/0rlS ((IlIsaj all Cliief MelilOrIllldulII ~fAgreclllel1l with the lloilo City Local School Board,
Jilsticc Hilario C. Dmnde. Jr. . 13 Of,lceof the !'//ayor, Iloilo City .. 21
MelilOf/7IJdJIIJl of Agreel/1cJlt with the Rotary Club Jaro North (RCjN) 22
DONATIONS Agrf'fmcnt witll Eli Lilly (Philippincs), {IIC.. 22
lvlclllonmdwlI of Agreement with l'Voodward-Clydc PIlil., II/e.. 22
Donation of EqllipJJlCllt. 13
Donatiolls!"fIJlitlcd to thc u.P. Fonndaiien. inc. 13 Other Selected Agreements Noted by the Board
DOllatioll from the U.P. Alulllni Association ill AII1CI"lCI7 for .'If('
cstnblis/illlcllt of a ScllOlarsllip Program. 15 V.P. System
AlI/cmlll/c/JI /0 the Deed of Dosuitian !Jehl'((,/J the U.P. FOUllriMioll.
{nf.l7lrd the I<..alll P. dc CIJZlJI(1!I FOllndation. 11Ic.. 16 Agrecment with the Electronic IlIforlJlaflOlI 5011lIiolls.< tnc.. 23
Sennce Agreemcnt with MosaIC COlllllfllllim/iolls. file. (/VI0SCOIvI) 23
V.P. Los Banos

Reqllcst of Ihe Col/cgc of Engineering (Dcpart/llc/lt of EIce/riml alld
Electronics EngUiecrillg) for the n:nligllilfent of P(600,OOO.OO, MemoranduJJl afAgreelJlent ll!lth St. Frances Cabrinilv1cdICll! Center
originally II/tcwied as Capital Outlay, to EqllipmeJJt Outlay. 16 (5FCMC) Sto. TOll/as, Safaugas.
Fund tran~li:r ill the mnount. of PJ01.7l\/lillionfrom the U.P. System
to U.P. Oilil!!l1Jl. . . 16 V.P. Visayas

MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT Collection 5eruicillgAgreenteutwith tlic tiontc Oeveloplllellt Ivllltlla!

Fund. 24
V.P. System
MelJlorandulIl oj UndcrstlllldiJlg witlr the Philippillf Army. 16
MemoranduJJI of Agn:ell/cllt with tllC University of tvtelbourne OalMaking of Nelli Regcl/ts. 24
(Allstmlia). 16 /nniointment of Or. tvtarita 1/.T. Reyesas FaCility I<..egenl . 24
Memorandum of Understanding 'lvith the University of Hawai'i Adz!l'sory from CHTE COJJllllissiOIl Secretary Beairi: L. Sallga
(Honotutu, Hmuai'i, U.S.A). 17 concerning the election of CongressllllJII Antonio Eduardo B_
Grant Agrccment witli the Ford FOllndatlOlI. _ 17 NacJwJ'n as Ille ueui chairof CHTf 2.:1,
Appointment ofmelllbersof tllc Floard of Rt'gcnfsfor a nuo-vcartenu.
V.P.Diliman startillg fall/Wry 2001 (rel/cwn!). 24
AcademicCalendars for AY 200-1-2002. 24
Iviemoml/dlll!l of Agrcemcnt witll tile Natiollal Researcll Council of
the PhilippiHes (NRCP) , ' , ,, ,,, , , 17 11491 H MEETING, 29 MARCH 2001
MemorandulJI afAgrcemellt witll the Bf/rrau of Fisheries (llld Aqlwtic
Four Memoranda of Agreement with uorious Stale Colleges and
Universities. . ....... 18 Transferto PermanentStatus, 24
Amendatory Agreement to HII' MemorandlJlI1 of Agreement with Professorial Chairs.. 25
RooseveltCollege. . 18 University Officials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Memorandul/1 of Agreement witll tire Ayala Foundation, lnc.. 18 Extension OfService BeyolldCcmpuisorv Retirement Age of65. 26
(continued all p. 45)
January - March 2001 U.P. GAZETIE 1

EXECUTIVE ORDERS Section 6. EFFECTIVITY. The Executive Order shall take effect on
1 April 2001.
Executive Order No. FN-ot-ot: Transfer of Management of the Public 02 Febmanj 200J
Policy Journal-to the Center for Integrative and Development Studies (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
Since the Public Policy Joun/at has, since its founding, been housed President
at the Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS)- although
it has been run independently of the Center-I hereby place the full Executive Order No. FN-O'l-03: Creation of the University Committee
management of and responsibility for the ]ollntal under the CIDS, with on Student Admission, Progress and Graduation
the Executive Director exercising supervision over it. The Executive The University Committee on Student Admission, Progress and
Director shall, along with a Committee she may form for this purpose, Graduation is hereby created as a standing conunittee under the Office
review editorial policies, honorarium rates, operational procedures and of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
the staffing pattern of the joumal in order to: The Committee shall be headed by the Vice President for Academic
(a) sustain the jOllnlal financially; Affairs (or an Assistant Vice President so designated by the Vice
(b) obtain more contributions from faculty and researchers from the President). The Committee shall consist of the Vice Chancellors for
various constituent universities; and Academic Affairs of the constituent universities, the University

(c) ensure regular, on-time publication of issues. Registrars, the Dean (or Associate Dean) and College Secretary of U.P.
The Executive Director shall, at the soonest possible time, College Baguio, and the Director of the Office of Admissions.
recommend the appointment of the editor and other staff members of The Committee shall perform the following functions:
the foumaJ. Subject to approval by the President, the Executive Director a) Review the implementation of rules and procedures pertaining
shall effect the necessary changes in order to meet the above objectives. to student registration, scholastic delinquency, cross-registration,
The Advisory Board of the founzaI, consisting of the present and graduation and other related matters;
past University Presidents, shall remain and shall meet when necessary. b) Prescribe more efficient procedures for processing requests,
A separate Editorial Board may be formed upon the recommendation applications and other documents;
of the Executive Director to oversee the ]ol/TIIal's day-to-day operations. c) Ensure the regular flow of information between the Office of
Henceforth the budget of the Journalshall beincluded in the budget Admissions on the one hand and the various offices of the
ofCIDS. University Registrars, including the Secretary of U.P. College
25 Jallilary 2001 Baguio. so as to facilitate the regular assessment of admission
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO policies;
President d) Recommend policies that will enhance student progress and
maintain high academic standards: and
Executive Order No. FN-Ol-02: Transforming the System Ugnayan ng e) Perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the
PahinungodfThe Oblation Corps into the System Pahinungod President or the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Coordinating Committee (SPCC) The Conunittee shall meet at least once a semester. The Chair and
Pursuant to the Guidelines on the Creation/Devolution of System members shall receive honoraria prescribed by the Board of Regents for
Units approved by the Board of Regents at its 11391h meeting held on 17 standing committees. Committee expenses shall be charged to the Office
February 2000, the System Ugnayan ng Pahinungod/The Oblation Corps of the Vice President for Academic Affairs .
is hereby transformed into the System Pahinungod Coordinating 07 Marcil 2001
Section 1. The SPeC shall bea standing committee under the Office President
of the Vice President for Public Affairs. It shall replace the System
Ugnayan ng Pahinungod/The Oblation Corps. Executive Order No. FN-ot4M; Supervision by the Office of Admissions
Section 2. ORGANIZATION. The SPCC shall be headed by a of the Open University Undergraduate Admission Test (UgA1)
Chair for a term of one (1) year, which may berenewable. Pahinungod Effective immediately, the Office of Admissions shall include
coordinators/heads of the Constituent Universities shall be ex officio among its functions, the supervision of the Open University
members of the SPCc. The Conunittee shall meet at least once a year to Undergraduate Admission Test (UgAT). The Office of Admissions shall
plan its activities/ programs, with the OVPPA acting as secretariat of oversee, and if necessary, assist in the undertaking of the following
the SPCc. activities:
Section 3. FUNCTIONS. The SPCC shall perform the following 1. Development and maintenance of an UgAT test bank;
functions: 2. Annual preparation of test questions;
(a) Recommend policies and guidelines regarding the volunteer 3. Analysis of test results;
service in the University; 4. Determination of implications of test results on the Open
(b) Coordinate and monitor campus programs and projects on University curriculum;
5. Review of admission policies; and
6. Recommendation of improvements in admission policies and
(c) Assist in the evaluation of program activities of CUSjand
(d) Assist in the preparation of an annual/semestral calendar of procedures. . ..
Test administration shall continue to be the responsibility of the
activities. Office of the University Registrar (OUR) of the Open University. The
Section 4. OPERATING BUDGET. The OVPPA shall provide the
funds for the Spec, including expenses for its mee.lings. ~e Chair, OUR shall,
1. Process application forms;
members of the committee, and secretariat staff dunng meetings shall
2. Reproduce UgAT questionnaires;
be entitled to honoraria at rates approved by the BOR. .
3. Administer the test; and
. 5 REPEALING CLAUSE. AU issuances which are
SectIOn . ed 4. Process and release UgAT results.
inconsistent with the Executive Order are deemed repeal .
2 U.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXll, No.1

The two offices shall jointly work out a mechanism by which the 4. To report regularly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
foregoing functions will be carried out smoothly and effectively. on the Committee's activities and concerns.
12 March 2001 The Chair and members of the Committee shall be entitled to
(Sgd.) FRANOSCO NEMENZO honoraria set by the Board of Regents for standing committees at the
President system level. The Committee shall meet at least once a year, with travel
and other operating expenses charged to the Office of the Vice President
Executive Order No. FN-ID-05: Creation of the University Committee for Academic Affairs.
on linkages 25 lanllary 2001
The University Committee on linkages is hereby created as a (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
standing committee (Grade 2) under the Office of the Vice President for President
Academic Affairs.
The Committee shall be chaired by an Assistant Vice President for Administrative Order No. FN-Ol.-16: Reconstitution of the V.P. System
Academic Affairs designated by the Vice President Thebeadsof linkage Disposal Committee
Offices of the constituent universities shall be ex officio members of the Pursuant to Executive Order No. 309, Reconstituting the Disposal
Committee. The Committee shall meet at least once a year to plan its Committee created under E.O. No. 2&5, issued on 08 March 1996, the
activities. U.P. System Disposal Committee is hereby reconstituted as follows:
The Committee shall perform the following functions: The Vice President for Administration Chairman
a) Maintain a record of existing academic linkages of the U.P. The University General Counsel Secretary/ Mem her
System and the constituent universities with local and foreign The System Budget Director Member
institutions and disseminate this information to the different The OlC, System Supply and Property
CUs; Management Office Member
b) Evaluate linkage agreements, review their implementation and The Disposal Committee shall take charge of expediting the disposal
make necessary recommendations for improvement; of unserviceable equipment and property of the government to avoid
c) Identify, initiate and coordinate possible joint activities among further deterioration, especially those exposed to the elements.
CUs arising from linkage agreements; Moreover, the Committee shall discharge its functions in accordance
d) Coordinate academic interaction of Visiting Professors and with Section 10 of the General Provision of RA. No. 8174, which provides
Visiting Scholars with the CUs; that the disposal of unserviceable, obsolete and/or excess equipment,
e) Recommend policies related to academic linkages; and supplies and materials is the responsibility of the owning department/
~ Perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the agency.
President Or the VicePresident for Academic Affairs. The Committee, Including consultants, resource persons and
The Chair and members of the Committee shall receive honoraria support staff, is entitled to receive honoraria as authorized by the Board
prescribed by the Board of Regents for standing committees. Committee of Regents.
expenses shan be charged to the Office of the Vice President for Academic This Administrative Order takes effect immediately.
Affairs. 26 March 2001
This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
14 MardI 2001 President

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Memorandum No. FN-Ol.-09: (D.P. Participation in Current National.

Aclministrative Order No. FN-ol..04: Reconstitution of the System Even as Ll.P. students, faculty and personnel participate in the
Committee on Bioprospecting of Biological and Genetic Resources current demonstrations or concern themselves in other ways in present
The System Committee on Bioprospecting of Biological and Genetic developments, I think we should think of how we can make the
Resources is hereby reconstituted as a Standing Committee under the University contribute its unique perspectives to this experience.
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, with Dr. Floredta de I would like to ask the Chancellors to encourage their deans and
Guzman as Chair, and the following as members: faculty members to think of ways their respective disciplines and
Dr. Amelia P. Guevara, V.P. Diliman academic programs can be used to inform and enrich the experience
Dr. Edwino S. Fernando, V.P. Los Benes particularly of students. Specifically, this might take the form of holding
Dr. Isidro C. Sia, V.P. Manila discussions in their classes on the current situation, using the unique
Prof. Florenda P. Espanola, U.P. Visayas perspectives of their disciplines and giving assignments to those who
Dr. Roderico H. Ofrin, U.P. Open University join demonstrations that also make use of the same perspectives and! or
Dr. Euferruo T. Rasco, V.P. Mindanao technology.
Dr. Celia M. Austria, U.P. College Baguio I realize that some disciplines (e.g. law, political science, public
The Committee's functions are as follows: administration, mass communication, the humanities) can lend
1. To monitor the implementation of the research agreements themselves more easily to such exercises. But I trust that our faculty in
between the University of the Philippines and the Cabinet inter- any discipline can think of ways to mobilize it for this purpose.
agency committee tasked to implement Executive Order No. 247; Knowing the creative capability of the U.P. faculty, I am confident
2. To ensure that all faculty and researchers engaged in the project that they will rise to this challenge and make ourpartici'pation in current
follow ethical standards on bioprospecting research; events an exciting and unique educational experience.
3. To serve as the University's liaison group with the Cabinet inter- ISla""ary 2001
agency and outside groups dealing with bioptospecting research;
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 3

Memorandum No. FN-ol-14: Pre-election Conference in the case performing arts. Their achievements add substance to the meaning of
entitled Min re: Petition for Certification Election among all the rank academic distinction.
and me nonteaching administrative personnel of the University of Thank you - each of you - for taking pride in your scholarship and
the Philippines-Nationwide" allowing me to partake of this pride. I assure you, nothing can be more
On 01 February 2001, petitioner All V.P. Workers Union and satisfying to a university president.
intervenor ONAPUP have agreed to a certification election tentatively 13February 2001
scheduled on 29 March 2001. (Sgd) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
A pre-election conference is set on 12 February 2001 at 10:00 a.m., President
Bureau of Land Registration.
In preparation for the pre-election conference, aU constituent Memorandum No. FN-Ol17: International Award for the Arts
universities are requested to direct their respective HRDO as follows: To: Prof. Pedro Abraham.College of Arts and Letters, V.P. Diliman
1. To furnish the HRDO System the following documents on or Prof. Anton Juan, College of Arts and Letters, V.P. Diliman
before 06 February 200!; Prof. joselino Toledo, College of Music, V.P. Diliman
a) Masterlist of non-academic rank and file personnel as of 30 Prof. Alfredo juan Aquilizan, College of Arts and Sciences
October 2000; V.P. LosBanos
b) Masterlist of non-academic rank and file personnel appointed Through: Chancellor Emerlinda R. Roman
as of 31 October 2000 only; and Chancellor Wilfredo P. David
c) 1995 Certification Election List of Voters. Congratulations! You are the first recipients of the 2000

The HRDO System has agreed to furnish the national

representatives of All U.P. Workers Union and ONAPUP the
above list on 07 February 2001, 10:00 a.m.
2. To meet with the local representatives of the two unions on 09
February 2001, at a mutually convenient time, for the following
a) Provide them the above documents (pertinent to their
International Award for the Arts: Prof. Aquilizan, in the category of
visual arts, and Profs. Abraham, Juan and Toledo, in the perfoming arts
category. The criteria adopted by the Committee to evaluate the
nominations are attached.
Allow the University to honor you on Wednesday, 28 February, at
3:00 p.m., SITC Auditorium, National Institute of Science and Math
Education (NISMED), V.P. Diliman. Please bring your colleagues and
respective component university); and loved ones. This year's Academic Distinction awarding ceremony is
b) Assist both unions in identifying the qualified voters, based especially meaningful because of your awards. As you know, our
on the following suggested guidelines: Academic Distinction Program now includes not just publications but
The 1995 election list shall beused as basis for this purpose. also the performing and visual arts. This is in keeping with the nature
In case the 1995 election list of voters is not available, the of a true University. .
masterlist of non-academic rank and Hie personnel as of Accept my gratitude for bringing honor to V.P. I am proud to be a
30 October 2000shall instead be used. colleague and President of such talented and accomplished faculty as
Disputed voters identified by either or both union yourselves.
representatives are to be noted, for final disposition during 15 Februan; 2001
the pre-election conference. (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
During the meeting with union representatives, the HROOs are President
enjoined to observe strict neutrality.

Finally, the HRDOs are directed to furnish the HRDO System the University of the Philippines
International Award for the Arts
agreed initial list of qualified voters, as ~ellas the 1i~t of dis~uted voters.
Evaluation Criteria
The HRDO System is required to subrrut theconsohdated list to the BLR
at the pre-election conference.
Prindpal Considerations
Please be guided accordingly.
1. The work(s), activity(ies) were undertaken through the
5 Febnum; 2001 sponsorship or invitation by internationally recognized and
President prestigious foreign agencies and institutions. . ..
2. The events and circumstance relative to the works and activities
catered to an international audience, especially those that are
Memorandum No. FN-01-16: Awarding Ceremony (Academic
addressed to bodies of experts and practitioners in the field of
Distinction Awards) the arts and the humanities.
To: Academic Distinction Awardees" . 3. The works and activities received acclaim through favorable
The Academic Distinction awarding ceremony this year wil~ be ~eld reviews and other forms of public recognition and media
on Wednesday 28 February, at 3:00 p.m. at the SITC Auditorium,
coverage; . .
National Instit~te of Science and Math Education (NIS~EDth)' U,-P. The works and activities contributed to the world o.f ~rh~tiC
d invite you all to this ga enng
Diliman. I congratulate ea ch 0 f you an 4. expression through their originality- uniqueness and distinctive

of scholars. W ceeded the modes of expression and presentation. ..,

The 2000 awards are especially important e ex 50%' This e works and activities are reflective of Fillpmo cultural values
5. Th
. , fi t tiona! publications by nearly . .
previous year s number 0 .m ~ ks Although the University IS and heritage.
t thi s form of incencve wor . h Other Considerations ted '.6. ted in the year under
proves th a 1 ult f this Increase let me repeat w at The works and activities were crea or uu a
bankruptcy as a res 0 u" .
nowhere near ...I. M dministration will continue to 1. consideration; e.g. new works, premiere performances, etc. also
td t th launching of the aware: ya
1 sal a e .' t its best no matter the cost.
reward intellectual productivity a h th 2000 awarding ceremony is 2. The University of the Philippin~sanald ~ c~;nin~:::~ and
gained the respect of an intemation au en
There is one other reason w Y e tit first recipients
. . ful This year we shall also honor e the humanities.
especially meaning . . two categories: visual arts and
of the Irltematiollal Award for tIle Arts 10

'"S~e OSU RecordsfOr lisl.


Memorandum No. FN-ot-18: Teaching LoacVOverload of V.P. Officials Council to run a survey of student opinion on the present GE program.
Including Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, Heads of Units, Do they understand what it is and what for? Do they see its relevance
Administrative Personnel and REPS to the kind of education they expect?
To ensure the highest quality of teaching while promoting the I ran such a survey at the College of Arts and Sciences when I was
effective and efficient administration of the University, the following the Dean. The results were embarrassing. The students thought that
guidelines shali be implemented effective First Semester, 200!-2002: GE is a waste of time since they want to become specialists and
1. For purposes of overload, the teaching load of faculty professionals in a hurry. They don't appreciate the value of a liberal
administrators, i.e., V.P. officials, deans, directors, department arts background. The synoptic courses failed to arouse excitement
chairs and heads of units shall be limited to six (6)course credits because they were taught by junior instructors as watered down
per semester or twelve (12) course credits per year, provided introductions to various disciplines. I am sure we will get the same
that the overload payment is based on teaching units and not on embarrassing results, perhaps even worse.
course credits. At least three (3) course credits of the overload But embarrassment can be the impulse for change! The results of
must be taught after office hours. the swvey will jolt the departments who have had a monopoly of some
2. Administrative personnel and REPS may teach only after office GE courses. They cannot claim to be the guardians of liberal education
hours and after written permission has been granted. The because, in fact, they have defaulted. And the other departments and
maximum teaching load they can handle is six (6)course credits colleges should be emboldened to assert that they are just as capable of
per semester, induding their load within and outside U.P. (if teaching the liberal arts,
any). While the GE Council has produced an excellent concept paper, let
3. As a general rule, faculty members with administrative or us (in the spirit of liberal education) tJ flexible. In the course of this
research load credits may not teach in other educational or System-wide debate, we might pick up good ideas. We should be .
training institutions. prepared to make adjustments.
For information and compliance. I therefore enjoin the Chancellors to organize colloquia, seminars,
26 Febmary 2(0) symposia and convocations on General Education where the members
(Sgd.) MARIA SERENA I. DlOKNO of the GE Council may beinvited as facilitators. I am willing to play an
Officer-in-Charge active role in this campaign.
12 Marcil 2001
Memorandum No. FN..01..20: Campaign for a Revitalized GE Program (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
To: Vice President of Academic Affairs President
Members of the General Education Council
Chancellors Memorandum No. FN-ot-23: Payment of Unifonn/Clothing Allowance
The main projects of my administration are: to promote ICT for FY 200!
(information and communication technology) and to revitalize the GE In accordance with Section 39 of the General Appropriations Act,
program. In the first one and a half years we have done much to lay the the following guidelines shall be observed in the payment of the 200!
platform for launching ICf education. Since the GE Council has already clothing/uniform allowance:
produced an excellent concept paper, it is time to push the campaign for 1.0 Coverage
a revitalized GE. The members of the GE Council have already All personnel of the University regardless of appointment status
introduced the new concept to all constituent universities, except (regular, temporary, casual or contractual) shall be entitled to the
Dillman, and I heard the response is positive. clothing/uniform allowance. However, lecturers, student/
Let us not waste this opportunity to bring about a cultural graduate/resident assistants, and professors emeriti, shall not be
revolution in U.P. by repeating the tactical errors of the past entitled to this allowance.
UNNERSlTY COUNCilS. Let us spend one or two semesters discussing 2.1 The amount allowable is P3,OOO.
the concept paper of the GE Council. This will also give innovative 2.2 The grant of allowance shall be pro-rated in terms of actual or
departments and groups of faculty members ample time to think of expected number of months of service in 2001 and in terms of
alternative GE courses. appintment status (i.e. regular part-time personnel may only get
I agree with Dean Raul Fabella that we should rally the forces of partial allowance).
change and count the numbers. I, too, am confident we will win. But 3.0 Exceptions
an easy Victory can also be a hollow one. A protracted debate is what 3.1 Employees who receive the clothing/ uniform allowance in kind
we need to stir up enthusiasm for GE and promote a better equivalent to P3,OOO or more shall no longer be entitled to this
understanding and appreciation for its underlying philosophy. allowance.
An opposition campaign is starting to build in Diliman, but one of 3.2 Those who receive clothing/ uniform allowance in kind equivalent
its faculty stalwarts admitted to me last Saturday that he has not read to less than P3,OOO shall be entitled to the difference between
the concept paper of the GE Council, whenI explained its essential whets/he is entitled to, as computed in 2.2 above, less the money
points, he retreated from a hard-line stance. We should win over those equivalent of what s/he receives. in kind.
like him who now oppose it from a position of ignorance. I don't want 4.0 Date of Payment
them to feel alienated. The process should be unifying, not divisive. The dothing/uniform allowance to be advanced-by concerned
But more important, we should get the conscious support and rouse the units, shall be paid not later than 30 March 2001.
zeal of those who are going to teach the GE courses. 13 March 2001
I don't want to imitate President Since's style. He simply rammed (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
the GE program down the throat of the University Council (there was President
only one at that time) and afterwards tutored the teachers through a
series of colloquia. But eventually the program was left to instructors Memorandum No. FN-Q1-24: Sagad Monetary Award (one shot) for
who have a shallow understanding and no commitment to the liberal Faculty, REPS, and Administrative Staff
arts as the foundation of our undergraduate curriculum. Faculty members who hold the rank of Professor 11 and 12 may be
Let us also involve the students in this campaign. I urge the GE recommended for monetary awards of from PB,OOO to PlO,OOO (eight
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 5

to ten thousand pesos) provided, in the caseof thosebeingpromoted The expenditures for the following should be reduced except
to these ranks, that the promotion does not involve an increase in when they directly support the attainment of desired outcomes:
salary. Recipients of the monetary award must satisfy the Guidelines 1. Donations, contributions, grants and gifts;
for Merit Promotions 2000. 2. Consultancy services regardless of fund sources, except those
REPS (academic) who can no longer be promoted due to various directed towards the University's reform efforts;
reasons may receive monetary awards of from P6,OOO to P8,OOO 3. Training/seminars/workshops. Those to beconducted shall be
depending on their performance and based on the Guidelines for Merit done in a simple and cost effective manner;
Promotions 2000. 4. Consumption of fuel, water, electricity and other utilities;
All REPS (performing administrative functions) and administrative 5. Travelling. unless clearly beneficial to Philippine interests as may
staff who are already "saged" and were not included in the latest be determined by the President of the Philippines;
merit promotion may be granted this award based on their last two 6. Advertisements, publications and related items;
(2) performance ratings as follows: 7. Office supplies and other materials.
o + 0 P6,OOO C. On suspended Activities
o + VS = P5,OOO The following activities are suspended:
VS + VS = P4,OOO 1. Construction of new buildings, except for
The funds shall come from the savings of the units and the awards 1.1 school buildings and hospitals;
shall not be released before the merit promotion is received. 1.2 those that are covered by the Build Operate and Transfer
14March 2001 scheme;

(Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO 1.3 those whose contracts have already been perfected prior to
President the effectivity of AO No.5;
2. Purchase of furniture and fixtures, and motor vehicles;
Memorandum No. FN-Ol-27: Faculty and Staff Promotions 3. Conduct of celebrations and cultural and sports activities not
I am pleased to announce that the OBM has finally disbursed to directly related to the core functions of the University.
V.P. the cash we need to implement the merit promotions of faculty and D. Other economy measures
staff. This would put to rest the malicious rumor that I merely wanted In addition to the fiscal discipline measures provided by
to raise false hopes. We requested for this promotions money to reward Administrative Order No.5, the University shall implement the
merit in the University. If this has resulted in a more contentious following:
screening process, I think our university is the better for it. 1. On Personal Services
The Vice President for Planning and Finance is now working on 1.1 Vacant positions shall not be filled up unless the need to fill
the allocation of the fund among the constituent universities, V.P. College them up is fully justified, in which case, prior approval by
Baguio and the System Administration. Guidelines on the financial the University President must be obtained.
aspects (months to cover, etc.) will soon follow this announcement. 2. On Faculty Workloads and Leaves with Pay
I thank all of you for the faith and cooperation that made this much 2.1 Deans and department chairs must review their grants of
awaited news possible. discretionary leaves with pay (e.g., sabbaticals, study leaves
29 Marcil 2001 with pay, etc.), the grant of load reduction, the consolidation
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO and prudent scheduling of classes (e.g. offering same courses
President once a year instead of every semester, cancelling graduate

classes with less than 5 students, etc.)

Memorandum No. FN-Ol-29: Economy Measures for CY 2001 2.2 The withdrawal of some teaching load reductions and the
The University must meet squarely theconsequencesof the econmic recall to duty of some faculty members on leave with pay
crisis that is gripping the nation. This is most disconcerting since V.P. must be considered seriously.
fund sources are at status quo in terms of origin and value. We should 2.3 New applications for faculty leave with pay must be screened
very carefully. The goal is to reduce overload teaching
take steps to forestall the imminent negative effects that these conditions
honoraria and the hiring of lecturers without unduly
will have on the operations of the University. It is therefore imperative
for the University to implement economy measures. As this will not be reducing teaching services.
2.4 Strict observance of allowable maximum overload and
a new experience, we hope V.P. constituents will give their full support
lecturer's load is enjoined.
and cooperation.
All Vice Presidents/Chancellors and Dean, U.P. College Baguio
Recently, we gave you copies of President Gloria Macap~gal
are enjoined to undertake more stringent cost saving/ waste reduction
Arroyo's Administrative Order No.5 entitled" Adoption of Fiscal
measures. A report on the economy measures undertaken and the results
Discipline Measures in the Public Sector for FY?~ll" ~ncluding.~e
thereof shall be submitted to the Vice President for Administration on a
guidelines for its implementation. In line with thl~ directive, we enjoin
quarterly basis using the attached form" prepared by the Department of
each one to comply with among others the followmg:
Budget and Management.
A. On Personal Services Moreover, you are hereby directed to save at lea~t 10% ~f your
1. The following are strictly prohibited: budget and are encouraged to carry out income generating projects for
1.1 Operationalization of ne~ agencies! offices; .
the University.
1.2 Expansion of organizatlOnal units and/ or creanon of
Thank you.
positions; . d i t rim 30 March 2001
1.3 Creation of task forces, inter-agency commIttees an in e (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
B. On Expenditures that should be reduced

"See OSU Records.



1148TH MEETING, 22 FEBRUARY 2001 U.P. Manila

APPOINTMENTS Manuel B. Agulto, original appointment as Dr. Geminiano T. de

Ocampo Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine,
The Board approved the following appointments of University effective 1 January 2000 until 31 December 2000
officials, faculty and staff, transfer to permanent status, award of Alex C. Gonzaga, original appointment as Roberto S. Benedicta
professorial chairs,extensionof service beyondcompulsory retirement, Diamond Jubilee Assistant Professor 01 Mathematics, College of Arts
and other related matters: and Sciences, effective 1 July 2000 until 30 June 2001
Ma. Edna M. [imena, original appointment as Hugh Greenwood
U.P. System Professor of Dentistry, College of Dentistry. effective 1 july 2000 until
30 June 2001
Emmeline L. verzosa. renewal of additional assignment as Nestor S. Pareja, reassignment to another chair from Diamond
Consultant for Advocacy and Linkages, Center for Women's Studies, Jubilee Professor to V.P. Class 1949 Professor of Surgery
effective 1 january 2001 until 31 December 2001 Alfredo T. Ramirez, reappointment to another chair with increase
in honorarium from Enrique Garcia Professor of Surgery at P36,OOO per
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS annum to Jose and Florencia Dualan Distinguished Professor of Surgery
at P120,OOO per annum
V.P. Diliman Jesus N. Sarol, [r., original appointment as Philippine Economic
and Cultural Endowment (pEACE) Associate Professor of Epidemiology.
Neil Martial R. Santillan, Assistant Professor 1, College of Social College of Public Health, effective 1 july 2000 until 30 june 2001
Sciences and Philosophy, effective 22 February 2001
V.P. Visayas
V.P. Manila
Ma. Divina Gracia Z. Roldan, original appointment as Agustin Y.
Tarlochan Kaur P. GaHan, Associate Professor 5 (part-time), Kintanar, Sr. Assistant Professor of Philippine Studies, V.P. Cebu College.
National Teachers Training Center for the Health Professions, effective effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
22 February 2001
Felix M. Zano. Associate Professor 4 (part-time), College of UNIVERSITY OmCiALS
Medicine, effective 22 February 2001
V.P. System
V.P. Visayas
Roel M. Ocampo, renewal of additional assignment as Director,
Ricardo T. Bagarinao, Assistant Professor 1, V.P. Cebu College, V.P. Computer Center, effective 1 January 2001 until 30 june 2001
effective 22 February 2001 Carmelita C. Ramirez, renewal of additional assignment as

Marve M. Castroverde, Assistant Professor 1, V.P. Tacloban Director, Office of Alumni Relations, effective 1 January 2001 until 31
College, effective 22 February 2001 December 2001
Rowena Paz L. Gelvezon, Assistant Professor 1, College of Lynna-Marte Syeip, original additional assignment as Assistant
Management, effective 22 February 2001 Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice President for
Lolita G. Lagurin, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Academic Affairs, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
Sciences, effective 22 February 2001
Clemente L. Palima, Assistant Professor 1, V.P. Tacloban College, U.P. Manila
effective 22 February 2001
Jocelyn c. Pinzon, Assistant Professor I, V.P. Cebu College,
Froilan P. Inocencio, Original additional assignment as Director
effective 22 February 2001
VgnayanngPahinungod, effective 15 january 2001 until 14January 2004
Cherry Lyn C. Sta. Romana, Assistant Professor 1, V.P. Cebu
College, effective 22 February 2001
V.P. Mindanao
Daniel C. Talde, Assistant Professor 1, D.P. Tadoban College,
effective 22 February 2001
Ricardo M. De Vngria, original additional assignment as
Irma R. Tan, Assistant Professor 1, V.P. Tadoban College, effective
22 February 2001
Chancellor, effective 1 March 2001 until 29 February 2004
Reynerio B. Tusoy, renewal of additional assignment as Director
Tita S. Tcrio, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Sciences,
effective 22 February 2001 for Administration, effective 1 January 2001 until 28 February 2004

V.P. Open University


V.P. Diliman . Amalia L. G,ecalao, r~newal of additional assignment as Acting

Chief Budget Office, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
Alex.ander P'.Paran, reassignment to another chair with change in ~elix Librero, original additional assignment as Chancellor,
effective 1 March 2001 until 29 February 2004
rank and increase In honorarium from Vidal A. Tan Assistant Professor
of M~anical Engineering at P18,000 per annum to David B. Sycip
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at P30,OOO per annum EXTENSION OF SERVICE BEYOND
effective 1 July 2000 until 31 June 2001 COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE OF 65
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 7

V.P. Manila regarding the subject and some concerns brought up during the
Leticia Barbara B. Gutierrez, Professor 10, College of Pharmacy, On 23 January 2001, V.P. Manila Chancellor Ramirez also wrote
effective 10 March 2001 until 9 March 2002 President Nemenzo conveying his position that both (teaching or service)
are of equal importance. He agrees with the use of the term University
REAPPOINTMENT BEYOND AGE 6S Hospital for PGH and the use of the word teaching rather than training.
The Chair said that even with these statements or positions
V.P. Diliman submitted by the different departments or units of the U.P.-PGH, the
Board was not ready to make a final decision at this point in time. One
Amado San Mateo, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Engineering. meeting is definitely not enough to discuss the issues involved so she
effective 2 November 2000 until 31 May 2001 suggested instead that the Board just take note of the conunents and let
Arturo Q. Trinidad, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Business the President recommend the appropriate procedure to be followed by
Administration, effective 1 November 2000 until 30 October 2001 a study committee to be created for the purpose, as earlier agreed upon,
and finally come up with specific reconunendations to the Board of
Meanwhile, Regent Victor Reyes made some manifestations which
V.P. Diliman he read as follows:


Josefina C. Flores, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Science, (Note: This was intended for thejall11anj 2001 meeting
effective 13 November 2000 until 31 March 2001 of tire Board which didnot push throl/gh.)
I am the only member of this Board from the medical profession
CONFIRMAnON OF AD INTERIM APPOINTMENTS and I would be remiss if I did not do my best to bring to bear on
this Board my views on the relationship between V.P. Manila and
V.P. System PGH. Let me begin with two quotes that express, much better than
I _~an; values I have internalized through over forty years of
Rosalia A. Aragon, Jr., renewal of appointment as LegalOfficerIV academic and clinical work in both institutions. From the book
(SalaryGrade 22), Office of Legal Services, effective 1 January 2001 until The Teaching Hospital edited by Dr. John H. Knowles of Harvard:
31 December 2001 "It is most advantageous...that the university teaching
Francisco C. Centre. renewal of appointment as Legal Officer IV hospital and the medical school be two separate, distinct, but
(Salary Grade 22), Office of Legal Services, effective 1 January 2001 until collaborating entities. Even when the medical school owns
2S February 2001 the hospital. the administrator should report to a (largely)
Ricardo B. Lapesura, jr., renewal of appointment as Legal Officer separate board of trustees and work on a peer basis with the
IV (Salary Grade 22), Office of Legal Services, effective I January 2001 dean of the medical school, who reports to the university
until 31 December 2001 president and his trustees. Despite lip service to the contrary,
Astrid O. Oviedo, renewal of appointment as Attorney IV (Salary the immediate goals of the two institutions are not the same
Grade 23), Office of Legal Services, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 and are occasionally at odds. Furthermore, both institutions

December 2001 are sufficiently complex to require two people working full-
Ma. Gladys C. Vilchez, renewal of appointment as Legal Officer time with their respective problems, each understanding and
IV (Salary Grade 22), Office of Legal Services, effective 1 January 2001 fighting for the particular interest he represents, while
until 31 December 2001 recognizing thevitaUy interdependent and mutually beneficial
role of the two institutions.
V.P. Diliman "The goals of the medical school are excellence in teaching
and research- the teaching of medical students and the
Gilbert S. Coronel, renewal of appointment as Legal Officer IV conservation and expansion of knowledge, all for tomorrow's
(Salary Grade 22), Legal Office, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 health wants and needs. The goals of the teaching hospital
December 2001 are, first and foremost, excellence in the care of the sick and
Percival U. Cortez, renewal of appointment as Legal Officer IV service to the community today. In instance where teaching
(Salary Grade 22), Legal Office, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 and research (or the university function) have dominated, the
December 2001 attitude has become set that the patient exists for the teaching
Renato M. Pambid, renewal of appointment as Attorney IV (Salary program and not that the hospital exists for the patient.
Grade 23), Legal Office, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 Selective admitting polities, shabby patient facilities, and
Anthony Rodney M. Velicaria, renewal of appointment as Attorney deteriorating physical plant, wards, full of special 'research'
IV (Salary Grade 23), Legal Office, effective 1 January 2001 until 31
patients, failure (or refusal) to accept alcoholic patients or
expand emergency facilities, a two-class system of care with
December 2001 frequent town-gown battles within the walls of the hospital
and disregard for the out-patient department-all lead to a
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES demoralized and spiritless institution. Such a hospital will
OF THE 1147TH MEETING (21 DECEMBER 2000) never send its roots deep into the community for moral or
financial support as a consequence of having served the
On the proposed redefinition of functions of the p~ilippine General
community needs rather than just its own.~'. . "
Hospital (PGH) and its relationship with U.P. Manda The other quotation is from a PGH pUb1i~ation entit~,ed The
On 22January 2001. PGH Director JuanMa. Pablo R Nailagas wrote Philippine General Hospital, An Alternative Future by Dr.
President Nemenzo informing him that as agreed Up?n, a survey was
Salvador Salceda.
conducted among the different departments/umts of U.~~H "Institutional Administrative and Fiscal Autonomy of the
rimary role of PGH-whether it should be pn Y PGH within a larger system, the V.P. Manila. The PGH
regar din g th e p .. I th . us units
service or training. He sent copies of the pOSItiOns 0 e vane

performs a 3-pronged TaskSystem. Of the 3 target problems, discipline following completion of a graduate trainlng program.
e.g. patients, students and medical problems - the first The PGH graduate programs of internship, fellowship and
constitutes its most important responsibility. Even the laws residency are second to none in the country. All of the above in a
of the land put the accountability forthe patient in thehospital teaching hospital comes at an extremely high financial cost.
"Compounding the nature of such a responsibility,the life Consider this: in 1985, we were given 200 million pesos to put up
of a human being. the volume of its work in patient care is the eight storey centralized facility called the central block now
dictated by stochastic phenomenon. hence the fluctuation. dominatingthehospitalfacade. In fifteen years,the hospital budget
"To be able to perform its responsibility to the patients, had burgeoned to 1.2 billion, an example of what the British refer
the PGH needs to be provided with adequate administrative to as revenue consequences of capital schemes. I mention this as
and fiscal autonomy. an admonition that the university budget should never be used to
"As an academic support unit in the V.P. Manila, the supplement the hospital budget, neither should the reverse be
essentiality of having to serve the medical needs of society aJIowed.
need not be detrimental to its added function of providing I believe I have adequately discussed the salient reasons for
the necessary facilities to the various academic programs in the need for administrative and financial autonomy of the hospital
the University. in my letter to the Board during its meeting on 21 December 2000_
"While more efficient utilization of resources is necessary During that meeting, the President expressed his trepidation about
in conditions of continuing resource scarcities, the hospital single-handedly supervising the hospital. I would like to reassure
cannot afford to weaken its capabilitiesand facilities to serve the President that a crooked hospital director will not be able to
the patients. PGH certainly will be able to help the science put one over him. The same Executive Order No. 11 provides for
units of the V.P. Manila only to the extent that it is able to an advisory board, a team from the university which will supervise
serve patients well," the hospital on its policies, programs and projects (sec. 37 and 38).
Theadmonitions in the first quotation appears to have aroused Although it will be chaired by the President, its composition as
fears of deterioration in teaching, research and extension service. spelled out in the order includes deans of other units. It only needs
With all due respect for the historical research of Regent Alfonso, I to be revised to be relevant to the present state of the university.
rather suspect that in theirexhortationson teaching,the university Allow me now to belabor this Honorable Board a little bit more
presidents were not thinking of the hospital. In any case, from my on how a hospital becomes a learning center. Again from Knowles:
personal version of history (Iwas there as a hospital administrator) "The primary function of the hospital, regardless of the adjective
Executive Order No. 11 was foisted on a fully functioning and used to designate its character, is the care of the sick and injured of
autonomous seventy-year-old medical facility. The hospital had the community. An additional responsibility of the teaching
evolved side by side with the school which was coping with the hospital is the conservation and expansion of knowledge through
exploding knowledge in medicine while the hospital was educational endeavor and scientific research. The teaching of
responding to burgeoning community needs. The order was medical students; the postgraduate training and interns and
promulgated without consultation and at a time when society was residents; the support of schools for nurses, dieticians, medical
in authoritarian mode. I think the ethical aspect in the functions of record librarians, physiotherapists, Xvray and laboratory
PGH as spelled out in Executive Order No. 11 was written without technicians; the conduct of postgraduate 'refresher' courses for
appreciation of how patient care and medical teaching needs are practicing physicians and teaching conferences open to all
inextricably interwoven. The teaching in undergraduate and post- physicians on a regular basis; the publication of clinical experience
graduate programs including those in nursing, will never suffer and research findings and the further sharing of knowledge as
during their exposure to and in the management of patients. The visiting lecturer, all round out the activities of the teaching hospital
learning of all involved in patient care is unavoidable in theneeded and its staff. In such an environment of constant inquiry, high
team approach for patient care, from entry to after care. One need intellectual activity, repeated questioning of the conventional
not fear that putting patient care as the primary function of PGH wisdom, constant scrutiny of established procedure, and the
as a teachIng hospital will changeits nature or itsmultiplefunctions. rigorous application of the scientific method, the quality of patient
This is basic: the patient is the raison d'etTe of the hospital; staff care is likely to be optimal. Our country depends on such teaching
competence and adequacy of facilities determine the quality of hospitals for the setting of standards in the best care of the sick and
medical care. The fact that its consultant staffare also academicians for the provision of the all-too-scarce supply of well-trained doctors,
gives quality to all its functions-patient care, teaching, research, nurses, dieticians, technicians, and so on. The urban, university-
extension service. Students, faculty and consultants allieam while affiliated, teaching hospitals are our islands of excellence in
ministering to patients - whether they be elective, emergency in medicine. They must be understood, supported, and protected by
hospital or out-patient cases. the community as well as by the profession so that the long-range
Except during clinical clerkship in the third and fourth years, interests of our community in matters of health and disease will be
the teaching needs of undergraduate medical students are relatively served in optimal fashion."
minor compared with the dynamic 24-hour service demands in Summary
patient care-services that are also quality learning time starting 1. If we, by fiat, as in Executive Order No. 11, decree that there is
from internship through the other graduate programs. Because anything in a hospital more important than the care of patients,
the PGH consultants are academicians, their extensive clinical work we shall be setting ourselves apart from the rest of the ethical
enables nurturing of research. I requested the College of Medicine world of medicine.
for a list of research output and was rewarded with an impressive 2. The hospital must have administrative and financial autonomy.
report. During the five-year period (1995-2000), 280researches were While it must gear its programs collaboratively with the medical
undertaken, 212 were completed, 76 were published. Research has school and the other health units of the university, it must be set
not been compromised. free to respond to its needs, supervised but not micro managed
Undergraduate teaching will never suffer where exposure to administratively.
patient care is at ar optimum. The young graduate with basic 3. It would be well in tum to consider liberating the university as a
knowledge and skills from our school has to be a student for life consequence to develop without having to depend on the
and should function well in general practice or a specialized hospital for its space and financial needs.
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 9

Finally since it is change I advocate, let me dose with two 2. Devolution to V.P. Diliman
interesting quotations: From Machiavelli "It must beconsidered a. Varsity Athletic Admission System and VAAS Committee
that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful b. General Education Center
of success, nor more dangerous to handle, tharrto-initiate a new 3. Transfer of reconstituted program from OVPAA to CIDS
order of things." Later, from Steinbeck, "It is in the nature of a. System-wide Network on Archipelagic and Ocean Studies, to
man-to protest change, particularly change for the better." be reconstituted as Archipelagic and Ocean Studies Program
The Chair suggested, in this regard, that the matter be discussed (ARCOAS!') and transferred to CIDS, where it will be merged
within and among the PGH and V.P. Manila constituents during its with the Marine Affairs Program
planning seminar in Laurel, Batangas, giving them copies of both the 4. Transfer of units from OP to OVPAA
letter of RegentVictorReyes which he submitted in December and the a. Center for integrative and Development Studies (CIDS)
position paper which the Regent just read. b. General Education Council
The President informed the Board that he has instructed the officials c. Mathematics Education Council
of D.P. Manila and the PGH to take up in their planning seminar the 5. Creation of new position under OVPAA
delineation of functions between V.P. Manila and PGH. He underscored a. System Coordinator for Military Science and Tactics (as per
the concerns of Regent Victor Reyes that patients should not besacrificed Memorandum of Agreement with the Armed Forces of the
tor training and that PGH should be given as much autonomy as possible Philippines)
so it can respond immediately to the needs of the patients.
Regent Victor Reyes further requested that the responses from PGH Proposed abolition of the Office of the Vice President for Information

be summarized so that he could comment on them likewise. and Communication Systems

The creation of the Office of the Vice President for Information and
POLICY MATIERS APPROVED Communication Systems was approved by the BOR at its 1118th meeting
on 26 March 1998. At its 1132nd meeting on 24 June 1999, the BOR
Proposed Reorganization of the Office of the Vice President for approved the transfer of said office to the Office of the President. The
Academic Affairs position of Vice President for Information and Communication Systems
Raiicnaie has been vacant since. The current administration has no plan of
Owing to thedevolution of officesand/or their transformation into reactivating said office since its functions have already been absorbed
coordinating committees and forthcoming changes in the admission and by the Office of the Vice President for Development.
STFAP policies of the University as well as the institution of new
programs, it is proposed that the Office of the Vice President for Proposed reconstitution of the System-Wide Network on Archipelagic
Academic Affairs be reorganized. The changes shall: and Ocean Studies into a Program under the University Center for
1. consolidate all functions and programs relating to student Integrative and Development Studies (VCIDS)
services under one Assistant Vice President; In its 1123rd meeting (27 August 1998), the Board of Regents
2. place linkage functions and academic support services under a established the System-wide Network on Archipelagic and Ocean Studies
second Assistant Vice President; to formulate and implement a research agenda and coordinate
3. streamline the OVP AA following the guidelines on the undertakings in this area across the campuses. The Network was
devolution of System offices and programs; and attached to the System and overseen by a committee chaired by the then
4. enable the Vice President to conceptualize and undertake new Vice President for Planning and Development and consisting of

programs and activities (e.g. regular external review of academic representatives of selected academic units. To review and approve
units using a common instrument system-wide, internal proposals, then President Javier created an Executive Committee and
academic career system, system duster conferences, etc.) appointed a Secretariat Director to oversee day-to-day operations.
Proposed Chaflges Since its establishment, the Network has produced a research
1. Creation of second Assistant Vice President position to oversee the agenda and undertaken research projects in keeping with its mandate.
following'. In November 1999 the Network was moved from the Office of the Vice
a. Office President for Development to the Office of the Vice President for
Admissions Academic Affairs.
b. Programs: Now that the Network is in full operation, it is proposed that it be
SrFAP reconstituted as the Archipelagic and Ocean Studies (ARCOAST)
Scholarships Program under the University Center for Integrative and Development
Summer Bridge Studies (CIDS). The CIDS, rather than the OVPAA, is the more logical
c. Committees (relating to student affairs): home for the program, given the research policy orientation of both.
Scholarship Committee Also, the reconstituted program will integrate the existing Marine Affairs
Learning Resource Center Coordinating Committee Program of the CIDS as it continues to implement the mandate given it
University Committee on Scholarships and Financial by the BOR.
As a CIDS program, ARCOAST will be headed by a Director who
will enjoy the same entitlements as other CIDS program directors. The
Note: The other Assistant Vice .President shall supervise the
Director shall be recommended by the CIDS Executive Director as is the
procedure in CIDS.
a. Offices: It is proposed that the reconstitution and transfer of the program
_ Research and Extension Services Documentation and
be made effective 1 January 2001.
Information Center (RESOle)
Office of Institutional Linkages (OIL) Proposed devolution of the V.P. Computer Center and creation of a
b. Program: System Level Committee for Computerization Co~cems
Academic Exchange Program In line with the devolution of System units to the relevant
c. Committee: constituent university as approved by the BOR in its 1139th meeting on
University Library Council
10 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.1

17 February 2000, the U.P. Computer Center is proposed to be transferred second Assistant Vice President;
to U.P. Diliman, 3. streamline the OVPAA following the guidelines on the
The Office of the Vice President for Development (OVPD) shall devolution of System offices and programs; and
constitute a System Level Committee for Computerization Concerns. 4. enable the Vice President to conceptualize and undertake new
The Committee slu.ll be headed by the Vice President for Development programs and activities (e.g. regular external review of academic
as Chair, Director of V.P. Diliman Computer Center as Vice-Chair with units using a common instrument system-wide. internal
memberscomposedof representatives fromconstituentuniversities. The academic career system, system cluster conferences, etc.)
Committee will be a standing committee under the OVPD. Proposed Changes
1. Creation of second Assistant Vice President position to oversee
Proposed devolution of the Varsity Athletic Admission System (V AAS) the following:
and the, VAAS Committee from the System to U.P. Diliman a. Office
In 1978, the Varsity Athletic Admission System (VAAS) was - Admissions
established to recruit talented athletes and Filipiniana dancers who did b. Programs:
not pass the UPCAT. The Board of Regents assigned the implementation - SfFAP
of VAAS to a Committee chaired by the Vice President for Academic - Scholarships
Affairs and consisting of the U.P. Diliman Vice-Chancellor for Student - Summer Bridge
Affairs as the Vice-Chair, and the University Registrarand Dean of the c. Committees (relating to student affairs):
College of Human Kinetics as members (965th meeting, 23 February - Scholarship Committee
1984). . Learning Resource Center Coordinating Committee
Throughout the years, the VAAS has pertained only to the U.P. - University Committee on Scholarships and Financial
Dillman campus and exceptfor the VicePresidentfor Academic Affairs Assistance
(exofficio), the Committee members all belong 10 U.P. Diliman. Note: The other Assistant Vice President shall supervise the
Following the principle of devolving System offices, programs or following:
committees to the relevant constituent university (as approved by the a. Offices:
BOR in its 1139th meeting on 17 February 2(00), it is proposed that the . Research and Extension Services Documentation and
VAAS and the VAAS Committee be devolved to U.P. Dillman, with the Information Center (RESDlq
U.P. Diliman Chancellor serving as Chair of the Committee. The - Office of Institutional linkages (OIL)
Chancellor shall be authorized to reconstitute the Committee. b. Program:
The devolution shall take place upon approval by the Board of - Academic Exchange Program
Regents. c. Committee:
- University library Council
Proposed OIganizational Structure of the University of the Philippines 2. Devolution to U.P. Diliman
System a. Varsity Athletic Admission System and VAAS Committee
The present organizational structure is being revised due to the b. General Education Center
proposed reorganization of the following offices: 3. Transfer of reconstituted program from OVPAA to cms
Office of the Vice President for Development (OVPD) a. System-wide Network on Archipelagic and Ocean Studies,
1. Devolution: to be reconstituted as Archipelagic and Ocean Studies
The University Computer Center to U.P. Diliman Program (ARCOAST) and transferred to eros. where it will
The U.P. Computer Center in Diliman will increasingly be be merged with the Marine Affairs Program
concerned with the computer and communications requirements in 4. Transfer of units from OP to OVP AA
the Dillman Campus. The remaining staff work on the development a. Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS)
of the inter-campus network will be handled through ad hoc project b. General Education Council
structures. c. Mathematics Education Council
2 Creation: 5. Creation of new position under OVPAA
A U.P. System Computer Committee with the VP for a. System Coordinator for Military Science and Tactics (as per
Development as Chair, the Director of the U.P. Dillman Computer Memorandum of Agreement with the Armed Forces of the
Center as vice-Chair, with representatives from the main campuses Philippines)
of the System shall coordinate computer and communications system System Ugnayan ng PahinungodfThe Oblation Corps
policies. Pursuant to the Guidelines on the Creation/Devolution of System
3. Abolish: Units approved by the Board of Regents at its 1139th meeting on 17
Information and Communications Systems Office (This has been February 2000, the System UgnayanngPahinungod/The Oblation Corps
inactive.) was transformed into the System Pahinungod Coordinating Committee
4. Dissolve: (SPCC) through Executive Order No. FN-Q1-Q2 dated 2 February 2001
Resource Generation Stafi. Its functions shall be integrated into which will take effect on 1 April 2001.
theOVPD. The SPCC shall be a standing committee under the Office of the
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVP AA) Vice President for Public Affairs.
Owing to the devolution of offices and/ or their transformation into Proposed Programs under the Office of the Vice President for
coordinating committees and forthcoming changes in the admission and Academic Affairs
STFAP policies of the University as well as the institution of new 1. New Programs
programs, it is proposed that the Office of the Vice President for a. Distinguished Professors Program
Academic Affairs be reorganized. The changes shall: A fund exists in the budget of the OVPAA to support the board
1. consolidate all functions and programs relating to student and lodging of visiting professors from universities with which
services under one Assistant Vice President; U.P. has an MOA. The program as such does not exist although
2. place linkage functions and academic support services under a the fund does.
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETTE .11

The proposal is to use the fund for a more distinct purpose Gawad sa Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino
and to establish a formal program toward this end, to be called Institutional Performance Award (see item no. 2)
the Distinguished Professors Program. The purpose of the 2) Creative and Research Scholarship Program, to consist of
Program is to bring to the University world-renowned scholars the following components:
to deliver at least one public lecture (open to all), followed by a PhD Incentive Grant
series of seminars with faculty and students from the visiting Post-Doctoral Research Grant
professor's discipline. If possible, the visitingprofessormay also Textbook Writing Grant
be brought to anothercampus for one or two lectures. CreativeWork and Research Grant
The Program shall provide for three sets of lectures a year, b. Consolidation of System Scholarships for Students
one in the field of arts and humanities, another in the social In order to highlight the importance of student scholarships
sciences, and the third in thenatural sciences andmathematics. at thelevel of central administration, it is proposed thatall such
In addition to financing the lectures, the Program shall have scholarships funded by the system, except for the STFAP, be
the lectures videotapedfor distribution to othercampuses and placedundera single program. Undertheproposed U.P. System
for use in GE and other courses. The lectures shall also be Student Scholarship Program, existing scholarships shall be
published under the title Distinguished Professors trcture Series, consolidated:
University of the Philippines. 1) Undergraduate
The proposed budget is P3 million, to cover the professors' U.P. Oblation Scholarship
travel. accommodation andfees, thevideotape andpublication U.P. Government Scholarship

of the lectures, and the administration of the program. Except Presidential Scholarship
for administrative costs, the expenses shall be awarded in the Presidential Leadership Scholarship
form of a grant to the distinguished professor. Presidential Leadership Scholarship for ASEAN Students
b. Inter-Campus Faculty Development Program 2) Graduate
To enable faculty from the differentCUstoavai! of each other's PASUC Scholarship
expertise andprovidea venue by whichfaculty canhelp update Scholarship for Elementary and High School Teachers
each other's knowledge, the VPAAproposes thata program be Scholarship for ForeignStudents
established to support regularinter-campus lectureseries. The Scholarship forFaculty of seUs in Mindanao with which
proposed program, to be called the Inter-Campus Faculty U.P. has a MOA
Development Program, will form part of the University's over- Presidential Scholarship
all faculty development plan. Under it, faculty from a certain Presidential Leadership Scholarship
discipline and campuswill be asked to delivera set of lectures Presidential Leadership Scholarship for AsEAN Students
in another campuson thesubject of his/her expertise.
The Program shall finance the travel, accommodation and Proposal to delegate the authority to appoint Legal Staff of the System
honorarium of the lecturers. The proposed budget is P5 million. Office of Legal Services (OLS) and the Legal Counsels/Assistants of
2. New Merit Incentive: Institutional Performance Award(Related item CUs
in 3.a) Proposal to delegate to the President the authority to appoint the
In addition to theindividual awards provided by theAcademic University General Counsel, Deputy General Counsel. Chief Legal
Distinction Fund, the creation of an institutional award is proposed Officers of Constituent Universities, Legal Counsels/ Assistantsof the

for departments/institutes that exhibit a high degree of scholarship System Office of Legal Services (OIS) and to the Chancellors the authority
and professionalconduct as faculty and academics. The award, to to appoint the Legal Counsels/ Assistants of CUs
be called Institutional Peiformance Award, shall be reckoned from The amendment of the Board Resolution on the Office of the
a common instrument for measuringthe academic performance of University Legal Services, dated 29 April 1976, approved by the Board
degree-granting units and from qualitative data gathered by the of Regents at its 943rd meeting held on 31 July 1981 provides that: "The
Research and Extension Services Documentation and Information Legal Staff of the Office of the University Legal Services shall be headed
Center (RESOle) on the intellectual productivity of members of theunit by a University General Counsel who shall be assisted by a Deputy
Only degree-granting departments/institutes may be given the General Counseland sucha numberof legalassistants as may beneeded,
award. Theaward shall bea certainpercentage of the unit'sannual all of whom shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon
MOOE, which the System shall provide on top of the regular MOOE recommendation of the President of the University."
given by the CU. The unit shall enjoy the award for three years until In line with the streamlining of functions, it is proposed that:
the next evaluation. 1. The President be given the authority to appoint the University
The proposed budget is PSmillion. General Counsel. Deputy General Counsel, Chief Legal Officers
3. Revised Programs of constituent universities, Legal Counsels/Assistants of the
a. Pormal Establishment of System Grants as Programs System Office of Legal Services (OLS); and
In its 1137th meeting (25 November 1999), the Board of Regents 2. The Chancellors be authorized to appoint the LegalCounsels/
approved the establishment of the Academic Distinction Fund Assistantsof CUs.
and the Creative and Research Scholarship Fund, each consisting
Appointment here refers to original appointment. renewal,
reappointment, promotion and transfer.
of grants designed to encourageand recognizescholarship.
To complement the allocation of funds for this purpose and
Proposal to amend the authority of the President to appoint Affiliate
institutionalize the grant system, the establishment of formal
programs is proposed, as follows: . . At its 1146th meeting held on 20 October 2000, the Board of Regents
1) Academic Distinction Program, to COnsISt of the followmg
gave the U.P, President the authority to ap~int ,affiliate f~cul~. . .
components: In line with the streamliningof functions In the University, It IS
UniversityProfessor Grant now proposed that the appointment of affiliate .facu~~ be further
International Publication Award delegated to the Q\ancellors of both constituentumVeTSlbes.
International Award for the Arts

12 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.1

JusliJiClltioJJ Approval with Philippine Economic Zone Authority or

1. The affiliate faculty appoinbnent is just an additional assignment. PEZA.
2 There is no movement in rank and it is without compensation. "RESOVEDFURTHER. as it is hereby resolved that PRES.
3. It will further reduce the volume of documents that go to the NEMENZO or his representative is authorized to negotiate,
President for action. sign and deliver any and all documents and deed related
to the said transaction and to exercise any and all powers
Appeal for waiver of the rule that a faculty inember be on full-lime which may be required in furtherance hereof."
status in order to enjoy a faculty grant
Appeal for waiver of the rule that a .faculty member beon full-time Proposals on admission of students at the U.P. Integrated School
status in order to enjoy a faculty grantin favor of Prof. Roberto Ramirez 1. Reduction in the admission quota at the UPIS Kindergarten level
1. Prof. Roberto Ramirez. Assistant Professor in the Management from 150 to 100 starting AY 2001-2002.
Sciences Division, V.P.College Baguio, was awarded a faculty grant This is in compliance with CHED Order No.4. Series of 1996
for the period January to December 2000. and is also in response to the call made by CHED and the DBM
2 Starling June 2000, Prof. Ramirez served the College on a part-time during the budget hearing held in April 2001.
basis only. Nonetheless, he continued the research for which the 2 Moratorium for one year for AY 2001-2002
faculty grant was awarded, and the Division did not see that this There are currently 150 students at the lower grade levels.
status would pose a problem, as the intention was to seriously Lateral entry will only be allowed in the future provided admission
consider him for full-lime status starling November 2000considering at the Grade 7 level does not exceed 100.
his overall performance in the Division improved. 3. Review of the UPIS integrated program as recommended by the . '
3. Sometime in the middle of the first semester, this problem was President
brought to the attention of the Dean and subsequently, Prof. Ramirez' The proposal to peg admission at 100 was discussed by the UPIS
faculty grant honorarium was withheld from June 2000onwards. faculty in its meeting on 2 August 2000. The proposal was again
4. In early October, the Division recommended that Prof. Ramirez be discussed in a faculty workshop attended by the UPIS and College of
reverted to full-lime status, and this has been favorably acted upon Education faculty and NlSMED staff members on 23 August 2000.
by the College Academic Personnel Committee.
5. Additionally, the CAPe also endorsed the appeal for waiver of the
J Build-Operate-Transfer Arrangemenlfor the projects proposed by V.P.
rule on faculty grants being enjoyed by full-lime faculty members Diliman
only, in consideration of the circumstances cited above. 1. V.P. Diliman Faculty Dormitory Project
The College administration has reminded the academic divisions The Terms of Reference calls for the construction and
to ensure that their recommendees forfaculty grants will serve full-time development by the Developer/Lessee of a 400~room faculty
for the entire period of the grant. dormitory complex within the V.P. Diliman campus and for the
subsequent lease of the land from V.P. and for the management and
Request for waiver of the rule which requires that a fellow be enrolled operation of the dormitory itselfunder a build-operate-transfer (BOT)
in order to be entitled to a monthly stipend arrangement.
Request for waiver of the rule which requires that a fellow be The BOTProject has the following salient features:
enrolled in order to be entitled to a monthly stipend of P3,500 in favor a. U.P. will identify and provide the land where the Project will be
of Mr. Giovanni M. Malapit constructed and developed.
1. Mr. Malapit, Instructor I at the Division of Natural Sciences and b. The winning bidder (also "the Developer/Lessee") will finance . ' ,
Mathematics, Ll.P. College Bagnio, is working on a facility called in full the construction and development cost of the faculty
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition which he will be using dormitory complex. The University will not share in any part of
for the experimental runs to gather data for his proposed master's the said cost.
thesis. c. Aftercompleting the construction and development phase of the
2 In the summer of this year, he prepared a list of materials and Project. the University will grant the Developer/Lessee the right
equipment needed for the modification and upgrade of the machine. to lease the land from U.P.and to manage and operate the faculty
Whilst preparing this list, he was also machining the electrodes of dormitory.
the system, designing the geometry of the heating element. installing d. The ownership of the building and other structures constructed
pirani and ionization gauges and their respective controllers, testing and installed in the Projectwill initially be registered in the name
the chamber's vacuumintegrity and reading journals and related of the Developer/Lessee during the period of lease. However,
literature to get ideas, among others. after the leaseperiod expires, the title, ownership and possession
3. All these work were done at the Plasma Physics Laboratory, NIP, of the Project will be transferred and turned over to V.P.
UPD during the months of April-May, (Summer) this year. e. The Developer/Lessee will only pay a nominal rent of Pl.OOper
4. Mr. Malapit was not aware of the need to officiallyenrol for residency year to the University for the use and occupancy of the land on
status in the Summer of 2000 to be able to obtain the stipend. which.the Project will be constructed.
5. He is therefore requesting for a waiver of the rule in consideration f. In addition, the Developer/Lessee will deposit on a monthly
of his work during the said period. basis TEN PERCENT (10%) of what is termed as "theoretical
rental receipts" to be held in escrow and to be used solely and
Resolution granting the President of the University ofthe Philippines exclusively for the management and maintenance of the
full power and authority to represent the University in its application dormitory complex. The Terms of Reference provides that the
for ECOZONE approval within the Philippine Economic Zone escrow fund described above shall be withdrawn only by the
Authority or PEZA signatures of the V.P. Diliman Chancellor and the designated
The Resolution is as follows: representative of the Developer/Lessee.
"RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved that DR. g. Theorigina1leasecontractmayberenewedbythecontraclingparlies
FRANOSCO NEMENZO, President of the University of at the option of V.P. If lease contract is renewed, the rent for the
the Philippines, is hereby given full power and authority land, building and other structures constructed and installed on
to represent the University in its application for ECOZONE the Project will be based on the fair rental value at that time.
January- March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 13

h. The Developer/Lessee will set aside 80% or three hundred the Project do not contain terms and conditions which may expose
twenty (320) of the rooms for U.P. faculty ami personnel who the V.P. officials concerned to violation of Republic Act No. 3019,
are pre-qualified by the University to become tenants of the otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.
dormitory. The Chancellor has proposed that the dormitory fee 2 Build-Lease-Transfer Arrangement for the Ij.P. DiJiman Academic
for the pre-qualified tenants be fixed and paid to the Developer/ Hangout
Lessee at the subsidized rate of P2,000.00 per room per month The Terms of Reference calls for the construction and
maximum, subject to an increase of 3.5% per annum. development by the Developer/Lessee of an academic hangout
i. The rest of the dormitory rooms and commercial spaces may be complex within the V.P. Dillman campus and for the subsequent
rented out by the Developer/Lessee to third parties at market lease of the land from U.P. and for the management and operation
rales. It is hoped that this is where the Developer/Lessee will of the dormitory itself under a build-lease-transfer (BOT)
beable to recover his substantial investments. arrangement.
j. Participation of foreign contractors shall be allowed in the The BLTProject has the following salient features:
bidding process, if allowed by law. a. U.P. will identify and provide the land where the Project will be
k. U.P. shall have the right at any time to waive any defect or constructed and developed.
required formality in the evaluation procedure, or to acceptor b. The winning bidder (also "the Developer/Lessee") will finance
reject bids, or to annul the results of the bidding process, or to in full the construction and development cost of the academic
reject the winning bid prior to award. hangout complex. The University will not share in any part of
I. The prospective bidders shall be required to submit additional the said cost.

documentary requirements for their pre-qualification. These c. After completing the construction and development phase of the
documents will help V.P. ascertain not only the compliance by Project, the University will grant the Developer/Lessee the right
these prospective bidders of their BIR and SSS obligations to lease the land from U.P. and to manage and operate the
(rationale being that those who get business from the National academic hangout for a period of twenty (20) years.
Government must first comply with their obligations to it) but d. The ownership of the building and other structures constructed
also their track record and the magnitude of their operations- and installed in the Project will initially be registered in the name
whether these are merely shell companies which sub-contract of the Developer/Lessee during the period of lease. However,
major parts of the construction works awarded to them. after the lease period expires, the title, ownership and possession
Unlike in other U.P.-bidded infrastructure projects, the U.P. of the Project will be transferred and turned over to U.P.
Diliman Faculty Dormitory Project involves a build-operate-transfer e. The Developer/Lessee will pay a monthly rent to U.P. for the
scheme. This means that it is the Developer/Lessee and not V.P. use and occupancy of the land on which the Project will be
which will finance in full the cost of construction and development constructed. The amount of the rent will be detemtined from
of the Project. In exchange, the Developer/Lessee is given the the bid proposal submitted by the winning bidder, subject to an
opportunity to recover its investment and to realize a reasonable annual increase of 8.0%.
rate of return over a period of time. Hence, U.P. will bespared from f. The original lease contract may be renewed by the contracting
incurring construction-related expenses. Such being the case, it is parties at the option of U.P. If lease contract is renewed, the rent
obvious that the usual procedure of selecting the winning bidder by for the land, building and other structures constructed and
determining the lowest complying bid which represent the least installed on the Project will be based on the fair rental value at
financial outlay to the University does not find application in this that time.

case. g. The commercial spaces in the academic hangout may bedirectly

The Project will be bidded and awarded to the Developer whose managed and operated by the Developer/Lessee or may be
offer is the most advantageous to the University. The selection and rented out to third parties at market rates. It is hoped that this is
award shall be in accordance with existing government rules and where the Developer/Lessee will be able to recover his
regulations on bidding. substantial investments.
Certain parameters have been fixed and set at constant value h. The participation of foreign ct?ntractors shall be allowed in the
in order to prevent the bidders from qualifying their respective bids, bidding process, if allowed by Jaw.
as follows: i. V.P. shall have the right at any time to waive any defect or
a. The faculty dormitory will have 400 rooms. required formality in the evaluation procedure, or to accept or
b. Out of the 400 dormitory rooms, 80% or 320 of them will be reject bids, or to annul the results of the bidding process, or to
occupied by pre-qualified tenants. reject the winning bid prior to award.
c. The pre-qualified tenants will be charged a fixed dormitory fee j. The prospective bidders shall be required to submit additional
of Pl,OOO.OO per room per month at the maximum, subject to an documentary requirements for their pre-qualification. These
increase of 3.5% per annum. The dormitory fees will be paid documents will help V.P. ascertain not only the compliance by
directly by the tenants to the Developer/Lessee. these prospective bidders of their BIR and SSS obligations (the
d. The rent that the Developer will pay U.P. for the right to lease rationale being that those who get business from the National
the land and manage and operate the dormitory complex is a Government must first comply with their obligations to it) but
also their track record and the magnitude of their operations -
nominal amount of One Peso (PI.DO) per year.
whether these are merely shell companies which sub-contract
e. The commercial space to be constructed in the Project cannot
major parts of the construction works awarded to them.
exceed a maximum area which Ll.P. will decide upon later.
Unlike in other V.P.-bidded infrastructure projects, the
The Office of Legal Services believes that the bidding p.r~ess
V.P.Diliman Academic Hangout involves a build-lease-transfer
as described in the revised Terms of Reference for the V.P. Diliman
scheme. This means that it is the Developer/Lessee and not V.P.
Faculty Dormitory Project will not violate the legal man~~tes of th.e which will finance in full the cost of construction and development
Government Auditing Rules and Regulations on competitive public of the Project. In exchange, the Developer/Lessee is given the
bidding. .. th th diff t opportunity to recover its investment and to rea~ize a reasonable
However, it is not in any way claiming at e. eren rate of return over a period of time. Hence, U.P. Will be spared n:o~
contracts and agreements which have yet to be ~afted, Sl~ed ~d incurring construction-related expenses. Such being the case, It IS
executed by and between the contracting parties m connection WIth
14 U.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.1

obvious that the usual procedure of selecting the winning bidder by at P2,000a month per room, per occupant. (Market price is PS,400
determining the lowest complying bid which represents the least a month). In effect. the project will subsidize the U.P. faculty to
financial outlay to the University does not find application in this the extent of P3,400 per room, per month and hostel rates will be
case. at market rate.
The Project will be bidded and awarded to the Developer/Lessee e. About 10% of the revenue will be earmarked for maintenance
which will submita proposal containing the most advantageous bid and administration of the whole project.
based, among other factors, on the highest rental payments to U.P. It f. The Office of the U.P. Diliman Chancellor will pre-qualify all
was decided that rental payment to U.P. shall be used as the decisive potential lessors to the dormitory.
criterion in objectively selecting the winning bid, on the principle that For the two project proposals, Prof. Pineda also assured the
the higher the rental revenues generated from the Project, the more Board that
advantageous it is for U.P. 11 will also avoid a complicated and subjective a. The University will have no liability up to the end of the lease
evaluation and selection process alter the bids are opened. term of the two projects by coming out with a very intricate
The winning bid will be determined alter the TecIu1ical Proposals provision that all liabilities will have to be borne by the operator.
submiited are opened to find out which ones are complying. Certain b. On the maintenance of the building, he said that the provisions
parameters havebeen fixed andsetatconstant valuein order toprevent of the contract are much, much more stringent than other
the bidders from qualifying their respective bids. These fixed-value contracts because U.P. is requiring that 10% of the revenue of
parameters include theterm of theleaseat 20years, themaximum area the operator be placed in escrow which can only be withdrawn
forcommercial spaceandthemaximum number ofestablishments that by joint signature of the representative of the developer and the
will be allowed to operate within the Project. The values set for some of U.P. Diliman Chancellor.
these parameters have yet to be finalized by U.P. c. The U.P. Police or any representative security agency of the U.P. .
The Office of Legal Services believes that the bidding process as Dillman Chancellor could also intrude anytime into the hostel
described in the revised Terms of Reference for the U.P. Diliman premises to check for any illegal acts inside.
Academic Hangout Project will not violate the legal mandates of the d. The Legal Office shall be asked to help in coming out with some
Govemment Auditing Rules and Regulations on competitive public provisions that will ensure that the future generation of
bidding. However, it is not in any way claiming that the different administrators willnot have problems in taking over the property
contracts and agreements which have yet to be drafted, signed and when the lease term expires.
executedby andbetweenthecontracting parties in connection with the President Nemenzo explained that the action required from the
Project do not contain terms and conditions which may expose the U.P. Board is just an approval in principle in order to give the Regents a
officials concemed to violation of Republic Act No. 3019, otherwise chance to reexamine the Terms of Reference. The Executive Staff also
known as the Anti-Gralt and Corrupt Practices Act. did not have the chance to take a closer look at the proposals.
The two proposals were presented together by Prof. Emesto Pineda Prof. Pineda clarified that the proposal is only for the
since from the standpoint of planning, he said that the circumstances implementation of the projects. Prospective developers would like to
for both projects are the same, i.e., they are located in the same block see the imprimatur of the Board before they deal with the University.
and they will experience the same problems like traffic vis-A-vis the Board action: Approval of the implementation of the projects.
traffic-generating structures of the University like the U.P. Chapel and
the Protestant Chapel. Proposal to increase the honoraria for academic administrative
In answer to some questions and clarifications from the Board, Prof. positions and corresponding automatic increase thereafter
Pineda described the two projects as follows: Proposal to increase by 10% the honoraria for academic ...
U .P. Diliman Academic Hang Out administrative positions and corresponding automatic increase
a. The Hang Out is intended to provide a venue for interaction thereafter, everytime there is an across the board salary increase
among faculty and students. JllstifiCiltion
b. Physically, it is going to be a 2-storey structure which is adjacent 1. This is in line with the recent across the board increase in salaries.
to the swimming pool and it will occupy the present location of 2. While overtime rates, representation and transportation allowance
the Drive-In Restaurant. (RATA), as well as honoraria for overload teaching have already
c. His designed to be enclosed so that its activities will all beinside been adjusted, the honoraria for academic administrative positions
the complex. have not been correspondingly revised.
d. Its service/activity profile will be a number of bookstores with The increase takes effect on 1 January 2001.
collections that suit OUTacademic tastes, a number of coffee shops
that appeal to the taste of the members of the academe. Proposal of the College of Home Economics (CHE) to change the name
e. The Hang Out should not fundamentally conflict with the of the Department of Clothing, Textiles and Related Arts (erRA) to
activities of the main Shopping Center if and when the latter is Department of ~othing.. Textiles and Interior Design (eTID)
implemented. The Academic Hang Out is not intended to take
over the function of the Shopping Center as the center of JIlStifiCiltion
amenities of the whole campuscommunity. The basic amenities The change in the name of the Department shall provide the
like the Post Office, the Infirmary and the Chapel will all be necessary professional identity for the Interior Design program as
located around the Shopping Center. recommended by the Board of Interior Design of the Professional
U.P. Diliman Faculty Dormitorv Regulation Commission.
a. This project was triggered by U.P. Dillman's desire to provide The proposed change has been favorably endorsed by the College
housing for its young single faculty members. Executive Committee during its 8 March 2000 meeting and by the
b. Thestruclurewill bea dormitorycurnhostel type with400 rooms President's Advisory Council on 21 February 2001.
(20% of the total number of units (SO rooms) will be devoted as
hostel and SOli. will be used as faculty units (320 rooms). Conf'umation of the approval by the Board through referendum of
c. It shall be located in an area adjacent to the Academic Hang Out. Board Resolutions
d. The proponent will pay P1 a year to the University but V.P. Confirmation of the approval by the Board through referendum
Diliman will prescribe a rental rate for-each faculty to be pegged on 6 February 2001 of the Board Resolutions designating representatives
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 15

to act for and in behalf of the University during the pre-trial of cases and Acceptance entered into by and between U.P. Diliman and the
pending before different courts: Career Assistance Program
Case Date of Pre-Trial 2. Donation of UMAX Astra 2000P, USG, Scanner with S/N
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp. V5. V.P. 8 February 2001 HAl0039FooI087 and Canon BjC-4200SP Color Bubblejet Prinler
Civil Case No. 0ll-734 with S/N ELN06918 for the College of Business Administration as
Branch 57, Makati City covered by a Deed of Donation and Acceptance entered into by and
3M Philippines, Inc. V5. V.P. 20 February 2001 between V.P. Diliman and the Junior Philippine Institute of
Ovil Case No. 00756 Accountants and the Junior Marketing Association
RTC Branch 148, Makati Oty 3. Donation of equipment, machinery and instrument for the use of
U.P, vs. Manila Bankers 14 February 2001 the National Center for Transportation Studies as covered by a Deed
Civil Case No. Q-94-22383 of Donation and Acceptance entered into by and between V.P.
RTC Branch 224, Quezon Ci ty Diliman and the Japan International Cooperation Agency OICA):
The Board Resolutions are required under the Rules of Court for a. Workstation consisting of
purposes of pre-trial, without which V.P. maybe declared non-suited or 1 Disk Drive unit(CPU) Sun Ultra SPARC-ll i/44 MHz, Serial
in default, as the case may be. No. HWoo602945
Note: All the Regents endorsed the said Resolutions except for the Student 1 Monitor, X7119, 19 inch, color, Serial No. 3651380-01
Regent whose appOiJltmellt has 1I0tbeen released yet byMalacaijallg, as 1 Keyboard, Sun, Serial No. 3201272
of thedate of thereferendum. 1 Mouse, Sun, Serial No. 9270099M

(TIle Board Resollltio1l5 are all file at tire OSU Records Section.) 1 Digital Data Storage, 3 tape drive in Unipack (D053) Serial
ACADEMIC MATIERS APPROVED b. Gas Analyzer consisting of:
1 Portable Gas Analyzer (PG-250) HORIBA Serial No. 6914002
Graduation of Miss Kristine S. Kintanar for the degree of Bachelor of 1 Drain Separator Unit (05-200) Serial No. 906007
Science in Civil Engineering 1 Electric Cooler Unit (1'5-200) HORIBA Serial No. 407952005
The Chancellor of V.P. Diliman certifies that Miss Kintanar has 1 Probe for Stack Gas (pG-2050A) Serial No. 807068
completed all the requirements for her degree as of the end of the First c. Software - Traffic Software Integrated System Yer 4.32 ITRAF
Semester, 2000-2001. for TSIS

Establishment of Professorial Chairs Donations remitted to the V.P. Foundation, Inc.

1. Establishment of the International Seaweed Symposium (ISS) a. Donation of $300.00 from Ms. Mila Gregorio for the V.P.
Professorial Chair in the Marine Science Institute (MSI)carrying an Modernization Fund Campaign
honorarium of P2,500 per month b. Donation of Pl,SOO.OO from Ms. Asuncion M. Munoz for the U.P.
MSI Director Gil S. Jacinto informed President Nemenzo in a Carillon Newsletter
letter dated 29 January 2001 that the Marine Environment and c. Donation of P7,SOO.OO from the Phil. Bank. of Communication for
Resources Foundation, Inc. is making available to the MSI the 16th the Ralph Nubia Professorial Chair in Marine Science
International Seaweed Symposium.(ISS) Professorial Chair starting d. Donation of Plll,OOO.ODO from Philippine Geothermal for the
january 2001. Philippine Geothermal, Inc. Science Scholarship for U.P. Students

The professorial chair is meant to benefit an active Ph.D. e. Donation ofP300.00 from Mr. Luciano L. Abian, IVfor the Centennial
researcher of MSIworking in the field of marine plants. A committee Fund
of Senior Staff from MSI whose members are not eligible for the chair f. Additional donation of P18,500.oo from Lynnie Aruiza for the Col.
shall choose the recipient of the ISSChair using criteria adopted by Arturo Aruiza Memorial Scholarship
the College of Science. g. Additional donation of P270,000.00 from the Bank of Tokyo-
2. Establishment of the V.P. Alumni Association of Michigan Milsubishi for the Bank of Tokyo Scholarship Fund
Professorial Chair for the College of Science, V.P. Diliman, out of a h. Donation of P50<lrOOO.OO from Senator Franklin M. Orilon for the
donation of $10,538 from the U.P. Alumni Association of Michigan Violeta Calvo-DriIon Scholarship
(VPAAM) as embodied in a Deed of Donation and Acceptance i. Donation of P79,989.76 from the U.P. Medical Alumni Society in
entered into by and between the V.P. Foundation, Inc. and the V.P. America for the Dean Alfredo T. Ramirez Professorial Chair
Alumni Association of Michigan (UPAAM) j. Donation 01 P112,188.oo from the U.P. Alumni Association for the
VPAA-Tomas S. Fonacier, Delfin jaranilla, et al. Scholarship for
Conferment of the degree of Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) on Chief Cultural Minorities in the Philippines
Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. k. Donation of P240,OOO.OO from PHINMA, Inc. to support four faculty
Conferment of the degree of Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) on grantees from the College of Science, V.P. Dillman
Atty. Hilario G. Davide, [r., ChiefJustice of the Supreme Court, in April I. Additional donation of P346,286.50 from Megaworld Foundation
2001, as recommended by the College of Law and the Committee on for the Megaworld Foundation Scholars
Honorary Degrees chaired by the President m. Donation of $800.00 from the V.P. Alumni Association of Thailand
(c/o Ms. Lucille C. Gregorio) for the V.P. Modernization Fund

The Board noted the following donations: Donation from the V.P. Alumni Association in America for the
establishment of a Scholarship Program
Donation of $10,000 from the U.P. Alumni Association in America
Donation of Equipment
I. Donation ofjYC TV 31" S/N 14330079, Model AY-32920and Pioneer for the establishment of a scholarship program as embodied in a Deed
DYD Cassette Deck XR-YSIOOD S/N UBMP004915 DYD for the of Donation and Acceptance entered into by and between the U.P.
College of Business Administration as covered by a Deed of Donation Foundation, Inc. and the V.P. Alumni Association in America (UPAAA)
16 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Amendment to the Deed of Donation between the D.P. Foundation, MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT
Inc. and the Raul P. de Guzman Foundation, Inc.
The Board of Regents approved the establishment of the Raul P. de The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic
Guzman Professorial Chair and Scholarship Grants for the National matters:
College of Public Administration and Governance at its ll40th meeting
held on 30 March 2000. V.P. System
Bymutual agreement of the donor and donee, the Deed of Donation
has been amended to allow additional awards: Memorandum of Understanding with the Philippine Anny
1. Raul P. de Guzman Lecture Series at I:he NCPAG with an annual Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between the
honorarium of PSO,OOO U.P. System and the Philippine Army
2 Raul P. de Guzman Open Grants, also for the NCPAG Particulars:
Only the residual interest income at any given year may be utilized The Parties do hereby agree to the following understanding:
for the Open Grant. a. The University and the Anny agree to unify and update the
It was also agreed upon by the donor and the donee that the existing ROTC programs in all constituent universities in the
financial assistance for the existing professorial chair and scholarship U.P. System and implement a System. wide ROTC program of
grants be revised as follows: instruction which shall be jointly formulated and implemented
1. From P120,OOO to P90,OOO per annum for the professorialchair by both parties to ensure the highest standards of training in all
2 From P50,000 to a maximum of P75,000 per scholar for the U.P. ROTC units.
Scholarship Grant b. The University shall create the position of System Coordinator
The Amended Deed of Donation stipulates that the "Professorial of Military Science and Tactics who may also be the concurrent .'\
Chair shall be governed by the policies and rules of the NCPAG Commandant of Cadets of the U.P. Diliman Campus. The
governing Professorial Chairs." The original deed stipulated thatit shall Commandant of Cadets in other constituent universities shall
be "governed by the policies and rules of the University of the concurrently be the Department Head of its ROTC unit. The
Philippines:" appointment of the System Coordinator shall be subject to
approval by the Board of Regents upon recommendation of the
FINANCIAL MATfERS APPROVED President of the University.
c. The Army shall assign, in consultation with the President of the
Request of the College of Engineering (Department of Electrical and University, the Commandant of Cadets of the V.P. Dillman
Electronics Engineering) for the realignment of Pl,600,ooo.OO, originally Campus, with a rank of Colonel or higher, and the Commandants
intended as Capital Outlay, to Equipment Outlay for the other constituent universities, with a rank of no less than
From the P2.5M additional funding given for completion of the Captain and no more than Lieutenant Colonel, all preferably
EEE building, there remains a balance of Pl.6M which the EEE V.P. graduates in the regular or reserve force of the Army.
Department would like to use to buy laboratory tables and chairs, and d. The University and the Army shall jointly support the ROTC
classroom chairs. units in the V.P. System with appropriate budget, manpower
and logistical resources for the accomplishment of their mission,
Fund transfer in the amount of PlO1.7 Million from the U.P. System to subject to availability of funds appropriated and allocated for
U.P. Diliman the purpose as well as auditing and accounting rules of the
In a Memorandum to the Board of Regents on 9 January 2001,
government. .")
President Nemenzo painted out the following: e. The Commanding General of the Army shall coordinate with ,,I

1. On 30 June 2000, V.P. Diliman Chancellor Emerlinda Roman the President of the University in the supervision of the Program
wrote the President a letter requesting for the release to V.P. through the System Coordinator. Regional Group Commanders
Diliman of P85,220,479.71 (plus interest) representing the excess of the Army and/ or its Reserve Command shall likewise
of the P222 million fund transfer to the V.P. System in January coordinate with the Chancellors in the supervision of the
and February 1997. Commandants and ROTC units in their respective constituent
2. After a review of the amounts involved, the principal amount universities.
due to U.P.Diliman is ascertained to beP81,957,551.36. Adjusting f. The System Coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring the
for interest of the principal amount due (up to 31 December1999) highest standards of training, excellence and professionalism in
and for the amounts received by V.P. Diliman from the the V.P. ROTC units, and shall have authority over the
transferred funds, U.P. Diliman is entitled to PlO1,768,193.54. Department Heads of the different V.P. units in the development
This fund transfer is to be taken from the following funds: and implementation of the Program.
UPS RFSA (Per lll1th BOR Meeting) P 78,970,517.% g. In coordination with concerned government agencies, the
UPS Revolving Fund 22.707.675.58 Program shall be expanded to include Civil Welfare Service and
Total PlO1,678,193.54 Law Enforcement Service in accordance with Memorandum
U.P. Diliman proposes to spend this fund transfer of Order No. 10 (Series of 1996) of the Commission on Higher
Pl0l,678,193.54 as follows: Education (CHED).
Capital Outlay P 70,000,000.00 Effectivity: The Program shall first be implemented in V.P. Diliman, U.P.
Equipment Outlay 22,707,675.58 Manila, U.P. Los Banos and V.P. Baguio in the second
Trust Fund for Artists and Writers 8,970.517.96 semester of Academic Year 2000-2001 and in U.P. Visayas
Total PlOl,678,193.54 (Iloilo, Tacloban and Cebu).
3. After this transfer to V.P. Diliman, Reprogranuned Funds per
1111 rh BaR meeting will have a remaining balance of Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Melbourne
Pl,406,025.45.* All projects previously proposed to be funded (Australia)
by the Reprogrammed Funds (per 1111th BORrneeting) shall be Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the
reviewed. University of the Philippines and the University of Melbourne (Australia)

.. The additional reduction of P624,738.98 will go to UPS Trust Funds which was
alsounderstated by this amount as a result of the P222 Millionfund transfer.
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 17

Project: Academic and cultural interchange through mutual assistance ur. Diliman
in the areas of education, research and others
Particulars: Memorandum of Agreement with the National Research Council of
a. Cooperation will be carried out through activities and programs the Philippines (NRCP)
including: Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
- Collaboration in research Diliman and the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP)
- Exchange of academic materials Project: Geochemistry of the Oceanic BasementComplex of LeyteIsland:
- Participation in seminars and academic meetings Role of Ephemeral Marginal Basins in the Evolution of Central
Visits by staff, both academic and administrative Philippines
- Visits by students, and the joint supervision of postgraduate Particulars:
students a. The Project shall be undertaken by the Project Leader (Dr. Graciano
b. The University of Melbourne has designated the University of the P. Yumul, Jr. of V.P. Dillman] in accordance with the approved
Philippines as a priority partner for the allocation of Melbourne project proposal and in conformance with the approved Line Itern
International Research Scholarships. Budget.
Effectivity: Effective for five years from the date of the last signature b. NCRP Assistance:
Date Signed: 6 February 2001 I) grant of P271,504.80
2) provide technical assistance relevant to the achievement of the

Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Hawai'j objectives

(Honolulu, Hawai'i, U.S.A.) 3) provide assistance in coordination with other government
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between the agencies on matters requiring attention or cooperation in so far
University of the Philippines and the University of Hawai'i (Honolulu, as these are relevant to the project and within NRCP's capability
Hawaii, VSA.) c. Obligation of the Proponent (Implementing Agency):
Project: Cooperation on international programs based on the principle The Project Leader is expected to fulfill the obligations.
of reciprocity Effectivity: Two years
Particulars: Date Signed: 29 September 2000
a. The universities agree to promote the following exchange activities
based on their respective academic and educational needs: Memorandum of Agreementwith the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
1) Exchange of faculty and scholars (professors, lecturers, or Resources (BFAR)
researchers); Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
2) Exchange of students (including undergraduate and graduate Diiiman and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
students); Project: Oceanographic Studies on the North Equatorial Current,
3) Exchange of academic information and materials; Mindanao, Eddy and Fluxes into Archipelagic Seas Project 2 of
4) Exchange of periodical academic publications; the Pacific Seaboard Research and Development Program
5) Organization of joint research programs; PartiCillars:
6) Organization of joint conferences, seminars and workshops; and a. Role of U.P. Diliman
7) Other academic exchanges agreed to by both universities. 1) V.P. Dillman shall make available to BFAR the amount of

b. The implementation of each exchange shall be separately negotiated P530.140.00 from available project funds for the expenses only
and determined by both universities. Efforts shall be made by both of the M/V DABFAR in connection with the Pacific Seaboard
sides to find financial resources to carry out the exchange programs. Expedition within the areas of Philippine and Mindanao Seas
c. Nothing shall diminish the full autonomy of either institution, nor on 29 July to 10 August 2000 according to the cruise plan, which
will any constraints be imposed by either upon the other in carrying amount is to be paid to procure fuel and other lubricants of the
out the agreement. vessel from any reputable oil company and to M/V DA-BFAR
ffectivih;: Effective when the representatives of both universities have Petty Cash Officer and the Chief Engineer to pay for the
affixed their signatures and seal to the agreement and will be contingency funds of the vessel officers and crew and
in force for five years procurement of the spare parts and other boat spare parts in
relation to the V.P. Oilman cruise activities. The use of the vessel
Grant Agreement with the Ford Foundation accommodation facilities shall be free of charge. However,
Grant Agreement dated 8 December 2000 concerning a grant of contingency funds for the vessel management, officersand crew
$140.000 by the Ford Foundation to the University of the Philippines for shall be provided in lieu of rental. Likewise, supplies and
its Center for Women's Studies materials for V.P. Diliman research and development activities
Objective: The Ford Foundation aims to support the University Center's must be provided by V.P. Diliman.
efforts towards enhancing public awareness of reproductive 2) All major reports by virtue of and in pursuit of the Agreement
health through the production of information, education and shall be made recognizing the lead role of V.P. Dillman. The
names of the principal author, researchers and/ or project leaders
communication materials.
and their affiliations shall be identified, recognized and included
Partimlars: in the report. In all cruises tnvolvng the vessel "M/V DA-BFAR",
1. The grant is being made in response to the proposal submitted ~y
the name of the vessel shall form part of the title of all cruise
Carolyn l. Sobtitchea in her 8 September 2000 letter to Rosalia
reports and similar publications. Where appropriate, such as in
Sciortino of the Foundation staff in Manila.
scientific publications, use of the vessel shall be properly
2. It is understood that the Center for Women's Studies Foundation,
Inc. will serve as fiscal agent for this grant and will distribute funds acknowledged.
3) V.P. Diliman and its collaborators reserve the right to use all
to or on behalf of the University over a two-year period beginning 1
data and findings by virtue of and in pursuit of the Agreement
November 2000 in accordance with the approved budget.
for the enhancement of their academic and research programs,
3. Payment of grant funds will be made in annual installments after
receipt by the Foundation's representative in Manila of the required without need of consent from the other party.
documents. 4) In case of scientific equipment breakdown during the actual
Date Signed: 8 December 2000 survey undertaking of V.P. Diliman staff, all expenses for its
18 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII. No.1

repair and maintenance works shall be shouldered by U.P. subject to the nlles and procedures stipulated in Annex 'N:
Dillman. aHached hereto andwhich is made an integral part hereof."
b. Role 01 BFAR has been amended to read as follows:
1) BFAR shall, whenever possible, lor the dura lion 01 the 'I. On request af Roosevelt Cal/ege, U.P. DiU..a" slulll
implementation 01 the "Oceanographic Studies on the North pennititsfamity and other personnel to teach in tile fonner on a
Equatorial Current, Mindanao Eddy and Fluxes across part-time or temporary basis subject strictly to the niles and
Archipelagic Seas" for the Pacific Seaboard Research and procedures provided in Annex 'A' Ilereof"
Development Program, allow researchers and students of U.P. b. An additional paragraph is to be inserted alter paragraph 8 of Item
Diliman, not exceeding 15 persons, to board the M/V DA-BFAR A, Rules in Annex"A", as follows:
when on official businessand for theconductof marineresource "9. U.P. Diliman famlty members rendering service itl
assessment and oceanographic reasearch, subject to existing Roosevelt College shall in FlO case assume any administrative
policies. ftmctioFl in tire latter."
2) BFAR and its collaborators reserve the right to use all data and All other terms and conditions of the Memorandum of
findings by virtue 01 and in pursuit 01 the Agreement lor the Agreement shall remain and continue to be in full force and effect,
enhancement of their academic and research programs. and the Amendatory Agreement is made an integral part thereof for
3) BFAR, through the M/V DA-BFAR, shall provide support all intents and purposes.
manpower complement to the V.P. Marine Science Institute Date Signed: 1 December 2000
researchersduring the conduct of survey activitiesonboard.
EJfrctiDity: Effective upon signing by both parties
Date Signed: 19 December 2OIlO

Four Memoranda of Agreement with various State Colleges and

Four Memoranda of Agreement entered into separately by U.P.
Diliman with the following:
Memorandum of Agreement with the Ayala Foundation, Inc.
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
Dillman and the Ayala Foundation, Inc.
Project: Joint Experimental Facility on Technology, Development and
Technology-Based Entrepreneurship and the TBJ Facility
The Parties agree to collaborate in establishing and developing a

Eastern Samar State College (ESSC) - Signed on 15 November community of scientists, engineers, faculty members, and students as
2000 well as technology innovators and entrepreneurs, and collectively build
Cagayan State University (CSU) - Signed on 4 December 2000 an environment conducive to and supportive of technology research
University 01Eastern Philippines (UEP)- Signed on 15 November and development and related research in the field of Information and
2000 Communication Technology.
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology a. The University shall:
(DOSCST) - Signed on 17 November 2000 1) facilitate access by the Joint Experimental Facility, or the
Project: Assessment 01Reel Resources 01 Eastern Philippines (project 1) participants or locators therein, to the expertise and skills of the
01the Pacific Seaboard Research and Development Program in University's faculty and other personnel:
Eastern Samar (pACSEA 1) 2) facilitate access by the Joint Experimental Facility, or the
Particulars: participants or locators therein, to laboratories, libraries,

a. Subject to the availability 01 funds, PACSEA 1 shall disburse the computing centers and other related facilities of the University;
amount of P99,650.00 in favor of each of the above-named and
universities for the implementation of their respective projects to be 3) provide a physicallocalion (the "Project Area") lor the Joint
expended in accordance with the allocation in the approved proposal Experimental Facility within the Technopark which shall be used
and subject to government liquidation and auditing procedures. for the attainment of the objectives of the Agreement.
Likewise, subject to availability 01 project funds. PACSEA 1 shall b. The Foundation shall:
release the initial amount of P49,825.00 for the" first and second 1) be responsible for promoting the Joint Experimental Facility as
quarter in accordance with the allocation in the approved proposal a hospitable site for local and international locators, and for
upon signing by both parties. identifying and attracting such locators to the Joint Experimental
b. U.P.-MS! (Implementing Unit) shall: Facility, subject to the terms and conditions as may be prescribed
1) provide consultation services and undertake research and by the University;
development projects in marine science in Eastern Samar, 2) facilitate the exchange of research and development manpower
Northern Cagayen, Northern Samar, and Davao Oriental; between itself and the University, or the University and the
2) assist in the development of their faculty through short-term Locator, or itself and the Locator, subject to the terms and
training and workshops on marine science; and conditions to be mutually agreed upon by the parties concerned;
3) assist in the development of their organization and infrastructure and
for marine research. 3) endeavor to provide opportunities for beyond classroom training
EJfrctivity: All agreements shall be effective 1 September 2000 until 31 to students of the University through the locators at the Joint
August 2001 Experimental Facility.
c. The Locator shall:
Amendatory Agreement to the Memorandum of Agreement with 1) use the Joint Experimental Facility only for activities relating to
Roosevelt College or in support of research and development in the field of
Amendatory Agreement to the Memorandum of Agreement entered Information and Communications Technology or in support of
into by and between U.P. Dillman and RooseveltCollege on 10 August2lXXJ the objectives and goals of the Joint Experimental Facility;
Amendment: 2) endeavor to provideopportunilies for beyond-classroom training
a. Paragraph 1 of the Renewal Agreement, which reads: or classes to students of the University; and
"On request of Roosevelt College, U.P. Diliman shall permit 3) abide by pertinent University rules, policies, procedures, and
its faallty andother personnel to serve in thefonner on a part- guidelines in tapping the University's human resources,
time basis in sucll capacity asmay bedesired byRoosroelt College, including its faculty, researchers, and students, and its facilities.
January - March 2001 U.P. GAZETTE 19

Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties and shall be valid for Project: Establishment and implementation of technical support to the
as long as the Locator continues to avail of the facilities Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program for
Date signed: 27 November 2000 Lead Program Assistance
Project Cost: P13 million to be provided by NAFC to UPLB for the
V.P. Los Banos undertaking
Three Separate Memoranda of Agreement with the Nagoya University a. The project aims to enhance the capability of UPLB-Biotech and the
Graduate School of International Development (NUGSID) (Japan) DA regulatory agencies such as the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPi),
Three separate Memoranda of Agreement entered into by V.P. Los Bureau of Anirnal Industry (BAI), and the Fertilizer and Pesticide
Banos with the Nagoya University Graduate School of International Authority (FPA) to detect the presence of genetically modified
Development (NUGSID) (Japan) organisms (GMOs) and ensure food and environment safety through
a. Agreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation sound risk analysis.
Particulars: b. NAFC shall:
I) Under the Agreement, UPLB through its College of Public Affairs 1) appropriate and release the funds in the total amount of P13
and NUGSID, desiring to develop academic exchange and million to UPLBfor the implementation of the approved activities
cooperation in education and research between the two in accordance with the approved work and financial plan;
universities, have agreed to do the following activities: 2) conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation to ascertain the
a) Exchange of students progress of approved activities and proper utilization of funds;

b) Exchange of professors and research scholars and

c) Exchange ofscientific materials,publicationsand Information 3) require monthly or quarterly status reports as it deems necessary .
d) Joint research activities c. UPLB, through the National Institute of Molecular Biology and
2) In order to carry out the abovementioned activities, a detailed Biotechnology (BIOTECH), shall:
plan may be formed after consultation between the two 1) implement the approved project activities within the approved
universities. schedule and budget;
Effectivity: 5 years 2) advise NAFC, from time to time, on the progress of the project
Date Signed: 3 April 2000 through the submission of periodic reports required under the
b. Memorandum of Joint Research Activities according to Clause 1, MOA;
Article (d) of the Agreement for Academic Exchange and 3) submit audited disbursement reports duly attested by the eGA
Cooperation specified in Item i! above Resident Auditor; and
Particulars: 4) return to NAFC any unutilized amount or request authority to
1) All research outputs, discoveries, and/or inventions produced use the savings for allied activities.
pursuant to the Agreement shall be jointly owned by UPLBand Effrchvihf Effective upon signing by the parties for one year
NUGSID. Dale Signed: 12 December 2000
2) UPLBand NUGSID reserve the right to use ail data and findings
pursuant to the Agreement for the enhancement of their academic Memorandum of Understanding with the Seoul National University
and research programs. (SNU), Korea
3) Both parties agree to prepare jointly a yearly status report for Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between V.P.

effective monitoring purposes during the effectivity of the Los Banos and the Seoul National University (SNV), Korea
Agreement. Project: Academic cooperative relationships between VPLB and SNU
Effectivity: Effective until 31 March 200S Particulars:
Date Sigued: November 2000 a. Both parties agree to endeavor and develop the following areas of
c. Memorandum of the Exchange of Students according to Clause 1, cooperation:
Article (a) of the Agreement for Academic Exchange and 1) Exchange of faculty members for a short, medium or long period
Cooperation specified in Item! above of time;
1) The final judgment of the admissibility of each candidate 2) Joint research activities, through exchange of scientists, scholars
Exchange Student will be cond ucted by the host university and technical staff from both institutions;
according to the recommendation of the home university. 3) Exchange of graduate students and Ph.D. candidates
2) Each university agrees to accept up to three students who are participating in joint projects agreed on by both parties;
exempted from paying registration, tuition and other fees for 4) Organization ofjoint conferences, symposia and summer courses;
each party every year. and
3) The short-term students accepted at UPLBshall have the status 5) Exchange of publications for scientific, scholarly, teaching and
of special or non-degree students and the short-term students information.
accepted at GSID shall have the status of non-regular students. b. Both institutions agree that all specific arrangements are to be
4) The duration of respective short-term students will not exceed negotiated and are dependent on the availability of funds. The
one year. The exchange students will be permitted to extend their parties also agree to seek financial support from national and
international organizations for the cooperative activities to be defined
stay upon the judgment of the host university.
Effectivihf Effective 31 March 2005, subject to revision and may be in the agreement.
c. The management. administration, and budget for each program and
renewed for another five years by mutual agreement
activity implemented under the agreement shal.t be ~utually
Date Signed: November 2000 discussed and agreed upon in writing by both parties pnor to the
initiation of a particular program or activity.
Memorandum of Agreement with the National Agricultural and
Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties for an initial period of
Fishery Council (NAFC) 5 years
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los
Date Signed: 28 November 2000
Banos and the National Agricultural and Fishery Council (NAFC), a
government agency attached to the Department of Agnculture (DA)
20 ur, GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.1

OmnIbus Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Council 3) Students partidpating in the program shall be exempt from
for Agriculture. Forestry and Natural Resources Research and paying tuition and academic fees to the host institution. It is
Development (PCARRD) understood that a balance in number of students exchanged shall
Omnibus Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between be sought over a five-year period.
U.P. Los Banos and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and 4) PGIA students seeking admission to UPLB and UPLB students
Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) seeking admission to PGIA under the Agreement shall meet the
Project: Implementation of UPLB R&D programs/ projects to be funded admission requirements of the host insti tu tion.
byPCARRD 5) Each institution agrees to appoint a Liaison Officer or Exchange
Particulars: Program Coordinator who shall provide advisory and other
a. PCARRD and UPLB recognize the important role of R&D in academic services to the exchange students.
agriculture, forestry, environment and natural resources in c. On Exchange Faculty and Research Scholars, the parties agreed,
promoting development in the country. To facilitate implementation among others, that:
of UPLB R&D programs/ projects funded by PCARRD, the parties 1) Exchange shall be done for a mutually agreed upon field of
have agreed to execute the Omnibus Memorandum of Agreement. expertise. The length of time of the exchange shall be determined
b. Approval of the programs/projects: The research and development before each faculty or research scholar leaves the home
programs/ projects submitted by UPLB to PCARRD for funding shall institution. One faculty or research scholar may be exchanged-
take effect immediately upon approval by the PCARRD Governing for one year.
Council, or by the Executive Director, when within his delegated 2) Exchange faculty will be given teaching assignments, the number

authority, and as soon as funds for the implementation of the of units to be pre-arranged before the faculty leaves the home
programs/projects are received subject to the standards and institution. Research scholars shall be given opportunity to
procedures provided for in the Agreement. conduct research at the partner institution.
c. Effectivity and implementation of the programs/projects: The UPLB 3) Lodging facility shall be provided to the visiting exchange faculty
shall implement all the programs/ projects covered by the Agreement and/or scholars. Air fare and salary of the scholars/ scientists
with the program/ project leaders in accordance with the approved will be borne by their respective mother agencies.
R&D proposals for which funds are provided Major changes in the 4) Each University shall perform such functions, roles and
methodology and implementing structure of the programs/ projects responsibilities as agreed upon by the parties, provided that such
shall be endorsed by UPLB to PCARRD for approval. agreements shall conform to the policies of each university,
d. Financial Assistance: PCARRD shall finance the implementation of particularly those on Intellectual Property Rights.
the programs/projects as stated in the approved proposals payable 5) A yearly review of their programs and activities shall be
from its grants-in-aid funds for R&D. The Chancellor of UPLB shall conducted for monitoring purposes during the duration of the
approve requests for transfer of funds from one line item budget to Agreement.
another. The transfer of funds must not exceed 33 per cent from one Effectivity: Effective January 2000 until 31 December 2005
major item to another. Funds shall be released directly to UPLB as Date signed: 8 June 2000
implementing agency.
e. In case of violation of any provision in the Agreement, PCARRD U.P. Visayas
has the right to suspend the disbursement of funds for a project.
provided that UPLB shall first be consulted before actual suspension Memorandum of Cooperation with Deutscher Entwicklungsdients (DED)
of disbursement funds is ordered by PCARRD. Memorandum of Cooperation entered into by and between D.P.
f. The UPLB reserves the right to use all data and findings by virtue of Visayas, Cebu College and the Deutscher Entwick1ungsdients (OED)
the Agreement for the enhancement of its academic and research Project: CoastalEnvirorunentallnformationSystem (CElS) in the Visayas
programs, pursuant to academic freedom guaranteed under the Particulars:
Constitution. provided PCARRD is properly acknowledged. a. OED shall:
Effecttuity: Effective upon its execution for 10 years 1) assign a Development Worker who shall act as Consultant ori
Date signed: 9 January 2001 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at U.P. Visayas, Cebu
Memorandum of Agreement with the Post Graduate Institute of 2) provide the Development Worker with his/her salaries according
Agriculture (PGIA), University of Peraderuya, Sri Lanka to his/her service contract with DED;
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los 3) support UPV's plans and programs aimed at assisting provincial
Bailos and the Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), University and local government units, non-governmental organizations,
of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and people's organizations, academe and other agencies in
Projed: Establishment of a reciprocal academic exchange program planning. implementing, monitoring and evaluating resource
Partimlars: ~gernentprograrns;

a. During the term of this Agreement, the two institutions may 4) protect the legitimate interests of UPV especially when
exchange students, faculty, research scholars, scientific materials, confidential matters are involved; and
publications and information about a mutually agreed upon research 5) provide the Development Worker with adequate transportation
area. considering the nature of work, project area and constraints on
b. On student exchange, the parties agreed, among others, that: the part of the Project Holder.
1) Not more than five students of PGIA may be enrolled at their b. UPV shall:
own expense at UPLB as non-degree students and same number 1) nominate a counterpart to the OED Development Worker at the
of students of UPLBmay enroll also at their own expense at PGIA. start of the cooperation who will act as GIS/eElS project
The number of students to be exchanged may be modified by coordinator. This counterpart shall be Engr. Atanacio Almocera,
mutual agreement to compensate for an imbalance in number in [r., Faculty Member, Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division;
any given year during the term of the Agreement. 2) during the time of the cooperation, provide the DED
2) Participating students will be selected by their home institution Development Worker with housing, the cost of which shall be
on the basis of the criteria provided under the Agreement. shared by both parties;
January - March2001 V.P. GAZEITE 21

3) nominate one personnel as computer operator at the start of the c) The fund to cover professional- fees of resource speakers,
cooperation to be assigned at the GIS/CEIS Project; supplies and materials, traveling and transportation
4) provide the OED Development Worker with office space and expenses, workshop/training/meeting expenses, hotel
fixtures as well as access to existing communication and work accommodations and other related expenses; no funds must
facilities; and be used for salaries of personnel;
5) issue a testimonial for the OED Development Worker upon d) Disbursements in accordance with government rules and
completion of the contract. regulations; and
c. The OED Development Worker shall: e) Submission of Liquidation Report (Summary of
1) work as Consultant on the area of Geographic Information Expenditures).
Systems, in support of the development and implementation of Effeetivin;: Effective 1 July 2000 until 31December 2000
plans and programs of UPV; Date Signed: 20 September 2000 (UGSAD)
2) undertake fieldwork (for data gatherings) and conduct trainings 8 September 2000 (KADA YAO)
and workshops related to the project;
3) hold office at the UPV, Cebu Campus, Gerardo Ave., Lahug, Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Agricultural Research
6000 Cebu City, report directly to NSMD Chairand the Philippine Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA); Visayas and the Bureau of Agricultural Research on the following
4) observe the policies, rules and regulations of UPV; projects:

5) handle confidential matters accordinglyand, on occasionswhen a. Operation and Management of Aquaculture Research,
he/ she is required, to issue verbal or written statements to protect Development and Extension (ROE) Network
the legitimate interests of UPV; and Project Cost: 1'995,673.80
6) conduct other activities not specified herein, particularly outside Effectivity: Effective upon issuance of Notice to Proceed for a period
the project location, only with the consent of both parties. of 12 months
Effectivity: Effective upon the signing of both parties b. Operation and Management Capture Fisheries Research,
Date Signed: 19 September 2000 Development and Extension (ROE) Network
Project Cost: P957,16S.21
Two Separate Memoranda of Agreement with the University Center Effectivity: Effective upon issuance of Notice to Proceed for a period
for Women's Studies Foundation, Inc. (UCWSFI) of 12 months
Two separate Memoranda of Agreement entered into by and Particulars:
between U.P Visayas Foundation, Inc., host of the UGSAD, Regional I) Obligations of UPV:
Gender Resource Center, and the KADAYAO GAD Resource Center, a) conduct the project as programmed and approved in
the Gender and Development Center of Region VIII, with the University Attachment A*. It shall provide all the support and organize
Center for Women's Studies Foundation, Inc. (UCWSFI) on the following the conduct of the research project and direct all its efforts
projects: toward accomplishing the purposes for which this
a. Strengthening the UGSAD, Regional Gender Resource Center Agreement is made.
based at U.P. Visayas, Iloilo City Campus b) provide administrative and management mechanisms
b. Strengthening the KADAYAO, GAD Resource Center at U.P. necessary for the successful implementation of the project.

Visayas Tacloban College The Program Leader shall administer the funds.
PartiClllars: c) manage all the project funds provided by the DA-BAR. It
a. Obligations of the Parties: shall keep and maintain financial records and accounts for
1) The UCWSFI shall release the funds to the UPVFI in accordance funds provided under this agreement in accordance with the
with the funding scheme as specified hereto: standard accounting principles and practices for a period of
a) PSO,ooO,OO or 40% of the allocated budget shall be released twelve (12) months after the completion of this agreement.
after UCWSFI's acceptance of the following on or before 15 2) Obligations of DA-BAR:
July 2000: a) keep and maintain financial records and accounts for funds
- signed and notarized MOA provided under this Agreement which shall be available for
- workplan or detailed work schedule staffing audit/inspection;
- financial plan b) be responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the
b) P50,OOO,OO or 40% of the allocated budget shall be released progress of the project; and
after UCWSFI's acceptance of the following: c) renew or terminate this Agreement on reasonable grounds
_ strategic plans and organizational plans to December 2000 such as willful abandonment of the program without prior
. reports of all capability building activities, e.g. theoretical notice, refusal to abide by or observe the terms and conditions
studies (feminist studies, team building workshops) of this Agreement, lack of funds, dishonesty, and other valid
_ report of results on GAD mapping reasons. However, actual discontinuance of the project or
_ inventory of additional library and advocacy resources its financial assistance shall not be made without prior
solicited and procured consultation with DA-BAR.
c) P25,OOO.oo or 20% of the allocated budget shall be released
Memorandum of Agreement with the Iloilo City Local School Board,
after UCWSFI's acceptance of the following:
_ Report of all Capability Building Activities Office of the Mayor, Iloilo City
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
2) The UPVFI shall be responsible for and accomplish the following:
Visayas and the Iloilo Gty LocaI School Board, Office of the Mayor of
a) Implementation of the project based on the approved
workplan and ensure the submission of the outputs to the lloilo City ,
Project: Conduct of a training project to Enhance Science, Mathematics,
UCWSFl; and English Education at the Fort San Pedro National High
b) A separate checking and/ or savings account (foundation or
School, Iloilo City
institution-based) to be used for deposits, withdrawals and
payments; See OSU Records.
22 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Partimlars: 4) recognize the volunteers as Pahinungod volunteers (for U.P.

a. The parties do hereby agree as follows: alumni) Or Kaibigan ng Pahinungod (for non-U.P. alumni) as
1) Iloilo City Local School Board Responsibilities: partners who have extended services to the beneficiaries of the
a) Appropriate the amount of P150,000.00yearly in the Special Ugnayan ng Pahinungod program;
Education Fund for the, conduct of the training of all the 5) recognize the services of the volunteers in the form of Certificate
Mathematics, Science,and English teachers of Fort San Pedro of Appreciation, Pahinungod pins, and other forms of
National HighSchool for a period of 5 years or until CY2004 recognition; and
b) Release the amount appropriated in the CY1999and CY2000 6) issue press releases.
SEF Budget to DECS, Division oflloilo City. This shall cover Effectivity: Effective upon signing until 31December 2002
the expenses that may be incurredhy the training institutions Date signed: 11 August 2000
in the conduct of the training program including monitoring
and follow-up activities year round for SY1999-2000 and SY Agreement with Eli Lilly (Philippines), Inc.
2000-2001 respectively. Agreement entered into by and between D.P. Visayas and Eli Lilly
c) The sum of P150,000.00yearly shall be spent exclusively for (philippines), Inc.
the purpose indicated and supported by the approved Project: Provide translation services from the English language to various
itemized. Budget. Visayan dialects spoken in the regions (Hiligaynon, Kiniray-a,
2) U.P. Visayas Responsibilities: Akeanon, Cebuano, Waray and others)
a) Coordinate with Fort San Pedro National High School and Particulars:
DECS Division of Iloilo City on the conduct of the training a. Obligations of UPV
program; 1) UPV, through the CAS Language program, shall:
b) Abide by the agreement made with DECS Division of Iloilo a) render consulting services to Eli Lilly in the form of
City in the selection of participants to the training program; translation of Confidential Study Documents from the
c) Submit an armual itemized Budget to DECS,Division oflloilo English language to any Visayan dialect: Hiligaynon, Bisaya,
City throughout the duration of the project; Akeanon, Waray and others as specified in each translation
d) Submit to DECS, Division ofUoilo City and the Local School package;
Board the following reports: b) render back translations to English of documents when their
d.l) A yearly budget for the period shall be submitted to translations are not done ad verbatim;
DECS, Division of Iloilo City throughout the duration c) ensure that all translations and back translations are done
of the project; and by qualified individuals, copies of whose curriculum vitae will
d.2) Technical report including technical information be provided Ell lilly;
gathered, problems encountered. and other findings and d) guarantee that all translations are valid and in accordance
results to be submitted to DECS Division of Iloilo City with well-established and accepted standards of translation
one (1) month after the end of the project. to the local dialect;
Effectivitlj: Effective immediately upon the approval of all parties e) store translations and back translations in a diskette, and send
Date signed: 22 March 2000 both diskette and hard copies of its content to Eli Lilly;
f) return original copies of all documents to Eli Lilly and waive
Memorandum of Agreement with the Rotary Club jaro North (RCjN) ownership of the Work Product; and
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P. g) guarantee the confidentiality, non-disclosure and non-use
Visayas and the Rotary Club [arc North (RCjN) of all correspondence, other communications and other
Project: Establishing collaboration between the Volunteer Service information contained in documents belonging to Eli Lilly.
Program of the D.P. Visayas otherwise known as the Ugnayan b. Obligations of Eli lilly (Phils.), Inc.
ng Pahinungod/Oblation Corps (UPI OC) and the Rotary Club 1) Eli Lilly (phils.), Inc. shall:
Jaro North, District 3850 a) contract the UPV through the Language Program as
Partimlars: consultant for a period of one (1) year, to provide translation
a. Responsibilities of the Rotary Club [arc North: services for confidential documents from the English
1) provide materials such as books and magazines as maybe Language to local Visayan dialects as required;
suggested by UPI OC for the literacy I numeracy project and the b) pay UPV a consultation fee of P3,000.00per translated dialect
special science class of the Leganes Central Elementary School; of every document, within thirty days of completion of each
2) assist the DPV UP/DC in other related activities like the tree consultation package;
planting and other technical assitance activities; c) reimburse the Language Program for reasonable and
3) provide financial assistance in the form of transportaion necessary out-of-pocket expenses incurred during each
allowances, snacks, and printing of newsletter of the activity; consultation, within thirty days of receiving documentation
and of such expenses provided such documentation is received
4) submit an activity report and reflection paper or any output based by Eli Lilly within sixty days of the completion of the
on personal realizations, experiences, and insights gained by the consultation; and
volunteers from the engagement. d) issue all payments to D.P. Visayas: In Trust for the Language
b. Responsibilities of the University through the UPV Ugnayan ng Program.
Pahinungod: Effectivity: Effective for one (1) year only upon signing by both parties
1) coordinate with the community, institution or organization Date signed: 17 July 2000
concerned regarding program implementation;
2) screen requests and deploy! assign volunteers- to the activities Memorandum of Agreement with Woodward-Clyde Phil., Inc.
in the area; Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P.
3) orient! familiarize the volunteers about the concerned Visayas and the Woodward-Clyde Phil., Inc.
community, institution or crgaruzation, its problems and other Particu lars:
related concerns; a. The parties agreed on the following:
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 23

1) Woodward-Clyde shall utilize the TRVSardinellafor conducting Service Agreement with Mosaic Communications, Inc. (MOSCOM)
a baseline survey of deep-sea ecology and fisheries resource for Service Agreement entered into by and between the University of
Tablas Strait along the east coast of Pinamalayan Oriental the Philippines and Mosaic Communications, Inc. (MOSCOM)
Mindoro. Project: Upgrading of the V.P. bandwidth through direct connectivity
2) Woodward-Clyde shall pay the total amount of P35,OOO, one- to the Internet backbone and interconnecting its campuses
half of which shall be paid to the University upon execution of nationwide via virtual private network services
this agreement and the remaining balance within 3 days after Particulars:
termination of the voyage. a. MOSCOM shall provide the University with the following services:
3) Woodward-Clyde shall exclusively pay the sum of P21,OOO as 1) Internet Access
allowances for officers and crew of the vessel, plus the sum of 2) Clear channel Internet connection with no intervening proxies
P20,OOO by way of administrative cost and other miscellaneous and no packet filtering
expenses. 3) Continuous Internet access, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week
4) The University shall pay for the insurance of the vessel and her 4) A minimum of 6 x 256 valid IP addresses and an AS number
appurtenances, including its personnel composed of the members routable to and from the Internet
of the crew and faculty against accidental death or injury 5) Routing services
disablement. 6) Virtual private network service
5) Woodward-Clyde shall allow University faculty and students 7) Bandwidth monitoring

to board TRV Sardinella for training and research activities near 8) Technical support
the vicinity of operation while the Vessel is underway and when 9) Dial back-up
not utilized by Woodward-Clyde. Any research output b. The University of the Philippines shall:
discoveries or publication produced by the University faculty 1) provide its own gateway router and VPN equipment located at
and student by virtue of this agreement shall belong to the its own premises at its Diliman, Cebu and Miagao campuses
University . 2) provide a suitable site for the satellite dish antenna and its
6) The woodward-Clyde indemnifies and holds the University free receiver at its Diliman campus
and harmless from and against any responsibilities, claims, 3) agree to MOSCOM'S Acceptable Use Policy
demands, suits, judgments, damages and losses, including the Service Payments and Charges:
costs, fees, expenses in connection therewith or incident thereto One-time set-up fees:
for any injury to its employees and third parties, or any loss of, Satellite equipment one-time charge P330,OOO.OO
damage of, or destruction of any property of third parties; arising Internet connectivity (U.P. Diliman) 49.500.00
out of; orin any way connected with, the performance of her V.P. Visayas router port charge 49,500.00
work and service of woodward-Clyde. Monthly recurring charges:
EffictivitJf Effective upon signature of the approving authorities of the Internet connectivity (V.P. Diliman)
parties and shall last for a period of 5 calendar days, including monthly charge US$6,600.00
mobilization and demobilization, unless sooner terminated Duration: One year from effectivity date
Date signed: 21 August 2000 Date signed: 9 February 2001

Other Selected Agreements Noted by the Board V.P. Los Banos

U.P. System Memorandum of Agreement with S1.Frances Cabrini Medical Center

(SFCMC) Sto. Tomas, Batangas
Agreement with the Electronic Infonnation Solutions, Inc. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Los
Agreement for System-Wide Site License Subscription entered into Banos and the St. Frances Cabrini Medical Center (SFCMC) Sto. Tomas,
by and between the University of the Philippines and the Electronic Batangas
Information Solutions, Inc. Project: Referral of UPLB Health Service (UPLB-HS) of its patients to
Package Cost: P3,996,OOO SFCMC for further medical treatment and management
Particulars: Partimlars:
a. The University, through the Research and Extension Services a. SFCMC, a tertiary hospital equipped with complete facilities and
Documentation and Information Center (RESoIC) shall subscribe equipment, in its desire to extend medical services to UPLS
to online databases produced by OVID Technologies Ply. Ltd.; constituents, has offered to the UPLB Health Service, a secondary
b. The Company shall deliver the license certificates and access hospital, to be its partner in providing optimum patient care to UPLB
passwords within 30 to 45 days after contract signing and train constituents. Due to SFCMC's proximity and easy accessibility to
RESoIC personnel (maximum of 3 persons) at no additional cost to UPLB, it can provide the UPLB constituents an alternative referral
the University; center.
c. The deliverable shall consist of ONE YEAR OF ACCESS TO b. UFLB-HS agrees to refer or transfer its patients to the SFCMC for
CERTAIN DATABASES IN THE OVID ONLINE SERVICE via the further medical treatment. SFCMC agrees to accept and provide
Internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except for reasonable medical treatment to all patients referred to UPLB-HS.
periods of system maintenance, using any computer connected to
c. SFCMC agrees to give 10% discounted rates to patients referred by
UPLB-HS. The discounted rates extend to laboratory examinations
the Internet backbone of the University of the Philppines System, or
and ancillary services, e.g. x-rays, mammography, CT scan,
using the University's or any of its campuses' Internet connection as
echocardiography, etc.
its gateway. .. . d. In cases where patients will be unable to pay their hospital bills,
Effectivity: Effective upon signing until the end of the subscription period
terms of payment will be agreed upon between SFC~C and the
which is one year after the delivery of the passwords, plus
patient The patient will issue a Letter of Authorization tor the UPLB
any extension, if any Accounting Office to collect for SFCMC the amount of hospital bills
DateSigned: 19 September 2000
24 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.1

through salary deduction. A SFCMCrepresentative will personally The Board noted the following mallers brought to its attention:
collect the check from the UPLB Cashier's Office.
Effectivity: Effective upon signing of the instrument until 30 September Appointment of Dr. Marita V.T. Reyes as Faculty Regent
2001 Appoinlmentof Dr. Marita V.T. Reyes as Faculty Regent, effective
Date signed: 10 October 2000 1 January 2001 to31 December2001,signed by His Excellency, President
Note: Regent Marita V.T. Reyes erpressed herconcem that theoffices should Joseph EjercitoEstrada on 29 December 2000
be infonnid to be extra cautious in order to ensnre that the University
will not beviewed asa collecting ann of theotlrer pam). Advisory from CHTE Commission Secretary Beatriz 1. Sanga
concemingthe election of Congressman Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura
U.P, Visayas as the new chair of CHTE
Advisory from Commission Secretary Beatriz 1. Sanga of the
Collection Servicing Agreement with the Home Development Mutual Committee on Higher and Technical Education (CHTE) concerning the
Fund election of Congressman Antonio Eduardo B. Ncchura (2nd District,
CollectionServicingAgreement thru Payroll Deductionentered into Western Samar) as the new chair of CHTE
by and between V.P. Visayas and the Home Development Mutual Fund Note: Cong. Nachurawill replace Cong. Rosellda AunM. Ocampo asexofficio
Particulars: member oftire Board o/Regents. Cong. Ocampo, IloweVer, lrad tloteve"
a. Pag-IBIG provides housing loans to Pag-IBIG members under its in- taken her oath assuch due to file sudden reorganization in the House of

house Expanded Housing Loan Program (EHLP); Representatives asaresult of tire drange in political power brougirt about
b. Pag-IBICbelieves that the successful implementation of its housing bythe People Power II.
loan programs requires the participation of government and private
entities, particularly in the collection and servicing of borrowers' Appoin tment of members of the Board of Regents for a two-year term,
accounts to ensure the continuous and timely repayment of their starting January 2001(renewal)
housing loans, by way of providing convenient and inexpensive Sec. Ronaldo B. Zamora
means for the borrowers to pay their monthly housing loan Dr. Raul P. de Guzman
c. The borrowers agreed, upon application for the housing loans, that Academic Calendars for AY 2001-2002
the monthly amortization thereof. be deducted from their salaries/ 1. V.P. Manila
wages/allowances by their employer/e. as evidenced by the 2. V.P. Visayas
Authority to Deduct; 3. V.P. College Baguio
d. The Employer agreed to provide collection assistance to Pag-IBIG The calendars were patterned after the V.P. Diliman Academic
thru the adoption and implementation of a Payroll Deduction Calendar, except for a few changes, particularly the duration of the
System, whereby the monthly loan amortizations of the employees general registration, the schedule of one University Council meeting,
of the Employer who are borrowers under the EHLP shall be and date of the Commencement Exercises.
deducted from their respective payrolls after deducting the statutory
deductions and remit said amortizations to Pag-IBIG. 1149TH MEETING, 29 MARCH 2001
1) Deduction of Amortizations

Pag-IBIG shall furnish the Employer a copy of the Notice of APPOINTMENTS
Amortization of its individual employee-borrowers within ten
(10) days from the date of payment of takeout proceeds by Peg- The Board approved the following appointments of University
IBIG. The monthly amortizations appearing herein shalJ be officials, faculty and staff, transfer to permanent status, award of
collected by the Employer from the employees' payroll one (1) professorial chairs, extension of service beyond compulsory retirement,
month after takeout of the loan and shall continue unless advised and other related matters:
2) Remittance and Reporting TRANSFERTO PERMANENT STATUS
a) Employer shall remit the total amount collected for the
previous month to Pag-lBIG within the first ten (10) days of U.P. Diliman
the following month. If the last day of the remittance period
falls on a non-working day, the remittance shall be due on Mario R. Delos Reyes, Associate Professor 1, School of Urban and
the next working day Regional Planning. effective 29 March 2001
Effectivity: Effective on the date of signing hereof Perlita B. Francisco, Assistant Professor 2, Computer Science,
Date signed: 25 September 2000 effective 29 March 2001
Ma. Merceds G. Planta, Assistant Professor 1, College of Social
ornan MATTERS Sciences and Philosophy, effective 29 March 2001

Oathtaking of New Regents U.P. Manila

Before the start of the meeting, the following took their oath of
office as new members of the Board of Regents: Junie B. Billones, lnstructor7, College of Arts and Sciences, effective
Dr. Marita V.T. Reyes of V.P.Manila (FacultyRegentvice Dr. Henry 29 March 2001
P. Samonte) Samuel M. Go, Instructor 7, College of Arts and Sciences, effective
Rep. Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura (Chair, House Committee on 29 March 2001
Education, vice Rep. Rosenda Ann M. Ocampo) Nelson R. Villarante, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts and
Regent Alfonso suggested that for clarity, particular reference Sciences, effective 29 March 2001
should be made on the first names of Regent Marita Reyes or Regent
Victor Reyes during deliberations of the Board or in the minutes of u.P. Visayas
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 25

Febe D. Pamonag, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Susana D. Livelo, reassignment to another chair, from Edgardo
Sciences, effective 29 March 2001 Angara Professor of Mathematics to POB Professor of Mathematics,
College of Science, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
PROFESSORIAL CHAIRS Claro T. Llaguno, reassignment to another chair, from UPFI
Professor of Chemistry to Ronald and Victoria Reindenback Professor
V.P. Diliman of Chemistry, College of Science, effective 1 January 2001 until 31
December 2001
Digna B. Apilado, reassignment to another chair with change in Ferdinand C. Llanes, original appointment as John Delaney
rank, from U.P.Club of America Assistant Professor of History to Metro Assistant Professor of History, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy,
Manila Commission Associate Professor of History, College of Social effective 1 january 2001 until 31 Decemher 2001
Sciences and Philosophy, effective 1 July 2000until 30 June 2001 Epifanio D. Lopez, renewal of appointment as Felipe F. Cruz
Jose c. Araneta, renewal ofappointment as GeneralElectric Meters, Associate Professor of Engineering, with increase in honorarium from
Inc. Professor of Electrical Engineering, with increase in honorarium P54,000 per annum to P60,000 per annum, College of Engineering,
from P54,OOO per annum to P60,OOO per annum, College of Engineering, effective 1 january 2001 until 31 December 2001
effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 Ferdinand G. Manegdeg, renewal of appointment as PHINMA
Edgardo G. Ata naci o, renewal of appointment as Power Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, with increase in
Contractors, Inc. Professor of Information System, with increase in honorarium from P54,OOO per annum to P60,OOO per annum, College of
honorarium from P54,OOO per annum to P60,OOO per annum, College of Engineering. effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
Engineering, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 Iris Ann G. Martinez, renewal of appointment as Nippon

Victoria A. Avena, original appointment as Class of1957 Assistant

Professor of Government, College of Law, effective 1 January 2001 until
31 December 2001
Ma. Luisa T. Camagay, reassignment to another chair with change
in rank and increase in honorarium from CASAA Power Contractors,
Inc. Professor of Information System of History at P12,000 per annum to
Benigno S. Aquino Professor of History at P30,OOO per annum, College
Telephone & Telegraph Corp. Assistant Professor of Engineering, with
increase in honorarium from P54,OOO per annum to P60,OOO per annum,
College of Engineering. effective1 january 2001 until 31 December 2001
Manalo G. Mena, renewal of appointment as Benguet Corporation
Professor of Engineering, with increase in honorarium from P54,OOO per
annum toP60,OOO per annum, College of Engineering, effective 1 January
2001 until 31 December 2001
of Social Sciences and Philosophy, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 Herman D. Mendoza, renewal of appointment as Philex Mining
December 2001 Corporation Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, with
Jaime D.L. Caro. renewal of appointment as PLOT Associate increase in honorarium from P54,OOO per annum to P60,000 per annum,
Professor of Engineering, with increase in honorarium from P30,OOO per College of Engineering, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
annum to P60,000 per annum, College of Engineering. effective1 January Rowena D. Morales, original appointment as Juan Collas. Sr.
2001 until 31 December 2001 Assistant Professor of Law and Journalism, College of Law, effective 1
Lilibeth DLC Coo, original appointment as Benito Legarda Y. Races january 2001 until 31 December 2001
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, College of Science, effectiveI January Agnes T. Paras, reassignment to another chair, from PCIBank
2001 until 31 December 2001 Foundation Assistant Professor of Mathematics to ur. Law Class '58
Emilita L. Cruz, reassignment to another chair from People of Assistant Professor of Mathematics, College of Science, effective 1 January
Makati Professor to Santiago Fonacier Professor of Linguistics, College 2001 until 31 December 2001
of Social Sciences and Philosophy, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 Leon M. Payawan, Jr., original appointment as Demetrio and

December 2001 Antonio Vicente Assistant Professor of Chemistry, College of Science,

Eric C. Cruz, renewal of appointment as Jose P. Dans, Jr. Associate effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
Professor of Engineering, with increase in honorarium from P54,.OOO per Genandrialine L. Peralta, reassignment to another chair with
annum to P60,OOO per annum, College of Engineering, effective 1 January increase in honorarium from Ambrosio Magsaysay Associate Professor
2001until 31 December 2001 of Environmental Engineering at P54,000 per annum to Ambrosio
Mark J. Encarnacion, renewal of appointment as Jesus J. Vergara Magsaysay Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at P60,OOO
Associate Professor of Computer Science, with increase in honorarium per annum, College of Engineering, effective 1 January 2001 until 31
from P54,000per annum 10 P60,000per annum, College of Engineering. December 2001
effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 Roberto R. Ramas, original appointment as U.P. Vanguard
Emmanuel B. Gregorio, original appointment as Metro Manila Associate Professor of Human Kinetics, College of Human Kinetics,
Commission Diamond Jubilee Assistant Professor of Music, College of effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
Music, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 Remedios R. Roderos, original appointment as Jose Kabigting
Eden M. Gripaldo, reassignment to another chair, from Metro Santos Professor of Biology, College of Science, effective 1 January 2001
Manila Commission Associate Professor to Federico Alcuaz Associate until 31 December 2001
Professor of History, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, effective Marian P. Roque, original appointment as PClBank Assistant
Professor of Mathematics, College of Science, effective 1 January 2001
1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Sonia D. Jacinto, original appointment as Dr. Francisco Nemenzo. until 31 December 2001
Portia Mahal G. Sabido, original appointment as Pilar Y. Ung
Sr. Assistant Professor of Biology, College of Science, effective 1 January
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, College of Science, effective 1 January
2001 until 31 December 2001
Wilfredo I. Jose, renewal of appointment as Cerlito G. San Juan & 2001 until 31 December 2001
Arturo Martin B. Santos, renewal of appointment as V & L
Family Professor of Engineering, with increase in honorarium from
Aesquivel Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, with increase
P54,OOO per annum to P60,000 per annum, College of Engineering,
in honorarium from P54,OOO per annum to P60,OOO per annum, College
effective 1 January 2001until 31 December 2001 .. of Engineering, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 2?01
Marvic M.V.F. Leonen, original appointment as Benjamin Gozon
Remedios D. Santos, reassignment to another chair WIth change
Assistant Professor of Natural Resources, College of Law, effective 1 in rank from UPFl Associate Professor of Mathematics to McArthur &
January 2001 until 31 December 2001
26 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.1

[osefina de los Reyes Professor of Mathematics, College of Science, 2. President Nemenzo explained that he recommended thatthe projects
effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 be approved only in principle because the detailed plans of the
Ricardo G. Sigua, renewal of appointment as Transport Training proposals were submitted to the Board without passing through his
Center Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering, with increase office. Moreover, the Vice President for Development has not had
in honorarium from P54,OOO per annum to P60,OOO per annum, College the cbance to study the proposals.
of Engineering. effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 3. President Nemenzo also clarified that this undertaking is not a
Ronald M. Tungol, original appointment as MERALCO Associate money-making venture. It simply aims to provide better services
Professor of Engineering. College of Engineering. effective 1 January and facilities to its constituents.
2001 until 31 December 2001 4. The projects are not being put up neither to make money to cover up
Julkipli M. Wadi, original appointment as Diamond Jubilee for the budgetary cut, nor for campaign purposes.
Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Institute of Islamic Studies, 5. In this connection, Regent Bugayong voiced out the sentiments of
effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 the stall owners in the Sbopping Center that they will be evicted
Mark Albert H. Zarco, renewal of appointment as DCCD Associate soon from the place because of these projects.
Professor of Engineering Science, with increase in honorarium at P54,OOO 6. President Nemenzo explained that the proposed D.P. Diliman
per annum to P60,OOO per annum, College of Engineering, effective 1 Academic Hang Out will not take the place of the Shopping Center
January 2001 until 31 December 2001 because the Hang Out will be put up in another place.
7. Stall owners of the Shopping Center have been Violating their
U.P. Manila agreements with the University to keep the place clean and safe. It

now stinks and has become a fire hazard.
Carmencita M. Abaquin, original appointment as Dean Leonor 8. The Chair assured that Regent Bugayong will be given the chance to
Malay-Aragon Professor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective 1 bring this matter up again in due time.
January 2000 until 31 December 2000
Proposal to create the position of the Vice-Chancellor for Research
U.P. System and Extension (VCRE) at U.P. Visayas
Below is the response of the D.P. Visayas Chancellor to the
Lynne-Marie Sycip, original additional assignment as Director, concerns/ queries raised by the President:
Office of Admissions, effective 1 April 2001 until 31 Marcb 2004 (with "1. On U.P. being already top-heavy: The distinction in positions
concurrent appointment as Assistant Vice President for Academic between a Vice President/Vice-Chancellor for Research and
Affairs) Extension and a Vice President/Vice-Chancellor for Instruction!
Academic Affairs is an established and well-accepted delineation in
D.P. Diliman most universities here and abroad. The separation between the two
aims to highlight the importance of each set of functions and to
"Erfinda S. Echanis, original additional assignment as Dean, recognize the categorical energies required to advance and develop
College of Business Administration, effective 1 August 2001 until 31 each of these vital functions. I believe these are not just fancy titles.
July 2004 but represent substantive and critical leadership functions leading

Raul Fabella, renewal of additional assignment as Dean, School of to vibrant scholarly productivity at Dry.
Economics, effective 1 August 2001 until 31 July 2004 In DPV's case, we had proposed the elevation of the ORC into
Galileo S. Zafra, original additional assignment as Director, Sentro the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension. The
ng Wikang Filipino, effective 1 April 2001 until 31 Marcb 2004 main additional budgetary outlay will be an additional six units for
12-unit VCRE designation, given that the ORC director already is
EXTENSION OF SERVICE BEYOND assigned six units under the present set-up. With this elevation, we
COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE OF 65 will no longer have a Director for the ORC, as this office will not be
operational. The difference in the RATA between the ORC Director
V.P. Diliman and the VCRE is minimal.
"2. Why would a VCRE be more effective than a director for research:
Lourdes C. Brillantes, Associate Professor I, College of Arts and A vice-chancellor has a full-time appointment to attend to research
Letters, effective 4 February 2001 until 31 May 2001 and extension and is a top decision-making position in the university.
Antonio O. Mabesa, Professor 12, College of Arts and Letters, Let me just speak primarily about the research component of the
effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002 YCRE's designation.
Romeo B. Ocampo, Professor 11, National College of Public Although the deans are expected to motivate their faculty to
Administration and Governance, effective 3 February 2001 until 31 undertake research, it is again only one of the many concerns of the
October 2001 deans-aside from day-to-day administration, curriculum-related
functions, faculty management. studentconcems. A full-time VCRE
MATIERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE on the other hand, shall have dedicated time to engage in, among
1148TH MEETING (22 FEBRUARY 2001) others, the following: plan out programs and activities that respond
to research needs across colleges; work with the colleges and assist
On the U.P. Diliman Faculty Dormitory Project and the U.P. Dillman them in their peculiar research challenges; initiate development of
Academic Har-gOut grant proposals that are interdisciplinary and not limited to a single
1. Regent Bugayong asked for clarification on whether the Board will field (a coverage which is increasingly in demand); initiate linkages
still have the chance to re-examine the Terms of Reference of these which will enhance and bring in resources for research; identify and
projects. The action required from the Board was just an approval in propose policies that will enhance and vitalize research culture and
principle while the action given by the Board was approval of the undertakings; and attend on behalf of the university critical meetings
implementation of the projects. that network research institutions with research councils and sources
~Not in the meeting room when herappointment wasbeingtakenup by the Board.
January - March 2001 D.P.GAZETIE 27

of grants. The monitoring functions will only be part of the more My opinion is that the position of VCRE will not be outdated
routine tasks that this office will undertake to insure that research or be outgrown by a University's progress. As Ury grows, the
projects are undertaken responsibly and within the expected time challenges for research, publication and technology development
.frame and quality standards. will become more complex, and so will its management. As such,
Onereason why UPV'srecord for publication is belowexpected the functions of an office of VCRE will accordingly evolve and
levels,despite the fact that there is no lack of research, is that there is continue to be essential.
no systematic way of addressing the obstacles that faculty and I hope that the above can influence you toward a positive
research staff experience on the way to publication. In the past six assessment of our proposal for the institution of the VCRE position.
years. UPVhas taken steps to address theseobstacles,c.g.,providing I am truly convinced that the time has come for urv to create this
manuscript grant incentives, undertaking manuscript preparation critical position. I expect its creation to beinstrumental in positioning
workshops, and even giving birth to our own peer-reviewed journals. the research where it truly belongs - as central to the functions of
I think the response in terms of publication has not been significant. this university."
How will a VCRE improve this situation? Being assigned to this
concern as a full-time preoccupation, there is sufficient time and Amendment in the Reorganization of the D.P. Institute for Science
energy to identify, fine-tune and follow through appropriate and Mathematics Education Development (U.P.lSMED) into the U.P.
strategies,matching these with thepattems ofconditions the faculty National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education
and staff find themselves in. Thiscan includeagreementsfor teaching Development (U.P. NISMED)

load reductions to those who commit to produce a publishable The first part of the provision concerning the administration of the
manuscript within a specified semester. Even with the attractive NISMED should read as follows:
incentives for international publications put in place by President The NISMED shall have an Advisory Council composed
Nemenzo, the ability to respond by most UPVfaculty may be slow of the Chancellor of U.P. Diliman as Chair, and the following
because of peculiar problems that are encountered. Unique strategies members: Dean, V.P. College of Education; Dean, V.P.
may be accommodated within the next 2-3 years, because these can College of Science; Dean, U.P. Open University Faculty of
be considered the initiation years into international publication (with Education; Director, Science Education Institute, Department
its more stringent scholarship requirements) for the majority of UPV of Science and Technology; Director, Bureau of Secondary
faculty. It is expected that there will come a time when such special Education Q! Bureau of Elementary Education, Department
arrangements will no longer be necessary because faculty and of Education,Culture and Sports;and Director,U.P. NISMED
researchers shall by then be adept at producing publishable (exofficio).
manuscripts. The Council shall meet at least once a year.
It is also expected that with the VCRE, the twoUPV jouma1s canbe The down-sizing of the Advisory Board to an Advisory Council
attended to appropriately to ensure that these come out on time. was requested for practical reasons such as difficulty in convening the
Creating the Vice-Chancellor position puts research and Secretaries of four departments and private sector representatives. The
extension at par with instruction. At present the VCAA is supposed proposed Advisory Council can also effectively discharge the functions
to also assume these two functions as part of her assigned tasks and of the Advisory Board.
responsibilities. But the truth is, because of the heavy day-to-day
administrative work that is attached to instruction and the time Proposal to transform the Women and Development Program of the

required for instruction, student, and faculty-related matters, less College of SocialWork and Community Development (CSWCD), U.P.
than 30%of VCAA's time is given to research and extension concerns. Dilintan, into a Department of Women and Development Studies
Manyexternalcriticalresearchmeetings(e.g.called by CHED,DOST The College of Social Work and Community Development
councils, DBM, etc.) that are usually attended to by either presidents proposed the upgrading ofits Womenand DevelopmentProgram (WOP)
or the institution's VC for Research are, in the case of UPV, attended to a Department ofWol1rell and Development Studies. The WDP offers the
by the Research Director. It is at these meetings when collaborative following academic programs: Diploma in Women and Development,
activities are forged, and other opportunities are opened up. and Master of Arts in Women and Development. It is currently
Inasmuch as the Directors are perceived not to have the appropriate developing a distance education mode for its Diploma in Women and
authority to commit the institution right away, UPV sometimes loses Development which is scheduled to be offered by the first semester of
opportunities to other institutions where their top officials are in AY2001-2002.
attendance. This is just the way the bureaucracy selects who to give The establishment of the Women and Development Program of
the leadership responsibilities within networks. In addition, and in the College of Social Work and Community Development in 1988 put
relation to the aforementioned, there is lack of continuity between the University of the Philippines at the cutting edge in women's and
what the director may have learned in these settings and the decision- development studies. It also remains the only degree-granting program
making in the university because there are meetings where only the in the area of women's studies in the entire U.P. system.
Chancellor and Vice-Chancellors are in attendance. U a VCRE is Since 1988, women's studies has emerged as one of the major
part of the executive team at DPV, there is expected to be more academic disciplines. Universities allover the world have recognized
synergy in decision-making wherein research and extension concerns this by founding women's studies, departments and institutes. In line
are adequately represented. (All these arguments may apply as well with these developments, there is a need for the university to build on
to promoting the extension function of UPV at the supra co~ege our pioneering efforts to keep pace with the continuing growth of
level; although under your administration I think the emphasis on women's studies in the country and in the region.
The proposal to transform the Women and Development Program
research and publication is very marked.) .
into a Department of Women and Development Studies is based on the
"3. Lack of flexibility because the position of Vice-Chancellorw1l1 be
limited to the most senior professors. This will not be a problem following:
1. After almost 12 years of existence, the WOP fulfills all the
because there is a significant number of senior professors at UPV.
requirements of a department;
As to who 1 have in mind for the job, my first choice would be Dr.
2. A Department of Women and Development Studie~ enhances
Ebonia Seraspe, who has been doing a yeoman's job quite ,-"elleven its institutional visibility and linkages as an academic program
going beyond the time limitations of the position of the Director of with national and regional relevance and,
28 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.1

3. Its conversion into a department requires minimal budgetary Board action: Approval for SY 2000-2001 only.
outlay from the University.
Confirmation of the approval by the Board through referendum of
Waiver of the rule on secondment in favor of Dr. Ida F. Dalmacio and the conferment of honorary degrees (honoris causa)
Dr. Alexander A. Lim Confirmation of the approval by the Board through referendum of
Waiver of the rule on secondment in favor of Dr. Ida F. Dalmacio the conferment of honorary degrees (1IOIIOriS causa) on the following:
and Dr. Alexander A. Lim to enable them to serve as ExecutiveDirector Dr. Benjamin M. Rigor - Doctor of Laws (llOlIOriS cal/sa)
and Deputy Executive Director, respectively, of the Department of Mr. Washington Z. Sycip - Doctor of Laws (hollon's causa)
Science and Technology (DOST) Result of Referendum
Dr. Dalmacio's third year term as Executive Director ends on 14 All the regents, except Regent Nachura who was out of town on
April2OOl, while Dr. Lim's second year appointment expires on 31 May campaign, approved the referendum.
As per BOR resolution amended at its 103Ist and 1039th meetings DONATIONS
on 28 June 1990 and 14 March 1991, respectively, secondment to a policy
determining, highly technical position in the Civil Service may initially The Board noted the following donations:
be for two calendar years, renewable for a like period, and in very
meritorious cases, the Board may, upon recommendation of the unit Donation of Equipment
head concerned, the Dean and President, waive the rule on the number Donation of one (1) unit Olympus Microscope and one (1) unit
of years a faculty member may be allowed to be on seeondmenl Further,
that a faculty member will in no case be allowed to be on secondment
for more than six years.
In view of the above resolution, the President endorsed the request
of DOST to continue Dr. Dalmacio and Dr. Lim's secondment effective
15 April 2001 and 1 June 2001, respectively, without prejudice to further
reappointment but not to exceed six calendar years.
Power Supply with SN:50714 covered by a Deed of Donation and
Acceptance entered into by and between U.P. Diliman and the
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Donations remitted through the U.P. Foundation, Inc.

l. Donation of $6,300.00 from the Philippine Association of
Metropolitan Washington Engineers (PAMWE) Foundation, Inc. for

OOST is allowing Drs. Dalmacio and Lim to assume teaching the Carlos & Alvano and PAMWE Foundation Endowment Fund
responsibilities at U.P.Los Banos with a load and schedule to be agreed for a Scholarship at the University of the Philippines
upon by both parties. 2. Donation of P170,757.99 from the Sumitomo Corporation for the
Sumitomo Corporation Scholars for SY 2000-2001
Deed of Donation with the Manila Electric Company (MERALCO)
Establishment of Professorial Chairs Deed of Donation entered into by and between U.P. Electrical and
Establishment of two (2) Meralco Professorial Chairs in Electrical Electronics Engineering Foundation, Inc. (UPEEEFI) and the Manila
Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electric Company (MERALCO)for a donation ofP360,000.00 to support
out of a donation of P360,000.00 from MERALCO to the V.P. Electrical two (2) Professorial Chairs and two (2) Teaching Study Grants for a one
and Electronics Engineering Foundation, Inc. year period ending in 31 May 2001

The donation of P360,OOO.OO shall support two (2)professorial chairs This donation shall be made per year for the next three years.
and two (2) Teaching and Study Grants for a one year period ending on
31 May 2001. This amount shall be donated every year for the next FINANCIAL MATTERS APPROVED
three years.
Programming of the unappropriated income of U.P. Dillman as of 31
Graduation of Students of the U.P. Open University December 2000
Graduation of students for various degrees as of the end of the Progranuning of the unappropriated income of U.P. Diliman as of
First Semester, 2000-2001,as approved by the UPOU University Council 31 December 2000in the total amount ofP5,323,332.64,certified available
at its 13th meeting on 21 February 2001 by the Chief Accountant broken down as follows:
B.1.b Capital Outlay
Authority for the President to approve the lists of candidates for Construction
graduation from the University Councils of other Constituent Permanent Improvements P 5,323.332.64
Universities (CUs) Note: Viis amoll1ltwill be lIsedforvariolls U.P. Diliman projects.
Most of the CUs have set their Commencement Exercises ahead of It is understood that tire disbursements from tllis programmed
the regular schedule of the Board of Regents' meeting in Apri12001, as amountsllall be subjectto tire uSlial accounting andauditing laws, niles
follows: and regulations and approval of ti,e President.
Campus Univ. Council Mtg. Commencement Exercises
V.P.Mindanao April 17 April 20 (Fri) Implementation for CY 2000 of the Laundry Allowance and
V.P.Baguio April 11 April 24 (Tues) Subsistence Allowance to the remaining 241111 of the U.P. Manila
V.P.Manila April 6 April 20 (Fri) personnel/staff
V.P,Diliman April 17 April 22 (Sun) Implementation for CY 2000 of the Laundry Allowance of Pl25.00
Ij.Rvisayas April 16 April 25 (Wed) per month and Subsistence Allowance of P900.00 per month to the
V.P.Cebu April 26 (Thu) remaining 24% of the U.P. Manila personnel/staff, pending final
Ll.R'Tacloban April 27 (Fri) disposition as regards the hazard pay component of the benefits covered
V,P.Los Banos April 16 April 21 (Sat) by the Magna Carta of Public Health Workers
Moreover, the approval of the graduation of students by the Board The Department of Budget and Management (OBM) interposed no
might be constrained by time even by referendum because of the objection to the request of U.P. Manila to use income to pay in CY 2000
proximity of the dates between the last University Council meeting on the remaining 24%of the UP. Manila employees who have not yet been
17 April and the earliest date of graduation on 20 April. paid the benefit, provided the request is approved by the U.P. Board of
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 29

Regenlsand that the rates shall be in accordance with rates prescribed Memorandum of Agreement with P1.n Intern.tional.Philippi....
under Circular Letter No. 2000-12, as follows: Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the
1. Laundry Allowance P125/month Universityof the Philippines, through the Education Research Program
2. Subsistence Allowance P9OO/month (ERP) of the U.P. Center for Integrative and Development Studies
(UOOS),and Plan International-Philippines
U.P. CY 2001 Budget and Report on the CY 2000 Budget prepared by Project: Implementation of the PROJECT PLAN in selected
the Office of the Vice President for Planning and Finance municipalitiesof Isabelaand Masbate provinces
BlIdget P3,220,530.00
a. The ultimate objectiveof PLAN is to make lasting improvemenls at
The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic the children's level through programs that operate at the grassrools
matters: level with communities and individuals, improve their health,
learning, and physical environmenls, and improve the quality of
U.P. System life and of families.
b. SharingScheme:
Four Academic Research Agreements (ARA!) with the Government 1) The pilot municipalities of Isabela and Masbate shall provide
of the Republic of the Philippines the venue, food, accommodations, and/or transportation costs
Four AcademicResearch Agreements (ARAs) entered into by and of service providers, community leaders, ECCD core group

between the U.P. System and the Government of the Republic of the members, and volunteers in trainings, consultative meetings,
Philippines, through the following agencies: assemblies, and the like.
Department of Scienceand Technology 2) PLAN International Philippines shall provide basic ECCD
Department of Environment and Natural Resources materials,equipment, toolsand infrastructure as needed and as
Department of Health described in the ECCDprotocoland to support the cost of travel
Department of Agriculture of project leaders, resource persons, and/or consultants of the
Project: Conduct of researches/ studies and/or collectionsof biological project
and genetic resources by the University for research/scientific 3) The DECS Divisionand Districtofficesshall assist in the needed
purposes (CoveringRegions1 to 13) assessment and supervision, evaluation and documentation of
Particulars: the project.
a, The draft ARAs are the results of over a year of U.P.System-wide 4) The U,P.-ERP shall render technicalsupport and assistanceand
consultationamong researchers doing bioprospectingactivitiesand consultancy services to the project proponents,
were crafted in compliance with Executive Order 247 entitled Project cost P3,220,580.00
"PrescribingGuidelines and Establishinga RegulatoryFramework Dllra"on: 1 January 2001 until 31 December2002
for the Prospecting of Biological and Genetic Resources, Their By- Date no/llriud: 23 February 2001
Products and Derivatives, For Scientific and CommercialPurposes
and For Other Purposes." UP. Dillman
b. TheARAs coverresearcheson. among others,terrestrialand marine/
aquatic biological and genetic resources that are under the Memorandum of Agreement with Hoseo University (Koreal

management jurisdiction of the aforementioned government Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P,
agencies. Diliman and the HOSEO University (Korea)
c. The ARAs deal mainly on researches that are purely basic and Project: English Language Education, Educational Cooperation and
academic in nature and to be undertaken by the V.P. System, Student ExchangeProgram
including its affiliates and students. Likewise, the ARAs authorize Partimlars:
the U.P. System and its associates to conduct studies in areas within U.P. Diliman and Hoseo University agreed to cooperate in
Regions 1-13. education, training and research activities as pursued in the following
d. The ARAs are separately executed as follows: academic programs:
_ Regions 1, 2,3 and the Cordillera Administrative Regionor CAR a. Joint ResearchActivitiesin Language Teaching;
- Regions4, 5 and 6 b. Exchange of Information on Academic Programs and
- Regions7, 8,9 and 10 Professional Research Publications;
_ Regions 11, 12, 13 and the Administrative Region of Muslim c. Exchangeof Faculty Membersfor Teaching and Research, and
Mindanao or ARMM d. Exchangeof Students
e. All matters relating to the research collection and use of genetic Effectivity: Effective for a period of 3 years from the date of completion
materials and bioprospeeting activities by the Principal and its of the signatures of both parties
Affiliates within the said regions shall be subject to the original and Dare Signed: 12 December 2000
exclusive supervision and control, inclusive of regu1ati~ of the ~~d
Renewal of and Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement with the
and/ or regional offices of the administrative agencyues) exerosmg
Fundadon Fernando Rieto (Spain)
jurisdiction thereof. , . ' Renewalof and SupplementalMemorandumof Agreemententered
f. All research outputs, and/or patentable inventions/mnov:ti:s into by and between U.P. Dillman and the Fundacion Fernando Rielo
arising from, as a result of and/ or produced pursuant ?
(Spain) .
Agreements shall, in accordance with and subject to the pro:1S1ons
Project: Academic and cultural ties in the areas of education, research
of the IntellectualProperty Code, be jointlyowned by the Principal,
and other related fields
Affiliates and Collaborators, if any.
Effectivity: Effective for a period of five (5) years commencing on the a. U.P. Diliman and Fundacion entered into a Memorandum. of
date of signing Agreement on 12 April 1996 for establishing a coo~er~hve
Dare Signed: 11 July 2000 relationship in the development of academic and cultural ties in the

areas of education, research and other related fields. The Agreement Diliman for the enhancement of its academic and research
created the Fernando Rielo Professorial Chair in Teaching Spanish programs;
Literature and Thought, and provided for one Professor from 7) Article III of the 1998 MOA concerning intellectual property
Fundacion to be contracted by V.P. Dillman as a Visiting Professor. rights shall apply to all outputs, discoveries and innovations
The Agreement provided only for a period of two years until june produced pursuant to and by virtue of the Agreement, and to all
1998. The Parties had executed a Renewal of Memorandum of reports, publications and use of any data or information acquired
Agreement dated 30 june 1998 to renew the period of the Agreement or derived therefrom; and
for another two years beginning june 1998. 8) The Parties, upon their mutual consent expressed in writing, may
b. The Parties agreed to renew the Memorandum of Agreement with avail of assistance from other government agencies to ensure
the same terms and conditions for another one (1) year beginning 1 the successful implementation of the Agreement.
june 2000, provided that with respect to the intellectual property Effedivih.f Effective upon signing by both parties until 31 December
rights over any output, work or product from activities under the 2001
Agreement, it is further agreed that Date signed: 30 january 2001
1) Intellectual property rights over any output, work or product
shall be jointly owned by V.P. Dillman, the Fundacion and the Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Agriculture (DA)
creator, author or researcher. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
2) Any publication of any output, work or product shall identify Diliman and the Department of Agriculture (DA)
the Parties as the source. The Parties shall have equal right to Project: Technical Assistance on Safety and Quality Standards Covering
the use of any output, work or product, or information data or Animal and Fisheries Products
findings therein, in pursuit of their respective academic implementing Agency: Office of Community and Extension Services
programs. All major reports shall be made in the name of the (OCES), College of Home Economics (CHE)
University of the Philippines through the college or department Particulars:
concerned and the Fundacion. The names of principal authors, a. V.P. Diliman, through OCES-CHE, shall:
researchers or project leaders, as the case may be, shall be 1) provide technical assistance on safety and quality standards
identified and included in such reports. covering animal and fisheries products in accordance with the
Date sig1led: 30 january 2001 approved proposal;
2) manage the funds remitted by the DA according to the Budget
Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement with the Aurora State Allotment; and
CoDege of Technology (ASCOT) 3) submit monthly progress reports detailing technical outputs,
Supplemental Memorandumof Agreemententered into byand between quarterly and financial reports, and a final report of
V.P. Dillman and the Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) accomplishments accompanied by an audited financial report
Project: Assessment of Reef Resources in Eastern Philippines, Project 1 at the end of the assistance.
of Pacific Seaboard Research and Development Program b. DA shall:
(PACSEA) 1) provide the necessary funds in the amount of P998,181.60 to
Particulars: finance the assistance; and
a. V.P. Diliman and ASCOT entered into a Memorandum of Agreement 2) reserve the right to intervene and institute corrective measures
on 17 March 1998 to help accelerate development in the Provinceof in case of non-compliance by OCFS-CHE wi th the provisions of

Aurora, particularly in the field of science and technology. V.P. the Agreement.
Dillman, through its Marine Science Institute coordinates and Duration: 1 November 2000 until 30 June 2001
implements Project 1 of PACSEA entitled" Assessment of Reef Date signed: 1 February 2001
Resources in Eastern Philippines" funded by the Department of
Science and Technology through the auspices of the Philippine Contract with the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural
Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development Organization (UNESCO)
(PCAMRD) Contract entered into by and between V.P. Dillman and the United
b. This Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement is necessary to Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
incorporate certain provisions concerning the implementation of Project UNESCO Chair in Integrated Management and Sustainable
PACSEA 1 in the Province of Aurora, as follows: Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands
1) U.P.-MSI shall provide consultation services and undertake Particulars:
research and development projects in marine science in Aurora Amendment No.1 to Contract No. 850-124-8. All other articles
in relation to PACSEA 1; remain unchanged except for Article I.l(a) and Article III Conditions
2) U.P.-MSI shall assist ASCOT in the development of its local of Payments (1. Total Financial Support and Currency and 2.
reasearch personnel through short-term training and workshops Installments).
on marine science; Date signed: 7 January 2001
3) Should ASCOT deem it necessary to send foreign research
personnel for its training or workshops, ASCOT shall give U.P.- Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine
MSI a written request with justification at least ten (10) days prior Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development
to the activity; (PCAMRD)
4) U.P.-MSI shall assist ASCOT in the development of its Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and
organization and infrastructure for marine research; between V.P. Dilimanand the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine
5) ASCOT shall submit to V.P.MS! quarterly progress reports of Research and Development (PCAMRD)
its activities related to PACSEA 1, which shall be incorporated Project: Antimicrobial Metabolites from Microorganisms Associated
in the quarterly accomplishment reports to be submitted to the with Marine Organisms
program leader of PACSEA 1 and DOST; Particulars:
6) All data and findings gathered and produced by virtue of and a. This Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement was executed to
pursuant to the Agreement shall be made available to U.P. incorporate the provisions on intellectual property rights.
January- March2001 V.P. GAZETI'E 31

b. All other terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement 5) Institutional plarming and other relevant areas of cooperation
shall remain and continue to be in full force and effect as may be deemed important and mutually beneficial to both
EfJrctiuity: Effective upon its execution until the completion of the project parties.
Date signed: 10 January 2000 EfJrctivity: Three(3) years upon signing by the parties
Date signed: 12 February 2001
Memorandum of Agreement with Palawan State University (PSU)
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Memorandum of Agreement with V.P. Mindanao
Diliman and Palawan State University (PSU) Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U,P.
Project: Faculty Exchange Program Diliman and U.P. Mindanao
Particulars: Project Bar Review Gasses
a. On the request of Palawan State University, U.P. Dillman shall permit Pariiculere:
its facultymemberand/or academicpersonnel to serve in theformer a. The College <if Law shall:
on a part-time basis in such capacity as may be requested by the 1) be responsible for and have general supervision and control of
PSU. the Bar Review classes;
b. Personnel of V.P. Diliman serving in the PSU shall be given 2) be responsible for the collection of the Bar Review Fee from each
reasonable compensation bythe latter institution, in accordance with enrollee;
its salary administration plan, policiesand rules; provided that the 3) select and hire the services of the lecturers for the Bar Review
faculty member and/ or academic personnel given teaching classes;
assignments at the PSU be appointed thereat to a rankequivalent to 4) assign staff to supervise the conduct of the Bar Review classes;

that held by said faculty member and! or academic personnel in U.P.

Effedivittj: Uponcompletionof thesignatures of bothparties fora period
of two years
Date signed: 12 December1999

Contract for Training with the Regional Development Council V

S) pay the honoraria of lecturers and Bar Review staff, including
U.P. Mindanao staff assigned to coordinate with the U.P. Law
Centerin the conduct of the BarReview classes;
6) pay the board and lodging of the UPLC lecturers and staff; and
7) introduce useful improvements in the lecturehall,when the U.P.
Mindanao Bar Review Institute becomes a profitable undertaking
and is no longer subsidized by the other V.P. Law Center
Contract for Training entered into by and between V.P. Diliman programs.
and the Regional Development Council V b. U.P. Mindanao shall,
Training: Manpower Capability Training for Geographic Information 1) provide an adequate and comfortable lecture hall in its Terraza
System Operations of the Region V Wide Area Network Project Milesa site for the entire period of the bar review from April to
Particulnrs: July of each year;
V.P. Diliman shall performthe services as specified in Attachment 2) provide the necessary sound system and other equipment and
1* and except as otherwise provided herein. shall provide all the the technical person to operate the same;
necessary and qualified personnel, facilities, equipment, materials 3) be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the lecture
and supplies for the proper execution of the specified services. hall as well as the equipment to be used; and
Seroice Fee: ROC secretariat shall pay U.P, Diliman the total amount of 4) ensure the cooperation of its officials and staffin working closely
P2lO,OOO.oo with UPLC officials and staff to ensure a smooth operation of
EfJrctivihl' Shall constitute two (2) batches of 15 persons per batch and the BarReview classes.

shall be for the period 1-30 December 1999 Effectivity: 5 years

Date siglled: 29 November 1999 Date signed: 28 February 2001

Memorandum of Agreement with the University of the Southeastern Memorandum of Agreement with the Renardet S.A/Louis Berger
Philippines (USEP), Davao City Group Consortium (R,lLBC)
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
Diliman and the University of the Southeastern Philippines (USEP), Dillman and the Renardet S.A./L:>uls Berger Group Consortium (R!LBC)
Project Public Perfonnance AuditSystem for the MWSS-Regulatory Office
Davao City .
Project: Academic and research exchange through collaborative work Implementing Unit: National EngineeringCenter (NEC)
and mutual assistance Particulars:
a. The U.P.-NEC shall provide the technical expertise requested by R!
Implemeutillg Unit: National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS),
LBC as described in a separateStatementof Work thatare executed
College of Science
by R/LBC and U.P.-NEC for each assigrunent that U.P.-NEC accepts.
Particulars: b. Forand in considerationof the services specified in each Statement
a. Subject to availability of funds and mutual consent of both parties of Work. R/LBC agrees to pay U.p.-NEe according to accepted terms
d in separatememorandaof agreement:, collaborative work
exp~ h titi r in the proposal submitted by the latter. . .
and assistance shall be carried out through sue ac VI es 0 c. U.p.-NECagrees to lease foruse by R/LBCan officespaceconsasting
programs as: IR rces of two rooms (Rooms 301 to 3(4) located at the 3rd flooroftheU.P.-
1) Faculty development for USEP's Environ~~nta eso~ NEC Building.
Management Program through snort-term tranungand senunars Duration: 22 November 2000 unti130 Apri12001
or enrollment in graduate degree programs of the NICS; Date signed: 26 February 2001
oint research and development in areasof mutual interesc .
~\ ~tablishment of geological study areas or stations in Davao City U.P. Los Banos
and nearby provinces; ement in
echnical advice to School of Governanceand M~g Memorandum of Agreement WI
lth th Philippine Council for Advanced
e l l (pCASTRD)
4) ~e development or upgrade of its ~~ce laboratonesrelevant Science and Technology Research and Deve opmen
to its instructionaland research activities; and Institution Development Program

'See OSU records,


Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los projects/ activities of the program and shall monitor the
BaIlos and the Philippine Council fur Advanced Science and TecImology implementation of the projects through the Livestock Development
Research and Development (PCASTRD) Institution Development Council.
Program b. UPLB-DrR1 shall utilize the funds for the purpose and for effective
Project: Acquisition of equipment needed by the Institute of Biological implementation of the projects.
Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (Grantee) Effectivity: Effective upon signing by both parties but not later than 31
Projtct CDSt: P700,OOO.OO to be released by PCASTRD to IDS for the August 2001
purpose Date signed: 27 November 2000
a. The program aims, among others, to upgrade and develop the U.P. Visayas
instructional and R&D capabilities of the PCASTRD network
members. Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Council for Aquatic
b. The PCASTRD Grant shall be expended by the Grantee for the and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD)
acquisition of equipment. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
c. The procurement of the items shall be done by the Grantee in Visayas and the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research
accordance with the procedure and conditions stipulated in the and Development (PCAMRD)
MOA. Project: Review of Senate Bill 1537 entitled, "An Act Creating the
d. All items procured under the Grant shall remain the property of Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Providing for
PCASTRD and properly marked as such by the Grantee as prescribed
by PCASTRD. The Grantee shall be accountable for the items
procured while under its charge, and will be responsible for its
maintenance and repair and the expenses thereof shall be for its
e. Unexpended funds for the grant shall be promptly returned to
its Powers and Functions and for Other Purposes"
DOSTPCAMRD Assist..a: P55,OOO.OO to be expended as allocated in

a. UPV shall:
the Project Line-Item-Budget

1) consult and hold focus group discussions with stakeholders

regarding the major issues of 5B 1537;
Date signed: 1 December 2000 2) conduct a workshop composed of representatives from the
academe, government, private sector. and selected experts to
Memorandum of Undentandiog with Ateneo de Manila University discuss the salient features and provide recommendations on
(ADMU) 5B 1537;
Memorandum ofUnderstanding entered into by and between U.P. 3) Provide PCAMRD with a comprehensive report within two
LosBaIIos and Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) months after the release of funds by PCAMRD which contains
Project: Assessment of the different community-based forest the following:
management projects/initiatives (CBFM) a) Activities and results of the consultation meetings and
Partiadars: workshops;
a. ADMU. through its Institute of Philippine Culture (IPC), seeks a b) Analysis and recommendations on the major issues raised

partner institution with which to collaborate in its Ford Foundation- in 5B 1537; and
supported projectentilied Assessment of Community-based Natural c) Recommendation on the status of PCAMRD.
Resources Management (Phase 1). b. DOST-PCAMRD shall:
b. ADMUand UPLBthrough their respective units, IFC and the College 1) provide UPV the amounlofP55,OOO.OO todefray expenses related '
of Forestry and Natura1 Resources (CFNR) shall joinliy conduct the to the review of 58 1537; and
project by collecting. coUating.analyzing. and synthesizing available 2) provide UPV with feedback on the recommendation made by
materials on the subject. as well as conducting small or focus group UPV regarding 5B 1537.
discussion with the project proponents and implementors from Effectivity: Two months upon signing of the MOA
various sectors. Date signed: 27 August 1999
c. UPLBshall provide a part-lime Community Forestry 5pecia1ist to
serve as project leader in the assessment. He shall be assited by U.P. Open University
two IPC-hired research associates who will be based at the CFNR.
d ADMU through the project shall provide institutional support to Memorandum of Agreement with the Local Government Academy
CFNR in the form of two nonbranded desktop computers, two (LGA)
colored printers and a high-resolution scanner which shall be used Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P.
in carrying out the project. The equipment shall be the property of Open University and the Local Government Academy (LGA)
CFNR after project completion and will be used for its instruction. Project: Offering of the Certificate in Barangay Administration Program
research and extension functions. Parfiadars:
Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties until 31 May 2001 a. The Certificate in Barangay Administration is a distance education
Date signed: 4/anuary 2001 program offered by UPOUconsisting of non-formal courses that aim
to upgrade the skil1s of harangay officials in managing barangay
Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Agriculture affairs and strengthening their capacity for local development and
(DA) grassroots governance.
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los b. The Academy shall:
BaIIos through the Dairy Training and Research Institute (DTRI) and 1) select scholars for the program. in coordination with the DILG
the Department of Agricu1ture (DA) Regional Offices;
Project: Agrikulturang Makamasa Livestock Program(AMLP) 2) provide the tuition and registration fee of scholars;
Project Cost PI Million to be provided by DA for the Project 3) monitor the progressand performance of the scholars and notify
Partiollars: UPOU of the termination of the scholarship of any of its
a. DA shall transfer the amount of PI Million to support various grantees;
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 33

4) promote the Program and coordinate with UPDU in if necessary and subject to the availability of funds appropriated
administrative matters as may be agreed upon with respect to and allocated for the purpose, as well as to auditing and
its scholarship grantees. accounting rules of the government, to the participating UPOU
c. The UPOU shall: personnel during visits to schools and institutions under the
1) develop appropriate instructional course materials; Program;
2) provide course coordinators, study tutors and learning centers; 3) recommend schools and other institutions to visit in view of its
3) deliver the course through its network of learning centers; closer linkage to primary and secondary schools;
4) provide the Academy with information on the student 4) designate a UPOU coordinator who shall work closely with the
performance to enable them to monitor progress of their scholars; UNILAB coordinator in overseeing the activities under the
5) promote the Program and coordinate with the Academy in Program; and
administrative matters as may be agreed upon with respect to 5) develop new activities and educational and instructional
the latter's scholarship grantees. materials for the Program.
d. Provision of payment .Duration: Effective from the date of execution of the Agreement for a
1) For the entire Program, the Academy shall provide the total period of two years
amount of P14,100.00 per scholar, of which P14,OOO.00 shall be
payment for six (6) regular courses and one (1) enhancement OTHER MATIERS
course,and PlOO.OO in payment of the one-time application fee
per scholar.

The Board noted the following matters brought to its attention:

2) Upon receipt of billing by UPOU, the Academy shall pay the
one-time applicationfeeof PlOD.OO per scholar. Letter of Regent Raul P. de Guzman to V.P. President Francisco
3) Upon receipt of billing by UPOU, the Academy shall pay the Nemenzo and the Board of Regents expressing his wish that he be
course fees in the amount of P2,OOO.OO per scholar per course. given an opportunity to continue to perform his functions as member
Efftctivitlf Upon signing, subject to renewal depending on the of the Board of Regents
availability of funds and upon mutual consent of the
contracting parties Letter of Thanks of Supreme Court Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. to
Datesiglled: 17 January 2001 the Board of Regents
Letter of Supreme Court Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. to the Board
Memorandum of Agreement with United Laboratories, Inc. of Regents dated 5 March 2001 expressing his thanks for the confennent
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the U.P. upon him of the Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) by the University and
Open University and United Laboratories, Inc. accepting its invitation as Commencement Speaker for the
Project: UPOU-UNILAB Mobile Biotechnology Education Program Commencement Exercises of U.P. Diliman on 22 April 2001
a. UNILAB shall: Appointment of Ms. Kristine Clare C. Bugayong as Student Regent of
1) continue to provide at its sole expense the facilities, chemicals the University of the Philippines for the period 1 January 2001 until
and other materials for the Program, including the vehicle for 31 December 2001
the mobile lab and a driver during visits to schools and other

institutions, and shall so provide the same for activities of, and Memorandum of President Francisco Nemenzo on the subject
educational and instructional materials developed by UPOU; "Campaign for a Revitalized G.E. Program"
2) designate a coordinator from the UNlLAB staff, who together Memorandum Number FN-QI-20 of President Francisco Nemenzo
with a designated Ul'Oll representative, will arrange schedules to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the members of the
of the visits to schools and other institutions, and supervise the General Education Council (dated 12 March 2001) on the subject
activities during the visits; "Campaign for a Revitalized G.E. Program" (See pA.)
3) provide funds for the travel, meal and accommodation expenses The President enjoins the Chancellors to organize colloquia,
of UNILAB staff, including that of its coordinator and driver, seminars, symposia and convocations on General Education where the
participating in the visits to schools and other institutions under members of the GE Council may be invited as facilitators.
the Program;
4) provide materials needed in the preparation and conduct of new Reply of Regent Raul P. de Guzman to the letter of President Nemenzo
dated 1 February 2001 on the issue of the infrastructure contract for
activities developed for the Program; and
5) fulfill other responsibilities necessary to or useful for its the renovation of Vinzons Hall between the Office of the Student
performance of its responsibilities under the Agreement. Regent Foundation, Inc. and the Presidential Management Staff

b. UPOU shall:
1) provide the experts from its faculty and staff who will carry out Academic Calendars for AY 2001-2002
1. U.P. Mindanao
the activities of the Program;
2. U.P. Open University
2) provide funds for travel expenses, per diem and accommodations.


V.P. Diliman
U.P. System
Azucena E. Albaniet Cook It University Food Service. Office of
Sesinando S. Eugenio. Mechanic III. Office of the Vice President the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, effective 12 February 2001
for Academic Affairs, effective 1 March 2001 (retirement) .
(retirement) . . .
Lutgarda D. Go, Utility Worker II. Accounting System, effective Altagracia S. Balane, College Librarian IV, University Library,
17 February 2001 (resignation) . effective 21 January 2001 (retirement)
Ma. Theresa A. Valera, Records Officer It Office of the Secretary
of the University, effective 11 January 2001 (deatM
34 U.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Jenny D. Balbo.. University Researcher I, Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, Zenaida Z. Cabrera, Project Development Officer II, Office of the
effective 12 March 200l (resignation) Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective 2B February 2001
Corazon L. Botictic, College Librarian II, University Library, (optiollal retirement)
effective 1 March 200l (retirement) Cleofe A. Calanasan, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts and
Fernando V. Bunuan, CartographerlV, College ofScience,effective Sciences, effective 5 March 2001 (resignation)
1March 2001 (retirement) Rosario B.Carandang, AssistantProfessor3, College of Agriculture,
Cesario D. Cacharo, Utility Worker II, College of Education, effective 12 January 2001 (compulsory retirement)
effective 1 March 200l (retirement) David D. Climacosa, Assistant Professor 5, College of Arts and
Prescilil S. Camontoy, Utility Worker II, College ofSocialSciences Sciences, effective 25 March 2001 (compllison) retirement)
and Philosophy, effective 16 january 2001 (retirement) Cirilo V. Dela Cueva, Mechanic II, Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Elena S. Catap, University Research Associate, College of Science, for Community Affairs, effective 1 March 2001 (optional retirement)
effective 1 January 2001 (resignatioll) Francisco P. Fellizar, Jr., Associate Professor 3, College ofHurnan
Myrna S.I. Cedula, School Credits Evaluator, Office of the Vice- Ecology, effective 1 January 2001 (optional retirement)
Chancellor for Student Affairs, effective 27 january 2001 (retirement) Alexander G. Flor, Professor 1, College of Development
Amado P. Dela Cruz, Mechanic I, Campus Maintenance Office, Communication, effective 1 January 2001 (Optio11al retirerncllt)
effective 1 March 200l (retirement) Josefa P. Garcia, Medical Technologist 11, College of Veterinary
Remedios G. Dela Cueva, Household AttendantllI, Office of the Medicine, effective 20 February 2001 (death)
Vice-Chancellorfor Student Affairs, effective 3 March 200l (retirement) Aristeo C. Guevarra, Lineman III, Office of the Vice-Chancellor
ApoUnario M. Diaz, Utility Foreman, College of Arts and Letters, for Conununity Affairs, effective 4 February 2001 (death)
effective6 March 2001 (retirement) Bias F. Hemaez, Laboratory Technician It College of Arts and
Barbara W.Fernandez, AssociateProfessor2,Collegeof Education, Sciences, effective 3 February 2001 (compl//son) retirement)
effective 15 January 2001 (retireme'lt) Araceli P. Johns, University Researcher II, College of Agriculture,
Ruperto T. Implica, Laboratory Technician I, College of effective 2 January 2001 (optiolfal retirement)
Engineering, effective 15 March 2001 (retirement) Rodolfo W. Lantican, Mason Ill, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for
Pablito B. [aene, jr., Utility Worker 11, College of Social Sciences Planning and Development effective 11 March 2001 (compulsory
and Philosophy, effective 10 March 2001 (retirement) retirement)
Fausto C. Melencio, FoodServiceWorker,UniversityFoodService, Ma. Visitacion P. Lawes, University Reseach Associate II, College
Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, effective 1 February of Agriculture, effective 1 January 2001 (optiollal retirement)
2001 (retirement) Renato R. Macahly a, Utility Worker 11, Collegeof Arts and Sciences,
Katherine P. Miranda, Teaching Associate, College of Science, effective 6 February 2001 (optiollal retirement}
effective 7 january 2001 (resignation) Antonio G. Maga, Security Guard Ill, Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Anastacio T. Nerval, Painter II, College of Engineering, effective5 for Community Affairs, effective 14 February 2001 (complllsonj retirement)
January 2001 (retiremellt) Pablito N. Malabanan, Fiscal Examiner II, Office of the Vice-
josefma M. Peregrina, Data Entry Machine Operator lll, School of Chancellor for Administration, effective 6 February 2001 (optional
Statistics, effective 30 March 2001 (deatlz) retirement)
Manasses Z. Romero, Utility Worker It University Food Service, Clemente A. Malabayabas, Student Records Evaluator II, College
Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, effective 1 February of Forestry and Natural Resources, effective 1 February 2001 (optiOlwl
2001 (retirement) retirement)
Evelyn B. Santos, Human Resource Management Officer II, Human Juanita M. Manipol, Human Resources Development Officer It
Resources Development Office, effective 2 January 2001 tretiremeni) Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration, effective 1 February
Ofelia J. Silapan, Professor 4, College of Arts and Letters, effective 2001 (optional retirement)
2 january 2001 (retirement) Rosalina L. Mansueto, Utility Worker II, College of Veterinary
Zeneida O. Ticsay, University Extension Specialist III, Institute of Medicine, effective 30 March 2001 (comptllson) retirement)
Small Scale Industries, effective 1 February 2001 (retirement) Eden A. Perez, Universi ty Researcher I, College of Agriculture,
Lilia A. Torres, Guidance Services Specisalist V, Office of the Vice- effective 20 January 2001 (optional retirement)
Chancellor for Student Affairs, effective 1 March 2001 (retirement) Julieta U. Sajise, University Researcher II, Office of the Vice-
Cecilia C. Villena, Supply Officer Ill, Law Complex, effective 25 Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective 21 March 2001 {optional
February 2001 (retirement) retirement)
Alma T. Yadao, Dormitory Manager IV, Office of the Vice- Manuel U. Santos, Assistant Professor 1, College of Veterinary
Chancellor for Student Affairs, effective 13 March 2001 (retirement) Medicine, effective 31 March 2001 (resignation)
Lourdes M. Tapay, University Researcher III, Office of the Vice-
U.P. Los Banos Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective 2 January 2001 toptiona!
Raimund C. Agapito, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Rene O. Tapay, University Extension Specialist III, College of
Sciences, effective 28 February 2001 (resignation) Agriculture, effective 16 March 2001 (optiollal retirement)
Allan A. Andales, Assistant Professor 4, College of Engineering Jesus H. Valencia, Utility Worker It College of Agriculture,
and Agro-lndustrial Technology, effective 1 February 2001 (resignation) effective 3 January 2001 (compulson) retirement)
Matias G. Arguelles, Agricultural Technician It College of Carlito C. Villa velez, Driver II, College of Agriculture, effective 1
Agriculture, effective 25 February 2001 (compulsory retirement) January 2001 (compulsory retirement)
Roberto D. Ayo, University Researcher 1I, Office of the Vice-
Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective 1 March 2001 (optimlal V.P. Manila
Criselda R. Bautista, Cashier II, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Ma. Lerma G. Abiog, Clerk II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Administration, effective 2 January 2001 (optional retirement) 16 January 2001 (resignation)
January. March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 35

Gaudette C. Acosta,Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective Hilda T. Baral Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 6
28 January 2001 (resigllation) February 2001 (resignatioll)
Maria Estrella P. Acosta, Medical Officer N, Philippine General Maria Elena C. Baricaua, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 january 2001 (completion of residellCY) effective 31 january 2001 (resignation)
Mary jean B. Advincula, Nurse lJI, Philippine General Hospital, Mariel M. Barquin, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective
effective 26 January 2001 (resignation) 15 january 2001 (resigtlanoll)
Evangeline B. Agmata, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, julette-Marie F. Baiara, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
effective 29 January 2001 (resignatiall) Hospital, effective1 january 2001 (completioll of residellCY)
Melanie G. AkaIal, MedicalOfficerIV, Philippine GeneralHospital, Maria justina L. Bautista, Medical Officer N, Philippine General
effective1 january 2001 (completion of residerrCt)) Hospital, effective 1 january 2001 (completion of residellCY)
Maria Elinore M. Alba, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Rose Linda Bautista, Associate Professor 2 (part-time), College of
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) Medicine, effective 1 March 2001 (resignation)
joel Patrick A. Aldana, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Doris R. Benavides, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellCt)} Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl)}
Ma. Romina Alden, Assistant Professor 1, College of Nursing, Ma. Teresa julieta U. Benedicta, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
effective16 March 2001 (resigllalioll) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residellCt)}
Yolanda C. Alimpoos, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, Maria Elena R Bernabe, Medical Officer Ill, Philippine General
effective5 February 2001 (resigllatioll) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (comptetion of resideIlCt)}

Ma. Cecilia D. Alinea, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Marife T. Biador, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital effective1 january 2001 (completion of residellCt)) 16 March 2001 (resigllatioll)
Cherry G. Almonicar, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Carlin B. Bllangel, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective
effective 16 March 2001 (resiglratioll) 7 March 2001 (resigtlalioll)
Maritess M. Alonzo, Nurse II,Philippine GeneralHospital, effective Richard V. Bonifacio, Radiologic Technologist II. Philippine
24 January 2001 (resigllah'oll) General Hospital, effective 1 February 2001 (resigllatiOlr)
Francisco E. Anacleto, [r., Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Robert P. Boteros, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completio1l of reside1lCY) 29 January 2001 (resignatioll)
Anthony Marc B. Ancheta, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Yolanda Budomo, University Extension Specialist 1, Ugnayan ng
Hospital, effective 1 january 2001 (completion of resideIlCt)} Pahinungod, effective 15 March 2001 (resignalioll)
Angelique C. Angel, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Antonio C. Bueno, Utility Worker II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective21 january 2001 (resignaiion) effective 7 March 2001 (resignation)
Joanna Christine R Arcenas, MedicalOfficerIll, Philippine General Romeo C.Bungar, MedicalOfficerIll, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residencf) effective1 January 2001 (completion of reside,ICI))
Baby Rende M. Asinas, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital. Max Geronimo T. Butardo, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General
effective 15 March 2001 (resigllatioll) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency)
Liezl F.Augusto, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital, Mary Grace F. Cabotafe, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 1 january 2001 (completioll of residellCt)) effective 29 january 2001 (resigtlatioll)
Annie Gay D. Austria, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Alfredo T. Calendacion, jr., Medical Officer IV,Philippine General

effective 20 February 2001 (resigllatioll) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl)
jennie june A Avila, Nurse I, Philippine General Hospital, effective Anna Liza A. Calingasin, Pharmacist III, Philippine General
11 january 2001 (dropped from therolls) Hospital, effective6 january 2001 (resigt,atioll)
Chona E. Axalan, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective Ronald Augustine O. Campos, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
26 March 2001 (resigllatioll) General Hospital, effective1 january 2001 {completion of residellCY)
Crisanta N. Baay, Clerk It Philippine General Hospital, effective1 Mario B.Cardenas, Nurse Ill, Philippine General Hospital, effective
March 2001 (resigllatioll) 5 January 2001 (resignation)
Adela L. Bacaling, Nurse IV, Philippine General Hospital, effective Marie joy G. Casera, Clerk 11, Philippine General Hospital, effective
1 january 2001 (death) 15 January 2001 (resigllatiOlI)
Rogelio A Balagat, MedicalOfficerIV, Philippine General Hospital, Dolores Y. Casio, Lecturer I, School of Health Sciences, effective 2
effective1 january 2001 (completioll of residellCY) January 2001 (110 load)
Ma. Nelfa Evamina s. Balagtas, Nurse II, Philippine General Benjamin L. Castasus, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 21 january 2001 (resignatioll) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (ccmpietion of residellCt))
Efren V. Balanag, Medical OfficerIll, Philippine General Hospital, Rey Felicisimo S. P. Castillo, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofreside1lClJ)
effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency)
Maria Concepcion R Castillo-Sison, Medical OfficerV,Philippine
Patricia B.Balaolng, RadiologicTechnologistII,Philippine General
General Hospital, effective1 january 2001 (completioll of residellCY)
Hospital, effective 11 February 2001 (resigllatioll) _
Nathaniel John U. Castro, Medical Officer Ill, Philippine General
Lamberto D. Bambao, Electrician II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residetlCl)} .
effective 5 February 2001 (resignation) Reyvic V. Cerilles, Medical Officer 111, Philippine General HOspital.
Carlo Eugenio V. Banaag, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellCY) ..'
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll ~f res.idency) . Mary Marjorie C. Chan, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Felix P. Banadera, Medical OfficerIll, Philippine General Hospital. Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of reside"~!) .
effective1 January 2001 (completioll of residellCY) _ Carlita C. Chavez, University Researcher IV, Philippine General
Cheryll M. Bandaay, Nurse II, Philippine General HospItal, Hospital, effective 28 February 2001 (retirement) .. .
effective 29 January 2001 (resigtlatioll) - Antonio C. Chavez, Professor 5, College of Medicine. effective 27
turer I Schoolof Health Sciences, effective
Noel S. Banez, Senior Lec , February 2001 (retirement)
8 January 2001 (110 load)
36 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Jude Martin F.Cimafranca, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Andres C. Fausto, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital.
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioo of re,ideocy) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of re,ideIlCY)
Jude Erric L. Cinco, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General Hospital, Arthur M. Ferrolino, Medical Officer' IV, Philippine General
effective 1 January 2001 (compleliOl' of re,ideoClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residellCY)
Ariel B. Comia, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Hospital, Jose M. Flores, [r., Medical Officer 1II,Philippine General Hospital,
effective 1 January 2001 (completioll ofresidency) effective 1 January 2001 (resignation)
Alvin S. Concha, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital, Ma. Lourdes A. Fontanilla, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residellClJ) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj)
Aline T. Corona-Miguel, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Marie Kristin F. Frial, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideucy) Hospital. effective 1 January 2001 (completio/! of residel/Cl))
Arneil P. Cunanan,Nurse Il,PhilippineGenera1 Hospital.effective Carol Pauline T. Funtila, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
15 January 2001 (resigoatioo) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll ofresidelICl))
Crispin L Dalisay, Jr., Medical Officer III, Philippine General Maria Cecilia C. Galang. Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioo of residellClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of reside1lClj)
Maricel L Dancel, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective Melanie G. Galicia, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital. effective
3 January 2001 (resigoatioo) 6 February 2001 (resig/latio/l)
Albert T. David, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Hospital, Marianette R. Gamboa, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 1 January 2001 tcompleticn afresidency) effective 1 March 2001 tresignation)

Rosenda A. De Guzman, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Maria Teresita V. Garcia, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital,
effective 5 February 2001 (resignation) effective 20 March 2001 (resignation)
Agnes Q. De Guzman-Dimaano, Medical Officer IV, Philippine Michael John Francis V. Gaston, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residencf) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of reside1lClj)
Fabian Arnel A. De Jesus, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Annie D.L. Gayapa, Nurse I1,Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital. effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residenCl) 16 March 2001 (resigllatioll)
Wilson C. De La Calzada, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Melodia B. Geslani, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 {completion ofresidellClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of reside"cy)
Bernadette Sylvia C. De La Rosa, Nurse II, Philippine General Neil T. Gomez, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 20 January 2001 (resignatiOlr) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIJCl)
Julia C. De Leon, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital, Ronald E. Gonzales, Pharmacist III, Philippine General Hospital.
effective 1 January 2001 (completioll ofresidellcy) effective 9 January 2001 (resiguation)
Ma. Elizabeth G. De Leon, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General David Harold C. Gosiengfiao, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residencf} General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residelfClj)
Chillina L. De Ocampo, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Ian E. Guerrero, Medical Officer 1II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 {completion of residelrClj) effective 15 January 2001 (resigllation)
Christine O. Del Monte, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Paul I. Guerrero, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj) effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidel/o)
Lorna M. Dinglasan, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Aileen D.O. Gurrea, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General

effective 7 March 2001 (resigllatiOlI) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 tcompletion ofresidellClj)
Cipriana B. Dionisio, Medical Technologist II, Philippine General Lovella Ifurung, Administrative Officer I, Learning Resource
Hospital, effective 16 March 2001 (optional retirement) Center, effective 2 January 2001 (resignation)
Rosemarie T. Dizon, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Lisa S. [ardiolin, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 20 January 2001 (resignation) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj)
Alfonso A. Doleroso. Professor 2, College of Medicine, effective Peter Simon R. [arin, Medical Officer III, Philippine General
26 January 2001 (retirement) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completiolJ ofresidellcy)
Daniel V. Dungca, Medical Officer Ill, Philippine General Hospital, Jonas Lee Q. [avelcna, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresideJlCY) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl)
Debbie G. Dy-Meguizo, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Sonia R. Javier, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 16
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl) February 2001 (resigllotiou)
Lizette F. EdraIin, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital. effective Alfredo B. [avtnes, Senior Bookkeeper, Philippine General
8 March 2001 (resigllatioll) Hospital, effective 1 February 2001 (resignation)
Anna Lissa S. Elentc, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Emee Lloyd Sheryll R. jayme, Nurse II, Philippine General
effective 22 March 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 12 March 2001 (resig/latiotl)
Florida C. Escudero, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Cecilia Carmela M. Jorge, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completiotl of residency)
Maria Elsa R. Espino, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Leoncio L. Kaw, Medical Officer V, Philippine General Hospital.
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 [completion of residellCY) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residelrClj)
Pablo L. Espino, Ir.. Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, effective Nathaniel}. Labio, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital,
27 January 2001 (resigllation) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency)
Ma. Geraldine S. Espiritu, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Gerard L. Lamayra, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency)
Emmanuel P. Estrella, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Jacqueline A. Lanaria-Asentista, Medical Officer III, Philippine
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj)
Rodelle S. Eusebio, Nurse 11, Philippine General Hospital, effective Maritoni Bernadette Lawito-Casanova,. Medical Officer III,Philippine
24 January 2001 (resignation) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellCl))
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 37

Shiela Marie S. Lavina, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Ma. Melita S.D. Mendoza, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl)}
Celestina Raquel B. Laylo, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General Rosalene B. Mendoza, Clerk III, National Institutes of Health,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) effective 1 January 2001 (expiration ofappoinbnent)
Henara M. Lee, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital, Nerisa T. Molina, Nurse 11, Philippine General Hospital, effective
effective 1 January 2001 (completion afresidency) 15 January 2001 (resigllation)
Andrelita Bonielyn C. Lelina, Medical Officer III, Philippine Mary Joy G. Monzon, Nurse 11, Philippine General Hospital,
General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) effective1 March 2001 (resignation)
Susarah P. Leonor, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective Jennifer M. Moral, Pharmacist III, Philippine General Hospital,
3 January 2001 (resignation) effective 31 January 2001 (resigrU1tion)
Raquel Lailani B. lim, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Agnes G. Morales-Salazar, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (cmnpletioPl of residellel) effective10 February 2001 (resignation)
Tomas Enrique P. Limgenco, Medical Officer IV, Philippine Ma. Leila Q. Nadal, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective
General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellCY) 19 February 2001 (resignatioll)
Lalaine D. Llamidc-Mcrtera, Medical Officer IV, Philippine April Ma. Bernadette A. Navalta, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
General Hospital. effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellCY)
Nemia M. Llana, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective Aurora G. Navarro, Pharmacist III, Philippine General Hospital,
25 February 2001 (resignation) effective 28 February 2001 (optional retirement)

Felizardo A. Lumaad, Jr., Clerk II, Philippine General Hospital,

effective 16 January 2001 (resiglfatioll)
Josefina T. Ly-Uson, Medical Officer V, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl)
Geena Priscila B. Macalua, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl)
Anita M. Macatangay, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Val F. Neri, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidellClJ)
Nelson P. Nicolasora, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 tcompietism of residenCl)
Maria FrancescaJ. Nievera-Chamian, MedicalOfficerIV,Philippine
General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (comple/ioll of residellCY)
Ella C. Nocon, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 14
effective 31 January 2001 (resignation) February 2001 (resignatioll)
RexA. Madrigal, Medical Officer Ill, Philippine General Hospital, Orville C. Ocampo, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residency) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideIlCl)
Myra Joy T. Maduramente, MedicalOfficerIV,Philippine General Loralina C. Dna, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidenCl) 20January 2001 (resigllation)
Anna Liza Marie T. Magbanua-Limgenco, Medical Officer IV, Jessie F.Orcaettas, MedicalOfficerIV,Philippine General Hospital,
Philippine General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of effective1 January 2001 {completion of residency)
reside/JC1j) Ruth B. Orillaza, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General Hospital,
Elma C. Magboo-Escovidal, Medical OfficerIV,Philippine General effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residency)
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residellCY) Marissa 1. Pagulayan, Medical Officer Ill, Philippine General
Eileen M. Magbuhat, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of re,ideIlCl)

effective 15 January 2001 (resignatioll) Mel!ran C. Palaganas, MedicalTechnologist II,Philippine General

Ami A.Magdamo, MedicalOfficerIV,Philippine General Hospital, Hospital, effective 29 January 2001 (res,igllatio/l)
effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidency) Caesar Eli F. Palaruan II, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Jeane Haidee G. Mah, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residetlcy)
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 {ccmpletum of residen(1) Maria Candida Gerarda Mercedes Palo, Medical Officer Ill,
Marigold D.R. Majarucnn. Medical Officer IV,Philippine General Philippine General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residellC1j) residellCl)
Ma. Corazon C. Mananquil, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine Romeo C. Pangilinan, Medical Officer V, Philippine General
General Hospital, effective 7 March 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 {completion of residelrC1J)
Eric V. Manipon, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective Marie F.Panis, Nurse IV, Philippine General Hospital, effective 24
28 February 2001 (resignation) January 2001 (resignation)
Carlo U. Manlangit, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Emma Ruth V. Pantoja, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (complelioll of resideIlCl) effective4 February 2001 (resigllatioll)
Bernadette V. Marcaida, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Alvin A. Paray, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 8 March 2001 (resigllatioPJ) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellC1J)
Marylene A. Martin, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Benito L. Pecha, Labor General Foreman, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 22 March 2001 (compl//son) retirement)
effective 16 February 2001 (resigllation)
Haidee Corazon P. Perez, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Marilyn P. Martinez, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 5 February 2001 (resigJlation)
effective 19 February 2001 (resignation)
Malaya C. Pimentel-Santos, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Cesar Jeffrey G. Masilungan, Medical Officer Ill, Philippine
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) "
General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidell(1)
JoY H. Pineda, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Hospital,
Patrocinio C. Mateo, Medical Officer 1I1, Philippine General
effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) .
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residency! " June Pauline S. Ponce, Nurse IV, Philippine General Hospital,
Jeanette Marie S. Matsuo, Medical Officer V~ Philippine General
effective 1 March 2001 (resigllah"oJl) "
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completiOrt of resldell~)~ " Renita L. Potente. Records Officer I, Philippine General Hospital.
Jose Roberto Q. Melendres, Medical Officer III,Philippine General
effective 5 February 2001 (optional retirement) " "
Hospital, effective 1 February 2001 (resignation) ".' Edelisa B. Profeta, Nurse 11, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Cherry I L. Mendiola, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
15 March 2001 (resignation)
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidency)
38 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Sarah P. Pueriollano, Lecturer 2, Schoolof Health Sciences, effective Ada Lynn M. Soriano-Dominguez, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
2 January 2001 (110 load) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of res/denCl))
Edelila V. Quiogue, Radiologic Technologist 11, Philippine General Lourdes Bemadett Sumpaico-Tanchanco. Medical Officer IV,
Hospital, effective 1 February 2001 (resigllatioll) Philippine General Hospital. effective 1 January 2001 {completion of
Lydia T. QuHoriano, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General residellClj)
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 {completion of residellClj) Renelyn R. Sumugat, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Norma A. Ramos, Nurse Iv, Philippine General Hospital, effective effective 12 March 2001 (resignation)
15 March 2001 (resigllatiotl) Ida Marie M. Tabangay-Lim, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
Francis Anthony Realino, Engineering Assistant,Campus Planning, General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 {completion of residenClj)
Development and Maintenance Office,12 January 2001 (resigllation) Maria Victoria R. Tan, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hannah Nathalie S. Rebong, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj)
effective 23 March 2001 (resignation) Bernard U. Tansipek, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Jacinta Irene C. Regudo-Punsalan, Medical Officer IV, Philippine Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellcy)
General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (compleiien of residellClj) Marielle A. Tapiador, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Ruben V. Relloso, Utility Foreman, Philippine General Hospital, effective 8 February 2001 (resignation)
effective 7 February 2001 (compllisonj retirement) Tristan C. Tariac, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Lilia M. Reyes, Associate Professor 3, College of Public Health, 15 January 2001 (resigllatioll)
effective 1 January 2001 (resigllatioll) Augusto A. Teodoro, jr., Medical Officer III, Philippine General
Ma. Ysabel Florencia Reyes-Catindig, Medical Officer IV, Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residenClj) .'1
Philippine General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of Rosalee M. Tequillo-De Los Santos, Medical Officer IV, Philippine .
residellCY) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj)
Kina R. Reyes-Sanniento, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Mary Lillian D. Tocyap, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of resideuClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj)
Joseph A. Riego, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General Hospital, Sharon D. Tomalon, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective
effective 1 January 2001 (completioll ofresidellCY) 28 January 2001 (resigllatiolr)
Adelaida M. Rivera, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Roselyn R. Tominoray, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 {completion of residellClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency)
Clarissa L. Roberto-Lucero, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General lean Anne B.Toral, MedicalOfficerV,Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) effective 1 January 2001 (completioll of residellClj)
Loizel B. Rodriguez, Nurse 11, Philippine General Hospital, effective Hazel A. Torculas, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
28 January 2001 (resignati01l) 5 February 2001 (resignatioll)
Rodel A. Rodriguez, Nurse 11, Philippine GeneralHospital, effective Alma E. Trinidad, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, effective
16 March 2001 (resignatiOlr) 2 March 2001 (resignation)
Madonna F. Rodriguez-Sumanga, Medical Officer IV, Philippine Rodolfo G. Tuazon, Medical Officer III, Philippine General
General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (resig1lation) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidellClj)
Maximo A. Saavedra, [r., Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Rosario P. Tugado, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj) 17 February 2001 (resigllatioll)
Pacita R. Salceda, Professor 8, College of Medicine, effective 20 Benjamin E. Tuy, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Hospital,
January 2001 (retirement) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj) ,
Gina Francis B. Saldua, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Judith Marie K Ugale, Medical Officer III, Philippine General
effective 8 January 2001 (resigllation) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (ccmpleticn of residency)
Enoria S. Saluta, Nurse VI, Philippine General Hospital, effective Maria Rowena G. Valenzuela, Medical Officer IV, Philippine
13 January 2001 (compulsory retirement) General Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (compieticn of residency)
Vicente U. Samosa, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Reuben Mari V. Valenzuela, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 tccmpletion of residenClj)
Cecilienne O. Sanchez, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Alvin G. Vales, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) effective 1 January 2001 (completion of reside1lClj)
Jennifer B. Sandoval, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Cecilia A. Velasco, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General Hospital.
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellCY) effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidenClj)
Joselito A. Santiago, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Vilma Marie L. verden. Pharmacist III, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) Hospital, effective 16 February 2001 (resignation)
Edmin Michael G. Santos, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Rita Grace A. Villadolid, Medical Officer III, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residelJClj) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residencf)
Edward Rainier G. Santos, Medical Officer V, Philippine General Maria Venus v. Villanueva, Nurse H. Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidency) effective 7 March 2001 (resignation)
Dolores A. Saucelo, Professorial Lecturer 2, School of Health Florendo B. Villava-Cua, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Sciences, effective 31 January 2001 (110 load) effective 16 February 2001 (resignation)
Elizabeth S. Senadrin, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Haydee H. Viray, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 5 January 2001 (resignation) effective 1 January 2001 (resignation)
Maria Noela S. Siochi, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Maria Dinna C. Viray, Medical Officer V, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidellClJ) Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofresidellClj)
Agnes L. Soriano, Medical Officer IV,Philippine General Hospital. Angelo S. Visitacion, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) effective 4 January 2001 (resignation)
Samantha R. Soriano, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Mary Ann P. Volante, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital.
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residellCY) effective 5 February 2001 (resignation)
January - March 2001 U.P. GAZETIE 39

Marjorie Frances U. Yang, Medical Officer IV, Philippine General Teofila E.NalIos, Household Attendant ll, Central Administration,
Hospital, effective 1 January 2001 (completion of residency) effective 1 January 2001 (retirement)
Renato P. Yanga, Architect II. Campus Planning, Development and Samuel Q. Nievales, Clerk 11, College of Fisheries and Ocean
Maintenance Office, effective 7 February 2001 Sciences, effective 6 February 2001 (expiration ofappointment)
Anna Lisa T. Yu, Medical Officer V, Philippine General Hospital, Veronica A. Ramirez, University Research Associate I, Central
effective 1 January 2001 (completion ofreside"cy) Administration, effective 15 March 2001 (resigllalio,,)
Celina B. Zaldivar, Medical Officer lV, Philippine General Hospital, Carlito C. Reyes, Driver I, U.P.Tacloban College, effective 31
effective 1 January 2001 (completion of reside,ICY) January 2001 (retirement)
Jaime T. Zamuco, Professor 8, College of Medicine, effective 22 Lorena 1. Tobias, Medical Officer III (part-time), Central
January 2001 (retirement) Administration, effective 1 January 2001 (expiration of appointment)
Manolo O. vaao, Professor1,U.P.Cebu College, effective 12 March
Ll.P. Visayas 2001 (retirement}
Brummel}ohn D. Vargas, University Research Associate 1,School
David C. Acebuche, Carpenter 11, Central Administration, effective of Technology, effective 1 January 2001 (expiration ofappcintment}
1 January 2001 (retirement)
Hilario P. Davide III, Legal Officer IV (part-time), U.P. Cebu U.P. Open University
College,effective 1 January 2001 texpimtion of appoi1ltment)
Maila Julie N. Dela Cruz, Oerk II, Central Administration, effective Ma. Josefina Victoria Daze, Oerk Ill, Office of the Vice-Chancellor

1 January 2001 (expiration ofappointment) for Student Support Services, effective 30 March 2001 (resignation)
Amelita D. Marquez, Clerk II, Central Administration, effective 1 Erlinda Marbella. Buyer 111, Supply and Property Management
January 2001 (expiration ofappointment} Office, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Finance and Administration,
Pilar M. Martinez, Administrative Officer II, College of Arts and effective 1 January 2001 (eud ofappointment)
Sciences, effective 1 February 2001 (expiration of appointmellt)


Heroes Hall, Malacaftang
February 23, 2001

Thank you vel)' much, Dr. Garcia. Thank you very much to all of in the dead of the night, to heed the call to stand in our democracy's
you. President Nemenzo, the other officials of U.P., members of the defense.
faculty, administration, employees, students, ladies and gentlemen. This is a community that is proud of its tradition of excellence and
I am very happy to be with you, and I'm glad to invite you to the freedom. And as I said earlier, I am proud to have been a part of this
community. I am proud of the good grades I got when I was in V.P. I

home of the Filipino people. It's a pleasure to be with you once more,
and being with you makes me remember with relish the time I was at am proud of surviving the rigorous tutelage of Dante Canlas, now my
U.P. as a graduate student many years ago. As Dr. Nemenzo said, I NEDA Secretary, when he was my dissertation adviser. And I am proud
completed my PhD. at the V.P" School of Economics in late 1985, on the to have encountered many of the great minds that make this University
eve of EDSA I. I was also a Senior Lecturer of Economics from 1978 to worth its honored place in our nation's life. V.P. is a campus that has
1986. That was a period of intellectual ferment. It was a highly provided sanctuary for dissident thought, scientific wisdom and
ideological time. The thinkers on campus were engrossed with technical competence. It has provided a haven for the widest range of
constructing images of possible futures for our nation- futures that ideas and for important discoveries.
promised that poverty will be abolished, some by the dictate of the state Every ideological species, every philosophical school, every
power, others by democracy triumphant over the dictatorship that scientific intuition, every innovative theory has prospered in the liberal
gripped our country. Since then, fifteen and a half years later, as the atmosphere that the University provides in U.P. Even the intolerant
new economy has emerged, our knowledge about how society works, intellectual bent has benefited from the climate of tolerance, eventually
how economies provide for social needs, and how change happens have either flourishing or declining in the intense heat of open debate.
Time and again, the V.P. has demonstrated that it can be useful to
advanced beyond the reach of traditional Ideological prescriptions.
the nation not only in manning barricades and raging against injustice;
V.P. has been proud of its militant tradition 1 met that militant
but fundamentally, this institution has provided our nation intellectual
tradition when I was in V.P. and I was a part of it. There are good
leadership, supplied the bureaucracy with the talent required to govern
reasons for the pride of Ll.P. From the ranks of V.P. students have come our nation well, and kept the wielders of power under the glare of
many heroes and many martyrs. They were people who ~oughtno~ing unremitting scrutiny. I am willing to continue to be under the glare of
of laying down their lives when the salvation of the nation so req.U1red.
your unremitting scrutiny.
In the dark days of the dictatorship, the U.P '. ca~pus rema~ed ,a For this, our people have been grateful. And L too, am grateful for
thinkin g and independent inquiry into our nation s the many men and women of great talent and integrity who have opted
sanctuary for fr ee .
con mons.
When the 1986 revolution broke out, the V.P. commuruty
1 willin t fi ht to serve in our administration despite the low pay rat~s and long hours
was among the first constituencies to mobilize pOp e g o g of public service. In our administration, no cabinet memb~r, ~o
for a democratic future. That spirit has not wavered as we have seen. undersecretary, or no assistant secretary will occupy a ~c?nd appomtive
Last month, when 11 senators voted to conceal.the truth from the position. In the past, many of the top officials would SIt in one boar~ of
eople, the V.P. community again proved its comnutment to ~ecency, another because that was where they got their additional com~hon.
:OOd govemance and democracy. Members of your commuru~ w~re In this administration, the only compensation that will be received by
among the first to march to EDSA shrine, spilling out of the dormitcrtes
40 U.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No. 1

secretaries, undersecretaries, and assistant secretaries is that of their But nearly a centory later, If.P, is not yet finarrialIy autonomous. Its
primary and only position. This is true of all those who have a title of vast land grant is not yet raising the money it needs to support its mission.
presidential adviser or presidential assistant They cannot get any other Thus, V.P. gets the biggest share of the budget allocated for all
compensation from any other government board or government office. universities and colleges. And the proliferation of sues, in tum, has an
This is indeed a financial sacrifice for them. but that sacrifice is required opportunity cost in depriving primary and secondary public education
in accordance with the core value of leadership by example. of the resources needed to serve the greater number of our people,
The U.P. faculty, too, is an exemplar for the entire public sector. especially the rural and poor communities.
Youinvestso much enthusiasmand bring so much talent to your work I hope that in the face of the severe budgetary scarcity and
even if the compensation really is not enough, never enough. I know, competing demands for public funds by other equally deserving sectors
becauseI used to teach in U.P. the V.P. can exert more effort to be financially self-reliant.
As with most public institutions and agencies, the U.P. is saddled Earlier in our meeting with the heads of V.P.. President Nemenzo
with the problemof lack of resources to accomplish its missions. indeed gave us some proposals on how the U.P. brain can be mobilized
I appreciate the efforts of the V.P. faculty to deliver on its to help make yourselves more financially, and therefore, intellectually
educational mission despite the severe limitations on resources. I self-reliant. And it's not to get more funds from the national government
appreciate the institutional direction taken by the current leadership. but rather to have the enabling policy endorsements and proclamations
This directionintends to build up our intellectualcapital, which is now so that U.P. can use its own creativity and the land grant to get these
thecountry'smostvaluableasset. BybringingtheU.P. totheinformation resources independently. And I have agreed to those endorsements.
age, it seeks to master and harness the tremendous benefitsof modem And in addition to that, I have also signed a memorandum for my
information and communications tools through extensive computer former dissertation adviser in V.P. to assist the U.P. to source ODA funds
education and widened access to digital information. Invesbnents of for its various modernization and computerization projects to the tune ."
scarce resources in Information and Communication Technology or leT 011.86 billionpesos,and theimprovementof the U.P. Mindanaocampus
will produce the bestreturns in terms ofqualityresearchand instruction to the tune of lOO-million dollars. And because one reason why these
per unitofinvestment. It will allowyourgreatcommunityofintellectuals moves have not progressed so much is that there is still some missing
to keep abreast of that state of the art in all areas of knowledge. documentation. So, I have also directed my dissertation adviser, to
The various outreach programs and the Open University concept provide the same technical assistance to V.P. as the technical assistance
will extendtheservices offeredbyyour inslitutiontoa fargreaternumber he gave me when I did my dissertation, with regards to the preparation
that can be reached through conventional classroom work. These of the necessary documents.
programs will stretch the positive Impact of the subsidies that U.P. is Now, let me address some of the points that you raised in the
provided with. sectoral agenda of the representatives. Dr. Reyes: Yes, I believe in
I sympathize with you wil:h regard to the constraint of resource on academic excellence and that is why I'm urging this means of
the grand mission that U.P. has set for itself. In the best of all possible independent sources of operations so that you can maintain your
worlds, the state should be able to fund the needs of the premier state academic excellence.
educational institution. But then, in the best of all possible worlds, the Let me tell you that as President, even if you don't agree with me
state should also be able to fund all the needs of basic education. The on many things, or even if I don't agree with you on some things, I will
state should also beable to fund all the safetynets forsectorsaffected by always respect your academic excellence. And I will always respect
globalization. Thestate should also be able to fund the land acquisition your academic freedom.
program of land reform so that we can redeem the promise of many On thepart of the students:number one demand - also of the other
presidents. sectors-is that the budget for education must be the biggest budget of
Unfortunately, the realitycheckrevealsthat thestateofour nation's all. And this year, Emi Boncodin is proud to inform you that this year
finances is that it is not in the best of all possibleworlds. The entire the budget for education is bigger than the budget for the interest ,'I

government is now operating - you said, you are aware of it - under payment of the debt service. So it is really the biggest budget.
the most severe constraints, the largest deficit in the history of our Second, on Erap going to jail. Yes, this is our intention. Under the
economy. Our latestaccountingshows an expecteddeficitof 225 billion Constitution, we understand that he can be put, he can be detained as
pesos and still counting, because of the many untransparent sovereign soon as the Ombudsman is able to file the case with the Sandiganbayan.
government guarantees that we are now just beginning to uncover. Now, there is a Supreme Court problem here because the Ombudsman
We have to deal with this deficit decisively if we are to nurture our was asked to submit his charge only after they have determined whether
economy back to health. The restoration of confidence in our economy this present administration is the legally constituted government. So
and the fundamental well-beingof our people depend to a large extent this is the state in which we are. But if we had our druthers, of course,
on our fiscal discipline. The restoration of fiscal discipline, in tum, immediately there must be justice before there can be healing.
requires a strong political will for responsible governance. Third, on the peace process-and I have had several requests and
Congress has decreed that we should re-enact the year 2000 budget several demands here-so, I think that we have done great progress in
rather than incur the large deficits that the proposed year 2001 budget just one month's work because we have already constituted the peace
would have implied. This is politically a costly decision, but we hope panel both for the MILF and the NDF. The NDF has already also
that the dividends of fiscal discipline today will allow us to eventually constituted its peace panel. We've already done the unilateral suspension
start meeting your expectations in the near future. of military operations for the MILF and we have lifted the warrants of
I understand that the U.P. was designed to be a Land Grant arrest for the MILF leaders, and we have started the process for releasing
University in 1908. Parenthetically, my husband's ancestor, Don Antonio political prisoners. In fact, 49 of them have already been approved for
Tuazon, was awarded in the late 18th century by the Spanish release and there will be more.
Government with what became known as the Hacienda Marikina, And on the fourth, about the new regent. 50 actually, I just saw the
Diliman and Santa Mesa. So it was my husband's family that was the papers in my desk, so your new student regent will soon be appointed.
original owner of Dillman campus. And as far as the investigation of the former student regent is concerned,
In any case, as a land grant university, U.P. was awarded large I was asking President Nemenzo, "Why can't you do that in U.P.?" Now,
tracts ofland to support its operations. The concept was that D.P. would according to him, it's because the funds that were supposed to be
be a financially sell-reliant institution, in order to be autonomous from malversed came from the Office of the President. 50, okay, given that
state intervention in the mission of seeking knowledge from within the legal basis then we will be taking into account our 0","'0 legal capability
framework of academic freedom. now to conduct the investigation.
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 41

And with regard to the upgrading of the salary grade, Emi Boncodin mechanism for institutionalized consultation with civil society. And
said that she will take a look at this. But this is the first time we heard she is undergoing the process of selection of the representatives of civil
about it so it will be discussed with the DBM. society. And she hopes that this shall be finished by March. We have
Now, for the employees, with regard to the increase in pay, since it Pat Sto. Tomas, who is the Secretary of Labor; and I would like to let
was not included in the year 2000 budget and Congress did not pass the you know, if you don't know already, that our new Civil Service
year 2001 budget, what we will be doing is, we will be submitting a Commissioner is Karina David.
supplemental budgetproposal to Congress in order to cover the salary Now with regard to Professor De Veza's demands, and many of
increase. So please help us lobby for its approval. them were already ... summaries of previous statements, but with regard
And then, both Dr. Garcia and Emi Bcncodin said that although to the very specific demand of ejecting Tessie Aquino and Raul De
you may not like the SUCs Modernization at least until it is repealed, it Guzman, I asked President Nemenzo whether-this is feasible. He said
might be worthwhile to maximize the provisionson fiscal autonomy with regard to Tessie Aquino, her tenure is ex officio. It's because she is
because that way you can spend the money the way you want. And Chainnan of the Committee on Education, sounless there is a reorganization
what is important I think is that CHED should be able to come up- in the Senate then she remains there. So the best way to have the Senate
together with you-come up with the guidelines on defining what reorganized is for you to vote 13-Dfor the People Power Coalition.
exactly fiscal autonomy is. And maybe this is where you will be able to After all, civil society had a very, very strong role to play in who
have some of these matters about salary grade upgrading and things would be in the ticket and also, who would not be in the ticket. And
like that. It will really be much better if you could work it out within the since we have come up with a very, I believe, acceptable line-up for civil

context of fiscal autonomy rather than going to Congress or rather than society, I hope that the U.P. community will campaign hard for them.
going to DBM or rather than going to the Office of the President because So that you can achieve your goals in the U.P. Board of Regents.
fiscal autonomy really means intellectual independence. With regard to Raul De Guzman, according to President Nemenzo,
And then, with regard to the women's agenda, of course, these since Raul hasn't been attending meetings, anyway, he will try to talk to
bills are very important. In fact, the anti-trafficking bill was my bill. I him to voluntarily resign. So that you can have somebody more
submitted that to Congress when I was still Secretary of DSWD, and of representative of the people's will.
course, it is important for us to be able to push that through. Now that So I am very grateful for the points that you have raised. And I've
I am President, I hope I'll be able to exercise some moral authority over answered as much as possible those that can readily be answered. For
some of the Congressmen and Senators afterwards. the others, I believe that my cabinet members, our cabinet members,
And with regard to the National Council on the Role of Filipino your cabinet members are willing to continue with the dialogue and
Women, thank you for pointing this out to me, and please send us your they will be discussing with President Nemenzo some of the other things
nominees for who the education representative should bein the National that we can do. Bear with us, we are only four weeks in office. I was
Council on the Role of Filipino Women. As far as having a bigger role reading the newspaper the other day, and it said, that President Bush's
for women is concerned, in policy making and appointive positions, I transition - aside from his six weeks between election and his oathtaking
believe that there has been no administration before this administration -his transition in office is 180 days. So we are only 32 days. Thank
that had so many women in the cabinet. To begin with, we have Emi you, however, for letting me see you in the early part of this
Boncodin here; Vicky Gatchitorena as head of PMS; we have Dinky administration. And let me assure you that I am fully conscious that I
Soliman, who's from V.P., as head of DSWD; we have Ging Deles, who am here because I am the steward of the People's Victory.
is the lead Convenor for NAPC, which is going to be, in fact, the main Thank you.



Delivered at a Convention to Commemorate
DAVIDE TAKE CHARGE." Alas, there is no legal basis for this. The
Chief Justice himself would be the first to reject extra-constitutional
means, even if the purpose is to bring sanity back to a deranged nation.
I cannot profess objectivity when talking about out guest speaker.
Besides being a U.P. alUITUlUS, he is a fellow Cebuano. Bisdak DBisayallg
the90thA""iversaryofthe U.P. Cotlege of Law
Malcolm Hall, 12 !allllanj 2001 daku Janlling duha. We entered V.P. together. We were classmates in
some subjects. We joined the same student organization, the Brotherhood
Sa ika~90 allyos, matallda nata/aga atlgCollege ofl.Pw. Kling tao paito, of U.P. Plebeians.
But I must tell you of an important episode in the history of our
IIlya/li/llla .segura. Pero allg tmlaynaacademic institniicn aylalong tmllata/illD
University that involved Chief Justice Davide. Most of us may have
at tnmitinik IlQballg hUllatalIda.
forgotten it, perhaps including the Chief Justice himself. He played a
The V.P. College of Law has reason to be proud of its record in the
heroic role in saving the institutional autonomy and academic freedom
past 90 years. Its graduates include most of the legal luminaries and
of our University when it faced a serious threat from the dark forces of
political leaders in our country. Of course, the College of Law also
dictatorship. In 1980 Marcos certified a bill to the Batasang Pambansa
contributed a quota of outstanding scoundrels whose ethical values we
entitled "Education Act of 1980." That bill sought to place U.P. under
despise but whose cleverness invites grudging admiration. the supervision and control of the Ministry of Education. Had it passed,
We are celebrating the 90th anniversary of the U:P. College of r..:a w we would have had to submit for approval by the Ministry of Education
when the eyes of the nation are focused on its alumni in the pro~e:eution our curricula as well as the appointments and promotions of faculty
and defense panels of the impeachment trial. Standing magnificently
above them all, as referee in their battle of wits is another alumnus who The V.P. community stood as one in opposition to the bill. :'e
is now our guest speaker. risked the fury of Marcos by defying General Order No. 5 .wh~ch
Chief Justice Hilario Davide is the most respected and perhaps the prohibited public demonstrations. At the outset we seemed to be fighting
only credible figure in the government today. From his thr~ne ~e a forlorn battle. The KBL party held an overwhehning n:aio~tJ: in the
pronounces words of wisdom that come only from a mind tr~med .m Batasang Pambansa. At the start we only had two allies ms.ide the
U P College of Law. If we are to hold an open-ended presIdential Batasang Pambansa, both Cebuano assemblymen: Hilario Davide and
the . .
victor. In my mischievous
lection today I am sure he will emerge thee vi Felimon Fernandez.
e ~U' Sanlak . "RESIGN ALL
moments I felt like shouting the slogan of as. .

42 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Fernandez was not a V.P. graduate. But [un Davide needed no proliferation of esoteric religious cults and the increasing incidence of
convincing. He readily saw how the Education Act would castrate his suicide. Capitalism nurtures insatiable greed that engenders frustration
alma mater. But, because they belonged to a tiny opposition group and apathy.
called Pusyon Bisaya, all the two of them could do was filibuster in I deplore the action of those 11 Erapista senators whose fear of
order to give us time to work on the KBL assemblymen. They did an the 2nd envelope aborted the impeachment trial. The trial was a
excellent job, taking turns in questioning every word and punctuation tremendous educational exercise. Most television viewers were simply
mark to the annoyance of their colleagues. The debate on the Education awed by the debauchery of Erap. I was more fascinated by the
Act dragged on for weeks; it had to be suspended many limes to take up testimonies on stock market manipulation and corrupt banking
the more urgent bills. That gave us ample time to lobby. When we won practices. I don't think it was only Erap and his cronies who were
over Assemblyman Arturo Tolentino, and he actively campaigned guilty of these. These unsavory practices are embedded in the core of
among the D.P. alumni in the KBL, the Education Act was killed and capitalism. Erap's trial was revealing the details. I waited avidly for
the University survived. the defense to implicate the businessmen who were hitherto posing as
I recount this episode to remind the older and inform the younger paragons of righteousness.
members of our academic community of Chief Justice Davids's role in As I said many before, the socialist movements will always be
defending the University at a critical juncture. around for as long as capitalism exists. They will always be around to
For having produced a Hilario Davide and many others like him fight exploitation and touch the conscience of decent citizens. Survival
who have not had the good fortune of maximum media exposure, we is not the problem for socialism. Our problem is how to regain political
have every reason to celebrate the 90 years of the U.P. College of Law. strength.
The socialist movement has to reinvent itself if it is to become an
effective force for change in the 21st century. We must study afresh the
SOCIALISM IN THE EPOCH OF GLOBALIZATION experiences of the communist and social democratic tendencies in the
Delivered at the Openilrg Sessio of the Founding Congress of Kalayaall struggle as well as the exercise of power in order to avoid repeating
Philippine Social ScielrCi COl/neil Auditorium their mistakes and to come up with truthful and convincing explanations
2 FebnlQry 2001 for their failures. We should also study contemporary capitalism, its
neo-liberal globalist variety, to identify its new features. Reaffirming
In my personal capacity, I greet the founding congress of Kalayaan. antiquated doctrines is unconvincing; reenacting heroic events only
Notwithstanding my very heavy schedule, I readily accepted your makes us look silly and childish.
invitation because I would not miss an opportunity to address what In this effort, we need Marx. The nee-liberal ideologues have
might be a landmark in the tortuous process of socialist renewal. pronounced him hopelessly obsolete. But read Das Kapital once again
It takes a lot of courage and firmness of conviction to be a socialist and you will be 'amazed at the perspicacity of Marx. Many of the trends
in this day and age when socialism is in decline. Trendy comrades who he projected are now unfolding before our eyes. I believe that the Marxist
joined us when it was fashionable to be militant are now abandoning analysis-I mean the Marxism of Marx, not its vulgarization by Stalin
what they perceive as a sinking ship. Just as they used to shout the and Mao- is more relevant today than in the days of the Cold War.
slogans of the First Quarter Storm, they are now reciting the nee-liberal Marx analyzed free market capitalism and upon this analysis he
mantra of "liberalization, deregulation, privatization." The free market based those projections. In the Cold War period, however, the capitalist
is the prescribed cure for all sorts of economic ills. A borderless world, governments tried to restrain the market with all sorts of regulations,

governed by the laws of the market, is widely taken for the image of the protectionist policies, social welfare arrangements. Faced with the
future. Even the former rulers of the defunct socialist states like Mikhail challenge of the Soviet Union and China, and threatened by strong
Gorbachev have converted to nee-liberalism. Many communist and communist movements at horne, they worried that free market capitalism
socialist parties the world over have either disbanded or changed their would antagonize the working class. With the collapse of the Soviet
names to dramatize their repudiation of the basic tenets of socialism. Union, the triumph of Deng Xiaoping in China, and the emasculation of
Only in the Philippines perhaps do we still witness the birth of a socialist the local communist movements, they now feel confident enough to
organization like Kalayaan. restore free market capitalism. Margaret Thatcher started it in Britain,
But I am certain that the heyday of nee-liberalism is a passing Ronald Reagan replicated it in America, and together they used the IMF
episode in the history of humankind. Already, signs of a counter trend and World Bank (and later the WTO) to pressure all other countries to
are coming to the surface. Popular resentments are mounting in the do the same. So what we have today is essentially the capitalism of
former socialist countries of Eastern Europe because the expectations (If Adam Smith, the subject of Marx's critique. What has been shelved is
prosperity evoked by capitalist propaganda have not materialized, the regulated, welfare state capitalism of John Maynard Keynes.
instead the people are experiencing the bitter consequences of the In 1997, I wrote this entry in my scribble notebook after reading
dismantling of welfare services. In lieu of the party aparatchiks, the Mafia John Cassidy's article in the New Yorker. I
and miscellaneous gangsters have penetrated the centers of political A specter is haunting theglobe - thespecter of Marxism. TIle
power in Russia. bourgeoisie thol/ght it had beell exorcised tohm the Soviet Union
Liberalization and deregulation have exposed the underdeveloped fell and Francis Fukuyama yelled "the end of histon;." But tile
countries like the Philippines to the vagaries of the global market, and specter is again 011 the prowl, monitorillg tIle mOlleY markets and
to the malevolent designs of speculators. The inherent fragility of the inspecting the ruins offillallcial empires.
Asian tiger economies, extolled by Fidel Ramos and Bobby de Ocampo Entitled "The Return of Karl Marx," the article started with an
as models for Philippine development, was laid bare in the currency account of how the author "discovered" Marx. He described himself as
meltdown of 1997. Now there are talks of an impending recession in a typical British conservative, snooty and bigoted. At Oxford his
the U.S. Imagine the impact on the global economy if the American economics professors taught him that Marx's theories are "complicated
bubble bursts. hocus-pocus." The prevailing attitude among the bright students of his
Even now, at the peak of its prosperity, America is beset by generation was that Marx's arguments were "fit only for polytechnic
enormous social problems like drug addiction and criminality. The lecturers and aspiring Labour Party politicians."
capitalists trade on anything, even human organs and abandoned But early in summer of 1997 he spent a weekend in New York at
children. Young people in the capital of global capitalism wallow in the vacation home of a former classmate who had become a big Wall
material affluence but they lack a sense of purpose; hence, the Street investment banker. That was before the Asian currencies began
'Iohn Cassidy, "The Return of Kart Marx," New Yorker (October 20&27, 1997).
January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 43

the nosedive. Cassidy casually asked his friend if the financial boom of of Lapu-Lapu. The"small is beautiful" ideology is promoted by bleeding
global capitalism would last. His friend had an inkling that the end heart liberals in the major capitalist countries and bank rolled by
was near. "The longer I spend on Wall Street:' the banker mumbled, international NGOs to keep us out of competition.
"the more convinced I am that Marx was right" A genuine Marxist would use the latest technology capitalism has
At first Cassidy took this for a joke, but his friend was dead serious. developed to wage the struggle for socialism. Socialism, Marx said,
He said, "There is a Nobel Prize waiting for the economist who resurrects should be built on the achievements of capitalism. This is the
Marx and puts it all together in a coherent model. I am absolutely fundamental flaw of the Leninist theory that capitalism would break at
convinced that Marx's approach is the best way to look at capitalism." its weakest link; in other words, the socialist revolution would occur
Back in London, Cassidy scoured the secondhand bookshops for first in industrially backward societies like Russia. In fairness to Lenin,
"moldy translations of The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital." however, it should bepointed out that he realized the error soon enough.
Reading them for the first time, he came to appreciate what his friend His New Economic Plan, like China's Four Modernization Program, was
said. Marx understood the dynamics of the capitalist financial system meant to allow capitalism to develop for a while in order to lay the
better than the Oxford professors. technological basis for socialist construction. I think the Filipino socialists
I doubt if Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is as perceptive. I don't think should revisit the debates on the NEP and the Four Modernization
she learned much since she sponsored the GATI-Uruguay Rounds. I Program.
just hope Filipino socialists have leamed more. The last point I would like to make pertains to what I consider the
In our obsession with seizure of political power, we have focused cardinal sin of the socialist movement; that is sectarianism. The history
on graft and corruption in the state, overlooking the performance of evil of socialism here and abroad has been a history of sectarian squabbles.
in civil society. We forget what Marx said in his critique of Hegel's Tile

Oftentimes we are harsher towards each other than we are towards our
Pllilosoplly of Right, that the key to understanding capitalism lies not in ideological adversaries. We are more willing to form a united front
the state but in civil society. By "civil society," he did not have in mind with conservative and reactionary parties than to ally with like minded
the NGOs (there were no NGOs in his time); he was referring to what organizations.
we now call "the private sector," the business community. I hope that the setbacks of socialism in the last decade has taught
Our failure to probe graft and corruption in the private sector has us this lesson: that unless we overcome sectarianism, the socialist
weakened our case on nee-liberalism, our case against deregulation and movement will forever remain in the political wilderness. The current
privatization. The private sector in a capitalist society is no less corrupt revolutionary ebb should give us pause to root out sectarianism in our
than the government; in fact, it is the business corporations that corrupt ranks. I do not mean that we set aside principled differences to achieve
the government. They finance political campaigns to gain access to the an unprincipled unity. Unity of that sort will never survive the
circle of power and use the state to translate their private interests into zigzagging and crisscrossing road to socialism. What I mean is that we
public policies. should learn to conduct civilized debates instead of swapping insolent
We should be more precise in our use of the word "globalization" words that merely confuse and demoralize. We should find appropriate
as political epithet. This is a tricky word with double meaning. On the mechanisms for resolving principled differences without breaking up
one hand, it refers to developments in computer and communication organizations and turning one against the other.
technology that are breaking down geographic barriers; in the famous It would be ideal if all Filipino socialists would unite into a single,
metaphor of Marshall McLuhan, they are shrinking the world into a unitary organization. But that is wishful thinking at present. The next

global village. On the other hand, the neo-liberals use "globalization" best thing is for diverse socialist tendencies to form separate
to donate their project of forcing nations to open up their domestic organizations and enter into tactical alliances on an issue-to-issue basis.
markets so as to allow unhindered flows of trade and investments. The experience in united action, not virulent and divisive polemics, will
The two concepts are not identical or interchangeable. While determine who is right and who is wrong. If we are all committed to
' capitalist globalization would be unthinkable without these new the common goal of a socialist Philippines, we may try out different
technologies, these new technologies do not necessarily lead to capitalist paths to that goaL Pluralism on the Left need not be debilitating. Ang
globalization. It is not only the imperialist governments and akitlg pag-asa aymagkJltagpo-tagpo rin allg lahat atllUlgknkJlisa sa dnlo"8 landas.
transnational companies that take advantage of these new technologies.
These new technologies are also making it possible for popular
movements to globalize, to rally international support for their cause. REWARDING SCHOLARLY ACHIEVEMENT
In fact, the biggest challenge to capitalist globalization comes from a Delivered dilTing theawarding ceremonies of
global campaign. the President's Awardsfor Academic Distinction
Marxian socialists should welcome technological globalization SITe Auditorillm, 28 Febmanj 2001
while opposing capitalist globalization. Fidel Castro expressed this
point very well when he said that the enemy is not globalization but I already congratulated you in my letter of invitation to this
neo-ltberalism. Globalization is what Marx meant by awarding program. But I congratulate you again today. I will not get
"internationalism." tired congratulating you because I am very happy and proud for your
The computer and its offspring - the Internet, the e-mail and the achievement. You have brought honor to our University and you have
cellphone-have ushered in a new mode of production, surpassing the contributed to our effort to regain U.P.'s stature in the international
impact of the Industrial Revolution. Just as Marx said, a ~ge in ~e community of academic institutions.
Many faculty members and REPS have been active in research.
mode of production inevitably brings about changes In the ~lal
Some have actually published in reputable journals but they don't bother
structure and the cultural and institutional superstructures. Socialists
to let us know, so their works were not included when we counted the
must endeavor to understand fully the colossal changes in contemporary
publications in internationally refereed journals for the Asiaweeksurvey.
capitalist societies under the Impetus of computerization. This is the
Mababa filIOl) allg ating rQllggo! . .
only basis for a new socialist strategy. . With this academic distinction awards, we provide an incentive
In Ll.P. we are pursuing a modernization programauned t~prom?te
for reporting their achievement. This will also make it easier to.process
the highest level of computer competency so that our country will ~ve the recommendations for promotion. Henceforth, no points for
and flourish in the fiercely capitalist global economy that, despite our international publications will be considered for promotion unless
protests, our government has plunged us into. I have no sympathy for
recorded in our data base.
the neo-Luddites in our ranks who advocate a return to the technology
44 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Other researchers merely write final reports to their funding publications of its faculty and researchers. And not just any publications,
agencies. Sayaug ito. The same data could be used as basis for academic as I said earlier. The ones that truly count are those known to be
publications in internationally refereed journals. With this academic stringently reviewed by international referees. Ito allg dclnlan sa atillg
distinction awards, we hope to encourage them to go beyond the final patakaran.
reports and put in more effort to produce academic papers as well. While We are also aware that publications are not the only means to gain
the final reports satisfy the funding agencies, it is the publications of its international recognition for the University. That is why we have
staff that establishes a university's standing in the international instituted international awards for the visual and perfonning arts. Our
communityof scholars. colleagues in music, dance, drama, painting, sculpture, etc., whose works
But not just any kind of publication. With desktop publishing, one elicited rave reviews when exhibited or performed internationally, have
may publish his/her own works. But how many will take a self- likewise brought honor to our University. We have four of them here
published work seriously? Or a department or college may put out an today.
in-house journal. This is better than self-published newsletters because, Furthermore, we are considering awards for inventions or the
submitting a paper to review by colleagues, the author may be able to creation of new technologies.
get useful insights. Since we instituted these awards in the year we suffered a severe
I just hope they don't stop there. Papers published in in-house budgetary cut, you might wonder where we get the money for all this.
journals may be refined for publication in refereed journals. The Indian It is a matter of getting our priorities straight. We examined our internal
scholars are probably No.1 in Asia when it comes to international operating budget and drastically cut administrative costs. We have
publications. But they have a lot of local non-refereed journals in India. abolished or fused many bureaucratic offices and we are going to phase
That is deliberate because once a paper is published in an lSI-indexed out irredeemably mediocre academic programs. The money we save
journal, it will no longer be accepted by more reputable and widely shall go to upgrading the quality of promising academic programs and
circulated lSI journals. The Indian scholars first publish in these local providing incentives for outstanding and demonstrable achievements
journals (sometimes in the regional languages), but they would later in the areas where the University should excel.
polish these for international publications. We can do the same here. In this manner we shall translate academic excellence from a buzz
Harapin la1lg natin a1lg katoto/lOlla1l 110 lIIalloiaga allg replltasyoll Ilg word, a pompous but empty phrase, into an effective principle that
pamantasan so daigdig Ilg scholarship. That reputation is based on the governs all our academic, financial and administrative decisions.


In the April-June 2000 issue of the U.P. Gazette (Volume xxxi, No.
2), the name of Dr. Alexander C. De Leon, College of Veterinary
Medicine, U.P. Los Banos, was mistakenly included by the UPLB-HRDO
in the roster of employees separated from the service.

January - March 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 45

MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Contract withtheUnited Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural
OF THE 1148TH MEETING (22 FEBRUARY 2001) Organizatioll (UNESCO) . 30
Supplemental Memorandum ofAgreement unih the Philippine Council
011 ti,e U.P. Diliman FaCIlity Dormitory Project andthe U.P. Dilinum for AquaticandMarine Research and Deoelopment (PCAMRD) 30
Academic Hallg Gilt. . . . . . . . .. . . 26 Memorandum of Agreement witll PalaWQll State University (PSU) 31
Contract for Trainillg with file Regional Development Council V. 31
POLICY MATTERS APPROVED Memorandum of Agreement with the University of the SOlltheastem
Philippines (USEP), Davao City. 31
Proposal tocreate the positioll ofthe Vice-Chancellor for Research and Memorandum of Agreeme11t with u.P. Mindanao . . . 31
Extension (VCRE) at U.P. Visayas.. . . 26 Memorandum ofAgrccmelltwitll the Renardet S.A.,Iumis Berger Group
Amendment ill the Reorganization of tlIe U.P. institute for Science Consortium (R/LBC). 31
and Mathematics Education Development (U.P. ISMED) into
the U.P. National Institute for Sciellce atui Mathematics D.P. Los Banos
Edllmtioll Developlllwt (u.P. NISMED) .. 27
Proposal fa transform the IVomell and Development Program of the Memorandum ofAgreeltlellt withthe Philippine Co/weil for Advallced
College afSocial ~\:ork alld Commul1ity Development (CSl:VCD), Sciellce and Technology Research and Deieiopment (PCASTRD)
U.P. Diiiman, uuo a Department of Women and Development lnstituiion Development Program. 31

Studies ,.,,.,,. . ,., . 27 Memoralldul1l of UlIderstO//di1lg with /vteneo de Manila Ullivcrsih)

IVaiver of the rule (Ill sccondment infavorof Dr. Ida F. Dalmacio and (ADMU) . 32
Dr. Alexander A. Lim . 28 Memorandum ofAgreementwith the Department of Agriculture (DA) 32


Establishment of Professorial Chairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Memorandum of Agrccmfllt with the Philippine Council for Aquatic
Graduation of Students of tile U.P. Open University. . 28 andMarine Research andDeueioptnent (PCAMRD). 32
Authority for the President to approve the lists of candidates for
graduation from the University (01l1lcils of other Constituent U.P, Open University
Universities u. ... .... ......... .. 28
Confirmation of tile approval by Ilu! Beard throllgh refercl/dulll of OIC Memorandum ofAgreementwith the Local Couennnent Acadcmy (LCA) 32
COllffl'll/ellt of honorary degrees (hal/oris causa). 28 Memonwdlllll of Agreemellt with United Laboratones, !1Ie.. 33


Donation of Equipment. . . 28 Letter of Regellt Rml! P. de Gtuman fo U.P. President Francisco

Donations remitted thrai/gll the U.P. Foundation, lnc . 28 Nemenzo andthe Board of Regents expressing hiswish ihat lu: be
Deed Of0011olio II willI liteMamla Electric Compolly (MERALCO) 28 given all opportu1Iity to continue to perform his [unctions as
member of the Board of Regcnts .. 33
Letter of Thanks ofSupreme Court Illstice Hilario G. Dmnde, Jr. totire
Board of Regents .
_Appc;illtment ofMs. Kristine Clare C. Bugayol1g asStudentRegent of
Programming of the lHwppropriated income of U.P. Diuman as of31
28 tire University of !fie Pllilippillcs for tile period 1 lmwan) 2001
December 2000 . . . . . . .. 33
until 31 December 2001 . . . r-r--
Implementation for CY20000ftJre Lalilldnj Allowall~ (lnd subsistence. Memorandum of President Francisco Nemenzc all tile subject
Allowance totile relllainillg 24% oftlte U.P. ""1amla personllel/stafj 28 33
"Campaign for a Revitalized G.f.. Program" ' .
U.P. CY 2001 Blldget alld Report all ihc CY 2000 Budget prepared by Reply afRegEllt Raul P. deGUZJJlaI/ totire [e!terof President Nemenzo
the Office of the Vice President for Plmming and Finance . . . . . 29
dated 1 Fcbmanj 2001011 till' issue of the IJlfrastmcture contract
for file rel/ovatioll of ViliZ ons !-fall betw.een t~,e Office oftile Student
MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT Regellt Foundation, Inc. and fhe PreSIdential Manageme/ft Staff 33
Academic Ca/eurial'S for AY 2001-2002 .. 33
U.P. System
Four Academic Research Agreements (ARAs) witl! ti,e GovenJltlellt of
tile Republic of!lIe Philippilles : ','.' '.' . HISTORICAL PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS
,"'1elt/oral/dum of Agrccment with Plall IlIternaflOllal-PllIIJPPlIlfS . 29
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's Speed, during the meeting with
U.F. Diliman 39
tile U.P. Amdcmic COl1lllllll l ity ...
./ H U Ilt'ersity (Korea) . 29
Memorandum of Agreemcnt wit I oseo d I n OF Agreement Wit/I the
Rencwal of alld Supplemcntal Mem?ran lH ~ . 29 41
Flllldacioll Fernando Ric/o (Spam) . . '/;t '~i~J; ~J;e' .4;i;ora State CltiefJllstice Hilario Davide: U.~. Allllt/1lIlS . . 42
Socialism in tile Epoch of Globallsm . . . . . . . 43
Supplemwtal Memoratldmn of Agreeme . 30
Rewardillg Scholarly AcJllevemCllt .
College of Technology (AS~O~) D;
~rbnent ofAgriwltllre (DA) 30
Memorandum ofAgreemeJlf WIt I t If P ERRATUM
46 D.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.1

Officers of the Administration Board of Regents

Dr. Francisco Nemenzo Hon. Ester A. Garcia, Chairman

President Ctuurman. Commission all Higher Education
Dr. Maria Serena I. Oiokna Hon. Francisco Nemenzo, Vice-Chairman
Vice President for Academic Affairs President, University of the Philippines
Dr. Erlinda S. Echanis - Hon. Teresa Aquino-Orela
Vice President fOT Planning and Finance Chairman, Senate Committee 011 Education
Prof. Jose N. Endriga Hon. Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura
Vice President for Public Affairs Chairman, House Committee Of! Education
Prof. Martin V. Gregorio Hon. Eduardo F. Hernandez
.Vice President for Administration
President, U.P. Alllllllli Association
& SecretanJ of the University & of tire Board of Regents
, Han. OscarM. Alfonso
Prof. Rafael A. Rodriguez
Hon. Raul P. de Guzman
Vice President for Dl'"vclopm/'l1t
Han. Victor A. Reyes
Hon. Celso R. Roque

Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman
Han. Ronalda B. Zamora
Cnenceuor. U.P. Diliman
Hon. Marita VT Reyes
Dr. Wilfreda P. David
FaCIlIty Regent
Chancellor. U.P. Los Bmlos
Hon. Kristine Clare C. Bugayong
Dr. Alfredo 1. Ramirez
Chancellor, U.P. Manila Studellt Regent
Prof. Ricardo M. de Ungria
Chancellor, u.P. Mindanao Prof. Martin V. Gregorio
Or. Felix Librero Secretary of the University [7 of file Board of RegeJlfs
Clmncetter. U.P. Open University
Dr. Ida Josephine Marquez-Lim 5i350n
Chancellor.. U.P. Visayas
Dr. Priscilla Supnet-Macansantos
DeaJ1, U.P, College Bagllio

Editorial Consultants
Prof. Martin V. Gregorio
Dr. Lourdes E. Abadingo

In Charge of Production
Carla V. Norofia
e The University of the Philippines

VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 2 April - June 2001 ISSN No. 0115-7450

Page Page
ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUANCES Reouest for waiverof accumulated interest clrarges 011 the contractual
obligation of Ms. Leah May B. Vel'. . . 6
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Waiverof the guideline 011 the etJectivih} of promotion ill favorof Ms.
Jell/lIfer Josef ofu.P. College Bagllio . . . 6
KUlltllSQllg Administratibc Big. FN-Ol-33: Pagtalag Ilg Konseho sa Guidelines all theSagad Monetan} Award(aile-shot) for FaClllh), REPS
Wikallg Filipillo _. 1 and Administrati-ve Sta!f(Mel1loralJdlllll No. FN-01-24 dated 14
March 2001 of President Francisco Nemenzo) . . . 7
MemorandJlIU No. FN-01-33: A Period for Reenergizing.
Memorandum No. FN-Ol-34: 1) Revised Rilles on Automatic RequfsfjortheesfablisJlJllfntofthe Dr. Cl1Spi11 Villamu:r){/ Pro}psson'al Chair 7
Promotion for Obtaining Ph.D. 2) Usc ofArabic numerals for ilP, Proposalfor there-institution offlleMaster ofEngineering in Electrical
System Communications all FacuIty ranks. 1 Engineering, U.P. Diliman .. 7
Memorandum No. FN-Ol-38.' Free Software. 1 Abolition of theDiploma ill Urban and Regional Planning Program of
Memorandlllll No. FN-Ol-41: System Support for International the Management Sciences Ditnsion, U.P. College Bagnio, 7
Pnblicaiicn of Literary Works by U.P. Facility . 1 Abohtioll oftileMaster ofArts (Mathematics Education) Program and
lnsfitutioll of the Master oj Science in Mathematics. 8
DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS Abolition of tile Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature and the
Bachelor of Arfs illPlriIippine Literature programs; and institution
l1S0TH MEETING, 24 MAY 2001 of the Bachelor of Arts ill umgllage and Literature (B.ALL.),
Division qfi-uunanities, U.P..College Bnguio .. 9
APPOINTMENTS Cradiuuion of studentsfor inforlllalioll/collfinnatiOlI of the Board .. 9

Appointments, reappointments. promotions, etc.. 2 DONATIONS, GRANTS AND GIFTS

Transfer to Permanent Statlls . 2
Professorial Chairs . 2 Deed of Donation and Acceptance with NET Curricula, Inc. and S/l1l
Correction ofEffectivity Date 05 approved attile JJ48til BOR Meeting Miaosysfellls Philippines, lnc., . . 10
(22 Febmanj 2001). . . 3 Acceptance by tire University of tire grant of IlJI award of P20,000.00
Extension of Service Beyond Compl/lson} Retirement Age of65. 3 aUllually to a Ph.D, graduate of tire Col/ege of Science for
3 outstanding scholastic achievement. 10
Original Appointment Beyond Age 65.... 10
Renewal of Appointment Beyolld Age 65.. 3 Certificates of Gifts.
University Officials ~
Confirmatioll of the Approval of the Board through refe~tldllm all 2.':>
Apri12001 of tueappointments ofUlliversitl} Offinals. 4
U.P. Blidget fa, CY2002 . . .
V.P. Intemal Opemting Budget for CY 2001 , _ . 10
POLICY MATfERS APPROVED Programming of P6,150,000.00 representing Unappropriated Excess
4 Income o(U.P. College Baglliofrom FY1999 to2000(RevowlIlg Fund),
Proposed Academic Leave for Faailh) Admillistrafo:s :... certi~ed as available by tile Officer-in-Charge, ACCOllll11llg Office 10
Establishment of the President's AwardJorlnnaoanon 111 Teaching as 4 Proposed budget for partial programllling of Excess Income of U.P.
partof the Academic Distinction Program '.' . . . . . . . . . . College Bagllio ': . 10
System Support for International PublicatlOIl of Llteranj Works b.y Realignment ofPl, 745.200.00wlticllis part oftire P3.1 MIlllOIl MO~E
U.P. Faatlty as part of the Creative and ResearcJl ScilOlarshlp 5 eannarked by the Board of Regents (FY2000)Jo: U.P. Los Banos
Program. . . . . . . . ................. 5 Health Sen-lice for the improvement of its fanlltles . . : . 10
Proposal toestablish tile llltematioltal Linkages FTI/Id '.' . . Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 2000 AcademiC Program
Proposal to delegate furtlrer to Ole C/lancellors and tile President 5 Improvement) of tileSystem Admill1sfratioll for tile U.P. College
appointmellts relafed to Professonal ClIa.lrs . 11
,rTreasllny 6 Bagllio programs.
Direct placement ofgoVenll11ellt securities wit II tIu: BIlreall OJ
The University of the Philippines Gazette is a quarterly publication of the Office of the Secretary of the University.

Reprogramming ofprioryears savillgs from obligation ofU.P.Duiman 11 Expositions and Missions (ClTEM), and the Technology
.J Graduate Tuition AdjHstment of U.P. Visayas . 11 Application alld Promotion institute (TAPI). 20
Institution/adjustment of laboraton) fees .. 11 Memorandum ofAgreement with lIlf Department of Agricntture . 21
Rates of honoraria in the preparation of training modules of tile Renewal of tllf Memorandum of Agreement with the Central Police
Academic Management Development Program (AMDPJ, ..... 13 District, Philippine National Police (CPD PNP) .. 21
/ Confinnatioll aftlre approval by refrrelldll1l1 aftheBoard a/tlleproposal Memorandum of Agreement with theQuezon Cih) Coternment . 22
to increase graduate tuition, . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 13 Memorandum of Agreement willI tllf Universitlj of the Philippines
COllfinnatioll ofllie approval oftlJe President ofadditional listsafmerit Visayas (UPV).. . . 22
promotiolls offamIty witll tile rallk ofProfessor, effective July 2000 15
V.P. LosBanos
Separate Memoranda of Agreement entered into by U.P. Los Baiios
V.P. System andthe Philippine COl/ncil forAgricuuure, Farestnj and Natl/ral
Resources Researc!J and Development (PCARRD). 22
Contract of Lease entered illto by and cetuseen the University of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Visayas State College af
Philippines Systelll end Dr. Emesto J. del Rosario. 15 AgriCllltllre (VISCA). 22
Memorandum of Agreement witll t1lf National Nutracelltical Center
V.P. Manila

SupplyCOl/tract entered ill to byandbetween U.P. Mallila-Philippine

(NNC) North Cliarlestoll, South Co.rolina, U.S.A..
Memorandum afUllderstandillgwith theCallege afIndustrial Science,
KOllgju National University, Republic of Korea.

General Hospital and Illtersalus, S.A. , . , ,. 15 Memorandum ofAgreement with thePhilippine COl/1lcil for Advanced
Sciences andTec/mology Research andDevelopment (PCASTRO)
D.P. Los Banos institution Deoetopment Program . 23
Memorandum of Understanding with the Forest Products Research
General COllstmctioll Agreemellt entered into by and between u.P. and Development Institute (FPRDI), Department of Science and
Los Baiios andJ.D. Legaspi Construction . . . . . 16 Technology . 23
Contracts of Lease with saine ozcuers of pioneer houses at the U.P. Los Memorandum ofAgreement with tJlf Bureau ofAgriCllltllral Research,
Baiios campus. . . ........ . . 16 Department of AgriCllItJlre (DA-BAR) . . . . 23
Memorandum of Understanding with Miyazaki University, FaCHlh)
MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT ofAgriClllture, Japan - 24
Memorandum ofAgreement with Land Balik oftile Philippines (LBP) 24
V.P. System
V.P, Manila
MemorandulII of Understanding witlr Taiwan-Sol/theast Asian
Universities. 17 Memorandwn ofAgreement with Pfizer, inc. (Pi). 24
Agreementfor Educaiionai and Scientific Cooperation 'with theOxford
lntemational Biollledical Centve (OIBC). 17 D.P. Visayas
Memorandum of Agreement with the Proiesstonat Regulatioll
Commission (PRC). 18 Memorandum ofUllderstalldillgwith theUniversity ofthe Pluiippines
Cooperative Framework oftlieASEAN UlZiversity Network/Southeast Alumni Association ofMetro VVaslzillgton D.C. (UPAAM1NDC) 24
Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUl\fjSEED-Net) 18 Memorandum ofAgreeJl1eJ1twith the BurraH ofAgnailtural Research (BAR) 24

V.P. Dillman D.P. Mindanao

Memorandum of Agreement witli Kallsai Uni'versity af IlltematiolJaI MemoranduJJl ofSlIbsidiary Arrangement with tlie Australian Centre
Studies (japan). . .... _.. 18 for Illtenratio1Jal Agrimltural Research (AClAR). 25
Memoralldlllll of Agreement 'witlr Gyeongsallg National University
Agreemellt 011 Academic Exchange with the Sub-Academy offollmalism
and Communication, Ho Chi Minh National Politics Academy V.P. Los Banos
(Viet/lam) . 18
Memorandulll oj Underetnnding WWI theUniversity ofthePniuppines Research contract with tile Bicol Studies Program.
ill Mimumao. 19
Memoralldum ofAgreement with Chonbutc National U1liversihj (Korea) 19 OTHER MATTERS
Memorandum ofUllderstandlng with De La Salle University (DLSU) 19
Memorandum of Agreement witlr Geodata Systems Technologies, Ii/C. 19 OatJztaking oftile /lew regellt . . . 25
Memorandum of Agreement lvitl! tlte National Defense College of tire Requests for Board resoutticns for purposes of lax exemption . 25
Philippines (NDCP) _. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Approval of the draft resolution of the Board of Regents for fonner
Memorandum of Agreement witl! Nagasaki University (japall). 20 Regent Edgardo B. Espiritu in recognition of his nwaluabte
Memorandum of Understanding willI theAyalaFoundation. Inc. and seroices asalumni representative to tllf Board ofRegelltsfor12 years 26
Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc. (SllnPhil). 20 Re-application of Dr. Roger Posadas fo a part-time faCility position
Memorandum of Understanding with the National Center for Social at the Techllology Management Center (TMC) of U.P. Dilnnan 26
Sciences and Humanities of Vietnam (NCSSHV). . . 20 Appointment of Hon. Jose P. de Jesus, Jr. as member of the Board of
Memorandum of AgreelJle11t uiitli HOlIgkong Polytechnic University 20 Regents of the University of the Philippines vice Regent Renaldo B.
Memorandum of Agreement with the Center for lntemationai Trade Zamora, signed lnj Her Excel/ena), President Gloria Mampagal-Arr01)o 26
April - June 2001 D.P. GAZETIE

UPLB Academic Calendar fOT Academic Year 2001-2002 . 26 lIAst appeal of U.P. Diiinum onfaCllllt) promotions . 33
Revised Academic Calendar of U.P. Diliman for Slimmer 2001 . 26 . Proposal to increase thelaboraton) fees afFoodTechnology courses for
Fillal Schedule a/Commencement Exereses for SdlOolyear 20012002 26 theScllool of Tedmology, U.P. Visayas , 33
Proposed c1umges in the Slimmer 2002 Calendar of U.P. Dillman 26 / Proposal to adjust the graduate tuition of the College of Dentistrf,
U.P. Manila, from PB,OOO.OO to Pl1,OOO.OO per semester or all
1151ST MEETING, 28 JUNE 2001 increase of 37.5%. . . 33
Realignment offtmdsrepresenting U.P. Visayas' share from tire Tl111tsed
APPOINTMENTS seedmonel) for the U. P. Provident Fund-Health Plall . . . 33
Transfer of balances of CY 2001 allotment of tire Sentro ng Wikang
Appointments, reappointments, promotions; etc., .. . . 26 Filipino from the U.P. System Administration to U.P. Diliman 34
Transfer to Permanent Status , .. 26 Reprogramming ofPriorYears'savingsfromaccot/llts payable of U.P.
Professorial Chairs ,, , .
~~ J~mp~~';~:;:l; ~~IJ:del~~e~ i~r't;~ ~~r~~t'~~i, ~~l~~s~~ ;0' ~~;.;-~~~'
University Officials .
Extension ofSeroice Beyond Compu!sonj Retirement Age 0/65. 27 Balik Accountsby the U.P. System .. 34
Renewal of Appointment Beyond Age 65.. 27 Transfer of the balances of CY 2001 allotment of tire U.P. Computer
Center from the U.P. System Administratioll to u.P. Diliman 34



On the recommendation for promotion of Dr. Natividad C. Cemaeio U.P. System

from Professor 3 to 9, . 27
On the appointments offaadtytoregular academic administrative positions 28 SI/Ort-Tenn Student Exchange Program Agreement with fhe College
011 tIle increase ill graduate tuition in U.P. Dilimau . 28 of Arts and Sciences, The University of To/...:;o . 35
Students'reqrU'stfordialogue with the BOR all the increase in graduate Memorandum of Agreement with tlie Philippine National Bank . . . . 35
tuition. .. . . 28 Memorandum of Agreement entered into by the COl1venor's Group on
Mindanao Studies. . . . . 35
POLICY MATIERS APPROVED Amendment to the Cotlsll.ltancy Agreement Letter with tile Ford
Foundation (dated 31 August 2000). . . . . 36
Waiverof the mIl'S all sabbatical in favor of Prof. Jessica K. Cariiio of
U.P. College Bagllio. . . 29 V.P. Diliman
A melldmelltjRevisioll ofGovenzmell tjU.P.-Fwuied Scholnrship Rules 29
Proposal for the revision of credit load equivalents for U.P. Open Memorandum ofAgreementwiOI tlJe National Commission for Culture
UniversityflllHime facl/lty, ,. 29 alld tlie Arts (NCCA) . 36
Establishment of the[uan and Isabel Zapanta FOllndatioll Scholarship Copyright Agreement with the Natiol/ol Commission for Culture and

:. Ollt ofa donation ofP1,500,000.OOfromthe[nan andIsabel Zapanta

Foundation, Inc., . .

Constituent Universities ..
. -
Proposed abolitio1l of RESDle and devolution of its fU1tctiotls to

Proposed Organizatiollal Chartof the University of tlte Philippines

in Milldallao



the Arts (NCCA). .

Institute (PTRJ). . . . . . . . . . .
. .
Memorandum of Agreement with Bagnio Colleges Foundation (BCF)
Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Textile Researcn
Memorandum of Agreement with the Universityof Califonlin (UC)
Memorandum of Agreement unth Kalayaan College (KC) ..
Memorandum ofAgreeme11twith tlJe Provincial Government ofBataan

Contract ofLmmdn) Services with Metro Dn) Cean Velltures, Inc.
(MDCVI). 30 (Balaan Province) and tile Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority
Proposal toamendiiw University Code on thepowers oftlJe Preside nt (SBMA) . 37
arId thefunctions of thechancellors andautonomous uniiersities Memorandum of Agreement with tire Provincial Ccoenuncnt of
to initiate suits all behalfof tile UlIiversilt) and to appear ill the Zambales (Zambales Province) and tile SlIbic Bay Metropolitan
pre-trial of cases filed for and agaillst the University. . . . 30 Allthority (SBMA). . . . . . . 37
Establishment of the Dr. Luis M. MabiIm1gan Awardfor lnnouatio Memorandum ofUnderstanding withTaegll UIliver5ih) (Kyllllgbllk, Korea) 38
illMedical Education (Clillical Sciences) at theCollege ofMedicine 31 Extension of the Memorandum of Agreement with tIJe Renardei 5.A./
Louis Berger Croup Consortium . . . 38
ACADEMIC MATIERS APPROVED Agreement of Cooperation with the Graduate Scl1001 of internauonai
Relations. Tile lntemationat U/livcrsih) of Japan .. 38
Graduation of Ma. Kathleen G. Layaoell for the degree of Badlelor of Memoralldllllr of Agreement with tire Pllilippine Association of Food
Technoicgiets, inc. (PAFD . . . 38
Science in Geodetic Engineering as of tile end of Slimmer 2001,
Escrow Agreement WitTl Matrix Corporate SeCllrity and General
certified by the U.P.Dilimall Chancellor as /laving completed all
31 Seruices (AgenCl) and the Development Balik of the Pltilippilles
the requirements as of 3 JUlie 2001 . 38
(Escrow Agent) .
Graduation ofMr. Midrael Marc C. Mamio for tile degree of Badleior-
ofSdence ill Biology as of tile end of Summer 2001 -. 31
U.P. Los Banos

Memorandum of Understanding with tile College of AgriOlltllral and
Life Sciences (CALS), Universih) ojWisconsill-Madis~n.. . .. 39
Memoralldum of Agreement with tire ASEAN-Korea EllvlTolllnental
Cooperation (AKECU), MillistryofEl1Virollmel1t, Rep'LblicofK~rea 39
Confinnation of theapproval of thePresident of tile revisiOlls!additiolls
TwoSeparate Memoranda ojUnderstal.'ding with the Pitilippllle SOCIety
to the recOJnmemiatioll for promotion of tile faclllh} members of 39
32 of A1Iimai Nutriti01lists (PHILSAN).
U.P. DilimQII .

Separate Memoranda ofUllderstalldillgwith several State Universities orasa MATIERS

and Colleges (SUCS). . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 40
Letter of tire Alliance of Concerned U.P. Personnel (ACUP) to the
Ll.P. College Bagoio President of the Philippilies Concerning the Tenure of the
incumbent U.P. President, 41
Memorandum of Agreement witll Saint Lollis University. 40 Report of theFaculty Regent. . . 42
Change ill fire schedule of are U.P. Manila Commencement Exercises
Other Selected Contracts/Agreements for SY 2001-2002 [rom 19 April 2002 to 18 April 2002 . 43

V.P. Diliman
Memorandum ofAgreement with thePhilippine National Bank (PNB) 40
Memora11dll1n of Agreement with the Philippine Textile Research HISTORICAL PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS
Institute (PIR/). . . . . . . . . . .. 41
Me/l,oralldllln ofAgreeme1lt willI Globe Telecom, [11C. , . .. 41 Citation for Hilario G. Davide, Jr ,, . 46


Officers of the Administration Board of Regents

Dr. Francisco Nemenzo Hon. Ester A. Garcia, Chairman

President Chairman, Commission on Higher Education
Dr. Maria Serena I. Diokno Han. Francisco Nemenzo, Vice-Chairman
Vice President for Academic Affairs President, University of the Philippines
Dr. Erlinda S. Echanis .- Han. Teresa Aquino-Oreta
Vice President faT Planning and Finance Chairman, Senate Committee all Education
Prof. Jose N. Endriga <"" Hon. Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura
Vice President for Pllblic Affairs Clminnan, House Committee 011 Education
Prof. Martin V. Gregorio
" Hon. Eduardo F. Hernandez
Vice President for Administration
President, UP. AlulImiAssociation
& Secretanj of the Ulliversih) & of the Board of Regerlts
,.. Han. Oscar M. Alfonso
Prof. Rafael A. Rodriguez
-Hon. Raul P. de Guzman
Vice President for Development
Han. Jose P. de Jesus
Dr. Ernerlinda R. Roman Han. Victor A. Reyes
Chancellor, U.P. Diliman .-' Han. Celso R. Roque
Dr. Wilfreda P. David . Han. Marita V.I. Reyes
Chancellor, U.P. Los Baiios Facility Regellt
Dr. Alfredo T. Ramirez Han. Kristine Clare C. Bugayong
Chancellor, U.P. Manila Student Regent
Dr. Ida Josephine Marquez-Lim Siason
Chancellor, U.P. Visayas Prof. Martin V. Gregorio
Prof. Ricardo M. de Ungria Secretary ofthe Ulliversity & of the Board of Regents
Chancellor, U.P. Mil/danaa
Dr. Felix Librero
Chancellor, UP, Open University
Dr. Priscilla Supnet-Macansantos
Dean, U.P. College Baguio

Editorial Consultants
Prof. Martin V. Gregorio
Dr. Lourdes E. Abadingo

In Charge of Production
Carla V. Norona
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 1

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Memorandum No. FN-Ol-38: Free Software
I would like to invite everyone to try the StarOffice 5.2 as an
Kautusang Administratibo Big. FN-01.-33: Pagtatag ng Konseho sa alternative to Microsoft'Office.
Wikang Filipino StarOffice has alltheapplications and features of MS Office but,
Alinsunod sa patakarang pangwika ng Unibersidad na most important, for free. There is no danger of being sued for violation
inaprubahan ng Lupon ng mga Rehente sa ika-1021 na pulong (29 Mayo of intellectual property rights.
1989), itinatatag ang Konseho ng Wikang Filipino na binubuo ng Bise Aside from creating and saving documents in its own format,
Presidente para sa Gawaing Pang-akademiko bilang Tagapangulo (ex StarOffice can open and save documents in Word Excel and PowerPoint.
officio), at mga Direktor/ Coordinator ng Sentro ng Wikang Filipino sa In short, it is interoperable with Microsoft Office 97/2000. lust like the
bawat Constituent Unit (CU), Tagapangulo ng Departamento ng Filipino latter, SlaIOffice combines wordprocessing, spreadsheet, graphic design.
at ng Departamento ng Linggwistiks (U.P. Dillman) bilang miyembro presentation, HTML editing, e-mail, news reading, scheduling, and
(exofficio). database functions in a single software. It also runs on all major operating
Ang mga tungkulin ng Konseho ay ang sumusunod: systems like Windows and Linux.
1. Magbalangkas ng agenda sa pagpapalaganap ng wikang Filipino; I enjoin offices whose licenses areup for renewal soon and those
2. Magmonitor sa mga gawain, proyekto at iba pang inisyatiba ng who are buying for the first time to try StarOffice first. U.P. recently
Sentro ng Wikang Filipino sa bawat CU ng U.P.; signedan agreement with Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc. and Net
3. Magrekomenda ng patakaran sa wika na lalong Curricula, Inc. which entitles us to receive 500 StarOffice CDs. I already
magpapalaganap ng paggamil ng Filipino sa Unibersidad; at have 50 pieces in the office which [ will distribute to you. It may also be
4. Sumunod sa mga gawaing ipag-uutos ng Presidente para sa downloaded for free at:
pagpapalaganap ng wikang pambansa. Why for free? StarOffice is a key component in an emerging new
Bilang Standing Committee sa ilalim ng Opisina ng Bise Presidente computing model that Sun Microsystems is promoting. In other words,
sa Gawaing Pang-akademiko, ang lahat ng pangangailangan ng it is a strategy that the company has adopted to accelerate the acceptance
Konseho, kabilang na ang honoraria, ay manggagaling sa V.P. System of this model. You may visit their website at
(OVPAA). for more information. Our use of StarOffice will be free for an unlimited
5 Hmlyo 2001 time.
(Lgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO Let us help the University save on those costly license fees. You
Presidente may wish to send me feedback later.
15 May 2001
Memorandum No. FN-ot-33: A Period for Reenergizing
Until the late 19805, it was customary for university officialsto take Memorandum No. FN-Ol-41: System Support for International
time off from their routine functions and responsibilities during the Publication of Literary Works by U.P. Faculty
summer months. Mindful of their mental and physical welfare, we are I am happy to announce that I have added a new component to the
reviving this practice to save them from burning out Creative and Research Scholarship Program. Starting june 2001, the
The President, Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, System will provide support for the international publication of literary

Deans, Directors and Heads of Administrative Units may appoint works by D.P. Faculty. We have many talented writers whose works
officers-in-charge and visit their offices only when necessary either from should be read not just in OUI country. Think of the writers from Latin
May 2 (May 1 is a regular holiday) to May 8 or from May 9 to May 15. America, Africa and Asia whose novels and short stories are being read
Shifting arrangement will beleft for each unit to decide. This will ensure and appreciated by readers outside their countries. It is my wish to see
that at any given time there will always be an official to take care of our best literary works published by international publishing houses
important and critical matters. and their authors given broad recognition. And I look forward to the
23 April 2001 honor that will accrue to our University as a consequence.
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO I also have a special reason for initiating this move. It is not easy
President for local manuscripts to reach intemationalliterary publishers, who rely
on literary agents to scout around for good.manuscripts. Creative work
Memorandum No. FN-Ol~34: 1) Revised Rules on Automatic Promotion is an exciting and challenging endeavor and my administration is
for Obtaining Ph.D. 2) Use of Arabic numerals for U.P. System determined to playa supportive part in it.
Communications on Faculty ranks For this reason, in January 2001 VPAA Diokno appointed Prof.
We are furnishing you herewith a copy of the Revised Rules on Frances Abao (U.P. Dillman Department of English and Comparative
Automatic Promotion for Obtaining Ph.D.* as approved during the Literature) as Program Development Associate to act as the University's
liaison with foreign literary agents and publishing firms.
1147th Meeting of the Board of Regents held on 21 December 2000. Please
To facilitate the selection of literary manuscripts by U.P. faculty
take note that the numbers after the ranks have been converted from
that will be sent out to overseas publishers, please be guided by these
Roman to Arabic to conform to the convention of using Arabic numerals
for D.P. System communications on faculty ranks. 1. Submissions should be literary works, e.g., novels, plays, short
Please be guided accordingly. stories, poems, literary essays and other types of creative
25 April 2001 nonfiction. These must be in book form.
2. They should either be written in English or translated into
Officer-in.charge of the University

See Appendix on p. 47 for the Revised Rules.

2 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXn. No.2

3. They should have been published bya reputable local publisher Pleasesend the submissions to Prof.FrancesAbao,Department of
at least a year before they aresubmitled to theOVPAA. Original English and Comparative Literature, l/F Faculty Center, D.P. Diliman.
unpublished works and works published Iess than a year before Her numbers are 9205301 local 7236 and (tel/fax) 9263496; her e-mail
submission will not be accepted except when the author's track addresses are: and
record warrants an exception. I have allocated funds to pay for translation and editing fees and
4. They should be potentially marketable (of interest) to an feesof external reviewers. My only condition is that should the work be
international audience. This can be detennined by the external accepted for publication, the name of V.P. will appear as the author's
reviewer. institutional affiliation. I want to be sure our University will have a
5. They should meet international standards of editing. This means place in the achievement of each and every faculty member.
the author should be willing to submit his/her work to editing. Please share the news with our faculty.
Faculty whose works meet these criteria should submit the 5 [une 2001
following: (Sgd.) FRANCISCONEMENZO
Both the published and manuscript versions of their submission; President
Synopsis of the submission; and


llSOTH MEETING,24 MAY2001 Roberto B. Feleo, original appointment as Diamond Jubilee
Assistant Professor of Studio Arts, College of Fine Arts, effective 1
APPOINTMENTS January 200J until 31 December 2001
Edna G. Fortes, original appointment as International Seaweed
The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments,
transfer to permanent status, additional assignments, award of
Symposium ~SS) Research Associate Professor of Marine Science, College
of Science, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
professorial chairs, extension of service, and other related matters: Regina B.Gochuico, reassignment as General Education Assistant
Professor of Communication, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1
Rafael S. Redo, [r., reappointment as Clinical Professor of July 2llOO until 30 June 2001
Orthopedics, College of Medicine and Attending Orthopedic Surgeon, Patricio B. Lazaro, reassignment as General Education Professor
Philippine General Hospital effective24 May 2001 for a period of one year of Speech Communication. College of Arts and Letters, effective 1 July
2llOO until 30 June 2001
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS Vina P. Paz, original appointment as General Education Assistant
Professor of Komunikasyon, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1 July
D.P. Diliman 2llOO until 30 June 2001
Pedro C. Reyes, Jr., original appointment as Gloria Villaraza
Edna Eslefania A. Co, Assistant Professor 7, National College of Guzman Assistant Professor of Filipino Language and Literature, College
Public Administration and Governance, effective 24 May 200J of Arts and Letters, effective 1 July 2000 until 30 June 2001

U.P. Manila D.P. Los Bailos

Efren Domingo, Professor 1 (part-time), College of Medicine, Antonio J. Alcantara, reassignment to another chair with increase
effective 24 May 200J in honorarium from General Education Associate Professor of
81esile Suzette S. Mantaring, Assistant Professor 7, College of Environmental Science and Management at P30,OOO per annum to
Medicine, effective 24 May 200J SEARCA Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Management
Ma. Lilibeth L Sia Su, Associate Professor 1 (part-lime), College of at P60,OOO per annum, School of Environmental Science and
Medicine, effective 24 May 200J Management, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Achilles C Costales, reassignment with change in rank and increase
U.P. Mindanao in honorarium from SEARCA Assistant Professor of Economics at
P30,OOO per annum to SEARCA Associate Professor of Economics at
Evelina E. Ayson, Assistant Professor 7, College of Humanities and P60,OOO per annum, College of Economics and Management, effective 1
Social Sciences, effective 24 May 2001 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Virginia C Cuevas, reassignment to another chair with increase
U.P. Open University in honorarium from Metro Manila Commission Associate Professor of
Botany at P30,OOO per annum to SEARCAAssociate Professor of Botany
Roderic:o H. Ofrin, Assistant Professor 4, effective 24 May 2001 at P60,OOO per annum, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 2001
until 30 June 2002
PROFESSORIAL CHAIRS Jessie C Elauria, original appointment as SEARCA Assistant
Professor of Engineering. College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial
u.P. Diliman Technology, effective 1 July 200t until 30 june 2002
Hidelisa P. Hernandez, reassignment to another chair with change
Villy A. Buenaventura. reassignment as General Education in rank and increase in honorarium from Onofre D. Corpuz Assistant
Assistant Professor of Communication, College of Arts and Letters, Professor of Chemistry at P30,OOO per annum to SEARCA Associate
effective 1 July 2000 until 30 June 200J Professor of Chemistry at P60,OOO per annum, College of Arts and
Brenda V. Fajardo, reassignment to another chair from Jose & Sciences, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Asuncion Joya to Onofre D. Corpuz Professor of Art Studies, College of Jose E. Hernandez, reassignment to another chair with increase in
Arts and Letters, effective 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001 honorarium from Metro Manila Commission Diamond Jubilee Associate
April- June 2001 U.P. GAZETIE 3

Professor of Agronomy at P30,000 per annum to SEARCA Associate U.P. Dillman

Professor of Agronomy at P60,000 per annum, College of Agricu1ture,
effective I July 2001 until 30 June 2002 Pacifico A. Agabin, Professor 12, College of Law, effective 3 July
Gloria LuzM. Nelson, reassignment to another chair with increase 2001 until 31 May 2002
in honorarium from General Education Associate Professor of Social Merlin M. Magallon.. Professor 12, College of Law, effectWe I
Scienceat P30,000 per annum to SEARCAAssociate Professor of Socia1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Scienceat P60,ooo per annum, College of Arts and Sciences,effective I Consuelo J. Paz, Professor 12, College of Social Sciences and
July 2001 until 30June 2002 Philosophy, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Blanda R. Sumayao, reassignment to another chair with increase Grace P. Perdigon, Associate Professor 3, College of Home
in honorarium from Philippine National Bank Professor of Agricultural Economics, effective 26 September 2001 until 31 May 2002
Education and RuralStudies at P30,000 per annum toSEARCA Professor Prescillano M. lamora, Professor 12, College of Science, effective
of Agricultural Education and Rural Studies at P60,ooo per annum, I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
College of Agriculture, effective I July 2001 until 30 June 2002
U.P. Los Baftos
U.P. Manila
David D. Oimacosa, Assistant Professor 5, College of Arts and
Carmencita M. Abaquin, original appointment as Dean Leonar Sciences,effective 26 March 2001 until 10 April 2001
Malay-Aragon Professor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective 1
January 2001 until 31 December 2001 ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT BEYOND AGE 65
AgustinaD. Abelardo,reassignment to another chair with increase

in honorarium from Dr. Jose V. Andaya, Sr. Associate Professor of Salvador F.Reyes, ProfessorialLecturer 5, Collegeof Engineering,
Pathology at P30,ooo per annum to Judge Guillermo Guevara Associate effective I June 1996 until 31 May 1997
Professor of Pathology at P36,ooo per annum, College of Medicine,
effective I July 2000 until 30 June 2001 RENEWAL OF APPOINTMENT BEYONDAGE 65
Caridad A Ancheta, reassignment as Metro Manila Commission
Diamond Jubilee Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,College U.P. Dillman
of Public Health, effective I July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Ariel S. Betan, original appointment as General Education Leopoldo V. Abis, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Engineering,
Assistant Professor of History, College of Arts and Sciences,effective I effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
July 2000until 30 June 2001 Lydia B. Arribas, Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Home
Elnora E. Duque, original appointment as UCPBDiamond Jubilee Economics,effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Professor, College of Public Health, effective I January 2001 until 31 Prospero R.Covar,ProfessorialLecturer 5,CollegeofSocia1 Sciences
December 2001 and Philosophy, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Emilie G. Flores, reassignment to another chair from UCPB Ibarra E. Cruz, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Engineering.
Professor of Nutrition to Metro Manila Commission DiamondJubilee effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Professorof Nutrition, College of Public Health, effectiveI January 2001 Felicidad M. Dacayanan, Professorial Lecturer 2, College of Social
until 31 December 2001 Sciencesand Philosophy, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Padta C. Gavino, reassignment to another chairfrom Emanuel V. Nieves B. Epistola, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Arts and
Soriano Professor of Communication to General Education Professor of Letters, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002

Communication, College of Arts and Sciences,effectiveI July 2000 until Silvino V. Epistola, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Social
30 June 2001 Sciencesand Philosophy, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Theresita R. Lariosa, reassignment to another chair with change lluminada G. Espino, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Home
in rank from UCPBDiamond Jubilee AssociateProfessorof PublicHealth Economics,effective I June 2001 unti11 31 May 2002
to Metro Manila Commission Diamond Jubilee Professor of Public Winlfreda A. Evangelista, Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Arts
Health, College of Public Health, effective I January 2001 until 31 and Letters, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
December 2001 Frank G. Flores,ProfessorialLecturer5, Collegeof Arts and Letters,
effective1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
U.P. College Baguio Magelende M. Flores, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Arts and
Letters, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Nardsa P. Canilao, reassignment to another chair from General Ruben A. Garcia, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Engineering,
Education Associate Professor of Philosophy to Potenciano lIusorio effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Diamond Jubilee Associate Professor of Social Sciences, effective 1 Aurora R. Lim, Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Arts and Letters,
effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
January 2001 until 31 December 2001 Loretta Makasiar-Sicat, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Social
Sciencesand Philosophy, effective 3 April 2001 until 31 May 2002
CORRECTION OF EFFECTIVITY DATE-ASAPPROVED Belen T. Medina, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Social Sciences
AT THE 1148TH BOR MEETING (22 FEBRUARY 2001) and Philosophy, effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002 . .
Marino M. Mena. Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Engmeenng,
Arturo Q. Trinidad, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Business
effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Administration, from 1 November 2000 until 30 October 2001 to 1 Maria Clara V. Ravina, Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Arts and
September 2000until 31 October 2001 Letters effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002 f Arts
Marla Lilia F. Realubit. Professorial Lecturer 3, College 0
EXTENSION OF SERVICEBEYOND and Letters, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002

_ ........... z-.--

Carminia A. Yaptenco, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Arts and CONFIRMATION OF THE APPROVAL OF THE BOARD
Letters, effective 1 June 2001 untif 31 May 2002 THROUGH REFERENDUM ON 25 APRIL 2001 OF THE
U.P. Los Baitos
Dr. Samuel T. Mancebo, original additional assignment as Dean,
Dr. SeIgio S. Cao, original additional assignment as Vice President College 01 Public Affairs, effective 1 May 2001 until 30 April 2004
for Planning and Finance, effective 1 August 2001 to serve at the pleasure
01 the President U.P. Manila

U.P. Diliman Dr. Ruben Caragay, original additional assignment as Dean,

College 01 Public Health, effective 1 May 2001 until 30 April 2004
Upon the recommendation of the President, the Board approved Dr. Manuel B. AguIto, original additional assignment as Director,
the appointment 01 the lollowing University officials 01 U.P. Diliman Institute of Ophthalmology, effective 1 May 2001 until 30 April 2003
(in executive session), effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2004: (with concurrent appointment as Chair of the Department of
Prof. Reil G. Cruz, original additional assignment as Dean, Asian Ophthalmololgy and Visual Sciences, College of Medicine; his term 01
Institute of Tourism office as Director has been synchronized with his term as Department
Dr. Leticia Penano-Ho, renewal of additional assignment as Dean, Chair)
College ofEducation

Prof, Virginia B. Dandan, original additional assignment as Dean, POUCY MATIERS APPROVED
College 01 Fine Arts
Dr. Ma. Concepcion P. Alfiler, original additional assignment as Proposed Academic Leave for Faculty Administrators
Dean. National College of Public Administration and Governance An annual academic leave of ten (10) working days was proposed
Prof. Dolores A. Endnga, original additional assignment as Dean, for faculty administrators so as to:
School 01 Urban and Regional Planning enable them to pursue their intellectual interests while
performing administrative functions; and
V.P. Los Banos somehow compensate for the loss in research time they would
otherwise enjoy as faculty without any administrative load.
Dr. jezle A. Acorda, original additional assignment as Vice- The terms of the academic leave are as follows:
Chancellor for Research and Extension. effective 1 June 2001 to serve at 1. Only laculty members with an administrative load 01 nine (9) to
the pleasure of the Chancellor twelve (12) units shall be entitled to annual academic leave.
2 The administrator may enjoy 10 (working) days 01academic leave
U.P. Manila for every year s/he has 9-12 units of administrative load. When
administrative service is less than a year, the academic leave shall
Dr. Junie B. Billones, original additional assignment as Director, be pro-rated accordingly.
Learning Resource Center, effective 2 April 2001 until 1 April 2004 3. The academic leave shall not be cumulative (i.e., may not be
charged to leave credit) and may not he monetized. But the
U.P. Open University administrator may spread out the leave in one year, provided

his/her administrative duties shall not he prejudiced.
Dr. Roderica H. Ofrin, original additional assignment as Vice- 4. Should a faculty administrator avail of academic leave and then
Chancellor for Research and Development, effective 1 June 2001 to serve resign from office, the leave shall he charged against his/her
at the pleasure of the Chancellor regular leave credits.
Regent Alfonso took particular notice of the appointment of Dr. 5. The academic leave shall be enjoyed in addition to the fifteen
Roderico Ofrin as Vice-Chancellor for Research and Development of (15) days of vacation leave, which is cumulative and may he
the U.P. Open University. Dr. Orrin is, at the same time, being monetized. As in the case of vacation leave, the faculty
recommended lor permanency. Taking off from this case, Regent Ailonso administrator shall apply for academic leave.
inquired as to whether faculty members who are on a temporary status The entitlement to academic leave shall apply to faculty
could be appointed to academic administrative positions with regular administrators with 9-12 units of administrative load from 1 June 2001.
terms of office.
It was recalled that there were similar instances in the past. e.g., Establishment of the President's Award for Innovation in Teaching
Dr. Alvin Mojica who was appointed Dean of the National Teacher as part of the Academic Distinction Program
Training Center for the Health Professions (NTIC-HP), V.P. Manila, even About a year ago a proposal was raised to include among the
before he was granted tenure. Academic Distinction Awards, one that would recognize outstanding
Since there seem to be no clearcut policy regarding this matter, the teachers. The ma tter was temporarily shelved because, for one, each
Chair thought it best that this be looked into by the present constituent university already gives out such an award. For another, no
administration. agreement could be reached system-wide on a common instrument for
measuring teaching effectiveness.
UPDATE:Oll 31 May 2001, Vice President Gregorio issued Memorandum Rather than award teaching effectiveness, which is defined in
No. 01-51 stating that in order to avoid legal implications, only various ways, it is now proposed that an award be established to focus
tenured faculty should be appointed to regular academic on pedagogical innovation. Innovation here refers to a novel teaching
administrative positions, i.e., those with fixed tenus of office. technique or strategy, possibly, though not necessarily, involving various
forms of media, that:
April. June 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 5

Facilitates the understanding especially of difficult concepts, U.P. Dillman

theories or methodologies; and/ or Tel.: 920 5301 to 9910cai 7236
Stimulates learning.. makes the learning process more effective, Tel./Fax: 9263496
and strengthens the students' desire to learn. E-mail:
To qualify for the award, the nominee must demonstrate the Financial support from the System may come in the following
innovations s/hc used to impart a particular concept, theory or method forms and shall form part of the Creative and Research Scholarship
and the feedback from the class. The nominee might also contrast his/ Program:
her innovation with the usual approach in teaching that topic or subject Fees of external reviewers;
in order to show how the innovation is an improvement over the Translation fees; and
traditional way of teaching. Editing fees.
For example, in New Mexico State University, barely three weeks The OVPAA shall recommend to the President when financial
into the semester, the professor assigned this problem to the class in support is warranted and how much. For 2001 the proposed budget is
introductory caiculus. Entitled "The Flight of Katy V.," the problem Pl.5 million and shall be charged to the Creative and Research
concerned Katy V., "a special agent. ..trapped in enemy territory...[who] Scholarship Fund.
could, if she only knew vector algebra, radio her coordinates to an
emergency helicopter that would swoop in and fly her out. Assignment: Proposal to establish the International Linkages Fund
Save Katy's life." The professor found that through challenging The University of the Philippines belongs to a number of
narratives, the students were doing calculus with greater interest and international and regional associations of universities, which require
less difficulty. [T/le Chronicle of Hig/ler Education, 8 January 1992] membership fees and meet at least once a year, in addition to other
There shall be four awards: one for the arts and humanities; another activities from which the University benefits. At present these university

for the social sciences; and two for the natural sciences. (In D.P., faculty associations are:
from the natural sciences (basic and applied) and mathematics comprise ASEAN University Network (AUN)
the largest number.) The President shall approve the specific criteria Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)
and implementing guidelines of the award. Orbicom (International Network of UNESCO Chairs in
Called the President's Award for Innovation in Teaching, the Communication)
award shall be part of the Academic Distinction Program. The value of ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-
each award shail be P75,000. UNINET) formerly Austria-Southeast Asia University Network
Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning
System Support for International Publication of Literary Works by (ASAIHL)
V.P. Faculty as part of the Creative and Research Scholarship Program Some of the benefits derived by the University from these
Part of President Nemenzo's vision is to see outstanding literary institutions are fellowships, research grants, grants for visiting professors,
works by U.P.faculty gain international recognition by getting their and the development of standards and a mechanism for quality assurance
manuscripts published by international literary publishers. One reason in higher education for benchmarking purposes. For example. in 2000
this is difficult is because publishing houses abroad operate through UNESCO gave U.P. an Orbicom grant of $10,000 which the College of
literary agents who scout around for good manuscripts. U.P.has no such Mass Communication (U.P. Diliman) and the College of Development
agent. Communication (U.P. Los Banos) used. in a joint conference. Every year,
In January 2001, tile VPAA then took in a Program Development APRU organizes a two to three-month seminar for middle-level faculty;
Associate, Frances Abao (U.P. Dillman), to act as the University's liaison speciai support has so far been given to faculty from U.P.
with foreign literary agents and publishing houses. Apart from membership dues, the University is expected to attend

To facilitate the selection of literary manuscripts by U.P. faculty that regular meetings which member universities pay for themselves as part
will be sent out to foreign publishers, the following criteria are suggested: of their commitment to the organization. Sometimes the University may
1. Submissions should be literary works, e.g., novels, plays, short be asked to host meetings which will not entail travel or accommodation
stories, poems, literary essays, and other types of creative costs but will nonetheless require some expense such as the provision of
nonfiction. These must be in book form. the venue and equipment, secretariat staff, etc.
2. They should either be written in English or translated into For this purpose, it was proposed that the International Linkages
English. Fund be established, which shall come from income or Trust Funds.
3. They should have been published by a reputable local publisher The President shall be authorized to draw from the Fund in order to
at least a veer before they are submitted to the OVPAA. Original attend meetings and comply with other obligations. Other University
unpublished works and works published less than a year before officials duly authorized by the President to represent the University in
submission will not be accepted except in cases where the the associations' meetings may likewise use the Fund, subject to
author's track record warrants an exception. availability of funds and approval by the President.
4. They should be potentially marketable to an international Each constituent university may set up its own fund for similar
audience. Marketability can be determined by the external purposes.
Proposal to delegat : further to the Chancellors and the President
5. They should meet international standards of editing. This ~e.ans
appointments related to Professorial Chairs ...
the author should be willing to submit his/her work to editing.
In line with the streamlining of functions in the University, it was
V.P. faculty whose works meet all the criteria above must submit
proposed that the following matters that still go to the Board be delegated
the following: . .. to Chancellors: .
1. Both the published and manuscript versions of their submission 1. renewal of appointment to a professorial chair with change m
2 Synopsis of submission. . rank and/ or honorarium; . .
3. Biodata, including contact information 2. reappointment!reassignment to a professorial chan with change
Submissions should be sent to: in rank and/ or honorarium; and
Prof. Frances Abao 3. transfer from one professorial chair to another with gap between
Deparhnent of English and Comparative Uterature the last and the new appointment.
l/F Faculty Center

Renewal/ reappointment to Systemwide Chairs shall be delegated Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Two and 65/100 (Php 369,932.65),
to the President. paid to V.P. Visayas. As of this date, therefore, Ms. Ver has already
Henceforth, only original appointments to professorial chairs shall fully paid Php492A9265.
go to the Board of Regents. 8. The total accumulated interest charges to date, as computed by the
U.P. Visayas Accounting Office, amounts to Pesos: Four Hundred
Direct placement of government securities with the Bureau of Treasury Fifty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Nine and 96/100
Justificatioll (Php459,399.%).
On 26 September 2000, the University of the Philippines was able 9. U.P. Visayas Chancellor Dr. Ida M. Siason has favorably endorsed
to secure a tax exemption from the Bureau of Internal Revenue on its to the President the request of Ms. Ver for waiver of the interest
earnings from investments in treasury bills and time deposits which are charges on her contractual obligation.
maintained to fulfill the University's educational purposes. The tax Recommendation
exemption, however, can only be enjoyed by the University if the L The waiver of interest charges on the contractual obligations of
placement in government securities is made directly with the Bureau of reneging fellows involve policy discussions falling within the
Treasury. discretion of the President and the Board of Regents. There are
The request for the Board of Regents' approval was made for the precedents, though, one of which is the case of reneging fellow Ms.
direct placement of government securities with the Bureau of Treasury Joy Rosary M. Castro-Caley. in which the Board has granted a waiver
by the 'J.P. System Administration and by any of its autonomous of interest considering that the fellow has fully paid the contractual
campuses that will invest directly with the Bureau of Treasury. obligation excluding interests.
It was also requested that the following officials be authorized 2. Based on the merits of the present case, the 015 did not interpose
to sign documents in connection with the investments with the Bureau any legal objection to the waiver of interest charges on the contractual

of Treasury: obligation of Ms. Ver. She has paid in full the total expenses incurred
For the U.P. System Administration: by the University in connection with her study abroad, plus the 20%
Vice President for Planning and Finance or the equity charge additionally imposed by reason of the breach of the
Assistant Vice President for Planning and Finance Fellowship Agreement. She made a 25% down payment not long
For all Autonomous Campuses: after advised to do so by OlS.
Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor for Administration She also paid the balance even while action on her request for
waiver of interest was still pending. The present staff of the OlS
Request for waiver of accumulated interest charges on the contractual agreed with the previous recommendation of the OLS in the case of
obligation of Ms. Leah May B. Ver Ms. Castro-Caley that full payment warrants more lenient terms in
Facts favor of the reneging fellow.
1. Ms. Ver was a fanner faculty member of the College of Fisheries of
U.P. Visayas. Pursuant to the Foreign Study Fellowship Agreement Waiver of the guideline on the effectivity of promotion in favor of
she executed with the University (the "Fellowship Agreement"), she Ms. Jennifer Josef of V.P. College Baguio
was granted a Study Leave with Pay to pursue an M'S. in Civil Waiver of the guideline on the effectivity of promotion in favor of
Engineering and a Ph.D. in Chemical Oceanography at the University Ms. Jennifer Josef of U.P. College Baguio in order to change the effectivity
of Hawaii, from 8 August 1985 up to 31 May 1993. of her promotion hom "upon return" (from fellowship) to 1 July 2000
2. After 31 May 1993, Ms. Ver opted to pursue post-doctoral studies Background
instead of returning to the University to resume teaching. in order 1. Ms. Jennifer Josef was first priority during this round of merit
to fulfill the return service obligation required under her Fellowship promotions and she has been promoted this time from Instructor 1

Agreement. U.P. Visayas, however, stopped paying the salaries and to Assistant Professor 3. Despite a recommendation for earning an
allowances of Ms. Ver. advanced degree in 1997, and having publication later on, she was
3. The Office of Legal Services (OLS) then sent Ms. Ver a demand letter never promoted due to an absence in item slack. She was given
dated 26 April 1995 requiring the payment of all expenses incurred tenure at instructor rank on 26 June 1998.
by the University in connection with her Study Leave with Pay, plus 2. On Mayl999,a request was made for UPCB to swap items anywhere
a 20% equity charge, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Fellowship in the system where there could be a slack, but there were no items
Agreement, or the principal amount of Php 492,492.65 (the "Principal available for this purpose. When an AP item was given to UPCB
Amount Payable"). She was also informed that the Principal Amount during the second semester of 1999-2000, the Division's
Payable is further subject to interest charges hom the time of breach recommendation for promotion was reiterated. However, based on
of the Fellowship Agreement. the information relayed by former Dean Jessica K. Carino that time,
4. In response to the letter, Ms. Ver requested the Chancellor of V.P. such promotion could only be effective if Ms. Josef were on active
Visayas for an extension of her study leave, even without pay. The teaching service. Since Ms. Josef has already started with her Ph.D.
Chancellor denied the request on ground that Ms. Ver had already at that time, the recommendation was not forwarded and the
availed of the maximum allowable leave periods for masters and promotion was put on hold. Instead, the item slack was used to
doctoral studies (i.e., 3 years and five years, respectively). She was promote another faculty member who was due for promotion. But
subsequently dropped from the rolls pursuant to Article 240 of the during the first semester 200Q..2001, the College APC, through Dean
University Code, for failing to return as required. Macansantos, learned of an interpretation from U.P. Diliman that
5. Vponadvice by OLS, Ms. Ver made on 17 April 1998 an initial down the promotion of Ms. Josef could have been effective even if she was
payment of 25% of the Principal Amount Payable, or the amount of on fellowship.
Pesos: One Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred and 3. However, the guidelines for the 2000 promotions stipulated that
Sixty (php 122,560.00), paid to U.P. Dillman.
promotions of those on leave would be "upon return". In the light
6. Subsequently, Ms. Ver requested for the waiver of the total of all these, UPCB requested that Ms. josef's effective promotion be
accumulated interest charges, in exchange for full payment of the made effective 1 July 2000 just like the rest who are on board, as a
balance of the Principal Amount Payable. corrective measure.
7. On 26 July 1999, Ms. Ver paid the balance of the Principal Amount 4. To wait for the return of Ms. Josef from her Ph.D. as the effectivity of
Payable, or the amount of Pesos: Three Hundred Sixty-Nine her promotion would be unjust to a faculty who has strived to meet
April - June 2001 D,P, GAZETIE 7

the expectations of the University in terms of quality in teaching, manufacturing and assembly service, this translates to cheap labor
research and extension. income. Therefore, the country is actually earning only 10% of the export
income contributed by the electronics industry. Ninety percent (90%)
Guidelines on the SagadMonetary Award (one-shot) for Faculty, REPS of the income goes to the company that performed the research and
and Administrative Staff (Memorandum No. FN-ot-24 dated 14 March developed the products. Graduates of the MEEE program are expected
2001 of President Francisco Nemenzo) to help the electronics industry to shift from a manufacturing and
Faculty members who hold the ranks of Professor 11 and 12 may be assembly service to one that offers value-added research and
recommended for a monetary award offrom P8,OOO to PlO,OO'J (eight development.
to ten thousand pesos) provided, in the case of those being promoted In the past ten years, the MSEE program takes in 25 to 64 freshmen
to these ranks, the promotion does not involve an increase in salary. every school year. On the average, half of the students are from the
Recipients of the monetary award must satisfy the Guidelines for academe and research institutions and the rest are from industry. As
Merit Promotions 2000. can be seen in the table below, only 1 to 7 students finish the program.
REPS (academic) who can no longer be promoted due to various The other students finish the course work with only the thesis left to
reasons may receive a monetary award of from P6,OOO to P8,OOO finish the program. 'Since most of the students are employed full-time,
depending on their performance and based on the Guidelines for they cannot allot enough time and the thesis is never finished. In some
Merit Promotions 2000. cases, the student has learned from the course work all that s/he needs
All REPS (performing administrative functions) and administrative to learn in relation with heryhis engineering practice. Graduate students
staff who are already "sagad" and were not included in the latest rarely take the MSEE non-thesis option because of the amount of course
merit promotion may be granted this award based on their last two work involved and the corresponding breadth in the comprehensive
(2) performance ratings as follows: examination.

o + 0 P6,OOO
o + VS ' PS,OOO 1991 1992 1993 199411995 1996 199711998 1999 2000
VS + VS ' P4,OOO New Students 40 50 64 58 I 33 27 25 I 29 43 26
The funds shall corne from the savings of the units and awards Enrolled Students
shall not be released before the merit promotion is received. Per Semester 57 66 85 671 59 46 44 SO 62 62
Board action: Confirmation. Graduates 1 2 I2 1 I
1 5 I 7 5 2
I 5

ACADEMIC MATIERS APPROVED The MEEE program does not require a thesis, the breadth of the
comprehensive exam is more manageable for the target students. The
Request for the establishment of the Dr. Crispin Villanueva required project will ensure that the standard of the department is
Professorial Chair maintained and the non-EE electives will address the required dynamics
Request of the Dean, College of Medicine (CM), for the of a program targeted for industry practitioners. It is expected that the
establishment of the Dr. Crispin Villanueva Professorial Chair to be re-institution of the MEEE will increase the number of students who
awarded to a qualified CM faculty member in the field of Infectious finish the graduate program.
Diseases/Microbiology effective 1 January 2001 Objective
The professorial chair fund (U5$15,000.00), a donation of Mrs. Ruth The proposed Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering will
Villanueva, widow of Dr. Crispin Villanueva is now deposited with the provide students with advanced education in Electrical Engineering.
U.P. Medical Alumni Society in America Permanent Endowment Fund Resource Requirements
(UPMASA-PEF) in the United States. The annual stipend will be sent The proposed Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering will

by UPMASA to the V.P. College of Medicine on a yearly basis . not require additional resources since the courses in this program are
the same as those in the existing MSEE program, except for the 6 units
Proposal for the re-institution of the Master of Engineering in Electrical of non-EE electives. The non-EE electives are existing courses being
Engineering, D.P. DiIiman offered by other U.P. units.
Ratiollale Proposal for the abolition of the Master of Science in Electrical
Among students enrolled in the graduate programs of the College Engineering - Non- Thesis Option
of Engineering, no distinction is made between academe and industry Rationale
practitioners. Before 1986, the college granted two degrees: Master of The approval of the proposed Master of Engineering in Electrical
Science(MS) and Masler of Engineering (ME), The MSprogram required Engineering (ME~E) renders the Master of Science in Electrical
a thesis while the ME program was non-thesis. The ME program was Engineering (MSEE) - non-thesis option, redundant. The MSEE -
abolished in 1986 so that there will be no distinction between the two thesis option together "...-ith the MEEE offer a complete coverage of
programs since they were deemed equivalent. Today, the MS programs Master's level education in Electrical Engineering.
of the college offer thesis and non-thesis options.
Advances in technology have produced new modes of practice in Abolition of the Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning Program
the Electrical Engineering (EE) profession. Graduate studies in EE have of the Management Sciences Division, Ll.P. College Baguio
become a necessity for professional advancement not only for academic Background and Rnliollale
The Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) is a program
professionals but also for those in the industry and ~ busin~ss. ~he
adopted from the School of Urban and Regional Planning, a System
EEE department offers a Master of Science in Engineering
program based in U.P. Diliman, starting SY 1998-1999. The DURP was
(MSEE) thesis option that is recommended for people ill the academe
adopted to address the national government's thrust t?ward
and industry practitioners who are doing research. The proposed Master
decentralization of governance by providing impetus for regrons to
ofEngineering in ElectricalEngineering(MEEE) is recommended for those undertake their own respective developmental irutiatives .and
who plan to work in industry doing design and product devel~~ment implementation. With developmental challenge~, problems associated
work. for those who want to be entrepreneurs and industry p~achtJ.oners with urban growth, land use, and increasing regional and urban-ba~ed
who manage research and development work in EE-re~ted fie~ds. socio-economic disparities, DURP aimed to answer the need of the region
Sixty-seven percent (67%) of the export income 15 c~tnb~ted ~y and the country for trained planners to answer such challenges.
the electronics industry. Since the electronics industry IS pnrnanly

The program was adopted as the College's contribution towards Mathematics teachers in the universities in Baguio City, Pangasinan and
the implementation of the professionalization of planning mandated by La Union. From all indications, those.teachers who have gone through
PD1308. It is alsodesigned to respond to EO72mandatingall LGUs to the program have become better equipped in teaching Mathematics in
prepare, update and implement comprehensive land use and physical their respective institutions.
framework plans. Of the 400 environmental planners licensed to do the From the onset, it was clear that the MA (Mathematics Education)
job nationally, less than 20 come from but do not practice in the region. program was to be replaced, in time, by a Master of Science program in
The Division saw the institution then of the DURP as a proactive Mathematics. Even prior to 1991, V.P. Bagnio had made the decision
step in delivering responsive and relevant curricular programs in the not to include among its avowed direction, the setting up of a Division
region. From the time of its adoption, 67 professionals have "entered the of Education. Hence, degree programs in Education were and are not
program. 27 of whom have graduated. There are 40 students who are among those programs that V.P. Baguio could nurture in the long term.
currently enrolled. Not included in this number are those who have However, in 1991, it was not possible to propose an MS program in
slopped or shifted to the MM Program. Its implementation however, Mathematics. At that time, there was only one faculty member with
continues to face constraints related to resources. The program continues PhD. in Mathematics. Furthermore, an assessment of the needs and
to share a faculty from the School of Urban and Regional Planning in academic preparation of the prospective clientele - Mathematics teachers
Diliman. The faculty who serves as the Coordinator, is currently being in Northern Luzon - pointed to the MA (Mathematics Education) as a
paid honorarium for the administrative task as Coordinator of the program that best addressed the needs of academic institutions in the
program by the Division. Her weekly travels and related expenses are region at that time. Since 1984, the Discipline of Mathematics has been
also taken care of by the Division. The arrangement has been going on conducting yearly or twice yearly training programs for Mathematics
since the 1st semester of SY1999-2000. This situation led to the eventual teachers in Northern Luzon, and so by 1991, it had set up a network of
siphoning of the Division's MOOE to travels and related expenses, a Mathematics teachers in the region. These regular gatherings allowed
situation that can not be done at the time when finances are limited. an accurate assessment of the academic preparation of prospective
This was felt when this particular system wide program was placed under clientele.
review by the new administration, which meant nonrelease of funds to Between 1991 and 2001, the Discipline of Mathematics has
the system-wide programs. It was this time that the new administration strengthened its faculty profile-it now has three Ph.D. degree holders.
advised the units with system-wide programs not to admit new students The undergraduate BS Mathematics program was also fine-tuned with
to the programs, while awaiting result of the committee formed by the a revision proposed and approved in 1996. With improved research
University President to evaluate system-wide programs. Thus, starting capability, faculty members undertook research projects; meanwhile,
1st semester 1999-2000, the Division did not admit new students. training programs for Mathematics teachers in Northern Luzon schools
Indeed, to be both relevant and excellent in the midst of the nation's and universities continued. In recognition of this level of achievement
changing needs and conditions remains to be the biggest challenge faced and the potential for further growth, the Commission on Higher
by the Division through the years. Thus, in response to the Challenges Education identified in 1997 U.P. Baguio as a CHED Center of
of the Development Plan of the College in the context of the U.P. System Development in Mathematics. It was the only institution north of Manila
Development Plan, with emphasis on the Promotion of Academic that was given this distinction.
Excellence in Programs through review and strengthening of academic With these developments, the Discipline of Mathematics is now
programs vis-a-vis resources, the MSD faculty, in a conference held on 6 ready to offer the Master of Science in Mathematics degree program.
November 2000, reviewed the two program offerings: Master of Further, with the number of institutions in Baguio and Northern Luzon
Management and Diploma in Urban and Rural Development. In an now offering MA (Mathematics Education) degree programs, the
effort to strengthen the program offerings, the faculty went through the clientele for the MAME program can now be trained by these other
process of discussing and resolving issues to address criteria and institutions. In the meantime, U.P. Baguio can concentrate its resources
relevance and excellence. in training students with a solid undergraduate preparation in
Notwithstanding the rigorous discussion and debates the program Mathematics. No higher education institution in Northern Luzon offers
has undergone during its adoption phase, not to mention sentiments a Master of Science degree in Mathematics, and as a CHED-COD in
attached to the program, the phase out and eventual abolition of the Mathematics, U.P. Baguio should use its expertise in offering a graduate
program is being proposed. Its abolition primarily sterns from the program that will develop a strong corps of teachers and researchers
inadequate resources of the Division to make the program a truly viable who can teach advanced Mathematics courses, as well as use
one that exemplifies excellence. Mathematics in other areas of application.
The proposed phase-out and eventual abolition of the DURP The Program that D.P. Baguio proposed for institution is a Master
Program shall be implemented effective 'lst Semester, SY 2001. This of Science in Mathematics. A graduate of the program will not only be
abolition of the program will provide opportunities for the current faculty grounded on the fundamentals and abstract concepts in Mathematics.
resources to engage in more in-depth researches and extension service. Rather, the program includes courses that will further develop in the
To allow the students who are currently enrolled and have not student the ability to apply mathematical tools of analysis to problems
finished the program, courses will continue to be offered during the SY in areas that are now increasingly utilizing more and more sophisticated
2001-2002. Students who are on LOA and AWOL status will be informed Mathematics- areas such as Engineering, Physics, Computing Sciences,
of the program's status and be provided alternatives should they decide Statistics, Finance, even Biological and Social Sciences. In a sense, this
to pursue the course beyond SY 2001-2002. shift in orientation for many Mathematics Departments- becoming more
and more in touch with areas of applications without necessarilv
Abolition of the Master of Arts (Mathematics Education) Program and sacrificing rigor of mathematical treatment-is in response to the tWi~
Institution of the Master of Science in Mathematics developments of declining enrollments in undergraduate Mathematics
Proponent: Discipline of Mathematics, Division of Natural Sciences and degree programs, and increasing interest in fields that are heavily
Mathematics, U.P. College Baguio dependent on mathematical tools and framework. More and more Math
Rationale departments worldwide are finding it necessaI)' to develop programs
In 1991, U.P. College Bagnio started offering the MA (Mathematics that maintain a good balance of pure and applied mathematics courses,
Education) degree program, primarily to address the need to upgrade thus producing mathematicians who can also work in certain areas of
the quality of Mathematics teaching in the tertiary and secondary level. application.
The program has since graduated 19 students, mostly college Thus, the Mathematics Discipline proposed the degree of Master
April. June 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 9

01 Science in Mathematics with the objectives 01 giving the student a language and lilerature (2) ro promote the study, enrichment, and
firm grounding in theoretical Mathematics and developing in the student preservation of the languages and literatures 01 the Philippines; (3) to
skills required in applying Mathematics to problems in other disciplines. contribute to the development of competent language and literature
Graduates of the program can teach advanced Mathematics courses in a teachers in the region; and (4) to provide baccalaureate training which
variety of degree programs, including Mathematics, Engineering, Physics can measure up to the admission standards of the Division's post-
and Computer Science. This degree program takes advantage of faculty baccalaureate programs in language and literature.
strengths at V.P. Baguio, induding the faculty's strong commitment to Assessmentof Potential Demand
teaching and research. With the abolition of the MA (Mathematics An assessment of the potential demand for a bachelor's degree in
Education), no students will be admitted into the MAME program language and literature was done in two sUJVeys.
beginning june 2001, while those previously admitted will be encouraged The first was in July 1998 when the proposal was in the
to shift to MS in Mathematics if qualified. Those not shifting will be conceptualization stage. Conducted in several areas of the Cordillera
allowed to finish their program. Administrative Region among pre-collegiate students at the time of the
Rescnrce Requirements Tangguyob campaign, the survey yielded a significant 173 (33% of 517)
a) Faculty and Stall expressing desire to take language and literature as a formal degree
2001 2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 program in V.P. College Baguio.
none none none Assoc. Prol. I While in the approval stage, the proposed program obtained further
b) Library boost in the second swvey conducted among freshmen students taking
2001-2002 20022003 2003-2004 2004-2005 up the communication GE courses in the College. when asked if they
none none 20 vols. Books would consider the B.AL.L. program as a possible alternative choice
1 year 1 year for the program they were enrolled in, 156 gave a "YES" response, and

subscription of subscription of 136 gave a "MAYBE" response, from a total of 417 respondents. Of the
2 mathematics 2 mathematics 156 "YES" respondents, 90 were mass communication majors. Of the
journals journals 136 "MAYBE" respondents, 62 were mass communication majors. The
Timetable a/Implemelltation rest of the "YES" and "MAYBE" (N"'140) were either natural sciences
The Discipline intends to implement the MS in Mathematics degree and mathematics majors or social sciences majors.
program starting the first semester of AY 2001-2002. Upon Resource Requirements
implementation of the Master of Science in Mathematics, the Discipline 1. Personnel
will cease to accept new students to the MA (Mathematics Education) 2/u1l time laculty items by 2003-2004
program. 2. Library Resources
Presently, the Language and Literature Program of the
Abolition of the Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature and the Humanities Division has a core library resource consisting of 6,863
Bachelor of Arts in Philippine Literature programs; and institution of volumes at the V.P. College Baguio Library. This number excludes
the Bachelor of Arts in Language and Literature (B.A.L.L.), Division the number of volumes available for related disciplines such as
of Humanities, U.P. College Baguio Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and P/ulosophy. In addition,
Ratio1lale the Program maintains its own collection of original and photocopied
This was a proposal to institute the Bachelor of Arts in Language volumes (total 250) and audio and videotapes-all from donations,
and Literature as replacement for two baccalaureate programs-B.A. The current resources notwithstanding, the Humanities
Comparative Literature and B.A Philippine Literature-which the Division shall endeavor to upgrade and enrich its library resources
Division of Humanities proposed for abolition. The B.A Camp Lit and even as the B.AL.L. program shall have commenced.

the B.A. Phil Lit have not been offered for about seven years now due to Timetable
dwindling enrollment. The Division, however, is decided on preserving AY 2001-2002
valuable cultural components, such as literature and language, through Program Administration
a lormal degree program - the B.A.L.L. On hindsight, the Division has The program will be jointly administered by the Disciplines 01
realized that the dwindling enrollment in the earlier two degree English/Comparative Literature and of Filipino/Philippine Literature.
programs was also largely due to the increasing lack of popularity, and Students, however, will be based in their respective disciplines, English
perhaps even relevance, of straight literature programs. This new or Filipino.
program, thus, interfaces language and literature and underlines their
integrated significance in man's everyday life. Graduation of students for infonnatiory'confinnation of the Board
The proposed curriculum is designed to provide students the A. Graduation of students for various degrees from the following
opportunity to study language and literature in either Filipino or English schools and colleges of the University system as of the end of the
not only as distinct fields 01 study but also as interrelated disciplines. Second Semester, 2000-2001:
The decision to offer specializations in Filipinoor English is an acceptance 1. U.P. Diliman
of the fact that these two languages are the dominant languages in the 2. U.P. Manila
3. V.P. Los Banos
Filipino experience.
The program endeavors to approach the study of language as ~e 4. V.P. Visayas
application (or product) of a people's unique use of language - as native 5. V.P. Mindanao
6. V.P. College Bagnio
tongue or as second language; at the sam~ time, it ~ll approa~ the
Note.The Board of Regents, at its 1149tlJ meeting 011 29 Marcil 2001,
study of literature not only as the imaginati~e expres~lO~ of a wnte~ or grantedautllorityfor the President toapprove tl~ lists of can~idates
of a people but also as the singular or collective contribution of a ~t~r for graduation from tile Ulliversity Councils of Constituent
and a people to the development of language. With this perspecti~e, It Universities (CUs)for SY 2000-2001 only. TIre saidlists are now
is hoped that language and literature will be understood and appreciated
OIl file at tire Officeof tire SecretanJ of tire Ulriversity. .
as interrelated areas that enrich each other. Mostoftlte CUs luwe set tlreir Commencement [xeroses ahead
O*rt~s . oftire regular sdredJde ofllteBoard ofRegeJlts' meeting illApril 2001.
The institution of the B.A.L.L. sets to achieve th~ foll.O::~ Board action: Notation
objectives: (1) to produce graduates who are adequately trained In
10 U.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

B. Confirmation of the approval by the Board through referendum 2. Certificate of Gift of Teodoro A. Agoncillo Papers (dated 27 June
on 23 April 2001 of the grant of posthumous degree to Oiancarlo 2000) to the University of the Philippines from Dr. Anadeta T.
Leung of V.P. College Baguio. Villacorta Agoncillo, for the use of the University of the Philippines
NoteEleuen (11) members of tile Board replied "YES" while 01le did not Library in supporting the scholarly research objectives of the
reply. University
Board action: Confirmation The collection consists primarily of correspondence, speeches,
writings - books, poems, essays, plays, and musical scores,
C. Graduation of students who were not able to meet the 5:00 p.m. photographs, clippings, posters, memorabilia, manifestos, printed
deadline on 17 April 2001 set by the University Council matters - rare books (incunabula), Rizaliana, Philippine revolution;
Graduation of students who were not able to meet the 5:00 p.m. and other materials documenting Professor T. A. Agonctllos
deadline on 17 April 2001 set by the University Council but were distinguished life as educator, writer and historian.
able to complete the requirements of their respective degrees as of
Friday, 20 Apri12001 which is before the Commencement Exercises FINANCIAL MATTERS APPROVED
O~ 22 April
Note: Under the present nrles, the President is authorized to approve tll V.P. Budget for CY 2002 (filed at the OSU Records Section)
graduation ofstudents under theabove circumstance, among others,
bllt subject to the Board's illfonnatioll. D.P. Internal Operating Budget for CY 2001 (filedat theOSU Records Sectionj
Board action: Notation
Programming of P6,1S0,OOO.OO representing Unappropriated Excess
DONATIONS, GRANTS AND GIFTS Income ofU.P. COllege Baguio from FY 1999 to 2000 (Revolving Fund),
certified as available by the Officer-in-Charge, Accounting Office
The Board noted the following: Locally-Funded Projects
Equipment Outlay - 300 P 800,000.00
Deed of Donation and Acceptance with NET Curricula, Inc. and Sun Building Structures Outlay - 300 5,350,000.00
Microsystems Philippines, Inc., Total Capital Outlay P6,150,00D.OO
Deed of Donation and Acceptance entered into by and among U.P. Justificatioll
Diliman, NET Curricula, Inc. and Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc., The above programming for Capital Outlay shall be used to
for a donation to the University of the following: augment the construction/rehabilitation of administration building,
1. Unlimited licenses of StarOffice 5.2 for all U.P. campuses acquisition of service car for the UPCB Dean, campus development,
nationwide from Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc. rehabilitation of submersible water pump and construction of additional
2. Five hundred (500) CDs of StarOffice 5.2 for distribution to all septic tank.
campuses within the U.P. System nationwide from Sunl'hil. Note: It is ,wderstood thatalldisbursements from these flllidsshall be made ill
3. Upgraded versions of the software at no cost, if need arises, from accordance witl! theuS/lal accounting andauditingnilesandregulations.
4. Fifty (50) copies of its Star Office course materials from Net Proposed budget for partial programming of Excess Income of V.P.
Curricula, Inc. College Baguio
Acceptance by the University of the grant of an award of PlO,000.00 1. Equipment Outlay
annually to a Ph.D. graduate of the College of Science for outstanding Service Utility Vehicle for the Office
scholastic achievement of the Dean, with accessories P 800.000.00

The award will be named the "Edgardo D. Gomez Award for 2. Building and StructuresOutlay 6,850,000.00
Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate" in honor of Dr. Edgardo D. Gomez of the a. Augmentation of funding
Marine Science Institute, for his "lifelong dedication and service to U.P., requirements for constructionand
and for his example of excellence in scientific research, teaching and rehabilitation of the SecondFloor
science administration." of the UPCB Administration Building 5,000,000.00
If no one qualifies for the award in a given year, the amount of b. Campus development: cementingof
P20,000 will be donated to the MSI Library. parkingarea, construction of drainage
A check for P20.0OO made out to MERF Inc. (an MSI-affiliated canal and cementing of pathways 1,500,000.00
foundation) has been received by the College for the award to be given c. Rehabilitation of submersiblewater pump 100.00000
in April 200!. d. Construction of additionalseptic tank 25(),OOOOO
The College Executive Board, with the Dean as Presiding Officer, 6,850,000.00
will act as the Selection Committee for this award. TOTAL P7,650,00J.OO

Certificates of Gifts Realignment of Pl,745,200.00 which is part of the P3.1 Million MODE
1. Certificate of Gift of Bikol Collection (dated 30 April 2001) to the earmarked by the Board of Regents (FY2000) for U.P. Los Banos Health
University of the Philippines from Dr. Maria Lilia F. Realubit, for Service for the improvement of its facilities
the use of the University of the Philippines Library in supporting The details of the proposed realignment are as follows:
the scholarship research objectives of the University I. Equipment Pl,230,200.00
The Bikol collection contains manuscripts, published and II. Building & Structure P 515,000.00
unpublished writings of various Bikol writers consisting of metrical Total for Realignment P1,745,200.00
romances, awit at corrido (heroic-chivalric songs and legendary Note: It is understood that tire disoureement from this realigned amountshall
religious poems), zarzuela (musical comedy), poems, plays, essays, be subject to the usual accounting and auditing laws, rules and
letters, musical scores, proverbs, riddles, religious tracts, novenas, regulations.
newspapers, periodicals, souvenir programs, calendars and
April - June 2001 D.P.GAZETIE 11

Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 2000 Academic Program c. Incremental collections shall be pooled to augment the colleges'
Improvement) of the System Administration for the V.P. College MOOE for graduate programs.
Bagnio programs Board action: Approval of the adjustment of the graduate tuition from
Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 2000 Academic Program P2OOfunitlo P35lVunit only for Academic Year 2001-2002.
Improvement) of the System Administration for the V.P. College Bagnio The proposed adjustments for the succeeding years
programs in the amount of Pl,SOO,OOO.OO for maintenance and other will be subject to further study and consultation.
operating expenses (MOOE), funds certified as available by the V.P. UPDATE:Memorandum No. 01-50 of the SecretanJ of the University andof
System Administration Chief Accountant for the following: tire Board of Regents dated ~8 May 2001 wasissued infonning the
PROGRAM: MOOE-2OO (AHE) Chancellors of U.P. Diliman, U.P. Manila, U.P. Visayas and the
Programs Total Dean of the U.P. College Bagnio of the approval by the Board of
1. Re-conceptualization of degree graduate tuition adjustments and tire full return of incremental
programs.. includingcourses in income to thecolleges/units.
key degree programs, development
of teaching materials, shops and Institution/adjustment of laboratory fees
roundtable discussions in: a. Proposal of the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics,
a. Humanities Division P 300,000 College of Arts and Sciences, V.P. Visayas to institute a Computer
b. Division of Natural Sciences 400,000 laboratory fee ofP300 for 5tat105, 5ta1106, C5 153, C5 171, CS 180
& Mathematics and Stat 138
c. Division of Social Sciences 400,000 Background
120,000 When the B.S. Computer Science program was instituted in

d. Management Sciences Division

e. Division of Sports, Physical Education 80.000 1996, the computer science courses were either adopted from V.P.
& Recreation Los Benes or instituted by D.P. Visayas. For those adopted from
TOTAL n.soaoee UPLB, the laboratory fees charged followed those of UPLB. However,
2. Conceptualization of the Galerya for those instituted by UPV, no laboratory fees have yet been charged
Kordilyera (to include long-term plans since no proposal for their inclusion has earlier been submitted. The
and to incorporate culture programs) P 200,000 proposal also includes 3 statistics courses with laboratory
GRAND TOTAL Pl,500,000 components: 2 instituted for the B.S. Computer Science program and
Conditions 1 lor the B.S.Statistics program.
It is understood that all disbursements from these funds shall be Justification
made in accordance with the usual accounting and auditing rules and 1. Just like other courses with laboratory components, a fixed
regulations. laboratory fee should be required for the use of computer supplies
Projects must be approved by the Vice President for Academic and maintenance of the computer laboratory.
Affairs and the President. This is API budget. 2. Consultations were made among students of the as. Computer
Science program, from 1st year to 3rd year levels, who posed no
Reprogramming of prior years savings from obligation of V.P. objection to the institution of a laboratory fee.
Diliman b. Institution of laboratory fees for courses under the M.S. Ocean
Reprogramming of prior years savings from obligation of V.P. Sciences Program of the Institute of Marine Fisheries and
Diliman in the total amount of P5,51l,067.16, certified as available by Oceanology, College of Fisheries, V.P. Visayas

the Chief Accountant, to beused as follows: Laboratory Fees:

A. Program Subject Title Laboratory Laboratory
Ill.a. Advance and Higher Education Services Units Fees
For Personal Services Ocean 241 Applied Marine Microbiology 1 300.00
(PS) funding requirement Ocean 243 Marine Benthos & Benthic
of various D.P. Dillman Communities 1 300.00
Projects and concerns PS,51l,067.16 Ocean 244 Advanced Ichthyology 1 300.00
Note; It is understood thattire disbursements from this programmed amount Ocean 245 Biologyof Exploited
shall be subject to the usual accounting and auditing laws, ruie and Invertebrates 1 300.00
regulatio'ls. Ocean 246 Applied Marine Botany 1 300.00
Ocean 271 Marine Law and Policy 1 300.00
Graduate Tuition Adjustment of U.P. Visayas Ocean 274 Monitoring, Control &. Surveillance 1 300.00
% Rale (amtinued on pAl)
From To of Increase Effectivity The MSOS program was approved for implementation in the
P2oo/unit P 350/unit 75 June 2001 first semester of school year 2000-2001. The primary goal for offering
P350/unit P 450(unit 29 June 2002 this program is to support the demands for human resources by
P450/unit P 6OO/unit 33 June 2003 research imperatives of the coastal and offshore areas of ocean-based
industries and the urgent need for a scientific and rational
management of ocean resources. It is also necessary to provide a
a. V.P. Visayas' graduate tuition was last adjusted in 1992.
b. Consultations with the students were conducted. The results are as more comprehensive aggregate of course offerings that when
integrated with current subjects In fisheries biology or marine
biology, will provide a better understanding of the dynamics of the
1. Among the 414 students consulted, 329 (70%) are in favor of the
ocean environment and its resources including changes brought
increase, while 46 students (or 11 %) are not in favor.
2 Of those in favor of the increase, 191 (46%) expressed preference about by economic development. . .
The approved majors for the semester include Biological
for staggered implementation, while 93 (or 23 %), opted for
Oceanography and Ocean Management. These two majors have
outright increase. . subjects with laboratory units because the conduct of such courses
3. Majority favored a three-phased implementation.
12 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No, 2

cannot be complete without the associated laboratory exercises. Department of Family Life and Child Development
When the program was proposed and approved, however, Laboratory Fee
laboratory fees for the subjects were not specified. Hence, this Course From To I
%Rate of
proposal. (Undergraduate) Increase
Justification FLeD 172 New P5OO/3units -
Laboratory fees are essential for the conduct of classes FLCD 174 New P500/3units -
particularly in exercises and other laboratory activities. Uses ofsuch FLeD 175 P650/3 units P1,OOO/3units 54
lab fees include: FLCD274 New P500/3units -
1. Purchase of chemicals and materials for experiments and
exercises; Department of Food Science and Nutrition
2. Purchase of semi-expandable materials such as glassware and Laboratory Fee
slides that easily get damaged and without which the classes Course From To %Rate of
cannot be conducted; (Undergraduate) Increase
3. Purchase of spare parts for equipment used in the laboratory; FN11 P400.00 P500,00 25
,1. Maintenance expenses of equipment used; FN 15 P300.00 P5OO,00 67
5. Internet fees and computer time for classes with computer FN16 P300.00 P5OO.00 67
laboratory requirements;
6. Other expenses incurred for the laboratory classes; and
FN 112
! 25 ;

7. Expenses to be incurred for field trips and site visits in line with FN 117 P400.00 P5OO,00 25
the formulation of case studies as in the case of Ocean 271.
c. Institution of laboratory fees for the newly instituted Information
Technology courses of the Department of Computer Science,
College of Engineering, V.P. Diliman

IT 100 Introduction to Information Technology

Laboratory Fee
P 800.00
FS 179
FS 199
FS 200
FN 215
FN 216
FN 217
Pl50/3 units
Credit 3 units (2Iec, 3 lab) FN 218 P400.00 P1,200.00 200
Number of students per class: 25 FN 231 P400.00 Pl,200,00 200
IT 110 Information Systems in Enterprises P 800.00 FN234 P400.00 Pl,2oo.00 200
Credit: 3 units (2Iec, 3 lab) FN236 P400.00 Pl,200.00 200
Number of students per class: 25 FN300 P400.00 Pl,200.oo 200
IT 201 Information Systems and Technology Pl,SOO.OO FN238 P400.OO P6OO.00 SO
Credit: 3 units (2Iec, 3 lab) FS257 P400.OO P600.OO 50
Numbers of students per class: 25 FS267 P400.00 P600.OO 50
}Jlstificatioll FS 291 P4OO.OO P600,00 50
1. The requested fee of Pl,SOO.OO is based on 45 laboratory hours FS400 P500.00 Pl,800.00 260
per semester at P33.33 per hour (or PlOO.OO per3-hour laboratory
class). Although the undergraduate classes will use as much I Restaurant and Institution Management
D eDartmento fH ote,
resources as the graduate classes, the department decided on Laboratory Fee I

P8DD.DO per semester on the principle that undergraduate Course From To %Rateof
education should get a higher government subsidy. (Undergraduate) Increase
2. The Laboratory fees requested are reasonable and way below HRA 101 P5OO.OO P8OO.OO I 60
the maintenance cost for an Information Technology Laboratory. HRA 105 P4OO.00 P6OO.OO 50
The projected total collection per semester for two undergraduate HRA 109 P400.OO P6OO.00 50
classes and one graduate class is just P77,500.00. On the other HRA 111 P400.00 P8lJO.OO 100
hand, the maintenance cost for the laboratory is at least HRA 128 rico.oo P300.00 200
P260,OOO.OO per semester. (Graduate)
d. Institution!Adjustment of laboratory fees in the College of Home FSA 201 New P600.OO
Economics, V.P. Diliman
D epartment 0 fCi othing, Textiles an d Interior Design Department of Home Economics Education
Laboratory Fee Laboratory Fee
Course From To %Rate of Course From To %Rate of
Hlnderzraduate) Increase (Undergraduate) Increase
CT 108.1 New P350.00 - HEEd 114.1 P200.00 P3SO.OO 75
CT127 New P350.00 - HEEd 175 P3oo.oo P4SO.OO 50
CT 117.1 P250.00 P350.oo 40 HEEd 176 P2oo.00 P350.oo 75
CT 171.1 P250.00 P350,00 40 (Graduate)
10114 P250.00 P3SO.OO 40 HEEd 203 P250.00 P350.00 40
lD 121 P250.00 P3SO.00 40 HEEd 211 P250.00 P350.00 40
IDl23 P250,OO P350.00 40
ID 124 P250,OO P350.00 40
lD 126 P250.oo P350.00 40 e. Institution of a P400.00 laboratory fee for Geology 175 course
lD 151 P250.oo P3SO.00 40 (Computer Methods in Geology)
lD 178 P250.00 P350.00 40 Jllstificatioll
1. The existing complement of 8 computer units of (3 MMX Pentium
April. June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 13

and S 386 units) have not been upgraded since 1991. Computers The various modules are currently being developed. All expenses
need to be upgraded every S years. incurred shall be charged against CY 2001 revolving funds.
2. The average numberof enrollees every semester is 10. Thus, the Note: The Board of Regents, at its 1137th meeting Oil 28 November 1999,
goal of the Institute to improve the teaching of the course is to approved the implemention of the AMDP which will offer training
(a) provide each student one computer during class hours and modules fOT U.P. faculfy and nonacademic staffwho are CTlrrently
(b) upgrade the capacity of 1 unit per year or buy the needed assigned or will beassigned toadministrative positions. The program
software programs. The price of software to access remotely shall atso allow other SUCfacultyandstaff, aswell asother gooemment
with graphics, the unit Qinux) computer costs $200.00. agencies to attend.
3. The maximum increase possible is P400. The price of a reasonable
computerfor teaching is about P30,OOD-35,OOO. Confirmation of the approval by referendum of the Board of the
4. The syllabus includes the teaching of UNIX and HTML proposal to increase graduate tuition
programming. Outside prices for enrolling in the following Confirmation of the approval by referendum of the Board on 25
computer courses: April 2001 of the proposal to increase graduate tuition in the following
UNIX Pl2,500.oo campuses:
HTML programming P 3,500.00 Note: Eleven (11) members responded to the referendum.
5. The cost of internet use in commercial shops is P40/hoUI. Legend of result per item:
6. The estimated total laboratory fees that can be collected is P4,OOO A-Yes
per semesteror PS,OOO/year. B-No
7. A consultation with geology students was held and there was a C - Should be discussed in a regular meeting of the Board of Regents
unanimous approval from thestudentspresent. D - Abstained

f. Institutionof computerlaboratory fee of P250.00 percourseusing 1. U.P. Diliman

a "metered use" concept atthe Institute of library Science, effective From To % Rate of Increase
SY 2001-2002 a. Archaelogical Studies P300 PSOO 66.67
Features: Program
1 Each student will be assigned a password at the beginning of b. College of Arts and 300 SOO 66.67
the semester which will enable the Institute to track his/her Letters
volumeof computer usage; c. National Collegeof 300 SOO 66.67
2. Upon exhausting his/her allotted computer time, the student Public Administration
will then have to pay the Institute the standard P20.oojhOUT d. School of Urban and 300 500 66.67
charge for computer use;and Regional Planning
3. For those studentswho do not exhaust their allotted computer e. Collegeof Education 300 500 66.67
time, their balances will either be credited for the following f. College of Home 300 550 83.33
semester, Of, in the case of graduating students, be given the Economics
choiceas to whether tobe reimbursed orjustdonatetheamount g. U.P. Extension 200 SOO lS0
to theInstitute. Program in San Fernando
Justificatioll h. Schoolof Economics 300 700 133.33
Theneed to impose fees forthe use of thecomputer laboratory i. School of Labor 500 700 40
was explained and discussed at length during the first student-faculty and Industrial Relations
assembly, as follows: j. College of Social 300 SOO 66.67

1. As theInstitute now has 30 computers in its computer laboratory, Sciences and Philosophy
funds are needed for their regular maintenance. In addition. k. College of Music 300 500 66.67
two student assistants will have to be hired to do the maintenance I. College of Mass 300 600 100
workas well as do minortroubleshooting on thecomputers and Communication
otherperipherals as needed. m. Collegeof Human 300 500 66.67
2. The Institute also needs to subscribe to an additional Internet Kinetics
Service Provider (ISP) aside from Dilnet, which uses the Phnet, n. Collegeof Fine Arts 300 500 66.67
so the plan is to subscribe to either Destiny or Infocom in order o. Institute of Library 300 SOO 66.67
to provide students withfaster Internet access. TheIS?'s monthly Science
subscription rates, asidefrom theinitial start-up costs, range from p. School of Statistics 300 600 100
P7,000.00 to P8,000.00 for 15 computers. The plan for the q. College of Science 300 600 100
(for non-laboratory courses)
computer laboratory is to leave15 computers onDilnetand other
1S00 400
15 on a faster ISP.
(for courseswith laboratory components)
f. Asian Center 300 500 66.67
Rates of honoraria in the preparation of training modules of the
s. College of Engineering 300 500 66.67
Academic Management Development Program (AMDP)
t. College of Architecture 300 SOO 66.67
Preparation of Course Design and Outline, P80,~ per module
List of Readings, and List of Problems! (maxunum)
The last time U.P. Dillman adjusted graduate tuition to P300
Exercises (if necessary) per unit was in 1989. Except for a lew units (CBA.TMCandSOLAIR)
P20,OOO per case
Case Development which subsequentlyrecommendedand eventually got apP~val for
no,ooo@ a higher tuition, all other units of Dilimanhave ~ charging the
Other instructional materials, e.g., same tuition up to this day. Realizing the detrime~tal effects of
video, games inflation, peso depreciation,. and consequently of hlghe~ costs of
Maximum of PS,OOO
Secretariat - Program Development Phase, supplies and materials, U.P. Diliman no~ proposes to adjust, after
effective January 2001 almost twelve (12) years, its graduate tuition.
14 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.2

Even with these adjustments, U.P. still lags behind Ateneo de c. Below is a table of tuition charged by V.P. Manila in comparison
Manila University and De La Salle University in terms of tuition with other universities offering similar programs:
charged. GTF Rate (PhP)
Consultations with the students were conducted late last year School Masters Doctoral
until March this year by the different units. On the whole, the
graduate students agreed to the proposed increase but requested UPM 250 250
that the increase translates into a better learning environment. It is PWU 680 760
in this light that V.P. Diliman recommends the full return of the NU 745 -
incremental income to the unit. Lyceum 850 -
Result US!' 857 907
A 9 Adamson 875 -
B-1 Ateneo 1133 -
C - 1 DLSU 1210 1643
Board action: Confirmation UAP 1838 -
The Board likewise adopted the policy that incremental IMCH (Banawe) 800 -
income shall be fully returned to the colleges or units. Such
increase shall be deposited in a Graduate Tuition Trust Fund Result
to be used for course materials development, academic A 9
program improvement, scholarships, faculty development, B-1
etc. C - 1
t-a Establishment of a Graduate Tuition Trust Fund in each unit Board action: Confirmation
where the incremental increase will go The Board likewise adopted the policy that incremental
The trust fund will be used for the following purposes:
Scholarships or partial tuition discounts
income shall be fully returned to the colleges or units. Such
increase shall be deposited in a Graduate Tuition Trust Fund
Course materials development to be used for course materials development, academic program
Procurement of equipment improvement, scholarships, faculty development, etc.
Facilities improvement
Faculty enhancement 3. U.P. College Baguio
Result From To % Rate of Effectivity
A 9 Increase
B 1 PZOO/unit P400/unit 100 [une 2001
C 1 P400/unit P600/unit 50 june 2002
Board action: Confirmation Justification
'l-b Authority for the School of Statistics to give discounts to a. The proposed adjustment of graduate tuition was sufficiently
graduate students who work with government discussed by different bodies and was finally presented to the
Result College Assembly (composed of all sectors of the College) on 7
A 9 March 2001 and there were no objections to the proposal.
B 1 b. The trust fund which shall be created by the College shall be
C 1 utilized for operating costs, scholarships and academic program
Board action: Confirmation improvement.
'l-c Proposal to adjust graduate tuition at the rate of at least ten
(10) but not more than twenty (20) per cent every year on
condition that the deans and directors consult their graduate
c. Below is a comparison of tuition charged by other universities
offering similar programs'
Graduate Doctoral
students before any increase is implemented Courses Courses Others
Result Baguio Colleges Found. 238.55 539.55 273.20 (Law)
A 8 Baguio Central Univ. 403.66 545.20
B 1 Benguet State Univ. 110.00 176.00
C 2 St. Louis Univ. 620.37(1st yr.) 501.22 (Law, lstyr.)
Board action: Confirmation 592.04 (2nd yr.) 478.14 (Law, 2I1d yr.)
2. ur, Manila 858.61 (MST)
From To % Rate of Effectivity Result
Increase A 9
P250/unit P600/unit 140 AY 2001-02 Estimated B 1
annual C 1
increase, Board action: Confirmation
P2,995,500 The Board likewise adopted the policy that incremental
(952 students) income shall be fully returned to the colleges or units. Such
P600/unit P790/unit 32 AY 2002-03 increase shall be deposited in a Graduate Tuition Trust Fund
P790/unit P890/Wlit 13 AY 2003-04 to be used for course materials development, academic
P890/unit P990/unit 11 AY 2004-05 program improvement, scholarships, faculty development, etc.
Justification N.B. VVhile tire Board confirmedits approval of the proposed graduate tuition
a. A survey indicated that two-thirds of 177 students are Willingto increase of U.P. Diliman. U.P. Manila, and U.P. College Baguio, it
pay P600/unit. recognized theneedtoreviewfurther theratesofgraduatetuition increase.
b. Consultations were also conducted on 192 students and only 16 The Chairrequested tire President to work Ollt a polio) statement ill this
disapproved of tuition adjustments. regard.
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 15

Confirmation of the approval of the President of additional lists of merit CONTRACfS AND AGREEMENTS APPROVED
promotions of faculty with the rank of Professor, effective July 2000
Note: At the 1149th meeting 011 21 December 2000, the Board of Regents Note: These contracts/agreements Iuwe gone through thestandard University
granted tile President authority to approve late submissions for processes from the Constituent Universities (CUs) concerned and the
promotion, subject to its confirmation. University System. In cases where there were irregularities or
1. U.P. Diliman inconsistencies with present laws, rules, regulations and processes, the
Board action: Confirmation documents were returned for review of or to exact compliance by the
t-a. Revisions of the recommendations for promotion" concerned CU.
DELACRUZ, Prof. 8 Pro.9 Prof. 10 no salary increase
Ester (CSSP- (SG 28-8) (SG 28-8) (SG29-7) from Prof. 8 to Prof. 9, Contract of Lease entered into by and between the University of the
Socio) thus she is being Philippines System and Dr. Ernesto J. del Rosario
recommended to Project: Planting of rambutan trees in approximately 1,500 Sq.DL of UPLB
Prof. 10 land adjacent to the Bagambula Creek east of Pleasant Village
UY,Gilda ",",DC. ",",DC. ",",DC. upon reevaluation Subdivision
CHI< Prof. 1 Prof. 5 Prof. 6 compared with other Location: Along the Bagambula River at UPLB
(SG 22-4) (SG 25-2) (SG25-3) faculty recommended Area: 1,500 square meters
for 5 and 6 steps Term: 15 years, renewable upon mutual consent
Board action: Confumation Use: Exclusively for planting of fruit trees, especially rambutan

2 U.P. Manila Rental: PhP3,600per annum for the 15t4 years, subject to 10% increase
Board action: Confirmation per annum starting on the 5th year
2-a Appeal for upgrading of promotion approved at the meeting Restrictions: No permanent structures shall be built on the land;
of the Board on 21 December 2000 No existing big trees shall be cut and any site alteration
a. Dr. Natividad C. Gervasio shall be subject to prior approval;
a.l During the 1147th meeting of the Board of Regents on No tenancy relationship shall be established between lessor
21 December 2000, Dr. Gervasio was promoted from and lessee, nor between lessee and any person hired by
Professor 3 to Professor 6. lessee to work on the land.
a.2 On 18 ApriI2001, Chancellor Alfredo T. Ramirez, appealed Note: Tlliswas endorsed by the UPLB Land Use Management Committee WIder
that this promotion be upgraded to Professor 11. tire Office of tire vtce-Chaucettor for Planning and Development and
a.3 President Nemenzo approved the grant of six (6) steps recommended for approval by tile Challcel/or.
promotion. Hence, hom Professor 3 to Professor 6, Dr.
Gervasio's movement is from Professor 3 to Professor 9. U.P. Manila
Board action: The promotion from Professor 3 to Professor 6 was
confirmed. The appeal for upgrading was, however, Supply Contract entered into by and between U.P. Manila-Philippine
denied. General Hospital and Intersalus, S.A.
b. Dr. Teresita I. Barcelo Materials: Medical, and relatedequipment and other services for the U.P.-
b.I During the 1147th meeting of the Board of Regents on P.G.H. Department of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS)
21 December 2000, Dr. Barcelo was promoted from (This includes the Purchase and Sale, Supply, Transportation,

Associate Professor 5 to Associate Professor 7. Instillation, Start of Operations and Maintenance of Equipment and
b.2 On 17 April 2001, the Dean of the College of Nursing other Related Services, including Spare Parts, Consumables and
appealed that this promotion be upgraded to Professor Disposables, which should be available no less than seven (7) years
1. This was endorsed by the Chancellor and from the date of the commissioning of the equipment. Technical
subsequently approved by the President on 30 April assistance and training of the medical and hospital staff shall likewise
2001. be included.
Board action: Confirntation Contract Price: US$I2,070,147.10
3. U.P. Los Banos Breakduwll:
Board action: Confirmation ClP equipment total amount 9,894,571.50 US$
3-a. Dr. Enrique P. Pacardo, School of Environmental Studies and Consumables, Disposables 264,084.40 US$
Management (one (1) year)
From: Professor 9, 28-8 Spare parts (three (3) years) 389,913.20 US$
To: Professor 12, 29-3 Installation. Testing and 423,769.50 US$
Note: UPLB omitted to print tile page mnere Dr. Pacardo's name was Commissioning
included. Technical Assistance including:
Training 233,541.80 US$
Board action: Confumation
Maintenance five (S)years 864,266.70 US$
4. V.P. Visayas
Total Amount 12,070,147.10 US$
Board action: Confinnation
4-a Prof. Lourdes U. Barcenas Delivery:
The equipment shall be delivered by Cost Insurance at Port (CIP)
From: Associate Professor 3, 23-5
up to the designated place; PGH-DEMS. Broker's fees, cost of. local
To: Associate Professor 4, 24-4
transportation from the port of origin to PGH-DEMS and other delivery-
Note: Additional to tile lists.
related expenses shall be borne by the SUPPUER
Board action: Confinnation The shipment of equipment shall be done within a maximum period
5. V.P. Mindanao of fifteen (15) months from the date of the effectivity of the CONTRACT
Board action: Confinnation
in accordance with the Delivery Schedule.
6. U.P. College Baguio
Board action: Confinnation
16 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

In the event that the equipment is retained at the Manila harbor or Breakdown:
airport, without the fault of the SUPPUER, the SUPPLIER shall not be OP equipment total amount 10,503,124.00 US$
responsible for any delay resulting thereon. However, every delay prior Consumables, Disposables (one (1) yr.) 227,118.60 US$
to arrival of the shipment at the Manila harbor or airport shall be borne Spare parts (three (3) yrs.) 454,715.00 US$
by the SUPPLIER and subjected to notifications stated in Article 7herein. Installation, Testing and Commissioning 497,072.00 US$
There shall be no automatic issuance of the ACCEPTANCE Technical Asststance including:
CERTIFICATE or DELIVERY CERTIFICATE, despite the retention at Training 243,272.00 US$
the Manila harbor or airport of each shipment. within a maximum period Maintenance (five (5) yrs.) 997,673.00 US$
of four (4) months.) Pre-Installations 341.100.00 US$
BeneficiJlry Unit, Total Amount 13,314,075.00 US$
Adult Acute Care Unit, the Special Care Unit the Medical Unit
the Surgical Observation Unit, the Central Sterilization Unit, Operating 2) Pursuant to the Proposal as approved in the Resolution, the
Theatres, Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Recovery Units, Pediatric Units, Pre-Installation Work requirements as specified in Annex 4
Laboratory Unit Medical Records Unit, X-Ray Unit, Ambulatory Care of the Commercial Contract shall be undertaken by the
Unit and inclusive of Communication and Information System and EMS SUPPUER in cooperation with the BUYER. The BUYERshall
transport equipment.) ensure the availability of the areas at the UPM-PGH where
Payment Scheduie the equipment are to be delivered and installed and other
1st payment of 15% as down payment technical arrangements internal to the UPM~PGH to include,
succeeding installment payment of 85% in accordance with the but not limited to, electrical, power and water supply as these
become necessary. For this purpose, the first paragraphs of

delivery schedule
Insurance Articles4.8and 5.1of the Commercial Contract are amended,
The SUPPLIER hereby agrees to secure for all the shipments an all- mutatis mfltandis.
risk insurance with war clause coverage in favor of the BUYER which 3) Except the articles of the commercial contract and annexes
shall be valid during the transit from the manufacturer', premises (point modified by ARTICLES 1, 2 and 3 of this Supplemental
of origin) to PGH-DEMS (point of final destination). The insurance shall Agreement, the remaining provisions of the contract not
cover one hundred ten percent (110%) of the prices of the equipment, affected shall remain valid, operable and effective.
and the cost thereof shall be borne by the SUPPLIER. The SUPPLIER Note: The above contracts were submitted for approval of theBoard since tile
shall ensure that the insurance remains valid until the equipment is amounts involved do not fall within the authority of the President to
delivered to PGH-DEMSor until sixty (60) calendar days from the arrival approve.
of the equipment at the Port of Manila, whichever comes later. The
proceeds of the insurance must be applied for the replacement of any U.P. Los Banos
and all the equipment in a particular shipment.
Warranties General Construction Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
Certificate of Warranty in an amount equivalent to 2.5% of the Los Banos and J.D. Legaspi Construction
value of the Total Contract Price Protect: Construction of Electrical Engineering Building (phase I), Pili
Maintenance Warranty in an amount equivalent to 10% of the Drive
total Maintenance Cost COli tract Price: P34,578,641.35
Effictivity: Effectivity shall be conditioned upon the following: Completion Time: Within 210 calendar days from the time the Contractor

a. Signing of the Contract by the parties and approval thereof by receives the 'Written Notice to Commence Work
the President of the Philippines or his authorized representative; Date notarized: 20 November 2000
b. Submission of the Performance Bond equivalent to ten percent Note: This Agreement was submitted for approval of the Board of Regents
(10%) of the total Contract price; since the amount involved does not fall unthin the allthorih) of the
c. Issuance of a Certificate of Availability of Funds; President to approve.
d. First payment of fifteen percent (15%)of the Total Contract Price,
against submission of the corresponding Commercial Invoice Contracts of Lease with some owners of pioneer houses at the D.P.
for this down payment by the Supplier; and Los Banos campus
e. Signing of loan agreement between the Department of Finance, Contracts of Lease individually entered into by and between Ll.P.
Republic of the Philippines and the Kingdom of Spain. Los Banos and some owners of pioneer houses at the U.P. Los Banos
Date signed: 16 March 2001 campus provided that they continue residing physically in the unit
Supplemental Agreement to the above-described agreement Background illjonnatio/f
Particulars: a. The "pioneer houses" were either constructed on campus under
a. In the course of the contract preparation/negotiation, the BUYER an agreement with the University or sold by the University
hascontinuously sought to negotiate for additional concessions through Deeds of Absolute Sale as early as the 1950s to the 196Os.
from the SUPPLIER that would be most advantageous to the b. In 1990,the UPLBadministration under former Chancellor Raul
Philippine Government, in general, and to the UPMPGH, in P. de Guzman initiated a move to require payment of fees for
particular. land use, as provided under the 1988 Staff Housing Policies, by
b. The SUPPLIER gave Special Discounts in the form of delivery executing contracts between UPLB and the owners of pioneer
and supply of additional equipment. houses in the UPLBcampus.
c. The parties agreed to make an addendum to the original list of c. The respective rental rates under the contracts were computed
equipment to form an integral part of the original contract. in accordance with the 1988 UPLBStaff Housing Policies (P1.00
d. Amendments: per square meter if the area is 500 sq.m. or less), and a ruling
1) The contract Price shall be amended to US$13,314,075.oo approved by former Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman on3 January
1991 (additional PO.50/sq.m. in excess of 500 sq.m.)
d. However, this move did not gain ground with the change of
management in 1991.
April - June 2001 U.P. GAZETIE 17

e. TheContractswith the lessees as detailed below were therefore U.P. System

submitted for approval of the Board:
DETAILS Memorandum of Understanding with Taiwan-Southeast Asian
Lessee Ana Status Effectivity Term Universities
1. Sps. Fernando A. 714sq.m. resigned prof. Jan. 1,1990 throughout Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between the
Bernardo & EmiJiana retired prof. narural hfe" University of the Philippines and the following:
N. Bernardo Chulalongkom University, Thailand
2. Jose R. Deanon 343sq.m retired prof. Jan. 1,1990 throughout University of Indonesia, Indonesia
natural life University of Malaya, Malaysia
3.Gliceria Lugod 398sq.m widow of Jan. 1,1990 throughout Thammasat University, Thailand
retired prof. natural life National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
4. Agustin N. Pordesimo 424 sq.m. retired prof. jan. 1,1990 throughout I-Shou University, Taiwan
natural life National University of Kaohsiung
5. Edelwina C. Legaspi 360sq.m. retired prof. Jan. 1, 1990 throughout Soochow University, Taiwan
natural life National Sun Vat-sen University, Taiwan
6.Paz Eulalia L. Saplela 766 sq.m. retired prof. Jan. 1, 1990 throughout Tunghai University
natural life Project: Academic cooperation and exchange
7. Celso B. Lantican 915 sq.m. retired prof. Jan. 1, 1990 throughout Partiatlars:
natural life a. This academic cooperation and exchange shall include but is not
8. Soledad A. Quimbo 1,102sq.m. widow of Jan. 1, 1990 throughout limited to:

retired prof. natural life 1) Exchange of scholars and researchers

9. Pedro R Sandoval 292sq.m. retired prof. Ian.L 1990 throughout 2) Coordination of such activities as joint researches, lectures,
natural life symposia
10. Consuelo L. Paje 381 sq.m. widow of Jan. 1, 1990 throughout 3) Exchange of data, documentation, and research materials in fieJds
retired emp. natural life of mutual interest
11. Corazon B.Colanta 1,162sq.m. assoc. prof. Dec. 22,1990 Dec. 21, 2015 4) Exchange of students. In the case of student exchange, tuition
12. Elsa P. Santos 747sq.m. asst. prof. Dec. 7, 1988 Dec. 6, 2013 fees will be waived by the host institution
13. Gil G. Divinagracia 316sq.m. professor jun. 20, 2lXXl as long as 5) All parties support the intention to facilitate an institutional
connected arrangement in promoting a regular meeting based.on the format
w/UPLB+ of Taiwan-Southeast Asia University Presidents Summit to
2 yrs grace further consolidate the implementation of common objectives.
period from b. Details of the implementation of any particular initiative resulting
date of from the agreement shall be negotiated between the above university
separation units as each specific case may arise.
14. Erlinda 1. Lapis 401sq.m. Uruv. Res. II jan. 1, 1990 as long as c. The parties involved understand that financial arrangements will
connected have to be negotiated and will depend on the availability of funds.
wJUPLB+ Effectivity: Effective upon completion of the signatures
2 yrs grace Date signed: 21 November 2000
period from Note: This MemOrQ11duJn already includes the signatures oj thePresidents oj

date of the Natio11al UlliversihJoJKaohsillflg andthe Tl/nglJai U/fiversitywhiefl

separation were lacking in the original dOCllmf1lts cO/lfinned btJ theBoard oJRegents
15. Sps. Virgilio F. 900 sq.m. retired profs. jan. 1, 1990 throughout at its 1147t1l1neeting 01121 December 2000.
Guevarra & Iderlina natural life
C. Guevarra Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation with the Oxford.
16. Angelina A. Lopez 425 sq.m. widow of jan. 1, 1990 throughout International Biomedical Centre (DIBC)
retired prof. natural life Agreement for Educational and ScientificCooperation entered into
17.Perona D. Lamanilao 1,050 sq.m. widow of emp jan. 1, 1990 throughout by and between the University of the Philippines and the Oxford
natural life International Biomedicat Centre (OIBC)
18.Gabriela D. Villaflor 870 sq.m. widow of emp Jan. 1, 1990 throughout
Project: Establishment of direct contact and cooperation, promotion of
natural life joint studies, scientific exchange and research, educational and
19.Jose M. Soriano 945sq.m. retired prof. Jan. 1, 1990 throughout other training programs of mutual interest
natural life Particulars:
~ In accordance With Sec LB., Article 1, Chapter Il of the 1988 StaR Housmg policies a. The Parties agreed to promote cooperation between them on the
basis of mutual respect for each other's autonomy, in conformity
MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT with the laws and regulations in force in each country and institution,
and within their available resources.
b. Specific terms and conditions, and the coordination and
The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic
implementation of programs, exchanges of trainings as may be
matters: agreed upon shall be implemented through the GIBC and the
Note: These cOlltmctsjagreemellts have gOlle through the standard Ulliversity
appropriate autonomous University of U.P. in the field(s)j
processes from tile CO/1stitHellt Universities ((Us) concerned ~lIrl the
discipline(s) covered and shall be set forth in specific agreements to
Universify System. In cases where there were Irregularities or
be subsequently drawn up and signed by their duly authorized
incollsistencies witll present l{fws. rules, regulatiolls and processes, tire
documents were retl/med for review of or to exact comp/wHef' by the representatives. . . '
c. OlBC and U.P. agree that the administrative and educational
concerned CU. requirements of both parties shall be re.spt:.'Cted.
18 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

EJfrctivity: Upon approval and/ or confirmation by appropriate economic development in ASEAN countries. Possible project ideas
authorities of each party until such lime that either party have been discussed since then among the relevant authorities of
serves a three-month prior notice of its desire to terminate ASEAN countries and Japan.
the agreement e. Objectives of the AUN/SEED-Nel:
Vate signed: 2 April 2001 1) With a view to effectively utilizing regionally available human
resources for upgrading higher engineering education as a whole,
Memorandum of Agreement with the Professional Regulation the AUN/SEED-Net seeks to activate internationally competitive
Commission (pRC) personnel in leading engineering educational institutions in the
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the region not only for advancing academic cooperation among
University of the Philippines and the Professional Regulation themselves on an equal footing (such as promotion of research
Commission (pRC) activities and exchange of course work programs) but also for
Particulars: providing educational and tedmicalassistance to less advanced
a. The officials of the University and PRe met and agreed to coordinate engineering institutions in the region, where appropriate.
with each other in preventing non-qualified applicants from taking 2) It is also anticipated that cross-border and region-wide
PRe administered licensure examinations for any profession or development of engineering education and research capability
occupation by adopting such measures that will ensure that only would promote collaboration and solidarity between academics
qua1ified applicants will take the licensure examinations. and professionals in the region, which will well correspond to
b. The PRC, shall, through its EDP Division, furnish the office/s of the the AUN's founding principles.
Registrar/ s of the University bye-mail if available, or by fastest d. The Member Institutions shall implement to the best of their ability
means of delivery with a list of the names ofapplicantsfor licensure the programs and activities of the AUN/SEED-Net for which prior

examinations who, by their applications filed, claim to have agreement has been reached.
graduated from the University in accordance with the following Vate signed: 23 April 2001
1) The licensure examinations where applicants for examination D.P. Diliman
who claim to have graduated from the University number not
more than fifty (50) applicants, the list shall be submitted not Memorandum of Agreement with Kansai University of International
later than two (2) working days after the deadline for filing Studies [japan]
applications; Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between Ij.P.
2) In licensure examinations where applicants for examination who Dillman and Kansai University of IntemationalStudies [lapan}
claim to have graduated from the University number over fifty Project: Exchange Program
(50) applicants, the list shall be submitted on the day when the PartiCllIars:
number of applicants have reached fifty (50); provided that the The parties shall promote the following programs, subject to
last list/batch of applicants filed their applications up to the respective legal, financial and administrative capabilities:
deadline for filing applications. a. Exchange of scholars, professors, lecturers and researchers;
e. The UNIVERSITY, through the Officeys of the Registrar/s, shall, b. Exchange of students;
upon receipt of the list submitted by the EDP Division of PRC, c. Exchange of academic information and materials;
immediately verify whether or not the persons whose names appear d. Exchange of academic publications; and
in the list have indeed graduated from the University and shall e. Other exchanges of academic nature which both parties agree.
submit to the Application Division within five (5)working days from Effectivity: Shall remain in force for 4 years
receipt of PRe's list the results of its verification as follows: a list of Vate signed: 9 February 1999
all applicants who were verified to be non-graduates of the
University; provided that all verified lists shal1 be submitted to the Memorandum of Agreement with Gyeongsang National University
Application Division on or before the fifth (5th) day before the first (Korea)
day of examinations. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P.
EJfrctivity: Effective after the parties have affixed their Signatures Dillman and Gyeongsang National University (Korea)
Vate signed: 20 April 2001 Project: Faculty, students and scholars exchange program
Cooperative Framework of the ASEAN University Network/Southeast a. The parties desire to forge an academic cooperation in the
Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Nel) development of education, based on friendship, equality and mutual
Project: To upgrade higher engineering education by way of creating interests;
engineering institutions' networks ASEAN-wide. Thus, the b. Cooperative and collaborative agreement between the parties shall
project on the development of the Southeast Asia Engineering include the exchange of faculty and students and other modes
Education Development Network (SEED-Net) was proposed as subsequently deemed. necessary;
a sub-network of the AUN. c. Collaboration and cooperation in the promotion of academic
Partic..tllars: excellence shall not only benefit the parties but also invariably
a. ASEAN University Network (AUN) was created in 1995, based on promote greater international cooperation.
the initiative of the Fourth Meeting of ASEANHeads of Government Duration: Four (4) years from 1 September 1998
held in 1992which emphasized the need to promote human resources Date signed: 22 October 1998
development by considering ways to strengthen the existing network
of leading universities in the ASEANregion with a view to ultimately Agreement on Academic Exchange with the Sub-Academy of
establishing an ASEAN University based on this expanded network. Journalism and Communication, Ho Chi Minh National Politics
b. On the other hand, the concept of the SEED-Net evolved at the Academy (Vietnam)
ASEAN-Japan Summit Meeting held in December 1997 when the Agreement on Academic Exchange entered into by and between
then Prime Minister of Japan. Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto, emphasized D.P. Dilimanand the Sub-Academy of Journalism and Communication,
the importance of human resources development for sustainable Ho Chi Minh National Politics Academy (Vietnam)
April- June 2001 U.P. GAZETTE 19

Project: Academic exchange and cooperation infrastructure and capahilities for research;
Implementing Unit: College of Mass Communication e. Institutional and physical planning and other relevant areas of
Particulars: cooperation as may be deemed important and mutually
The parties agree to develop, promote and undertake academic beneficial to both parties; and
exchange and cooperation in the following field of mutual interest, f. Details of joint activities, conditions for using the results,
including but not limited to: arrangements for the conduct of specific activities, and financial
a. Joint research activities; obligations shall be covered by appropriate Memorandum of
b. Joint broadcast film and print production; Agreement executed by the parties on a project-to-project basis.
c. Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures, conferences EJfectirrity: Effective for 3 years upon execution by the parties
andsuchother academic discussions; Vate signed: 5 March 2001
d. Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students for study and
research; and MemlJI3Jldum of Agreement with Geodata Systems Technologies, Inc.
e. Exchange of information, including but not limited to library Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P.
materials, publications and audio-visual materials. Diliman and Geodata Systems Technologies, Inc.
EJfectirrity: Five (5) years upon execution Project: Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Geographic
Vatenotarized: 18 December 1998 lniormation Systems (GIS) Center
Implementing Unit: Training Center for Applied Geodesy and
Memorandum of Understanding with the University of the Philippines Photogrammetry, College of Engineering
in Mindanao Particulars:
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between U.P. a. Geodata shall:

Diliman and the University of the Philippines in Mindanao 1) Give, transfer and convey to U.P. Diliman absolutely free of
Project: Educationaland scientific cooperation charge and by the way of donation, the software described in
Implementing Unit: Marine Science Institute, College of Science Annex"A" of the Agreement;
Parfirnlars: 2) Provide training to D.P. Diliman trainers upon written request
V.P. Diliman, through its Marine Science Institute, and V.P. of D.P. Diliman at the discounted rate of 60% of the regular
Mindanao undertake to engage in mutually beneficial educational trainingcost; and
scientific activities! projects in the field of marine sciences, and shall 3) Facilitate communications between V.P. Dillman and other
cooperate in thefollowingendeavors: educational institutions with GIS curriculum.
a. Joint research activities; b. Obligations of U.P. Diliman:
b. Establishment of marine study sites and stations; 1) through the Training Center for Applied Geodesy and
c. Institutional and physical planning; and Photogrammetty (fCAGP), set up a GIS laboratory to be known
d. Other endeavors important and relevant to theunderstanding as the ESRIGIS Center, for the educational training and research
and mutually beneficial to both parties. use of the students and teachers utilizing the donated ESRI GIS
EJfectioity: Three (3) years upon execution software;
Date signed: 7 March 2001 2) provide the hardware and network requirements for the ESRI
GIS Center;
Memorandum of Agreement with Chonbuk National University 3) operate the ESRI GIS Center in a manner that will promote and
(Korea) realize theobjectives of its implementation;

Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P. 4) continue to maintain the ESRI GIS Center as a prime GIS
Diliman and Chonbuk National Dniversity (Korea) laboratory by providing for software upgrades and maintenance
Project: Educational and academic exchange andcooperation of the GIS laboratory hardware and network facilities;
Particulars: 5) integrate, in coordination with the Geodata, the use of the ESRI
Each university will make an effort to promote and develop GIS software in the programs and teaching curricula to be offered
cooperation in the following activities, upon principles of equality and through the ESRI GIS Center;
reciprocity: 6) offerseminars, workshops and other extension classes beyond
a. Exchange of faculty members and research fellows; the basic training, such as applications-oriented seminars and
b. Exchange of students; workshops fornon-commercialclients;
c. Exchange of academic materials, publication and information; 7) ensure compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
and the license agreement for the use of the ESRI GIS software;
d. Conducting joint research projects and organizing symposia 8) shoulder the travel expenses and accommodations of Geodata
EffectivihJ: Effective for 3 years from thedateof execution staff it may have requested to provide technical support in the
Date signed: 27 February 2001 site. Technical support requested through the fax and e-mail
systems shall be free of charge; and
Memorandum of Understanding with De La Salle University (DLSU) 9) shoulder the costof shipping and handling expenses and charges,
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between U.P. and any direct tax that may be imposed on the donated GIS
Diliman and De La Salle University (DLSU) software, and shall be responsible for securing release of the
Project: Educational and Scientific Cooperation software from theBureau of Customs.
Implementing Unit: Marine Science Institute, College of Science EJfectirrity: Upon the signing by the parties for 3 years
Particulars: Vate signed: 16 March 2001
Both institutions will engage in thefollowing activities:
a. Faculty development of DlSU Faculty through short-term
Memorandum of Agreement with the National Defense College of
training and degreeprograms; the Philippines (NDCP)
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
b. Joint research activities;
Dillman and the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP)
c. Joint use of marine research facilities and equipment;
d. Technical assistance to DlSU in the upgrading of its basic Project: Human and library resources in certain academic areas
20 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.2

Particulars: Particulars:
a. On request by NDCP, U.P. Dillmanshall permit its faculty member(s) The Parties shall cooperate and engage in collaborative work in
and/ or academic personnel from the College of Social Sciences and the following forms:
Philosophy, College of Arts and Letters, College of Education and a. Exchange of research materials and publications;
other colleges or units as may be needed, to teach in the former on a b. Workshops and conferences;
part-time or temporary basis subject strictly to certain rules and c. Research projects (based on topics of mutual interest);
procedures d. Study tours and visit exchanges (for faculty and students); and
b. As needed by and on request of U.P. Dillman, NDCP shall permit e. Training programs (short or long term, including M.A.'s and
its faculty members and other academic personnel to-serve in the Ph.D.'s).
former on a part-time basis with compensation as may be agreed Effretivity: Shall be in force and effect for 3 years
upon by both parties, in such capacity as may be desired by U.P. Date signed: 18 April 2001
Effrctivity: Effective upon signing by bothparties for a period of 2 years Memorandum of Agreement with Hongkong Polytechnic University
Date signed: 29 March 2001 Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
Dillman and Hongkong Polytechnic University
Memorandum of Agreement with Nagasaki University (lapan) Project: Exchange program
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P. Particulars:
Dillman and Nagasaki University (japan) The parties shall promote the following exchange programs, subject
Project: Exchange program to their respective legal, financial and administrative capabilities:
Particulars: a. Exchange of scholars, professors, lecturers and researchers;
The U.P. Dillman and Nagasaki University agree to promote the b. Exchange of students;
relationship through the development of academic exchange and c. Promotion of collaborative research;
collaboration between the two institutions as follows: d. Sharing and dissemination of academic works; and
a. Exchange of researchers; e. Other exchanges of academic nature to which both parties agree.
b. Exchange of students; EffretiOlty: Shall be effective upon signing by both parties
c. Collaborative research: Date signed: 1 April 2001
d. Seminars and symposia;
e. Exchange of academic literature, research reports, academic Memorandum of Agreement with the Center for International Trade
publications and other information; and Expositions and Missions (CITEM), and the Technology Application
f. Other educational academic exchange activities deemed and Promotion Institute (TAPI)
appropriate by both parties. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and among the V.P.
Effrctivity: Three (3) years from the date of execution Dillman, the Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions
Date signed: 10 April 2001 (CITEM), and the Technology Application and Promotion Institute
Memorandum of Understanding with the Ayala Foundation, Inc. and Project: Clinical Studies and Promotion of Banaba Tea: Validation of
Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc. (SunPhiI) the Therapeutic Properties of Banaba to Support Export
Memorandum of Understanding by and among the U.P. Diliman, Marketing Strategy for its Product
the Ayala Foundation, Inc. and Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc. Implementing Unit: College of Home Economics
(SunPhil) Particulars:
Projed: Java Resource Center in V.P.Technology Business Incubator (TBI)
a. SWl'Spledge of cooperation:
1) Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc. shall commit itself to
cooperating with V.P. and the Ayala Foundation to develop a
Java Resource Center in V.P. TBI; and
2) Sun will discuss the details of the cooperative endeavor with
Obligations of the Parties:
a. TAPI shall:
1) Extend financial assistance to V.P. Dillman, through the V.P.-
CHE, for the conduct of clinical studies tovalidate the therapeutic
properties of Banaba
2) Transfer funds to ClTEM in the total amount of P665,552.00,
provided that CITEM shall release the funds to V.P. Diliman

V.P. and the Ayala Foundation. accordingly as scheduled;
b. U.P. shall: 3) During the entire duration of the project, technical staff from
1) Facilitate access to expertise and skills of V.P. faculty and other TAPI and CITEM may, upon prior arrangement with V.P.
personnel: and Dillman, through U.P.-CHE, check/verify the progress of the
2) Facilitate access to laboratories.Iibraries, computing centers and project implementation; and
other facilities of V.P. 4) Monitor and evaluate project activities to ensure that the project
c. Ayala Foundation shall: is completed on time and reports are submitted accordingly.
1) Consider providing appropriate space at the V.P.-Ayala b. V.P. Dillman, through U.P.-CHE, shall:
Technology Business Incubator facility for the Java Resource 1) Conduct clinical studies to validate select therapeutic properties
Center to be developed. of Banaba;
Date signed: 29 March 2001 2) Conduct a nutritional profile on Banaba and its tea product;
3) Spend the funds in accordance with the approved line-item
Memorandum of Understanding with the National Center for Social budget;
Sciences and Humanities of Vietnam (NCSSHV) 4) Treat all information with utmost confidentiality, provided that
Memorandum ofVnderstanding entered into by and between V.P. U.P.-eHE shall not, under any circumstance, divulge technical
Dillman and the National Center for Social Sciences and Humanities of information about the technology unless given prior written
Vietnam (NCSSHV) approval by ClTEM and T API;
Project: Cooperation and collaborative work in the fields of sodal 5) Be responsible and accountable for the maintenance and
sciences and the humanities safekeeping of all materials and equipment purchased out of
April - June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 21

TAP!' s funds, provided, that all non-expendable materials, Project: Establishment 01 the CPD PNP Lialson Office inside the U.P.
properties and equipment purchased from this grant shall belong Dilimancampusto maintain security, peaceand orderand assist
and be returned to TAPI afterthe completionof the project. in addressing campus violence and criminality
6) Submit to ClTEM and T API quarterly progress reports of project Partim/ars:
activities and final copy of the technical report and audited a. The CPD PNP Lialson Office shall be based at the U.P.Diliman Police
financial report for the funds within one month after the Headquarters and shall be manned by PNP personnel from the CPD
completionof the project; PNP to be supervised by mutual agreement between the U.P.Dillman
7} Keep andmaintain financial and accounting records forthe funds Chancellorand the CPODirector;
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, b. The CPD PNP LiaisonOfficeshall operate on a 24 hour basis under
subject to the visitorialaudit and examinationof CITEM, TAPI the following shifts with the corresponding PNP personnel
and the Commission on Audit (COA); complement:
8) During the effectivity 01 the Agreement, U.P.-CHE shall not use First Shift (7 am - 3 pm) Three (3) PNP personnel
the funds for moneymarket placement, timedeposit andother Second Shift (3 pm - II pm) Three (3) PNP personnel
formsof investmentnot related to the project; and Third Shift (11 pm - 7 am) Three (3) PNP personnel
9) Acknowledge TAPI and ClTEM's assistance in all reports, press One (I) Liaison Office Chiel Officer and One (I) Assistant to the
releases and othermaterials arising from the activity. Chief Officer
c. CITEM shall: c. Subject to availability of funds and! or other resources, it shall be
1) Present the results of evaluation/validation and arrange an the responsibility 01 U.P.Diliman to:
industry briefing! seminar that will also involve concerned I) provide office space at the UPDP Headquarters 01 the CPD PNP
officials olTAPI and U.P.-CHE and members 01 the industry for Liaison Office, necessary communication equipment for its

final evaluation; operation,meal allowance of the PNP personnelassigned at the

2) Prepare press releases and other materials to communicate the said Office, and gasoline allowance for its official car; and
results of the evaluation and promote Banaba; 2) ensure thatmembersof the UPDP shall maintaina close, proper
3) Produce promotional collateral for Banaba to be disseminated and quick coordinationwith the PNPpersonnel assigned at the
to foreignand local trade buyers; CPD PNP Liaison Office;
4) Mountinstitutionaldisplays and food tastingactivities in major d. It shall be the responsibility 01 the CPD PNP to:
CITEM-organized food events and promotion; and 1) assign PNP personnel at the CPO PNP Liaison Office in
5) Mountlocal industry seminars forBanaba with focus on market accordance with the numberand shift or tourof duty; and
and research/ technology updates. 2) ensure thatPNP personnel so assigned shall be in complete and
Effietivi"f Shall take effect upon signing by the parties lor 3 years properuniform during their respective shift or tour of duty.
Date signed: 16 March 2001 3) ensurecloseand proper coordinationbetween thePNP personnel
so assigned and the membersof the UPDP;
Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Agriculture 4) ensure thatthe PNP personnelso assigned shall maintain a dose,
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. properand quickcoordination with the membersof the VPDP,
Diliman and the Departmentof Agriculture PNP Station No.9 and CPD as the case may be;
Project: Training of Trainers on CoastalResources Management Planning 5) hold one (I) mobile unit lor CPD as mobile support lor the CPD
implementing Unit: Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG), PNP Liaison Office,without prejudiceto such additional mobile
NCPAG units as may be requested by V.P. Dillman, for purposes of
Partimlars: ensuring the general security coverage for D.P. Diliman,

a. The Department, through BFAR, shall take charge 01 the especially during night lime;
identification, screening and invitation of participants and shall 6) hold UP. Dillman, its officials, representatives and employees
provide technical and administrative supportin the preparation and free and harmlessfrom any and all administrative, civil and/ or
conduct of the Program. criminal liability arising solely from negligence, abuse of
b. U.P. Diliman, through the CLRG and in consultation with BFAR, authorityor violations of law committed by the PNP personnel
shall be responsible for the preparation of the training design, the so assigned in thecourse of theirrespectiveshift or tour of duty.
readingmaterials, the conduct of the Program and the evaluation of e. The CPD PNP Liaison Office shall:
the impact of the program. I) primarily act as liaison between U .P..Diliman and the CPD in all
c. The Department shall provide U.P. Diliman, through the CLRG the cases involving campus violence and criminality inside V.P.
amount 01 PI,713,635.oo lor the implementation 01 the Program Dillman;
which shall be spent according to the allocations. 2) ensure quick coordination to enable the proper PNP units to
d. The Department, through BFAR, shall release to U.P. Diliman the immediately respond, upon request of appropriate University
amount mentioned above on the following schedule: officials, and to assist in cases involving campus violence and
1) Initial Release for Pre-Training Expenses - 20% criminality;
2) Second Release - 30% 3) assistin the investigationof incidentsinvolving campusviolence
3) Third Release- 30% andcriminality upon requestof appropriate University officials
4) Fourth and Final Release - 20% as well as the apprehension of suspects or criminalsand ensure
Effectivity: Shall takeeffect on the date of its execution by the respective thatcases, if any, are expeditiously filed and prosecuted;
parties until the completion of the Program 4) assist the members of the UPDP upon request of appropriate
University officials in the conduct of patrol operations inside
Date signed: 29 October1999
V.P.Dilimanforthe purpose of maintainingpeaceandorder; and
f. In all cases of illegal or criminal activities and campus violence
Renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Central Police
involving University student organizations, University students,
District, Philippine National Police (CPO PNP)
facultyandemployees, including fraternity rumbles,theUPDP shall
Renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and
be the lead unit in the prevention, investigation, apprehension of
between U.P. Diliman and the Central Pohce District, Philippine National
those involved and the reportingof such incidents; Provided that,
Police (CPD PNP) which expired on 30 May 2001

upon request of appropriate University officials, the PNP through b. The specific objectives are:
the CPO PNP Liaison Office,may assist the UPOP or D.P. Dillman. 1) to investigate on some associated factors influencing possible
EJfrctiuity: One (1) year starling 1 April 2001 occurrence of variation for in vitro propagation of locally
Date signed: 23 April 2001 important bananas which have implications ofloss for utilization
on mass propagation technologies and conservation;
Memorandum of Agreement with the Quezon Gty Government 2) to investigate on in vitro culture systems amenable to
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the cryopreservation of local bananas;
Quezon City Government (First Party) and D.P. Dillman (Second Party) 3) to transfer the micropropagalion technology to smallfarmers; and
Project: Building Permits and Certificates 4) to conserve bananas in vitro
Particulars: c. The UPLB through !PB and the other party shall:
a. The Second Party shall, in its application for permits for building, I} do a joint evaluation of variouscropsin thefieldincluding tissue
fencing, repair and demolition from the First Party, submit the cultured banana;
required documents as specified in the MOA; 2) provide technical and management hackstopping to successfully
b. The First Party shall, upon receipt from the Second Party of the duly carry out the objectives of the project; and
accomplished documents listed in the MOA; forthwith issue to the 3) provide feedback to PCARRD with respect to operational
Second Party the requisite Building Permit and the Certificate of difficulties on appropriateness of technology being promoted.
Electrical Inspection (CEI) for projects requiring MERALCO d. The UPLB through !PB shall:
connection, and 1) exert all efforts to implement the stated objectives of the project;
c. All Clearances Requirements, i.e. Locational, Barangay, HLDRB, 2) provide tissue culture derived banana planting materials to the
Development Permits, OPWH Clearance. OECS CAA Oearances etc, other party, free of charge, for field experiments according to

are hereby waived by the FirstParty in favor of the Second Party, the objectivesof the projectto be conducted in Abucay, Bataan;
together with the payment of all fees related to the issuances of all 3) provide technical inputs to the other party during the course of
permits and certificatesmentioned in the MOA experimentation. regarding planning, field planting, cultural
Date signed: 17 May 2001 practices and data gathering for banana;
4) conduct regular visits to the experimental areas for
Memorandum of Agreement with the University of the Philippines documentation and project meetings; and
Visoyas (UPV) 5) submit technical and financiaI reports to PCARRD.
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. e. The PCARRD shall:
Dillman and the University of the Philippines Visoyas (upv) 1) monitor the implementation of the project activities to ensure
Praject: Assessment of Reef Resources in Eastern Philippines (PACSEA 1) thatthestatedobjectives aremet,
Implementing Unit: MarineScience Institute, College of Science 2) release financial support in the amount of P770,428 to the project
Particulars: upon receipt of funds from DOST; and
a. D.P. Dillman and D.P. Visoyas will provide consultation services 3) submit financial and progress/technical reports to DOST.
and/ or undertake research and development projects in marine f. The BSC shall:
science and oceanography for PACSEA. 1) provide land area, inputs, manpower and facilities for the
b. Subject to its existing policies, D.P. Visayas shall allow researchers conduct of thefield experiments;
and students of D.P.-MSI to board the TRV Sardine/fa and to conduct 2) provide UPLB-IPBwith data on the growth and characterization
marine resource assessment and oceanographic research for the of banana which are being evaluated in the field;
implementation ofPACSEA 1. 3) follow strictly the guidelines for field planting and cultural

c. D.P. Dillman shall make available to D.P. Vtsey as the amount of management for the project;
P37S,()()().00 from available project funds for the maintenance and 4) provide UPLB-IPBwith the mid hands of the fruit bunches from
operating expenses of the TRV Sardinella in connection with the the primary sucker and first follower for documentation
Pacific Seaboard Expedition on 3 May to 28 May 2001, which amount purposes;
is discounted from theaccount of the joint involvement of the parties 5) provide UPLB-IPB access to suckers from selected banana mats;
in theprogram. 6) be allowed to keep the fruit (less mid hands) and remaining
EJfrdiuity: Shall take effect upon execution by the parties unlil28 May 2001 suckers for whatever purposes deemed right by the college; and
Date signed: 9 May 2001 7) provide logistical support in the conduct of other field related
activities and trainings of the project.
D.P. Los Bailos EJfrctiuity: Upon signing of the parties for 5 years, but not later than 31
May 2003
Separate Memoranda of Agreement entered into by U.P. Los Bailos Date signed: 11 December 1995
and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Foresby and Natural
Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) Memorandum of Agreement with the Visayas State College of
Separate Memoranda of Agreement entered into by U.P. Los Bailos Agriculture (VlSCA)
and the Philippine Council for Agriculture; Forestry and Natural Memorandum of Agreemententered into by and between U.P. Los
Resources Research and Development (pCARRD) with the following: Bailos and the Visoyas State College of Agriculture (VISCA)
The Bataan State College (BSC) Projed:Exchange of faculty, students and research publications, and
The Fortunato F. Halili National Agricultural School (FFHNAS) other academiccollaboration
The Western Luzon Agricultural College Particulars:
The Palawan ProvincialGovernment a. UPLB and VISCA may collaborate in programs designed to upgrade
Project: Investigations on the In Vitro Propagation in Banana for the quality of faculty members as part of their continuing faculty
Conservation and Utilization development programs.
Particulars: b. Faculty members of both institutions may be invited as visiting
a The over-all objectiveof the projects is to improve productionand professors to deliver lectures on their specialization, subject to
conservation of locally important bananas in the Philippines. exigencies of their service to their respective institutions.
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 23

c. The parties may undertake a program of student exchange to develop Particulars:

them as professionals and also as potential faculty members. a. The Program aims, among others, to upgrade and develop the
d. The parties may exchange research publications and undertake joint instructional and R&D capabilities of the PCASTRD network
research and thesis advisorship. members.
e. A more detailed description of the roles of each party for every b. The PCASIRD Grant shall be expended by the Grantee for the
activity to be undertaken shall be the subject of a separate agreement acquisition of equipment.
that will be jointly prepared by the parties. c. The procurement of the items shall be done by the Grantee in
Effictivity: Upon signing by the parties until 20 October 2002 accordance with the procedure and conditions stipulated in the
Date signed: 21 October 1999 MOA.
d. Purchase shall be inventoried by both parties and corresponding
Memorandum of Agreement with the National Nutraceutical Center Memorandum Receipt shall be signed by the Grantee or designated
(NNC) North Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A. representative.
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Los e. All items procured under the Grant shall remain the property of
Banos and the National Nutraceutical Center (NNe) Norlh Charleston, PCASIRD and properly marked as such by the Grantee as prescribed
South Carolina, U.S.A. by PCASTRD. The Grantee shall be accountable for the items
Project: Exchange of faculty, research scholars, scientific materials, procured while under its charge, and will be responsible for their
publications and information on mutually agreed upon research maintenance and repair and the expenses thereof shall be for its
area account.
Particulars: f. Unexpended funds for the grant shall be promptly returned to
a. Exchange of faculty and research scholars shall be done for a PCASTRD.

mutualiy agreed upon field of expertise, subject to the conditions

stipulated in the Memorandum of Agreement.
b. NNC will provide airfare, accommodation and stipend for UPLB
exchange faculty and research scholars during their stay at NNe.
These exchange faculty and research scholars, however shall continue
to draw salary from UPLB. UPLB will provide lodging to NNC
exchangefacultyand research scholarsbut other costsfor their visit
Date signed: 21 March 2001

Memorandum of Understanding with the Forest Products Research

and Development Institute (FPRDI), Department of Science and
Memorandum ofVnderstanding entered into by and between D.P.
Los Bafiosand the Forest Products Research and Development Institute
to UPLB including their salary and airfare will be borne by NNC or (FPRDI), Department of Science and Technology
the exchange faculty or research scholar himself. Project: Collaboration in wood science and forest products technology
c. One facultyor research scholar may be exchangedfor one year. Particulars:
Duration: 1 September 1999 until 1 September 2004 a. DPLB, through its College of Forestry and Natural Resources-
Date sigued: 31 August 1999 Department of Forest Products and Paper Science (FPPS),shall:
1) upon prior arrangement. make available its machineries,
Memorandum of Understanding with the College of Industrial equipment and other research facilities for visits, demonstrations
Science, Kongju National University, Republic of Korea and actual use of FPRDI scientists, to be assisted by FPPS faculty
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between U.P. and staff; and
Los Banos and the College of Industrial Science, Kongju National 2) provide technical expertise and serve as project/study leaders
University, Republic of Korea in some appropriate research and development projects

Project: Further development of agriculture, rural development studies conducted by FPRDI.

and education cooperation b. FPRDI shall:
Partiadars: 1) make available its machineries, equipment and other research
a. The Memorandum of Understanding contains the same provisions facilities for visits, demonstrations, and actual use by UPLB-
stipulated in the previous MOU which was confirmed by the BOR CFNR scientists and students to be assisted at all times by FPRDI
at its 1111th meeting on 31 July 1997. staff at no cost to students and staff except for chemicals,
b. The following provisions were also incorporated in accordance with materials and other supplies needed for carrying out laboratory
a previous suggestion by Ally. Ma.Luisa Felizardo of the UPS Office experiments; and
of Legal Services: 2) provide teclutical expertise and serve as Professorial Lecturers
1) Provision on intellectual property rights in some UPLB courses and as project/study leaders in some
2) Provision regarding publications arising from activities research and development projects conducted by UPLB.
undertaken pursuant to the Agreement Effictivihf' Effective upon signing until 31 December 2010
3) Provision regarding major reports by virtue of the Agreement Date signed: 12 March 2001
Effectivih;: Effective upon execution by the parties and shall continue to
be effective until 31 August 2001 Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Agricultural Research,
Date sigued: 4 October 1999 Department of Agricvlture (DA-BAR)
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Los
Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Council for Advanced Banos and the Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of
Sciences and Technology Research and Development (PCASTRD) Agriculture (DA-BAR) .
Project: Breeding and Testing of Com Varieties for Adaptability in Major
Institution Development Program
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Los Com Growing Regions in Mindanao
Banos and the Philippine Council for Advanced Sciences and Technology
Project Cost: P5S0,OOO.00 to be provided by DA-BAR to UPLB for the
Research and Development (PCASTRD) Institution Development project
Program . f B' 1 . al a. DA-BAR shall provide funds for the conduct of the project
Project: Acquisition of equipment needed by the Institute 0 10 ogIC released directly to UPLB,and shall be responsible for the monitonng
Sciences (185),College of Arts and Sciences, UPLB (Grantee)
and evaluation of the progress of the project.
Project Cost: P2OO,OOO to be released by PCASTRD to IBSfor the purpose
24 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.2

b. UPLB, through its Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, U.P. Manila
shallamong others:
1) conduct the project as programmed and approved in Attachment Memorandum of Agreement with PFIZER, Inc. (PI)
A of the MOA, and direct its effort toward accomplishing the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P.
purpose for which the Agreement is made; Manila-Philippine General Hospital (UPM-PGH) and PFIZER, Inc. (PI)
2) provide an effective management system necessary for the Project: Establishment of a state-of-the-art information technology
successful implementation of the project; facilities and services to the users that will be called "PGH-
3) manage all the project hinds provided by DA-BAR and maintain PFIZER Virtual Library"
financial records and accounts in accordance with standard ImpIementirrg Unit:
accounting prindples and practices; and Office of the Director, Philippine General Hospital
4) submit all the reports required under the MOA. Particulars:
c. U by reason of force majeure either party is temporarily unable to a. PFIZER shall provide personnel to supervise, administer or manage
meet its obligations under the Agreement, and if a written notice is the Virtual Library. It will also provide for the salary and other
given to the other party, such obligations of the party shall be benefits of the personnel. The said personnel shall report to the Office
suspended for as long as the inability continues. of the PGH Director or Officer authorized by the Director to
d. In case there is a dispute which cannot be settled by the parties, the coordinate with PFlZER and on the Virtual Library. However, no
same shall be decided by the Office of the Solicitor General or the employer-employee relationship will be created between the said
Secretary of Justice, as the case may be. personnel and UPM.
Effectivity: Effective upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed until 31 b. D.P. Manila shall allow the Virtual Library access to its computer-
December 2001 network for purposes of establishing connection to the internet;
Date signed: 10 March 2001 provide the equipment and software and other application not
provided or supplied by PFIZERi and the janitorial services but no
Memorandum of Understanding with Miyazaki University, Faculty employee-employer relationship is thereby established between
of Agriculture, Japan janitorial personnel and PFIZER.
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between U.P. c. PFIZER shall provide the equipment, software and applications
Los Banos and Miyazaki University, Faculty of Agriculture, Japan needed to run the Library, subject to evaluation by UPM for
Project: Proposed activities: Execution of cooperative research, programs compatibility with the existing network and for existence of security
and symposia, and exchange of academic staff, students, and features. It shall renovate the space to be provided by UPM to
information interesting to both parties conform to requirements of the Virtual Library and provide the
Particulars: required furniture and other fixtures, including computer tables and
a. Expenses to be incurred in the execution of the Agreement shall be chairs. It is understood that ownership of all equipment, furniture
the responsibility of each party, unless another arrangement is agreed and fixtures shall be vested in UPM. It will also provide utilities
upon by the parties. such as electricity for lighting, air conditioning and operation of
b. All project outputs, discoveries or inventions produced shall be equipment, telephone and water.
joinlly owned by the parties. The details of the terms and conditions Effectivity: 1 April 2001 for three years, subject to at least two renewals
concerning intellectual property rights shall be agreed upon by the at the option of D.P.
parties in subsequent specific agreements. Date signed: 5 April 2001
EffectWity: Effective from the date of signing, and for a period of 5 years.
Date signed: 12 March 2001 V.P. Visayas

Memorandum of Agreement with Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP)

Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los
Baftos and Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP)
Praject: Establishment of the Land Bank of the Philippines Professorial
Chair in Rural Finance and Cooperatives
Project Cost: Professorial Chair grant of P425,OOO to increase the LBP
Memorandum of Understanding with the University of the Philippines
Alumni Association of Metro Washington D.C. (UPAAMWDC)
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between D.P.
Visayas and the University of the Philippines Alumni Association of
Metro Washington D.C. (UPAAMWDC)
Project: Scholarship Grant. The scholarship shall run for five (5) years

initial grant of P75,000 only.
Partiallars: Particulars:
a. The professorial chair grant shall be open to all professors in UPLB a. The Scholarship grant herein established shall be utilized to provide
whose field of endeavor is on rural finance and on cooperatives; full support until graduation to a qualified UPV student.
provided that the grant shall be alternately awarded to professors b. The grantee shall receive US$500.00 annually.
in the said fields. Effectivity: Second Semester of CY 2000-2001
b. The grant shall be used exclusively to finance and support the LBP Date signed: 3 January 2001
professorial chair.
c. The U.P. General Guidelines on Professorial Chairs shall be made Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Agricultural Research
applicable to the professorial chairholder. (BAR)
d. The LBP agrees and binds itself to remit the sum ofP425,OOO in order Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
to increase its initial grant of P75,OOO for the professorial chair upon Visayas and the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR)
signing of the MOA. The total amount of P500,OOO shall be used as Project: Research and Development Grant
an endowment fund to continually finance the professorial chair Particulars:
through its interest earnings. a. The UPV shall operate and implement all the projects and studies
e. The UPLBagrees to submit an annual reportto LBPon the utilization covered. by the Memorandum of Agreement through the Office of
of the earnings of the LBP Endowment Fund. the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and with the project and
EffectirJity: First semester of school year 2001-2002 study leaders in accordance with the approved research proposals
Date signed: 7 December 2000 for which funds are provided.
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 25

b. Annual reports for each project!study shall be submitted for Project Title: Biodiversity along Altitudinal Gradients of Ml. Mayon:
evaluation in accordance with the BNAR monitoring mechanism Some Biological and Socialimplications
for ongoing research projects (Evaluation Team per project). Shldy Leaders: 1. Inocencio E. Buot, Jr.
c. The activities and operations of the projects shall be subject to Study 1. Ethnological Study of the Biodiversity along
inspection and evaluation by the Evaluation Team and BAR Altitudinal Gradients on Mt. Mayon
representatives provided that one-week notice shall have been 2 Nenita E. Tapay
served. Study 2. Socio-economic Profile, Conditions and
Financial Assistance: PhP 18,609,680.66 Coping Mechanisms of Settlers in the
EJfrctivity: Effective upon signing. Individual projects shall take effect Vicinities of Mt. Mayon, Bicol
as stated on the project's Notice to Proceed. Cost: P349,800.oo (Budget for 2 studies) chargeable against the SSP Fund
Date signed: 15 December 2000 Code No. 101-2328303-A303-11
EJfrchvity: From 1 November 2000 until 31 October 2001
u.r. Mindanao
Project Title: Socio-Cultural Analysis of Resource Diversity, Family
Memorandum of Subsidiary Arrangement with the Australian Centre Power Structure and Out-Migration in Catanduanes
for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Shldy Leaders: 1. Daylinda B. Cabanilla
Memorandum of Subsidiary Arrangement entered into by and Study 1. Correlates of Resource Diversity in Selected
between V.P. Mindanao and the Australian Centre for International Cross-Ecosystem Production Strategies in
Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Catanduanes
Project: Collaborative Research in Agricultural Research for 2. Noel K. Torreta

Development for ADP /2000/101 "Improving the Efficiency of Study 2. The Dimensions of Family Power in Decision-
the Agribusiness Supply Chain and Quality Management for Making Processes in _~atanduanes
Small Agricultural Producers in Mindanao" 3. Corazon B. Larnug
Particulars: Study 3. Community and Family Correlates of Out-
a. The Project is intended to examine the factors affecting the Migration in Catanduanes
performance of the agribusiness supply chain for selected fresh Cost: P603,9OO.00 (Budget for 3 studies) chargeable against the BSPFund
vegetables produced by smallholders in Mindanao, with particular Code No. 101-2328303-A303-11
emphasis on the potential for farmer cooperatives to perform the EJfrctivihJ: From 1 July 2000 until 30 June 2001
agribusiness functions and deliver greater benefits to the farmer over
a period of 21/2 years. Project Title: Beliefs, Rituals and Inter-generational Gender Relations
b. Designated Authorities - Under Article 5.1 of the Agreement, the in Enhancing Sense of Control among Fisherfolks in a
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (AClAR) Coastal Community
is nominated as the agency of the Government of Australia and the Shldy Leaders: 1. Girlie Nora A. Abrigo
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Study 1. Traditional Rituals and Beliefs and their
Research and Development (PCARRD) is the nominated agency of Relation to Fisherfolks' Sense of Control
the Government of the Republic the Philippines for the purpose of 2. Corazon B. Lamug
coordinating the Project. Study 2. Inter-generational Gender Relation and
e. Implementing Agencies - Under the terms of Article 5.2(c) of the Household Economy in a Coastal
Agreement: Community

1) AClAR nominates Curtin University of Technology (CURTIN) Cost: P355,300.00(Budgetfor 2 studies) chargeable against the BSPFund
as the Implementing Agency to provide Australia's inputs to Code No. 101-2328303-A303-11
the Project; EJfrctivihJ: From 1 July 2000 until 30 June 2001
2) PCARRD nominates U.P. Mindanao as the Implementing Agency
to provide the Republic of the Philippines inputs to the Project; OTHER MATIERS
3) This Memorandum and its Annex outline the responsibilities and Oathtaking of the new regent
contributions of CURTIN and U.P. Mindanao respectively in Regent Jose P. de Jesus took his oath as member of the Board of
regard to the Project. The signatures at Annex 1 to this Regents, taking the place of former Regent Ronaldo B. Zamora who
Memorandum by representatives of CURTIN and U.P. Mindanao resigned from his post.
will constitute their acceptance of their respective responsibilities
Requests for Board resolutions for purposes of tax exemption
and contributions.
Duration: Effective from the date of its Signature and will cease on 30 1. Request from the Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG),
National College of Public Administration and Governance
June 2003
(NCPAG) for a Board resolution authorizing the V.P. President or
Date signed: 9 January 2001 its authorized representative to accept 80 brochures donated by the
German Foundation for International Development (D5E), Bonn,
Germany, for purposes of tax exemption
These brochures are part of the instructional materials of the
The Board noted the following research contracts:
three-year program on local governance in the Philippines which
will be jointly conducted by the CLRG and DSE from year 2001 to
U.P. Los Banos 2003. These materials (Airway Bill Number 426-565-963) are now
being held at the Bureau of Customs.
Research contract with the Bicol Studies Program _ Board action: Approval
Research contracts entered into by and between V.P. Los Banos
and the Bicol Studies Program on the following projects:
26 U.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

2 Request of the Department of Engineering of the College of Final Schedule of Commencement Exercises for Schoolyear 2001-2002
Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, U.P. Los Banos, for a
Board resolution authorizing the V.P. President or its authorized CAMPUS DATE
representative to accept one (1) set of Falling Water-Level U.P. Marula April 19, 2002
Permeability Apparatus (with a dutiable value of P147,248.36) U.P. Los Banos April 20, 2002
donated by the Tokyo Institute of Technology, for purposes of tax U.P. Diliman April 21, 2002
exemption U.P. College Bagnio April 22, 2002
Board action: Approval U.P.lloilo April 24, 2002
U.P. Cebu April 25, 2002
Approval of the draft resolution of the Board of Regents for former U.P. Tacloban April 26, 2002
RegentEdgardo B. Espiritu in recognition of his invaluable services U.P. Mindanao April 28, 2002
as alumni representative to the Board of Regentsfor12 years U.P. Open Universitv AUl!UsI24, 2002
Board action: Approval
UPDATE: 0" 14 June 2001, fire PresiJentappraved tire reqlrestofU.P. Manila
Re-application of Dr. Roger Posadas to a part-lime faculty position al to clUing, its commencement date from 19 Aprit 2002 to 18 April
the Technology Management Center (fMq of U.P. Dillman 2002.
1. In 1998, the Administrative Disciplinary Tribunal found Dr. Posadas Proposed changes in the Summer 2002 Calendar of U.P. Diliman
and Dr. Rolando Dayco guilty of the charge of grave misconduct
involving transactions at the TMC and recommended the penalty of From To
2 The Board of Regents affinned the finding of guilt and imposed the
penalty of forced resignation with forfeiture of retirement and other
3. Among others, the Board decision stated thai should Dr. Posadas
and Dayco wish to return to the University after one year, they may
do so, subject to a public apology.
Start of Classes
Mid Semester
Last Day for Dropping
Last Day for Filing of
Leave of Absence
End of Classes
Integration Period
F, April 19
F, May 3
F, May 10

F, May 10
F, May 17
Sal 18 - Sun 19 May
F, Apr 19
T, May 7
W, May 15

W, May 15
Th, May 23

4. On 6 November 2000, Dr. Posadas filed his application for a part- Final Exams M 20- T 21, May Sat, May 25-
time faculty position at the Technology Management Centre of U.P. Mon. May 27
Diliman. Deadline for submitting
5. The application of Dr. Posadas was favorably endorsed by the Grades M,May27 F, May 31
Graduale Program and Academic Personnel Committee (GPAPC)
6. Al the TMC Coordinating Council level seven (7) cut of len (10) U51ST MEETING, 28 JUNE 2001
members approved the recommendation of the GPAPe without
condition and three (3) with condition (public apology). APPOINTMENTS
Board action: The Board approvedthe re-application of Dr. Posadas
for a part-time faculty position at the Technology The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments,

Management Centre of V.P. Dillman. It likewise waived transfer to permanent status, additional assignments, award of
the condition of public apology. professorial chairs, extension of service and other related matters:
It was made clear that if and when Prof. Rolando
Dayco re-applies to the University, the same decision U.P. System
shall apply.
Esperanza L. Ibanez, promotion from Registrar IV to Director I,
The Board noted the following matters brought to its attention: Office of Admissions, effective 28 June 2001

Appointment of Hon. Jose P. de Jesus, Jr. as member of the Board of U.P. Diliman
Regents of the University of the Philippines vice Regent Ronaldo B.
Zamora, sigoed by Her Excellency, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Roger Posadas, re-employment as Professor 12 (part-time),
Technology Management Center, effective 1 June 2001
UPLB Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2001-2002 Herminia H. Santos, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer L
Institute of Ubrary Science, effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Revised Academic Calendar of U P Dillman for Summer 2001
FROM TO U.P. Manila
Start of Classes W, April 18 W, April 18
Mid Semester W,May2 F, May 4 Antonio C. Chavez, reappointment as Clinical Professor of
Last Day for Dropping W,May9 T, May 15 Radiology, College of Medicine and Attending Radiologist, Philippine
Last Day for Filing of W,May9 T,May1S General Hospital. effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Leave of Absence
Integration Period Th,May17 Th, May 24
Final Exams F, May 18- F,May25- V.P. Diliman
Sat May 19 Sal, May 26
Deadline for submitting M, May 28 , Th, May 31 Ben Paul B. Gutierrez, Associate Professor 4, College of Business
Grades ! Administration, effective 28 June 2001
April - June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE

Joyce Raymond B. Punzalan, Assistant Professor I, School of EXTENSIONOF SERVICEBEYOND

Statistics, effective 28 june 2001 COMPULSORYREIlREMENT AGE OF 65

U.P.Maniia U.P. Dillman

josephine Palabrica, Assistant Professor 4, College of Arts and Edna M. Deia Cruz, Associate Professor 6, College of Arts and
Sciences,effective 28 june 2001 Letters. effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Romeo G. Dizon, Professor3, College of Arts and Letters, effective
PROFESSORlAL CHAIRS 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Gloria L Enriquez, Professor 10, College of Science, effective 1
U.P. Visoy.. june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Albina P. Fernandez, Professor 2, College of Arts and Letters,
Agustin G. Huyong, original appointment as RobertoS. Benedicto effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
AssistantProfessor of Psychology, Collegeof Arts and Sciences,effective Maybelle K. Guzman, Associate Professor 6, College of Arts and
1 july 2001 unbl30 june 2002 Letters, effective1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Meliton U. Ordillas, Professor 12,College of Engineering, effective
UNIVERSITYOFFICIALS 24 july 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Cannen Gloria D. Ventanilla, Professor 4, College of Arts and
U.P. Dillman Letters, effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002

Edgardo G. Atanado, original additional assignment as Dean. RENEWAL OF APPOINTMENT BEYOND AGE 65
College of Engineering, effective 1 july 2001 unbl30 june 2004'
Victor B.Maglambayan, original additional assignment as Director, U.P. Dillman
National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS), effective 8 june 2001
unbl7 june 2004 Leticia L. Castillo, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Science,
effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
U.P. Manila Flor V. Cejalvo, ProfessorialLecturer 5, CollegeofScience,effective
1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Yolanda R. Robles, original additional assignment as Dean, College Corazon C. Dioquino, Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Music,
of Pharmacy, effective 1 july 2001 unbl30 june 2004 effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Arlene A. Samaniego, original. additional assignment as Vice- Juanito A. Hanan, Professorial Lecturer 1, College of Human
Chancellor for Administration, effective 1 June 2001 to serve at the Kinetics,effective1 june 2001 until 31 May 2002
pleasure of the Chancellor Priscilla M. Matias, Geology Museum Curator, College of Science,
Susan B.Villegas,renewal ofadditional assignmentas Dean, College effective 1 june 2001 until 31 May 2002
of Allied Medical Professions, effective 1 May 2001 unbl30 April 2004 Imelda C. Ongsiako, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Music,
effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
V.P. Visayas Lena S. Pareja, Professorial Lecturer 2, College of Mass
Communication, effective1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Ebonia B. Seraspe, original additional assignment as Vice- Emesto R. Santos, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Science,

Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective1 June 2001 to serve at effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
the pleasure of the Chancellor Arturo Q. Trinidad, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Business
Administration, effective 1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
U.P. Open University Socorro L Villalobos, ProfessorialLecturer4,Collegeof Education,
effective1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
Myrna S. Rodriguez, original additional assignment as Vice- Amelia J.lafra, ProfessorialLecturer 1,Collegeof Human Kinetics,
Chancellor for Student Support Services, effective 1 June 2001 to serve effective1 june 2001 unbl31 May 2002
at the pleasure of the Chancellor Estrella H. Zarc:o, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Science,
effective 1 june 2001unbl31 May 2002
Tht following art the highlights of the deliberation on the deanship of the
1. U.P. is losing its faculty to industry and other universities due to non- OF TIiE 1150TI1 MEETING (24 MAY 2001)
compttitive salilry.
2. There is a need to itkntify ways and means to keqJ the faculty in the On the recommendation for promotion of Dr. Natividad C. Gervasio
University. from Professor 3 to 9
3. Regent de Jesus suggestEd that Wf' should look into the possibility ofgiving Background
additional income to thefaculty. He suggested that the University slwuld Dr. Gervasio was originally recommended for promotion from
understand and give amp~ lerway to faculty consu1tancies outside. The Professor3 to 6, which was approved by the BORin its December 2OllO
University, heSQid, should do something fast so it will not lose its faculty. meeting. In early 2001,U.P. Manila presented a list of other faculty to be
4. Regent Manta V.T. Reyes proposed thilt the UniVtTSily scoutfor mort recommended for promotion, including a request to raise the promotion
funds foT professorial chJlirs, salilry augmentation. etc. of some whose promotion had been approved in December. One of those
5. Regent Alfonso suggested thilt, parlicu.lilrly in the College of Engineering. in the list was Dr. Gervasio. The others in that list were approved.
the Dean and the ehllirs should find additiono.l ~ans fur keeping their The appeal in january 2001 was to add three more steps, making
young faculty happy and Siltis.fied so as not to be enticed by the private the promotion of Dr. Gervasio a total of six steps (from Professor 3 to 9).
sector. The n~ly inaugurated Electronics and E~ctriazl Enginuring However, Chancellor Ramirez subsequently asked that Dr. Gervasio be
Building with its modemlaboratmy artd equipmnttwascited asan emmp~. promoted to Professor 11, which the System Committee on Promotions
28 U.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

did not endorse. However, the System Committee supported the The following demands were presented to the Board:
recommendation up to Professor 9 but which was turned down by the 1. rescind the approval by the Board of the increases in the graduate
Board of Regents at its last meeting (1150th) on 24 May 2001 in the tuition and laboratory fees in all the affected units of the Ll.P.
absence of necessary documents to support the recommendation. System;
Chancellor Ramirez submitted a copy of his letter dated 24January 2001 2. roll back and refund said increases in tuition and laboratory fees;
to Vice President Diokno justifying that Dr. Gervasio, despite her and
administrativework, has lived an active academic life. 3. ask President Arroyo for a higher subsidy for education.
During the period covered by the promotion, for example, she The students claimed that the increases in tuition/laboratory fees
published four journal articles, delivered 14 lectures here and abroad were illegal because:
and received awards for outstanding work in her profession. She was 1. The student councils were not consulted, and
also a visiting professor at tile Nippon Dental University, with whose 2. Consultations, if there were any, were not done properly.
faculty she has closely collaborated in research projects. 3. The University violated CHED Memorandum No. 13, series of
1998, the pertinent portions of which state that:
Board action: Approval "1. The Consultation Requirement - All HEIs,
public or private, intending to increase their tuition
On the appointments of faculty to regular academic administrative fees for the ensuing School Year (SY) must conduct
positions consultations, as hereinafter defined and provided,
with their student councils/ governments, and their
Regent Alfonso expressed appreciation for the issuance by Vice faculty, alumni and/or non-teaching personnel
President Gregorio of Memorandum No. 01-55 which is fully in accord associations."

with the substance and sense of the discussions at the last meeting of
the Board on appointments of faculty to regular academic administrative "2 The Consultation Process - For the purpose
positions. of these guidelines, consultation shall mean actual
Regent Alfonso suggested that the Board confirm and adopt the meetings and/ or discussions on the advantages and
subject of the memorandum as its policy retroactive to the last meeting disadvantages of the proposed increase in tuition
(l150th, 24 May 2001). Memorandum No. 01-55 states that: fees wherein the participants will have an
"This is to clarify Memorandum No. 0151 issued on 31 opportunity to air their objections, sentiments and
May 2001. the like, without fear, and under a free and candid
"To avoid legal implications, unless there is prior atmosphere."
approval from the President, only tenured faculty should be "2.1. Notice - At least fifteen (15) Jays before
appointed to regular academic administrative positions, i.e., the dates of consultations, notices must be sent
those with fixed terms." to all parties involved and conspicuously
posted on the HEIs bulletin boards.
Board action: Approval "3. Procedure
3.1 State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) -
On the increase in graduate tuition in U.P. Diliman As provided in RA 8292, the governing
board of sues shall have the power" to fix
Regent Alfonso noted that the policy statement adopted by the the tuition fees and other necessary school

Board concerning the use of the incremental income to be derived from charges, such as, but not limited to,
the increase in graduate tuition in U.P. Manila and D.P. College Baguio matriculation fees, graduation fees and
was not indicated in the Board's action for U.P. Diliman on page 85. laboratory fees, as their respective board
He, therefore, suggested that the Board action for U.P. Dillman should may deem proper to impose after due
also bear the same policy statement which reads (words in capital letters consultations with the involved sectors."
to be added): The President/Heads of public HEIs
shall certify that the required consultation
Board action: Confirmation has been conducted which certification shall
TIlE BOARD UKEWISE ADOPfED TIlE POUCY THAT be submitted to the Commission, through
TO THE COLLEGES OR UNITS. SUCH INCREASE SHALL days from the date of the termination of the
TO BE USED FOR COURSE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT, The student representatives further pointed out the following:
ACADEMIC PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT,SCHOLARSHIPS, 1. The consultations were undemocratic. The School of Statistics,
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT, ETC. for example, consulted only 17 out of 106 students currently
enrolled. Signature campaigns were conducted instead of
Students' request for dialogue with the BOR on the increase in holding dialogues.
graduate tuition 2. The student leaders feel that they are being insulted because
while the graduate students are the only ones who are affected
The Board granted the request of the students who were rallying at by the tuition increases, they are being deprived of their mandate
the Quezon Hall lobby to meet with them for a dialogue on the increase over the graduate students whom they also represent.
in graduate tuition. The students were represented by the following: Regent Hernandez asked for clarification as to which is supposed
Mr.Michael Francis Andrada, UniversityStudent Council - UP. Diliman to be the proper group with which the Board should deal with because
Ms. Jill de Guzman, KASAMA sa U.P. it is dealing with two different groups with different positions. The
Ms. Rochelle Linga, University Student Coundl- U.P. Manila earlier group included representatives who are graduate students and
Ms. Mary May Buendia, Philippine Collegian they were satisfied with the explanations given to them that there were
Mr. Frederick Dabu, Manila Collegian
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 29

consultations and were convinced that the increases were necessary. This Largeclass multiplierfor
group, however, argues that there were no consultations done at all. GE courses:
The Chair explained that the Board never meant to insult the {(n-OO)/1201 + 1
students. She pointed out that the consultations were done based on Graduate courses:
the spirit of Memo 13, that those who are affected should be consulted. Graduate class
In cases where the students could not be individually consulted, multiplier to apply only
consultations could be done with their representatives. for classsizes 60 & above
Mr. Andrada indicated that the student councils are really
determined to stop the tuition increases and that they maintained that Tutor 1.5 units per course 1.5 units per tutorialclass
the student councils which they represent should be consulted. They
also questioned the holding of signature campaigns in the guise of Staff tutor 3-6units Phased out
attendance sheets and the statement that 90% of the students in the
College of Arts and Letters favored the tuition increase. Course Author/Writer No credit units Maximum of 6 units per
Chancellor Roman read some of the comments (positive and of main course materials Honorarium for Vllriting semester for a 3-unit
negative alike) which the students wrote as proof that the students were course not to exceed 2
not just asked to sign the attendance sheet. They were given the semesters, actual credit
opportunity to write down their reactions. units to be prorated in
Some more discussions took place which centered on the same issue case of multiple
of consultations. The students stood firm on their protest against tuition authorship
increase just as the Board was firm with its position that consultations No honorarium

were done, but only with the graduate students because they are the
ones who are affected. Course author/writer No credit units Maximum of 6 units per
Since no clear agreements have been reached, the President of redeveloped/ revised Honorarium for writing semester for a 3-unit
requested the students to present a thorough, logical and in-depth course material course not to exceed 2
presentation of their arguments. semesters, actual credit
The students requested. that they be furnished a copy of the minutes units to be prorated in
of the meeting. case of multiple

Waiver of the rules on sabbatical in favor of Prof. Jessica K. Carino of Course author/ writer No credit units Maximum of 3 units per
V.P. College Baguio of supplementary course
Waiver of the rules on sabbatical (specifically the condition that a course components>
faculty member goes back to active teaching duty immediately after a
sabbatical) in favor of Prof. Jessica K. Carino of V.P. College Baguio, to Reader None Honorarium same rate
allow her to go on study leave with pay beginning June 2001 and terms as external
Prof. Carino was granted a sabbatical after 13 years of continuous reader
administrative service. She was Chair of the Division of Social Science
for two terms (1987-91); college secretary from 1991-94; and dean for Instructional Designer 3-6 units Maximum of 3 units per

two terms from 1994-2000, putting on hold her pursuit of an advanced course to be assigned in
degree. one or two semesters
Prof. Carino would like to pursue a Ph.D. in Anthropology
(incidentally, a field prioritized for faculty development in view of the Editor 3-6 units Honorarium. same rate
curricular revisions in the BA Social Sciences) beginning June 2001. and terms as contracted
AmendmentfRevision of GovemmenlfU.P.-Funded Scholarship Rules
Amendment/Revision of Government/D.P.-Funded Scholarship Media Specialist 3-6 units Maximum of 3 units per
Rules, specifically the deletion of Rule 3 (a) which reads: course to be assigned in
"An awardee under the rules cannot accept any other one or two semesters
scholarships, whether government or private, while his
scholarship is in effect." Course Manager 3-6 units 1.5 to 4.5 units per
This will enable recipients of scholarships to enjoy a maximum of degree program
two grants (government, private or SfFAP) as approved by the Board maximum of two
of Regents at its 1147th meeting on 21 December 2000. The monthly programs, actual credit
allowance provided under the D.P.-Government Scholarship is only units to be assigned by
OASIS Director

Proposal for the revision of credit load equivalents for V.P. Open
"The Minimum teaching load credit for a three-unit course is 3.0 units.
University full-time faculty
1 This function of a UPOU full-time facultyis given credit load units, instead
Function Credit units as approved Revised Credit Units of an honorarium, since it is assumed that such work is done during regular hours
and using UPOU resources (e.g., equipment and supplies). Course authorship is
by the BOR
also a major teaching function, one of which a Uf'Olf faculty member should be
Equivalent credit units with Equivalentcredit units! qualified to do.
Faculty-in-charge (FIC)
3 Examples are a video, audio, digital library, online course activities and a
multipliers if appropriate with appropriate
multipliers as follows: CD-ROM for existing courses or courses for which course materials already exist.
30 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.2

Function Credit units as approved Rerised Cmtit Units The functions of the RESDIC-datagathering. processing. slorage
bytheBOR and retrieval- be devolved to the constituent universities.
Under the proposed set-up, the Chancellors shall designate the
Research office responsible for these functions and the purposes for which the
Project Leader None 3 units maximum data shall be applied.
depending on size of The RESDIC shall tum over the storage and retrieval system and
project and provided no the databases to the constituent universities. Should certain campuses
honorarium is received require assistance in the use of the programs, the former RESDIC staff
by the faculty may be called upon for help. The CUs shall address their request to the
concerned' OVPAA.

Co-researcher None 1.5 units depending on Proposed Organizational Chart of the University of the PhilippInes in
size of project and Mindanao
provided no U.P. Mindanao proposes to re-engineer its existing organizational
honorarium is received structure to make it leaner, cost-efficient and effective. Some of the salient
features of this proposal are as follows:
Establishment of the Juan and Isabel Zapanta Foundation Scholarship 1) The nomenclature of U.P. Mindanao's Director for Instruction
out of a donation of Pl,500,OOO.OO from the Juan and Isabel Zapanta and Director for Administration will be changed to Vice-
Foundation, Inc. Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Vice-Chancellor for
The Deed of Donation stipulates that the amount shall be usedas Administration, respectively. This is because both Directors

follows: perform functions and receive compensation and privileges
P38.500.00 to cover the expenses for launching the scholarship equivalent to that of a Vice-Chancellor of other Constituent
P61,500.00 to cover scholarship expenses for the first year of the Universities (CUs).
program 2) The position of Director for Community Services and Public
Pl,400,ODO.OO as an endowment fund to be maintained in Affairs, as well as that of the Director for Planning and
perpetuity, and only the interest income may be used to fund the Development will be abolished. Their areas of responsibilities
scholarship grants. will be transferred either to the Vice-Chancellor for Academic
Accumulation of unused funds shall be added to the original Affairs or to the Vice-Chancellor for Administration.
endowment and may not be used for any other purposes. 3) The Public Information Office will be placed directly under the
Office of the Chancellor so that it can efficaciously perform the
Proposed abolition of RESOle and devolution of its functions to following functions:' information planning, information
Constituent Universities management, publicimedia relations, information dissemination
Justification and publication.
In August 1984 President Angara, by means of Executive Order 4) The Information Technology Office QTO) will be likewise linked
No.6, established the Research Documentation and Information Center to the Office of the Chancellor. U.P. Mindanao needs an ITO
(R0lC) to collect and dissemInate data on researches by U.P. faculty that is tasked to develop its information system, and take charge
and staff. In 1988 the ROIC was transformed from a program to a unit of its network and computer services.
under the OVPAA and subsequently renamed the Research and (See OSU Records Section for tlleProposed Organizational OMrt.)
Extension Services Documentation and Information Center (RESDIq.
Since then the RESDIC has established a storage and retrieval system
for information on the faculty's research and extension activities,
gathering data from various sources (Including the faculty themselves).
The RESDICupdates its files regularly.
As the need for faculty databases intensifies, two recent
developments call for a change in the present system applied by the
University. In the last six years, the entire University system has
Contract of Laundry Services with Metro Dry Clean Ventures, Inc .
Contract of Laundry Services entered into by and between the
University of the Philippines System through the University of the
Philippines Manila-Philippine General Hospital (UPS-UPM-PGH) and
Metro Dry Clean Ventures, Inc. (MDCVI)
Contract Price: P11,466,915.10

expanded in terms of new campuses and new degree programs, reaching Effictivity: 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2001
a point where data storage and retrieval would more effectively be done Note: The above is a negotiated cmtrad since there was onlyonebidder despite
at the campus level. Moreover, the capacity of the constituent universities tlte repeated invitationsfor other bidders. TIll'contractor agreed to reduce
to develop and maintain their own databases has improved considerably its totallJid price by 15%.
as evidenced by the increasing computerization of operations and Viis is beingsllbmitted for approval of the Board since theamount
services. involved does notfallunthintire alltltorityoftlle President (P6Million).
The devolution of RESDIC functions to the campuses will also
enable the constituent universities to use the data more effectively and Proposal to amend the University Code on the powers of the President
for such specific purposes as monitoring the faculty profile, tracking the and the functions of the chancellors and autonomous universities to
status of faculty researches, setting publication records, formulating initiate suits on behalf of the University and to appear in the pre-trial
faculty development plans, etc. - all of which are more properly of cases filed for and against the University
addressed by the CU than the System administration On the powers of the President
It is therefore proposed that: Addition of Art. 54-B which shall read as follows:
The RESDICoffice be abolished and its staff distributed to other Art. 54-B. The President of the University System shall have the
offices as recommended by the VPAA to the President; and authority to sue for and in behalf of the University; to appear in
pre-trial conferences in courts of law or administrative bodies
U honorarium is being received, that is compensation enough for the where cases for or against the University are pending; and to
faculty member. Oaiming of credit load units for a particular research means appoint, in his stead, representative of his choice without need
that such work is considered part of the normal load of the faculty for which of Board action, who shall represent the University during the
he/she receives his/her regular salary.
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 31

pre-trial of cases in courts of law and administrative bodies, with 1) The Chair, Medical Education Unit (Committee Chair)
power to enter into compromise agreements, stipulate on facts 2) A faculty member, National Teacher Training Center
or agree on alternative factual dispute resolution with party 3) The Associate Dean for Academic Development
litigants in such cases, subject to confirmation by the BOR or the 4) The Associate Dean for Faculty and Students
President, as the case may be. 5) Representatives from the trainees (either rneclical student,
On the functions and responsibilities of the Chancellors of autonomous resident, fellow or graduate assistant)
universities d. The Award shallbe given during the annual College Convocation
Addition of the following among the functions and responsibilities for Faculty Achievers usually held in the second semester of the
of the Chancellor, thereby amending the Resolution adopted by the Board academic year.
of Regents at its 828th meeting on 21 December 1972: 4. The DONEE hereby undertakes/ obligates to render an annual report
The Chancellors of the autonomous universities shall to the DONOR on the status of the awards and aCCO\Ult for cash
have the authority within their areas of jurisdiction, to sue for disbursements made during the year.
and in behalf of the component university on matters within Board action: Confirmation
their area of jurisdiction; to appear in pre-trial conferencesin
courts of law or administrative bodies where cases for or ACADEMIC MATIERS APPROVED
against the component university are pending; and to appoint
in their stead, a representative of their choice, who shall Graduation of Ma. Kathleen G. Layaoen for the degree of Bachelor of
represent the component university during the pre-trial of Science in Geodetic Engineering as of the end of Summer 2001,
cases in courts of law and administrative bodies, with power certified by the U.P. Dillman Chancellor as having completed all the
to enter into compromise agreements, stipulate on facts or requirements as of 3 June 2001

agree on alternative factual dispute resolution with party Board action: Approval
litigants in such cases, subject to confirmation by the BOR or
the President, whenever necessary. Graduation of Mr. Michael Marc C. Maano for the degree of Bachelor
Generally, under Article 8 of the University Code, the exercise of of Science in Biology as of the end of Summer 2001
the corporate powers of the University is vested exclusively in the Board 1. Mr. Maafto was a candidate for graduation for the degree of Bachelor
of Regents and the President of the University System as may be of Science in Biology as of the end of the Second Semester 2000-
authorized by the said Board. 2001.
In Article 54 of the same Code, the President hasthe general powers 2 His graduation was recommended by the faculty of the College of
as may be provided in the Code or by the University Charter or as may Science on 10 April 2001, subject to the removal of the grade of "4"
be authorized by the Board of Regents. incurred in Biology 134 during the Second Semester 2000-2001.
With respect to autonomous universities wherein the Chancellor 3. Mr. Maano removed the "4" by submitting a project which was
is the Chief Executive Officer, the said University enjoys autonomy in required of him by his professor.
the administration of its own affairs within the context of the purposes 4. The removal grade of "3" was submitted by the teacher on 10 May
of the U.P. System and the policies laid down by the Board. 2001.
The proposed amendments are being reconunended to facilitate 5. Based on his removal of his deficiency, Mr. Maanowas recommended
the matter of initiating suits for and on behalfof the University System for graduation ad referendum as of Summer 2001 by the faculty of
or its autonomous universities, and in appearing in pre-trialconferences the College of Science and by the University Council of Diliman.
in civil cases. 6. This was endorsed by the Officer-in-Charge of V.P. Diliman to the
On the whole, the University will be better prepared to defend itself President on 29 May 2001 and approved on the same day by the

against parties who endanger the interest of the University. Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the President, subject to
confirmation by the Board of Regents. (At the 1149th meeting of the
Establishment of the Dr. Luis M. Mabilangan Award for Innovation Board on 29 March 2001, the President was granted authority to
in Medical Education (Clinical Sciences) at the College of Medicine approve candidates for graduation as of SY 2000-2001. Mr. Maafto's
Establishment of the Dr. Luis M. Mabilangan Award for Innovation graduation was considered under this delegated authority.)
in Medical Education (Clinical Sciences) at the College of Medicine out 7. The approval had to be granted on 29 May 2001 since Mr. Maafto
of a donation of the sum of P2oo,OOO.oo from Dr. Luis M. Mabilimgan, had unti130 May 2001 to submit his credentials (e.g. transcript of
consistent with the objectives of the U.P. Modernization Fund Campaign, records, certificate of graduation) to the LlP. College of Medicine
as embodied in the Deed of Donation executed in favor of the U.P. Manila where he was accepted. He would lose his slot if he failed to submit
his requirements.
College of Medicine
The award is intended to recognize creative, pioneering, innovative, Board action: Confirmation
scholarly work of the regular or clinical faculty in the instructional design,
implementation of teaching strategies, evaluation or curriculum DONATIONS
development in medical education. The innovative work may be in the
INT ARMED program, residency, fellowship or graduate degree program.
The Board noted the following donations:
1. Additional donation of P60,OOO.OO from Dr. Gregorio T. Zarnuco for
the Gregorio T. Zamuco Professorial Chair for Social Forestry, V.P.
1. The acceptance shall be subject to the confirmation of the U.P. Board
Los Banos
of Regents; 2. Donation of PI,SOO.OO from Asuncion M. Munoz for the V.P.
2. The donation shall be deposited in the U.P. Medical Alumni Fund
(UPMAF); 3. Donation of VS $300 from Dr. Corazon A. Francisco for the V.P.
3. The donated sum shall be used solely and exclusively for-the purpose
Modernization Fund Campaign
intended by the DONOR, more particularly as follows:
4. Donation of P'",,(J(J.(JO from Yolanda SansonOporto for the U.P. Library
a. 85% of the annual income shall be given as cash award
Collection Development Fund
b. a plaque of recognition shall also be given to the awardee 5. Donation of P500.00 from Nora Pangalo-Seeley for the V.P. Library
c. The awardee shall be selected by a Committee of at least 5
Collection Development Fund
32 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.2


The Board confirmed the following:

Confirmation of the approval of the President of the revisions!

additions to the recommendation for promotion of faculty members
of U.P. Dillman
Note: At the 1149t1l meeting on 21 December 2000, the Board of Regents
grail ted the President authority to approve late submissions for
promotion, subject to its confirmation.



CAL ABAD, Gemino University Prof. Univ. Prof. (SG30-8) Additional

(SG30-5) recommendation
MUSIC BORROMEO, Assoc. Prof. 3 Professor 1 (SG26-4) Additional
Mauricia (SG 23-4) recommendation
MUSIC SANTOS, Ramon University Prof. Univ. Prof. (SG30-8) Additional

Prof. 4 (SG27-5) Professor 7 (SG28-{;) Professor 6 (SG 27-7)
Unit previously agreed
to Diliman AFFC
recommendation to
Prof. 7; unit now wants
to stick to their original
recommendation of
Prof. 6
UPiS LIRAG,Priscilla Professor 3 Professor 6 (SG27-7) Professor 5 (SG27-6) Unit previously agreed
(SG26-6) to Diliman AFFC
recommendation to
Prof. 6; unit now wants
to stick to their original
recommendation of
Prof. 5
UPEPSF GARCIA, Professor 1 Professor 2 to Professor 2 (SG 26-6) The original
RolandoG. (SG2&-5) Professor 3 recommendation of
the unit, which was

affirmed by the
Dillman APFC was
Prof. 2 to Prof. 3, e.g. 1
step promotion.
However, HRDO files
show that his actual
position is Prof. 1.
UPEPSF REINOSO,Mario Professor 1 Professor 2 to Professor 2 (SG26-6) The original reccomen-
(SG2&-5) Professor 3 dation of the unit,
which was affirmed by
the Diliman APFC was
Prof. 2 to Prof. 3, e.g. 1
step promotion.
However, HROO files
show that his actual
position is Prof. 1.
April- June 2001 U.P. GAZETIE 33

Lastappeal of V.P. Dillman on faculty promotions


CAL RESPIOO, Assoc. Prof. 3 Professor 3 Assoc. Prof. 7 Professor 2 UpdatedCV

CAL RAMIREZ, Professor 8 Professor 12 None Professor 11 Not included in
Carmelita original list of
CAL RIVERA, Assoc. Prof. 7 Professor 5 Professor 2 Professor 3 Re-evaluation of
Naida accomplishments
CAL ALCANTARA, Assoc. Prof. 4 Professor 3 Professor 1 Professor 2 Updated CV
CAL HIDALGO, Assoc. Prof. 2 Professor 2 Assoc. Prof. 7 Professor 1 Re-evaluation of
Ma. Paz accomplishments
CAL TlAMSON, Professor 6 Professor 12 Professor 10 Professor 11 VpdatedCV

CAL OCAMPO, Assoc. Prof. 3 Professor 4 Assoc. Prof. 7 Professor 1 VpdatedCV
CSSP ROMERO, Assoc. Prof. 6 Professor 5 Professor 1 Professor 2 Re-evaluation of
Segundo accomplishments
UPEPSF IGNACIO, Professor 2 Professor 5 Professor 6 Professor 5 Unit changed their
Violeta recommendation
for an additional
step, reiterated
for Professor 5

The Board approved the following: a-vis the present charges of P571.43 per unit or a semestral tuition of
PS,OOO. This means that each student is only paying 35.7% of the
Proposal to increase the laboratory fees of Food Technology courses actual cost of graduate education Looking at inflation rate of 10-
for the School of Technology, V.P. Visayas 15% and the purchasing power of Philippine peso from 1989, when

Course Existing Proposed % of Increase the College of Dentistry started charging P8,OOO per semester, the
FN 11 Php150.oo PhP250.OO 66.67 . students should be paying between Pl,634 to P2,658 per unit today.
FT 15 200.00 300.00 50.00 2. On consultation with the graduate students from the College of
FT 21 200.00 350.00 75.00 Dentistry, all five of them are willing to pay between P890 to P990
FT 26 200.00 300.00 50.00 per unit or from PS,OOO to P11,OOO per semester. The proposed
FT 27 200.00 300.00 50.00 increase to Pl1,OOO, however, will redound to P785.71 per unit only.
FT 122 200.00 300.00 50.00 Thisamount is even below the level by which the students are willing
FT 131 200.00 400.00 100.00 to pay. The increase would mean that the students will pay 49% of
FT 141 200.00 400.00 100.00 the actual cost while V.P. Manila still covers 51% subsidy.
FT 150 100.00 200.00 100.00 3. 5tudents enrolled in the program, i.e. M.s. Dentistry (Orthodontics)
FT 151 200.00 250.00 25.00 are practicing dentists.
FT 160 200.00 300.00 50.00
FT 200 400.00 600.00 50.00 Realignment of funds representing U.P. Visayas' share from the
unused seed money for the U.P. Provident Fund-Health Plan
1. Ever since the B.s. in Food Technology program was implemented Rea1Igrunent ofP2,OOO,435.oo representing U.P. vtseyes' share from
(around 1978), the laboratory fees for FT laboratory courses have the unused seed money for the U.P. Provident Fund-Health Plan
earmarked for the improvement of the facilities of U.P. Infirmaries, as
never been adjusted.
2. The increase is in view of the increase in the costs of chemicals, approved by the Board of Regents at its 1140th meeting on 30 March
reagents and utilities (electricity, gas and water). 2000, b ro k en d own as follows
The students have been properly consulted regarding this matter. TOTAL
Proposal to adjust the graduate tuition of the College of D~ntistry,
U.P. vtseves 2,000,435
U.P. Manila, from PS,OOO.OO to P11,OOO.OO per semester or an increase 133,241 850,435
UPV-Miag-ao 137,544 579,650
of 37.5%
Health Service
]IIStijiCJItion . Unit
1. At present, the cost per graduate unit at the College of Dentistry
based on the 1999-2000 Internal Operating Budget is Pl,601.06 VlS-
34 U.P. GAZETIE. Vol. XXXII, No.2

FROM TO Note: It is understood that upon approval oftheabove reprogrammed amount,

PARTICULARS MOOE MOOE EQUIPMENT BLDGS.& TOTAL disbursements shall be subject tothe ueual accounting andauditing laws,
SlRUCfURES rules and reguiatums.
UPV-Doilo Health 360,000 40,000 400,000
Service Unit Implementing Guidelines for the Direct Cash Releases to UPM-PGH
V.P. CebuCollege 279,413 120,587 400,000 Bank Accounts by the u.P. System
Health Service 1. Separate bank accounts in authorized government depository banks
Unit will be opened specifically for the use of U.P. Manila-PGH General
V.P. Tacloban 84,138 265,862 350,000 Fund (GF). The accounts should be in the name of U.P. Manila-
College Health PGH to comply with the provisions of Section 24.b of EO No. 10.1
Service Unit Periodic reports, however, need to be submitted to U.P. Manila for
Total ~ B<;U!95 1.006.099 133,241 2.000.435 monitoring purposes.
2. Share olU.P. Manila-PGHin the V.P. budget will be released dliect1y
Justification to the appropriate V.P. Manila-PGH bank account.
The above realignment is necessary to upgrade the facilities of UPV 3. Disbursements will be made subject to the proposed guidelines.
Health Service Units, procurement of some medical equipment, repair 4. V.P. Manila-PGH must alsoprovide U.P. Manila the regular financial
and renovation of rooms and construction of infirmary covered walk reports required by the V.P. System's Accounting Office such as the
for patients especially during rainy seasons. following:
Note: It is understood thatdisbursements from thisrealigned amount shall be a. Statement of Operations
subject to are usuai accounting auditing laws, mlesandregulations. b. Trial Balance

c. Detailed Statement of Allotment, Obligations and Balances
Transfer of balances of CY lOot allotment of the Sentro ng Wikang d. Summary of Taxes Withheld
Filipino from the V.P. System Administration to U.P. Diliman e. List of Accounts Payable, Due and Demandable
Transfer of balances of CY 2001 allotment of the Sentro ng Wikang f. Other reports that may be required by the U.P. System.
Filipino /rom the U.P. System Administration to U.P. Dilimaneffective The above reports are consolidated by U.P. Manila before they
1 April 2001 in the amount of P2,585,212.31 in compliance with the are submitted to the V.P: System.
approval of the Board of Regents at its 1147th meeting on 21 December V.P. Manila-PGH should continue to maintain its set of books.
2000 The details are as follows I t needs to maintain booksof accounts and records in accordance
GF RF I TOTAL with the rules embodied in the Government Accounting and
Personal Services P2,168,823.84 - I P2,168,823.84 Auditing Manual (GAAM).
MODE 406,088.47 PlO,3oo.oo I 416,388.47 All accounts and expenses of PGH are subject to the usual
Total I P2,574,912.31 PlO,300.00 I P2,585,212.31 government audit conducted by the Commission on Audit.
5. The budgeting, accounting and cashiering functions ofV.P. Manila-
Consequently, the amount ofP886,421.61 (PS=793,634.44& MODE PGH will still be within the supervision of U.P. Manila.
= 1'92.787.17) will be transferred to U.P. Diliman representing the balance Note: Formulated 1Jy the EO 7142 Committee (dlmng its special meeting on
of cash received from the DBM. 22[une 2001), based 011 the implementing guidelines praposed by the
The balance of Revolving Fund in the amount of Pl0,300 is for the Ad Hoc Committee tasked tojormuune theimplementing guidelines (AD
contribution to Provident Fund. FN-00-59, dated 3 October 2000). The EO 714 Committee took into

consideration tIJe opinion of theU.P. Resident eOA Auditors.
Reprogramming of Prior Years' savings from accounts payable of U.P.
Mindanao Transfer of the balances of CY 2001 allotment of the U.P. Computer
Reprogramming of Prior Years' savings from accounts payable of Center from the V.P, System Administration to U.P. Dillman
V.P. Mindanao in the amount ofP4,837,130, certified as available by the Transfer of the balances of CY 2001 allotment of the V.P. Computer
V ..
P Mindanao Chief Accountant as follows. Center from the V.P. System Administration to V.P. Diliman in the
FROM TO amount of P2,887,961.87, effective 1 July 2001 in compliance with the
PARTICULARS AMOUNT PARTtCULARS AMOUNT approval of the Board of Regents at its 1148th meeting on 22 February
A.1II.a Advanced &. A.ULa Advanced 2001, the details of which follow'
Higher &. Higher By Programs GF I RF TOTAL
Education Education Personal Services P 2,872.161.87 P2,872,161.87
Services Services MODE I
PIS 800.00 P 15800.00
Personal Services 2,000,000 ITotal I
P 2,872.161.87 P 15,800.00 P2,887,961.87
Maintenance &. Other 4-837,130 Maintenance & Other The balance of Revolving Fund tn the amount of PlS,BOO.DD 15 for
Operating Expenses Operating Expenses 1,000,000 the contribution to the Provident Fund.
Capital Outlay: However, the following items with system functions have been
Equipment Outlay 1,000,000 retained under the Office of the Vice President for Development, V.P.
Repair &. Rehab 837,130 System.
TOTAL P4,837,130 TOTAL P4,837,130 1. Two (2) permanent positions
a. information Technology Officer I (Item No. UPSB-ITOl-IO-
[uetification 1998)
The above reprogramming will be used to augment deficiencies in b. Information Technology Officer II (Item No. UPSB-IOT2-7-
personal services to pay overload honoraria of faculty, lecturers' fees, 1998)
etr.: maintenance and other operating expenses, and capital outlay to
purchase various equipment and repair and rehabilitation of some 1 EO No. 10, dated 6 October 1983, is the Implementing Guidelines on Fiscal
existing facilities of Ll.P. Mindanao. Provided, personal services (PS) Autonomy (EO No. 714)
shall not be used to hire contractuals or casuals. It will be used only for 2 EO No. 714,. dated 1 August 1981, grants to the University of the PhilippineSystem
items indicated in the request for reprogramming. Fiscal Autonomy
April- June 2001 U.P.GAZETTE 35

2. Lump Sum for one (1) conlractuallnformation System Analyst 1. Following the exchange, each university will provide a report on
II (SG-19-1) the academic achievement of the guest students, including an official
copy of grades, which can be recognized as credits by the home
m. The agreement will be concluded in both English and Japanese and
The Boardconfirmed the followingagreementson academicmatters: each university will maintain both an English and a Japanese signed
Note: These contracts/agreements haue gone through tire standard University copy of this agreement.
processes from the Constituent Univef5ities (CUs) ccncemed and the Effectivity: To commence on the day of signing and to continue tor five
University System. In cases umere there were irregularities or years. This is a renewal of the original agreement which was
inconsistencies with present laws, niles, regulations andprocesses, the executed in October 1995.
documents were returned for review of or to exact compliance by tiu: Date signed: 16 October 2000
concerned cu.
Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine National Bank
V.P. System Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the
University of the Philippines System and the Philippine National Bank
Short-Tenn Student Exchange Program Agreement with the College Project: Collection arrangement
of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo Collection Seroice Fee: P20.DO per transaction
Short-Term Student Exchange Program Agreement entered into by Particulars:
and between the University of the Philippines and the College of Arts a. The following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
and Sciences, The University of Tokyo 1. "Collection System" shall refer to the system of collecting

Project: Short-Term Student Exchange Program to be opened to third payments from applicants of the University of the Philippine
and fourth year undergraduate students from both Universities, College Admission Test (UPCAT) to pay their application fees
to be enrolled as full-time non-degree students, for a period not to the U.P. System by making over-the-counter transactions at
to exceed one academic year any PNB Branch.
Particulars: 2. "Depositor" is the applicant of the U.P. System who wishes to
a. In anyone year during the term of this agreement the number of make payments to U.P. via over-the-counter transactions at any
students from each university undertaking the exchange progranune on-line PNB branch.
shall not exceed five. They will be enrolled as full-time non-degree b. Deposit Account:
students at the other university for a period not to exceed one 1. The U.P. System shall maintain wi th PNB a Regular Savings
academic year. Students participating in.this program will continue Deposit Account under the name UPS-CAT to be opened at the
as candidates for the degree of their home university. Transfer of PNB U.P. Campus Branch wherein all payments received by the
credit for work undertaken will be subject to each university's PNBon-line branches shall finally be credited. The Accoont shaII
discretion. be subject to the rules and regulations and documentary
b. The program is open to third- and fourth-year undergraduate requirements stipulated in PNB's Terms and Conditions
students. Candidates will be recommended by the home university governing the opening/maintaining of deposit accounts.
generally on the basis of academic merit, and shall be subject to the 2. The monthly Average Daily Balance of P2,SOO,000.00 to be
final approval of the host university. maintained under this Agreement shall be subject to mutual
c. Each university reserves the right to require candidates to complete review and agreement between PNB and the Company.
the standard admission forms and to provide any other necessary Effectivity: Upon signing

documents. Date signed: 8 June 2001

d. Participating students will apply for visas for stay in each country.
The host university will endeavour to assist in obtaining the proper Memorandum of Agreement entered into by the Convenors' Group
immigration documents. on Mindanao Studies
e. Each participating student will take courses offered at the host Memorandum of Agreement entered into by the Convenors' Group
university and will enjoy the same rights and privileges and be on Mindanao Studies composed of nine (9) Committee member
subject to the same regulations and discipline as full-time non-degree organizations as follows:
students at that university. University of the Philippines Mindanao (U.P. Mindanao)
f. Neither university shall make any charge for tuition, application or Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU)
administrative purposes under this agreement. Any incidental fees Alternate Forum for Research in Mindanao Inc. (AFRIM)
assessed against participating students under this agreement shall Mindanao Economic Development Council (MEDCo)
not be greater than those normally paid by students of the host Notre Dame University-Cotabato (NOU)
Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA)
g. The University of the Philippines will endeavor to provide the Western Mindanao State University (WMSU)
University of Tokyo students with a scholarship or a similar form of Mindanao State University (MSU)
Dansalan College Foundation, Incorporated (DeFI)
Project: Promotion of the development of Mindanao through
h. The payment for travel, medical insurance, medical treatment and
collaborative undertaking. e.g. research, conferences, workshops,
additional subsistence costs in the host country shall be the
training, exchanges, on the history and current issues on
responsibility of the individual students participating in the program
and neither university shall be held liable for such charges.
i. Each university will arrange residence accommodations for the Partiadars:
a. The parties agreed to undertake the following initial activities:
visiting students. . . 1. A Research Project on the "state-of-the-art" Mindanao Studies;
j. Each university will endeavor to provide airport amval ~slst~ce. 2. A National Conference on Mindanao Studies, involving
k. Each university will send pre-departure material to. ~~ UlcO~g Philippine scholars, researchers, etc.:
students and will provide a post-arrival orientation, utilizing existing 3. An International Conference on Mindanao Studies; and
programs or will establish special programs for this purpose.
36 U.P. GAZE'ITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

4. The organization of a Consortium on Mindanao Studies. hom its College of Engineering or other colleges/units to teach in
b. The parties therefore resolved to: BCF on a pari-time or temporary basis, subject strictiy to the rules
I. undertake projeclsand programson Mindanaostudies,including and procedures stipulated in the contract.
other future endeavors andMindanao concerns; b. Such faculty member and personnel of U.P.Diliman serving in BCF
2. fonn the necessary organizationalstructures to plan and prepare shall be given reasonablecompensation by BCF, in accordance with
for the projects and programs 10 be undertaken; and its saIary adininistration plan, policies and rules; provided, that the
3. share in thecommittee work andput in a minimumcontribution faculty member(s) and/or academic personnel given leaching
fond to the initial projecls. assignments at BCF shall be appointed therein to the same or
EffictitJity: 28 May 2001 equivalent rank as that held by said faculty member(s) and/or
Date signed: 28 May 2001 academic personnel in U.P. Dillman.
EffictitJity: Upon date of signing by both parties for 2 years
Amendment to the Consultancy Agreement Letter with the Ford Date signed: 18 May 2001
Foundation (dated 31 Augusl2000)
Amendmenllo the ConsuIlary Agreement let1Erentered into by and Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Textile Research
between the U.P.Pressand the Ford Foundation (dated 31Augusl2000) Institute (PfRI)
The agreement is beingrenewed for another year from I Ianuary to Memorandum of Agreemenl entered into by and between U.P.
31 December2001. All the other terms and conditions remain the same. Dillman and the Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI)
Note: The agreement refrrs to the translation and publication in book fonn of Project: Apprenticeship Training Course for the College of Home
'Sa Nga"," Ilg IIlO: 100 Toan ngTulang Feminista sa Pilipinas" (In the Economics 55 Oothing Technology students on a per semester
Name of the Mother: 100 Years of Feminist Poetry in the Philippines) basis
U.P. Dillman

Memorandum of Agreement with the National Commission for

a. Subject to availability of staff and other resources, its rules and
regulations, PTRI shall:
I) Conduct the Apprenticeship Training Course on "Textile and
Culture and the Arts (NCCA) Apparel Testing";
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. 2) Provide U.P. Diliman with competent and qualified trainers;
Dillmanand the National Commissionfor Culture and the Arts (NCCA) 3) Issue Certificates of Apprenticeship to participants who have
Project: Casebook on Arts and Culture Management completed at least 75% of the training period; and
Proponent: College of BusinessAdininistration 4) Infonn U.P. Dillmanof the commencementof the Apprenticeship
Particulars: Training at least two (2)weeks before ils scheduled date.
a. The NCCA shall: b. U.P. Dillman, through its College of Home Economics, shall:
I) releasein favor of U.P.Diliman, through the Proponent, the total I) Assure the participants' payment of training fees at the start of
amount of PSOO,OOO.OO as scheduled. the Apprenticeship Training; and
b. U.P. Dillman, through the Proponent, shall: 2) Confirm ils participation one (I) week prior to commencement
I) deduct 10% withholding lax on all honoraria and personal of the Apprenticeship Training.
services,3% VATfor the purchase oSuppliesand materials, 6% Effictivity: Upon the date of signing by both parties until its full
VATforservicesrendered bycontractors,and 5% VAT for rentals; implementation but not to exceed a period of 3 years
2) act as the lead implementor for the project; Date signed: 18 May 2001
3) be primarily responsible for hiring and supervising the project

personnel, and providing the required supplies, materials, Memorandum of Agreement wilh the University of California (UC)
equipment, suitable officespace and the like; Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
4) coordinateregularly with NCCAstaffin the implementationand Dillman and the University of Callfornia (UC)
evaluation of the project; and Project: Exchangeof students
5) render and submit all reports and statements requiredunder the PartiClllars:
Agreement a. During the 2001-2002 U.P. academic year, and for each semester of
Effictivity: From 9 November 2000until 8 November 2001 each year during the three-term of the Agreement, not more than 75
Date signed: 5 March 2001 regularlyenrolled students of the UniversityofCallfornia mayenroll
at U.P. under the terms of the Agreement. It is understood that
Copyright Agreement with the National Commissionfor Culture and enrollment at U.P. includes enrollment in available academic
the Arts (NCCA) internshipsand communityservicearranged through and supervised
Copyright Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Dillman through U.P.; participation in such internships in lieu of the second
and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) semester of regular study (mid-October to mid-December of each
Project: Co-ownership of copyright to the project "Casebook onArts and year) is understood by the parties tobe an integral pari of the planned
Culture Management" academic program for UC students.
Proponent: Collegeof BusinessAdininistration b. In exchange, U.P may propose members of their academic or
Effictivity: Upon the execution by both parties for a period of 3 years administrativestaff to come to the University of Californiafor either
Date signed: 15 May 2001 one UC quarter, one semester, or one academic year as visiting
scholars with financial support provided by the University of
Memorandum of Agreement with BaguioColleges Foundation (BCF) California as stipulated in Paragraph 10 of the Agreement. The
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. number of such visiting scholars to be sent each year shall be
Dillmanand BaguioColleges Foundation (BCF) determined in a timely annual consultation between the parties.
Project: Faculty exchange program c. Neither the UC nor V.P. shall collect any tuition, matriculation, or
Particulars: other fees from participating students or participating visiting
a. Upon written request by BCF approved by U.P. Diliman, U.P. scholars, or from their home university except as provided for in
Dillman shall permit faculty member(s)and/or academic personnel Paragraph 10 of the Agreement.
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 37

Effectivity: First day of September 2000 for 3 years the skills of the participating teachers in teaching. thinking and
Date signed: 28 February 2001 practical work.
3) The University, through UPEPO, shall provide a written report
Memorandum of Agreement with Kalayaan College (KC) of the Retooling Program within a reasonable time after it is
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. completed to the Office of the Governor of Bataan Province and
Dillman and Kalayaan College (KC) the Division Office in Bataan of the Department of Education,
Project: Engagement of services of faculty members and academic Culture and Sports.
personnelofU.P. Dillman to Kalayaan College for AY 2000-2001 b. Obligations of the Bataan Province:
Partiallars: 1) Bataan Province shall provide the amount of Pl,595,770.00 for
a. Specific authorization from the Office of the Chancellor of V.P. the development and conduct of the Retooling Program;
Dillman or her duly-designated official, as the case may be, shal1 be Provided however, that the said amount shall cover and answer
required before each faculty member or academic personnel from for the expenses provided in "Budget for Retooling Program"
U.P. may teach in KC. prepared by the University; Provided furthermore, that the
b. The authorization to be given to each faculty member or academic aforesaid amount shall be given in full by the Bataan Province
personnel, whether original or renewal, shall be for a period not to the University upon signing of the Agreement.
exceeding one (1) semester in each instance. In no case shall the 2) Bataan Province shall be solely responsible for ensuring the
length of service for each authorization go beyond the term of this attendance of the participating teachers.
Agreement. c. Obligations of the SBMA:
e. Noauthorization shallbeissuedwithouttheconcurrence oftheDean 1) SBMAshall provide the venues of the Retooling Program and the
and Chair of the Department or unit concerned and the written accommodations of the participating teachers and UPEPO's staff.

consent of the faculty member or academic personnel whose services 2) SBMA shall provide audio-visual equipment such as overhead
are being requested. and/ or LCD projectors, sound systems, computers, and such
d. The maximum permissible load of each faculty member or academic other teaching aids as may be needed in the Retooling Program.
personnel of V.P. in KC shall not exceed six (6) units per semester. 3) SBMA shall provide transportation to bring the participants and
e. Service by V.P. faculty member or academic personnel in KC shall instructors from their quarters to the seminar venue and vice
be rendered outside the regular office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 versa. It shall also provide transportation to convoy the
noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday; provided, that participants and instructors to any place that may be required in
exceptions may be allowed by the Chancellor in meritorious cases. the Retooling Program.
. It is expressly understood that the involvement of a faculty member Effectivity:Upon signing by the parties and its confirmation by the Board
or academic personnel of V.P. in KC shall not interfere with or of Regents for a period of 2 years
prejudice his or her regular and other responsibilities, ongoing Date signed: 23 May 2001
projects or programs, and that permission granted may be withdrawn
by the Office of the Chancellor of U.P. Diliman if the exigencies of Memorandum of Agreement with the Provincial Government of
the service so require. Advance notice of at least thirty (30) days Zambales (Zambales Province) and the Subic Bay Metropolitan
shall be given to KC before the withdrawal takes effect. Authority (SBMA)
g. U.P. faculty members and academic personnel rendering service in Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
KC shall not assume any administrative functions in KC. Dillman, the Provincial Government of Zambales (Zambales Province)
Effedivihj: Term of 2 years from date of execution and the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA)
Date signed: 21 May 2001 Project: Retooling Program

Note: The Board clarified that tI" terms of the Agreement slJaIl apply oalyto Particulars:
regular facrtlty members of the University. Professorial lecturers, a. Obligations of the University:
therefore, are not covered by this Agreement. 1) The University through the University of the Philippines
The Board agreed thatsubsequent agreeme11 is of this nature should Extension Program in Olongapo (UPEPO), shall develop and
contain all tile above terms andconditions. conduct a Retooling Program for the elementary and high school
teachers of Zambales Province in any or all of the following areas:
Memorandum of Agreement with the Provincial Government of Elementary Science, Elementary Mathematics, High School
Bataan (Bataan Province) and the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority Mathematics, Etementary English, High School English, High
School Biology, High School Chemistry, and High School
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and among V.P. Phvsics. The Retooling Program schedule shall be on the
Dillman, the Provincial Govenunent of Bataan (Bataan Province) and Se~estral Break SY 2001-2002, the exact date of which shall be
determined by the University and Zambales Province in a
the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA)
separate Memorandum of Agreement.
Project: Retooling Program
2) The Retooling Program shall be for the purpose of upgrading
the skills of the participating teachers in teaching, thinking and
a. Obligations of the University: .. .
1) The University, through the University of the Philippines practical work.
3) The University, through UPEPO, shall provide a written re~~t
Extension Program in Olongapo (UPEPO), shall develop and
of the Retooling Program within a reasonable time after it 1S
conduct a Retooling Program for the elementary and high school
completed to the Office of the Governor of Zambales Province
teachers of Bataan Province in any or all of the following areas:
and the Division Office in Zambales of the Department of
Elementary Science, Elementary Mathematics, Hig~ Sch?ol
Education, Culture and Sports.
Mathematics, Elementary English, High School English, High
b. Obligations of Zambales Province:
School Biology, High School Chemistry, and High School 1) Zambales Province shall provide the amount of Pl,595,770 for
Physics. The Retooling Program schedule shal1 be on 28 May the development and conduct of the Retooling Program;
2001 to 3 June 2001. . Provided however, that the said amount shall cover and answer
2) The Retooling Program shall be for the purpose of upgrading
38 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

for the expenses provided in "Budget for Retooling Program" university which is felt to be desirable and feasible for the
prepared by the University. Provided furthermore, that the development and strengthening of cooperative relationships between
aforesaid amount shall be given in full by Zambales Province to the two institutions. However, any specific program shall besubject
the University upon signing of the Agreement to mutual consent, availability of funds, and approval of each
2) Zambales Province shall be solely responsible for ensuring the university. Such program may include:
attendance of the participating teachers. 1) Exchange of faculty members;
c. Obligations of 5MBA: 2) Exchange of students;
1) SBMA shali provide the venues of the Retooling Program and 3) joint research projects;
the accommodations of the partidpating teachers and UPEPO's 4) joint cultural programs; and
staff. 5) Joint conferences.
2) 5MBA shall provide audio-visual equipment such as overhead Effictivity: Upon approval by the parties for a period of 3 years
and/ or LCD projectors, sound systems, computers, and such Vate signed: 16 May 2001
other teaching aids as may be needed in the Retooling Program.
3) 5MBA shall provide transportation to bring the participants and Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Association of Food
instructors from their quarters to the seminar venue and vice Technologists, Inc. (PAFT)
versa. It shall provide transportation to convoy the participants Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
and instructors to any place that may be required in the Retooling Dillman and the Philippine Association of Food Technologists, Inc.
Program. (pAFT)
Effictivity: Effective upon the signing by the parties and its confirmation Praject: Food Safety and Quality Program for the Small and Medium
by the Board of Regents for a period of 2 years Scale Food Processing Industries

Vate signed: 13 june 2001 Implementing Unit: Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College
of Home Economics
Memorandum of Understanding with Taegu University (Kyungbuk, Particulars:
Korea) a. The P AFT shali:
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between U.P. 1) provide the necessary funds to finance the said program;
Dillman and Taegu University (Kyungbuk, Korea) 2) screen and select participants to the training programs from its
Project: Collaborative programs and fostering international cooperation roster of professional and industry/sustaining members; and
Particulars: 3) promote the adoption of the training programs by SMEs.
a. The parties agree to explore, encolUage, and facilitate programs and b. V.P. Dillman, through U.P.-CHE, VFSN and represented by Prof.
activities such as the following: Teresita P. Acevedo as the Program Director, shall:
1) Cultural awareness and mutual understanding; 1) conceptualize and develop the Project;
2) Cooperative academic programs; 2) undertake the implementation and over-all coordination of the
3) Language studies; and different phases of the Project as follows:
4) Other activities deemed appropriate. a) develop a core of trainers on food safety and quality properly
Effictivity: From the date of signing and shall be valid for a period of 3 trained and certified;
years b) develop training modules on food safety and quality
Vate signed: 28 May 2001 appropriate for SMEs in the Philippines; and
c) train small and medium processors and their workers on food
Extension of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Renardet S.N

safety and quality in priority areas in the country.
Louis Berger Group Consortium Effictivity: Upon signing by the parties until the completion of the project
Extension of the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and but not to exceed 3 years from the date of execution
between U.P. Diliman and the Renardet S.A/Louis Berger Group Vate signed: 4 May 2001
Project: Transfer of Technology and Expertise Component of the Escrow Agreement with Matrix Corporate Security and General
Consultancy Services of R/LBC (MWSS Public Performance Services (Agency) and the Development Bank of the Philippines
Audit System Project) (Escrow Agent)
Particulars: Escrow Agreement entered into by and among the University of
a. Both parties entered into a Memorandum of Agreement on 26 the Philippines, the Matrix Corporate Security and General Services
February 2001 which expired on 30 April 2001. The parties agreed (Agency) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (Escrow Agent)
to extend the Memorandum of Agreement for another 2 months or Subject: Escrow account
until 30 june 2001. Particulars:
b. All other terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement a. Ll.P. has engaged the services of the Agency under the Contract for
shall remain and continue to be in full force and effect and the Security Services. Pursuant to the Contract as security for the
Extension of Memorandum of Agreement is made an integral part Agency's compliance with the terms thereof, U.P. and Agency agree
for ali intents and purposes. to open an escrow account with the Escrow Agent to which the
Vate signed: 'Z1 February 2001 amount of Pl,2OO,OOO.00 shali be deposited, by the Agency. U.P.
and the Agency have requested the Escrow Agent to render services
Agreement of Cooperation with the Graduate School of International as such for the purpose stated, and the Escrow Agent has agreed to
Relations, The International University of Japan such request.
Agreement of Cooperation entered into by and between D.P. b. Upon the execution of the Agreement, the Agency shall deliver in
Dillman and the Graduate School of International Relations, The escrow to the Escrow Agent the principal amount of Pl,200,OOO.OO
International University of japan Philippine Currency.
Project: Academic and cultural interchange cooperation Effictivity: Upon the date of execution until the Escrow Deposit shall be
Particulars: fully released in accordance with paragraph 3 of the agreement
a. The areas of cooperation will include any program offered at either Vate signed: 4 june 2001
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 39

U.P. Los Bailos d. Both parties agreed to prepare jointly a yearly status report for
effective monitoring purposes.
Memorandum of Understanding with the College of Agricultural and Effectivity: From the date of signing within a minimum of six months
Life Sciences (CALS), University of Wisconsin - Madison prior to the expiration note
Memorandum ofUnderstanding entered into by and between U.P. Date signed: 28 November 2000
Los Bartos and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CAlS),
University of Wisconsin - Madison Two Separate Memoranda of Understanding with the Philippine
Project: Cooperation in the areas of education, research and other Society of Animal Nutritionists (PHILSAN)
activities Two Separate Memoranda of Understanding entered into by and
Particulars: between U.P. Los Banos with the Philippine Society of Animal
The parties agree as follows: Nutritionists (PHILSAN)
a. Undergraduate Student Exchange a. Memorandum of Understanding No.1
1) The principal form of cooperation shall be exchange of Project: Establishment and maintenance of PHllSAN undergraduate
undergraduate or graduate students between the two institutions. scholarship grant in the College of Agriculture
2) The porpose of each student exchange will be to enable students Project Cost: A grand total of P53,OOO (for one grantee) to cover the
to take classes but not to study for a degree at the host institution. basic yearly expenditures, one summer session and
Coursespassed at the host institution will normally be accepted additional expenditures in the last year, plus
for credit towards the degree at the candidate's home institution administrative cost of 15 percent
in which hel she is enrolled. Particulars:
3) Participants in the program will initially be drawnfrom theCAlS I) The scholarship grant shall be utilized to provide full support
at UW, and the UPLB Colleges of Agriculture, Economics and until graduation to one scholar every year who is enrolled in the

Management, Arts and Sciences, and Forestry and Natural

Resources, at the discretion of the two institutions. While
students enrolled in other colleges may participate, acceptance
priority will be given to students enrolled in the abovementioned
4) Rules and regulations regarding the student exchange are
detailed in the Memorandum of Agreement.
UPLB College of Agriculture as junior student pursuing the
degree of B.s. in Agriculture major in animal science with
specialization in animal nutrition. The grantee must meet the
qualification requirements under the Agreement;
2) Competitive examination and interview will be conducted by
the Scholarship Committee. UPLB shall advise the Grantor in
writing regarding the name and address as well as the courses
b. Exchange of Graduate Students, Research Scholars and Faculty of the successful candidates. UPLB shall then notify in writing
1) The exchange of graduate students will be negotiated on a year- each grantee of his/her selection. The decision of the UPLB shall
to-year basis depending on the willingness of faculty to supervise be final and not reviewable or appealable elsewhere.
research programs and on available funding. 3) Each grantee shall continue to enjoy the scholarship until
2) The length of time of exchange shall be determined before each graduation from UPLB, provided he satisfies the requirements
faculty or research scholar leaves the home institution. Exchange under the Agreement. In case of complete termination of the
faculty may be involved in independent or joint research and/ scholarship grant, the vacated grant shall become available to a
or teaching subject to mutual approval of the parties and faculty qualified UPLB student, selected in accordance with the criteria
involved and available funding. provided, who may enroll a student to fill in the vacated slot.
Effrctivihl' Upon signing by the parties until the end of Academic Year 4) The Grantor binds itself to remit at the start of every school year
2002-2003 (May 2003) the sum ofP39,lOO for one grantee actually enrolled in the junior

Date signed: 27 April 2001 year of the college course and the sum ofP46,100 for one grantee
actually enrolled in his last year of the said course. The Grantor
Memorandum of Agreement with the ASEANKorea Environmental will also provide P6,900 for one summer session. UPLB shall
Cooperation (AKECU), Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea deposit the said amount in a bank and the grantee shall withdraw
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P. Los the necessary amount therefrom in accordance with UPLB
Bailos and the ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation (AKECU), regulations. Upon dosing of each semester, UPLB shall send to
Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea the Grantor a statement of expenditures from the trust fund.
Project: Establishment of cooperative research relationship between the 5) At the end of the semester the Grantees shall submit individual
two institutions in the field of restoration of degraded forest report on the progress of their work to the Grantor thru the Dean.
ecosystem in the Southeast Asian tropical region A final report shall besubmitted on the completion of the research
Pamadars: covered by the grant.
a. Subject to availability of fonds and the approval of the AKECU Effrctivity: The PHllSAN Undergraduate Scholarship Grant takes
Project Leader and the UPLB Chancellor, both parties shall endeavor effect beginning the second semester of school year 2000-
to develop the following areas of cooperation: 2001. It may be revised or altogether terminated by the
1) Exchanging visits of scientists for a short, medium or long period Grantor upon written notice to the Dean of the College of
Agriculture at least three months prior to the end of any
of time to pursue cooperative research;
school year operation. The scholarship grant may likewise
2) Exchanging information and basic data on the research site, i.e.
be terminated by the UPLB on written notice at any time,
the experimental forest of the UPLB located at Mt. Makiling;
upon initiation of the said Dean if, by reason of
3) Organizing joint conferences, seminars and symposia; and
unforeseen developments, the welfare of the U.P. System
4) Co-publication of cooperative research results.
will best be served by such termination.
b. Both institutions agree that all specific arrangements are to be
Date signed: 10 May 2001
negotiated and are dependent on the availability of ~ds. AKE~U
agrees to provide financial assistance to UPLB as implementing
b. Memorandum of Understanding No.2
agency of the on-site field research. . . Project: Establishment and maintenance of the graduate thesis
c. On-site field research activities will take place m Korea and m the scholarship grant in the College of Agriculture
40 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.2

Project Cost: A grant of P3S,OOO for one grantee to cover expenditures 2) Serve as the coordinator-secretariat for the research undertaking,
for the conduct of research, reproduction of manu- and take the lead in organizing, analyzing and synthesizing the
scripts, and contingencies, including administrative cost research reports from various sues induded in the project; and
at 15 percent of the total grant 3) Prepare and reproduce the final report and the manuscript for
Particulars: possible publication in reputable journals.
1) The thesis grant shall be utilized to support one scholar every c. The respective SUCS shall:
year who is enrolled in the UPLB pursuing the degree of Master 1) Participate in the conceptualization and finalization of the
of ScienceMajor in Animal Science with specialization in Animal research project; and conduct the study in accordance with the
Nutrition. The granteemust meet thequalification requirements agreed upon research design and methodology;
under the MOD. 2) Share the needed resources, e.g. human resources, supplies and
2) Application forms may be obtained from the UPLB Office of materials, travel, expenses, etc., in the conduct of research; and
Student Affairs and filed with PHILSAN Committee on 3) Submit final research reports to CDC and participate in
Scholarship for preliminary screening. Applicants will then be workshops and seminars on this research undertaking.
endorsed. to the UPLB Scholarship Committee for competitive Effrctivity: 2 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
examinations and interviews. The UPLB shall advise in writing Date signed: 28 May 2001
the Grantor of the narne and address of the successful candidate,
and then notify in writing the grantee of his selection. The U.P. College Baguio
decision of the UPLB shall be final and not reviewable or
appealable elsewhere. Memorandum of Agreement with Saint Louis University
3) The Grantor binds itself to remit at the start of the school year Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.

the sum of P35,OOO for one grantee actually enrolled in the College Baguio and Saint Louis University
covered graduate course. UPLB shall deposit the said amount Project: Assistance by the University to Saint Louis University in the field
in a bank and the grantee shall withdraw the necessary amount of Philosophy
therefrom in accordance with UPLB regulations. Particulars:
4) The grantee shall make individual report on the progress of his The parties agreed as follows:
work, grades obtained and research made at the end of the a. On request by Saint Louis University, the University of the
semester, to be submitted to the Grantor thru the Dean. A final Philippines shall pennit Prof. Julius Mendoza of the Discipline
copyshall besubmitted on the completion of the research covered of Philosophy, Social5ciences Division of U.P. College Baguio
by the grant. to serve in the former institution as lecturer for the First Semester
Effrctivity: The PHlLSAN Graduate Thesis Grant takes effect AY 2001-2002;
beginning the first semester of school year 2001-2002. b. Faculty and/ or personnel of the U.P. College Baguio serving in
It may be revised or altogether terminated by the Saint Louis University shall be given reasonable compensation
Grantor upon written notice to the Dean of the Graduate by the latter institution, in accordance with its salary
School at least three months prior to the end of any school administration plan, policies and rules; Provided, that the faculty
year operation. The scholarship grant may likewise be and! or academic personnel given teaching assignments at the
terminated by the UPLB on written notice at any time, Saint Louis University be appointed thereat to ranks equivalent
upon initiation of the said Deanif, by reason of unforeseen to those in the University of the Philippines;
developments, the welfare of the U.P. System will be best c. Saint Louis University shall furnish U.P. College Bagnio a copy
served by such termination. of the appointment issued, or contract of employment executed,

Date signed: 10 May 2001 as the case may be, for each faculty member or academic
personnel; and
Separate Memoranda of Understanding with several Slate Universities d. Any advertisement/ announcement in both print and non-print
and Colleges (SUCs) issued by Saint Louis University on the course offering(s) handled
Separate Memoranda of Understanding entered into by and by U.P. College Baguio faculty should include a notation/
between U.P. Los Banos and the following State Universities and Colleges acknowledgment "Visiting Professor from U.P. College Baguio" in
(SUCS): recognition of the home unit of the V.P. College Baguio faculty.
Central Luzon State University (CLSU) Effedivity: First Semester Academic, Year 2001-2002 commencing from
The Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology the signing by the parties
(DOSCST) through the Department of Development Date signed: 13 June 2001
Communication (DOC)
The IsabelaState University Other Selected Contracts{Agreements
The Mariano Marcos State University
The Pablo Borbon Memorial Institute of Technology (pBMI1) The Board noted the following selected contracts/ agreements:
The Visayas State College of Agriculture (ViSCA)
Project; Research on the teaching and practice of development Note: These contracts/agreements have gone through thestandard Ulriversity
communication in the Philippines processes from the Constituent Universities (CUs) concerned and the
Particulars: University System. In cases tuhere there were irregularities or
a. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognizes the UPLB inconsistencies witll present laws, rules, regulations andprocesses, the
College of Development Communication as the Center of Excellence documents were returned for review of or to exact compliance by the
in Communication and should take the lead in developing a concerned CU.
proactive development communication curriculum for schools
offering the program. U.P. Diliman
b. UPLB, through its College of Development Communication (CDC)
shall: Memnrandum of Agreement with the Philippine National Bank (PNB)
1) Spearhead the project in collaboration with seven sues in the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P.
Philippines offering devcom CUDiculum; DiIiman and the Philippine National Bank (PNB)
April- June 2001 D.P:GAZETTE 41

5enJjas:Effidenl banking service (payroll) for U.P. Dillman's employees the Republlc to"settle with finality the issue on the University President's
and students through PNll's Automated Teller Machine (ATM) continued stay in office above 65 years old - the compulsory retirement
Particulars: age."
U.P. Dillman makes available to PNB, free of charge, a portion each Before clarifying the core legal issues, the University General
of U.P. Dillman College at Engineering. College of Science and College Counsel pointed out the following:
of Education Buildings, each with floor area of 4.64 sq.m., more or less, 1. The letter is based on mistaken factual premises.
to be used as the site of PNB' 5 ATM units. The unknown leaders-of ACVP assume that -
Effectivity: Three (3) years from the date of execution of the Agreement "Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, our U.P. President, turned 65
Dare signed: 15 May 2000 years old on February 9, 2000. Therefore, he reached
the compulsory age of retirement. But to the surprise
Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Textile Research of many people in the university, he continued serving
Institute (PTRI) as U.P. President We learned later that it was because
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. of the extension granted by President Joseph Estrada.
Dillman and the Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) But that extension was only from February 9, 2000 to
Project: Technical assistance from PTRI for the repair/rehabilitation of February 9, 2001. To our knowledge, your office has
looms in CHE' 5 crafts laboratory not extended his appointment. We also know that only
Service Fee: PIO,SOO.OO members of constitutional commissions and cabinet
Particulars: secretaries are allowed by them to serve beyond 65 years
a. PTRI shall repair/rehabilitate four (4) units of looms. old."
b. U.P. Diliman, through U.P.-CHE, shall supply the labor requirements The fact is that a Memorandum from the Executive secretary

(2 carpenters) and the necessary materials for the rehabilitation as dated June 16, 2000 informing the University that Dr. Francisco
specified by PTRI. Nemenzo's services as faculty had been extended beyond
Effectivity: Upon signing by the parties until completion of the project February 9, 2000to the date he reaches 70 years old or on February
Date signed: 18 May 2001 9,2005, exists. This is pursuant to law. It is not, therefore, true
that the President of the Republic only extended the current
Memorandum of Agreement with Globe Telecom, Inc. incumbent V.P. President's faculty tenure for one year.
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. 2. The letter is addressed to the wrong forum.
Diliman and Globe Telecom. Inc. The Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines
Services: Globe Telecom Subscribers Access to V.P. Dillman's Service cannot resolve let alone "resolve with finality:' the issue relating
website and WML.file to the legitimacy of the incumbent Ll.P. President's continued
Particulars: stay in office. The letter should have been addressed to the Board
a. Globe Telecom and U.P. Dliman shall install and maintain a facility of Regents of the University.
to allow SHORT MESSAGE Service (SMS) access to U.P. Dillman's The President of the Philippines participates in the
web server which will enable community members of U.P. Dillman governance of the University of the Philippines only through (a)
who are Globe Telecom subscribers (Members) to retrieve the appointment of some members of the Board of Regents, (b)
Information on their mobile telephone on demand (Service). the recommendation of the budgetof the University to Congress,
b. Upon the installation of the Facility, U.P. Dliman shall be responsible (c) the exercise of her visitorial powers.
for development and preparation of all system, operation and process It is the Board of Regents that elects the U.P. President and
flows for the improvement of the Service. It is understood, however, governs the University.

that all programs developed independently by each party shall be Nothing in the Charter of the University allows the President
the exclusive property of the respective party. of the Republic to determine the tenure of the U.P. President.
A list of service/ applications that can be availed of using the While she supervises the actions of the University of the
Community Keyword shall be provided to Globe Telecom by U.P. Philippines, subject to the constitutional requirements of
Diliman prior to activation of any service/application on the web academic freedom. she does not control the actions of the Board
server by U.P. Diliman. of Regents, let alone the V.P. President.
c. U.P. Dillman guarantees that the Service shall be non-profit and/ or 3. The normative premises are incomplete.
for non-commercial purposes only. The information of the members of the Alliance of Concerned
Price: The installation of the Facility and/ or the grant of the Community U.P. Personnel (ACUP) with respect to the terms of public officials
keyword by Globe Telecom to U.P. Dilimanshall be free of charge. is inaccurate. It is not true that "only members of constitutional
U.P. Diliman acknowledges that all additional traffic and the commissions and cabinet secretaries are allowed by law to serve
corresponding revenue generated by the Service shall be credited beyond 65 years old."
Several opinions of the Department of Justice conclude that
to Globe Telecom.
Effectivity: 12 months commencing on 1 February 2001 Presidents of State Universities may continue to serve even after
they have reached the age of 65 for so long as their term has not
Date signed: 2 March 2001
yet expired. Memorandum Circular No. 37, s. 1992 of the Civil
OTHER MATIERS Service Commission also provides:
"The mandatory retirement age of 65 applies to all
officials and employees in the govemment except those
Letter of the Alliance of Concerned U.P. Personnel (ACUP) to the
identified as elective officials, Chairmen and Members
President of the Philippines Concerning the Tenure of the Incumbent
of Commissions and Boards with fixed tenn of office,
Ll.P. President Secretaries and other officials of Cabinet rank and other
Chairman Garcia informed the Board that an unsigned letter
political appointees ..."
purportedly coming from the Alliance of Concerned U.P. Personnel
(ACUP) has been referred to her as Chairman of the Board of Regents
This is the same result arrived at by the Civil Service
by Senior Deputy Executive secretary Waldo Q. Flores, for c~mment
Commission in similar cases.
and recommendation. This letter requests the Office of the President of

It is the position of the University General Counsel that the There is nothing in the Charter that statutorily
letter of ACUP raises no genuine issue. However, to put the requires the President to be a member of the faculty.
issue to rest, he renders the following opinion, for the record Although, in the governance of the University, the Board
and for the information of the Board of Regents, on the legal of Regents may require that those eligible for the
bases of the continued service of the incumbent U.P. President. position of President, may need 10be a faculty member.
1. The power 10appoint the U.P.Presidentis statutorily granted Even if the elected U.P. President is a faculty member,
to the Board of Regents. he still needs to be appointed 10both offices.
The Board of Regents, through the University Code, did When the Board of Regents considered the
set a definite term for the President when it provided in appointment of the incumbent President, it should be
Section34 of the said Code that - presumed that it already had knowledge of the
"Leadership in the University System is incumbent's age. Byappointing Dr. FranciscoNemenzo
vested in the President who shall be the chief to a six-year term on June 30, 1999, it did so with this
executive officer of the University. He shall be knowledge. It further confirmed this appointment
elected, and his compensation shall be fixed by the through its resolution during its 1139th meeting on
Board of Regents for a term of six years counted February 17, 2000.
from the date of his election, without prejudice 10 The incumbent U.P. President has been elected by
subsequent reelections for like terms and until his the Board of Regents and appointed to a full six-year
successor shall have been elected or until he shall term to serve until he reaches the age of 70in accordance
have reached the age of seventy years." with the V.P. Code. He will be V.P. President until
The apparent issue with respect 10 the incumbent U.P. February 9, 2005. The President of the Philippines has

President arises out of an interpretation of the GSIS Law of also extended his term as faculty. Co-terminous with
1997, which provides that. "Unless the service is extended his term as U.P. President, he will still be Professor of
by appropriate authorities, retirement shall be compulsory PoliticalScienceuntil February 9, 2005. No mailer how
for an employee at sixty-five (65) years of age with at least the provisions of the Charter of the University are read,
fifteen (15) years of service; Provided, that if the employee Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, without doubt, is still the
has less than fifteen (15) years of service,he may be allowed incumbent President.
to continue in the service in accordance with existing civil Board action: The Board adopted the position of the University
service rules and regulations." General Counsel. The latter, however, was requested
The unnamed members of ACUPseem to assert that it is to expound on his invocation of academic freedom in
the President of the Philippines that is the "appropriate his Memorandum.
authority." They imply thalitis the President of the Republic Regent Marita V.T. Reyes suggested that the
that extends the term of the incumbent not as faculty but as University issue a carefully worded press release on this
U.P. President. matter, so that the community will understand why this
The law is dear. It is the Board of Regents that decides is being taken up by the Board.
who becomes U.P. President. It is the Board of Regentsthat On record, the ACUP letter was discussed in the
determines the term of the U.P. President. The "appropriate Board only because it was referred to the Chair by
authority" to extend the service of the incumbent as V.P. Malacafiang. Otherwise, it will just be ignored since it
President is its Board of Regents. When it is, however, the was unsigned and contained a non-issue.
tenure of the incumbent President as faculty that needs to be Note: President Nemenzo begged offfrom participating ill the discussion of

extended, the" appropriate authority" is the President of the thismatter. He requested to stepout before this matter was discussed .
Republic who can only act upon the recommendation of
the Board of Regents. Report of the Faculty Regent
There are important points to stress in arriving at this Dr. Marita V.T. Reyespresented 10the Board the followinginsights/
interpretation: reactions which she gained from her meetings with groups of faculty
1. The need 10read the provisions of the Charter of the members in the System (i.e., U.P. Manila, U.P. Dillman, U.P.Tacloban,
University in relation to the constitutional precept of Schoolof Health Sciences, etc.)during the first hall of her term as Faculty
academic freedom mandated for all institutions of Regent
higher learning. 1. Promotions
By allowing the Board to govern the University a. There should be two levels of criteria:
unhampered by politics, Congress through the Charter 1) basic criteria that can be applied to everybody
of the University recognizes that it left to its discretion systemwide
to choose its leadership and determine the manner in 2) special criteria that will be unique to units and
which its leaders will conduct their business. It might departments
just be that the legislature acknowledged the Board of b. The administration should regularize promotion.
Regents will recognize that with persons who live the 1) Facultymembersshould be evaluated regularly to serve
life of the mind, time is an ally of wisdom. Age, as basis when merit promotion funds become available.
therefore, nurtures experience and cultures c. Promotions should be kept transparent, the units should be
understanding so that it becomes a badge of academic informed back of results.
leadership rather than a deterrent.for public service. 2. Policies on Faculty
2. There is a difference in the concept of the incumbent a. The faculty would like to be informed of recent policies
beinga member of the faculty on the onehand and being affecting them
the V.P. President on the other. b. Review faculty credit load.
The V.P. President is a member of the Board 3. Study/Review of the "Up or Out" Rule
Regents. He acts as its Vice-Chair. He is the chief 4. Reviewof theFacultyDevelopmentPlan (careertrackingformula
administrator as well as the academic leader of the for determination of faculty items)
University. The D.P. President enjoys a fixed term.
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 43

5. Institutionalization of the Grievance Process the Boardthat he was consulted by the President of the Philippines
a. Creation of a University Ombudsman in connection with the appointment of Regent de Jesus.
6. Resolution of long standing administrative cases Regent de Jesus suggested that the above concerns be referred to
7. On the composition of the Board of Regenls an appropriate office/body which should make recommendations to
a. Inclusion of a representative from the administrative sector the Board. The Chair suggested that these matters should be referred
b. Inclusion ofa FacultyRegentwith a three-yeartermin addition first to the President who will start the process.
to the Faculty Regent which is rotated among the CUs.
c. Participation of university constituents in the selection of the Changein the schedule of the V.P. Manila Commencement Exercises
five (5) regents appointed by the President of the Republic. for SY 2001-2002 from 19 ApriI2002 to 18 April 2002
In connection with c above, President Nemenzo informed Note: The venue (PICq is """iloble on 18 April 2002 only.


U.P. Sy.tem Alejandro A. Gayagoy, Carpenter II, College of Human Kinetics,
effective 2 April 2001 (retiremenl)
Ariel N. Valerio, In/ormation Officer III, Information Office, Edilberto D. Guanzon, Mechanic IlL Officeof the Vice-Chancellor
effective I June 2001 (re'ignation) for Research and Development, effective 1 April 2001 (retiremmt)
Agustina Gutierrez, University Research Associate I, College of
V.P. Diliman Science,effective 31 May 2001 (resignation)

Luisito C. Dagan, University Research Associate I, Marine Science

Anselmo D. Almazan, Associate Professor 6, College of Institute, College of Music, effective 16 May 2001 (resignation)
Engineering. effective 1 June 2001 (retiremenl) Marilou R. Lim, Assistant Professor, College of Home Economics,
Ma. Sonia Andres, Instructor I, College of Science, effective 14 effective1 June 2001 (resignation)
June 2001 (resignation) Telesforo W. Luna, jr., Professor 12, College of SocialSciencesand
Armida M. Azada,lnstructor I, Collegeof Arts and Letters,effective Philosophy, effective 1 June 2001 (",tiremenl)
I June 2001 (resignatioll) Maria Lourdes G. Macatulad,lnstructor 1, College of Engineering.
Kristina Benitez, Assistant Professor,Collegeof Music,effective1 effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
June 2001 (resignation) Casimiro V. Mlranda,Jr., Professor2, SchoolofF.conomics, effective
Israel G. Benlil1o, AssociateProfessor5, CollegeofScience, effective 1 June 2001 (re_l)
I June 2001 (retirement) Rhoddora D. Monte, Assistant Professor, College of Science,
Angela Faith Bernardo, Instructor, College of Science,effective 1 effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
June 2001 (resigllatioll) Elfsa G. Orap, Data Entry Machine Operator III, Office of the
Lourdes C. Brillantes, Associate Professor 2, College of Arts and University Registrar, effective 14 June 2001 (retiremenl)
Letters, effective 1 June 2001 (retirement) Art G. Pagar, Assistant Professor, U.P.lntegrated School, effective
Anna Marie A. Briones, University Research Associate L 30 May 2001 (resignation)
Archeologica1Studies Program, effective 2 May 2001 (resignation) Manuela M. Pagangan, Cashier Ill, Cash Office, effective 17 June
Althea R. Buenconsejo, Nurse 1, University Health Service, 2001 (retirement)
effective 16 May 2001 (resigllation) Rica G. Panganiban, Professor 4, College of Science, effective 1

Randolf M. Bustamante, Assistant Professor, College of Arts and June 2001 (retire_t)
Letters, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) Jaypee Pangilinan, Supply Officer, College of Mass
Maria Luisa S. Casale, University Research Associate I, College of Communication, effective 9 April 2001 (resigllatiolf)
Music,effective1 May 2001 (res;gnntioPl) Lorraine A. Paranque,Guidance ServicesAssociate, U.P. Integrated
Florinda P. Concepcion, University Research Associate I. Natural School, effective 1 June 2001 (resignati01')
ScienceResearch Institute, effective 10 May 2001 (resignation) Christine L PariaI, Instructor I, U.P. Integrated School,effective I
Thelma G. Coronado, Administrative Officer Ill, College of Mass June 2001 (resignation)
Communication, effective 9 May 2001 (relirem...t) Domingo T. PJaciego, Utility Worker II, College of Business
Herminio M. Cuevas, Utility Worker II, College of SocialSciences Administration, effective 12 May 2001 (retiremenl)
and Philosophy, effective 25 April 2001 (retirement) Celeste Aida S. Reglno, Instructor 1, College of Science,effective
Elaine G. De Belen, Instructor I, College of Engineering. effective 30 May 2001 (resignation)
1 June 2001 (resignation) LazaroN. Sael, CledtIV, College of Lew, effective 24June2001 (retirement)
Andrea M. Edang. Administrative Officer Ill, Vargas Museum, Erlinda E. Salamante, University Research Associate I, College of
effective 1 June 2001 (retirement) Science, effective 31 May 2001 (resignation)
Aida R. Eustaquio, Assistant Professor 2, D.P. Integrated School, Serafin L Salonga, Meter Reader Ill, Officeof the Vice-Chancellor
College of Education, effective 1 June 2001 (retiremenf) for Administration, effective6 April 2001 (dealh)
Petra M. Fortes. Records Officer1, Department of Military Science Melvin N. Salta, Instructor, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1
and Tactics, effective 1 May 2001 (dealh) June 2001 (resignation)
Manuel A. Funtanilla, UtilityWorker II,National Collegeof Public Herminia H. Santos, Associate Professor 5, Institute of Library
Administration and Governance, effective 5 June 2001 (retirement) Science,effective1 June 2001 (retire_I)
Elvira R. Galvez, ScienceEducation SpecialistV,NlSMED, effective Maranatha Consuelo L Serrano, Instructor I, College of Science,
effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
8 May 2001 (retirement)
Fe C. Garcia, Professor 1, College of Education, effective 14 June Rovelyn U. Tepee, Instructor I, College of Science, effective 30 April

2001 (retiremellt)
2001 (resignation)
Luzviminda B. Valencia, Professor 10, College of Social Sciences
John Addy S. Garcia, University Research Associate I, Office of
the Vice-01ancellorforStudent Affairs,effective16May 2001 (resignation) and Philosophy, effective18 April 2001 (deatll)
44 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.2

Alfonso B. Villanueva, Audio-Visual Equipment Operator 1II, Sinesio M. Mariano, Professor 2, College of Forestry and Natural
College of Fine Arts, effective 1 [une 2001 (retirement) Resources, effective 1 June 2001 (optional retirement)
Salvacion E. Villavicencio, Assistant Professor, College of Ruvie Lou Maria C. Martinez, Instructor 1, College of Arts and
Education, effective -1 June 2001 (resignation) Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
Prancesca L Youlton, Jr.ScholarshipsOfficer,OfficeofScholarships Maynoll D. Montalbo, Instructor 2, College of Arts and Sciences,
and Student Services, effective 16 June 2001 (re~gllation) effective I June 2001 (resignaHOII)
Ma. Pamela P. Monterola, Instructor 2. College of Arts and Sciences,
U.P. Los Banos effective I June 2001 (resignatioll)
Rex L. Navarro, Associate Professor 3, College of Development
Fermin D. Adriano, Associate ProfessorS, College of Public Affairs, Communication, effective 1 May 2001 (resignation)
effective 30 April 2001 (opHollal retirement) Ma. Concepcion P. Dna, Assistant Professor 1, College of
Rafael A. Ambon, Reproduction Machine Operator III. College of Development Communication, effective 31 May 2001 (resignation)
Agriculture, effective 31 May 2001 (optiollal retirement) Elizabeth Martha S. Paterno, Assistant Professor 5, College of
Mario C. Angay, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, Economics Management, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
effective 15 June 2001 (resignation) Miguel 1. Pua, Supply Officer 11, College of Arts and Sciences,
Arthur R. Aftonuevo, Instructor I, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 18 June 2001 (opHOIIal retirement)
effective I June 2001 (resigllaHolI) Leopolda S. Rala, Security Officer 11, Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Carlita B. Balingbing, Weather Observer I, College of Engineering for Community Affairs, effective 5 April 2001 (optional retirement)
and Agro-lndustrial Technology, effective 30 June 2001 (resignaHolI) Margaret Lynn M. Ranada, Instructor I, College of Arts and
Ma. Regina N. Banatida, Instructor 2, College of Arts and Sciences, Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)

effective I June 2001 (resignaHon) Rubie G. Sajise, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Sciences,
Andy Z. Batangantang. Instructor 2, College of Arts and Sciences, effective I June 2001 (resignaHolI)
effective I June 2001 (resigllaHolI) Romeo E. Salcedo, Administrative Assistant, Graduate School,
Renata B. Brion, Management and Audit Analyst III, Office of the effective 22 April 2001 (optional retirement)
Vice-Chancellor for Administration, effective 1 April 2001 (optional Fernando F. Sanchez, Professor 12, College of Agriculture, effective
retirement) 30 May 2001 (optional retirement)
Mae P. Cababasay, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Patricia Maria C. Santiago, Instructor 1, College of Arts and
Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
Vicente C. Camilon, Sr., Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, Jose H. Santos, Associate Professor 2, College of Arts and Sciences,
effective 1 [une 2001 (resignation) effective 1 June 2001 (resignaHoilJ
Nina Consortia C. Carandang, Assistant Professor 1, College of Lyda B. Siopongco, University Research Associate 1, College of
Arts and Sciences, effective I April 2001 (opHollal retirement) Agriculture, effective 2 May 2001 (opHollal retirement)
Hernando C. Castanar, Heavy Equipment Operator II, College of Antonia V. Siriban, College Librarian Ill, College of Agriculture,
Agriculture, effective 8 April 2001 (optional retirement) effective 13 June 2001 (optional retirement)
Neil C. Concibido, Assistant Professor 1, College of Engineering Melanie Mavie R. Suguitan, Instructor 2, College of Arts and
and Agro-Industrial Technology, effective I June 2001 (resignatioll) Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
Gerardo C. David, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, John Patrick L. Tejada, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences,
effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) effective I June 2001 (resignaHolI)
Ulysses A. Diva, [r., Instructor 2, College of Arts and Sciences, Sabeniano D. Tidon, Household Attendant II, Office of the

effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) Chancellor, effective 10 June 2001 (optional retirement)
Alberto B. Espanola, Painter II, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Rosanna Luz F. Valerio, Instructor 3, College of Arts and Sciences,
Community Affairs, effective 4 May 2001 (opHonal retirement) effective I June 2001 (resigllaHoII)
Raquel A. Figueroa, Instructor 3, College of Engineering and Agro- Rowena F. Valerio, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and
Industrial Technology, effective I June 2001 (resignaHolI) Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (resignatioll)
Gndy Claire I. Flores, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, Fidela D. Villa, Assistant Professor 7, College of Agriculture,
effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) effective 30 April 2001 (opHonal retirement)
Geraldine O. Garzon, Instructor 2, College of Arts and Sciences, Antonio S. Villamor, Forest Technician I, College of Forestry and
effective 31 May 2001 (resignation) Natural Resources, effective 4 May 2001 (optional retirement)
Aileen C. Gonzales, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and Alejandro S. Villanueva, Farm Worker 11, College of Agriculture,
Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) effective 4 May 2001 (opHonal retirement)
Tito D. Guanizo, Driver II, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Jose c. Villegas, Driver II, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for
Research and Extension, effective 16 April 2001 (C01IIpulsory retirements Administration, effective 4 May 2001 (optional retirement)
Claudia P. Javier, University Research Associate I, Office of the Vicente Angel S. Ybiemas, Instructor 1, College of Arts and
Chancellor, effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) , Sciences, effective 1 june 2001 (resignation)
Percina D. Lamanilao, Project Development Officer II, Office of
the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective 13 June 2001 V.P. Manila
(optional retirement)
Jennifer O. Lorenzo, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, Rhodora I. Cabangbang, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 1 June 2001 (resignation) effective 25 June 2001 (dropped from the rolls)
Janette B. Loyola, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences, Edilberto F. Castillo, Administrative Officer III, effective 16 April
effective 31 May 2001 (resignation) 2001 (optional retirement)
John Philip V. Magbanua, University Research Associate 1, College Precious Sheryl V. Castro, Medical Officer III, Philippine General
of Arts and Sciences, effective 15 June 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 1 May 2001 (resignation)
Rodolfo L. Manaligod, Instructor 5, College of Arts and Sciences, Antonio R. Concepcion, Jr., Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 12 April 2001 (resignation) effective 19 April 2001 (death)
April- [une 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 45

Baby Liriu D, Crisostomo, Pharmacist IV, Philippine General Lorelei H. [allcrina, Teaching Assistant, Central Administration,
Hospital, effective 1 June 200l (resignahon) effective 1 May 2001 (expired appointment)
Juan c. Daza, Metal Worker It Philippine General Hospital, Charlie E. Labuda, Instructor 2, D.P. Tacloban College, effective 1
effective 1 June 2001 (deatlt) June 2001 (resignation)
Lilia C. De Jesus, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Hospital, Maria Edna Carolina C. Lee, Instructor 1, U.P. Cebu College,
effective 24 May 2001 (resignahon) effective1 June 2001 (dropped)
Christie C. De Leon, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Emeliza C. Lozada, Instructor 4, School of Technology, effective 1
Hospital, effective 25 April 2001 (resignatioll) June 2001 (expired appoinhnent)
Lyzander A. Dilag, Physical Therapist II, Philippine General Joselito Trandio P. Mendoza, Instructor 1, College of Arts and
Hospital, effective16 May 2001 (resignation) Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (expired appointment)
Zando Escultura, University Research Associate I, effective30June Scarlet M. Napud, Instructor I, College of Arts and Sciences,
2001 (resignahon) effective 1 June 2001 (expired appointmellt)
Edgardo R.Espejo, Utility Worker II,Philippine General Hospital, Angelita N. Nualla, Nurse II, Central Administration, effective 22
effective 6 June 2001 (dropped from tile rolls) May 2001 (expired appoinhnent)
Donabel M.Idayan, Nurse II,Philippine GeneralHospital, effective Teresita M. Nuftal, Assistant Professor 7, College of Arts and
23 May 2001 (resignahon) Sciences, effective1 June 2001 (retimnelll)
Leo M. Ismael, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Hospital, Annia Cristina U. Olan, Instructor 3, U.P. Cebu College, effective
effective10 April 2001 (resignahon) 1 June 2001 (resignahon)
Bebelita C. Lagman, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective Rommel R. Rosito, Instructor 5, D.P. Cebu College,effective1June
17 June 2001 (resignation) 2001 (resigllaholl)

Emelita S. Manalang, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, Florentino S. Sarabia, Shipmaster, College of Fisheries and Ocean
effective 30 June 2001 (resignahon) Sciences, effective15 June 2001 (deatlt)
Jacob Z. Mapagdalita, Utility Worker I, Philippine General Mary Therese D. Serana, Instructor 1, U,P. Cebu College, effective
Hospital, effective 9 June 2001 (resignation) 1 June 2001 (expired appointment)
Concepcion B. Micosa, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, Ma. Regena T. Singson, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences,
effective 18 June 2001 (resigJlatioll) effective 1 June 2001 (expired appointment)
Gemma S. Napenas, Nurse II,Philippine GeneralHospital,effective Derick Eel P. Sumalapao, Instructor I, College of Arts and Sciences,
30 [une 2001 (resignation) effective5 June 2001 (resigllahon)
Carlo Elmer T. Panaligan, Occupational Therapist III, Philippine Francis RayM. Talam, Instructor 2, V.P. Cebu College, effective 1
General Hospital, effective 20 May 2001 (resigllaholl) June 2001 (resigllahon)
Aileen B.Pascual, Medical OfficerIll, Philippine General Hospital, Roden J. Ugang, Instructor 1, U.P. Cebu College, effective 1 June
effective 16 April 2001 (resignahon) 200l (resignahon)
Marielle G. Pasia, Data Entry Machine Operator I, effective9 April Danny A. Umacob, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences,
2001 (deatlt) effective 1 June 2001 (expired appointment)
Rickylito G. Perena, Utility Worker I, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 21June 2001 (dropped from the rolls) U.P. Mindanao
Ramiro Saldi, Laboratory Aide II,effective 1 April 2001 (resignahon)
Beaver R. Tameais, Medical Specialist II (part-hlne), Philippine Elisea A. Adem, Assistant Professor 3, College of Humanities and
General Hospital, effective 31 May 2001 (resignahon) Soda! Sciences,effective1 June 2001 (noli-renewal)

Rene VicturI. valderas, Draftsman II, effective 1 May2OO1 (resignation) Fedeserio C. Camarao, Professor 3, School of Management, effective
Porlinia C. Yasay,Laboratory Technidan Ill, effective16 April 2001 29 March 2001 (transfer to TUP)
(resignation) Gloria C. Camarao, Professor 3, College of Science and
Mathematics, effective 1 June 2001 (transfer to TUP)
U.P. Visayas Leonardo A. Chua, Professor 7, College of Humanities and Social
Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (non-renewal)
Gloricris C. Abbu, Assistant Professor 2, D.P. Cebu College, Antor dR. Confesor, Assistant Professor 1, College of Science and
effective1 June 2001 (resigllaho,,) Mathematics, effective 1 June 2001 (noli-renewal)
Frederick C. Amores, Instructor 1, U.P. Cebu College, effective 1 Rodulfo N. Cuba, Assistant Professor 7, School of Management,
June 2001 (resigllatio,,) effective1 June 2001 (non-renewal)
Joel 0. Bihag, Laboratory Technidan 1, U.P.Cebu College,effective Evelyn Cubelo, University Research Associate 1, College of
1 May 2001 (rehreme"t) Humanities and Social Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (/loll-renewal)
AugustoP. Berra,Instructor5,CollegeofManagement, effective 1 Lyre Anni T. Espada, Instructor 3, College of Science and
June 2001 (expiredappointJneJlt) Mathematics, effective 1 June 2001 (non-renewal)
Emesto S. Bnrromeo, Associate Professor 5, College of Arts and Heidi K. Gloria, Associate Professor 1, College of Humanities and
Social Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (non-renewal)
Sciences,effective 9 June 2001 (retirement)
Rhoda P. Braganza, Instructor 3, College of Arts and Sciences, Edeline P. Gumagda, University Research Associate 1, School of
Management effective 1 January 2001 (non-renewal)
effective 1 June 2001 (resignation)
Elnora A. Cabalfin, Professor 3, College of Arts and Sciences, Arian J. [actldo, Instructor 1, College of Science and Management,
effective 1 June 2001 (non-renewal)
effective 1 June 2001 (retirement)
Marianette Mesias, Instructor 1, College of Science and
Pepita M. Fernandez, Sr., professor 8, College of Fisheries and
Mathematics, effective 1 June 2001 (non-renewal)
Ocean Sciences,effective 5 May 2001 (retirement)
JonathanM Monsad, Administrative Assistant, Office of Community
Esperanza P. Garces, Instructor 1, U.P. Cebu College, effective 1
Services and Public Affairs, effective 16 June 2001 (transfer to TUP)
June 2001 (expiredappointment) Zosimo M. Paragoso, [r., Laboratory Aide It College of Science
Josephine c. Garcia, Instructor 2, D.P. Cebu College, effective 1
and Management, effective 14 May 2001 (resig!ratioll)
June 2001 (resignaho,,)
46 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.2

Cheny PHapH, Instructor 5, College of Humanities and Social U.P. Open University
Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (noll-"mwal) Maricar Tarun, Instructor 5, Faculty of Education, effective 1 June
Jim Tite B. San Agustin. Executive Assistant III. Office of the 2001 (end ofappointment)
Chancellor, effective 1 January 2001 (Iron-renewal) Franco Teleg, Assistant Professor 1, Faculty of Management
Xavier Aurelio Q. Tabbada, Instructor 5, College of Science and Sciences,effective 1 May2001 (resignatiOll)
Mathematics, effective 1 June2001 (Plon-rellewal)
Marilyn O. Tolosa, Instructor 3, College of Humanities and Social U.P. College Baguio
Sciences, effective 1 June 2001 (t1oll-rellewal) Jose Ma Mejia, Assistant Professor 7, effective 1 Aptil200l (",tiremellt)
Ronniel S. Valiente, Instructor 1,College of Humanitiesand Social Godofredo Ventura, Assistant Professor 7, effective 1 June 2001
Sciences,effective 1 June 2001 (non-renewal) (retirement)


Citation for Hilario G. Davie, Jr. on the conferment upon him of the Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
during t~ Commencement Exercises of U.P. Dillman on 22 April 2001

University of the Philippines Unibersidad ng Pilipinas

to kay
Hilario G. Davide, Jr. Hilario G. Davide, Jr.

Statesman, Supreme Court Chief jl/sUa, Filipino Estadista, Milhistrado ng Korte Suprema, Filipino

For daring to oppose the Marcos dictatorship in the first elections Sa lakes ng loob sa paghamon sa diktaduryang Marcos sa unang
held under martial law and winning against all odds, and as an eleksyon sa llalim ng batas militar at pagwagi sa kabila ng mga balakid,
opposition member of parliament, advancing the cause ofhuman rights at, bilang myembro ng Balasan, sa pagtaguyod ng simulain ng karapatang
and ethics in public office, and defending the academic freedom of U.P. pantao at etika sa serbisyong pampubliko, at pagtanggol sa akademikong
when its institutional autonomy was under siege; kalayaan ng u.P. nang binantaan ang institusyunal na awtonorniya nito:
For laying down the legal foundations for our newly restored Sa paglatag ng mga legal na pundasyon para sa bagong-bawi nating
democracy after the 1986 EDSA affair and, as a member of the demokrasya pagkatapos ng 1986 EDSA, at, bilang myembro ng
Constitutional Commission that wrote our 1987 Constitution, calling Komisyong Konstitusyonal na nagpanday ng 1987 Konstitusyon, sa
for a caring and compassionate state; pagtaguyod ng isang mapagkaIinga at madamaying estado,
Forenabling the sovereign Filipinopeople once again to speak and Sa pagtiyak ng karapatan ng malayang sambayanang Pilipino na
beheard through elections, as Chairman of the post-EDSA Commission muling magsalita at marinig sa pamamagitan ng eleksyon, bilang
on Elections; Tagapangulo ng post-EDSA Komisyon sa Eleksyon;
For ensuring that our fledgling democracy will endure, as head of Sapagpapatibay ng ating iniingatang demokrasya, bilang pinuno
the Fact-Finding Commission on the roots of military coup attempts ng Fact Finding Commission na nagsiyasat sa mga ugat ng mga tangka-
against President Corazon Aquino; kudeta ng miIilar laban kay Pangulong Corazon Aquino;
For leading an activist court and enabling more citizens to protect Sa pamumuno ng isang aktibistang hukuman, pagtiyak na
their claims through the courts and, as Chief Justice, for simplifying maipagtatanggol ng higit na maraming marnamayan ang kaniIang mga

procedure, bringing the majesty of the law closer to the people, and karapatan sakorte at, bilang Punong Mahistrado, sa paggawang simple
recognizing that the duty to give justice is borne by all and not just by ng mga luntunin nang Iaiong mapalapit ang kadakilaan ng batas sa
the courts; karaniwang taumbayan, at sa pagkilala na lungkulin ng lahat, hindi
For teaching an entire nation'the meaning of the rule of law and, as Iamang ng mga korte, ang pagbigay katarungan;
Presiding Officer of the Impeachment Court, realfirming that we are a Sa pagluro sa buong bayan ng kahulugan ng pag-iral ng batas at,
"government of laws and not of men", and fulfilling the words carved bilang Presiding Officer ng lmpeechment Court, ng paninindigan muli na
on the walls of the U.P. College of Law that the mission of the law school tayo ay "pamahalaan ng batas at hindi ng tao," at sa pagtupad ng mga
is "to teach law in the grand manner, and to make great lawyers"; salitang nakaukit sa pader ng U.P. College of Law na ang misyon ng
For being the schoolmaster of the Republic, who rose from being a isang paaralanng batas ay "upangmagturo ng betas sa dakilang paraan,
student assistant doing chores in V.P. dormitories, to become Chief at Iumikha ng mga dakilang manananggoI;"
Justice of the Supreme Court, who demonstrated by personal example Sa pagiging maestro ng RepubIika na nagsimula sa pagiging student
the transformative power of simple fairness and decency; assistant na gumanap ng iba't ibang gawain sa mga dormitoryo sa D.P.
THE BOARD OF REGENTS of the University of the Philippines, hanggang naging punong Mahistrado ng KorteSuprema at nagparnalas,
upon the recommendation of the President of the University and the sa pamamagitan ng personal na halimbawa, ng mapagpabagong
Committee on Honorary Degrees, today confers upon you the degree of kapangyarihan ng simpleng katwiran at kabutihang-asal.
DOCTOR OF LAWS Iginagawad sa iyo ngayon ng Lupon ng mga Rehente ng
Honoris CAusa Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, sa rekomenctasyon ng Pangulo ng Unibersidad
The University of the Philippines, in testimony of this conferment at ng Komite sa Titulong Parangal, ang titulong
of the highest rank and honor within its gift,hereby presents to you this DOKTOR SA BATAS
diploma and these vestments of distinction on this 22nd day of April in Honoris Causa
the year Two Thousand and One. Ngayon, bilang pagpapatibay sa pmakamataas na antas at
(Sgd.) FRANOSCO NEMENZO karangalang maigagawact nito, inihahandog sa inyo ng Unibersidad ng
President Pilipinas itong diploma at mga kasuotang pambukod-tangi ngayong
Attested: ika-22 ng Abril, Taong Dalawang Libo't-isa.
Secretary of the University Pangulo
April- June 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 47


Revised Rules on Automatic Promotions for Obtaining Ph.D.

(Approved during the 1147th Meeting of the Board of Regents on 21 December 2000)

Old Rules New (2000) Rules

a. A faculty member who obtains /rom a reputable institution a Ph.D. a. Same

or its equivalent in a field pertaining to the unit to which the faculty
member belongs,shall begivenautomatic promotion, in accordance
with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Regents;
provided thatsuch promotion shall takeeffectupon completionof
thePh.D. orits equivalent; provided, moreover, thattherank attained
through merit increase/promotions eamed by a faculty member
pursuing a Ph.D. program while simultaneously teaching or
performing other functions in the University shall be taken as basis
forthe automatic promotion.
b. A faculty member with the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor b. Same
who obtains a Ph.D. degree /rom a reputable university shall be
promoted in accordance with the followingschedulesubject to the

provisions of "a" above.

Rank at the Start of

Ph.D. Work
Instructor 1
Instructor 2
Instructor 3 and above
to Rank Upon Getting
Assistant Professor 1
Assistant Professor 2
Assistant Professor 3
Instructor 1-2
Instructor 3-4
Instructor 5-7
to Rank Upon OBTAINING
Assistant Professor 3
Assistant Professor 4
Assistant Professor 5
Assistant Professor 1 Assistant Professor 4 Assistant Professor 1 Assistant Professor 5
Assistant Professor 2 Assistant Professor 5 Assistant Professor 2 Assistant Professor 6
Assistant Professor 3 Associate Professor 1
Assistant Professor4 & 5 Associate Professor2 Faculty members [already having] WITH the rank of [Associate
Assistant Professor 6 Associate Professor3 Professor or Professor] ASSISfANT PROFESSOR 3 AND ABOVE
[when they started working for] PRIOR TO OBTAINING their Ph.D.
Faculty members already having the rank of Associate Professor degree shall be given rank promotion or salary step increases on
or Professor when they started working for their Ph.D. degree shall their respective merits [.]UPON COMPLETION OF THEIR DEGREE
begiven rank promotion or salary step increaseson theirrespective AND RETURN TO DUTY, PROVIDED THAT IN THE CASE OF

PROFESSOR6. (Words and dot in brackets to be deleted; words in

capital letters to be added.)

c. Automatic promotions will be made effective on the dateof report c. Same

for duty, provided that there is a certification from appropriate
officials of the University concerned that all the requirements for
the doctoral degree have been met.

(Colltillued from page 11 Institution of Laboratory Fees)

Subject Title Laboratory Laboratory

Units Fees

Ocean 272 Approaches in Ocean Resources 1 300.00

Ocean 273 Coastal Zone Development and 1 300.00
Ocean '116 Dynamics and Management of 1 300.00
Exploited Populations
1 300.00
Ocean 277 Utilization and Use of Non-living
Marine Resources
2 600.00
Ocean 279 Information Systems and Computer
Applications in Ocean Management
e The University of the Philippines

VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 3 July - September 200I

T ISSN No. 0115-7450

Page Page


Executive Order No. FN-OI-06: Authorityfor till' Vice President for

Development to Sign a MemortlJldulII of Understnlldi/lg-
Technology Cotloboretion Program.
Proposal fo broaden tlle selection for the deal/ship of the College of
AlIicd Medical Professions (CAldP).
Proposcd Amendmcnts 10 the Articles of fncorpomtiol/ and By-Laws
of tlJe UP. Provident FlInd .
Proposed inccntinc package for pisifing faCility ami staff to U.P.
Milldanao who will be I1sslgl1cd for nt {('(1st 1 semester bill I/O!

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS more than 2 academic years.

Proposed incentive package for trail sferring facl/lty to U.P. Mindal/ao
Administrative Order No. FN-Ol-40: U.P. internet Coordinating from other UP, campl/ses. 5
Cemniutee , Proposal to amend a provision jlJ the recrganizaticn of tite Hllmnn
Admillistrntive Order No. FN-Ol-43: Committee OJI Research, Resources Devclopment Office of U.P. Ditisnan. 5
Publications and Creative Work. Establishment of the U.P. tvtodernization - Doctoral St/ldies Fund 5


Memorandul/1 No. FN-01-47: Midnight Appointments .. 1 Establisllllzerit oftheU.P. BSChellJistry Class 1951 Professorial Cilair
Memorandlll11 No. FN-02-48: Authorized Signatories a/Checks. 1 ill Chemistry. . . . 6
MemoralldwJl No. FN-Ol-52: Creation of Committee for Collective Establishment of the Dr. Rosita A. Sison Professorial Chair ill Medical
Negotiating AgreemcJlf (eNA) Negotiatiol/. Research. . . 6
Gmduation of Stlldents . . . 6
.. DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS Confirmation of tile approval by tire Board t/lrough rcfel'clJdw/J 011 12
JIIly 2001 of the cOlJfennell1 of the degree of Doctor of Science.
1152ND MEETING, 26 JULY 2001 honoris callsa, OIl Dr. Craig R. Barrett. Preside"t and Chief
[XCClllive Officer of Inlel Corporation. 6
University Officials. 2
Trausfer fo Pennenent Smtus, 2 FIN ANCIAL MATIERS APPROVED
Tnlllsfer frOlJl Part-tune to Fuli-tisnc, 2
Transfer froll1 Fllll-time to Part- Time. 3 Reprogralllming ofprior years savings from obligatioll ofU P. Dililliall 6
Extension ojSeroice Beyond COlllplllson) Retircntent Age of65.. 3 Reprogramming ofaccounts payable (CY1998 to cnOOO) of tire UP.
Renewal of Appoilltment Beyond Age 65. . . 3 System Administration for' tile U.P. Modcmizntiol1-Doclornl
Reappointment Beyolld Age 65. . . 3 Studies Fund, Networking, Compnteriuition and Illformation
Techllology Projects. 7
Professorial Chairs, 3
3 Realignment of [unds reprogrammed for Maintenance (llId Other
COllfirmation of Ad lnteril1l Appointments. 7
Gpemting Expenses (MOOE) to Capital OHtlay.
Reprogramming of L/,P Visayas balance of prior years STFA P snare
OF THE 1151ST MEETING (28 JUNE 2001) from pool.

011 tile discussion regardillgfaCIIlty salan) (wgmentntioll inCOIl/lcetiall
with tile deewsllip Oft/re College ofE/lgilleering. 3
3 D.P. System
011 tile creation of a U.P. IT Tmilling Cell tel' .
On tire illcrease ill gradr/{ite tuition . 4
MemOralldlll11 of Lludersfanding witll INTEL Pllilippil1es
Mnl1llfaetllrillg, tnc. (lPMI).

The University of the Philippines Gazette is a quarterly publication of the Office of the Secretary of the University.
ii V.P. GAZETIE Vo!' XXXII, No.3

Partnership Agreement with tile Simon Fraser University (SFU) Request of U.P. Diliman Chancellor Emerlinda R. Roman to correct
(Canada). . . 8 the term of o!fire of Prof Erneslo Pineda . . , 16
Reneuml of the Memorandum of Agreement witlr tire Ecosystems
V.P. Diliman Research and Development Bllreau of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-ERDB). . . . 16
Memorandum ofAgreemen twith Taegu Universitl) (KyulIgbllk, Korea) 8 Memorandum ofAgreement entered intoby andbetween U.P. System
Memorandllm ofAgreemelltwith theAngelimm College andtheAssisi (through U.P. Los Ball os) andWaste and Research Management,
Development Foundation . 8 lnc. (WARM), . , , , , , , , 16
Memorandum ofAgreement with St. Scholastica's College . 8 Proposal for therecognition oftheexisting Department of Emergency
Memorandum of Agreemwt with the National Museum of the Medical Seroices as an academic un it under the College of
Philippines. . . . . 8 Medicine. ....... 17
Proposed Revision of Ruleson Famlty Tenure. . . . 17
U.P, Manila Proposed Amendmellt of Ph.D. [ncentilJe Grant. . . . . . . . 18
Proposed Amendment ofU.P. Modenzizati01r-Dodoraf StudiesFrmd 18
Memorandum ofAgreement witllManila Sanitarium Hospital-School
Memorandum of Agreement with St. Augustine Sambali Fund, Inc.
(SASFI), , "" . 9 Institution of tile Master of Infonnatioll Technology Program at tlu!
Contract of Affiliatioll willI the Integrated Provincial Healtll Office institute ofComputer Science (ICS), College ofArts andSciences,
(/PHD) ill Paunng, Palo, Leyle. ' ..... , 9 U.P. Los BallaS. . . 18
Estab/is/lment of theAndie B. Ablaza Professorial Choir in tire Basic
OTHER MATIERS Sciences. . . 19
Cmduaiion of stUdellts for various degrees/titles from the different
Request for Board resolution authorizing tlie U.P. President to import schools andcolleges of tile U.P. System as of tlU! end of Summer
equipment for the UlliversitlJ's Modemization Program. 9 2001, asapproved by their respective Universihj Connciis . 19
Regent Vielor A. Reyes'Proposals on thePhilippine General Hospita/
and Executive Order No. 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 FINANCIAL MATIERS APPROVED
Designation of a third representative of the Board of Regents to the
U.P. Foundation, Inc. (UPFI). . . 13 Reprogramming ofU.P.Manila's prior years savings fromobligations
Opening oftwo UP, doilaraccoll/tts with thePhilippine Nahonal Bank / from tile General Fund . 19
(PNB) .... , . . , .. , ... , J
13 .. Proposed graduate tuition structure of the U.P. Open University,
Letter of the BOR Chair, Dr. Ester A. Garcia, to President Gloria effective Year 2002, 19
Macapagal-Arroyo ill response to a letterfrom the Alliance of Realignment offimds reprogrammed to capital outlay. 19
Concerned U.P. Personnel (A CUP) relating to the tenure of tlu! Realignment offl/llds reprogrammed for persOIwl seruices to capital
U.P. President. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 13 olltlay.. . 20
Resolution ofO,e U.P. Alwnlli Council dated 15 June 2001 callillgfor ~eprogrammi"g of UPM-PGH's prior years savings .. 20
filII support to U.P.'s Information Technology Modernization .;Proposal for tI/festablisJzment ofU.P. Dilimall Computer Loall Program 20

Program. 1.3 Realignment oftheMBA Special Fund Iltiiization, College ofBusiness
Revisions in the Academic Calendar for SY 2001-2002 for U.P. College Administration, U.P. Diliman . 21
Bagnio. . . 13
1153RD MEETING, 30 AUGUST 2001
ur. Diliman
Renewal of and Supplement to Melllora/idlllll of Agreement witll
Ulliversih) Officials . 13 Fundacion Fernando Rielo . 21
Transfer to Permanent Status . 13 Memorandum of Agreement with PWDCORP Philippines, inc... 22
Transfer from Part-time to Full-time .. 14 Memorandum of Agreement with tile Department of Health, Natiollal
Transfer from U.P. College Baguio to U.P. Diiiman . 14 Center for Health FadM) Developmenl (DOH-NCHFD), 22
Transfer from U.P. Los Balios to U.P. Mindallao. 14 Memorandum ofAgreement uiittttheDepartment of Enuironment and
Professorial Chairs , . 14 Natural Resources. . . 22
Extension ofSeroice Beyond Compulsorf Retirement Age of65.. 14 Supplemental Memorandum of Agreementuntn the Philippine Council
Original Appointment Beyond Age 65 . 14 for Health Research and Development (PCHRD). 22
Reneuml of Appointment Beyond Age 65 . 14
Confirmation of Ad lnterimAppointments, 14 V.P. Los Banos

MATIERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Two Separate Memorallda of Understanding unth the Philippine
OF THE 1152ND MEETING (26 JULY 2001) Network of Rural Development Institutes (PhiINe; RDI).. 23
Memorandum ofAgreementwith several parties fora project in Marilog
On the proposed estabtislnnent of the Victor and Maria Naiiagas District, Davao City. . . . . 23
Professorial Chair specifically intended for ti,eAssociate Dean of Memorandum of Agreement with the Provincial Government of
theCollege of Medicine. . . 15 Oriental Milldoro, and Mindoro StateCollege of Agriculture and
Technology . 24
V.P. Manila
Request for waiver of tile PoIiCl) that only tenured faCltlh) may be
appointed to regular academic administrative positions. . . 16 Memorandum of Agreement with SaintJude Colleges (SJC) . . . 24
July - September 2001 V.P. GAZETIE iii

DONATIONS Deed of Donation with the Netherlands Goiemment. 32

Deed of Donation and Acceptance with tile U.P. Business Research
Deed afDollation andAcceptance with Ellen Fajardo Foundation, Inc. 24 Foundation. Inc. (UPBRF). . . . . . . . . 33
Deed of DonatioII and Acceptance with tile U.P. Foul/datioll, inc., 33
Rectification of the promotion (approved at the 1147tlt meeting of tile
Board) of Dr. 1.01107M. Santos from Professor 9 to Professor 10 24 U.P. System
Letter of Chairman Ester A. Garcia to Pres. Francisco Nemenzo
referring t!leupp/iealion ofDT. Serafin D. Ouiason, Board Member, Memoralldwn ofAgreement unth tile Department ofEducation, CIIUure
National Historical institute, as member of the U.P. Board of and Sports (DEC5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Regents. . . . . . . . . . .. 24
Letter ofAtty. Paul Mar C. Ariasill behalfofdietlf Marcelino C. Arias, V.P. Diliman
Jr., a second year studentat theCollege of Law. ...... 24
Letter dated 20 August 2001 afFeliciano M. Gacis, Jr., U1Hierseaetanj Supplemental Memoranda of Agreement with the Philippine COff/ICi!
of the Department of National Defense (DND) to President for Health Research and Development (PCHRD). :w
Francisco Nememosoliciting his views on tire ROTCprogram 25 Memora/ldllm of Agreement with Hiroshima National College of
Letter advison) of Beatriz L. Sanga, Committee Secretary of the Maritime Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Committee 011 Higher and Tee/micaI Education. 26 Memoralldmn ofAgreemelltwith tIle Natiol/al Commission for Culture
and tlte Arts (NCCA). .......... 34
. 1154TH MEETING, 27 SEPTEMBER 2001 Agreemellt 011 Academic Exc1umge and Cooperation with tlie lnstitut
National des Langues et Civilisations Oriel/tales (lNALCO). 34
V.P. Los Banos
University Officials, , , ,.,...... 26
Transfer to Permanent Status. . . . . . . . ............. 26 KOlltrata sa Pagpapalllliad IlgAgroforestnJ sa U.P. Lalld Grmlt. 34
Professorial Chairs , ,,........ 26
Extension of Service Beyond Compl/lson) Retirement Age of 65. . .. 27 U.P. Manila
Original Appointment B"'Jond Age 65. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27
Reappointment Bt?1)olld Age 65. .., , , .. 27 Memomlldwn ofAgreemelltwith De La Salle UlliversihJ He(/Ith Science
Confirmation of Ad Interim Appointments. 27 Campus (DLSUHSC) . 35


Memorandum of Agreemellt with Saint LOllis Ulliversity. 35
On theROTC issue, . . . 27
A" tIre report ofthePresident regarding appropriations out of savings OTHER MATIERS
throrlgJr cost cutting and mtionalizaiion, . 27
On the request for waiver of tIre pO~iC1j t~t .only ~enllre~ may Request for a Board Resotutian for tax exemption pllrposes . 35
beappointed to regular academiC administratioe positions 111 fauor Donation of PSO,ODO.OO from tile U.P. Medicine Class 1961 to U.P.
Mallila to be usedby the National lnsiitutesof Healtl/; Renaming
of twofacility members who are being recommended as chairs of
the Departments of Phannacy and Industrial Phannacy, in spite of the National Institutes of HeaItlI (N/H) Bllildillg into the
27 "Ulliversittj Professor Emesto 0. Domingo Hall". 35
oft/reirtemporary status .
On tIre proposed establishment of tIre Victor and Maria Nafiagas
Professorial Cnair specifically intended for theAssociate Dean of Other Discussions
tlte College of Medicine . 28
On Arts and Sports Activities . 36
On tlte StndyjReview of tlte Delegation of Antllorihj of tlte Board of
28 all Tuition and STFAP . 37
Regents to the President Dow/! to Lower Levels ofAuthority.
.Expiration of the Famlty Regent's Term .. 37
Conierence otl fT and Distance Education .. 37
Letter of Dr. Ester AfballO Garda all tbe appointment of Or. Cnetino
28 Ptuiolina asCommissioner of CHED.... 37
Proposed fllrOrer delegatioll of autlJOril1j to tile PGH Director..
31 Letter advisonj of Horacia R. Crude 011 tile election of Sellator Renate
Use of University land Property . . , .
L "Compaiiero" Caqetano as tile uetc Chair of tile Sellate
Memoratldum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los 37
31 Committee 011 Education, Arts and Culture.
Banos andtile hltematiolJal Rice Research/llstitllte. 37
leiter of appeal of Dr. Roge/io V. Paglotnutall - ..
Letter~ppeal tothemembers oftile Board ofRegenfs date~ 19 5c~tem~r
2001 afSimmollerte Lim, Chairperson, U.P. Los Banos Utllverslty
Establislzmellt of the J. Antonio AgTlenza Professorial Chair in Business
Administratiotl '.' ~ -. SEPARATIONS FROM THE SERVICE 37
Establishment of tile Vicente Bello Professonal Chalr .
32 How tile Nemenzo Administration Steered U.P. Througll tile Budget
. tted to the U P FOllndntioll, Inc. . 41
DottahollS rei", . . I (OOST) 32 Cut (RisiJJg to tile Challenge) . . .
. 'tl tl'o Depamtlfnt O{ScietlCf? and Tedmo OgJj
Deed ojDOtlllhOft WI 1 u. 'J
iv U.P. GAZTTE Vol. xxxn. No.3

Board of Regents

<Hen Ester A. Garcia, Chairman

Chairman, Commission on Higher Education
.... Hon. Francisco Nemenzo, Vice-Chairman
President, University of the Philippines
Hen. Renata L. Cayetano
Chair, Serulte Committee on Education, Arts and C ultllre
Hon. Harlin Cast. Abayon
Cnsir. House Committee on Hig/rer andTechnical Edllcation
Hon. Eduardo F. Hernandez
President, U,P. Alumni Association
, Hon. Oscar M. Alfonso
Hon. Raul P. de Guzman
Han, jose P. de jesus
"Hon. Victor A. Reyes
_ Han, Celso R. Roque
.Hon, MaritaV.T. Reyes
Faculty Regent
Hon. Krisline Oare C. Bugayong
Sh,dent Regent

Prof, Marlin V. Gregorio

Secretmy of the UniversihJ & of the Board of Regeuts

Officers of the Administration

Dr. Francisco Nemenzo

Dr, Maria Serena 1. Diokno
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr, Sergio S. Cao
Vice President for Planning andFinance
Prof, Jose N. Endriga
Vice President for Public Affairs
Prof. Marlin V. Gregorio
Viet President for Administration
& Secretmy of the University & ofthe Board of Regents
Prof. Rafael A. Rodriguez
Vice President for Development

Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman

Chancellor, U.P. Diliman

Dr. Wilfreda P, David
ClumcelloT, U.P. Los Banos
Dr, Alfredo T. Ramirez
Chancellor, U.P. Manila
Dr. Ida josephine Marquez-Lim Siason
Chancellor, U.P. Visayas
Prof. Ricardo M. de Ungna
Clumcellor, U.P. Mindanao
Dr. Felix Librero
Chancellor, U,P. Open University
Dr. Priscilla Supnet-Macansantos
Dean, U.P. College Baguio

Editorial Consultants
Prof, Marlin V. Gregorio
Dr. Lourdes E, Abadingo

In Charge of Production
Carla V. Noroila
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 1

EXECUTIVE ORDERS research and publications; 4) to recommend standards that will govem
journal and other publications by U.P. units; and 5) to perform such
Executive Order No. FN-OI-06: Authority for the Vice President other functions as may be assigned to the Committee by the President.
for Development to Sign a Memorandum of Understanding- The Committee shall be a standing committee and members are
Technology Collaboration Program entitled to payment of honoraria as approved by the Board of Regents
By virtue of Section 6 of the ResollltiOll Reorganizing the Um'versit1j at its 1137th meeting on 25 November 1999.
of tire Philippines illto tire University of tIle Philippines System approved The Committee shall meet at least twice a year and committee
by the Board of Regents at its 828th Meeting on 21 December 1972, expenses shall be charged to the Office of the Vice President for
Vice President Rafael A. Rodriguez is hereby authorized to negotiate Academic Affairs.
and sign a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding involving a 25 JIIly 2001
Technology Collaboration Program for the development of Java (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
competency in the Philippines. President
This authority shall he effective for the duration of the negotiation
and signing of the MOU. MEMORANDA
13 August 2001
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO Memorandum No. FN-Ol-47: Midnight Appointments
President Please remind the Deans whose terms have expired or are expiring

to desist from conducting search processes for Chairs of Departments/

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Divisions. The incoming Deans should have a sayan how these
processes are conducted. To ensure teamwork, the Chairs should be
Administrative Order No. FN-0140: U.P. Internet Coordinating able to cooperate with their respective Deans.
Committee 24 '"ly 2001
To: Prof. Rafael A. Rodriguez, Vice President for Development (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
Prof. Roel M. Ocampo, Director, Computer Center President
Prof. Glenn A. Aguilar, Vice-Chancellor for Planning and
Development, U.P. Visayas Memorandum No. FN-ot-48: Authorized Signatories of Checks
Prof. Eliezer A. Albacea, Director, Institute of Computer Pursuant to the authority granted to the President by the Board
Science, U.P. Los Banos of Regents at its 1120th meeting on 27 May 1998, the following officials
Prof. Ariel S. Betan, Director, Information Management are authorized to sign checks pertaining to the bank accounts of the
Services, U.P. Manila University of the Philippines:
Prof. Roderico H. Ofrin, Vice-Chancellor for Research and I. U.P. System Administration checks for obligations of V.P.
Development, U.P. Open University System Offices and attached units
Please constitute yourselves into the U.P. Internet Coordinating Signatory: Countersignatory:
Committee with the Vice President for Development as Chair and Mr. Ricardo V. Ozoa Prof. Marhn V. Gregorio
Prof. Roel Ocampo of the U.P. Diliman Computer Center as Vice- OIC, UPS Cash Office Vice President for
Chair. The function of the Committee is to recommend policies Administration

concerning the utilization, maintenance and development of the Alternate signatory-up to P200,DOD: Alternate signatory:
University's Internet resources and to coordinate their Director Victoria L.M. Catibog Dr. Sergio S. Cao
implementation throughout the System. System Budget Office Vice President for Planning
The Committee members and secretariat shall be granted and Finance
honoraria consistent with the rates for standing committees approved Alternate signatory-beyond P20D,DDO:
by the Board of Regents at its 1137th meeting on 2S November 1999. Prof. Arthur S. Cayanan
18 JIIly 2001 AVP for Planning and Finance
(Sgd.l FRANCISCO NEMENZO II. Modified Disbursement System (MDS) ChecksfTreasury (T)
President Checks/Fund Transfer to CUs and U.P. System Administration
Signatory of MDS Checks!T Checks: Countersignatory:
Administrative Order No. FN-0l43: Committee on Research, Director Victoria L.M. Catibog Dr. Sergio S. Cao
Vice President for Planning
Publications and Creative Work
Effective immediately, a V.P. Committee on Research, and Finance
Alternate signatories: Alternate signatory:
Publications and Creative Work is hereby created with the following
Ms. Gloria J. Vasquez Dr. Rafael A. Rodriguez
as ex officio members: Vice President for
Chair Vice President for Academic Affairs
Members Vice-Chancellors for Research
Dean (or Associate Dean) Prof. Arthur S. Cayanan
AVP for Planning & Finance
V.P. College Baguio
Executive Director, Center for Integrative 1 August 2001
and Development Studies (ClDS) President
Director, U.P. Press
The functions of the Committee are as follows: 1) to propose 52: Creation of Committee for Collective
Memoran d urn N o. FN-Ol-
, nbance the scientific and creative output of the faculty
measures ro e th ks: 2) Negotiating Agreement (CNAl. Negotiation
and REPS, including publications, per~ormances and 0 er :lio:ati~ns To: Prof. Martin V. Grego n o .
d Ii ies on the evaluation of researches, pu Vice President for Administration
to reco~en pOko3) to strengthen inter-campus collaboration in
and creative war ,

Dr. Sergio S. Cao Please constitute yourselves into a committee to conduct

Vice President for Planning & Finance negotiations with the Union so that a new CNA could be signed as
Prof. Arthur S. Cayanan soon as possible, with the following as members:
Asst. Vice President for Planning & Finance Regular Members
Dr. Eulogio T. Castillo Vice President Martin V. Gregorio, Chair
Vice-Chancellor for Administration, Los Banos Prof. M.Y.F. Leonen, Co-Chair
Prof. Juan Amor F. Palafox Atty. E. (Leo) D. Ballad, Vice-Chair
Director, HRDO (System) Vice President Sergio S. Cao
Prof. M.V.F. Leonen Vice-Chancellor Eulogio 1. Castillo
University General Counsel Prof. Juan Arnor F. Palafox
Atty. E. (Leo) D. Ballad Alternates
Deputy General Counsel Asst. Vice President Arthur S. Cayanan
Atty. Rosalia A. Aragon, Jr. Atty. Rosalia A. Aragon, Jr.
Atty. Ricardo B. Lapesura. Jr. Atty. Ricardo B. Lapesura, Jr.
Universi ty Legal Counsel
On 8 August 2001, we received the Bureau of Labor Relations Your committee shall report directly to and coordinate closely
Notice of Resolution declaring the All U.P. Workers Union as the with the Office of the President. You are authorized to consult the
"certified and the duly elected sole and exclusive negotiating various Chancellors to validate positions taken during the negotiations.
representative of the rank-and-file personnel of the University of the Further, you are also tasked to find ways and means to ensure full
Philippines". On 22 August 2001, we also received a copy of the implementation of the CNA, in cooperation with the Union.
Court of Appeals Resolution dismissing the Certiorari action of the 31 August 2001
ONAPUP. Based on the Notice of Resolution, the University may (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
now negotiate with the All U.P. Workers Union. President




The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments, Amelia C. Fajardo, Assistant Professor 4, College of Education,
transfer to permanent status, additional assignments, award of effective 26 July 2001
professorial chairs, extension of service, and other related matters:
V.P. Manila
Jay T. Dalet, Assistant Professor 2, College of Arts and Sciences,
U.P. Diliman effective 26 July 2001

Emesto P. Pineda, original additional assignment as Director,
Institute for Small Scale Industries, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June

U.P. Los Banos

u.P. Los Banos

Agnes T. Banzon, Assistant Professor 4, College of Economics

and Management, effective 26 July 2001
Agham C. Cuevas, Assistant Professor 1, College of Economics


and Management, effective 26 July 2001

Salcedo L. Eduardo, original additional assignment as Dean, Margarita Carmen S. Paterno, Assistant Professor 4, College
College of Veterinary Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2004 of Arts and Sciences, effective 26 July 2001
Serlie B. Jamias, original additional assignment as Director, Ma. Theresa Payongayong, Assistant Professor 3, College of
Office of Public and Alumni Affairs, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 Arts and Sciences, effective 26 July 2001
June 2004 Cleofe S. Torres, Associate Professor 4, College of Development
Ben S. Malayang, original additional assignment as Dean, School Communication, effective 26 July 2001
of Environmental Science and Management, effective 1 June 2001

U.P. Open University U.P. Manila

Teresita I. Barcelo, original additional assignment as Vice- Romeo R. Gutierrez, Professor 9 of Surgery, College of Medicine
Chancellor for Academic Affairs, effective 1 August 2001 to serve at and Attending Surgeon, Philippine General Hospital. effective 16
the pleasure of the Chancellor February 2001 until 31 August 2001
Melinda F. Lumanta, original additional assignment as Vice- Note: RegentMarita V. T. Reyesstated tltatwhile she IlQS nc objectioll to the
Chancellor for Finance and Administration, effective 1 August 2001 transferfrom part-time to full-time status of Dr. Romeo Gutierrez,
to serve at the pleasure of the Chancellor she proposed that policy guidelines governing shift from part-time
10 full-lime be fonn/tlated to serve as bases for Board's decision.
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 3

TRANSFER FROM FULL-TIME TO PART-TIME stipulates that only tenured ful/-time faCldty witll tlte ,.nk of at least
Assistant Professor and with at least five years of seroice may be
U.P. Visayas entitled to a profr,sorial chair.
Regeut de iesus proposed that further delegatiou af autharity ill
Felisa U. Etemadi, Professor 5, U.P. Cebu College, effective I tile University be looked into. The President welcomed tIre snggestiotJ.
June 2001 until 31 May 2002 He said, he wanted to suggest this, himself. He WQS worried though
that this could be interpreted as emasculating the Board. Regent
EXTENSION OF SERVICE BEYOND Alfonso, then. recommended that the Regents take it IIP01l themselves
COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE OF 65 as a Board to say that it is ven) open, receptive and responsive, as it
has always been, to recommetldatioJls from the Administration for
V.P. Diliman flirtIter delegations of authority. These would rid tlte Board of so
milch details that are still broJlght before it at present.
Armand S. Commandante, Professor 2, College of Architecture, Update :The President issued Administrative Order No. FN01-45 dated 30
effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002 July 2001 creating a committee to study fl/rtlrer tlte delegatioll of
authority in tlr UfliversitlJ with the Via President fur AdmillistratiOIl
V.P. Manila a11d Secretary of tile U"iversity as chair alld unth Dean MQ.
Cm.cepciou P. Alftler alld Vice Presiden! Sergia 5. OlD as members.
Alfonso A. Doloroso, Professor 4 of Anesthesiology (part-time), The Committee shall sllbmit its recommendations 0" or before
College of Medicine and Attending Anesthesiologist, Philippine General IS September 2001.
Hospital, effective 26 January 2001 until 30 June 2001 Melencio C. Fabros II], original appointment as Oscar Carino
Assistant Professor of Filipino, College of Arts and Letters, effective I
RENEWAL OF APPOINTMENT BEYOND AGE 65 July 2000 until 30 June 2001
Corazon F. Gatchalian, original appointment as Leonor A. Virata
V.P. Diliman Professor of Food Science, College of Home Economics, effective 1
july 2001 until 30 June 2002
Araceli T. Baviera, Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Law, Ramon G. Guillermo, original appoinlmenl as Leopoldo Y. Yabes
effective 1 june 2001 until 31 May 2002 Assistant Professor of Filipino, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1
Manuel N. Camacho, Professorial Lecturer I, College of Law, january 2001 until 31 December 2001
effective I june 2001 until 31 May 2002
Bartolome S. Cerate. Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Law, V.P. Visayas
effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Domingo P. Disini, [r., Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Law, Daniel C. Talde, original appointment as Roberto S. Benedicta
effective 1 june 2001 until 31 May 2002 Assistant Professor of Political Science, U.P. Tacloban College, effective
Mariano A. Estoque, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Science, 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Mario E. Ongkiko, Professorial Lecturer 2, College of Law, CONFIRMATION OF AD INTERIM APPOINTMENTS
effective I june 2001 until 31 May 2002
Arsenio Pascual, [r., Professorial Lecturer 3, College of Law, V.P. System
effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002 Hannibal Agustin B. Bobis, original appointment as University
Salvador F. Reyes, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Engineering, Legal Counsel, Office of Legal Services, effective 2 July 2001 until 31
effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002 December 2001
Ernesto G. Tabujara, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of
Engineering, effective I June 2001 until 31 May 2002 MATIERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES
OF THE 1151ST MEETING (28 JUNE 2001)
On the discussion regarding faculty salary augmentation in
V.P. Diliman connection with the deanship of the College of Engineering
Regent Alfonso requested that his observation about the granting
of professorial chairs in the University be added as No.6 on page 3,
Bartolome C. Fernandez, Professorial Lecturer 3, College of
Law effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002 thus:
"6. Regent Alfonso made the observation that the University
'Nestor N. Pilar, Professorial Lecturer 5, National College of Public
has been generously granting professorial chairs not only
Administration and Governance, effective I May 2001 until 31 May 2002
to full professors but even down to assistant professors
Hermogenes Pobre, Professorial Lecturer 3, National Colle~e of
as outright salary augmentation. Regent De Jesus also
Public Administration and Governance, effective I June 2001 until 31 had this comment and had suggested that those who are
May 2002 not yet full professors be given cash or monetary award,

instead. Regent Alfonso remarked that he yet .to se:,
however long it might come, when professon~l~halrs w~
be truly granted for achievements, the way It IS done In
u.r. Diliman major universities abroad."
. . . tm t as Quintin Paredes
Antonio R. Bautista, original appom en ff . 1 On the creation of a U.P. IT Training Center .
Professorial Lecturer of Remedial Law, College of Law, e ecttve The Board noted the following developments concerning the V.P.
[ul 2001 until 30 June 2002 . . . IT T .. Center
Y d ,f ,r. riaI chair toAtty. Antonio R. Bautista as Qlllntin rarrung itt scaled down the project because it was concerned
Note The OW" 0) pro).sSO tiered by the 1. Theconum ee . . 1m t
. s Proif'ssona
. I LecHIrer
Of Remedial Law was COJl51
'J . that the Center might not be able to realize Its target enro en.
Parede .' ,f Ii but asa waiver of the rnle winch
Board not as a reviSIon 0) a po lty

._-=~~_ .........._-- n

2. Part of the project which is the proposal to establish public The major amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and By-
computing facilities was also scaled down. laws are as follows:
3. Nevertheless, President Arroyo announced at the alumni 1. Creation of an Executive Committee
homecoming in June that she would personally carry the An executive committee (ExCmn) shall be created, composed
proposal to Japan when she goes there in September. of five (5) members as follows: three (3) members of the Board of
Trustees, one of whom shall either be the Chairman or Vice-
On the increase in graduate tuition Chairman, who wiU act as Chairman of the ExCom; the Executive
At the last (1151sl) meeting of the Board, the President requested Director; and a member chosen by the Board from among
the students to present a thorough, logical and in-depth presentation themselves or from any of the officers of the Fund.
of their arguments since no clear agreements have been reached during The ExCom may act on matters within the general competence
the dialogue. of the Board, except: (i) matters which require both Board and
The Board noted that the students have not yet done so up to this members' approval; (ii) filling-in of vacancies in their Board; (iii)
time. amendment or repeal of By-laws or adoption of new By-laws; [iv]
amendment or repeal of any resolution of the Board which by its
POLICY MATIERS APPROVED expressed terms is not so amendable or repealable; and (v) transfer
of earnings to the members' equity account. The vote of at least
Proposal to broaden Ihe seleclion for the deanship of the College two (2) trustees who are members of the ExCom shall be required
of Allied Medical Professions (CAMP) for the valid approval of any matter acted upon.
Background The creation of the ExCom is aimed at facilitating the decision-
The Reorganization Plan of the College of Allied Medical malcing process of the Board.
Professions (CAMP), as approved by the Board of Regents at its 2. Change in the Date of the Annual Meeting
IOl2th meeting on 28 April 1988, provides that in addition to the From any date in April of each year, the annual general
provisionsof the Code, the criteria for selectionof Deanare as follows: membership meeting shall be moved to any date in June of each
1. Must be a duly qualified occupational therapist, physical year. The reason is to make the annual meeting coincide with the
therapist or speech pathologist; Foundation Day of the University and give more time in the
2. Must come from the unit's teaching constituency; preparation of the audited financial statements.
3. Must have been on the faculty for at least 4 years; and 3. Change in the Composition of Officers
4. Must render full-time service as stipolated in the Code as Dean. The General Counsel of the University shall no longer be ex
The argument for these criteria is that a Dean who comes from officio Corporate Secretary of UPPFl as originally provided in the
within the ranks of the unit's teaching constituency would have a By-laws. S/He, however, shall continue to act as UPPFI legal counsel.
comprehensive grasp and understanding of the allied health fields, In addition. the positions of Internal Auditor and Campus
the needs, problems, and potentials of the unit and the professions. Fund Manager were added to the list of officers in the By-laws.
Proposal The Internal Auditor shall be in charge of evaluating the accounting
It is proposed that the selection for the Deanship of CAMP be and administrative controls, while the Campus Fund Manager
broadened for the following reasons: shall serve as the frontline extension of the Executive Director in
1. The existing criteria are too restrictivefor such a small unit; the campus level, and be responsible for day-to-day operations of
2. This would preclude inbreeding and raise the chances of selecting the UPPFI in the campus.
a dean from among the most respected practitioners of the The foregoing changes are being made to reflect actual practice
three (3) professions (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy,
Speech Pathology);
3. The Deanship of CAMP should be open to members of the
in the UPPFl.
4. Creation of a Corporate Development Fund
There shall be created a Corporate Development Fund which
e\ .
other units provided the following minimum qualifications shall consist of the automatic appropriation by the Board of
are met: Trustees of a minimum of one percent (1%) of gross revenues and
a. Outstanding academic and or professional credentials other miscellaneous fund. Said appropriations shall serve as an
b. Sihe should belong to the profession (or, PT and SP). 51 accumulation of principal for investment, and only the income
he may also be from Rehabilitation Medicine. Sihe may be thereof shall be used for institutional or corporate development.
a practitioner or a professor of another university outside The other amendments are accordingly indicated in the annexes
the U.P. System. of the document. These are aimed at making the UPPFI a more
c. Commitment to serve on a full-time basis efficient and effective organization.
d. Unquestionable moral integrity
e. Leadership qualities and administrative or managerial Proposed incentive package for visiting faculty and staff to V.P.
capability Mindanao who will be assigned for at least 1 semester but not
4. The revised criteria shall take effect in the next search for dean more than 2 academic years
of CAMP. 1. Thirty-five percent (35%) of basic annual salary (i.e., immediately
prior to assignment) as incentive allowance;
Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and By- 2. Free housing unit or actual rental cost not exceeding P3,500
Laws of the U.P. Provident Fund monthly, excluding utilities, for a period of not more than 2 years;
The proposed amendments have been approved by the Board of 3. P500 monthly allowance for the spouse and children under 21
Trustees of VPPFI during its 49th meeting on 5 June 2001. Pursuant years of age, as well as for parents of single faculty/staff who are
to Article X of the VPPFI By-laws, any amendments thereto shall also dependent on them for not more than two years on condition that
be subject to approval and confinnation of the Board of Regents. they join the faculty/staff in V.P. Mindanao;
The proposed amendments as approved by the UPPFI Board of 4. Free relocation cost to and from Davao City which shall include
Trustees and the U.P. Board of Regents shall then be submitted to the transportation fare of the faculty/staff and his/her dependents;
Securities and Exchange Commission for approval, as required under PROVIDED, that the relocation cost shall not exceed PIO,OOO to
the Corporation Code of the Philippines, prior to taking effect. be supported by official receipts;
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 5

5. Twice per semester home visit allowance in the form of free round Establishment of the Ll.P. Modernization - Doctoral Studies Fund
trip transportation costs, thus: To complement the Nemenzo administration's modernization
100% actual transportation cost for the faculty/staff plan, the proposed U.P. Modernization-Doctoral Studies Fund aims
50% actual transportation cost for his/her spouse/ dependents to produce 100 Ph.D. faculty in selected disciplines in the next three to
6. Faculty/staff who would eventually decide to transfer to V.P. four years, starting 2002, through three means:
Mindanao can only enjoy a total of three(3)years incentive package; Local faculty fellowship in U.P.;
7. This program is good only until AY 2005-2006 unless renewed. "Sandwich" program (in which the doctoral student enrolled in
D.P. spends a year in a foreign university working on his/her
Proposed incentive package for transferring faculty to V.P. dissertation); and
Mindanao from other V.P. campuses Foreign faculty fellowship for full Ph.D. study in a reputable
1. Thirty-five (35%) of basic annual salary (i.e. immediately prior to university abroad.
transfer) as incentive allowance for not more than three (3) years;
2. Free housing unit in Davao City for not more than three (3) years The choice of fellows is intended to develop a critical number of
excluding utilities and services, or actual rental cost not exceeding specialists in the field, enough to direct the faculty in that discipline/
P3,500 per month if no housing unit can be provided by the V.P. field toward a strong research orientation.
Mindanao or the faculty concerned. desires to look for his/her own
housing arrangement; The following guidelines shall govern the operation of the Fund.
3. PSOO monthly allowance for the spouse and children under 21 1. Identification of Discipline/Field
years of age, as well as for parents of singTe faculty who are To determine the key areas of development, the CDs shall
dependent on them for not more than three years on condition that submit the profile of faculty in the fields/ disciplines they
they join the faculty in U.P. Mindanao; recommend to be developed, specifying the areas of concentration
4. Free relocation cost to Davao City which shall include the to be developed and why. It is thus imperative that the CDs
transportation of the faculty and his/her dependents; PROVIDED, identify their respective disciplinal thrust or focus. The VPAA
that the relocation cost to Davao City shall not exceed no,ooo shall evaluate the recommendations across campuses and
and shall be based on actual reimbursement claim and supported recommend to the President the disciplines/fields to be supported
by official receipts. by the Fund.

Proposal to amend a provision in the reorganization of the Human 2. Qualifications of Applicant

Resources Development Office of U.P. Diliman a. Only regular faculty with MA/MS (and equivalent) degrees
Background from the designated fields/ disciplines above may apply for
The Board of Regents, at its 1082nd meeting on 16 December doctoral support.
1994, approved the Reorganization of the Human Resources b. The applicant must have a good track record and display a
Development Office of U.P. Diliman. One of the provisions of this potential for contributing to the field.
reorganization is as follows: c. His/her rank may not be higher than Assistant Professor and
"Allowing the UPD HRDO Director to continue to his/her age, below 45 at the time of application.
serve as HROO Head for System Offices and Chairman of d. The grant may be awarded only if the candidate has been
the System Personnel Council (SPC) in which capacity he is admitted into a reputable doctoral program.
responsible for systemwide coordination of all HRDOs and
standardized implementation of personnel policies. The 3. Local Fellowship

SPC is composed of the D.P. Dillman HROO Director, a. The Pund shall support three years of local fellowship. The
Deputy Director and Division Chiefs as well as the HRDO faculty member or his/her CD shall support any extension of
Chiefs of Autonomous Units as members. In cases where study beyond this period.
there is a need for votation to resolve certain issues each b. The fund shall provide the following:
Autonomous Unit shall have one vote. In the case of V.P. Salary of the subsbtute faculty
Dillman, it is the Deputy Director who will cast the vote Monthly stipend of P5,OOO for 12 months of the year
since the HRDO Director serves as the SPC Chairman." Book allowance of P5,OOO/ semester
To promote uniformity and consistency in the naming of 4. "Sandwich" Program .
a. The Fund shan provide at most one year of support. The
systemwide committees, as well as designation of chairs and members
faculty member or his/her CU shall support any extension of
of such committees, it is proposed that:
1. The System Personnel Council be renamed System Personnel study beyond this period.
Committee. It will continue to help ensure the standardized b. The grant recipient shall be given the following:
Pre-travel and clothing allowances
implementation of personnel policies; .,
Foreign travel
2. In lieu of the HROO Director of D.P. Dihman, the VicePresident
Living allowance (amount depends on place of ~tu~y}
for Administration shall chair this Committee. S/he will be Other fees that may be required (subject to availability of
responsible for systemWide coordination of a~l HRDOs; funds and evaluation by the VPAA)
3. The Deputy Director and the Division Chiefs of the D.P.
c. The CU shall provide:
Wiman HROO need not be members of the SPC; . .. Faculty fellow's salary and other entitlements attached to
4. In addition to the HRDO Chiefs of the Constituent Uro~~rsl~es
the position
and U.P. College Baguio, the HRDO Chief of the Philippine Dissertation allowance . .
General Hospital shall also be a member. . Salary of substitute faculty (or overload pay of remaining
The Chair and members of the SPC shall continue to receive
honorarium prescribed by the Board of Regents.

5. Foreign Fellowship Confirmation of the approval by the Board through referendum

a. The Fund shall also support full study abroad up to three on 12 July 2001 of the conferment of the degree of Doctor of Science,
years. If the faculty anticipates more than three years of study, honoris causa, on Dr. Craig R. Barrett, President and Chief
s/he shall apply for a teaching assistantship or find other Executive Officer of Intel Corporation
means of support.
b. The Fund shall provide the following: President Nemenzo informed the Board that the ceremony for
Pre-travel and clothing allowances the conferment of the honorary degree will have to be at some future
Tuition and related fees date. He also made it clear that the honorary degree is being given in
Foreign travel recognition of Dr. Barrett's achievements and not because U.P. is
Living allowance (amount depends on place of study) entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with INTEL
Other fees that may be required (subject to availability of Philippines.
funds and evaluation by the VPAA)
c. The CU shall provide: DONATIONS
Fellow's salary and other entitlements attached to the position
Salary of substitute faculty (or overload pay of remaining The Board noted the following donations:
6. Obligations of Fellows 1. Donation of P2,500,000.OO from the PLOT Foundation, Inc. to
Faculty supported by the Fund shall be bound by University partially equip the PLDT Multimedia Lecture Hall at the new
rules on study leave. building of the Electrical and Electronics Department of the College
of Engineering
2. Donation of P275,OOO.OO from Maria Socorro C. Llamas for the
Establishment of the U.P. BS Chemistry Class 1951 Professorial Maria Socorro "Corito" C. Llamas Founding Editor Food Magazine
Chair in Chemistry Scholarship Fund

Establishment of the U.P. BS Chemistry Class 1951 Professorial 3. Donation of PlO,OOO,ooO.oo from the WS Family Foundation, Inc.
Chair in Chemistry in V.P. Diliman out of a donation of the amount of to equip the General Education Instructional Media Center
P5OO,000.00 from the U.P. BS Chemistry Class 1951
4. Donation of P71,OO5.75 from the V.P. Alumni Association for the
Establishment of the Dr. Rosita A. Sison Professorial Chair in UPAA Tomas Fonacier, Delfin [aranilla, et al. Scholarship for
Medical Research Cultural Minorities in the Philippines

Establishment of the Dr. Rosita A. Sison Professorial Chair in 5. Donation of P18,500.OO from Lynnie Eliza C. Aruiza for the Col.
Medical Research out of a donation of P300,OOO.OO from Dr. Sison in Arturo C. Aruiza Memorial Scholarship in the 1st semester 2001-
July 1999 for the College of Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 2002

The fund is now P344,945.55, the interest of P44,945.55 of which 6. Donation of P400,OOO.OO as endowment fund for the establishment
can now support a one year grant at P30,000.00 per annum or of a student scholarship for financially needy students of the College
P2,500.00 per month. of Allied Medical Professions as embodied in a Deed of Donation
and Acceptance entered into by and between U.P. Manila and . .-.
Graduation of Students Mrs. Rita A~ Damian

A. Gr~duation of students from the V.P. Open University for various 7. Donation to the University of several office equipment, books and
degrees as of the end of Second Semester 2000-2001, approved by periodicals amounting to P69,037.09 for use of the School of Health
the UPOU University Council at its meeting on 18 July 2001 Sciences as embodied in a Deed of Donation entered into by and
between U.P. Manila and Peace Development Foundation (PDF)
B. Graduation of students from the V.P. Visayas for various degrees/
titles as of the end of Summer 2000-2001 or as of the end of FINANCIAL MATIERS APPROVED
semester/term specified, approved by the D,P. Visayas Council
at its 62nd meeting on 21 July 2001 Reprogramming of prior years savings from obligation of V.P.
C. Graduation of students from V.P. Diliman for various degrees as
of the end of Summer 2001. Reprogramming of prior years savings from obligation of U.P.
Note: The Board took note of the ERRATA and therefore deleted the entnj Diliman in the total amount of P15,500,OOO.OO from PS to MOOE,
011 page 21 of Appendix B, under tile National College of Public certified as available by the Chief Accountant, to be used as follows:
Administration and Gooemance. The pertinent entry reads asfollows: 1. Program
a. General Administration and Support Services
"As of the end of tlte Second Semester 2000-2001 (April 22, Mailltenaltce and Other Operating Expenditures
2001) For tile withdrawal of the degree of Badlelor of Arts For the payment of U.P. Diliman's
(Public Administration) outstanding accounts with MERALCO
Aileen B. Leycallo" up to 31 December 2000 P15,500,OOO.OO

It was made clear to the Board tliattire matter is beinginvestigated. Note: It is understood Orat disaursements from this reprogrammed amount
The Board agreed to wait for tile final recommendation of the sllQlI be subject to the usual accounting and laws, niles and
U"iversity Council of U.P. Diliman. regulations.
July - September 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 7

Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 1998 to CY 2000) of the MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT

U.P. System Administration for the U.P. Modernization-Doctoral
Studies Fund, Networking, Computerization and Information The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic
Technology Projects matters;
Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 1998 to CY 2000)of the Note: These contracts/agreements have gone Ulrouglr thestandard University
U.P.System Administration for the U.P. Modernization-Doctoral Studies processes from the Constituent Universities (CUs) conCfmed end tIre
Fund, Networking, Computerization and Information Technology University System. In cases where there were irregularities or
Projects in the total amount of P121.8S0,000, certified available by the inconsistencies witllpresent laws, rules. regulations and processes, tire
.. :::.ystem Adminis trabon Chife Accountant to be use d as follows doaHnents were returned for review of (JT' to exact compliance by tire
Programs Projects Total concerned cu.
A.III.a. Advance &: 1 U.P. Modernization- Doctoral
HigherEducation Studies Fund U.P. System
PersonalServices (Faculty PI5,000,000 Memorandum of Understanding with INTEL Philippines
Substitutes) Manufacturing, Inc. (IPMI)
MOOE (stipends, tuition,others) 55.000.000 Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between
TOTAL P70,000,000 the University of the PhIlippines and INTEL Philippines
LocallyFunded II. U.P. Modemization- Manufacturing, Inc. (IPMI)
Projects networking.Computerization, Project: To explore possible joint research and development activities
ITProjects Particulars:

EquipmentOutlayP21,850,OOO a. IPMI is in the business of assembling and testing microprocessors,

Constructionof Permanent integrated circuits and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intel
Improvement 30.000.110O Corporation;
TOTAL P51,850,OOO b. The University has the expertise and the human resources in the
GRANDlUfAL P121,850,ooo areas of research and development in areas of engineering and the
Note: it IS understood tlral allY obhgahonjdfsbursements that will be made sciences;
against thisappropriation shall be subject to theusual accounting and c. IPMI requests the University's expertise and resources in the
auditing rules and regulations. following areas, including but not limited to the following:
I) Future Skilled Headcount Requirements
Realignment of funds reprogrammed for Maintenance and Other 2) Research and Development Collaboration
Operating Expenses (MOOE) to Capital Outlay 3) Workforce Skills Upgrade
Realignment of funds reprogrammed for Maintenance and Other d. The University requires assistance in the following areas:
Operating Expenses (MODE) to Capital Outlay in the amount of 1) Equipment Donations
P18,OO2,395.00 approved by the Board of Regents at its 1127th meeting 2) New Knowledge Directions for Industry
held on 18 December 1998 3) Publication of Papers in New Areas
FROM AMOUNT e. Both parties realize that there is a need to study any potential benefit
MODE P18,002,395.00 arising out of joint research agreements, considering carefully the
TO goals, objectives, and limitations of each party, in view of the
CAPITAL OUTLAY PI8,002,395.00 increasing speed and complexity of technological change;

Note: This realignment is needed to [und the proposed U.P. System f. Bothparties realize that there isa benefit in predefining a framework
Computerization Projects for CY 2001. containing guidelines for possible future collaborative research
It is understood that tlte disbursements from this reprogrammed contracts;
amount shall be sllbject to the usual accolHlting and auditing laws, g. Bothparties agree to work on a framework that willdefine the guidelines
rules and regulations. in areas including, but not limited to, intellectual property,
compensation, collaboration, publication, confidentiality;
Reprogramming of U.P. Visayas balance of prior years STFAP h. Both parties agree to work on creative and mutually acceptable
share from pool ways of increasing the pool of strategic technology resources and
Reprogramming of PI0,000,000.00, representing U.P. Visayas personnel in the country. This is a recognition of the fact that
balance of prior years SfF AP share from pool, broken down as follows' attrition of key personnel is a reality that both parties deal-with;
FROM TO i. Both parties agree to set up a Committee (the "Committee")
A.III.aAdvance&: Higher AJIl.a Advance&: Higher composed of IPMI and the University representatives. This
Educ.Services Educ.Services Committee will look into and recommend to the parties particular
PARTICULARS PERSONAL research projects under the directions stated in the framework
SERVICES TurAL MOOE i FDU!PMEI'IT TurAL referred to above, monitor compliance of all aspects of the
GeneralFund 10,000,000 10,000,000 7,300,000 2,700,000 10,000,000 framework, and recommend changes, if needed, to aspects of the
lUfAL 10,000,000 10,000,000 7,300,000 2,700,000 10,000.000 projects including but not limited to laboratories, tools, training, ele.;
j. Either party may terminate this MOD at any time and for any reason
Note: The above reprogramming will be used for are followillg purposes: provided reasonable prior notice is given by the terminating party;
1) to procrtre needed equipment for instruction, research and k. This MOU is intended to set out the parties' guidelines for
information technology units; 2) to upgrade existing laboratory establishing any future research collaboration contract for specific
facilities; and 3) to improve classroom, audio-oisucl Ilall, faCIlIty projects in order to ensure its successful and mutually beneficial
rooms and researclt related facilities. operation. This MOD does not bind either party to any project
It is understood tllat disbursements from tlte reprogrammed that the other may undertake in the absence of any contract for a
amount shall be subject to tIre usual accolmting and auditing laws, specific project agreed to and signed by both parties' authorized
rules and regulatiolls. representatives.
Date signed: 27 June 2001

Partnership Agreement with the Simon Fraser University (SFU) Implementing Unit: Ugnayan ng Pahinungod
(Canada) Particulars:
Partnership Agreemenl entered into byand between the University a. The University, through the Pahinungod, shall:
of the Philippines and the Simon Fraser University (SFU) (Canada) 1) Recruit, train and deploy volunteers who are subject-matter
Project:Establishment of a Field School program, fellowship, student specialists in English, Mathematics, Science or History and
exchange and other programs who are willing to teach as volunteer Gurollg Pahinungod in
Particulars: Arakan, Cotabato;
a. Both U.P. and SFU believe that the educational process and the 2) Orient and develop them so that they are imbued with the
promotion of international understanding will be significantly pallimmgod spirit and are prepared to dedicate themselves to
enhanced within their respective academic communities through full-time public school teaching and service to the community
the establishment of a Field School program. fellowship programs and the school during their period of assignment;
and student exchange programs between their institutions. 3) Provide necessary teaching materials;
b. The above stated programs are being carried out for the purpose 4) Send monitoring team composed of U.P. faculty members
of promoting quality scholarly exchange and international and provide training to the local teachers; and
understanding by encouraging and supporting academic activities 5) Oversee and assist the GPs assigned in Arakan, Cotabato.
between U.P. and SFU. b. The Angelicum shall:
c. Other activities might be encouraged through a responsible use of 1) Administer placement evaluation and interviews of the Home
existing funds pursuant to this agreement or through other funding Study applicants and the Achievement/ Mastery Tests;
mechanisms that may be the subject of future agreement. These 2) Provide the modules, credits and necessary certificates for the
activities shall include but not be limited to the following: Home Study students; and
1) faculty exchange 3) Allow the modification of modules to make them appropriate
2) staff exchange to the target students, with proper and prior notification and ."
3) joint organization of conferences and symposia approvaL
4) joint research c. The Assisi shall:
5) exchange of research materials and publications 1) Provide a grant to defray the costs of the Program, the details
Effictivity: 5 years from dale of completion of the signatures of both parties of which are provided in the Project Budget.
Date signed: 5 June 2001 Effectivity: Effective immediately upon signing for 2 years
Oat, signed: 20 June 2001
U.P. Diliman
Memorandum of Agreement with St. Scholastica's College
Memorandum of Agreement with Taegu University (Kyungbuk, Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P.
Korea) Diliman and St. Scholastica's College
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Project: Faculty exchange program
Diliman and Taegu University (Kyungbuk, Korea) Particulars:
Project: Exchange of students a. On request by SI. Scholastica's College, U.P. Diliman shall permit
Particulars: its faculty member(s) and/ or academic personnel from the College
a. This exchange program will be administered by the Dean of the of Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of Music, College of
College of Social Work and Community Development, University Mass Communication and the Center for Women's Studies and
of the Philippines, and the Director of the Institute of International other colleges or units as may be needed, to teach in the former on
Studies and Programs, Taegu University.
b. Each institution shall assume full responsibility in the assessment
and solution of qualified candidates in conformity with the
a part-time basis subject strictly to certain rules and procedures;
b. Personnel of D.P. Diliman serving in St. Scholastics's College shall
be given reasonable compensation by the latter institution, in
admission requirements of the host institution. accordance with its salary administration plan, policies and rules;
c. All exchange students shall be subject to the same academic provided, that the faculty member(s) and/or academic personnel
regulations regarding class performance which pertain to regularly given teaching assignments at St. Scholastica's College be
enrolled students at the receiving institution. appointed thereat to a rank equivalent to that held by said faculty
d. Tuition for exchange students will bewaived at the host institution. member(s) and/or academic personnel in U.P. Diliman; and
However, exchange students tuition to their home c. As needed by and on request of U.P. Diliman, St. Scholastica's
institution in order to maintain their full-time student status. College shall permit its faculty members and other academic
e. Students participating in the exchange will be responsible for all personnel to serve in the former on a part-time basis with
the other expenses, including their own transportation to and from compensation as may be agreed upon by both parties, in such
the host university, student fees, all room and board related costs, capacity as may be desired by U.P. Diliman.
living expenses, health insurance, and other costs. All medical Effectivity: Effective upon the completion of signatures of both parties
expenses not covered by the insurance plan provided by the host for a period of 2 years
institution are the sole responsibility of each student. Date signed: 27 November 2000
EffictroJity: Effective from the dale of signing for a period of 3 years
Date signed: 28 May 2001 Memorandum of Agreement with the National Museum of the
Memorandum of Agreement with the Angelicum College and the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
Assisi Development Foundation Diliman and the National Museum of the Philippines
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and among U.P. Project:Consultancy services in the recovery, maintenance and
Diliman, the Angelicum College (Angelicum), and the Assisi preservation, and in the exhibit and display of cultural heritage
Development Foundation (Assisi) Particulars:
Project:Educational Development Program for Rural Poor and a. On the request by the University, the Museum shall permit its experts
Indigenous Children, Youth and Adults of Arekan, Cotabato in recovery maintenance and preservation, and exhibit and display
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 9

of natural and cultural resources as may be needed, to serve in the 2) to monitor and assess the performance of the students regularly;
former on a "consultancy" basis in such capacity as may be desired 3) to submit performance evaluation and/or progress reports on
by the University subject to the rules and procedures of the the students to their commuriities and the Sambali; and
University. 4) to confer the title/degree upon successful completion of all
b. Personnel of the Museum, serving the University shall be given academic requirements.
reasonable compensation by the latter institution, which is EffectivihJ: SY 2000-2001 up to SY 2002-2003 renewable every year,
commensurate to the task performed and in accordance with the may be changed, modified or amended upon agreement of
latter's salary administration plan, policies and rules; Provided, both parties
that, the experts or academic personnel given assignments at the Date signed: 30 May 2001
University be appointed thereat to ranks not lower than those they
occupy in the Museum. Contract of Affiliation with the Integrated Provincial Health Office
c. All Deans, Directors and Heads of the principal units in the (IPHO) in Pawing, Palo, Leyte
University and the Museum shall be informed of this Agreement Contract of Affiliation between V.P. Manila and the Integrated
in its entirety; Provided, that the personnel whose services are Provincial Health Office (IPHO) in Pawing, Palo, Leyte
sought shall be appraised of this Agreement before their written Project:Affiliahon and training of BHW, CHW, CHN, BSCH, BSN
consent is secured. and Medical students of the School of Health Sciences to the
Effectivity: Effective upon the completion of the signature of both Integrated. Provincial Health Office in Pawing, Palo, L.eyte
parties for a period of three (3) years Implementing Unit: School of Health Sciences
Date signed: 3 July 2001 Effectivihl' 1 july 2000 to 30 june 2002
Date signed: 14 June 2001

V.P. Manila
Memorandum of Agreement with Manila Sanitarium Hospital ..
School of Medical Arts (MSH-SMA) Request for Board resolution authorizing the U.P. President to
Memorandum of Agreement entered into byand between U.P.Manila import equipment for the University's Modernization Program
and Manila Sanitarium Hospital - School of Medical Arts (MSH-5MA) The Boardresolution is necessary for purposes of waiver of duties and
Project:lntemship Training Program for the Radiologic Technology taxes, and as required in Section 4m of R.A 8292, otherwise known as the
Students of Manila Sanitarium Hospital to be given by UP.-K;H "Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997:' which reads as follows:
Particulars: Section 4. Powers and Duties of Governing Boards. The
a. U.P. Manila, through the Department of Radiology, K;H, shall governing board shall have the following specific powers and
implement the project in accordance with the proposal contained duties in addition to its general powers of administration
in the Memorandum of Agreement. xxxx
b. The training and other fees per trainee per month is nOD.DO per (f) to authorize the construction or repair of its buildings,
Intern per month. machineries, equipment and other facilities and the
Effectivity: 28 june 2001 to 27 june 2002 purchaseand acquisition of real and personal properties
Date signed: 28 June 2001 including necessary supplies, materials and equipment.
Purchases and other transactions entered into by the
Memorandum of Agreement with St. Augustine Sambali Fund, University or College through the Board of Regents/
Inc. (SASFI) Trustees shall be exempt from all taxes and duties.

Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. It is required. that the consignee on record should be the college or
Manila and SI. Augustme Sambali Fund, Inc. (SASFl) university, in this case, V.P. It is likewise required that upon arrival of
Project: Assistance through scholarship for poor but deserving students the importation, the shipping and other pertinent documents should
from the depressed and underserved areas in the provinces of be submitted. first to the Department of Finance for processing before
Zambales and Palawan to study at UPM-School of Health release of the equipment from customs custody.
Sciences Board action: Approval
a. U.P. Manila, through the School of Health Sciences, shall implement Regent Victor A. Reyes' Proposals on the Philippine General
the project in accordance with the proposal contained in the Hospital and Executive Order No. 11
Memorandum of Agreement. Regent Victor Reyes presented the following before the Board for
b. Role and responsibilities of the Sambali Fund, Inc.: its consideration:
1) to provide financial assistance to two qualified scholars per year; "In the past year, I have made manifestations before this
2) to facilitate the selection of scholars from the areas of Zambales board because of problems that have been spawned by
and Palawan in accordance with the recruitment and admission provisions of U.P. Executive Order No.11. Promulgated on 21
policies and guidelines of UPM-SHS; December 1983, this order in effect placed the hospital under
3) to assist in the monitoring of the performance of their scholars; the administrative authority of the Chancellor of U.P. Manila
4) to disburse directly to scholars financial requirements relative and relegated patients in the Philippine General Hospital as
to the scholarship program; and primarily a tool for the teaching needs of the university.
5) to remit to the University tuition, miscellaneous, Local At the outset of this arrangement. the loss of authority of
Counterpart Fund and other Student Fund fees incurred by the hospital with its charter and bureau status gave rise to protests
the scholars per billing submitted by the University. against the Chancellor's office (see these pictures I took of a
faculty march). Every single director since then had conflicts
c. Roles and responsibilities of the UPM-SHS:
with the Chancellor. These were documented fights, protracted
1) to provide formal education to potential professional health
and bitter disagreements and we shall see, as in a war where the
workers identified and duly endorsed by the selected depressed
civilians are the casualties, here, the patients are the ones who
and underserved communities in the areas of Zambales and
10 U.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.3

Ai; a tragic example, among the cancer patients undergoing your belief in the need for administrative and fiscal autonomy
telecobalt radiation, PGH used to treat 250 to 280 patients of the Philippine General Hospital. In fact when I was director,
daily in the radiology department. Because the purchase of a I supported a proposed bill in congress for the administrative
new machine became the subject of disagreement between the and fiscal autonomy of PCB plus its modernization.
Chancellor and the Director-no patients have been treated in I was however against getting PGH away from the
over nine months in PGH. You may well imagine how this has University of the Philippines. .
affected the course of these cancer patients-not to mention It was my opinion that the PGH director be given equal
their morale or will to fight. status as a Chancellor and that the Director reports to the V.P.
This example sprang from absence of both administrative President and the Board of Regents. One could not run a
and financial autonomy along with the exercise of superior hospital effectively, much more efficiently if he is given the
authority resulting in unnecessary and disastrous micro- responsibility but not the Authority. Any student of
management Thisboard has since approved a relative financial management will know that this will not work out."
independence of the PGH. Without administrative autonomy DR FELIPE ESTRELLA: referred to his unsolicited letter
however, it will remain a hollow authority and will not avoid to the board dated 2 August 2000: "Many times I demanded
the conflicts with the chancellor's office that have plagued the the setting up of a separate account for PGH funds or even an
hospitaL From the pragmatic standpoint this definitely should accounting only of such funds. At every tum, the officials
not be allowed to happen as it is rich grist for the mill of some would not heed my request, much less render an accounting. I
politicians who are not enamored of U.P. besides being bad even understand that these PGH funds have been invested,

management practice. but we do not have any knowledge of the interest income on
I have been completely against the unethical order of such investments. I have repeatedly pointed out that the
putting patient care to be "strictly secondary to and as a interests and other income on the PGH funds, used for purposes
consequence of the teaching needs of the university" (sec. 35). other than for PGH, is a criminal act- to lawyers, it is technical "

This should be expunged from the university rules and malversation.

corrected unequivocally as it is a human value no university Whenever PGH is deprived of the use of its own funds, or
should espouse. It has given rise to a Diliman mindset that kept in the dark as to the status of such funds, it can really be
truly belittled the functions and the responsibility of the PGH the PGH administrator's nightmare to see checks that he issued
to her clients, its raison d'em-the medically needy. for official transactions are dishonored for "lack of funds."
Four consultations have been conducted by this office. It Why such checks are dishonored, despite the fact that PGH is
is hoped that the subject is not consulted unto death. Scoring understandably awash with funds, is beyond me."
the responses as if it were an early morning TV poll is to my DR. SALVADOR SALCEDA: "I fully concur in the
mind misplaced because it is not as if we are conceptualizing experiences and belief of PGH previous Directors that having
a new program or putting up or bringing down a large building patient care as the first and foremost duty of a hospital
or an institution. It is, in my view, correcting a wrong that regardless of the adjective describing the nature of the hospital,
emanated from this body with Executive Order No.11 (without it is imperative and as it is subject to stochastic phenomena.
consultation, I might add) and the decision to correct it can not The resources required of the hospital should always be in the
be shoved unto a mixed group of different perspectives. In immediate and direct control of the Director.
general the transients or those who will eventually pursue Where optimum medical care obtains, teaching and
careers elsewhere do not much care who runs the hospital, learning is optimal; the opposite is not necessarily true." This
those who must stay and manage the place want the chancellor was horribly demonstrated by the incident I described before
out of their hair. In my experience, the two parties most truly this board previously, that of three successive anesthetic deaths
affected are the directors of the hospital arid the patients. I that were shrugged off as teaching experience and an
daresay the public reaction can be gathered if necessary through expected price to be paid.
various fora including the media and consumer groups. The I asked DR. NANAGAS, the present Director, point blank
directors are most directly affected by lapses and inadequacies whether he is in favor of transferring the hospital from the V.P.
in the hospital services and facilities as they have to answer to Manila to the office of the president. His reply, "yes." Would
the patients, the staff, the personnel, the public and the he want to be designated as one of the vice chancellors?, "no."
politicians who hold the purse strings. The proposal to transfer DR. NAPOLEON APOUNARlO: it is worthwhile to record
the hospital under the Office of the University President was his reaction in toto: "As Vice Chancellor for Administration of
presented to the previous directors for comment The directors U.P. ManiIa for four years prior to becoming Director of the PGH for
used different words but had similarly insightful and pertinent three years, I have seen and experienced both sides of the coin
points born of hands-on experience in managing the hospital. regarding the relationship between U.P. Manila and PGH.
DR GLORIA ARAGON: who you may know is engaged As I look back now, I would like to state the following
in fight with the big C, quite successfully I might add, dictated comments and observations:
the following: 1. In the eyes of the Filipino people. the PGH is primarily
1. "Not under a Chancellor but under the President of a service institution. Especially to our less fortunate
U.P. (referring to administration of the hospital). countrymen, it is their last resort and only hope in times
2. Primary function is patient care - whether it is teaching when they are most vulnerable - in times of illness,
hospital or not Better care if it is teaching. helplessness and hopelessness.
3. Needs are day to day and hour to hour - cannot wait as I daresay that if a survey were to be made as to
its needs are acute and immediate. which institution has the greatest impact on the welfare
4. It should have its financial and administrative and lives of the Filipino people, PGH would be high up
autonomy within the university. in the ratings over many government institutions.
5. Responsibtlity to the community is on the Director's The service that PGH gives to the nation is a reflection
shoulder not the Chancellor." of how our government cares for the people, especially
DR ANTONIO MONT ALBAN: "I completely agree with the poor. That is why even in times of austerity, our
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 11

government officials have been very careful about the anyone here to micromanage any of the campuses. I appeal to
way they treat PGH. the president and this board not to keep a dosed mind and to be
Generally, they have been more sympathetic to its unselfish by not preferring the convenience of leaving things as
financial needs. That is probably why at the time when they are. To do so is to ignore the plight of people whose only
many institutions like V.P. suffered a budget slash, hope is all too frequently to run to PGH for help. As early as
our tegislators readily agreed to our appeal for during the demonstration against the first chancellor who used
additional budgetary allocations for PGH. In addition his new powers [Dr. Lorenzo], please note the caption on the
to that, we wereable to convince more of them to set up poster: "lbalik allg PGH sa Tao" in one of my photographs. As
their respective trust funds for the use of their indigent late as last April, our new director actually thought of fleeing
constituents. from micromanaging blues emanating from the chancellor's
Therefore, the PGH must stretch its perspective office. In my last communication, my summary is as follows:
beyond the confines of its teaching-training-research 1. If we, by fiat, as in Executive Order No. 11 decree that
functions in V.P. Manila. It must give priority to its there is anything in a hospital more important than the
more encompassing service function as a tool for care of patients, we shall be setting ourselves apart
promoting national welfare and development. from the rest of the ethical world of medicine.
2. The hospital must have administrative and financial
2. Executive Order No. 11 which placed PGH under V.P. autonomy. While it must gear its programs
Manila in 1983 was an anomaly. It was like putting a collaboratively with the medical school and the other
tiger under the care of a mouse. health units of the university, it must be set free to
The PGH is an enormous institution which had been respond to its needs, supervised but not micromanaged

used to enjoying relative autonomy and had easier administratively.

access to more generous budgetary allocations because 3. It would be well in tum to consider liberating the
of its service functions. Suddenly and grudgingly, it university (V.P. Manila) as a consequence to develop
found itself under the control of a much smaller, without having to depend on the hospital for its space
relatively obscure, newer, and less financially endowed and financial needs.
institution that was U.P. Manila. This naturally gave Apropos of this vis-a-vis V.P. Los Banos and U.P. Diliman,
rise to a hostile and suspicious atmosphere. my impression is that its development needs looking into. I think it
Aggravating the situation is the recurrent clash of has become somewhat stunted in its progress for its dependence
priorities and personalities between the officials of PGH on the hospital and its heady twenty-four-hour dynamism.
and V.P. Manila. I had no problems during my first two Regent Reyes proposed the following changes in Executive Order
years as PGH Director under V.P. Manila Chancellor No.ll:
Perla Santos Ocampo because she gave equal priority to a. SECTION 6. paragraph 3 Office of the Chancellor
the service needs and teaching training and research FROM:The personnel of the offices/units under the Office of
needs ofPGH My problems started when the succeeding the Chancellor may be drawn from the other units of
administration used Executive Order No. 11 as a reason V.P. Manila until such time that these new offices can
for ignoring the urgent service needs of the PGH. have their own personnel.
Historically, PGH Directors are strong, brave The Chancellor shall delineate the functions of the
personalities who feel passionately about this institution. new offices and the corresponding or similar offices in
the Philippine General Hospital. The Chancellor may

It is not surprising therefore that they tum mavericks

when they feel that the PGH is being shortchanged. also transfer the personnel and/or the items from the
Therefore, I strongly endorse the proposal of Regent corresponding offices of the Philippine General Hospital
Victor A. Reyes to amend the policy regarding the to the new offices/units under the Office of the
functions of the PGH and give priority to its service Chancellor until such time that the freeze on hiring is
function, and to place the PGH directly under the U.P. lifted.
President for full administrative and fiscal autonomy. TO: Return any personnel and/or items from the Office of
In this manner, the PGH will be able to carry out the Chancellor to their original positions in the
more effectively its role in national welfare and Philippine General Hospital.
development, and do justice to the expectations of the b. SECTION 29. paragraph 3 Offices/Units under the Supervision
Filipino. At the same time, it will ensure the continuing of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration
financial support and sympathy of the government. FROM:The Chancellor shall delineate the functions of the new
Above all, it will eliminate several layers of bureaucracy, offices and the corresponding or similar offices in the
prevent intramural conflicts and dashes in V.P. Manila, Philippine General Hospital. The Chancellor may also
and eliminate the prevalent thinking that the PGH is transfer the personnel and/ or the items from the
being used as a milking cow." corresponding offices of the Philippine General Hospital
PGH has been administratively under many different to the new offices/units under the Office of the
offices. Among others, it has been under the Bureau of Health, Chancellor until such time that the freeze on hiring is
Departments of Interior, Education, Office of the President of lifted.
the Philippines and under the President of the University. It TO: Return any personnel and/or items from the Office of
the Chancellor to their original positions in the
was under the U.P. President from 1947 to 1979. To bring the
PGH under the Office of the V.P. President is neither new nor Philippine General Hospital.
c. SECTION 34. The Philippine General Hospital
such a disaster. I cannot understand the inordinate fear or dislike
FROM:The Philippine General Hospital shall be the teaching
by the President of having the hospital under his o~cei no one
hospital for the various health sciences units of U.P.
expects the President or the Board of Regents to nucromanage
the enormous bureau known as PGH nor should they or anyone
TO: The Philippine General Hospital shall be the training
else for that matter. Certainly not anymore than we would expect

center for the various health sciences units of D.P. f. SECTION 37. Advisory Board of the Philippine General
Manila. It shall be a constituent unit directly under the Hospital. (As amended by Executive Order No.4, 19
office of the university president. Management of its September 1988)
line budget shall be subject to rules as promulgated by FROM: The Philippine General Hospital shall have an Advisory
the Vice President for Planning and Finance and Board to be composed of the following:
approved by the Board of Regents. 1. President of the University of the Philippines-
d. SECTION 35. Functions of the Philippine General Hospital Chairman
FROM: The Philippine General Hospital shall perform the 2. Chancellor of D.P. Manila - Vice-Chairman
following functions: 3. Director of the Philippine General Hospital
a. It shall be primarily concerned with providing the 4. Dean College of Medicine
necessary facilities for the implementation of the 5. Dean College of Nursing
teaching, training and research activities of the 6. D.P. Vice President for Planning and Finance
health sciences units. 7. Dean of one of the Colleges of D.P. Manila, to be
b. Its service function to the community shall be chosen by the Chancellor and who shall serve for
strictly secondary to, and a consequence of, its term of one (1) year.
teaching, training and researchactivities. However, 8. Representative of the Faculty of the College of
it must be cognizantof its role as a national tertiary Medicine
referral center. 9. Representative of the PGH Resident Physicians
c. To enable it to pursue its objectives, the Philippine 10. Representative of the PGH Administrative Personnel
General Hospital shall undertake a continuing The representatives, who shall serve for a term of
program of institutional improvement and
strengthen its linkages with the other health sciences
units of D.P. Manila and other institutions both
local and international. This must be taken in
coordination with the proper academic units and
with the approval of the Chancellor. TO:
one year, shall be chosen by their respective sectors .
The Advisory Board may create an Executive
Committee out of its members to perform such functions
as may be delegated to it by the Advisory Board. The
Executive Committee shall not exceed five (5) members.
The Philippine General Hospital shall have an Advisory

The Philippine General Hospital shall also provide Board to be composed of the following:
health services to faculty, students and employees of the 1. President of the University of the Philippines ~
University of the Philippines. Chairman
TO: The Philippine General Hospital shall be the training 2. Director of the Philippine General Hospital - Vice-
hospital for the various health sciences units of U.P. Chairman
Manila. It shall be a constituent unit directly under 3. Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs
the Office of the University President with its separate 4. Dean College of Medicine
line budget. Budget shall be subject to the rules as 5. Dean College of Nursing
promulgated by the Office of the Vice President for 6. Dean College of Pharmacy
Planning and Finance. 7. Executive Director of the PGH Foundation
a. The primary function of the Philippine General 8. Representative of the Faculty
Hospital is the care of the sick and injured of the 9. Representative of Administrative Personnel
community. As the largest government medical The Advisory Board may create an Executive
facility and referral center, it must endeavor to
remain abreast of developments in medical care
and hospital operations.
b. An additional responsibility of the Philippine
General Hospital is the conservation and expansion
of knowledge through educational endeavor and
scientific research. As the clinicalvenue of the College
Conunittee out of its members to performsuch functions
as may be delegated to it by the Advisory Board. The
Executive Committee shall not exceed five (5) members.
With the liberation of the hospital, there will be no earth-
shaking changes in what is going on in the schools and the
hospital as far as students and trainees are concerned. As one
bureaucratic layer of management will be removed, the fiscal

of Medicine and other academic units, it must autonomy approved by this board will become real. Hospital
function as an integral part of the university in management should be able to plan in a more efficient and
undergraduate and graduate education. timely way for its needs. To an extent then, this governing
c. Its training programs include externships, body shall have become a little less of an ivory tower."
internships, residencies and fellowships. It shall be Board action: After discussing the proposals of Regent Victor
a certificate granting unit of the university. Reyes, the Board decided as follows:
e. SECTION 36. Director of the Philippine General Hospital 1. Approval, with some slight modifications, of the proposal
FROM: The Philippine General Hospital shall be headed by a to amend the policy on the functions of the Philippine
Director to be appointed by the Board of Regents upon General Hospital (Executive Order No. 11, Section 35. 21
nomination by the Chancellor of V.P. Manila and the December 1983) which shall read (bracketed words to be
recommendation of the University President and shall deleted, underscored words to be added):
serve for a term of five (5) years. The Director shall be a. The primary function of the Philippine General Hospital
responsible for the day-to-day operation of the is the care of the sick and injured of the community.
Philippine General Hospital. As the largest government medical facility and referral
TO: The Philippine General Hospital shall be headed by a center, it must endeavor to remain abreast of
Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Regents developments in medical care and hospital operations.
upon recommendation of the University President and b. IAn additional] A concomitant responsibility of the
shall serve for a term of five (5) years. Philippine General Hospital is the conservation and
expansion of knowledge through educational endeavor and
July - September 2001 U.P. GAZEITE 13

scientific research. As the clinical venue of the College The Board noted the following:
of Medicine and other academic units, it must function
as an integral part of the university in undergraduate Letter of the BOR Chair, Dr. Ester A,.. Garcia, to President Gloria
and graduate education. Macapagal-Arroyo in response to a letter from the Alliance of
c. Its training programs include extemships, internships, Concerned U.P. Personnel (ACUP) relating to the tenure of the
residencies and fellowships. [It shall be a certificate U.P..President
granting unit of the University.] Provided. that training The BaR Chair endorsed to President Arroyo a copy of the
or internships that constitute part of the medical Minutes of the 1151st meeting of the Board of Regents on 28 June
curriculum of the University has to be jointly offered 2001 wherein the Board adopted the legal position of the University
with the College of Medicine. General Counsel that the tenure and term of the V.P. President ends
2. The proposal to put PGH directly under the Office of the on 9 February 2005, consistent with the reading of the V.P. Charter,
President of the University System did not gain ground as pertinent regulations contained in the University Code and the
the President himself indicated that he has been devolving Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.
programs and offices systemwide in order to ensure that
he could devote more time to the natural functions of the Resolution of the U.P. Alumni Council dated 15 June 2001 calling
President such as planning, policy-making, fund-raising, for full support to U.P:s Information Technology Modernization
etc. There was consensus, however, on the grant of more Program
autonomy to the PGH Director. Regent. Hernandez, President of the V.P. Alumni Association,
Upon the recommendation of the President, the Board invites the Board of Regents to extend its full support for the realization
approved the creation of a committee to review the set-up of U.P.'s modernization program to achieve a global, competitive fT

of PGH and its relationship with U.P. Manila. The structure so the Vniversity will be able to maintain its leadership in
Committee shall be requested to define clearly the extent the field of education and transform it into a world-class institution.
of autonomy to be given to the PGH on matters such as
budget, appointments, purchase of equipment, etc. Revisions in the Academic Calendar for SY 2001-2002 for U.P.
3. The proposal to further amend Executive Order No. 11 was not College Baguio
discussed, except letter e, particularly SECllON 37, regarding The revisions are necessary in view of the conflict in the schedule
the Advisory Board of the Philippine General Hospital (as of the Commencement Exercises for U.P. College Baguio and V.P.
amended by E.O. No.4 issued on 19 September 1988). Visayas and to be able to comply with the prescribed 24-class days
The President decided to convene the Advisory Board of for the summer session.
which he is the Chairman.
Update: 111 connection willi the proposal to put PGH directly under the 1153RD MEETING, 30 AUGUST 2001
Office of tile President, President Nemenzc issued Administrative
Order No. FN-01-46 dated 30 July 2001 creatiug tile committee APPOINTMENTS
to review the set-lip of PGH andits relatiollship with V.P. Manila.
The Committee is chaired In} Vice President Martill V. Gregorio The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments,
and with Assistant Vice President Arth"r S. uyalral1 and Prof transfer to permanent status, additional assignments, award of
Ma. Oliva Z. Domillgo as members. professorial chairs, extension of service and other related matters:
The Committee was requested to submit its report and
recommendation 011 or before 22 August 2001 . UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS

Designation of a third representative of the Board of Regents to

the U.P. Foundation, Inc. (UPFI)
Under Article II, Sec. 3.01 of the by-laws of the UPFl, three
regents are elected by the Board of Regents to sit in the UPFl Board.
The two regents currently in the VPFI Board are Regents Oscar M.
Alfonso and Celso R. Roque. The third seat was made vacant when
U.P. System

Gilda C. Rivero, original additional assignment as Assistant

Vice President for Development, Office of the Vice President for
Development, effective 30 August 2001 to serve at the pleasure of the
Vice President for Development
former Regent Edgardo B. Espiritu ceased to be a member of the BaR
The election of the third representative shall be confirmed by the TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS
VPFI Board at its next meeting.
Board action: The Board designated Regent Jose P. de Jesus as its U.P. Diliman
third representative to the UPFI Board.
Ramon Benedicto A. Alampay, Assistant Professor 1, Asian
Opening of two Ll.P. dollar accounts with the Philippine National institute of Tourism effective 30 August 2001
Aileen S.P. Baviera, Associate Professor 1, Asian Center, effective
Bank (PNB)
A Memorandum of Agreement between the University and PNB 30 August 2001
for the collection of UPCAT fees was confirmed by the Board at its Florencio O. Gaa, Assistant Professor 6, College of Engineering,
1051st meeting on 28 June 2001 but it did not include an explicit effective 30 August 2001
Paul L Rodgers, Assistant Professor 3, College of Engineering,
confirmation of the dollar account which was opened on 8 June 2001
with an initial deposit of $2,478. effective 30 August 2001
Eduardo C. Tadem, Associate Professor 3, Asian Center, effective
The second dollar account sha1l serve as a temporary parking place
for dollar receipts of the University. At present, dollar receipts of the 30 August 2001
Jeffry J. Tejada, Assistant Professor 2, School of Statistics,
University are converted into pesos in order to deposit such receipts in
V.P. System bank accounts. This proposed account shall serve as the effective 30 August 2001
dollar counterpart to the U.P. System Peso Trust Account with PNB.
Board action: Approval
14 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.3

U.P. Los Baftos GaliIeo S. Zafra, original appointment as Chua Giok Hong
Assistant Professor of Filipino, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1
Edna Y. Ardales, Associate Professor 1, College of Agriculture, July 2001 until 30 June 2002
effective 30 August 2001
Edward F. Barroga, Associate Professor 2, College of Veterinary U.P. Manila
Medicine, effective 30 August 2001
Teresita U. Dalisay, Assistant Professor 7, College of Nina G. Barzaga, original appointment as Dr. Crispin Villanueva
Agriculture, effective 30 August 2001 Professor of Microbiology, College of Medicine, effective] January
Billy P. Divina, Assistant Professor 5, College of Veterinary 2001 until 31 December 2001
Medicine, effective 30 August 2001
Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts EXTENSION OF SERVlCE BEYOND
and Sciences, effective 30 August 2001 COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE OF 65
Benjamin Reuel G. Marte, Assistant Professor 3, College of
Veterinary Medicine, effective 30 August 2001 U.P. Diliman
Glafera Janet B. Matanguihan, Assistant Professor 3, College of
Agriculture, effective 30 August 2001 Emmanuel S. Gregorio, Assistant Professor 6, College of Music,
Marilou M. Nabatilan, Assistant Professor 3, College of effective 30 May 2001 until 31 May 2002
Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, effective 30 August 2001
[aderick P. Pabico, Assistant Professor 4, College of Arts and U.P. Los Banos
Sciences, effective 30 August 2001
Violeta V. Quintana, Assistant Professor 2, Rural High School, Pacifico C. Payawal, Professor 12, College of Arts and Sciences,
College of Agriculture, effective 30 August 2001 effective 26 September 2001 until 31 October 2001
Jovita M. Saquing, Assistant Professor 5, College of Engineering
and Agro-Industrial Technology, effective 30 August 2001 ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT BEYOND AGE 65

U.P. Visayas U.P. Diliman

Maritoni C. Barbo, Assistant Professor 1, College of Ronald W. Nethercutt, Professorial Lecturer 1, College of Music,
Management, effective 30 August 2001 effective 1 November 2001 until 31 May 2002
Doreen C. Cortez, Assistant Professor 1, College of Management, Gerardo P. Sicat, Professorial Lecturer 5, School of Economics,
effective 30 August 2001 effective 1 June 2001 until ~1 May 2002
Maria Elena M. Elizaga, Assistant Professor 1, College of
Management, effective 30 August 2001 V.P. Los Banos
Louise Annette B. Escoto, Assistant Professor L Cullege of
Management, effective 30 August 2001 Roberto C. Bautista, Professorial Lecturer 2, College of Arts and
Sciences, effective 3 August 2001 until 31 October 2001
U.P. Cottege Baguio Manuel Leon B. Francisco, Senior Lecturer 1, College of Arts
and Sciences, effective 13 June 2001 until 30 March 2002
Ian Jasper A. Agulo, Assistant Professor 2, Natural Sciences

and Mathematics Division, effective 30 August 2001 RENEWAL OF APPOINTMENT BEYOND AGE 65


Nestor S. Pareja, Professor 10 of Surgery, College of Medicine, Violeta V. Encarnacion, Professorial Lecturer 1, Institute of
U.P. Manila, and Attending Surgeon, Philippine General Hospital, Library Science, effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
effective 30 August 2001 Edgar E. Escultura, Professorial Lecturer 2, V.P. Extension
Program in San Fernando, Pampanga, effective 1 June 2001 until 31
Perfecto L Padllla, Professorial Lecturer 4, National College of Public
Athena Lydia Casambre, Professor 8, College of Social Sciences Administration and Governance, effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
and Philosophy, effective 1 June 2001 Edita A. Tan, Professorial Lecturer 5, School of Economics,
effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
U.P. Los Banos
Rogelio V. Cuyno, Professor 12, School of Management, effective
23 March 1998 Corazon B. Colanta, Professorial Lecturer 2, College of Human
Ecology, effective 1 June 2001 until 31 October 2001
U.P. Diliman
U.P. System
Raquel B. Flcrendo, original appointment as Leonardo Ty
Assistant Professor of Home Economics Education. College of Home Ma. Corazon De La Pefta Marcial, original appointment as
Economics, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 University Legal Counsel. Office of Legal Services, effective 1 August
Daisy P. Lopez. original appointment as MMC Associate Professor 2001 until 31 December 2001
of European Languages, CAL, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZETIE 15

MATIERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES In the present case, the donor, Dr. Ma. Teresita C. Nanages,
OF THE 1152NDMEETING (26JULY 2001) appears to have specified two things in the endowment: (I) the
establishment of the Victor and Maria Naiiagas Professorial Chair;
On the proposed establishment of the Victor and Maria Nanagas and (2) the awarding of said Professorial Chair to the Associate Dean
Professorial Chair specifically intended for the Associate Dean of the College of Medicine, with an annual emolument of U5$1,000.00.
of the College of Medicine Unfortunately, said terms contravene Sec. 5 of the Guidelines for
The Board deferred action on this matter at the last (1IS2nd) meeting Endowment Funds. They effectively encroached upon the discretion
of the Board on 26 July 2001, pending a review of the existing practice of reserved by the BOR on itself to determine how many chairs shall be
assigning professorial chairs to occupants of administrative positions. established out of the endowment, who will be appointed to a chair,
The sentiment is that professorial chairs should not be attached to and what the emolument or compensation thereof would be. The
administrative assignments, lest they lose their dignity. Professorial BOR may therefore exercise its discretion to accept or not to accept the
chairs should be awarded only to faculty members who have endowment based on said terms.
distinguished themselves in the fields they represent. A professorial It must also be pointed out that the BOR, proceeding from its
chair is a form of recognition for achievement in the academe. discretion and prerogatives under the University Charter and the
The Vice President for Academic Affairs was requested to look Guidelines for Endowment Funds, has already established certain
into this matter and recommend the appropriate title for the grant. guidelines respecting the matter of who shall beeligible for appointment
The University General Counsel was tasked to find out if there is any to professorial chairs, i.e., the General Guidelines on Professorial Chairs
prohibition on donors from stipulating to whom their donations shall and Other Faculty Incentive Schemes (the "General Guidelines"),
be assigned. approved during its IOS7th meeting dated 25 January 1993. Stressed
In compliance, the University General Counsel submitted his throughout the General Guidelines is that a professorial chair is a form

opinion, as follows: of recognition for achievement in the academe. Four types of professorial
Donations, as a general rule under the Civil Code, being an act of chairs were established - research, teaching, G.E., and arts and
pure liberality', a donor has the right to choose who his or her donee humanities-and the basic criterion for appointment in any of the
would be. Applying the same principle, though, the donee also has four is outstanding performance as evaluated in accordance with the
the right to accept or not to accept the donation. It is only when the General Guidelines. The position of Associate Dean of the College of
donor learns of the acceptance of the donee that the donation is deemed Medicine being an administrative position, it appears that the holder
perfected'. thereof will not qualify for a professorial chair under the General
With respect to the University, the Board of Regents, in its 814th Guidelines if the only basis for qualification is his or her holding such
meeting on 28 October 1971, acknowledged the "substantial benefits" position. Therefore, the BOR may very well refuse the establishment
which can be derived from donations or endowments from outside of the chair or the automatic award thereof to the associate dean.
entities, especially "when effectively used for the programs, priorities In sum, the BaR, in the exercise of its rights as donee under the
and goals of the Uruversity'". At the same time, however, the BOR Civil Code, and of its powers as the highest governing body of the
recognized the need to preserve the" academic freedom of the University under the University Charter, may exercise either of three
University and its integrity as an institution"! and, as a result, limited (3) options:
to a certain extent the right of donors of the University to choose who a. not to accept the donation at all;
their donee(s) would be. Thus, Par. 5 of the Guidelines for Endowment b. accept the donation and allow the establishment of the chair
Funds approved during the 814th meeting provides that: but refuse the automatic award thereof to the holder of an
"5. Donors or endowment foundations may specify the administrative position; or
partieular purpose or field of activity for which the donation c. alter or make an exception to its current policies. Of course,

or endowment funds will be used, but the particulars such the donor may likewise exercise its rights as donor and
as how many chairs or lectureships will be established withdraw the donation.
from the endowment earnings, who will be appointed Likewise, the Vice President for Academic Affairs submitted a
to a chair, and what will be the tenure, compensation list of existing V.P. Manila professorial chairs specified for
and emoluments thereof, shall be determined by the administrators, as follows:
Board of Regents and the President, upon the Name of Chair Dono, Honorarium Fund Specificatio DdeofBOR
recommendation of the dean or director concerned." Source Aooroval
This is not to say, however, that the University, in stipulating such Chan. Perla Dr. p.o. P60,OOO UPMDF Incumbent 1137th BOR
limitation under Sec. 5, is contravening the Civil Code provisions on Dizon Santos Santos yearly Chancellor 25 Nov 1999

donations. After all, no one is being compelled to donate to the Ocampo Prof! Ocampo
University who does not conform to such limitation. The limitation is UPMASA P60,000 UPMASA Incumbent 110Sth BOR
Alfredo 1.
more a condition for acceptance of the donation by the University, which is Ramirez yearly Deon 24 Jan 19m
well within its right under the law and under the University Charter'. Prof'! Chair
Hence, if a prospective donor refuses to agree to the limitation, then Johrmy UPMNiA 52.000 UPMASA Inrumbent 1142nd BOR
Escandor - D.P. yearly Associate 26 May 2000
the University may likewise refuse to accept the donation.
Manila Oass '6 Deon
Prof'l Chair
I Art. 725 of thl:' Civil Code, viz: "Donation is an act of pureliberality whereby a P60,OOO UPMDFl Incumbent 1129th BOR
Dr. Lourdes Dr.LM.
person disposes gratuitously of a thingor rightinfavor of another, whoaccepts it." Morales- Aesquivel yearly College 25 Feb 1999
1 Art. 734 of the Civil Code, viz: "The donation is perfected from the moment the Aesquivel Prof! Secretary

donor /maws of the acceptance of the donee." Chair

Victor Jr. and Dr. M.T. $1,000 UPMASA Incumbent On Ho!d
J See p. 1, par. 2 of theGuidelines for Endawmen/ Funds in the University of the
Maria Nenages Nanegas yearly Associate
Philippines. Prof'lChair Deon
4 Ibid.
s Sees. 4 and5 of theUniversity Charter, Act. No. 1870, asamended, vest eXclu~uely Vice President Diokno informed the Board that she has discussed
upon the Board of Regents the administration of the University and the exerase of this matter with the Dean of the College of Medicine. The latter is not
its corporate powers.
16 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.3

enthusiastic about the proposal to change the name from Professorial a. UPLB shall gran I to ERDB the use of 61.54 hectares,
Chair to Administrator's Grant since according to him donors give for approximately, within the Makiling Forest, as principal site of
professorial chairs which to them cany some prestige. its operations, subject to VPLB and UPS policies, rules and
Regent Marita V.T. Reyes raised her concern over the lack of regulations.
standardized honoraria for this type of Chairs. b. The Agreement shall be for a term of 15 years, or up to 30
Regent Alfonso expressed his uneasiness about Chairs being April 2015, subject to review every 3 years.
awarded almost automatically for salary supplementation. He c. ERDBshall seek written permission from VPLB for any cutting,
requested Vice President Diokno to study this matter further. gathering and/or transporting to and from the area of any
Board action: The Vice President for Academic Affairs was requested forest products or materials, or before undergoing any
to look further into this matter and ensure that development or deliberate use of the natural resources. in the
professorial chairs are awarded to faculty members area. The entry of any other entity/organization that ERDB
who have distinguished themselves in the fields they will be collaborating with within the area shall be subject to
represent and not solely for salary augmentation. written concurrence of the UPLB Chancellor.
d. ERDBshall protect the forests against squatting, illegal cutting
POLICYMATIERS APPROVED of trees, fire, transporting of biological and physical materials in
and out of the area and other similar forms of destruction or
Request for waiver of the policy that only tenured faculty may be threats to theenvironment in the area. ERDB shall likewise hold
appointed to regular academic administrative positions UPLBfree and harmless from any liability or damages resulting
Request for waiver of the policy that only tenured faculty may be from the fault or negligence of its agents, officials and employees.
appointed to regular academic administrative positions in favor of e. VPLB may appoint qualified ERDB personnel as adjunct
Prof. Monet M. Loquias and Mr. Arthur P. Bautista who are being faculty or affiliate staff of VPLB. The parties shall also exert
recommended as Chairs of the Department of Pharmacy and Industrial earnest efforts to undertake collaborative research and human
Pharmacy, respectively, inspite of their temporary status resource development activities.
Justification f. ERDB shall set aside a sum of money in its annual budget for
No one among the tenured faculty members in these Departments the development and maintenance of roads, utilities and
is available for the said positions. In the Department of Pharmacy, support infrastructure shared by the parties. The application
several faculty members are tenured but only Prof. Loquias is available. of the amount shall be initiated through billing by UPLB.
Nothwithstanding, she was voted by the majority in the department. g. There shall becreated a Joint Management Committee composed
Mr. Bautista's case in the Department of Industrial Pharmacy is of 3 members from each party, to be chaired by a VPLB vice-
similar. There are only three tenured facuty members in that department. chancellor with a DENR Assistant Secretary as vice-chair. The
The former Dean, Prof. Leticia-Barbara Gutierrez, declined the position Committee shall meet at least once every 3 months.
in view of her retirement. Prof. Jocelyn Palacpac, on the other hand, is Effectivih): 1 May 2001 until 30 April 2015
still serving as the College Secretary. The third member, Dr. William Date signed: 13 August 2001
D. Torres, is on secondment with the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
The President recommends approval of the request, subject to Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
the condition that the appointments of the above mentioned faculty System (through U.P. Los Banos) and Waste and Resources
members as department chairs should be co-terminous with their Management, Inc. (WARM)
temporary appointments as faculty members but should not go Project: Establishment of a solid waste management facility within the
beyond one year. UPLB campus to serve the requirements of UPLB and the
Board action: Approval. The Board. however, recommended that the Municipalities of Los Bartos and Bay, Laguna
organizational set up of the College be looked into Particulars:
and the possibility of merging the aforementioned a. UPLB shall make available to WARM a 20-hectare parcel of land
departments be studied. in Pasong Kipot, Tranca, Bay, and its existing but unutilized 2-
hectare sanitary landfill facility in Paciano RizaL Bay, for free, to
Request of V.P. Diliman Chancellor Emerlinda R. Roman to correct be used as site for a solid waste management facility (the
the term of office of Prof. Ernesto Pineda "Facility") to serve the waste disposal needs of UPLB, Los Banos
Request of V.P. Diliman Chancellor Emerlinda R. Roman to and Bay, Laguna.
President Francisco Nemenzo dated 8 August 2001 that the term of b. WARM shall develop and operate the Facility, on its own account,
office of Prof. Ernesto Pineda as Director of the Institute for Small using its "Environment Park" or "Pock Kalikasan" approach.
Scale Industries be corrected from 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2003 to 1 c. The agreement shall have a term of 15 years, renewable for another
July 2001 until 30 lune 2004 15 years upon mutual agreement, to ensure viability and reasonable
Note: The term of directors and other heads of units is three years. return on investment for WARM.
d. The Facility shall be experimental and pilot-scale, designed to
Renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Ecosystems serve as a showcase program for the development and maintenance
Research and Development Bureau of the Department of of suitable and sustainable solid waste management systems in
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-ERDB) provinces and municipalities.
Renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and e. Revenues generated from the operation of the Facility shall be
between the V.P. System, through V.P. Los Banos, and the Ecosystems shared 25%-75% (after expenses) in favor of WARM.
Research and Development Bureau of the Department of Environment f. There shall be created an Environmental Parks Development
and Natural Resources (DENR-ERDB), granting the latter the use of Committee composed of equal number of representatives from
an area within the Makiling Forest as principal site for its operations each party. Said committee shall have the power, among others,
This is a renewal of a previous Agreement executed on 8 April to monitor and review operating systems and costs, including
1975 with the Forest Research Institute (FRI) which expired on 8 April tipping costs.
2001. It has basically the same provisions as the previous one but Effectivity: Effective upon signing of the parties for lS years
with notable improvements. Its major provisions are as follows: Date signed: 31 July 2001
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 17

Proposa1 for tlte recognition of lite existing Department of magaa<y Proposed Revision of Rules on Faculty Tenure
Medical Savices as an academic unit under tlte College of Medicine Rationale
Background The present rule allows tlte grant of tenure to faculty who hold
The Department 01 Emergency Medical Services (DEMS) was the rank of Assistant Professor and who have obtained at leasl a
created for tlte Emagency Room Complex of lite Philippine General master's degree "or accomplished outstanding academic, creative, or
Hospital, during tlte l046th meeting of the Board of Regents held on professional work." Under certain conditions, an Instructor may also
30 January 1992. The creation had tlte following objective/purpose: be recommended for tenure.
"To provide the Emergency Room Complex (ERq with a BUI lite rule does not actually lay down the criteria for the grant
management system and structure that will (a) facilitate the ollenure. Rather, Art. 178 (c) refers generally to "the criteria set for
direction and control 01 the operations 01 the complex; and (b) faculty promotions" as the basis of tenure of faculty with the rank of
clearly identify the accountability and responsibilities 01service Assistant Professor.
areas and medical personnel assigned to the ERe." Now that the University is heading toward the recruitment into
Basically, the DEMS that was created is a service department the faculty of qualified applicants with advanced degrees, it is
which has lull operational control over the ERes service areas and imperative that tlte rules are consistent from recruitment to the grant
personnel to enable an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and integrated of tenure to the retention and promotion 01 faculty. The inextricable
approach to patient care. link between teaching and research/creative work, which is an essential
Proposal requirement of faculty promotion, must also be reflected in the grant
It is now proposed that the existing Department 01 Emergency 01tenure. Moreover, while teaching performance is regularly monitored
Medical Services (DEMS) 01 the Philippine General Hospital be during the faculty member's stint as an Instructor and Assistant
recognized as an academic unit of the College of Medicine. This is Professor, his/her ability to generate knowledge is often measured

anchored on the following: solely by the master's degree. An additional requiremenl for tenure is
1. The Department trains all interns or senior medical students thus being proposed, namely, that in addition to at least a master's
01 the U.P. College 01 Medicine during their clinical work as degree, the laculty member should have:
part of their medical curriculum. demonstrated satisfactory or better teaching performance; and
2. It participates in the teaching 01 Year Level Iv and Year Level authored a refereed journal article or academic publication or,
VI medical students. in the field of visual arts, exhibited creative work that went
3. It trains residents rotating from Family Medicine, Pediatrics, through a jury process or the equivalent in the case of music
Internal Medicine and Surgery. and other performing arts.
4. It implements the Residency Program in Emergency Medicine. By raising the requirement one notch higher, the University will
5. Medical graduates from other schools rotate annually during endeavor to ensure that its faculty can teach as well as contribute to
their internship through the department as part of their the pool of knowledge in his/ber chosen field or discipline.
requirements before taking the Physician's Licensure Proposed Revisions
Examinations. The revisions cover Articles 178 on the Assistant Professor and
6. Students from several nursing schools, including the U.P.College 177 on the Instructor (parts in brackets to be deleted and those in
of Nursing rotate to the DEMS as part of their clinical exposure. capital letters to be added).
7. The Department regularly conducts research. It produces an 1. Art. 178. Assistant Prolessor.
average of four research papers annually. From:
8. It conducts short-term trainingprograrns which include, among (a) The initial appointment in the University to the rank of
others, the following: Assistant Professor shall be temporary in character, renewable
a) Emergency Medicine every year for a period not exceeding three years.

~. b) The Emergency Medical Technician Program

c) Basic Life Support Course and Cardio-pneumonary
(b) Such appointment shall automatically terminate at the end of
that three-year period unless the Assistant Prolessor is given
Resuscitation tenure on the basis of the criteria set for faculty promotions.
d) Advanced Cardiac Life Support (c) No person without a graduate or professional degree, or
e) Advanced Trauma Management Course outstanding academic, creative, or professional achievement,
I) Disaster Medicine Seminar shall be initially appointed to the rank of Assistant Professor.
The DEMS is considered a leader in the field of Emergency To:
Medicine. It owns three 01the most modem liIe support vehicles (a) The initial appointment in the University to the rank of
in the country today. It also houses the largest Emergency Assistant Professor shall be temporary in character: renewable
Department in the country. It has the following manpower every year for a period not exceeding three years.
complement: (b) Such appointment shall automatically terminate at the end of
8 Physicians/Clinical Associate Professors from the that three-year period unless the Assistant Professor is given
U.P. College of Medicine and Medical Specia1ists III tenure [on the basis of the criteria set for faculty promotions}
of PGH (5 have salaried positions and 3 are without AS PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH (D) BELOW.
compensation) (c) No person without a graduate or professional degree [or
11 Resident physician trainees in Emergency Medicine outstanding academic, creative, or professional achievement]
48 Nurses shall be initially appointed to the rank of Assistant Professor.
9 Nursing Attendants
17 Institutional workers STANDARDS:
1 Administrative Assistant
1 Oerk
This proposal was endorsed by the President's Advisory Council
during its 181st meeting held on 10 August 2001, with the condition PERFORMANCE; AND
that there will be no additional budgetary requirements.

JOURNAL ARTICLE (LOCAL OR INTERNATIONAL) OR PhD study abroad is about two million a year, while the local faculty
ACADEMIC PUBLICATION BY A RECOGNIZED fellowship costs about P270,OOO a year.) The University, too, will
ACADEMIC PUBLISHER OR LITERARY PUBLISHER IN more rapidly improve its PhD faculty profile by means of lateral
THE CASE OF LITERARY WORK; OR IN THE FIELD OF recruitment of PhDs. Since V.P. cannot compete in terms of salary,
VISUAL ARTS, CREATIVEWORK THAT WAS EXHIBITED the provision of research support will provide an incentive for PhOs
AND JURIED, OR A SIMILAR REQUIREMENT IN the University wishes to attract and retain. Moreover, the incentive
MUSIC AND OTHER PERFORMING ARTS. will enable the recipient to continue to be intellectually productive
2. Art.177. Instructor. while s/be is settling into the University.
From: Guidelines
(f) Other rules on tenure to the contrary notwithstanding, an 1. Only faculty hired through lateral recruitment after the approval
Instructor may be given tenure under the following conditions: of this incentive may be recommended for the grant of the incentive.
(1) Appropriate academic bodies have acted favorably on his/ Faculty whose doctoral study was supported by the University in
her tenure as well as promotion to Assistant Professor; any way, including the grant of salary, shall not be eligible for the
however, there is no funding for the promotion to Assistant incentive.
Professor; 2. To be eligible for the incentive, the applicant must:
(2) He/She has already obtained an MA/MS or equivalent have a PhD from a reputable university;
degree, or accomplished outstanding academic, creative, present recent publications/creative work; and
or professional work; and display high potential for further contributions to knowledge
(3) He/She has already served meritoriously for at least five through 'teaching and research.
3. The recipient shall receive research incentive of P500,OOO a year in

(5) years.
To: his/her first two years in the University under a research contract.
(f) Other rules on tenure to the contrary notwithstanding, an 4. During the two-year period, the recipient may not compete for other
Instructor may be given tenure under the following conditions: research grants offered by the University. S/he, however, shall be
(1) [He/She has already obtained an MA/MS or equivalent eligible for the International Publication Award or International
degree, or accomplished outstanding academic, creative, Award for the Arts subject to the implementing guidelines.
or professional work] S/HE HAS SATISFIED THE 5. The recommendation for the grant of the incentive shall emanate
QUALIFICATIONS FOR TENURE PROVIDED IN from the department. Strong justification shall be provided. A
PARAGRAPH (D) OF ARTICLE 178; special committee shall be formed by the President to evaluate the
(2) Appropriate academic bodies have acted favorably on his/ recommendation prior to the President's decision.
her tenure as well as promotion to Assistant Professor,
[jhowever] EXCEPT THAT there is no funding for the ACADEMIC MATIERS APPROVED
promotion to Assistant Professor; and
(3) He/She has already served meritoriously for at least five Institution of the Master of Information Technology Program at
(5) years. the Institute of Computer Science (IC5), College of Arts and
The revised rules shall apply upon approval by the Board of Sciences, U,P. Los Banos
Regents. In meritorious cases, units may request the President to Rationale
waive the rule for faculty on tenure track who require a reasonable, Information Technology, as an academic field, has overlapping
limited period of time to meet the requirements of tenure. areas with Information Systems, Computer Science and Information
Engineering. The Information Systems perspective assumes that the
Proposed Amendment of Ph.D. Incentive Grant systems are technically working and focuses on how to integrate the
In its 1142nd meeting (26 May 2000), the Board of Regents system into the workplace so that people will actually use it. For this
approved the establishment of the PhD Incentive Grant as part of the reason, the study in this area is less concerned with programming and
Creative and Research Scholarship Program. The Grant supports the the actual "how-to" and more on the human and business side. The
final year of doctoral study of a V.P. faculty member or REPS in a Computer Science discipline ranges from the design of the hardware,
foreign university. to the development of algorithm and implementation of software
It is now proposed that the coverage of the Grant be expanded to systems. Information Engineering blends electronics, communication
include up to one year of study abroad under the PhD"sandwich" and computer engineering. Information Technology has a broad
program. responsibility to develop, implement, deploy and manage the three
areas of IT solutions to support organizational processes. The IT
Proposed Amendment of U.P. Modernization-Doctoral Studies discipline has the task to track new information technology innovations
Fund and assist in incorporating emerging IT trends into the organization's
In its 1152nd meeting (26 July 2(01), the Board of Regents approved strategy, planning. and practices.
the creation of the V.P. Modernization-Doctoral Studies Fund, which It has been recognized that the arrival of the information age
provides for financial support of V.P. faculty for doctoral study provides a new window of opportunity. In the August 2000 EASEAN
through local and foreign faculty fellowships and the PhD "sandwich" task force meeting, three prerequisites were identified to leapfrog from
program. The objective is to improve the PhD faculty profile. a developing agricultural or production-based economy to a knowledge-
It is now proposed that the "sandwich" program be removed based economy. First, a country requires to put in place the basic
(the PhD Incentive Grant will absorb it) and that in its stead, a research infrastructure, namely, the electricity and communications infrastructure.
incentive be provided for qualified PhDs hired through lateral Second, it requires a pool of Information and Communication
recruitment. The research package shall be PSOO,OOO pesos a year for Technology (ICT) skilled manpower from system developers to system
two years for PhOs whom the University intends to recruit into the strategists. Third, it needs a well-established regulatory and policy
faculty. network and the necessary mindset and commitments of society that
Rationale would facilitate the realization of the strategic value of ICT. The proposed
The University is, first of all. spared the expense of supporting Master of Information Technology program addresses the second
the doctoral study of qualified PhD applicants. (The average cost of requirement- the need to produce the required pool of ICT personnel.
July - September 2001 D.P. GAZETTE 19

Thereare,at present,more than600 colleges and universities in the certified as available by the Chief Accountant, V.P. Manila, to be
Philippines offering Information Technology, Computer Science and utilized as follows:
Information Management degree programs with a total of about 1,800 Programs
instructors teaching in these fields. More than 90% of instructors in these General Administration &t Support Services
schools are without a graduate degree in IT. Also, there are more than Capital Outlay
150 software houses in the country and more than 98% of their workforce EquipmentOutlay P4,598,792.00
is without a graduate degree i!, IT. Both these sectors are fast expanding Note: The amount shall be rttilized to augment the Ulliversity's ftmd for
and it is foreseen that the numbers given will increase in the very near priority ll1JonnatiOll TecJmology (IT) projects.
future. Aside from these, every business establishment and government AllY obligatiollsjdisbllrsemerrts from this mnonnt shall be srtbjfcf
agency is building its own IT manpower. Through the institution of the to the usual accountillg and auditing niles and regulatiolls.
Master of Information Technology, the University could help provide
the high-level manpower needed by these establishments and agencies. Proposed graduate tuition structure of the V.P. Open tJ.uiversity,
The program will provide IT professionals with formal advanced training effective Year 2002
in planning, designing, as well as synthesis and integration of various Oient Type Programs Tuition Fees
information systems using leading-edge technologies. (per unit)
This Master of Information Technology (MIT) program is Teachers, Diploma in Language Studies for 300
designed to further train IT practitioners by providing them with Agriculturists Teachers (DLST)
advanced knowledge in IT for them to be able to design and implement Diploma in Social Studies
IT solutions in their workplace. This is unlike the existing UPLB Education (DSSE)
Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) program which is Diploma in Mathematics

designed to prepare students for R&D and for further studies in Teaching (DMT)
computer science. In short, the courses in MIT are mostly applied Diploma in Science Teaching
while courses in MSCS are mostly theoretical. Hence, the two degree (DST)
programs have different clientele. Diploma in Agriculture fDA!
Additional resources and cost required Nurses, Social Diploma in Social Work (DSW) 4S0
There are currently 8 computer laboratories existing in ICS. Hence, Workers, Diploma in Envirorunent and
no additional facilities are needed. Communication Natural Resources Managemen
A laboratory fee of P1 ,500 for each coursetaken in this program Practitioners, (DENRM)
is being proposed. Even those courses which are of lecture type only Government Diploma in R &:: D Management
will need the laboratories to do the projects required in the course. Administrators, (DR & DM)
One (1) additional faculty member will be required. The existing Environmentalists, Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)
faculty can handle the additional load created by this program. & R&D Personnel Master in Environment and
Projected Ellrollmellt Natural Resources Managemen
The yearly enrollment in the Diploma in Computer Science (MENRM)
program averages 80 per study center in the distance education mode Master of Social Work (MSW)
and 10 in the residential mode. The average yearly enrollment in the Master of Professional Studies in
B.s. Computer Science program is 200. These are the potential numbers Development Communication
of students who will initially enter the program. (MPS-DC)
This program was favorably acted upon by the Ll.P, Los Banos Doctors, Master of Hospital Administratio 600

University Council at its meeting on 27 July 2001. Computer (MHA)

Specialists Master of Public Health (MPH)
Establishment of the Andie B. Ablaza Professorial Chair in the Diploma in Computer Science
Basic Sciences (DCS)
The chair shall be supported by earnings from the fund balance Ph.D. Students Ph.D. in Education 600
of the Sariel Ablaza Professorial Chair, which amounts to P968,OOO, On-line Students All on-line courses under 600
as of 31 December 2001. The amount is inclusive of the recent donation any of the dezree pro.rams
of $6,000 by Dr. Sariel G.G. Ablaza, an alumnus of the U.P. College of
Medicine. The fund is expected to grow to PlM, by July 2001 and Assumptiollsjbases for the proposed tuition structure:
hence, enough to support both the Sariel Ablaza Professorial Chair 1. That there be no distinction made between diploma and masters
and the proposed Andie B. Ablaza Professorial Chair. programs. It takes the same preparation to offer these courses
whether they are at the diploma or masters level.
Graduation of students for various degrees/titles from the different 2. That Ph.D. programs, on-line courses, computer-related courses,
schools and colleges of the U.P. System as of the end of Summer and programs catering to medical courses be considered courses
2001, as approved by their respective University Councils affordable by the higher-income bracket.
1. U.P. Manila
Realignment of funds reprogrammed to capital outlay
2. V.P. Los Banos
3. U.P. College Bagnio A. Realignment of funds reprogrammed as follows to capital
(Note: TIle lists are filed at tile OSU Records.) outlay the amount of P6,348.186 approved by the Board of
Regents at its 1118th meeting held on 26 March 1998
PS P1,879,800
Reprogramming of Ij.P. Manila's prior year.; savings from obligations MOOE 1,942,2'3
from the General Fund . EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 2.526.053
Reprogramming of V.P. Manila's prior years savings from Total P6,348,186
obligations from the General Fund in the amount of P4,598,792.00,
20 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.3

TO 2. Net take home pay must be suffident for the monthly installment
CAPITAL OUTLAY P6,348,186 through payroll deductions, i.e. net pay after all deductions should
Note: This realignment is needed to fimd the construction of t11e U.P. Los be no less than P2,OOO per month, including PERA and A>:,A.
8Q1ios CentenanJ Field House. It is understood tllnt the disbursements 3. No pending loan application with all recognized governmental
from this reprogrammed amount shall be subject to the usual and non-governmental providing credit and lending services
accounting and QlIditing laws, ntles and regulations. institutions (e.g. G5IS, Provident Fund, Credit Union).
B. Realignment of funds reprogrammed as follows to capital 4. Established need for computer for capability enhancement as
outlay the amount of P2,064,374 approved by the Board of certified by the Unit Head.
Regents at its 1112th meeting held on 25 September 1997 Amount of Loan: Maximum of PSO,OOO.OO
FROM AMOUNT Options and Tenns:Amount of loan inclusive of interest shall be payable
MOOE P 438,069 on equal monthly installments, starting two months
EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 1.626.307 after the grant of the loan, as follows:
Total P2,064,374 Tables of illustrative monthly payments per month of loan
TO Option 1: 12 Months Repayment Period at 8% Annual Interest Rate
CAPITAL OUTLAY P2,064,374 Amount of Loan Monthly Payment
Note: 11li5 realignment is needed toftmd the rehabilitation of thefa~Q(ie (for 12 months)
of the main Administration Building of U,P. Baguio. P50,OOO.00 P4,500.00
It is understood that the disaursements from this programmed P45,000.00 P4,050.00
amount shall be subject to the uSlIal accounting and QudithIg P40,000.00 P3,600.00

laws, rules and regulations. P35,000.00 P3,150.00
Option 2: 24 Months Repayment Period at 9% Annual Interest Rate
Realignment of funds reprogrammed for personal services to Amount of Loan Monthly Payment
capital outlay (for 24 months)
Realignment of funds reprogrammed for personal services to P50,000.00 P2,270.85
capital outlay the amount of P2,935,626 approved by the Board of P45,000.00 P2,043.75
Regents at its 1122nd meeting held on 30 July 1998 P40,000.OO PI,816.70
FROM AMOUNT P35,000.00 PI,589.60
PS P2,935,626 Fund Source: Initial self-sustaining fund of PS,OOO,OOO.OO is set aside
TO to finance the program on a continuing basis.
CAPIT AL OUTLAY P2,935,626 A of PSO,OOlOO for each borrower will
Note: This realignment is needed to [und the rehabilitation of thefarode of initially benefit 100 applicants. On the third month after
tile main administration bllildillg of U.P. Baguio. the grant of the loan, at least 8 additional applicants will be
lt is understood lIlat the disbursements from this programmed benefited if all loans are payable within 12 months (at 8%
amount shall be subject to are Ilsual accounting and auditing laws, interest), while only additiona14 applicants will be benefited
rutee and regulations. if loans are payable in 24 months (at 9% interest).
Reprogramming of UPM-PGH's prior years savings Following are the implementing guidelines for the Computer
Reprogramming of UPM-PGH's prior years savings from Loan Program of the University of the Philippines Diliman:

obligations under the General Revolving Fund in the amount of 1. The Computer Loan shall be granted on priority basis to faculty
P34,122,368, certified as available by the Chief Accountants of UP- and staff of the University of the Philippines under the
PGH and U P Manila, to be utilized as follows' following conditions:
FROM TO a) That the applicant is a permanent regular faculty or with
PARTICULARS Fund 101 Fund 164 Total Fund 184 temporary appointment, or permanent non-teaching staff
Personal Services Pl,392,682 P27,202,104 P28,594,786 of the University;
Maintenance & Other 2,059,058 3,468,524 5.527,582 PI5,886,368 i. If faculty with temporary appointment, he/she must
Operating Expenses name as guarantor another permanent faculty member
Capital Outlay or permanent non-teaching staff of the university with
Buildings & the capacity to guarantee payment of loan.
Structures Outlay 13,200,000 b) That he/she has served the University for not less than one (I)
Equipment Outlay 5036000 year on regular status; or if temporary, for at least two years;
TOTALAMOUNT P3,45I.740 P30,670,628 P34,122,368 P34,122,368 c) That there is an established need of a computer for
Note. The amount for the MOOE shall be utilized to augment the hospital s capability enhancement of the applicant as certified by the
operating needs. The Equipment Outlay shall be used for the purchase Head of the Unit;
ofvital/llecessanJ eqllip1nelltoftlre hospital. TIre Buildings & Structures d) That the proceeds of the loan shall be solely for the purchase
Outlay shall take care oftire major renovations of tlte Cardiac Operating of a computer unit and/ or parts and peripherals thereof;
Room in the 6thfloor of the Qmtral Block and otJrrart:'ilS of tIre hospital. e) The total amount of loan inclusive of the prescribed interest
AllY obligations/disbursements from this amount shall be subject shall be deducted on equal monthly installments from the
to tlte usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. pay of the applicant starting two months after the grant of
the loan;
Proposal for the establishment of U.P. Diliman Computer Loan Program f) That no grantee shall avail of this benefit within four years
U.P. Diliman proposes to establish a Computer Loan Program after the grant of the loan; and
as part of capability enhancement program for its faculty and staff. g) That grantee abides by the additional guarantees contained
Qualifications: in the memo/letter of undertaking.
1. Pull-time regular or temporary faculty and permanent staff of the 2. The University of the Philippines shall initially set aside a self-
University. sustaining fund of PS,QOO.OOO.OO, known as The Computer Loan
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 21

Fund, from available funds to finance the Computer Loan Teaching Enhancement 30%
Program on a continuing basis; Scholarships 25 %
3. Monthly collections from the beneficiaries of the Computer Course/Course Material Development 20%
Loan Program shall be plowed back to the Fund to finance the Facilities/Equipment Improvement 20%
requirements of additional or new applicants; Student Recruitment/Information Activities 5%
4. The total amount of loan, inclusive of the prescribed interest Total 100%
shall be payable in 12 months or 24 months as may be agreed After three years 01operation and considering added/ new thrusts,
by the applicant and management. some adjustments in Fund utilization are needed. The College
5. The administration 01 the Computer Loan Program shall be the recommends that the MBA Special Utilization be realigned as follows.
responsibility of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration, effective School Year 2001-2002,
specifically the Benefits Section of the Human Resources Course/Course Materials Development 50%
Development Office. and Teaching Enhancement
6. The Computer Loan Program takes effect upon approval of Facilities/Equipment Improvement 30%
the Board of Regents. Scholarships 15%
Procedure Student Recruibnent/Information Activities 5%
1. Applicant fills out CLP application form, to include certification Total 100%
by Head 01 Unit ollaculty/stalf's need lor a computer unit The proposal calls for a reduction in the percentage distribution
2. Queues at Benefits Section HRDO for priority list-specifying for scholarships in order to increase the percentage distribution for
amount of target loan facilities/ equipment improvement. The Dean has assured that there
3. Acquires certification/clearances of qualification for benefit are other scholarship grants in the college which the students may

a. Accounting-certification that net pay is more than P2,OOO per avail of, and that what is critical at this time is the maintenance of
month, factoring the amount of CLP loan monthly payments equipment and facilities.
b. GSIS, Provident fund, Credit Union - certifications of no
pending loan application/s MEMORANDA OFAGREEMENT
4. Goes back to HROO to fill up Letter of Undertaking, to be cleared
by Head of Benefits, HRDO Director, for notarization and The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic
submission matters:
5. HROO to endorse application to Accounting for voucher preparation Note: These contracts/agreements tuure gone through the standard
6. Voucher to be approved by HRDO Director and the Vice- University processes from tile Constituent Universities (CUs)
Chancellor for Administration concerned and the University System. In cases where there were
7. Voucher goes back to Accounting for check preparation irregularities or inconsistencies with present laws, rules, regulations
8. Vice-Chancellor for Administration signs check, to be released by and processes, the documents were returned for review of or to exact
the Cash Office compliance by the concerned CU.
9. Beneficiary must purchase the computer unit not later than seven
(7) calendar days after release of check. Beneficiary must fill up V.P. Diliman
Report 01 Purchase within seven (7) calendar days alter purchase 01
unit and/or parts, and submit original copy 01 Official Receipt and Renewal of and Supplement to Memorandum of Agreement with
photocopy, the latter to be retained by HRDO for records purposes. Fundacion Fernando Rielo
lO.1f the amount of loan is greater than actual cost of computer unit, Renewalof and Supplement to Memorandum of Agreement entered

accessories or components, the balance should be paid back to the into by and between V.P. Diliman and Fundacion 'Fernando Rielo
Cashier, who must issue a GRP Official Receipt. Project: Fernando Rielo Professorial Chair in Teaching Spanish
11. The GRP Official Receipt must be presented to HRDO, who wili Literature and Thought
retain a photocopy of such. PartiClllars:
Board action: Approval. The guideline which provides that the a. The existing agreement inadvertently failed to provide for the
applicant has no pending administrative case as of matter of the intellectual property rights over outputs, works or
the actual date of the grant of the loan was deleted products resulting from activities under the agreement.
as per suggestion of Regent Alfonso. b. The parties therefore agree as follows:
The Board likewise approved the Realignment of 1) Fundacion and U.P. Dillman shall renew the Agreement under
funds from the reprogrammed funds for the Housing the same terms and conditions for another two (2) years
Soft Loan Program to D.P. Dillman faculty and stafl (as begirming 1 June 2001;
approved by the Board 01 Regents at its 1096th meeting 2) All research outputs, discoveries and/or inventions/
on 23 April 1996) to finance the U.P. Dillman Computer innovations produced by virtue of and pursuant to the
Loan program amounting to PS,OOO,OOO, certified as Agreement shall be recognized as the output of and shall be
available by the Chief Accountant. jointly owned by Fundacion and V.P. Diliman;
Note: It is understood that the disbursements from tllis reprogrammed 3) Any publication arising from the activities undertaken by virtue
amount sJlall be subject to the usual accounting and auditing laws, of and pursuant to the Agreement shall clearly establish and
identify both Fundacion and U.P. Diliman as the sources of
rules and regulations.
the output;
Realignment of the MBA Special Fund Utilization, College of 4) All reports by virtue of and pursuant to the Agreement shall
be made in the names of Pundacion and V.P. Diliman, provided,
Business Administration, U.P. Diliman
that the names of the principal authors, researchers and/or
The MBA Special Fund is an income-fed trust fund .c~eated for
project leaders shall be identified, recognized and included in
the tuition differential between University and College tuition.
At the 1125th meeting of the Board of Regents on 29 Octo~er the report; and
5) Fundacion and U.P. Dillman shall have equal right to use all
1998, the Board approved the utilization scheme of the MBA Speoal
outputs, works, products, information, data and findings
Fund using the following proportion:

made by virtue of and pursuant to this Agreement for the the prierwntten permission of the UPD-NEC, Dillman, Quezon
enhancement of their respective academic and research City;
programs. The names of the principal authors, researchers 2) Assign resource person from its pool of lecturers who are experts
and/ or project leaders shall be identified and recognized in in their respective fields. They are practitioners and consultants
such cases. who have extensive practical experience. Their curriculum vitae
Date signed: 9 July 2001 will be provided upon finalization of the seminar schedule;
3) Award a Certificate of Completion to participants who
Memorandum of Agreement with PWDCORP Philippines, Inc. attended and completed at least 80% of the total lecture hours.
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. A Certificate of Attendance will be given to those who do not
Diliman and PWDCORP Philippines, Inc. meet this requirement; and
Project: Conduct of Strategic Facilities Management Training Program 4) Submit to the OOH-NOiFD the summary of evaluation reports
Implementing Unit: National Engineering Center, V.P. Diliman accomplished by thepartidpants after-theconduct of the seminar.
ParticulnTs: b. Duties and responsibilities of DOH-NCHFD:
Duties and responsibilities of UPD-NEC, among others: 1) Designate the venue of the seminar and provide the facilities
a. Arrange the facilities and equipment needed for the conduct and equipment needed for the conduct of the seminar. A list of
of the training courses; the equipment needed by the lecturers shall be given a week
b. Provide the support personnel such as training coordinators, before the seminar commences. These may include a slide and/
secretariat, draftsmen, technicians, printing and janitorial or overhead projector, LCD projector, notebook PC, blackboard
services to undertake and ensure the efficient implementation or white board and others;
of each training; 2) Provide a complete list of participants to UPO-NEC at least a

c. Arrange the meals and snacks of the participants, training week before the scheduled seminar date;
staff, and resource persons during the course of the training at 3) Assist the UPD-NEC staff in conducting post-seminar
a sustainable and reasonable fee; evaluation of the following: seminar conduct, lecturers, service
d. Issuecertificates of completion signed by the General Manager and facilities including catering services; and
of PWDCORP and the Executive Director of the UPD-NEC; and 4) For and in consideration of the aforementioned services and
e. Provide the network and contact to effectively market the facilities, the OOH-NCHFD shall pay the UPD-NEe the amount
programs as well as the distribution of the invitation/ notices. of PlO1,OOO.OO lor the 5-day seminar. This amount shall be paid
Tools like brochures and advertisements in papers may be through the UPD-NEC Trust Account No. 9692601-499-906.
employed subject to approval of PWDCORP. Effectivity: Effective upon the execution and Signing by the parties
Duties and responsibilities of PWDCORP, among others: Date signed: 2 August 2001
a. Furnish UPDNEC all the necessary details regarding each
training, including schedule, course descriptions, course Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Environment
objectives, course outlines and methodology; and Natural Resources
b. Develop the course materials needed for each training. One Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
complete set of course materials shall be submitted to UPD- Dillman, through the College of Education, and the Department of
NEC for reproduction and distribution to the participants; Environment and Natural Resources, through the Environmental
c. Provide qualified and competent resource speakers or appoint Management Bureau (DENR-EMB)
any from U,P. Diliman or UPD-NEe's pool of resource persons Project: Assessment of the Implementation of Environmental Education
for each training course; in Schools Nationwide

d. Provide a structure for capability-building of UPD-NECspool Particulars:
of resource persons to conduct the training course; a. The DENR-EMB shall:
e. Provide the transportation, accommodation and per diem of 1) Provide appropriate funds for the conduct of project activities;
foreign and out-of-town trainors for the duration of the 2) Select the participants to the pilot testing and monitoring
training; and activities; and
f. Provide honoraria for lecturers, fees and other course-related 3) Collaborate with UPO-CoE in planning the project activities
expenses after proceeds of the training had been collected. and providing the data necessary to conduct the project
Effectivity: Effective upon the execution and signing by the contracting components.
parties for a period of 2 years ending on 30 June 2003. b. The UPD-CoE shall:
Date signed: 2 August 2001 1) Provide technical expertise required for the conduct of the
project activities;
Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Health, 2) Manage and supervise the conduct of research and pilot testing
National Center for Health Facility Development (DOH-NCHFD) upon approval of the design by the DENR-EMB; and
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. 3) Submit the project report on or before 31 December 2001.
Dillman, through the National Engineering Center, and the Department Effectivity: Effective upon signing of both parties and shall continue
of Health, National Center for Health Facility Development (DOH- until 31 December 2001
NCHFD) Date signed: 10 July 2001
PTOjed:Conduct of the seminar on Construction Project Management
Particulars: Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine
a. Duties and responsibilities of UPo-NEC: Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)
1) Develop the course materials to be submitted to OOH-NCHFD Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and
for reproduction and distribution to the seminar participants. between U.P. Diliman and the Philippine Council for Health Research
Ownership of the course shall be retained by UPD-NEC. and Development (PCHRD)
Reproduction of any part of the materials is restricted within Project: Generation of Humanized Single Gene-encoded Antibodies with
OOH-NCHFD. No part of the publication may be reproduced Varied EffectorFunctions for Direct Use as Anti-tumor Reagents
or transmitted in any form or by any means externally, without and for the Production of Immunoliposomes: OFSICLON
July - September 2001 ur. GAZEITE 23

Implementing Unit: National Institute of Molecular Biology and B. Project: Program on farm practice and thesis for undergraduate
Biotechnology and graduate students of the Department of Agronomy,
Particulars: College of Agriculture; UPLB
a. PCHRD shall: Particulars:
1) allocate the amount of Pl,307,966.50; and a. UPLB, through the College of Agriculture Department of
2) provide technical assistance relevant to the achievement of the Agronomy, shall:
Project in coordination with other government agencies in 1) provide support services through extension work i.e. farm
matters requiring their attention or cooperation insofar as these practice and thesis in Pampanga and Cebu or Negros Oriental;
are relevant to the project and within the capability of PCHRD. 2) administer the overall management of the farm practice and
b. U.P. Dillman, among others, shall: thesis through a Project Management Committee (PMC)
1) Submit to PCHRD periodic reports, i.e., quarterly progress constituting the Department Chairman of Agronomy, the student
and financial reports, annual technical accomplishment report, 'adviser and a representative from PhiiNet RDl which shall be
audited financial report, etc.; tasked to coordinate the review, planning, implementation,
2) Report immediately and remit to PCHRD all income derived monitoring and evaluation of the activities; and
from the project and all unexpended balance, if any, at the end 3) Formulate the topic or thesis problem in relation to sugarcane
of the project year; in Cebu OrNegros Oriental and rice in Pampanga for alternative
3) Hire project personnel on contractual basis and coterminous technologies.
with the Agreement; and b. PhilNet RDI shall provide the area for farm practice and thesis
4) Provide appropriate assistance to PCHRD in pursuance of implementation. The institution will cover all expenses related to
commercialization or transfer of Research and Development the agreed activities i.e. fare to and from Los Banos, board and

results that are product-based. lodging, mobility and travel insurance to both the student and the
c. Cost and Terms of Payment adviser.
Payment under the Agreement shall he made directly to U.P. c. UPLB, through the College of Agriculture Department of
Diliman by PCHRD. PCHRD shall release the full amount to U.P. Agronomy, and student and PhilNet RDl shall have equal rights
Diliman upon execution of the Supplemental Memorandum of of ownership to the farm practice and thesis output.
Agreement, and subject to the stated schedule and submission of d. Any publication arising from the research and other activities
required outputs. undertaken in pursuant to this agreement shall identify the UPLB
Effectivity: 1 May 2001 until 30 April 2002 as the source of the output.
Date Signed: 18 July 2001 Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties for one year but not
later than 31 December 2001
V.P. Los Banos Date signed: 15 February 2001

Two Separate Memoranda of Understanding with the Philippine Memorandum of Agreement with several parties for a project in
Network of Rural Development Institutes (PhilNet RDI) Marilog District, Davao City
Two Separate Memoranda of Understanding entered into by and Memorandum of Agreement entered jointly by U.P. Los Banos with:
between V.P. Los Banos and the Philippine Network of Rural Department of Science and Technology Regional Office No. Xl
Development Institutes (PhilNet RDI) Department of Agriculture
A. Project. Program on farm practice and thesis for undergraduate Regional Field Unit Xl
and graduate students of the Department of Horticulture, Agribusiness Marketing Services

College of Agriculture, UPLB Bureau of Post Harvest Research and Extension

Partial/ars: Southern Mindanao Agriculture & Resource Research &
a. UPLB, through the College of Agriculture, Department of Development Consortium
Horticulture, shall, Department of Trade and Industry
1) provide support services through extension work, i.e. farm Davao City Field Office
practice and thesis in Bohol, Iloilo and Davao del Norte; Davao City Government
2) administer the overall management of the farm practice and Land Bank of the Philippines
thesis through a Project Management Committee (PMC) Marilog Highlander Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative
constituting the chair of the Department of Horticulture, the Project: Integrated Production, Post-Harvest Handling and Marketing
student adviser and a representative from PhilNet RDI which Project or Cool Chain Technology Project in Marilog District in
shall be tasked to coordinate the review, planning, Davao City
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the activities; Particulars:
3) formulate the topic or thesis problem in relation to mango in a. Project area shall initially cover the major vegetable production
Iloilo, banana in Davao del Norte and palm oil in Bohol/ areas in Marilog District, Davao City, and the project proponent
Sultan Kudarat for alternative technologies. shall be the Marilog Highlander Farmers Multi-purpose
b. PhilNet RDI shall provide the area for farm practice and thesis Coopera tive.
implementation. It will also cover all expenses related to the agreed b. The project shall seek to upgrade existing cultural management
activities, i.e. fare to and from LosBanos,board and lodging, mobility and post harvest handling practices of highland vegetables in the
MarBog area and thus improve the quality of locally-produced
and travel insurance to both the student and the adviser.
highland vegetables, resulting in better farm-gate prices and higher
c. The CA Department of Horticulture, the student and PhilNet RDI shall
have equal rights to ownership to the farm practice and thesis output. incomes to vegetable fanners in the area. _
c. The MOA defines the various technical assistance and funding
d. Any publication arising from the research and other activities
support to be provided to the proponent by the different parties in
undertaken in pursuant to this agreement shall identify the UPLB
the implementation of the project. It shall also define the
as the source of the output. coordinating mechanisms in the implementation and monitoring
Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties for one year but not
of the project.
later than 31 December 2001
Date signed: 7 February 2001

d. All expenses and costs incurred by the parties in the fulfillment of b. The Department of Radiology-Philippine General Hospital shall
their obligations under the MOA shall be borne by the party provide maximum opportunity for interns to gain experience and
incurring the same. Upon mutual consent, however, the parties training in all diagnosis rooms, clinical wards and other facilities
can pool resources and co-share costs in carrying out their respective of the department as maybe available. The Department shall screen
obligations and other activities related to the project. all qualified incoming interns and recommend the approval of
e. All research outputs, discoveries and/or inventions/innovations their training to the Director of the hospital. The total number of
produced by virtue of and pursuant to the Agreement shall be Interns at any given time must not exceed 10.
jointly owned by the parties. Effectivity: Shall take effect upon approval and signing by both parties
Effectivity: Effective for two (2) years from the date of signing by the for one year
parties but not later than 28 February 2003 Date signed: 20 July 2001
Date signed: 11 May 2001
Memorandum of Agreement with the Provincial Government of
Oriental Mindoro, and Mindoro State College of Agriculture and The Board noted the following deed of donation:
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Deed of Donation and Acceptance with Ellen Fajardo Foundation, Inc.
Los Banos and the Provincial Government of Oriental Mindoro, and Deed of Donation and Aoceptance dated 3 August 2001, entered
Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology into by and between UP. DiIimari and Ellen Fajardo Foundation, Inc.
Project: Agro-lndustnal Development Program Il-Oriental Mindoro for a donation of a Risograph machine (Model GR271, S.N. 89013702,
Particulars: 100V-llOV, 240W) for the College of Business Administration

a. The Agre-Industrial Development Program (AIDP) II is a
collaborative action program of the Provincial Government of OTHER MATIERS
Oriental Mindoro (PGOM), Mindoro State College of Agriculture
and Technology (MinSCA1), and the UPLBCollege of Agriculture Rectification of the promotion (approved at the 1147th meeting of
geared towards agricultural production, processing and enterprise the Board) of Or. Leonor M. Santos from Professor 9 to Prcfessor Jf
development. 1. Professor Santos was Initially recommended for promotion from
b. The PGOM, among others, shall: Professor 8 (SG 28-8) to Professor 9 (SG 29-7).
1) Take the lead role in providing the overall policies, direction! 2. Under the existing Faculty Salary Scale, Professor 8 is assigned to
guidelines, in identifying priorities and thrusts for agricultural SG 28-7..
production, processing and enterprise development of the 3. Professor Santos was moved up to SG 28-8 due to longevity.
municipality; and 4. SG 28-8 is assigned to Professor 9. The SG 29~7 which U.P. Visayas
2) Make available its human resources, equipment and facilities initially assigned to Professor 9 in the document submitted to the
as needed by the program; and source funding for the projects Office of the Secretary of the University is actually Professor 10 in
and activities under the Program; the existing Faculty Salary Scale.
c. MinSCAT and UPLB, among others, shall: 5. Since she is already in SG 28-8 (Professor 9), it is logical thai she is
1) Provide technical staff to assist PGOM in the planning and moved up to the next Salary Grade which is 29~7, the SG assigned
implementation of the Program; to Professor 10. Otherwise, the promotion. would be meaningless
2) Provide technical expertise needed in the Program such as if it does not result to any salary increase at all.
enterprise development, research backstaffing, organizational 6. This request for rectification has been endorsed favorably by the

development, marketing services, project proposalj feasibility Chancellor of Ll.P. Visayas, the Vice President for Academic Affairs
study preparation, data-basing and institutional policy support; and the Officer-in-Charge of the University.
3) Provide financial resources in the implementation of the Board action: Approval
program, subject to availability of funds: and
4) Assist in the process of documentation of activities undertaken Letter of Chairman Ester A. Garcia to Pres. Francisco Nemenzo
under AIDP. referring the application of Dr. Serafin D. Quiason, Board Member,
5) The parties agree to prepare jointly a yearly status report on National Historical Institute, as member of the Ij.P. Board of Regents
the project for effective monitoring purposes during the entire Board action: Notation
duration of the Agreement. The review shall be initiated by the
Department of Agricultural Education and Rural Studies Letter of Atty. Paul Mar C. Arias in behalf of client Marcelino C.
(DAERS) of the College of Agriculture. Arias, Jr., a second year student at the College of Law
Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties for five (5) years but Letter of Atty. Paul Mar C. Arias in behalf of client Marcelino C.
not later than 31 December 2005 Arias, Ir., a second year student at the College of Law, demanding upon
Date signed: 10 January 2001 the President, including the University's professors, lecturers, instructors,
or other members of the academic personnel, to cease and desist, within
V.P. Manila seven (7) days from receipt of the letter, from conducting or allowing
the conduct of prayers or other such religious activities or exercise while
Memorandum of Agreement with Saint Jude Colleges (SJC) in the discharge of their official functions, or from otherwise committing
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. acts respecting the establishment of religion
Manila and Saint Jude Colleges (SJC) The University General Counsel, Atty. Leonen, presented the facts,
Project: Affiliation and Internship Training Program as narrated in the letter of Atty. Arias, as follows:
Affiliilh'on Fee: P200.00 per intern per month 1. Mr. Arias, the client, is currently enrolled in Law 103 (Sales)
Particulars: where his Professor, Atty. Eloisa Alcordc, regularly initiates
a. U.P. Manila, through the Department of Radiology-Philippine and/ or conducts prayers before the start of each class and
General Hospital, shall implement the project in accordance with during official time, in a manner as is usual in Roman Catholic
the proposal contained in the MOA. practice and worship.
July - September 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 25

2. On one occasion, Mr. Arias questioned the propriety of Regent Abayon also believed that the complaint is valid, citing a
conducting such prayers during class hours. provision of the Constitution that no law shall be passed abridging
3. Prof. Alcordo replied to Mr. Arias' objection and told the entire the freedom of religion. Compelling a student to pray would be
class that any student objecting to the conduct of prayer during violative of the provision of the Constitution. He also said that going
class may either (a) remain silent or, in the alternative, (b) opt by the present trend of the rulings and doctrines of the Supreme
to step out of the classroom for the duration of such prayers. Court, the Supreme Court has always enunciated doctrines in favor
4. Mr. Arias, who is a Bible Baptist by af:iliation, objects to the of the freedom of religion earlier stated by Atty. Leonen concerning the
conduct of prayers during class hours, as such constitutes a Iehova's Witnesses' case.
religious activity. President Nemenzo also expressed reluctance in relating academic
5. Being a public institution funded mainly by public funds, the freedom in this case because he was worried about the abuse of the
University is proscribed by the Constitution (Section 5, Article concept of academic freedom. lt is now even used to justify
III) from adopting practices or measures advancing or absenteeism in class and can be used to justify anything that the
promoting religion or otherwise committing acts respecting professor wants to do in class.
the establishment of religion. President Nemenzo also recalled how sensitive the University
6. Moreover, by giving Mr. Arias the choice between remaining was in the 1950's about the intrusion of religion in U.P. affairs. The
silent or stepping out of class during the conduct of such constituents have always stood for the secular and non-sectarian
prayers, Mr. Arias is being compelled, in effect, to choose traditions of the University. The President fully agrees with the
between expressing either: (i) agreement with or assent to the comments made by Regent Abayon and Regent Hernandez. He
message or conduct of such prayer, in case of the former, or (ii) suggested, therefore, that the professor should be told and reminded
disagreement with or dissent to the message or conduct of of these secular and non-sectarian traditions of V.P.

such practice, in case of the latter. Such compulsion violates Board action: The Board requested the President to relay the
the client's freedom of religion and of expression. discussions of the Board on this issue to Professor
7. Hence, the final demand, as stated above. Alcordo.
8. Refusal or failure of those concerned to act upon this instant
demand shall compel the client to pursue all necessary remedies Letter dated 20 August 2001 of Feliciano M. Gacis, [r., Undersecretary
available to protect his rights and interests. of the Department of National Defense (OND) to President
Atty. Leonen cited a relevant case where the Supreme Court Francisco Nemenzo soliciting his views on the ROTC program
overturned its decision and held that the free exercise of religion is as In his letter of August 20, 2001, Undersecretary Feliciano M.
much as compelling interest as nationalism and, therefore, allowed Ceos. Jr. pointed out that while the Department of National Defense
the jehove's Witnesses not to salute the flag in all schools, including through the Armed Forces of the Philippines has already instituted
state universities and colleges. This, according to Atty. Leonen, clearly measures to correct the deficiencies in the administration of the ROTC
shows that the Supreme Court is moving towards an era where it Program, the agitation has not gone away. It has taken the form of
grants a lot of leeway to freedom of religion. outright disobedience on the part of many ROTC cadets to be absent
On this case at hand, Atty. Leonen sees no compelling interest in from training. The fundamental issue remains to be addressed: What
having the students pray during the class, except that Prof. Alcordo 10 do with the ROTC?
might have the view that it is also important to inculcate in her students The public ventilation of this issue has evolved into what appears
the values of prayer. to be three options: retain ROTC in its present form or as may be
Atty. Leonen gave the following opinion!comments from different modified; make it optional; abolish it. Pros and cons on these three

perspectives: options have been aired. On its part, the DND-AFP had conducted
1. If it makes a student uncomfortable, the University can take consultations among the stakeholders, highlighted by its consultation-
the position that it infringes upon the free exercise of religion of workshop last July 19 at the National Defense College of the Philippines.
the student. After all, the subject is law, not religion or theology. One of the agreements reached in that consultation workshop was to
2. As part of academic freedom however, the professor has a lot continue the study on what to do with the ROTC.
of leeway in terms of how to conduct her classes but not if it President Nemenzo recalled that there were previous campaigns
infringes upon the boundaries provided by the Constitution. to abolish the ROTC. These were revived because of the tragic death
Prof. Alcordo can invoke the power of God before she enters of ROTC Cadet Mark Chua. This incident prompted the presidents of
the classroom but when she compels prayer inside the several universities to come up with a resolution calling for the
classroom, the Board has to take a position on whether that abolition of the ROTC. The AFP, specifically the Commanding General
falls within the concept of academic freedom. of the Philippine Army, has approached the University on this matter.
3. From the point of view of V.P. as an institution, it is likewise Their position is that the military will not campaign against the abolition
the academic freedom of the University to state where the of ROTC or against the repeal of Commonwealth Act No.1. At
freedom of the teacher ends and where it has to comply with present, students are given the option to render Military Training,
the provisions of the Constitution. Civic Welfare Service or Law Enforcement Service.
The College of Law faculty has not taken any position yet on this The Chair clarified that for the first year, it is Military Training. In
the second year, the students have the option to choose whether to
Regent Hernandez informed the Board that there have been many continue with Military Training or go into Civic Welfare Service or Law
Enforcement. These are actually part of the Expanded ROTC Program.
cases, especially in the United States, prohibiting the compulsion of
The University General Counsel mentioned some fundamental
students to pray in the classroom because that will result in choosing
constitutional issues involved in this matter. The first is thet the
a religion or may infringe on their freedom of belief to have or not to
discussions in the Constitutional Commission were very clear. The
have a religion, or to pray. option given was to render personal, military or civil service and not
Regent Hernandez also said that he agrees totally with the protest
civic service. Uris means service within any branch of the government.
of Atty. Arias. It is very demeaning for a non-Catholic student just to
The second point pertains to Section 14 of RA 7fJ77 which provides that
keep quiet or to go out of the room when prayers are being said before
"All male citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 years who are not
the class. reservists shall be required to register for military instruction." This
Regent Bugayong shared the opinions expressed by the two
provision, according to Atty. Leonen, is discriminatory against men

and violative of several provisions of the Constitution. Section 15 of Chancellor for Academic Affairs, effective 27 September 2001 to serve
the same Republic Acl may also be challenged on the ground thai it at the pleasure of the Chancellor
is against the freedom of expression This particular sectionenumerates Eufemio T. Rasco, original additional assignment as Dean,College of
those who are exempted from military training. The list does not Science and Mathematics, effective Zl August 2001 until 26 August 2004
include conscientious objectors, Le. people who are of the firm belief
that they are against violence or war as an instrument of national TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS
policy. The Constitution states that war is never a national policy
unless it is declared by Congress. U.P.Diliman
The Chair also informed the Board that the House is likely to take
the position of making the ROTC optional which, she said, the Flerida A. Carino, Professor 4, College of Science, effective 27
University should support. September 2001
The President said that he was always opposed to compulsory Maria F. Mangahas, Assistant Professor 5, College of Social
courses that are not related to the student's chosen discipline and this Sciences and Philosophy, effective 27 September 2001
also reflects his stand on the ROTC program. He is for making ROTC Grace C. Ramos, Assistant Professor 5, College of Architecture,
optional. effective 27 September 2001
Board action: The Board adopted the President'5 position that the Arnel A. Salvador, Professor 2, College of Science, effective 27
ROTC Program be made optional. September 2001
Oscar Yoshihiro S. Santelices, Assistant Professor 1, College of
The Board noted the following: Human Kinetics, effective 27 September 2001
Roland V. Sarmago, Professor 1, College of Science, effective 27
Letter advisory of Beatriz L. Sanga, Committee Secretary of the September 2001
Committee on Higher and Technical Education . Marie Redina M. Victoria, Assistant Professor 7, College of . '
Letter advisory of Bealriz L. Sanga, Committee Secretary of the Science, effective 27 September 2001
Committee on Higher and Technical Education of the House of
Representatives, dated 7 August 2001 regarding the election during U.P. Los Banos
the plenary session last 1 August 2001 of Harlin Castillo Abayon,
Congressman, First District of Northern Samar, as the new Chair of Rea Victoria P. Anundado, Associate Professor 1, College of
the House Committee on Higher and Tedmical Education Veterinary Medicine, effective 27 September 2001
Note: Congressman Abll1Jon will take tiltp/JIIX ofjorrnu Congress",an Antonio Inocencio E. Buot, Jr., Associate Professor 1, College of Arts
Eduardo B. Nacllllraasex officio member oftire U.P. Board ofRegents. and Sciences, effective 27 September 2001
Roselle V. Collado, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts and
1154TH MEETING, 27 SEPTEMBER 2001 Sciences, effective 27 September 2001
Liza N. Cornia, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts and Sciences,
APPOINTMENTS effective 27 September 2001
Aireen I. Guzman, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts and
The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments, Sciences, effective 27 September 2001
transfer to permanent status. additional assignments, award of Roberto C. Mata, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts and
professorial chairs, extension of service and other related matters: Sciences, effective 27 September 2001
Roy M. Matining, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts and
UNIVERSITY OFFIOALS Sciences, effective 27 September 2001
[evelyn D. Quiton, Assistant Professor 4, College of Arts and
V.P. Los Banos Sciences, effective 27 September 2001

Desiree M. Hautea, original additional assignment as Director, U.P. Manila

Institute of Plant Breeding, effective 1 October 2001 until 30 September
2004, or until a new organizational structure of the College is Alice 8. Adeva, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts and
implemented, whichever comes first Sciences, effective 27 September 2001
Florentino C. Monsalud, renewal of additional assignment as Ruth Rhaisa A. Cabailo, Instructor 7, College of Nursing,
Director, Farming Systems and Soil Research Institute, effective 31 effective 27 September 2001
July 2001 until 30 July 2004, or until a new organizational set-up for Dennis E. Dantic, Assistant Professor 2, College of Arts and
the College of Agriculture, F55RI's mother unit, takes effect, whichever Sciences, effective -27 September 2001
comes first Noel R. Juban, Associate Professor 6, College of Medicine, and
Attending Family Physician, Philippine General Hospital, effective 2i
U.P. Visayas September 2001
Bethel Buena P. Villarta, Assistant Professor 4, College of
Romeo D. Fortes, original additional assignment as Dean, College Nursing, effective 27 September 2001
of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, effective 1 October 2001 until 30

U.P. Mindanao U.P. Diliman

Teresita V. Guillen, original additional assignment as Dean, Marlon Rosendo H. Daze, original appointment as First Phil.
College of Humanities and Social Sciences, effective 27 September Holdings Associate Professor of Physics, College of Science, effective
2001 until 26 September 2004 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Ricardo Ma. D. Nolasco, original additional assignment as Vice- Rowaldo R. Del Mundo, original appointment as Meralco
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 27

Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College U.P. Diliman

of Engineering, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Joselito P. Duyanen, original appointment as Pioneer Group of Lydia Agno, Professorial Lecturer 4, College of Education,
Insurance Co. Assistant Professor of Geology, College of Science, effective 16 June 2001 until 31 October 2001
effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 Milagros D. Ibe, Professorial Lecturer 5, College, of Education,
Sylvia Estrada-Claudio, original appointment as UPFI Associate. effective 16 June 2001 until 31 October 2001
Professor of Social Work, College of Social Work and Community
Development, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 CONFIRMATION OF AD INTERIM APPOINTMENTS
Emil M. Flores, original appointment as G.E. Assistant Professor
of Communication, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1 July 2001 U.P. Syslem
until 30 June 2002
Jose Melchor A. Silvestre, original appointment as Jose & Mary Catherine A. Damian; original appointment as University
Asuncion Joya Assistant Professor of Visual Communication, College Legal Counsel, Office of Legal Services, effective 13 August 2001
of Pine Arts, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 until 31 December 2001
Doracie B. Zoleta-Nantes, original appointment as G.E. Associate Maria Theresa T. Sindice, original appointment as University
Professor of Geography, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Legal Counsel, Office of Legal Services, effective 13 August 2001
effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 until 31 December 2001


OF THE 1153RD MEEflNG (30 AUGUST 2001)

Leonora M. Fajutagana, original appointment as General

Education Assistant Professor of Humanities, College of Arts and On the ROTC issue
Sciences, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 On 14 September 2001, Professor Jose N. Endriga, Vice President
Ma. Emilinda T. Mendoza, original appointment as General for Public Affairs and Officer-in-Charge of the University, wrote a
Education Assistant Professor of Social Science, College of Arts and leller to Undersecretary Feliciano M. Gacis, Jr. of the Department of
Sciences, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 National Defense conveying to him the University's position on the
Romeo B. Obedoze, Jr., original appointment as UPFI Associate ROTC. On the larger issue of whether ROTC should be continued or
Professor of Development Management, College of Public Affairs, not, the U.P. favors the alternative of making ROTC optional.
effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 The University believes that there should be an opportunity for
Roslino I. Villamil, original appointment as General Education students with military careers in mind to pursue them while in college.
Assistant Professor of History, College of Arts and Sciences, effective Moreover, the offering of the ROTC programs should also be made
1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 optional to all colleges and universities in the country.
Board action: Notation
U.P. Manila
On the report of the President regarding appropriations out of
Amor U. Ballesteru, original appointment as Cirilo &: Casimira savings through cost cutting and rationalization
Asperilla Assistant Professor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective Regent Alfonso recalled that at the 1152nd meeting of the Board
1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 on 26 July 2001, he asked former Vice President Echanis how the
University administration had been able to push through a number of

Luz Barbara P. Dones, original appointment as Juan & Juana

Angara Assistant Professor of Nursing, College of Nursing, effective very significant projects, all of them intended to lift academic standards
1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 in the University, i.e., the hefty merit promotions which almost
Noel D. Lawas, original appointment as Metro Manila Commission amounted to corrective promotions, all kinds of incentives now
Diamond Jubilee Professor of Health Policy and Administration, available for different reasons, etc.
College of Public Health, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 In this connection, Regent Alfonso strongly suggested that the
previous Minutes of the Board carry a full reproduction of the headline
EXTENSION OF SERVICE BEYOND story in the U.P. Forum dated 28 July 2001 with the headline "How
COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE OF 6S the Nemenzo Administration Steered U.P. Through the Budget CuI."
He said that it is not for the glorification of the administration for it
U.P. Los Banos does not need glorification. It is really for the benefit of the present
constituencies and for the benefit of future administrators to know
Mercedes U. Garcia, Professor 8, College of Forestry and Natural how budget creativity can work to the advantage of the University
Resources, effective 25 September 2001 until 22 October 2001 He suggested that the article be included in the minutes as part of the
President's report.
U.P. Manila Update: Attached as Amrex 1 (see OSU file) is a full reproduction of the
above-mentiolled lreadline stan) in tire U.P. Fonun dated 28 Irlly
2001 whic1lsllall Jonn partof tire Milmtes of tire premous (1153rd)
Ludivina K. Ebido, Assistant Professor 1, College of Pharmacy,
meeting on 30 August 2001.
effective 11 October 2001 until 31 October 2001
On the request for waiver of the policy that only tenured faculty may be
appointed to regular academic administrative positions in. favor of
two faculty members who are being recommended as chairs of the
U.P. Diliman Departments of Pharmacy and Industrial Phannacy, in spite of their

Lilia Rabago, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Education, temporary status

Regent Manta V.I. Reyes followed up on the Board's reoonunendation
effective 16 June 2001 until 31 October 2001 thaI the College study the possibility of mergmg the aforementioned
28 V.P.GAZEITE Vol. XXXI!, No.3

VP Diokno said this matter has been referred to the Chancellor of Existing Proposed
U.P. Manila. She is still waiting for the reply.
Thousand Pesos (pSOO,OOO.OO) per
project (a) as a result of direct nego-
On the proposed establishment of the Victor and Maria Naftagas tiation with contractors or (b) after
Professorial Chair specifically intended for the Associate Dean a canvass of three reliable
contractors; provided that the
of the College of Medicine
aforementioned ceiling shall
VP Diokno reported that she relayed the concerns of the Board to apply to both the original contract
the U.P. Manila Chancellor and to the Dean of the College of Medicine. and the variation orders, if any.
She asked them to confer with the donors about the possible renaming 2. purehase of suppliescmaterials, 2. purchase of supplies. materials,
equipment and services equipment and services
of the Chair.
Subject to pertinent laws and INCREASE THE AUTHORITY
regulations and reporting to the OF THE PGH DIREGOR TO
On the StudyjReview of the Delegation of Authority of the Board Chancellor and the President. the 75% OF THECEILINGSETFOR
of Regents to the President Down to Lower Levels of Authority Director approves and signs THE CHANCELLORS
President Nemenzo informed the Board that in accordance with negotiated contracts, for the
purchase of su pplies, materials,
its instructions, a committee to study/review the delegation of authority
equipment and services involving
of the Board of Regents to the President down to lower levels of authority amount nol exceeding Five
has been completed. He, however, needs more time to study the report Hundred thousand Pesos
of the committee. He promised that it will be available at next month's (pSOO,OOO.OO) per single transaction
(a) as a result of direct negotiation
with exclusive distributors or
manufacturers or (b) after a

POLICYMATIERS APPROVED canvass of three reliable suppliers.

Proposed further delegation of authority to the PGH Director I. Additional Delegation of Authority
Rationale Existing Proposed
Considering the size of the Philippine General Hospital, not only A. Appointment A. Appointment
in terms of its budget but also in terms of its personnel and the volume The Chancellor appoints the THE DIRECTOR SHALL
personnel/staff of the Hospital, APPOINT THE PERSONNEL/
of the services it is expected to provide, there is a need to further expedite
except those whose starting STAFF OF THE HOSPITAL,
administrative action in the various aspects of its operations. Hence, salaries are equivalent to that of a EXCEPT THOSE WITH CON-
this Proposal for further delegation of authority to the PGH Director. professor CURRENTAPPOINTMENTS IN
I. Proposed Revisions on Existing Delegation of Authority as THE U.P. COLLEGE OF
approved bv the Board at its 1114th meeting on ZJ November 1997 MEDICINE AND OTHER
A.Contracts Awarded Through A. Contracts Awarded Through
Bidding Bidding
1. construction an repair 1. construction an repair
Subject to pertinent laws and
regulations and reporting to the OFTHEPGHDIREcroRT075%
Chancellor and the President, the OF THE CEILING SETFORTHE B.Budget B. Budget
CHANCELLORS The Director takes care of the
Director approves and signs I
contracts, after bidding, for preparation of the budget of the I
construction and repair, including Hospital. He is responsible for the

construction management following:
services, involving amounts not - conduct of annual financial
exceeding Three Million Pesos review of the Hospital perfor-
(P3,OOO,OOO.OO) p" project; mances and operations in order RETAINED
provided that the aforementioned to identify problems and I
ceiling shall apply to both the prospects J
original contract and the variation - assessment of expected income, J
orders, if any. receipts and government
2. pure ase 0 supp ies. materials. 2. pure ase a supp ies materials. subsidy for each ensuing budget
equipment and services equipment and services year
Subject to pertinent laws and INCREASE THE AUTHORITY OF - formulationof targets,thrusts and J
regulations and reporting to the THEPGH DIRECfOR TO 75% OF priorities for each budget year
Chancellor and the President, the THE CEILING SET FOR THE THE PGH DIRKTOR SHALl.
Director approves and signs rnANCELLORS HAVETHE FINALAPPROVAL IN
contracts, after bidding, for the THE DISBURSEMENTS OF
purchase of supplies, materials, FUNDS, IN CONFORMITY WITH
equipment and services involving THE APPROVED BUDGET OF
amounts not exceeding Three THE PGH ANI) SUBJECT TO
Single transaction. AUDITING, BUDGETARY LAWS:
B. Negotiated Contracts B. Negotiated Contracts
1. construction and repair 1. construction and repair C. Contracts and Agreements C. Contracts and Agreements
Subject to pertinent laws and INCREASE THE AUTHORITY 1. I ne Cnanceuor approves and 1. THIS IS PROPOSED TO BE
regulations and reporting to the OF THEPGH DIRECfORTO 75% signs agreements between PGH DELEGATED TO THE PGH
Chancellor and the President, the OF THE CEIUNG SET FORTHE and other institutions, local or DlRECfOR WITH THE PROVI50
Director approves and signs CHANCELLORS foreign, for joint research/or THAT AU. SUCH AGREEMENTS
negotiated contracts 1m training programs; provided, that SHALL HI: REJ'URTED TO THE
construction and repair, including such agreements do not involve CHANCELLOR WHO WILL IN
construction management any additional and/ or a special TURN SUHMlT -rHE SAME TOTI-IF
services, involving amounts not budgetary outlay on the part of PRESIDENT FOR HlS
exceeding Five Hundred the Hospital/constituent university; ENOORSEMENTTOTHE BOARD
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 29

Exislin. Proposed Existing Proposed

provided further that all such three years where the University ROOMS AND SIMILAR
agreements shaU be reported to is lessor and for a period not FACILITIES, SUBJECT TO
the President and submitted to the exceeding one year where the EXISTING RULES AND
Board for confirmation not later University is lessee and where REPORTING TO THE
than 90 days from the signing the monthly rental does not CHANCELLOR
thereof exceed- P5,OOO
2.The Chancellor approves and signs 2. THE SIGNfNG OF CON-
contracts, after public bidding, for TRACTS FOR LAUNDRY H. Implementing Contracts H. Implementing Contracts
janitorial, security and laundry SERVICES REGARDLESS OF The Chancellor approves and THE DIRECTOR SHALL
services, regardless of the contract THECONTRACTPRICESHALL signs contracts implementing the APPROVE AND SIGN
price involved in each single BE DELEGATED TO THE provisions of principal contracts CONTRACTS IMPLEMENTING
transaction, subject to pertinent DIRECTOR already signed by the President THE PROVISIONS OF
laws and regulations, and and approved by the Board of PRINCIPAL CONTRACTS
information to the President and Regents; provided that such ALREADY SIGNED BY THE
the Board of Regents contracts shall be reported to the CHANCELLOR OR THE
President and submitted to the PRESIDENT. SUBJECT TO
D. Pavrnent of Oblieations D. Pavrnent of Obligations Board within 30 days from the REPORTING TO THE CHAN-
The Chancellor is responsible for THE PGH DIRECTOR SHALL signing thereof CELLOR WITHIN 30 DAYS
payment of obligations pursuant BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FROMTHE SIGNING THEREOF
to contracts approved by the PAYMENT OF OBUGATIONS
President or approved/confirmed PURSUANT TO CONTRACTS I. Donations I. Donations
by the Board of Regents. He APPROVED BY THE 1. The Chancellor approves dona- 1. THE DIRECTOR SHALL

a pproves vouchers and signs CHANCELLOR/PRESIDENT tions to Philippine Government APPROVE DON AnONS TO
checks, regardless of the amount OR APPROVED/CONFIRMED agencies of University property PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT
involved covering payments of BYTHE BOARDOF REGENTS other than real estate, with value AGENCIES OF HOSPITAL
obligations of the University, the not exceeding P25,OOO per donee PROPERTY OTHER THAN
contracts for which had been per year REAL ESTATE WITH VALUE
previously approved by the NOT EXCEEDING 75%OF THE
President, or approved/confirmed CEILING SET FOR
by the Board of Regents. CHANCELLORS
2. The Chancellor negotiates, obtains, 2. THE DIRECTOR SHALLNEGO-
E. Lease of Equipment and Other E. Lease of Equipment and Other or receives grants, gilts, donations TIATE, OBTAIN OR RECEIVE
Personal Proeertv Personal Prooertv and to administer the same for GRANTS. GIFTS AND DONA-
1. The Chancellor approves and 1. THE PGH DIRECTOR SHALL the benefit of the constituent TIONS AND TO ADMINISTER
signs contracts of lease with the HAVE THE SAME AUTHO- university, subject to reporting to THE SAME FOR THE BENEFIT
university as lessor, of usable RITY. WITHTHE HOSPITAL AS the President; provided that the OF THE HOSPITAL, SUBJECT
equipment Or any other personal LESSOR AND WHERE THE acceptance of (a) donations of TO REPORTING TO THE
property where the monthly MONTHLY RENTAL IN- equipment, the installation, CHANCELLOR AND THE
rental involved in anyone tran- VOLYED IN ANY ONE TRAN- operation or maintenance of which PRESIDENT; PROVIDED THAT
section does not exceed P25,OOO; SACTION DOES NOT EXCEED requires financial au tIay in THE ACCEPTANCE OF (A)
provided, that no such lease shall 75%OF THE CEILINGSETFOR addition to the approved budget DONATIONS OF EQUIPMENT,
be for a period longer than 2years; THE CHANCELLORS, SUB- of the constituent university and THE INST ALATION, OPE-
provided that any such lease shall JECT TO REPORTING TO THE (2) donations entailing some RATION OR MAINTENANCE
be reported to the President CHANCELLOR onerous conditions stipulated by OF WHICH REQUIRE FINAN-
the donor shall be subject to CIAL OUTLAY IN ADDITION
2. The Chancellor approves and 2. THE DIRECTOR SHALL HAYE

approval by the Board of Regents; TO THE APPROVED BUDGET

signs contracts of lease with the THESAMEAUTHORITY, WITH
provided further that all service OF THE HOSPITAL AND (B)
university as lessee, of usable THE HOSPITAL AS LESSEE
donations shall be subject to the DONATIONS ENTAILING
equipment or any other personal AND WHERETHE MONTHLY
property where the monthly RENTAL INVOLVED DOES
rental involved does not exceed NOT EXCEED 75% OF THE
exceeding 1 year; provided that CHANCELLORS, SUBJECT TO PROVIDED FURTHER. THAT
any such lease shall be reported REPORTING TO THE
F. Sale of Disposable and Usable F. Sale of Disposable and Usable
, Equipment Equipment
IT. Fees I r. Fees
The Chancellor approves and THE DIRECTOR SHALL BE
1. The Chancellor has the following 1. THE SAME AUTHORITY AND
signs contracts for the sale of GIVEN AUTHORITY TO
APPROVE AND SIGN authority related to fixing and LIMITATIONS IN RELATION
condemned 0' disposable
CONTRACTS FOR THE SALE revision of rentals, fees, rates of TO FIXING AND REVISION OF
equipment or any other personal
property of the University where OF CONDEMNED OR charges for the use of University RENTALS, FEES. RATES OF
the amount involved in anyone DISPOSABLE EQUIPMENTOR equipment/buildings/facilities or CHARGES FOR THE USE OF
transaction does not exceed
PROPERTY OF THE HOSPITAL 1.1. To fix or set newrental/ fees/ rates BUILDINGS/FACILITIES OR
PSO,OOO subject to reporting to the
WHERE THE AMOUNT ofcharges!prices.etc. wherethere FORHOSPITALSERVICES ARE
INVOLVED DOESNOTEXCEED is/are no existing rates for any PROPOSED FOR THE PGH
75%OF THE CEIUNG SETFOR givenitem!service; DIRECTOR
CHANCELLORS, SUBJECT TO 1.2. To revise or adjust upward or
REPORTING TO THE downward existing rentals!
CHANCELLOR fees/ratesofcharges!prices,etc.:
G. Lease of Buddinzs G.Lease of Butldtnas 1.3 To prescribe appropriate rules,
The Chancellor approves and THE D1R~CTOR SHALL proceduresand other guidelines
signs contracts of lease with the for the proper implementationof
University as lessor, or lessee, of CONTRAO"S OF LEASEWITH new or revised schedules of
buildings, rooms and similar f~ci.
rentals, fees, etc.
lines for a oeriod not exceedm u
30 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.3

Existing Proposed merchandise;subscriptionsfor }

securities, insurance, }
In the exercise of this delegated publications; to sell tickets and I
authority, the Chancellor shall the like pursuant to Article 284 I
strictly observe the following: of the University Code I
a. Each increase shall not exceed
fifty percent (50%) of the L. Miscellaneous Personnel Matters L. Miscellaneous Personnel Matters
existing rate per item/service; 1. The Chancellor approves the 1. THE DIRECTOR SHALL
b. Increases shall not be oftener clearances, leaves, and transfer to APPROVE THE CLEARANCES,
than twice per item/ service other government agencies of LEAYES, AND TRANSFER TO
within a given calendar year PGH employees/staff. OTHER GOVERNMENT
as reckoned from January to AGENOES OF THOSE WHOSE
c. Revisions of existing rates shall Hill
not take effect earlier than the 2. He/She approves the grant of 2. THE DIRECTOR SHALL
date they are approved by the allowances and honoraria in APPROVE THE GRANT OF
Chancellor. accordance with approved HONORARIA TO HOSPITAL
d. The fixing of new fees/charges schedules and rules. PERSONNEL IN ACCOR-
and revisions thereof charged DANCE WITH APPROVED
from students shall take effect SCHEDULES AND RULES.
at the beginning of the 3. Official Trips 3. Official Trips
semester (first or second) or the 3.1.The Chancellor approves 3.1. THE DIRECTOR SHALL
summer term, as the case may official trips of hospital staff APPROVE OFAOAL TRIPS

be, provided, that such fees within the country and OF HOSPITAL STAFF
shall not take effect earlier than abroad. WITHIN THE COUNTRY.
the date they are approved by 3.2. HE/SHE SHALL ENDORSE
the Chancellor. TO THE CHANCELLOR
2. He/She shall be responsible for OFFICIAL TRIPS ABROAD
fixing and revision of and 4. Outside Activities 4. Outside Activities
approval of the appropriate rules The Chancellor approves requests THE DIRECTOR SHALL
for, all types of dormitory or resi- for permission to engage in outside APPROVE REQUESTS FOR
denee hall fees (e.g., board fees, activities/limited practice of PERMISSION TO ENGAGE IN
lodging fee, fees for miscellaneous profession of Hospital staff. OUTSIDEACIlVJ11ES/LIMl1ID
services) and charges for electrical PRACIlCE OF PROFESSION OF
appliance! gadgets (e.g. com- HOSPIT AL STAFF WHOSE
puter) brought in and used by APPOINTMENT IS VESTED IN
residents subject to the following: HIM
2.1. an increase shall not be made 5. Resignation 5. Resignation
more than once within an The Chancellor approves THE DIRECTOR SHALL
academic year and shall not resignation of Hospital personnel APPROVE RESIGNATION OF
exceed 100%; where the PERSONNEl. WHOSE APPOINT-
increase is PlOD.OO or less, the MENT IS VESTED IN HIM.
increase may exceed 100%. 6.Overtime 6. Overtime
2.2. new fees or fines and revision The Chancellor approves THE DIRECTOR SHALL
of existing fees or fines shall overtime of personnel, subject to APPROVE OVERTIME OF

not be imposed retroactively. availability of funds, accounting HOSPITAL PERSONNEL, SUB-
2.3. any new fee or fine prescribed and auditing rules JECT TO AVAILABILITY OF
or revision of existing fees or FUNDS, ACCOUNTING AND
fines, as well as the AUDITING RULES.
corresponding rules therefor, 7. Retirement 7. Retirement
shall be reported to the Board The Chancellor approves THE DIRECTOR SHALL
of Regents, within thirty (30) retirement of personnel; provided APPROVE THE RETIREMENT
days from approval. through that retirement under RA 1616 OF HOSPlTAL PERSONNEL
the Office of the President. shall be submitted to the President WHOSE APPOINTMENT IS
2.4. adjustment of electrical and of the University for final VESTED IN HIM, SUBJECT TO
water charges (and related aooroval EXI5nNG RULES
charges, e.g. telephone) 8. Change of Service Schedule 8. Change of Service Schedule
according to prevailing rates The Chancellor approves requests THE DIRECTOR SHALL
of electric, water, etc. for change of service schedule of APPROVE REQUESTS FOR
K. Miscellaneous Adminislrative K. Miscellaneous Administrative ULE OF HOSPITAL STAFF
Malter.; Matters 9. Special Detail 9. Special Detail
1. The Chancellor acts on the } The Chancellor approves 9.1 THE DIRECTOR SHALL
following: } requests for special detail APPROVE REQUESTS FOR
a. bonding of accountable officers; } SPECIAL DETAIL TO
b. condemnation of unserviceable } OTHER UNITS OF UP.
Hospital property; J MANILA
c. request for permission to hold J 9.2 HE/SHE SHALL ENDORSE
seminars or workshops; ) THESE SHALL BE FOR APPROV AL OF THE
d. request for permission to install I DELEGATED TO THE PGH CHANCELLOR REQUESTS
streamers, placards and similar I DIRECTOR FOR SPECIAL DETAIL
materials used to announce, } ABROAD. AS WELL AS
advertise or publicize events, } REQUESTS FOR SECOND-
products or the like; ) MENT TO OTHER AGEN-
e. request for permission to solicit I OES OR OTHER CON5n-
funds; to canvass for the sale of I TUENT UNIVER","","
July - September2001 U.P. GAZETTE 31

Existing Proposed thereon, provided it first obtains the written consent of the lessor,
unless the subleasing is in the normal course of operations of tht>
10. Study Privileges 10. Study Privileges Lessee pursuant to its mandate.
The Chancellor approves THE AUTI-IORITY TO GRANT e. The Lessor hasthe right of free entry to the leased lands, as necessarv,
requests for permission to study STUDY PRIVILEGES TO for the administration and operations of its research projects. .
in the University with or without HOSPITAL PERSONNEL f. The Lessee shall not build horizontal or vertical structures or anv
reduced fee privilege; request utilities such as deep wells and similar facilities, without the prior
for permission to study outside written consent of the Lessor.
the University g. The Lessee shall, in the conduct of its research activities, ens UTe
the protection and preservation of the environment.
III. The grant of additional delegation to the PGH Director is without h. The Lessee shall prevent at its own expense all illegal incursions
prejudice to the authority of the Chancellor earlier delegated him into the leased lands; provided, however, that in case an encroacher
by the Board. claims ownership over the leased lands or portions thereof, Lessee
IV. All matters that are not within the authority of the Director to act shall immediately inform the Lessor, who shall take the appropriate
upon as defined herein shall be submitted to the Chancellor of legal action as may be necessary, at the expense of the Lessee, to
U.P. Manila for appropriate action (e.g. for approval or ensure that Lessee fully enjoys peaceful possession and use of the
endorsement! recommendation to the President or the Board of leased lands.
Regents, as the case may be). i. In the event that the Lessee decides to pull out all of its research
V. It shall be understood that the Director shall be fully accountable operations in the Philippines, or for some reason the Philippines
and responsible for matters that are within his authority to finally ceases to be the host country of the Lessee, or UPLB ceases to be

act . the headquarters of the Lessee, this Lease Contract shall be deemed
VI. REPEALING CLAUSE - finally terminated, effective on the date as determined by the Joint
The provisions of existing resolutions or decisions of the Board IRRIUPLB Management Committee. after notice in writing given
of Regents and issuances of the President of the University or the by the Lessee to the Lessor, with respect to pull-out of operations,
Chancellor of U.P. Manila that are inconsistent with this further and notice to the Lessee from the Lessor or the authorized
delegation of authority to the Director of the Philippine General representative of the Philippine Govemment, with respect to UPLB
Hospital are hereby repealed or amended, as the case may be. ceasing to be the headquarters or the Philippines ceasing to be the
host country of the Lessee.
Use of University Land Property Upon final termination of this Lease, the Lessee shall execute
1. Second Consolidated Renewal of Lease Contract entered into such documents as may be necessary in order to facilitate the
by and between U.P. System (Lessor) and the International transfer of ownership of the buildings and permanent
Rice Research Institute (lRR!) (Lessee) improvements belonging to the Lessee to the Lessor, without any
Project: Lease contract obligation to pay the cost or value thereof to the Lessee; provided,
Rental: For the duration of the lease, the Lessee shall: that the transfer of ownership shall not cover Lessee's other assets,
a. Pay rental of Pl.OO every year for the parcels of land used and the restriction of the Lessee's Charter on the disposition of the
as sites for the lRRI laboratories, office and service buildings Lessee's Gene Bank and genetic resources which have been assigned
and housing, and shall furthermore give a one-time financial in trust to the Lessee for others, and other assets donated to the
assistance to the Lessor in the amount of USD$375,OOO.OO Lessee that shall have been made subject to some other conditions
for the use of the experimental areas for a period of 25 in respect to their disposition, shall continue to be in force and

years, payable in full upon signing of this Lease. effect.

b. Further contribute to the development and the maintenance j. A Joint IRRIUPLB Management Committee shall be created
of roads, utilities and other support infrastructure at UPLB composed of three members to be designated by the UPLB
outside of the leased lands which, among others, include Chancellor and three (3) members to be designated by the IRRI
the sanitary landfill, water system, security and health Director General to ensure the faithful and effective implementation
services, in the amount of USD$12,500.00 a year to be of the provisions of this Lease.
paid in the following manner: The Committee shall be chaired by a UPLB vice-Chancellor
1) Ten years advance payment in the amount of who shall come from the three members designated by the UPLB
$125,000.00 to be paid upon signing of this lease Chancellor. The Committee shall be co-chaired by an IRRI Deputy
contract; and Director General who shall come from the three members
2) $12,500.00 a year from the 11th year to the 25thyear. to be designated by the IRRI Director General. The Committee shall
paid within 5 days from the start of each lease year. meet at lease once every three (3) months.
e. Rental arrears, as may be agreed upon by both parties, Upon its organization, the Committee shall conduct an
shall be paid by the Lessee accordingly. inventory of all subleases, if any, as well as buildings, structures,
installations and other permanent improvements within the Leased
a. The Lessor agrees to grant, by way of lease, unto the Lessee the Premises.
use of the parcels of land enumerated in the documents which k. The Lease Contract shall be effective as of 1 July 2000. It is
understood that this Lease Contract represents in full the agreement
form an integral part of this lease contract.
of the parties over the lands subject hereof and supersedes whatever
b. The Lessee shall maintain the current land use of the leased lands.
agreement pertaining to the said lands that may have been earlier
Farm lots shall be used exclusively for agricultural research and
executed by the parties.
c. There shall be a program for the release by the Lessee to UPLB of Date signed: 7 September 2001
portions of the leased lands which, due to its own fault or negligence,
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
remain unutilized by the Lessee for three consecutive years.
Los Banos and the International Rice Research Institute
d. The Lessee may sublease or assign any part of the leased premises,
which include the lands, as well as buildings and other structures
Project: Lease contract
32 V.P. GAZETI'E Vol. XXXII, No.3


a. UPLB and IRRI agree to mutually undertake the lollowing:
1) In accordance with the provisions of the Second Consolidated Establishment of the J. Antonio Aguenza Professorial Chair in
Lease Contract between UPS and IRRI signed simultaneously Business Administration
with this Agreement (the "Lease Contract"), UPLB agrees to Establishment of the J. Antonio Aguenza Professorial Chair in
continue to make lands available to IRRlon a long-term lease at Business Administration out of a donation of PSOO,OOO.OO from the
nominal rental rate of P1.0D a year to be used as sites for daughter of Mr. Aguenza, Ms. Joanna Aguenza Bernas
laboratories, officesand servicebuildings, housing, experimental The amount has already been given to the University through the
areas and for related purposes. IRRI, on the other hand, shall U.P. Business Research Foundation, Inc.
give a one-time financial assistance in the amount of
USD$375,OOO lor the use of the experimental areas lor the entire Establishment of the Vicente Bello Professorial Chair
period of the LeaseContracl, payable in full upon signing thereof, Establishment of the Vicente Bello Professorial Chair out of a
and shall further contribute to the development and maintenance donation of an endowment fund of P300,OOO.OO hom Ma. Victoria
of the roads, utilities and other support infrastructure at OPLB Bello-jardiolin for the College of Business Administration
outside of the leased lands, in the amount of USD$l25,OOO The endowment shall be managed by the V.P. Business Research
representing ten (10) years advance payment, payable in full Foundation, Inc. (upBRF). The UPBRF shall augment the required
upon signing of the Lease Contract, and USD$l2,SOO per year honoraria for the chair.
from the 11th year to the 25th year, to be paid within S days Note: This donation is covered by a Deed of DOllation and Acceptance
from the start of each lease year. executed on 18 April 1998.
2) When mutually beneficial as agreed upon by the Parties, UPLB

shall continue extending appointments to, and IRRI shall DONATIONS
continue providing services of, without compensation, IRRI
Internationally Recruited Staff to serve as affiliate members of The Board noted the following donations and deeds of donation:
the Graduate Faculty of the various colleges/departments of
UPLB. Donations remitted to the U.P. Foundation, Inc.
3) UPLB and IRRI shall respectively continue providing the I. $10,000.00from the Lavadia Family Trust for the Pedro G. Lavadia,
faculty, staff and employees of the other Party free access to Jr. M.D. and Conchita V. Lavadia Scholarship Award for the College
its facilities and research materials, subject to their respective of Medicine
rules and regulations. 2. P250,OOO.OO from the Megaworld Foundation for the 1st semester
4) When mutually beneficial as agreed upon by the Parties, UPLB 2001-2002 benefits of the Megaworld Foundation Scholarship Grant
shall accept qualified graduate students nominated by lRRI, and 3. PlOO,OOO.oo from the Sumitorno Corporation for the 1st semester
IRRl shall continue to pay the Graduate Education Development 2001-2002 benefits of the Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship Grant
Fee for its non-Filipino graduate students at UPLB. 4. P5,300.00 from Dr. Enrique M. Ostrea, Jr. for the V.P. College of
b. lRRI further undertakes the Iollowing: Music
1) To continue to provide student assistantships to UPLB 5. P18,000.00 from the Epson Precision (Phils.), Inc. for the 1st
undergraduate and graduate students on a need basis; semester 2001-2002 benefits of the EPSON Scholarship Grant
2) To continue to provide post-doctoraI fellowships to UPLB faculty 6. $5,000.00 from UPAA of Michigan Charitable Trust as additional
members as mutually agreed upon by UPLB and IRRI; and donation lor the UPAA Michigan Scholarship Grant
3) To provide scholarships and research grants to qualified UPLB 7. PB,OOO.OO from Byong Gyu Park for the tuition of one scholar in

staff, subject to availability of funds. . the SURP for the Byong Gyu Park Scholarship Grant
c. UPLB and IRRI may agree to enter into collaborative agreements 8. P74,OOO.OO from the Philippine Geothermal, Inc. for the 'l st semester
in areas where they have common research objectives and interests. 2001-2002 benefits of the Philippine Gothermal Scholarship Grant
d. A Joint IRRI-UPLB Management Committee shall be created 9. $150.00 from Romulo and Necitas Aquino for the U.P. College of
composed of three (3) members to be designated by the UPLS Music
Chancellor and three (3) members to be designated by the lRRI 10. $100.00 from Augusto M. Panahon for the U.P. College of Musil:
Director General to ensure the faithful and effective implementation 11. $60.00 hom King's Keyboard House, Inc. for the V.P. College of
of the provisions of this Agreement, the UPS-IRRI Second Music
Consolidated Lease Contract, as well as all other areas of mutual 12. $10,000.00 hom the Friends of V.P. Foundation in America, Inc.
concern to the Parties. (FUPFA) for the U.P. Modernization Fund Campaign
The Committee shall be chaired by a VPLB Vice-ChanceIlor 13. P50,OOO.00 from the Philippine Vending Corporation for the AY
who shall come hom the three members designated by the UPLB 2001-2002 benefits of the Philippine Vending Corporation
Chancellor. The Committee shall be co-chaired by an lRRI Deputy Scholarship Grant
Director General who shall come from the three members 14. $1,500.00 from UPAAA Florida Chapter for the U.P.
designated by the IRRI Director General. The Committee shall Modernization Pund Campaign
meet at least once every three months;
The Committee shall serve as the mechanism for VPLB and Deed of Donation with the Department of Science and Technology
IRRl to assess the environmental impact of the activities in the (DOST)
experimental farms of both institutions, especially in the areas of Deed of Donation entered into by and between U.P. Los Banos
air, soil and water pollution, as well as the safety in the application and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for a donation
of pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals. The of the Virology Laboratory for the use of the various research institutes
Parties shall agree on the sharing of expenses that may be incurred and centers of VPLB engaged in animal and plant biotechnology
by the joint study group. research and development
Effectivity: Effective immediately and shall remain in force for as long
as the Lease Contract between VPS and IRRI is in effect Deed of Donation with the Netherlands Government
Date signed: 7 September 2001 Deed of Donation entered into by and between U.P. Los Banos
July - September 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 33

and the Netherlands Government for a donation of four (4) motor Project Gurong Pahinungod
vehicles for the use of the Barangay Integrated Development Approach Partimlars:
for Nutrition Improvement of the Rural Poor (BIDANI) Programme. a. Specially-trained volunteer teachers shall be deployed in areas
described as follows: designated as Social Refonn Agenda and Secondary Educational
a. Make Mitsubishi Pajero Development Improvement Project (SRA-SEDIP) provinces.
Model 1990 b. DECS is willing to waive the required units and test for Gurong
Colour Silver Pahinungod volunteers on the following conditions:
Motor No. 4D56-DES5206 1) That the University shall provide them with a crash course/
Chassis No.: OEV-12359 special tralning in pedagogy; and
b. Make Toyota Hi-Ace 2) That these persons shall show proof of having taken 18 units
Model 1997 of pedagogy or their equivalent, and of having passed the LET
Colour Red in the event that they desire to be formally integrated into
Motor No. LH114-0026654 DECS as regular public school teachers after their initial service
Chassis No.: 21-4510737 of one year under this Program.
Plate No. OEV-15614 c. Both parties intend that the Program shall beone of their significant
e. Make Mitsubishi L-200 DIC offerings, to the nation on the occasion of its Centennial.
Model 1991 d. Obligations of the Parties:
Colour Silver 1) The University, through the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod of each
Motor No. 4D56-DY4809 constituent university, shall:
Chassis No.: DlKN340MP00282 a) Recruit and screen young graduates who are subject-matter

Plate No. OEV-16702 specialists in English, Mathematics, Science or History and

d. Make Toyota Landcruiser who are willing to teach as volunteer GIlTOlIg Palrimmgod in
Model 1997 any SRA-SEDIP provinces for a period of one school year;
Colour Gray b) Orient and develop them so that they are imbued with the
Motor No. 1HD-0135650 pahinungod spirit and are prepared to dedicate themselves
Chassis No.: HDj80-0006657 to full-time public school teaching and service to the
Plate No. OEV-15510 conununity and the school during their period of assignment;
c) Provide training in pedagogical skills through its College
Deed of Donation and Acceptance with the V.P. Business Research of Education, U.P. Integrated School, Open University and
Foundation, Inc. (VPBRF) other units from Dilirnan and other provincial campuses,
Deed of Donation and Acceptance entered into by and between to make them effective public school teachers in their areas
U.P. Diliman and the U.P. Business Research Foundation, Inc. (UPBRF) of assignment;
for a donation of NEC Digital PABX (NEAX2400) Telephone system d) Monitor and evaluate their performance and provide them
for the use of the College of Business Administration additional training as necessary in the subject matter of
specialization, community work, pedagogy and other
Deed of Donation and Acceptance with the U.P. Foundation, Inc. significant topics; and
Deed of Donation and Acceptance entered into by and between e) Provide necessary teaching materials, monthly stipend,
U.P. Diliman and the U.P. Foundation, Inc., for a donation of two (2) transportation allowance to and from the area of
assignment, insurance coverage and other benefits deemed

Motorcycles, particularly described as follows:

1 unit Motorcycle, Granstar Model Viking 150 necessary for the welfare of the volunteers;
12 Volts, Brand New, White Color 2) The DECS shall:
Engine No. : JL162FMj103800990 a) Provide a grant of P5,OOO,OOO.OO per school year for the
Chassis No.: LB2ECK00815G00100 Program of the University, to be given to the Gffrollg
1 unit Motorcycle Granstar Model Viking 150 Pahinungod Program, through the Office of the Vice
12 Volts, Brand New, White Color President for Public Affairs to defray the costs of the
Engine No. : JL162FMJ103802777 Program (Annex" A" provides the details for individual
Chassis No.: LB2ECK00315G0098 volunteer expenses in the Project Budget, which forms an
integral part hereof). Inclusive in the amount of the grant
MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT is the additional 10% contingency in the event of high
inflation rates within three years of the contract.
The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic b) Select the public schools and communities in the SRA-
matters: SEDIP provinces particularly in the ARMM, in Northern
Note: These contracts/agreements have gone through the standard Luzon, in the Bieol region, in CARAGA and in Samar which
University processes from the Constituent Ilninersitiee (CUs) shall be the areas of assignment of the Program;
concerned and tile University System. 111 cases where there were c) Undertake the necessary supervision of the Gurong
imgularities or inconsistencies witll present laws, niles, regulations Pahinungod through the school principals and other OECS
and processes, the documents were returned for review of or to exact officials, in the same manner as other public school teachers
are supervised in the public school system; and
compliance by tile concerned CU.
d) Include in the budget for each volunteer an item for travel
accident and health insurance; provided, that in no case
V.P. System
shall DECS assign any of the volunteers to areas that shall
expose them to hazardous working conditions or to perils
Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Education,
to their safety and security.
Culture and Sports (DECS)
Effectivity: Effective immediately upon signing for a period of 3 years
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the U.P.
System and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS)
Date signed: 24 August 2001

V.P. Diliman ParticuJm-s:

Both parties agree to promote such academic exchange and
Supplemental Memoranda of Agreement with the Philippine cooperation in various fields of mutual interest as follows:
Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) a. Exchange of faculty and research staff;
Supplemental Memoranda of Agreement entered into separately b. Exchange of students;
by V.P. Dilirnan with the Philippine Council for Health Research and c. Execution of joint research;
Development (PCHRD) for the following projects: d. Holding of Lectures and Symposia;
a. Project: Discovery and development of anticancer drugs and e. Exchange of information and academic publications; and
other agents for Immunoliposume-Mediated Delivery f. Other scientific exchanges deemed appropriate by both parties.
to Breast Cancer Cells: Vitrotox and Moltarget Effrctivity: Effective for 3 years from the date of signing and renewable
Implementing Unit: Marine Science Institute therefrom for 3 years
Project Cost: 1'1,426,898.00 Date signed: 28 August 2001
Effrctivity: I May 2001 to 30 April 2002
Date signed: 26 July 2001 Memorandum of Agreement with the National Commission for
b. Project: Discovery and development of anticancer drugs and Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
other agents for Immunoliposome-Mediated Delivery Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
to Breast Cancer Cells: Philcells and Genedeli Dilimanand the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
Implementing Unit: Natural Sciences and Research Institute Project:International Symposium of the Asia Pacific Society for
Project Cost: 1'1,874,625.00 Ethnomusicology (A Search in Asia for New Theory of Music)
Effrctivity: I May 2001 to 30 April 2002 Implementing Unit: Center for Ethnomusicology
Date signed: 26 July 2001 Particulars:
c. Project: Discovery and development of anticancer drugs and a. The NCCA shall appropriate the sum of PI,I77,480.00 as Fund
other agents for Immunoliposome-Mediated Delivery Transfer to beallocated by way of financial assistance to be released
to Breast Cancer Cells: Philmarina and Philflora to the Grantee in the scheduled manner.
Project Cost: PI,420,505.0D b. The NCCA must officially acknowledge its acceptance of the
Effectivity: I May 2001 to 30 April 2002 completed Grant if the results indicated in the inspection report so
Date signed: 26 July 2001 warrant.
Obligations of the PCHRD in all the above agreements: c. The Grantee shalL implement the Grant according to the
1. Allocate the respective amounts for each project which shall particularities stated in the documents.
be expended as per approved Line-Item Budget; d. The Grantee shall act as lead implementor for the Grant and shall be
2. Provide technical assistance relevant to the achievement of the directly responsible for hiring, supervising and facilitating the release
Project objectives; and of the payment for services rendered by the project personnel that
3. Provide other forms of assistance to the Project in coordination will be on a contract basis not to exceed the duration of the Grant.
with other government agencies in matters requiring their Effrctivity: 7 August 2001 until 31 March 2002
attention or cooperation insofar as these are relevant to the Date signed: 31 August 2001
project and within the capability of PCHRD.
Obligations of V.P. Diliman: Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation with the Institut
1. Submit to PCHRD quarterly progress and financial reports on National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)
schedule as indicated in Item V of the Agreement; Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation entered into
2. Submit to PCHRD annual technical accomplishment report by and between V.P. Dilirnan and the Institut National des Langues et
and audited financial report within one (1) month after Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)
completion date of the Project; Project: Academic exchange and cooperation
3. Submit to PCHRD a technical report in publishable form at Particulars:
the end of the period covered in addition to the annual technical The Parties will endeavor to cooperate in all fields and disciplines
accomplishment report; which are of mutual interests to them as follows:
4. Report immediately and remit to PCHRD all income derived a. Mutual accreditation of courses or "unite de valeur";
from the project and all unexpended balance, if any, at the end b. Exchange of faculty members and staff;
of the project year; c. Exchange of students:
5. Hire project personnel on contractual basis and coterminous d. Joint research programs, undertaken in both countries, in the
with the Agreement; disciplines and fields which are the subject of mutual interest,
6. Ensure the continuity of the Project by notifying PCHRD of the results of which shall be reciprocally shared and
instances such as where the senior Project Personnel, including disseminated by both institutions;
the Program coordinator, will be absent from his/her station e. Exchange of information in educational and academic fields
for a period exceeding ten (to) consecutive working days and of interest to both parties; and
designating a responsible Project official to oversee the f. Joint publication of matters of mutual interests.
operations of the Project in his/her absence; and Duration: 3 years from the First Semester of Academic Year 20012002
7. Provide appropriate assistance to PCHRD in pursuance of Date signed: 12 July 2001
commercialization or transfer of Research and Development
results that are product-based. U.P. Los Banos

Memorandum of Agreement with Hiroshima National College of Kontrata sa Pagpapaunlad ng Agroforestry sa U.P. Land Grant
Maritime Technology Kontrata sa Pagpapaunlad ng Agroforestry sa V.P. Land Grant
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P. sa pagitan ng V.P. Los Banos at ni Ginoong Simeon Latag
Diliman and Hiroshima National College of Maritime Technology Prayekto: Pagsasagawa ng mga trabahong nasasaad sa kontrata kaugnay
Project: Academic exchange and cooperation ng proyektong Agroforestry gaya ng pagbabakod, paghanda
July - September 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 35

ng pagtatamnan, pagtatanim, muling pagtatanim sa mga c. Any advertisement/announcement in both print and non-print
namatay na punla, pag-aabono at proteksiyon sa halamang issued by Saint Louis University on the course offering(s) handled
itinanim, etc. by U.P. College Baguio faculty should include a notation/
Lugar IIg proyckto: Laguna Land Grant - ang Iugar na lilinisin at acknowledgment "Visiting Professor from U.P. College Bagnio" in
tatamnan ng kontraktor ay may sukat na sampung recognition of the home unit of the V.P. College Baguio faculty.
ektarya (10 hectares) d. The College Executive Committee headed by the Dean, the Division
Halaga IIg kOlllrata: P182,208.50 Chairperson of the Faculty concerned of LtP. College Baguio a~d
Tagalllg kolltrata: lsang taon subali't hindi lalampas sa ika-30 rig Abril 2002 all the Deans, Heads and Officials of Saitit Louis University shall
Petsa IIg paglagda: Ika-4 ng Hunyo 2001 be informed of this agreement in its entirety; Provided, that, a
faculty member and/ or academic personnel whose services are
V.P. Manila sought should give his/her written consent to the request; Provided
the If.P. College Baguio Faculty should seek a permit to teach-at
Memorandum of Agreement with De La Salle University Health the Saint Louis University by the U.P. College Baguio Dean upon
Science Campus IDLSUHSC) the endorsement of the College Academic Personnel Commi ttee,
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P. the Academic Division Chair in consultation with the Faculty's
Manila and De La Salle University Health Science Campus (DLSUHSC) Discipline and the Division Executive Committee.
Project: Affiliation and Training of Radiologic Technology students of EffectivihJ: Effective the Second Semester, Academic Year 2001-2002
De La Salle University Health Science Campus through commencing from the signing by the parties
Internship Training Program at the Department of Radiology, Date signed: 28 August 2001
Philippine General Hospital


a. V.P. Manila, through the PGH Assistant Director for Health
Operations, shall implement the project in accordance with the Request for a Board Resolution for tax exemption purposes
proposal contained in the MOA Request for a Board Resolution Authorizing the U.P. Manila
Responsibilities of the Department of Radiology, PGH: Chancellor to Accept the Donation of biomedical equipment from
1) provide maximum opportunity for Interns to gain experience Arci Cultura e Sviluppo (Southeast Asia) as required by the
and training in all diagnosis room, clinical wards and other Department of Finance for tax exemption purposes
facilities of the Department as maybe available; Board action: Approval
2) permit attendance and participation of Interns in conference
symposium or other specified activities; Donation of PSO,OOO.OO from the U.P. Medicine Class 1961 to U.P.
3) screen and select all qualified incoming interns and recommend Manila to be used by the National Institutes of Health; Renaming
approval of their training to the PGH Director; and of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Building into the
4) terminate the affiliation of any Intern who fails or refuses to "University Professor Emesto O. Domingo Hall"
comply with hospital rules and engages inactivities detrimental Above 2 items were taken up by the Board in conjunction with
to the health, safety, and welfare of its patients and personnel. each other since they are covered by just one document which is a
b. Total number of Intems: must not exceed ten (10) intems at any Deed of Donation and Acceptance executed by the U.P. Medicine
given time Class 1961 (Donor) in favor of U.P. Manila (Donee).
c. AffiliatiOlI Fee: P200 per Intern per month to be paid directly to the The Deed stipulates that the Donor transfers and conveys by
PGH Cash Division; and PlOD honorarium per way of donation. unto the Donee the amount of PSO,OOO.OO, subject

Intern per month to be paid directly to the PGH

Radiology Department Intern Coordinator
Effectivity: 30 August 2001 to 29 August 2002 subject to renewal
Date signed: 7 August 2001

U.P. College Bagulo

to the condition that the Donee shall name the NIH Building as the
University Professor Emesto O. Domingo Hall.
Atty. Leonen, the University General Counsel gave the following
Firstly, based on the Existing Delineation of Authority among
University Officials, the Deed of Donation should be subject to BOR
confirmation. not merely notation, upon recommendation by the
Memorandum of Agreement with Saint Louis University President. Section III (C) (42.2) (b) on the delegated authority to the
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Chancellors provides that:
College Baguio and Saint Louis University "Sec. 42.2 IS/He shall have authority] to negotiate,
Project:Assistance by the University to Saint Louis University in the obtain Or receive grants, gifts and donations and to
field of Education administer the same for the benefit of the constituent
Particulars: university, subject to reporting to the President; provided,
The parties agreed as follows: that the acceptance of (a) donations of equipment the
a. On request by Saint Louis University, the University of the installation. operation or maintenance of which require
Philippines shall permit Professors Purificadon Delimaand Rowena financial outlay in addition to the approved budget of the
Boquiren of the Humanities Division and Social Sciences Division, constituent university and (b) donations entailing some
respectively of U.P. CoJlege Baguio to serve at the St. Louis onerous conditions stipulated by the donor, shall be
University as lecturers for the second Semester, AY 2001-2002. confirmed by the Board upon recommendation of the
b. Faculty and/or personnel of the UP. College Baguio serving in President; provided further, that all service donations
Saint Louis University shall be given reasonable compensation by shall be subject to the approval of the Board upon
the latter institution, in accordance with its salary administration recommendation of the President" (empllasis supplied)
The donation made by U.P. Medicine Class 1%1 was clearly an
plan, policies and rules; Provided, that the faculty. and/ ~r
onerous one because an obligation is being assumed by the donee for
academic personnel given teaching assignments at the Saint Lows
valuable consideration given by the donor, the obligation assumed
University be appointed thereat to ranks equivalent to those in the
being the naming or renaming of a University building and the valuable
University of the Philippines.

consideration being the amount donated. In this case, the obligation particular individual are considered as donations
or condition imposed is, in fact, much more than the value of the thing with an onerous condition and should not be
donated, for surely, based on present standards, the worth of having accepted until approved by the Board.
a building named after someone is more than the amount donated, or Update: A Memorandum conceming theabove was issued by theSecretary
P50,OOO. of the University on 28 September 2001.
An onerous donation can only be perfected from the moment the
donor knows of the acceptanceby the donee. In this case, it cannot be Other Discussions
said that the acceptance by the U.P. Manila Chancellor in the Deed of
Donation has perfected the donation and all that needs to be done, at The following additional discussions followed:
this point, is merely to implement it. Under existing University rules,
full acceptance of onerous donations happens only after the President's On Arts and Sports Activities
recommendation to, and confirmation, by the BaR. The donation is. a. Regent Hernandez suggested that as a matter of policy, there
therefore, not yet perfected and may still be declined by the University ought to be some financial assistance to groups (arts or sports)
since the latter requirement has not been fulfilled. officially carrying the U.P. name.
Secondly, it is not in dispute that under the law, R.A. 1059, the b. It is pitiful to hear, for example, that the U.P. Basketball Varsity
naming of a public building or other public places after a living person Team lost by default at one time just because their bus ran out of
may beallowed as an exception when made as a condition in a donation gasoline.
in favor of the govenunent. It will be noted, though, that the general c. President Nemenzo said that athletes are given some support but
rule laid down by the law is to prohibit the naming of public buildings not the kind of support that Ateneo and La Salle teams are getting.
and other public places after living persons. Only when it is a condition d. In fact, one of the choral groups composed of students, faculty

in favor of the government shall the exception be permitted. There is and even retired faculty is being supported by the University,
nothing, however, under RA. 1059 which binds the government into through its U.P. President's Committee on Culture and the Arts
automatically accepting any donation in exchangefor the naming of a but when they go abroad to perform, they go as a big group. It is
public building or place after a living person. The law merely allows not only the performers that go but also the crew.
an exception to the general rule laid down, but certainly the government e. They are, therefore, encouraged to look for additional funds
still has discretion whether or not to accept a donation made subject elsewhere.
to such condition. f. Regent Hernandez said the UPAA would like some guidelines on
Finally, while the Chancellor has the delegated authority to name the projects that the University itself supports so that they will be
buildings, structures and other places regardless of whether or not a guided accordingly.
donation has been made, such delegated authority is subject to the g. Like, for example, at its last meeting, the UPAA thought of
review power of the BOR and the University President under the improving some of the toilets in U.P. Diliman but Regent
University Charter and the Revised University Code (RUe). respectively. Hernandez noted that the President seems to be so enthusiastic on
The BOR being vested the power under the Charter"to exercise the his desire to support the basketball team.
corporate powers of the University" (Sec. 5) and "to enact for the h. VP Diokno articulated the idea of creating an endowment fund
government of the University such general ordinances and regulations, for the arts and sports as these activities also bring honor to the
not contrary to law, as are consistent with the purposes of the University" University. Moreover, the University needs to enhance these
(Sec. 6 (h)), can always review, revoke, amend or modify any act done activities to make its arts and culture alive.
by a University official to whom the exercise of certain powers have i. The Chair recalled an instance where a singing group (U.P.Singing
been delegated. Ambassadors) was denied support for the reason that it is not an

The University President, on the other hand, has authority under officially-eonstituted group of the University.
Article 50 of the RUe: j. She suggested that there ought to be a review of policy on the use
"Art. 50. x x x to modify or disapprove any action or of the U.P. name because there have been several controversial
resolution of any college or school faculty or administrative cases involving the use of the U.P. name in getting some funds.
body, if in his judgment the larger interests of the 1. The Chair mentioned that Chancellor Roman, during her first term,
University so require. Should he exercise such power, the gave some money to a group whose performance was really
President shall communicate his decision in writing to the recognized. It was in the form of a loan which they paid back in
body immediately affected, stating the reasons for his action terms of services to the University.
and thereafter shall accordingly inform the Board of Regents l. The Chair suggested that this matter be studied.
which may take any action it may deem appropriate in m. Regent Hernandez emphasized that in asking for donations, the
connection therewith." (emphasis supplied) purpose which should be a noble one, should be defined in order
Board action; The Board adopted the position of the University to get support from prospective donors. It must be something
General Counsel. The donation of P50,OOO.OO from close to the donor's heart. Always, the bottom line is the desire for
the V.P . .Medicine Class 1961 entails an onerous immortality.
condition, that of renaming the National Institutes n. Regent Hernandez pointed out that in basketball, for example, the
of Health (NIH) Building into the "University prospective donors are the former basketball players and they
Professor Emesto O. Domingo Hall." The Deed of should be told what is needed in order to make the players win,
Donation was not accepted. It was made clear that e.g., getting a top coach, getting tutors, etc.
this decision was arrived at without any reference to o. The President agreed with the suggestion of Vice President Diokno
Dr. Emesto O. Domingo. that an endowment fund for arts and sports be created.
The Board instructed the Secretary of the p. President Nemenzo shared some problems which the players,
University to issue a memorandum reminding all unfortunately, have to reckon with:
concerned that naming of public buildings/public 1) They have rehearsals, exercises, etc., and they have to go to the
institutions after living persons is strictly prohibited. provinces but they are not excused from their classes.
Moreover, donations which stipulate that a 2) They are not able to take the exams because professors purposely
particular. buildin,yinstitution be named after a give exams during these times that they are not available.
July - September 2001 UP.GAZEITE 37

3) The players flunk their subjects because they do not have the Leiter of appeal of Dr. Rogelio V. Paglomutan
support of their professors. Letter of Dr. Rogelio V. Paglomutan, Assistant Secretary for
Finance and Management Services) DENR, dated 31 August 2001 to
"On Tuition and STFAP the Honorable Chairman, Ester Garcia, through the President,
a. President Nemenw informed the members that Senator Osme!la has appealing for reconsideration of the order of the Chancellor, dropping
been pressuring the University to increase its undergraduate tuition. him from the rolls of the University for his absence without leave
b. Tuition is based on the STFAP which is determined by income Dr. Paglomutan, a faculty member of the College of Business
brackets. The increase in tuition would require the addition of Administration, was seconded to the Bureau of Treasury as Deputy
another bracket (Bracket 10) for the super rich students whose Treasurer of the Philippines &om April 1999 to April 2lXl1. On 2lJ March
family income is PI M and above. 2001, he informed the College that he will report for duty effective 1
c. This, however, would not be a reliable measure since the rich do May at the end of his stint at the National Treasury. In early May, a
not give a truthful declaration of their income. letter was sent to the College Dean informing them of his pending
d. VP Diokno said the ideal situation is to get a huge scholarship appointment as DENR Assistant Secretary with the accompanying letter of
endowment and scrap SIFAP. Tuition will be two-tiered: P300 the Honorable Secretary Alvarez requesting for his secondment to
for everybody and a much higher tuition for all. Those who cannot DENR But the Department Chairman, Mr. Emesto Pineda, disapproved
afford to pay the P300 should all be in full scho1arship. the request for his secondment and the former Dean, Prof. Elvira zamora,
e. The Chair announced that she is proposing a trippling of the withdrew her recommendation to the Chancellor. Dr. Paglomutan
scholarship budget nationwide for the year 2003 and much bigger infonned Dean zamora a weekbefore the start of c1asses (over the phone)
increases over the next few years. that he could not teach this first semester because he is already working
at the DENR, pending his official appointment from Malacanang.

l!Jlpiration of the Faculty Regent's Term He is appealing to the Board of Regents for reconsideration on
a. President Nemenzo reminded the Board that the term of Dr. Marita four counts:
V.T. Reyes as Faculty Regent is expiring in December. "a) First. it is not true that I did not meet my classes, for there are
b. The process of selecting the next Faculty Regent should therefore really no courses assigned to me at the start of the classes as
be started. shown in the schedule of classes for the undergraduate and
c. The Board agreed that the next faculty regent shall come from MBA courses.
V.P. Visayas. b) Second, D.P. faculty members who are appointed to the
national government positions are freely allowed or permitted
Conference on IT and Distance Education to be seconded.
a. The Chair recommended that Chancellor Librero of the U.P. Open c) Third, appointments to national positions for the faculty are
University attend the conference on IT and distance education in very enriching for the benefit of the students and the university
Penang or Bangkok, Thailand. (the practical side of the academic realm).
b. Vice President Diokno said that this can be charged against the d) And, fourth, the university has to help the national government
International Linkages Fund. at this crucial point of our political governance.
Nevertheless, I leave this case to the good judgment 01 the
The Board noted the following: Honorable Board of Regents if they value my modest talent
and dedication [in eleven years of actual teaching, not even
Letter of Dr. Ester Albano Garcia on the appointment of Dr. once I was absent from my classes], and allow me either to be
restored in or dropped from the roll of personnel of the

Cristina Padolina as Commissioner of CHED

Letter of Dr. Ester Albano Garcia, Chairman, Commission on university.
Higher Education, dated 29 August 2001 to Pres. Francisco Nemenzo My appeal for fairness on what is good for the university
informing him of the appointment of Dr. Ma. Cristina Padolina, a and the country, and not for anything else."
Professor at the University of the Philippines in Los Banos, as President Nemenzo has advised Dr. Paglomutan to go back
Commissioner of the Commission on Higher Education and her to his College and plead for reconsideration.
induction into office on 28 August 2001
Letter-appeal of Simmonette Lim, Chairperson, U.P. Los Banos
Letter advisory of Horacio R. Cruda on the election of Senator University Student Council to the members of the Board of Regents
Renato L. "Companere" Cayetano as the new Chair of the Senate Letter-appeal to the members 01 the Board of Regents dated 19
Committee on Education, Arts and Culture September 2001 of Simmonette Lim, Chairperson, V.P. Los Banos
Letter advisory of Horacia R. Cruda, Legislative Committee University Student Council, requesting the following:
Secretary, Committee on Education, Arts and Culture, dated 7 September 1. nullify the decision of the University Council of UPLB to approve
2001, to President Francisco Nemenzo and the U.P. Board of Regents, the Revitalized GE Program (RGEP); and
informing them of the election during the plenary session last 13 August 2. return the RGEP back for further consideration of the UPLB
2001 of Honorable Senator Renato L "Ccmpenero" Cayetano, as the University Council to be decided once again for a period of not
new Chair of the Senate Committee on Education, Arts and Culture less than one year and only after much critical discussion is made
By virtue of the Charter of the University, Senator Cayetano is of it.
now ex officio member of the U.P. Board of Regents. Note: TIre discussion of tilt proposal for the RGEP was deferred.


U.P. Diliman Lani R. Asturias, University Research Associate 1, College of
Social Sciences and Philosophy, effective 15 July 2001 (,.,ig"atioll)
Gloria Agas, College of Arts and Letters, effective 21 August
Magdalena Bautista, Assistant Professor, College of Home
Economics, effective 1st semester 2001-2002 (resignQtion)
2001 (re,ignation)
Rhodora M. Rayhon, College Librarian 11, National Center for
Eduardo R. Alicias,Jr., Associate Professor 7, College of
Transportation Studies, effective 1 July 2001 (resiguation)
Education, effective 6 July 2001 (retirement)
38 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.3

Gregorio L. Belanio, Utility Foreman, College of Law, effective Venancio S. Custodio, Construction and Maintenance Foreman.
24 July 2001 (deatl,) Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development, effective
Margarita Z. De Guzman, Accountant It Accounting Office, 21 July 2001 (dea/h)
effective 20 July 2001 (retirement) Romulo A. Del Castillo, Professor 12, College of Forestry and
Andrew P. Dela Torre, University Research Associate II, Institute Natural Resources, effective 23 July 2001 (compl//son) retirement)
for Small Scale Industries, effective 24 August 2001 (resigllatiall) Aurora G. Del Rosario, Associate Professor 6, College of
Jereyl Lailani Demetrio, Consultant in Psychiatry, University Agriculture, effective 9 September 2001 (optional retirement)
Health Service, effective 31 July 2001 (resigllatiall) Rose Lyn S. Emergo, Instructor 2, College of Arts and Sciences,
Edgardo B. Domingo, Cook II, College of Home Economics, effective 1 August 2001 (resignation)
effective 1 August 2001 (retirement) Jesus Augusto Cesar G. Flor, Supervising Sdence Research Spedalist,
Caesar F. Favila, Movie Equipment Technician III, Film Center, Philippine Carabao Center, effective 1 July 2001 (optional retirement)
effective 2 July 2001 (retirement) Roy Roberto L. Gerona, Assistant Professor 3, College of Arts
Ernesto M. Gabriel, Carpenter Foreman, Campus Maintenance and Sciences, effective 1 August 2001 (resigllatio1l)
Office, effective 1 August 2001 (retirement) Larry C. Guerra, Assistant Professor 7, College of Engineering
Hipolito Buen N. Herrera, Data Entry Machine Operator H, and Agro-Industrial Technology, effective 22 September 2001
Housing Office, effective 17 August 2001 {retirement) (resig1latio1l)
Rodel S. Josue, Audio Visual Aids Technician Ill, College of Rosette G. Guino, Instructor I, College of Arts and Sciences,
Arts and Letters, effective 12 September 2001 (death) effective 1 August 2001 (resignatio1l)
Floro R. Laze, University Research Associate III, NIGS, College Princess C. Hernandez, Assistant Professor 1, College of Arts
of Science, effective 1 July 2001 (resignation) and Sciences, effective 30 September 2001 (resigJIQtioll)
Beverly S. Liwag, Nurse, University Health Service, effective 10 Rowena G. Janolino, Storekeeper III, College of Human Ecology,
July 2001 (resigllatioll) effective 21 July 2001 (compulsory retirement)
Ma. Perfetua U. Liwanag, Assistant Professor 2, UPIS, College Gregorio L. Javier, Administrative Officer Ill, College of
of Education, effective 23 July 2001 (resig/lation) Agriculture, effective 25 September 2001 (farced resignation)
Lalyn B. Maltu, Administrative Assistant, Marine Science Institute, Vitaliano L. Lopena, University Researcher I, College of
College of Science, effective 6 July 2001 (resigllatiall) Agriculture, effective 5 July 2001 (compulsory retirement}
Belen P. Maranan, Data Entry Machine Operator I, College of Melinda M. Manalo, Instructor 3, College of Arts and Sciences,
Home Economics, effective 1 July 2001 (resignatioll) effective 2 July 2001 (re,igllatioll)
Celso A Mendoza, Special Police Captain, U.P. Diliman Police, Michael Anthony A. Mojica, College Librarian I, College of
effective 28 July 2001 (retirement) Forestry and Natural Resources, effective 1 August 2001 (resignation)
Julieta A. Mequi, Nurse III, University Health Service, effective Michelle J. Montejo, Instructor 2, College of Agriculture,
30 July 2001 (retirement} effective 24 September 2001 (resignation)
Edgardo I. Sagala, Microfilming Machine Operator Il, College of Marichel J. Navarro, Extension Associate Professor 6, Office of
Engineering. effective 3 August 2001 (deal/I) the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective 18 September
Lope A. Saraza, Utility Worker Il, School of Urban and Regional 2001 (resigllatioll)
Planning, effective 6 September 2001 (retirement) Rafael J. Ortiz, Agricultural Technician Il, College of Agriculture.
Erlinda A. Valencia, Utility Worker II, College of Engineering, effective 27 July 2001 (compulsory retirement)
effective 1 July 2001 (retirement) Elisa B. Padilla, Utility Worker Il, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Annabelle J. verdote. University Researcher II, Technology effective 1 September 2001 (resignation)
Management Center, effective 3 September 2001 (resignation) Eloisa M. Revilla, Assistant Professor 2, College of Arts and
Rodolfo C. Yaco. Carpenter II, Campus Maintenance Office, Sciences, effective 18 September 2001 (compu/sonj retirement)
effective 13 August 2001 (retirement) Jericho Leo P. Reyes, Instructor 4, College of Engineering and
Vincent Pep ito F. Yambaa, jr., University Researcher I, Law Agro-Industrial Technology, effective 1 September 2001 (resigmftioll)
Complex, effective 1 August 2001 (resignation) Efren P. Salinas, Farm Worker II, College of Agriculture, effective
31 July 2001 (compllisonj retirement)
U.P. Los Banos Priscilla C. Sanchez, Professor 12, College of Agriculture,
effective 8 July 2001 (campl/l'on; retirement)
Michael D. Aramil, Agricultural Technician II, College of Bonifacio P. Saplala. University Extension Specialist I, College
Agriculture, effective 1 September 2001 (compilison) retirement} of Public Affairs, effective 1 July 2001 (compfllsonj retirement)
Corazon M. Atienza, Administrative Officer I, College of Public Moises L. Sardido, University Researcher III, College of
Affairs, effective 13 August 2001 (compl//sory retirement) Agriculture, effective 4 September 2001 (compulsory retirement)
Carolina F. Banbury, Computer Programmer ill, Office of the Vice- Gabriela D. Villaflor, Nutrionist Dietitian III, Office of the
Chancellor for Administration, effective 19 July 2001 (optional retirement) Vice-Chancellor for Community Affairs, effective ;20 September 2001
Jesus H. Barrios, Electrician II, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for (comprllsory retirement)
Community Affairs, effective 5 August 2001 (complllsonJ retirement) Lynn S. Villafuerte, Assistant Professor I, College of Arts and
Antonio P. Cadapan, Utility Worker 11, College of Forestry and Sciences, effective 1 August 2001 (resignation)
Natural Resources, effective 15 August 2001 (optional retirement)
Rowena B. Caton, Laboratory Aide II, College of Agriculture, U.P. Manila
effective 25 September 2001 (dismissal)
Cenon M. Cerezo, Storekeeper III, College of Arts and Sciences, Alma Sigrid C. Acosta, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 9 July 2001 (comprdson) retirement) effective 5 September 2001 (resignation)
Nerlissa P. Concibido, Assistant Professor 2, College of Arts Annaliza 1. Agulan, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
and Sciences, effective 1 September 2001 (resignation) effective 3 September 2001 (resignation)
Rosenie C. Comista, Senior Bookkeeper, College of Agriculture, Rosavilla V. Alayon, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 25 September 20Cll (dismissal) effective 16 August 2001 (resignation)
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZEITE 39

Rosendo Alcana, Utility Worker II, College of Dentistry, effective Josephine L. Dimaandal, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital.
1 July 2001 (appointment expired) effective 23 July 2001 (resignation)
Lina Liza A. A1cances, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Alfonso A. Doloroso, Professor, College of Medicine, effective 1
Hospital. effective 31 July 2001 (resignation) July 2001 (compnlsory retirement)
Luis Richard M. Alcontin, Nurse III. Philippine General Mary Cons T. Dugay, Medical Officer III, Philippine General
Hospital,' effective 31 August 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 1 July 2001 (resignation)
Pablo A. A1mendras, Labor General Foreman, Philippine General Glenn Wennie C. Echiverri, Nurse II, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 23 August 2001 (campl/lson) retirement) Hospital, effective 30 July 2001 (resignation)
Riza M. Alvarez-Relova, Medical Officer III, Philippine General Nella A. Escobar, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital, effective 2 September 2001 (resignatioll) 20 August 2001 (resignation) -
Arcel~e C. Alviar, Nurse I, Philippine General Hospital, effective Michelle Ann S. Espelita, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
8 July 2001 (resignation) effective 6 September 2001 (resignation)
Jocelyn A. Ama, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective Peachy E. Espinosa, Nurse 11, Philippine General Hospital,
25 September 2001 (resigllQtiOll) effective 1 September 2001 (resignatioll)
Maria Emedina T. Amazona, NurseIv. Philippine General Ellen E. Etremera-Cea, Nutritionist-Dietitian II, Philippine
Hospital, effective 7 July 2001 (transfer to ZCMC) General Hospital, effective 1 August 2001 (transfer to FNRI)
Evangeline I. Amboy, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine General Myra M. Eufracia, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital, effective 1 August 2001 (resignation) ,1 September 2001 (resignation}
Napoleon M. Apolinario, Professor, College of Medicine, Jocelyn S. Evangelista, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 15 August 2001 (compulsory retirement) effective 8 August 2001 (resignation)

Sheryll P. Asantor, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Cannel Christy F. Fuentes, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital.
effective 30 September 2001 (resignation) effective 15 August 2001 (resignation)
Rochelle V. Ballarte, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Chelin C. Gammad, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 15 July 2001 (resignatioll) effective 10 September 2001 (resignatian)
Segundino Bantilles, Clerk 111, School of Health Sciences, Felix T. Go, jr., Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital, effective :-
effective 16 August 2001 (resignatioll) September 2001 (resignation)
Marius R. Bartolabac, Attorney IV, Office of Legal Affairs, Romeo R. Gutierrez, Professor, College of Medicine, effective 3
effective 1 July 2001 (appointment expired) August 2001 (compulsory retirement)
Marissa B. Basilio, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective Angelina I. Hernando, Utility Foreman, College of Medicine,
30 September 2001 (resignation) effective 16 September 2001 (compulsonj retirement
Remedios J. Bennillo, Nursing Attendant Il, Philippine General Cheryl R. Hernando, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 8 July 2001 (deatil) effective 23 July 2001 (resignation)
Leonora M. Blanco, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Lamberto A. Hidalgo, Utility Worker It Philippine General
effective 30 September 2001 (resigtlation) Hospital, effective 6 September 2001 (dropped frOIll the rolls)
Luis Victor Blanco, Oerk II,Philippine General Hospital, effective Ethel M. Hilario, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
30 August 2001 (resignatioll) 10 August 2001 (resignatiollJ
Imelda M. Cabanayan, Nursing Attendant I. Philippine General Dinnah Zoe G. Ignacio, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 5 July 2001 (resig,.. tion) effective 1 July 2001 (resignation)
Carla-Christina Y. Castillo, Instructor 3, College of Pharmacy, Maria A1ve R Lamadrid, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital.

effective 31 August 2001 (resignation)

Daisy Lita F. Castro, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 14 July 2001 (resignation)
Karen T. Cervantes, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 15 July 2001 (resignation)
Edelrose S. Corsame, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 1 September 2001 (resiglratioll)
effective 23 August 2001 (resignation)
Armida R. Lopez, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital. effective
15 September 2001 (resigllation)
Justo v. Lopez, Accountant 11, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 21 July 2001 (deatit)
Clarita L. Macapagal, Nursing Attendant Il, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 20 September 2001 (resignation)
Divino R. Cuerdo, Utility Worker II, College of Dentistry, Raul O. Macaraeg, Medical Officer III, Philippine General
effective 28 August 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 1 August 2001 (resigllation)
Almira T. Daguman, Pharmacist III, Philippine General Hospital, Hydee B. Makil, Nursing Attendant I, Philippine General
effective 16 August 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 4 July 2001 (resignation)
llyn. B.De Castro, Nurse II. Philippine General Hospital. effective Ely Rose A. Manalo, Utility Worker I. Philippine General
19 July 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 29 July 2001 (dropped from tile rolls)
Diane De Dies, Data Entry Machine Operator II, College of Ma. Eliza B. Manzano, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital,
Public Health, effective 1 July 2001 (optiollal retirement) effective 24 July 2001 (resignation)
Rosa Lydia De Guzman, Human Resource Management Officer Melvilyn M. Manzano, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital.
II, OPS, effective 1 September 2001 (appointment expired) effective 27 August 2001 (dropped from the rolls)
Eleanor Q. De Leon, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Amelia L. Medina, Professor 2 (part-time), College of Medicine,
effective 15 July 2001 (resignation) effective 1 September 2001 (resignation)
Manieta B. De luna, Professor, College of Medicine, effective Constantino D. Mendoza, [r., Nurse It, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 30 August 2001 (dropped from tile rolls)
12 September 2001 (compulsonj retirement) .
Ma. Rowena A. Del Moral, Nurse II,Philippine General Hospital, Romeo l. Mercado, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital.
effective 15 September 2001 (resigllatioll)
effective 1 August 2001 (resignation)
Michael Vincent B. Milambiling, Clerk II, Philippine General
Cicero S. Del Rosario, Clerk III, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 10 August 2001 (resignatioll)
effective 13 July 2001 (optional retiremellt) .
Agnes G. MoralesSalazar, Nurse II, Philippine General
Ma. Ellene J. Dela TOITe, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 1 July 2001 (resignation)
effective 8 September 2001 (resignation)
40 u.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No. 3

Manelie H. Muceros, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Ma. Ivy N. Umali, Nursing Attendant ll, Philippine General
effective 21 September 2001 (resignahon) Hospital, effective 9 August 2001 (resignation)
Maria Liza V. Narcida, Medical Technologist II, Philippine Elma S.A. Valeza, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital, effective
General Hospital, effective 12 July 2001 (resignation) 17 September 2001 (resignation)
Aira B. alar, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 16 Venus G. Velasquez, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
August 2001 (resignation) effective 10 September 2001 (resignation)
Engracio B. Osit, Master Tailor 11, Philippine General Hospital, Nannette Vergel de Dios, Associate Professor 7, College of
effective 6 August 2001 (deatli) Dentistry, effective I August 2001 (resignation)
Adora V. Paderes, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine General Angelo S. Visitacion, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Hospital, effective 8 August 2001 (compulsory retirement} effective 15 August 2001 (resignation)
Anita A. Pahate, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine General Genaro M. Yusi, Professor, College of Medicine, effective 19
Hospital, effective 17 August 2001 (compulsory retirement) September 2001 (compulsory retiremellt)
Emerita Ruth T. Panaligan, Nurse II, Philippine General Greg S. zamora, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Hospital, effective 22 August 2001 (resignation) 16 July 2001 (resignation)
Alma L. Paragua, Nurse U, Philippine General Hospital, effective Lani Lorma P. Zarate, Medical Technologist II, Philippine General
I September 2001 (resignation) Hospital, effective 14 September 2001 (resignation)
Herman A. Patio, [r., Utility Worker I, Philippine General
Hospital, effective I September 2001 (resignation) U.P. Visayas
Cristina M. Palupal, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 11 July 2001 (resignahon) Hermogenes G. Babiano, Laboratory Aide II, U.P. Tacloban
Senen P. Paus, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, effective College, effective 28 July 2001 (deat/,)
15 September 2001 (resignation) Marltess N. Balangult, Oerk II, D.P. Cebu College, effective I
Ma. Cristina S. Peji, Nurse II. Philippine General Hospital, August 2001 (resignation)
effective I August 2001 (resignation) Federico M. Ballarta, Supply Officer II, Central Administration,
Melissa A. Polblete, Assistant Professor 5, College of Dentistry, effective 4 July 2001 (deatlr)
effective 26 July 2001 (resignation) Maria Gladee M. Cocjin, Clerk II, Central Administration,
Dennis S. Quiambao, Medical Officer III, Philippine General effective 1 July 2001 (expired appointment)
Hospital, effective 28 August 2001 (resignation) Queenielyn B. Dorado, Oerk II, Central Administration, effective
Claudette Rose S. Quinanola, Nurse I, Philippine General 30 July 2001 (expired appointment)
Hospital, effective 15 August 2001 (resignatiD/l) Alan N. Failaman, University Research Associate I, College of
Girlie Daylinda V. Quiroz, Speech Therapist I, Philippine Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, effective 1 July 2001 (expired
General Hospital, effective 7 September 2001 (resignation) appoin tment)
Carlata M. Ramos, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, Chris Mitchum V. Ganancial, University Research Associate L
effective 10 August 2001 (resignation) Collegeof Fisheries and OceanSciences,effective1 July 2001 (resignation)
Fe C. Ramos, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 25 Nancy B. Montecillo, Assistant Professor L U.P. Tacloban
September 2001 (resignation) College, effective 17 September 2001 (dropped)
Gloria I. Ramos, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, effective Margaret S. Sanapo, University Research Associate I, Central
7 September 2001 (resignation) Administration, effective 1 July 2001 (expired appoilltmelft)
Pia P. Reside, University Research Associate I, University Abdul S. Unggui, University Research Associate I, College of
Library, effective I August 2001 (resignation) Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, effective 1 July 2001 (resignation)
Portia M. Resurrection, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital, Rebbe Julie V. Yandog, Administrative Assistant, Central
effective 16 July 2001 (resignation) Administration, effective 1 July 2001 (expired appointment)
Juanita M. Richards, Nursing Attendant Il, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 16 July 2001 (resignation) U.P. Mindanao
Efilyn V. Rivera, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital, effective
10 September 2001 (resignatioll) Annalie 1. Campos, Assistant Professor 2, DURP, effective 1
Cristeta R. Rulloda, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, August 2001 (resignation)
effective 24 September 2001 (resignation) Danilo T. Campos, Assistant Professor 7, College of Science and
Gemma J. Sabong, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital, effective Management, effective 1 August 2001 (resignation}
22 August 2001 (resignation) Sheila A. De Lima, University Research Associate I. POD,
Mary Jane R. Santos, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective I July 2001 (non-renewal)
effective 10 September 2001 (resignation) Erwin V. Fundador, Instructor 3, College of Science and
Maria Girlie P. Sarria, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, Management, effective 1 August 2001 (resignation)
effective 26 August 2001 (resignation) Teofila A. Sinco, University Researcher IlL School of
Agustina A. Soriano, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine General Management, effective 1 July 2001 (non-reneuml)
Hospital, effective 16 September 2001 (resignation) Elizabeth T. Velasco, Administrative Officer L Office of the
Grace Fatima C. Taeza, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, Chancellor, effective 8 September 2001 (resignatioll)
effective 30 September 2001 (resigrJatioll)
Mary Rose M. Teodoro, Nurse Il, Philippine General Hospital, D.P. Open University
effective 10 August 2001 (resignation)
Wi1liam A. Torres, Storekeeper [II, Philippine General Hospital, Leah Nillas, Assistant Professor I, Faculty of Education, effective
effective 19 July 2001 (resignatioll) 1 August 2001 (resignation)
July - September 2001 U.P.GAZETIE 41



"We will not only survive the cut imposed on our budget. We the CUs could better implement, offices with counterpart units in the
shall excel despite it." This was the brave response of President CUs, and project initiated by the System but were no longer
Francisco Nemenzo to the PIS5 million slash on the V.P. 2000 budget implemented on an experimental basis were devolved to the CUs.
by the Senate (See the Forum Special Issue on the 2000 Budget, 14 The devolution is meant not to weaken support for the programs
February 2000). And this was not to be an empty boast. and offices but to strengthen them further and empower the CUs.
Half-way through the second year of a reduced D.P. budget, Part of the empowering process is the decision of the President to
incentives for rewarding excellence are being implemented, overload delegate certain functions and authority to Chancellors, Vice
teaching honoraria rates have been significantly raised, faculty and Presidents, Assistant Secretary and Deans and heads of principal
staff merit promotions have been granted, the infrastructure for the units to decide on matters that are well within their scope of
computerization and netlinking of buildings and campuses are being responsibility.
completed, libraries are undergoing computerization, the revitalization
of the GE program is underway, and an aggressive modernization Higher DBM cash releases and other cost saving measures
fund campaign inviting friends, alumni, government and private U.P. intensified its lobbying with DBM to get as much of what was
institutions to participate in transforming UP. into a 21st university appropriated to the University in the General Appropriations Act.

now totals P374,914,932.55 . For the year 2000, it was able to get 99.8% of its MOOE and
96.8% of its Personal Service. On top of this, DBM released a
Rationalizing the Financial Management System supplemental budget of P338,618,587 that did not only negate but
The Nemenzo administration took steps to ensure that the quality doubled whatever the Senate slashed from the U.P. budget. Included
of academic programs would not suffer and that academic units, in this amount was Pl92,529,152 to cover the mandated 10% salary
especially those servicing many students, would be spared the impact increase, P23,103,498 for Retirement and Life Insurance Premium
of the budgetary cut. (RLIP) and PIOO million for the merit promotions of faculty and staff
Compared to previous years, U.P. actually got more in 2000 or a total
Budget Allocation Method cash release of P3,920.802,990.
It examined U.P.'s internal operating budget and devised a set Big savings accrued to the University when President Nemenzo
of formulas to rationalize the allocation ofMOOE and Personal Services was able to get former President Estrada to ask SSS to condone the
(PS) lump sum to constituent units, using as cost dividers enrolment, interest on a P200 million loan granted by SSS to PGH in 1985. U.P.-
number of faculty and staff, laboratory, number of buildings, number PGH and SSS had been enmeshed in an administrative adjudication
of campuses, etc. More money went to the constituent universities case before the Office of the Solicitor General. U.P.-PGH had refused
(CUs) as the System administration bore the brunt of the cut. to start payment on the loan because SSS never released the last
The Nemenzo administration also applied the brakes on tranche of the loan used to renovate the pavilions of PGH. Meantime,
expansion. It has tasked the CUs to stop expanding enrolment unless interest on the loan had risen to a staggering P534,124,501.62. Last
the increase can be supported by faculty resources and facilities and September 6, 2000, SSS informed U.P. that it had agreed to the
to focus on improving the quality of existing programs rather than condonation of the accumulated interest.

designing new ones. It is putting in place a system of rigorous peer The decision of President Nemenzo to return the supercomputer
review for new proposals to ensure that these conform to academic Powerchallenge XL to its donor, Silicon Graphics Pte. Ltd. (SGPL) last
standards, are backed up by adequate faculty and financial resources May has also saved U.P. much needed funds. The donation required
and will be sustainable. U.P. to enter into a four-year maintenance agreement with a local
"Excellence, not expansion should be Our goal," explains company, Integrated Solutions and Systems. Inc. (IS~) for an annual
President Nemenzo. In his investiture speech, he had announced that cost of Sg$100,000 based on prevailing exchange rates. However,
"the recent budgetary cut will be absorbed by administration, by the since the supercomputer was donated in March 1999, hardly anyone
non-teaching units under the President and Vice Presidents," (tQrgm, in the departments with access to the equipment had ever used it. In
Special Issue, 14 March 2000). But he also made clear his policy of his letter to the donor, President Nemenzo explained that the annual
budget allocation. "Lethargic units with no realistic plans for upgrading maintenance fee could be re-channeled to more urgent academic
the quality of their existing programs and of their instruction and priorities or to the U.P. computerization program.
research will receive only a minimum budget to keep them going. Another source of savings for the University is the exemption
Only those units which have shown resourcefulness, dynamism and recently granted it by the Department of Finance from having to pay
strong promise of achieving academic excellence will get more." withholding tax on the interest of its income.
To ensure transparency, U.P.'s internal operating budget is Reengineering the bureaucracy, devising a better budget allocation
published in the Forum so that members of the U.P. conununity are method and adopting cost-saving measures have resulted in savings
kept informed (5ee Forum, May-June 2000 and June 2001). that enabled the Nemenzo administration to better honoraria rates.
provide incentives for the achievements of faculty and researchers,
Reengineering the bureaucracy upgrade academic programs and set up the modernization projects
With the goal of making the bureaucracy more efficient and to of the University.
save on overhead costs and duplication of activities, the Nemenzo "It is a matter of getting our priorities straight," says President
administration reviewed the programs and offices attached to the Nemenzo. "In this matter, we shall translate academic excellence from
Office of the President. Only those that assist the System in planning a buzzword, a pompous but empty phrase, into an effective principle
for the University, in coordinating, monitoring and evaluating activities that governs all our academic, financial and administrative decisions."
across CUs, and those considered high priority were retained. Programs (Forum, 28 February 2001)

Source: U.P. Forum, 28 July 2001 (pp. 1-3) (text only)

42 U.P.GAZEITE Vol. XXXU, No.3

Recognizing and Rewarding Achievements President Nemenzo anchored his vision of U.P. on the need to
A serious problem confronting U.P. these days is the loss of its modernize the university and equip it with tools to meet the challenge
faculty to private industry and the nearby universities. The Salary of the 21st century. "It is a matter of national survival," he asserts.
Standardization Law (SSL) is a heavy rock hanging around the neck For President Nemenzo, building-up the nation's intellectual capital
of the University, preventing it from adjusting the salaries of its faculty by training and producing first-rate brainworkers who are capable of
to more decent rates that would at least be competitive to that of creating new technologies will give the Philippines competitive edge.
Ateneo or De La Salle. It has also become increasingly difficult for This is a job, he says that "V.P. is best prepared to do if equipped
V.P. to recruit the best among its graduates. with modem instructional facilities."
While efforts are being exerted in Congress to free the faculty Aware that every year V.P. delays its computerization program
from SSL, the Nemenzo administration has gone ahead to implement would make it harder and harder for U.P. to catch up with the rapid
the following incentives: developments in technology and would make it lag farther and farther
o Adjustment of overload teaching honoraria to help improve behind other Asian universities, the Nemenzo administration put effort
faculty compensation and to make the overload rates consistent in completing the telecommunications infrastructure in the various
with the honoraria rates of professorial lecturers based on the campuses, computerizing the libraries, netlinking computers,
formula approved by the BOR in 1992 equipping research and teaching laboratories, and improving computer
o Merit-based incentives for faculty and researchers by to student ratio.
establishing the Academic Distinction Fund for the following: To date it has accomplished the following:
International Publication Award which gives an automatic Building the telecommunications infrastructure in V.P.
cash award of P50,000 for each scholarly article of a faculty campuses (P65.6 million in CY 1999-2000 and PH million
member or researcher published in an international peer- in 2001)

reviewed journal and PI00,OOO for a book published by a o Bandwidth upgrade, U.P.-wide
reputable international publisher; Connection to 512 kbps (recommended
International Award for the Visual and Performing Arts to upgrade to 2 Mbps)
give recognition to artists whose exhibits or performances Connection to Mosaic
have elicited rave reviews in the international scene; Communications: 4Mbps via satellite (for activation)
An annual grant of PI20,OOO to University Professors in Connection to Asian Internet Interconnection (An
active service to enable them to carry out their research and facility: 512 kbps, through the Advanced Science and
creative work; Technology Institute. Interconnection to be upgraded
Gawad para sa Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino to give to a fiber-optic link within the next 2 to :1 months.
recognition to outstanding published scholarly and creative o Local Area Network (LAN) Cabling Projects
work written in Filipino and as an incentive to the faculty to U.P. Dillman: completed before CY 2000 in Quezon
use and develop the national language; and Hall, System Accounting and Budget Offices, CMe
Teaching Innovation Award which gives a cash incentive of NCPAG, CMusie, SURP, CHE, SEwn. CEduc, CHK,
P75,OOO to encourage faculty to develop innovative teaching AC, Inst. of Islamic Studies, Vinzons Hall.
techniques and strategies that will facilitate understanding V.P. College Cebu: Library, Administration,
of difficult concepts or methodologies and stimulate in the Undergraduate, and Arts and Sciences building
students greater desire for learning. completed.
o Support for creative and research projects and faculty and U.P. Open University.
staff development through the Creative and Research a Network Backbone Projects

Scholarship Fund which provides: V.P. College Cebu: Fiber-optic cabling interconnecting
Grants to faculty for textbook writing andereative or research campus buildings installed; defects noted by Computer
work in the form of research contracts; Center being corrected by contractor. Network backbone
PhD incentive grant for faculty about to complete their partially activated through installation of two switches
doctoral studies; lent by Computer Center. Wireless connection to Mosaic
Post-doctoral grant for faculty who want to pursue post- Communications (Cebu) tested with satisfactory
doctoral research work in a recognized foreign university; results. Wireless equipment currently being purchased.
and Miag-ao Campus: Installation of cables for backbone
Funds for the editing and/or translation of outstanding and LAN cabling project started. Cabling due for
literary works of V.P. faculty in English, Filipino or any completion in August 2001.
other Philippine language to prepare these for international o U.P. Diliman
publication. DILNET 4: Backbone and premises cabling in UPD
o Merit promotions to faculty and staff through a supplemental buildings not covered by earlier phases
budget released to V.P. by OBM and made effective in July V.P. WebmaiI projects providing e-mail to faculty, staff
2000. Faculty and staff were evaluated mainly for their and students
achievements in teaching, research and publications from July On-line registration
1996 to June 2000. o U.P. Open University
o Sagad award for those who had already reached the ceiling of Installation of Integrated Virtual Learning Environment
their rank and could no longer enjoy merit promotions. (lVLE)
Internet-based information resources for the ENRM
Modernizing V.P.: A Matter of National Survival program, digitized reference materials.
"The budgetary cut will slow down but not deflect us from o U.P. Mindanao
implementing our computerization program," vowed President Accounting: indexing of payments, BIR remittances
Nemenzo during his investiture as 18th President of V.P. "We shall and payroll.
give it the utmost priority in the allocation of whatever we save and HRDO records system
procure through donations or partnership with industry." o Redesigning of V.P. System Website:
July - September 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 43

Library modernization Meanwhile, the U.P. Alumni Association (UPAA), under the
o Conversion of libraries into e-Pormat, Phase 1 (2001) to leadership of Regent Eduardo Hernandez, has adopted the
cost P12.2. million Modernization Program as its main project. The VPAA helped broaden
Data conversion of records into e-format and consolidate D.P.'s link. with industry. Through the efforts of
Barcoding of entire collection Regent Hernandez, V.P. received the following:
Purchase of software for on-line public access to catalog o PS. million donation of PLDT to put up a multi-media
of all libraries except UFO which already has one learning hall;
Staff training o P2 million donation of Marubeni; and
o OVID Subscription o 32 second-hand but still serviceable computers from Nestle
System-wide subscription to OVID Goumal) database Philippines, PHINMA and Union Cement for the use of
starting January 2001 at a cost of P4 million annually the students.
Database provides access to Current Contents, tables The UPAA has since stepped up its campaign for used
of contents and bibliographic data from current issues computers: not older than 2 years, Windows 95 equipped and internet-
of the world's leading scholarly research journals (about ready. This will help improve the computer-to-student ratio in the
8,000 in all disciplines), indexed and loaded within Dniversi ty.
days of publication.
Full text of a scholarly article can be ordered from the Revitalizing the G.E. Program
author or through OVID for a fee. The modernization of D.P. includes the revitalization of the
Laboratories General Education Program (GE).In the age of information technology,
o Computer laboratories system-wide: P30 million liberal arts has become even more relevant. "A university geared to

o Other Laboratories: P40 million the future must teach students how to learn, imbue them with a drive
Upgrading of teaching laboratories to keep learning for life," says President Nemenzo. "We do not want
UPD - Geography, 6 Physics labs to produce narrow-minded and self-centered specialists who are
UPLB - Biology, Chemistry, PhYSiCS, Engineering ignorant of what lies outside their specialty and who care only for
D.P. Manila - Biology and Physical Sciences their own interests. We want to produce first rate scientists,
D.P. Mindanao - Biology economists, engineers, agronomists, social scientists who see their
UPCB - renovation of lab rooms fields of specialization in relation to culture and other aspects of
Establishment of UPV Cell Biology lab social life and put their knowledge and skills in the service of the
Industry-Academe Partnerships people."
o Science and Technology (5&1) Parks to attract locators Reexamining the GE Program and reconfiguring it to further
who are into technology development nurture creativity and develop critical thinking among the students
20-year agreement Signed in June 2000 for Ayala constitute a priority in this administration. Thus in July 2000,President
Foundation to develop and manage a 40-hectare area Nemenzo reconstituted the GE Council and tasked it "to study and
in c.P. Garcia as a "joint Experimental Facility for propose measures" to revitalize the GE Program. The GE Council
Technology-based Entrepreneurship." conducted a series of consultations. Last June, it submitted the GE
Application to the Philippine Economic Zone Authority Framework and Proposal to the President's Advisory Council (PAC).
to have Commonwealth Property and a 40-hectare area With the approval of the PAC these can now be taken up by the
south of the UPO Science Complex proclaimed as 5 & Universi ty Councils.
T Parks so it can offer locators government incentives The GE Framework ensures that:

(i.e., income tax holdings, tax-free importation of o Every GE course meets program objectives, modes of
equipment, etc.) inquiry and competencies required by the GE Program, and
o IT Training Center o Domains of knowledge are a healthy mix of disciplines.
To be funded through a Japanese grant aid of $22 And the GE Proposal provides that:
million a Students must take 15 minutes in each domain of
Center to offer non-degree courses to upgrade Filipino knowledge;
IT graduates and make them comparable with IT o Every GE course, existing or to be instituted, must satisfy
professionals in advanced countries at least two of the objectives, apply one mode of inquiry
o Other Initiatives and develop two sets of the skills;
Industry-Academe Conference on Information and o A GE course must not have a prerequisite; and
Communications Technology held on Dec. 8, 2000 to o Units that offer GE courses must take into account the
examine potential for collaboration in technology areas attributes of the ideal GE faculty.
crucial to economic competitiveness To support the revitalized GE Program, GE Instruction Media
Memorandum of Understanding (MOV) with Sun Centers (GEIMC) are to be established in the different campuses. The
Microsystems to open a training facility in V.P. on the Center in Oiliman will be completed this year. The other campuses
still have to identify sites for their Centers.
Java language The Centers will be equipped with multi-media production
MOV with Intel (Phil) for a strategic partnership in
facilities and will feature wired-up classrooms. They will serve as
R&D and for an umbrella framework within which
venues for discussions and training workshops and will regularly
specific R&D projects, exchanges and other fo~ of
disseminate information on the status of the GE courses based on
cooperation between Intel Phil. and U.P. WIll be
evaluation reports. With the Centers, faculty will be able ~o addre~s
conducted in the future. varying levels of student competencies and raise student interest In
To hasten the transformation of D.P. into a 21st c~nt~ry
ity, the Nemenzo administration launched the moderruzahon learning.
Utuverst d ill The revitalized GE Program will also be supported by:
fund campaign in the year of the budget cut. The funds r~ise ': o GE grants for course development and .course im~rove~ent;
support not only the computerization program but professorial chairs, o GE "conversation" series on topics and issues relating to liberal
faculty grants, scholarships, research and creative work grants and education to be organized at the System and CU levels;
awards. A total of P374,914,932.55 has been raised 50 far.
44 U.p.GAZEm Vol. XXXII. No.3

o Training workshops on the use of educational technologies Looking Ahead

and others; and With the present economic situation, there seems little hope that
o Regular assessment and review of the program by the CU V.P. will ever get the budget it deserves from government. But the
in collaboration with the GE Council. University cannot renege on its mission to train the brightest and the
V.P. Los Banos and V.P. College Baguio are set to implement the best to move our county forward. As President Nemcnzo said, "\'Vc
revitalized GE Program. In other campuses like Diliman, consultations are just as determined today to fulfill OUf mission. Let no one doubt
are still on-going. OUf commitment and sense of purpose."

VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 4 October - December 200 1 ISSN No. 0115-7450

Page Page
ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUANCES Adoption by U.P. College Bagllio oftheGE Frmneuiork asproposed by
the General Education Council . 12
EXECUTIVE ORDERS Request ofDr. Benjamin Diocna for waiver of the rule wl/ic" requires
ahuo-year active service in U.P. before a professor //lay be allowed

Executive Order No. FN~Ol-92: Authority for the Vice President for
Public Affairsto sign a Memorandum of Understandillg with the
Beijing umguage alld Culture Un/versih; .

togo 011 sabbatical.
Request for waiver ofaccumulated interest charges 0/1 tlu! cOllt/"{/ctul7l
obligation ofrellegillgfellow Dr. loseph Salvacruz.
Requestforwaiver ofaccllll1/llated charges onthe contractnai oblignlioll
of reneging fellow Prof Aml/lfo D. deCastro.
Waiver ofthe ruie tllatollly te/Ilired faculty maybe appointed toregular


Memorandum No. FN-01-58: Suspension ofFieldTrips. 1 academic administrative positions ill favor of Prof Antonio f(
Memorandum No. FN-01-60: Allthorized Signatories ill tire Special Obsioma .. 13
Aceol/Ilts of the University of the Philippines System with the Grant of amnesty to faclllty and staff who acted I7S guarantors to
Philippine National Balik. 1 students who availed of IOn/lS under tire Studerrt Loan Program
Memorandllm No. FN-01-64: Deduction of Union andAgency Fees 1 from start of tIJe program to A Y 1994-1995 . 13
Memorandum No. FN-01-65: Admission of AUPWU member to sit Change of name of ale U.P. Extension Program ill Sail Fernando
ill all University, College and Unit Committees. 1 (UPEPSF) tothe UY. Extension Program ill Pmnpallga . 14
Memorandum No. FN-01-68: Payment of Year-End BOJlIlS and Cash Request for Board resolution authorizing the President fa represent,
Gift to Professors Emeriti and Lecturers for CY 2001. 1 Ilegotiate and sign documents for and 011 behalf of the University
Memorandum No. FN~01-69: Clrristmas Break for CY 2001. 2 with respect to its remai/ling clailll with the Land Bank. 14
Memorandum No. FN-01-70: Release ofl/leelltive Grant ofP5,OOO.OO Request of Prof. Reynaldo Ty of tile Department of Political Science.
to all U.P. Personnel for CY 2001 and the additional Pl,OOO.OO College of Social Sciences and Philosoplly, U.P. DiliJ}f{IIl, for

ciothingalloumnce, 2 another year ofstfldylcaue with paytoenable IIil1l towork Oll his
dissertation. 14
Establishment of till! lejomar BiJII1Y, Sr. Professorial Cueir, 14
Ulliversity Officials. 3
Transfer to Permanent StatHs. 3 V.P. System
Professorial Chairs . 3
Original Appoilltment Beyond Age 65.... 3 Genera! MemorandulI/ of Agreement lvitll the Mllnicipallty of
Reappointment Beyond Age 65. 3 Cuihulngun. Negros Oriental. 14


Memorandum of Agreemenf with the Ulliversity of the Pililippillcs
011 the Revitalized General Education Program (RGEP) . . . . 3 Mindanao. 15
On the proposed establishment of the Victor a~ld Maria Naliagas MemoranduJII ofUllderstandillgwith the UniversityofSolltl/ Australia 15
Professorial Chair specifically intended for theAssociate Dean of Memorandum of Agreement with U.P. Visayas. 15
the College of Medicine. 8 MemorandulII of Agreement with the University of Georgia 15


Adoption of the Proposed G.E. Framework and GE Program by the MemorandulII ofAgreement witll the Philippine Rice Resenrcn lnstitnte
U"iversity Councils of U.P. Los Baiios and U.P. Visayas. 9 (PlrilRice). 15

The University of the Philippines Gazette is a quarterly publication of the Office of the Secretary of the University.
ii V.P. GAZETIE Vol.XXXll, No.4

Memorandum ofAgreement with the National AgriculhlreandFishery DONATIONS

Co/mal (NAFC). , , ..... , , . , .... , .. 16
Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Small mId Medium Donations remitted to the U.P. Foundation, Inc.. 24
Business Development of tile Deparbnent afTrade and Industry
(DTI-BSMBD) . . , , . , ,.,.. ,, , ,' 16 FINANCIAL MATTERS APPROVED
Memorandum ofAgreement with the Philippine CouncilforAdvanced
Science ,lid Tecllllology Research 'lid Development (PCASTRD) 16 .JRequest ofU.P,M,nil, forauthority to"se part of tire interest income
Memorandum of Agreement with the Municipal Government of from its Special Endowment Fund (SEf) in tire amount ofPl0 M
Luisiana (MC Luisiana), Laguna . 16 to provide capitat('seed money" for tire proposed computer loan
Agreement with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and project of the University . 24
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Toyota Motor Reprogramming of prior years saoings from CY 19961999
Corporation, fapm! . . . 16 Oblig,tiolls General f"nd (101) ill tire amount ofP23,626,789.87,
certified as available by the U.P. Los Barios ClliefAccountant 25
OTHER MATTERS Reprogramming ofpriar yeors savillgs from CY1995-1996 Obligations
General f"nd (101) ill tire amount ofP12,733.613.36, certified"
Appeal for reconsideration of the recently-appraved merit promotion ' llV,if,ble by tire UPOU ChiefAcco/lllt,nt. , ' .. , . , .. , . , .. 25
ofsome faculty members. . . . 17 J Proposal togiveIncentive Grant ofPS,OOO each toall U.P. Personnel
Executive Order No. FN-01-o6 doted 13 August 2001 of President for 2001.. .. .. 25

Francisco NemetlzoartthoT'izing theVice PresidentforDevelopment
to sign a Memorandum of Understanding- TechtlO!ogy MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT
Callabomtioll Program for thedevelopment ofJtroQ competetlCY in
tlJe Philippines. . . 17 V.P. System
Position paper oftheLeague ofFilipillo Students, Samaka-KababailuUl,
Student Christian Movement Dfthe Philippines and SAMASA- Memorandum of Understanding will, the Department of Science and
Party Alliance against tlte proposed Revitalized Gmeral Education Tedmology. . . 25
Program (RGEP). . . . ' , , , .... , , , , , ... , . ' 18 Revised Memorandum ofAgreement witll tlte Commission aI' Higher
Certificate ofBoard Resolution issued btjthePhiiippine Economic Zone Education, . . . . . . . . . .. , , .... 25
Authority(PEZA). ....... .. ........ 18 Memorandum of Understanding WiOl the Belling Language and
Comparative Per Capita Budgets of APRU-Member Universities CY Culture University (BLCU) . . . 26
2001, ...... , ......... 18
Annual Report for Year 2000Dfthe U.P. Provident Fund, lnc., 18 Ll.P. Diliman
On the U'liversity of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors (Ed
Manguiat, conductor). 18 Memorandum ofAgreement with EdflQllest, [IIC. . 26

1156TH MEETING, 29 NOVEMBER 2001 V.P. Los Banos

APPOINTMENTS Memorandum ofAgreement withthe Department ofEnvironment and

Naturai Resources (DENR). 26
Promotion. . . . . 19 Memorandum of Agreement with the Medical Executitie Check-lip
Reemployment. . . 19 Center. inc. (MEDEX) . . , , . , ... , . ,
Trallsfer to Permanent Stahls. 19 Memorandum ofAgreement witli the Bureau ofAgrial1tural Research,
Professorial Chairs. . . 19 Department of Agriculture (DA-BAR); and UPLB Foundation.
Extension ofService Beyolld Compulsonj Retirement Age Df65. 20 lnc. (UPLBfl). . .. , , ... , 27
Renewal ofAppoiutltlertt Beyond Age 65.. 20 Memorandum of Agreement witll tlze Department of Health (DOH) 27
Reappointment Beyot,d Age 65. . . . 20 Memorandum of Agreemmt witll uanous gooemment agencies and
institutions andprivate organizations in Region 4 . 27
OF THE 1155TH MEETING (25 OCTOBER 2001) U.P. College Baguio

Some clarifications 0'1 tile Revitalized General Education Program Memorandllm of Agreement witllSaint Louis Unioersibf . 27
(RGEP). , ',, , , ' 21
a,l the position paper of the faculty and staffof the College of Allied OTHER MATIERS
Medical Professions (CAMP) OIl the recently appraved criteria for
theselection of theCAMP Dean. 21 Confirmation of the Deed of Sale between tile University of tlte
Philippines and the Department of Agrarian Refonn (DAR). . . 28
POLICY MATTERS APPROVED Executioe Order No. FN-01-92 of President Francisco Nemenzo dilled
14November 2001 reAlItllOrity for tile Vice President for Public
The Conceptual Framework for the Science and Technology Park in Affairs tosignaMemorandum. of Understanding with the Beijing
U.P. Diiiman, 21 Language and Culture University. 28
Proposed Establishment of Partial Scholarships for Elementary and Letter ofSenior Deputy Executioe Secretanj Waldo Q. Flores. 28
Higl1 School Teachers from Less Developed Provinces _ . 22 Letter ofspouses Fatima SaUh andCandelaria Verzosa, Jr. to President
Proposed Changes in Policy 011 Study Leave With Pay. 22 Francisco Nemenzo- . . 28
Proposal for the Establishment oftile Ear Institute under tile National Clarification on the meaning of Professorial Chair. 28
Institutes of Healtli . 23
October - December 2001 U.P.GAZEITE iii

1157fH MEETING, 19 DECEMER 2001 Establishme1l1 of Endowment Fund for Professorial Cllairs from tJre.
tax sarJings on interest income .
APPOINTMENTS Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 1998 to CY 1999) of tile

Transfer to Pennanent StahiS . 29

U.P. System Administration for the U.P. Modemization -
Improvement,IRelrabilifation of Facilities . . .
profrssmial Cluzirs . 29 Reprogramming ofprioryears savingsfromaCCO/lUts payable General
Extension ofService Beyond Compulsory Retirement Ageof 65. . . . 29 Fund(101) ofU.p. Visayas . 32
BOR resolutions regarding interest eawirIgsof endowmerIt ftmds
MATrERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Institution of a tuition of P450 per unit for tile Master of Public
OF THE 1156THMEETING (29 NOVEMBER 2001) Management (MPM) program of the U.P. Open Ulliversity,
effective year 2002 . 32
On tlleestablis/lme,rt ofthe Ear Instihlte under tile National Institutes
ofHealtll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 MEMORANDAOF AGREEMENT


Resoilltioll requesting the President oftile Republic for the issuance of Memorandum of Agreement with ti,e Infemational Rice Research
a Special Patent coverilrg idelltified parcels ofland . 29 Institute (lRRI). ............. . . 32
Adoption aftire C,E. Framework IInder theRevitalized G.E. Program
by theUniversity Council of U.P. Diliman .

29 V.P.Diliman
Witlldrawal of tile degree of Badlelor ofArts (Pnblic Administration)
conferred on Ms.Aileen B.1.lJrnno btJ tile U.P. Diliman UniversillJ Memorandllm ofAgreement withtire Department ofEducatioll, Culture
Cmmcil in April 2001. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 alld Sports (DECS). . . . . . 33
ProposalJor Free AnnualMedical Examination for U.P. Visayas and Three Separate Memoranda ofAgreement witl, the Philippine COl/llcif
other Constituent Universities similarly situated . 30 for Advanced Science andTecJmologJj Research andDevelopment
(pCASTRD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
V.P. Los Baftos
Graduation of studentsfor various degrees/titles from tire different
scllools andcolleges of tile U.p. System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Memora"dmn of Understanding with Dr. Bienuenido O. [nliano
EsfJlblisll,nent ofa Professorial Chair at U.P. Las BanosJor tile College (Grantor). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 33
of Yeterinarf Medicine (CVM) to be named as Dr. Dianne Memorandum of Agreement with UPLB Credit and Development
Lieberman Pro.frssorial Chair in Veterinary Medicine. . . . . . 31 Cooperative (UpLBCDC). . . . . . . . . . . . 34


Donations remitted to the U.P. Foundation, Inc . 31 Request fora Board ResollltiOlI required by tileDepartment ofFillance
Deed afDonation with tire Calamba Water District (CWO) . 31 for taxexemption purposes .. 34

Deed ofDonatioll andACceptQIfCf witll Jejomar Bi,wy, Sr . 31 Appeal 011 tIle promotioll (approved at the 1149tll meeting ofthe Boord)
of Dr.Marina P. NahlTal from Professor 1 to Professor 3. . . . 34
FINANCIALMATrERS APPROVED Appeal on file promotion (approved at tire 1149tl, meeting oftire Board)
of Dr. Domingo B. Roxas from Professor 3 to Professor 4 .. 34
Reprogramming of savings from CY 2000 UtdiqJlidated Obligations Appeal of Professor Liborio S. Cabanilia, UPLB faCIlity. from the
of U.P. Diliman . 31 decision oftile U.P. President graJltillg him one year leave ofabsence
Allocation of tire amount of Pl Million annually from tire Revolvilfg without pay instead ofa sabbatical . 34
Fund for tire InfenratiolUll Linkages Fund . 31 /

Editorial Consultants
Prof. Martin V. Gregorio
Dr. Lourdes E. Abadingo

In Charge of Production
Carla V. Norof\a
iv V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.4

Board of Regents

/ Hon. Ester A. Garcia, Chairman

Chainnan, Commission 011 Higher Education
,r Hen. Francisco Nemenzo, Vice-Chairman
President, University ofthe Philippines
Hen. Renato L. Cayetano
Chair, Senate Committee on Education, Arts and Culhire
/ Hen. Harlin Cast Abayon
Chair, House Committee on Higher andTechni"'" Education
Hon. Eduardo F. Hernandez
President, U.P. AlumniAssociation
Hen. Oscar M. Alfonso
Hen. Raul P. de Guzman
Hon. Jose P. de Jesus
. Hon, Victor A. Reyes
Hon. Ce1so R. Roque
Hen. Marita V.T. Reyes
Facility Regent
Hon. Kristine Clare C. Bugayeng
Sh,dent Regent

Prof. Martin V. Gregorio

Secretary ofthe University & ofthe Board ofRegents

Officers of the Administration

Dr. Francisco Nemenzo

Dr. MariaSerena 1. Diokno
Vice President for Acndemic Affairs
Dr. Sergio S. Cao
Vice President fur Planning andFinance
Prof. JoseN. Endriga
Vice President for Pllblic Affairs
Prof. Martin V. Gregorio
Vice President for Administration
& Secretary of tile University & of tile Board of Regents
Prof. Rafael A. Rodriguez
Via President for Development

Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman

Chancellor, U.P. Diliman
Dr. Wilfredo P. David
Cnanceltor, U. P. Los Banos
Dr. AlfredoT. Ramirez
Chancellor, U.P. Manila
Dr. Ida Josephine Marquez-Lim Siason
Chancellor, U.P. Visayas
Prof. Ricardo M. de Ungrta
Chancellor, U.P. Mindanao
Dr. Felix Librero
Chancellor, U.P. Open University
Dr. Priscilla Supnel-Macansantos
Dean, U.P. College Baguio
October - December2001 V.P. GAZETIE 1

EXECUTIVE ORDERS Memorandum No. FN-ot-64: Deduction of Union and Agency Fees
This refers to the letter-demands of the Organization of Non-
Executive Order No. FN-Ol.-92: Authority for the Vice President for Academic PersonnelofU.P. (ONAPUP) and the All-U.P. Workers' Union
Public Affairs to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the (AVPWU), dated 24 August 200l and 6 September 2001, respectively,
Beijing Language and Culture University copies of which are attached for your reference."
By virtue of Section 6 of the Resolution Reorganizing the University In its letter of 24 August 2001, ONAPUP claims that U.P. is duty-
of the Philippines into the University of the Philippines System approved bound to continue collecting union dues/agency fees and remit the same
by the Board of Regents at its 828th meeting on 21 December 1972, Vice to them. On the other hand, AUPWU made demands on U.P. to stop
President JOSE N. ENDRIGA is authorized to negotiate and sign a non- collecting agency fees and remitting the said amount to ONAPUP.
binding Memorandum of Understanding with the Beijing Language and Further, both unions claim the right to sit as members in all standing
Culture University for the purpose of establishing international U.P. committees, pursuant to the provisions in the existing Collective
cooperation links. Negotiation Agreement (CN A).
This authority is effective for the duration of the negotiation and In light of ONAPUP and AUPWU's conflicting claims, U.P. has
signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. referred the resolution of the issue with the BLR. In the meantime,
14 November 2001 pending the resolution of the issue, the Accounting Offices of all
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO constituent universities are directed to hold in trust the amounts
President collected, until further notice from the President's Office.
22 Odober 2001


Memorandum No. FN-Ol.-58: Suspension ofField Trips
By now you must have heard of the terrible tragedy that struck a Memorandum No. FN~-65: Admission of AUPWU member to sit in
Philosophy I class (V.P. Dillman) on a field trip in Laguna last Saturday all University, College and Unit Committees
(29 September 2001). We need to take a second look at our guidetines This refers to the letter-demands of the Organization of Non-
on field trips. In the meantime, all field trips are suspended effective Academic Personnel ofU.P. (ONAPup) and the All-U.P. Workers' Vnion
immediately. (Besides, finals are nearing.) (AUPWU), dated 24 August 2001 and 6 September 2001, respectively,
Field work courses may of course proceed, provided rules are copies of which are attached for your reference."
observed and official consent at your level is obtained. Not only must In its letter of 24 August 2001, ONAPUP claims that V.P. is duty-
the class activity be central to the course; the health and safety of our bound to continue collecting union dues/ agency fees and remit the same
students are paramount and appropriate measures should be taken. to them. On the other hand, AUPWU made demands on D.P. to stop
Faculty who must take their students to the field are therefore enjoined collecting agency fees and remitting the said amount to ONAPUP.
to comply with these requirements. Further, both unions claim the right to sit as member in all University,
Thank you. College and Unit Committees, as provided for in the existing Collective
2 October 2001 Negotiation Agreement (CNA).
(Sgd.) MARlA SERENA I. DlOKNO Considering the BLR Order dated 8 August 2001, certifying the
Officer-in-Charge AUPWU as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the D.P.
non-academic rank-and-file personnel, U.P. is left with no other
Memorandum No. FN-ot--60: Authorized Signatories on the Special alternative but to recognize AUPWD's right to sit as member in above
Accounts of the University of the Philippines System with the committees, in the absence of a temporary restraining order from the
Philippine National Bank Court of Appeals.
Pursuant to the authority granted to the President by the Board of In light of the above, all University, College and Unit committees
Regents at its 1120th meeting on 27 May 1998, the following officials of are directed to admit the AUPWU as member of such committees,
the University of the Philippines are designated authorized signatories representing the V.P. non-academic rank-and-file personnel.
of the special accounts of the U.P. System with the Philippine National 22 Odober 2001
Bank, U.P. Dillman Campus Branch (listed below): (Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO
Sergio S. Cao - Vice President for Planning & Finance President
Ralael A. Rodriguez - Vice President for Development
Acct. No. Acrount Name Acrl Type An:l Shims BWnce oU of
Memorandum No. FN..()1-68: Payment of Year-End Bonus and Cash
1 Sept, 2001 Gift to Professors Emeriti and Lecturers for CY 2001
CIA (Combo) Dormant P46,530.33 This is to authorize the payment of year-end bonus and cash gift to
:z75..34~7 V.P. System Trust Fund 184
Professors Emeriti and lecturers in accordance with DBMBudget Circular
(Special Accl)
Sf A Im_ P48,371.40 No. 2000-18. Regrettably, however, the DBM circular excludes, the
275-5'77343-7 V.P. System Trust Fund 184
following government personnel:
(Special Accl)
Dormant P48,371.4{l Student Assistants
275-34065243 V.P. SyslJ!mRevolving Fund 164 CIA (Combo)
Graduate Assistants
(Special Acct.)
Inactive P57,3%.71 Residence Assistants
275-577347-9 V.P. System Revolving Fund 164 5/A In case of teaching associates/fellows, they are categorized mo r.e
(Special Acrt.) as government scholars rather than university employees, thus then
8 October 2001 exclusion from receiving the benefits.

'"SOSU ncords.

Let me emphasize that I am not the one who decided on these Memorandum No. FN-Ol-70: Release of Incentive Grant of PS,OOO.OO
exclusions. Prior to Budget Circular No. 2000-18, the circuIars and 10all UP. Personnel for CY2001 and the additional Pl,ooo.ooclothing
administrative orders which successively implemented Republic Act allowance
(RA) No. 6686, as amended by RA. 8441, the law authorizing the grant Background
of Christmas Bonus and Cash Gift to all government officials and The incentive grant is given annually to U.P. personnel. This is in
employees, did not contain a provision similar to Section 3.3 which recognition of their dedicated service to the University and to inspire
excludes"student laborers," It is on the basis of theseprevious circuIars them to be moreefficient, creative and caring.
that the University adopted and justified the policy of extending the 1. Coverage
benefits to its student/graduate/residence assistants. Although I have 1.1 All U.P. personnel regardless of salary or appointment status
written to the DBM requesting that we be allowed to grant thesebenefits (whether regular, permanent, temporary, contractual, casual or
to deservingstudent/ graduate and residenceassistants,our request was substitute status) who have rendered at least four (4) months
rejected. serviceto the Universityas 0114 December2001 shall be granted
NOT BE OVEREMPHASIZED. 1.2 Full-timeU.P.personnel who have served for less than four (4)
monthsas of14 December2001 shall be entitled proportionately.
IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES Likewise, part-time personnel shall be entitled to one-hall (1/2)
The benefits for those who have rendered at least four (4)months of the benefits of full-time personnel.
of service in 2001 shallbe as follows: 2 Exemptions
Bonus Cash Gift Thefollowing shall not be entitled to the incentivegrant:
Professor Emeritus PS,OOO P2,OOO 2.1 Those who may have four (4) months or more of service but
Lecturer P2,OOO wereno longerin theserviceprior to or as of 14 December 2001
due to retirement/ resignation/ separation/ death or forwhatever
For those whose length of service is less than four (4)months, the reasons. .:;
provisions under previous National Budget Circulars and V.P. 2.2 Thoseunderpreventive suspensionas of 14 December 2001.
Memoranda in regard to this will continue to prevail. Employees 2.3 Thosewho were meted suspensionfrom office in calendar year
concernedshallbe entitled solely to the followingpercentageof the cash 2001 for litigated administrative cases;
gift. 2.4 Those who were meted. suspension fromoffice in calendaryear
Length of Service Percentage 2000 for litigated administrative cases which suspension
3 months butless than 4 months 40% extended to calendar year 2001;
2 months but less than3 months 30% 2.5 Those who were absent without official leave (AWOL) as of 14
1 month but less than2 months 20% December2001; and
less thanone month 10% 2.6 Those who are not hired as part of the organic manpower of
government entities but as consultantsor expertsfor a limited
27 November 2001 period to performspecific activities or services with expected
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO NEMENZO outputs; apprentices, laborers of contracted projects; those paid
President by piecework basis;and others similarly situated.
3. Amount of Incentive Grant
Memorandum No. FN-Ol-69: Christmas Break for CY 2001 3.1 For full-time personnel
The Christmas break whichhas been practicedin the past will again 3.1.1 Theincentivegrant shall be PS,OOO per employee who has
be adopted starting 26 December 2001 to 2 January 2002. This means rendered at leastfour (4) months of serviceto Ij.P. as of14
that all offices (with the exception of vital units which must operate
with skeletal force, i.e.,sanitation and medicalservices, policeandPABX)
will be closed during this period. Everyone is enjoined to complete
3.1,2 Those who have rendered less than four (4) months of
service but at least one month as of 14 December 2001
their business with D.P. by 21 December2001, shall receive pro-rated share of the incentive grant as
The four (4)working days within the Christmas Breakshall be the follows:
mandatory leave of the staff who have not yet availed of this privilege, Less than 1 month 0%
For those who have enjoyed mandatory leave earlier this year, the 1 month but less than 2 months 10%
Christmas leave will be charged against their leave credits, 2 months but less than 3 months 30%
The practice of having a mandatory Christmas Break is being 3 months but less than 4 months 50%
continued to allow thefaculty andstaffa longertimewith their families. 4. Incentive Grant of Project Personnel
It is also aimed as an economy measure that is expected to result in 4.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of 2.6 above, personnel
considerable savings in utilities expenses. employed in research projects or any other type of project shall
Merry Christmas to all! be paid the incentive authorizedprovided funds are available
3 Derember 2001 in the budget of the projects underwhich they are employed.
(Sgd.) FRANOSCO NEMENZO 5. Date of Payment
President Thepaymentof theincentivegrantaswell as clothingallowance
N.B. Malacaiiang has declared December 24 & 31 as non-working Iwlidays. shall be made not later than 14 December 2001,
3 Derember 2001
October - December 2001 u.p.GAZEm 3


1155TH MEETING, 25 OcrOBER 2001 Ruth P. Rivera, original appointment as Dr. Democrito M. Jose
Associate Professor of Dentistry, ColIege of Dentistry, effective 1 July
APPOINTMENTS 2001 until 30 June 2002
Susana Y. Sotelo, original appointment as San Miguel Corp.
The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments, Assistant Professor of Dentistry, College of Dentistry, effective 1 July
transfer to permanent status, additional assignments, award of 2001 until 30 June 2002
professorial chairs, extension of service, and other related matters: Michelle C. Sunico, original appointment as Dr. Rita Carmen Sy-
Quia Associate Professor of Dentistry, College of Dentistry, effective 1
UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS July 2001 until 30 June 2002

V.P.System V.P. College Baguio

Lynna-Marie Sycip, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant Celia M Austria, original appointment as VPIP Associate Professor
Vice President for AcademicAffairs, effective 1January 2002 to serve at of Biology, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
the pleasure of the VicePresident for Academic Affairs Alipio T. Garcia, original appointment as Diamond Jubilee
Assistant Professor of Physics, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
V.P, Diliman Theresa D. Manansala, original appointment as Metro Manila
Commission Associate Professor of Humanities, effective 1 July 2001

Juan ArnOT F. Palafox, original additional assignment as Dean, until 30 June 2002
School of Labor and Industrial Relations, effective 1 January 2002 until

V.P. Manila UP. Open University

Emilie G. Flores, renewal of additional assignment as Dean, Virginia S. Carino, Professorial Lecturer 5, effective 16 June 2001
National Graduate School for Health Sciences, effective 1 November until 31 October 2001
2001 until 31 October 2004
Teresita C. Mendoza, original additional assignment as Director, REAPPOINTMENT BEYOND AGE 65
Office of Student Affairs, effective 3 October 2001 until 31 October 2002
U.P. Diliman
V.P. Mindanao
Amado San Mateo, Professorial Lecturer 5, College of Engineering,
Antonio R. Obsioma, original additional assignment as Vice- effective 1 June 2001 until 31 May 2002
Chancellor for Administration, effective 25 October 2001 to serve at the
pleasure of the Chancellor, provided his term does not go beyond his MAnERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES
temporary appointment as faculty OF THE 1154TH MEETING (27 SEPTEMBER 2001)

TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS On the Revitalized General Education Program (RGEP)

The Board of Regents, at its (l154th) meeting on 27September 2001,
Ll.P. Los Banos decided to defer discussion of the proposal on the RGEP.
Meanwhile, upon the suggestion of Regent Alfonso, the Board
Stanley Omar PO Samonte, Assistant Professor 6, College of requested that the following information be obtained from the Vniversity
Agriculture, effective 25 October 2001 CouncilsofV.P. Los Banos, V.P. Visayes, and V.P. College Baguio which
have adopted the RGEP:
PROFESSORIAL CHAIRS a. Number of meetings including the sectors involved when the
RGEP has been discussed;
ur, Diliman b. Number of faculty members present when the University Council
voted to approve/ adopt the RGEP; and
Nonilon V. Queano, original appointment as CAL Foundation c. Voting results.
Associate Professor of English, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1 In compliance, the concerned units submitted the following data:
Julv 2001 until 30 June 2002 Remarks
Constituent No. of Secto", No. of Voting
University meetings involved faculty Result
U.P. Manila
conducted members
Honey Libertine R. Achanzar, original appointment as Emanuel
U.P. College 9, as
Soriano Assistant professor of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, Consulted
Baguio follows:
effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 . G.E. Council faculty
7 Feb.
Dennis E. Dantic, original appointment as Roberto S. Benedicto regarding
2001 with faculty
Assistant Professor of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 the proposal
July 2001 until 30 June 2002 . from all to reengmeer
Dangal P. De Los Angeles, original appointmen~as G.E. Ass~tant academic U.P.'s G.E.
Professor of Natural Science, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 divisions program
July 2001 until 30 June 2002

Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting
University meetings involved lacully Result Remarks University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks
conducted members conducted members
I present present
V.P.College 3 Division U.P. College the proposed
Baguio Assemblies Bagnio GE frame-
(conYd) (Social (cont'd) work in its
Sciences July
Division, Division
Humanities Assembly.
Division, The
Natural agreement
Sciences and in the
Mathematics Council was
Division) for aUother
Faculty divisions,
members and the
of each Student
division and Council. to
student conduct
representa- discussions

tives to the on the
Division proposal in ':
Assemblv August and
7 March College for a special
2001 Assembly University
with faculty Council
members, meeting to
representa- be called in
tives from September
administra- to take
tive sector action on
and REPS, the proposal.
and Student 12Sepl Consultation GE issue
Council re- 2001 IDialogue was
presentatives 01 Faculty discussed
11 July College The Regent at some
20m Assembly agreement Marita V.T. length.
with Faculty reached was Reyes wi
members, for the laculty
lives from
the adminis-
trative sector
and REPS,
and the
to continue
26 Sepl
members &
UCmembers 38 out
and UPCB
No The 3
objec- academic
tion was divisions
raised, with under

Council studying OIair(wl hence, -graduate
representa- the proposal; UC consent) no vote programs
lives copies of the was (Social
Handbook taken Sciences,
provided Humani-
by the ties, Natural
Committee Sciences
were also and
given the Mathema-
Divisions tics)
and the reported
Student that their
Council. respective
25July University It was division
2001 Council reported that assemblies
members the Division
01 Social
the proposa1.
October- December ZOO! V.P. GAZETIE 5

Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting
University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks
conducted members conducted members
present present
U.P. 11. as
U.P. College divisions Visayas follows:
Baguio are the 12 Feb. GE Co05u1- The System
(cont'd) largest 2001 tation with Committee
divisions in V.P. System presented
the college. GE Council the frame-
The Manage- representa- work and
ment tives with GE objectives
Sciences faculty, some and obtained
Division, non-GE faculty comments
being a from CAS, from the
purely gra- students and audience.
duate divi- faculty admi-
sion, did not nistrators
take it up; 7 March UPVTC Discussed
neither did 2001 faculty the RGEP.
the Division Initial issues

of Sport, were raised

Physical particularly
Education on implemen-
& Recreation tation prob-
(SPEAR). lems they
The Student anticipated.
Council re- 11 April Dean's Another dis-
quested for 2001 meeting cussion
more time with faculty during
to discuss UPVTC
the Revised Dean's
GE program meeting wi
framework, the faculty.
but the 4 June UPVTC Encouraged
Council 2001 Dean's the Division
decided meeting wi Chairs to
that suffi- theCAAC further dis-
cient time and Division cuss
had been Chairs RGEP in

given all their respec-

concerned tiveDivisions.
to discuss Divisions
ee proposal. discussed
The motion RGEP in
was made their respec-
formally to tive meetings.
endorse the 29 June Chancellor's The RGEP
GE frame- 2001 meeting with proposal was
work and the Deans discussed.
this motion Deans were
then asked to
was duly
do the
following: (a)
The body
Discuss the
was asked if
GE frame-
there were
work with
any objec-
the chairs
tions. No
and faculty
of the diffe-
was raised. rent divisions
Hence, no & institutes
vote was (b) Gelfeed-
taken. back/

Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting
University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks
conducted members conducted members
present present
U.P. get ill con- U.P. although
Visayas sensus from Visayas certain ques-
(cont'd} the faculty (cont'd) tions were
on whether raised regar
they agreeor ding why
disagree there is seen
with the to be a need
framework for revision
First 2 School of Individual and whether
weeks of Technology consulta- students
July 2001 (SOTECH) lions. were con-
faculty Some faculty sulted. about
especially members the effec-
those who signified tivity of
used to their willing- current
teach the ness to modi- programs.
Environ- fy/revise Issues on
mental the course program
Resource requirements administra-
Management of the GE tion was also
(ERM) program. raised. Some
programs social science
11 July College of During the faculty noted.
2001 Fisheries and 126thmeeting that natio-
Ocean of the CFOS, nalism might
Sciences theRGEF was be sacrificed
(CFOS) presented by and that IMF
faculty Dean Leonor & globalize-
M. Santos. tion seem to
They dis- be influen-
cussed the cing the
distribution RGEP
of units for proposal.
each domain 11 July U.P. Cebu Majority of
and on the 2001 College the faculty
handling of faculty expressed
GE courses. approval of
The CFOS theGE
faculty did framework.
not vote on Some issues
the frame- of concern
work but raised are
agreed that the expan-
the faculty sion of GE
should program, the
present their teachers who
sentiments will handle
& comments the course
during the and the
UC meeting possible over-
when the loading and
RGEP is underload-
presented. ing of
11 July The RGEF teachers.
2001 was 18 July College of TheCMheld
presented. 2001 Management its general
Generally, (CM) faculty meeting
there was no when the
resistance to Philosophy
the proposed &hamework
framework, of the RGEP
October- December 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 7

Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting
University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks
conducted members conducted members
present present
U.P. were pre- UPLB with a group
Visayas sented. (cont'd) of senior GE
(cont'd) Although, faculty to
there are conceptua-
some issues lize and/or
of concern, formulate
in general, the UPLB GE
the faculty program
had a posi- within the
tiveresponse framework
to the pro- of the pro-
posed frame- posed revita-
work of lization of
RGEP. They the V.P.
even ex- System GE
pressed program.
willingness The UPLB

21 July
to undertake
training in
teaching the
GE courses.
Approval Due to
-94 distance and
28 June
GE Council
was formed.
on the pro-
posal for
Members Disappro- cost cons- deans and the revita-
val -1 traints, there unit heads Iization of
Abstention were 5 (out the GE pro-
-1 of 47) mem- gram and
bers from UP planned for
Cebu and 1 extensive
(out of 29 consultation
members) with all
from u.P. stakeholders.
Tacloban 5,6,9 Faculty of 446 out Chancellor
College who July various of 707 David and
attended. 2001 colleges GE Council
Prior to each member Dr.

faculty mtg.,
the respec-
tive divisions
the RGEP.
Edelwina C.
with the
faculty of
UPLB 25 Jan. GE Council 210 colleges
2001 with UPLB regarding
communitv the proposal.
16 April DC members 312/694 Chancellor 12 July UPLB 23 The UPLB
2001 David 2001 Curriculum Curriculum
pointed out Committee Committee
that pro- approved
posed alter- the proposal
native courses as presented
may be byVC
offered by Erlinda
units other
25 Juty Students Standing GE Council
than those
2001 room at member, Dr.
the 620 Legaspi,
handling the
seat D.L. conducted a
bulk of GE
Umali dialogue wI
HaD students
Senior Chancellor
27 June regarding
GE facutty David met

Constituent No. of Sectors No. of Voting toacertain extenttheright ofdonors oftheUniversity to dwose who
University meetings involved faculty Result Remarks theirdonee(sjwollid be. ThIlS, Par. 5 ofthe Gilidelines for Endowment
conducted members Funds approved dllring tire 814111 meeting' provides tlral:
present uS. Donors or endowment foundations may specify the
UPLB the proposal. particular purpose or field of activity for which the
(cont'd] Gasses were donation or endowment funds will be used, but the
suspended particulars such as how many chairs orlectureships will
the whole be established from the endowment earnings, who will
morning to be appointed to a chair, and what will be the tenure,
enable compensation and emoluments thereof, shall be
students to delennined by the Board of Regents and the President,
attend. upon the recommendation of the dean or director
27july University 292 out Unani- The UPLB concerned."
2001 Council of 620 moos University This is not to say, Jwwever, that the University, in stipulating
Members or 47.09% Council such limitJlh'on under Sec. 5, iscontravening tire Civil Code provisions
unanimous- on donations. After all, no oneis being compelled to donate to tire
ly approved Uniuersity whodoes not confunn to suclr limitation. The limitation
theproposed is more a condition for accepumce oftire donation by tire University,
revitalize- which iswellwithinits rightunderthelaur alldunder theUniversity
tion of the CharterS. Hence, if a prospective donor refuses to agree to the
GEprogram. limitation, then the University may likewise refuse fa accept tile
Board action: Notation. RegentAlfonsosuggested the use of the above In tire present case, tIre donor, Dr. Ma. Teresita C Na,lagas, ."
fonnat by all units of the system on reports regarding appears to I,ave specified two things in the endowment: (1) tite
consultations, i.e., on tuition increases, deanship! establisllment of the Victor alldMilria Naliagas Professorial Chair;
chancellorship nominations, etc. The above reports show and (2) tire awarding ofsaidProfessorial Chair totlte Associate Dean
a very graphic presentation of the consultations oftlleCollege ofMedicine, witlt an amillal emolument ofUS$l,OOO.OO.
undertaken with regards to the RGEP. Unfommately, said tenns contravene Sec. 5 of the Guidelines
for Endowment Funds. Tirey effectively encroached lipan tile
On the proposed establishment of the Victor and Maria Nanagas discretion reserved by the BOR onitselftodetermine how manydrairs
Professorial Chair specifically intended for the Associate Dean of the slrall beestablis/red out of tire endowment, whowill be appointed toa
College of Medicine chair, and what tlte emolument or compensation thereof uxmld be.
The Board deferred action on this matter at its (1152nd) meeting The BaR maytherefore exercise its discretion toaccept or nottoaccept
on 26 july 2001, pending a review of the existing practice of assigning theendowment based on said tenns.
professorial chairs to occupants of administrative positions. The It must also be pointed alit tllattlie BOR, proceeding from its
sentiment is that professorial chairs should not be attached to discretion and prerogatives under the University Charter and the
administrative assignments but should be awarded only to faculty Guidelines for Endowment Funds, has already establis/red certain
members who have distinguished themselves in the fields they represent guideliJles respecting the matter of who sllall be eligible for
It is a form of recognition for achievement in the academe. appointment to professorial chairs, i.e, the General Guidelines all
The Vice President for Academic Affairs was requested to look into Professorial Chairs and Other Faculty Incentive Schemes (tile
this matter and recommend the appropriate title for the grant. The "General Guidelines"), approved during its 1057th meeting dated
University General Counsel was likewise tasked to find out if there is 25January 1993. Stressed throughout tire General Guidelines is tllat .
any prohibition on donors from stipulating to whom their donations a professorial chair is a fonn of recognition for achieoement ill tire
shal1 be assigned. academe. FOllr types ofprofessorial chairs were established - research,
In compliance, the University General Counsel submitted his leac1tiPfg, G.E. Qlld arts andhumanities - and tire basic criterion for
opinion, as follows: appoinhnent illanyoftirefollrisoutstanding perfonnanre asevaluated
Donatio1Js, asa general rule rmder tire CivilCode, being an ad inaccordance with tlte General Guidelines. The position ofAssociate
of pure liberality', a donor lias the rigllt to clroose wlw Iris or her Dean of the College ofMedicine being anadmillisfrative posihon, it
donee wollid be. Applyillg lire same principle, thollgh, fire donee also "TJPt!a" tlrat tire 1I0ider thereofwillnolqlralify fora professorial chair
has tire rigllt toaccept ornot to accept tire donation. It isonly wilen undertIre General Guidelines if theo,llybasis for qllalification is his
the donor learns of theacceptance of thedonee that tire donatum is or her 1I0iding sllcllposiholl. Therefore, lire BOR mayverywell rrfllse
deemed perfectetP. the establislnnent of the chair or tire automatic award tlrereof to the
Withrespect totire Ulriversity, tire Board ofRegalts, illits814th associate dean.
meeting all 28 October 1971, admowledged tire "slIbsbmtialbenefits" In Slim, the BaR, in tire exercise ofits rights asdonee underthe
whiclr am be derived from donations or endowments from outside Civil Code, and of its powers as tire Itighest goveming body of the
entities, especially "tohen effedivelyusedfor tire programs, priorities Ulliversity under tire University Charter, mayexercise either ofthree
andgoals ofthe University"3. At tire same time, hauxoer, the BOR (3) options:
recognized the need to preseroe tile "academic freedom of the a. not toaccept tIre donation at all;
University auditsilllegrity asan institution'" and, b. accept the donation and allow tIre establishment of tire clrair but
refuse tire automatic award thereoftotire IwlderofQTl administrative
1 Art. ns of the Gvil Code, viz: "Donation is an act of pure liberality whereby a position; or
person disposes gratuitouslyof a thing or right in favor of another, who accepts it" c. alteror make allexception to its CUTTent policies. Of course, the
2 Art. 734 of the Civil Code, viz: "The donation is perfected from the moment the
donor knows of the acceptance of the donee."
}See p. 1, par. 2 of the Guidelines for Endowment Funds in the University of the "Sees. 4and50fthe University Charter, Act. No. 1870, as amended. vestexdusively
Philippines. upon the Board of Regents the administration of the University and the exercise
4 Ibid. of its corporate powers.
October - December2001 V.P. GAZEITE 9

donor may likewise exercise its rights as donor and withdraw the a. Students must take 15 units in each domain of knowledge.
donation. b. Every G.E. course, existing or to be instituted, must satisfy
The Board is concerned that .further creation of professorial chairs at least two of the objectives, apply one mode of inquiry and
for faculty administrators will not enhance the cause or purpose of these develop two of the skills listed.
chairs. This apprehension was communicated to the U,P. Manila c. A G.E. course must not have a prerequisite.
Chancellor and the Dean of the College of Medicine by the Vice President d. Units that offer G.E. courses must take into account the
for Academic Affairs. attributes of the ideal G.E. faculty.
At this meeting, (1155th, 25 October) Vice President Diokno 2. G.E. Program - describes the objectives, approach, content and
reported that distribution of courses and the number of units.
1) The donors of the following chairs intended for faculty a. Generally, the Program has the following objectives:
administrators, i.e. Chancellor Perla D. Santos Ocampo 1) To broaden the student's intellectual and cultural
Professorial Chair, Dean Alfredo T. Ramirez Professorial Chair, horizons.
the Johnny Escandor- U.P. Medicine Class '69 Professorial Chair 2) To foster a commitment to nationalism balanced by a
have agreed to rename the existing chairs funded out of their sense of internationalism.
donations to Special Faculty Award; 3) To cultivate a capacity for independent, critical and
2) The donors, however, reiterated the requirement that the creative thinking.
recipients of the Special Faculty Awards deliver a public scholarly 4) To infuse a passion for leamingwith a high sense of moral
lecture or publish a scholarly output at the end of the one year and intellectual integrity.
appointment to such an Award. b. Specifically, the Program aims to enable the student
Regent Victor Reyes put on record that: 1) To acquire basic skills and competencies in mathematics,
1) he has no objection to naming the Award after the donor. He reasoning and communication.

gets the impression, however, that the Board is, in effect, being 2) To develop an awareness, understanding and
made to create an award. To this, he objects. appreciation of the various disciplines of the natural
2) the donation should be given to the school foundation and the sciences, social sciences, humanities and philosophy.
latter should give the award. 3) To develop the ability to integrate and/or adapt the
Regent Marita Reyes clarified that the Award is meant to be an knowledge and skills acquired from the various
honorific one. It is actually an additional honorarium to the faculty disciplines.
administrator. This may not even be the idea of the donor, but of the From a fully prescriptive, structured approach, with fixed
College who solicited such an award/ grant. The Regent proposed the common content, the proposed G.E. Program adopts a semi-
use of the word grant, instead of award. structured approach with common goals and learner-customized
Regent Hernandez noted that the primary objection of Regent Victor content, provided:
Reyes is based on the fact that it is the outsider, the donor who decides 1) Students select courses within the G.E. Framework;
who will get Uteaward. To some extent, he said, this is valid. However, 2) Students who perform below a certain cut-off in UPCAT
one cannot get the award unless he/she is appointed to a position. The Math and English proficiency and comprehension sub-
appointment is not decided by the donor, but by the'Uruversity. tests pass the Summer Bridge Program before enrolling
Board action: With Regent Victor Reyes dissenting, the Board as freshmen; and
approved the establishment of the Victor and Maria 3) Prerequisites of major courses are respected.
Nail.gas Special Faculty Grant, intended for one of the Subject to the above conditions and following the G.E.
Associate Deans of the College of Medicine. Framework, courses in each domain win consist of:
And as per agreement with the donors, the following 1) Present G.E. courses;

chairs intended for faculty administrators in the College 2) Existing non-G.E. courses with a liberal education thrust
of Medicine have likewise been renamed Special Faculty and without prerequisites that the University Council
Grants: Chancellor Perla D. Santos Ocampo Professorial qualifies as G.E.; and
Chair; Dean Alfredo T. Ramirez Professorial Chair, 3) New courses that the University Council qualifies as G.E.
Johnny Escandor - Ij.P. Medicine Class '69 Professorial G.E. courses will be distributed as follows:
Chair. Arts and Humanities 15 units
Henceforth, all donations intended for faculty Social Sciences and Philosophy 15 units.
administrators will be named Special Faculty Grants. Natural Sciences and Mathematics 15 units
Total Units 45 units
POllCY MATIERS APPROVED At the last (l154th) meeting of the Board on 27 September 2001,
Regent Cayetano sent word that he would not be able to attend the
Adoption of the Proposed G.E. Framework and G.E. Program by the meeting since he has to be present at the meeting of the Senate. He
University Councils of U.P. Los Banos and U.P. Visayas requested that the discussion of the proposed Revitalization of the GE.
The University Councils of U.P, Los Banos and V.P. Visayas have Program (RGEF)be deferred because he would like to be present during
approved the proposed G.E. Framework and G.E. Program, which are the discussions. His request was granted.
described hereunder: At this meeting, however, Regent Cayetano was again unable to
1. G.B. Framework - lays down the requirements of the program attend because of a previous commitment. Not wanting to project the
(objectives, modes of inquiry and competencies) and defines the image of indecisiveness on the part of the Board which merely confirms
curricular matters approved by the University Councils, the President
character of the G.E. courses.
The G.E, Framework has the following purposes: himself suggested this time that the matter be taken up.
President Nemenzo admitted that he had been openly advocating
a. To ensure that every G.E. course meets the program
for the revitalization of the G.E. Program. He recounted that when he
objectives, modes of inquiry and competencies; and
was interviewed by the Search Committee of the Board during his
b. To ensure that the domains of knowledge contain a healthy
candidacy for the presidency, he emphasized that if elected, one of the
mix of disciplines.
things he is going to work for is the revitalization of the G.E. Program.
Moreover, the Framework requires that
10 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.4

His vision statement even contained this and was reiterated in his than "autonomous universities" as if correctly to emphasize and
investiture speech. This is the best way to encourage creativity and strengthen bonds that connect instead of latent particularistic
innovationon curricular matters,he said, as this GEprogram hasalready !eIldellCY tllat could turnup adefrct.
been existing since he first joined the faculty in 1960. The program has There are fewellough ties that billd lIS asa multiversity witllDut
hardly changed, except in course titles/names. The President our dimillishillg them furtlrer ulllleassarily: the UP System. the
admonished that the professional units which are not involved in "UPNamillg Mallal:' the Board ofRegents, tl UP President. We
teaching the G.E.program should now be encouraged to do so. There do nothave acommon University Council. We do nothave acommon
are a lot of liberalarts-orientedpeople in theCollegeofMedicine, College body toserve asfornm for UPSystem-wide disalssion ofissues and
of Agricultureand even in the Collegeof Engineering. Thisliberal arts problems ofgrave import such asthe RGEP.
orientation is not just a monopoly of the former College of Arts and TIlE rightful place ofthe GE Program illthe hereinabooe slwrt
Sciences. At this stage, the revitalization, would only involve prescribing list IS under siege by the proposed RGEP. The GE Program as the
a set of courses; allowing faculty members of other or existing distinguishing mark and symbol of UP in the academic
departments to be more innovative in developing courses that are undergraduate sphere faces diminution. No longer would the GE
relevant; and giving the students freedom of choice. The courses are program be the billdillg tie of ulldergraduate mmmlar programs
not to beinstituted yet, but what is important is being able to create this ill the differellt constituent unitxrsitiss. The RGEP would deprive
openingfor people to start working on new courses. the GE Program of its commonality among the constituent
Regent Alfonso read his prepared statementas follows: universities. It w01dd leave tJze GE Program to their respective
LET US MOVE W11H DEUBERATE SPEED deuires. Nolonger would there be asingle GEProgram withcommon
ON IHERGEP stJIlldards identified ill the public mind witlt tire Ulliversity of the
By Regellt Oscar M. AlfollsO Philippilles wherever located. Illstead, tilE GE Program would be
(StJltemellt read at the 1155th meeting' ofthe rellllered geographically alld academically diverse. Lackillg orabst'llt
U.P. Board of Regellts, 25 Odober 2001) commonness, tire proposed RGEP would leave little curricular
I would notbeworthy of my place ill the UP Board ofRegellts discourse or even noneed for it among theconstituent universities.
andI would besorely remiss, given my longassociation with UP, Academically isolated, each would have its solitary selfto talk to.
were Inot to address theall-important issue oftheGeneral Education The impression is thattire courses in theprofessional colleges would
(GE) Program ofthe Ulliversity oftie Pbilippines. Perhaps mille is hold little prospect ofgivillg relief ill thisregard.
a lonely course in this Board. Perhaps not. I should thinknot. Let autOllomy serve well tilE deve/opmert t ""d blossomillg of
WllIltever the even tualfate ill the Board of Regen ts of tire therespective professional degree specializations of tilt constituent
proposed Revitalized General Education Program (RGEP), serious, unioemiies. witlumt their being made wassume Jltavy responsibility
tedious effort attended its jonnuliztioll. This calls for appreciation also for tire GE Program. The GE Program is not a matterfor
sincere andwlaffected, which Ihasten at the outset to express onmy deuolfltion. TIre GE Program is tire responsibilit1) oftile UP System.
part, andI wouldthiPlk all thepartperhaps oftile Board also as tile It should continue to be so.
Board is alive to notable work. I suggest tlrerefore (a) thattire GE Program be keptlUlifonn as
Fllt1damental andcentral astire GE Program istotire academic lreretofore inalltilt constituent universities, (b) thataJlY cllanges in
programs of the entire lI11iversity, from UP College Bagllio to UP tilE GE Program be made toopply ill allof them. (c) tlmt tilE Board
Mindanao andall in-between, with good reason its thoroughgoing ofRegellts defrrftllOl action 011 allY proposed RGEP, from wherever
CJVUll1lui Uy tire proposed RGEP draws much scrutilry andcomment. they may emanate, until tlte proposals from all the constituent
With YOllr permission. Madam Chair, and appealing to tlre universities are before tire Board and tire Board call cOPlsider and
known cpeuness of President Nemenzo to suggestion anddiffering discuss all of them integrally; tsithaut prejudice however to
opinion, I propose to deal withfollraspects oftheRGEP. I leave tlre preliminary consideration by tire Board asit receives each proposal.
other serious concerns to tire berlts and expertise of otlrers. I sllllll Now, myfourth and last point, tire place of a basic course on
!reatwitl, (1) cOllsllltaholl withthe faCIlIty andstudents. (2) tilE GE Philippille history ill the proposed RGEP. It tests credlllitlJ alld
Program as UP academic mark andsymbol, (3) theprocess andthe admissibility to see why tIre RGEP SII0111d be 100% electives-laden,
timingof tire appraval, disapproval or amendment of the proposed simon-pure, admitting of no exception whatsoever, however
RGEP by the Board of Regellts, and (4) the place ill tIlE proposed important and necessary possible exemptions may be. SHch as a
RGEP ofa basic course in Philippine history. necessary and important basic cnose on Philippine history .
On the matterof consultation, this lias increasingly been a Letmepursue my pointfroma slice of life Life is a mixed bag
given andaconstant in UP policy andpractice forsome thirtyyears of oolition and compulsion, the one prevailing at times, the other
now since President Lopez. Heedless of the need for jo;,rt obtaining at times, or both at the same time, neither orre totally at
consultations on a UP System-wide basis, approval nonetheless of any time, however.
tilE RGEP wOllld make acceptJIbility oftIlE RGEP and implementaiicn The Constitution. in fonml1atiol1 and in adoption an act of
problematical. If consultation did 'lOt exist as policy or practice, freedom in democratic states, is in implementation a compulsion ill
still it wouldbe wortll tire time, effort andexpense ill this particular order to safeguard volition. lust askany lawyer estopped by a TRO
instance to secure a practicable conseesnsin) fitrther consultations. from theSupreme Court. Religion freely adhered to combines faith
Let1IS make haste slowly. Obtaining a strong consenslls in favor of with regulation andrestriction freely complied with in) adherents.
theRGEPW01l1d greatly facilitate its implementation by tire faculty Again, let liS take a leaffrom life. A baby wlre,t born has no
andstudents in conjunction with the administration. A clear lack choice, no say in being born, nor thechoice of whom to be born to.
of consensus, 011 theother hand, signals great difficulties ahead. In Butofcourse wein the university are nobabies. Wehave some choice
either case tire Board ofRegents wouldbebetter positioned to resolve like we 0" occasion have no choice.
thisissue appropnately. We wouldall be thebetter for it. BlltwhysholLlda basiccOllrse in Philippine histon) beamatter
As Jor tire GE Program and theprocess and tIre timingof tire ofelection or free elwice? I can not believe this is happening in UP,
Board's filial action all tire RGEP, let us think holding university which isveryminded about tire histOTl) ofour people andtire resultant
which is tohat tire UPSystem is in keeping its member universities vicissitudes visited upon them by historical events. Compulsion,
in symbiotic relaiionsbip. TIre administration hastire rightidea. It not volition is the better way to take in tlte case of a course on
prefers to call tire component parts "constituent universities" rather Philippine history, because it is at once necessary anddesirable.
October- December 2001 U.P. GAZETIE 11

Philippine Ilistory would help our students know and 1. T1mt aconsultative meeting 0" thtproposed RGEP beconvened
understand the hisWrical forces shaping our lives. History would soon with tire representative participation ofstudents andall
do for the Philippines what the British historian Edw/lrd Hallett academic ranks (instmctors, assistant professors, associate
Carr sayshistorydoes in general. "Tolearn about thepresent in the professors, university professors) andadministrators.
lightof thepastmeans also tolearn abOllt thepast in the lightofthe 2. T1Ult theBoard of Regents defer final action 011 any proposed
present. The function of history is to promote a profounder RGEP from whatever scnrce until theproposals from all the
IInderstanding of both postand present throllgh the interrelation constituent unioersities are before the Board alId tire Board
between them." am discuss all ofthem integrally; withoutprejudice however
That could beinterpreted, applied correctly, asopportunity to topreliminary consideration by tire Board ofeach proposal.
11Ulke history promote the salutary ends of robust nationalism, a 3. That Philippine history as the course that each UP student
distinct service ofhistorybyitself Bllttobe remembered also is that should take be retained asa. required subject for all students in
history is anestablished academic discipline of long standinKr with theGeneral Education Program.
broad perspective which gives thestudents the benefit of its inherent 4. That the GE Program be kept Imifonn in all the constituent
multidisciplinariness encompassing manyother disciplines. History unioersities. andanychanges in theprogram bemade toapply
IInabashedly drawsfromthetools andthefindings oftheother social in allof them.
sciences or even science. But it also uses rigorous rules andmethod Let liS move with deliberate speed on tile RGEP.
of its own. Doing that, it synthesizes andoffers filldings that cOllld
be viewed asmultidisciplinary. Vice President Diokno raised the following points:
At this point, perhaps asa clincher, let me share with you a 1. The present G.E. program was approved by President Angara
letter from Rianne Picar. I do not know who she is, or what she in 1986 by virtue of the authority delegated to him by the Board
does. The Philiupine DailyInquirer published a letter from her on of Regents.

17 October 2001, poge 10. I can do no better thsn quote the letter
" ... I totally disagree with the idea of merging
Social Studies orHistory withallthe other SIIbjects. When
I was inelementary school, I usedtohate Socio.l Studies
becallse I regarded it asa llseless sllbject where stlldents
2. Records show that there were no consultations with the students.
In a systemwide meeting that was held in Los Banos only one
student was present, the Chair of the University Student Council.
3. The Nemenzo administration has conducted consultations with
individual campuses and the G.E. Council, as a body, went
around and met not just with faculty but with the students as
were made to simplymemorize the names of people mid well. The President himselfattended some of these consultations.
places. However, nowthatI am 21, I regret thatIdidnot 4. The members of the G.E. Council met quite frequently, within a
take it seriously. It was too late toget interested in the stretch of 6 to 8 months to review the content of the G.E. program.
subject whenl was already in college because I had other The Council even started with more fundamental questions, e.g.
major subjects to concentrate on. Cramming allowed me what the University wants the students to learn in this century.
toretain onlyalillie ofthecolorfid past Olat is my heritage 5. One source of objection was the notion that nationalism was
asa Filipino. V\Ihen I went toanother country and saw being edged out of the revitalized G.E. program. In the proposed
howdifferent they were from us, I wanted so mudt to framework, all the existing objectives of the GE. programs had
slulre withthem some nuances ofwlw we are butIwasn't been retained as they were approved. by President Angara in
able to say milch. 1986. The only difference is that, instead of requiring the existing
"Knowing your history andyour own adhtTe is courses, the G.E. program is being opened up to other faculty
like Tooting yourself intire land you grew upin. This is and departments and the students now are being given a choice.
Under the proposed RGEP, if the students enroll in a particular

veryimportant, [now realize. Whatever it is that we are

now is a continuation of evenJlhing thathappened and subject, it is because they want to and not because they have to
is llappening. It gives us a more defilled perception of the way it is being done now. It is expected that the learning
ouridentity. Forexarnple, it pays toknow lww humane process would be vastly improved.
Jose Riznl was during his time. It is good to 1mow haw 6. The requirement of core courses has put a heavy strain on the
Filipinos lived in the past andunderstand the series of units that offer G.E.,to a point that it has affected the recruitment
developments thatledtowhatweare nowandclearly see and even the growth of their disciptine as a field of knowledge.
why we hmJe sIlch varying values and attihuks taward When a large majority of the staff members are engaged in
things that are unique from that ofother cOlmmes, We teaching the G.E., the growth of the discipline tends to suffer.
are a very interesting people andwe want tile youth to 7. The G.E. Council is not recommending the abolition of any of
realize andtovallie theirrich Filipino heritnge. the G.E. courses. All the GE. courses will remain. The students
"Maybe oneof the reasons we are Imrdened by a will have the opportunity to learn from the senior faculty of other
colonial mt1ltnlity is that we are not so proud of being colleges, including the professional ones.
Filipino, and the reason Jor tI,is is that we Jorget that 8. To remedy the problem of those who have defidency in skills,
the students who perform below a certain cut-off point in the
even beforeforeign inflnences came, Filipinos already luzd
UPCAT Tests in Mathematics and English will be asked to take
something. Wewore nia clothes. We had ourawn skills.
the Summer Bridge Program before they enter the first year. This
We had our own system of living and governana, auT
Summer Bridge Program is equivalent to a summer course with
owndeveloped culture. We 1uroe somuch to be proud of
48 class hours.
especially now thai our culture and histcry are a rich 9. Every campus is encouraged to develop courses that would bring
blend ofwhatmakes liS IIniqllely FilipinO andalltheother out their intrinsic strengths/ expertise, given the diversity and
culhlTes that Iuwe come to us from near andfar, in the the different capacities of the constituent units.
past andpresent. Every Filipino must be aware ofthat." Student Regent Bugayong declared tt:at the students ~o not totally
oppose the proposed revitalization of the General Education Program
Witll that I restmy cast for Philippine history. . because they also acknowledge that they are really affected by ~e
Finally, in recapitulation, may I reiterate the followmg problems on the existing G.. program. She, however, agreed with
12 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII. No.4

Regent Alfonso's concern that the Board should wait for the decisions thoroughly studied and he believes that the time is ripe to make a
of all University Councils before it decides on the matter. decision.
Regent Bugayong also raised her concern about the units that have Regent Alfonso verified whether the statement that each CU can
not approved the proposal. She asked whether the faculty who are have its own G.E. program as published in the Forum bears the
teaching the G.E. courses now can also teach the subjects under the imprimatur of the administration. President Nemenzo and Vice
revitalized G.E. program. President Diokno confirmed the statement, the former saying that no
The Student Regent also voiced out the request of students that reform can be instituted if one waits for each other in the whole system,
they be involved in the process of revitalizing the G.E. program. She given the size of the University now and given the way it is organized.
wanted to find out what would happen to those units that will not accept The changes that have occurred in the past were the changes initiated in
the proposal. She reiterated the point that it is the G.E. program that each constituent university.
unites the students of the different constituent universities. Vice President Diokno also relayed to the Board the sentiments of
Regent Bugayong, nonetheless, also supported Vice President some of the units during their consultations that they did not want to be
Diokno's concern on the utilization of the individual unit's intrinsic constrained by waiting for all the rest.
strength(s). On the issue of lack of consultation, President Nemenzo pointed
Responding to the suggestion of Student Regent Bugayong and out that there has not been any other academic curricular program in
Regent Alfonso to wait for all the University Councils before the Board the University that was subjected to the same degree of consultation.
of Regents approves the proposal, Regent Marita Reyes remarked that The process has been slowed down precisely to have prolonged
this would dampen the enthusiasm of the campuses which have taken discussions and consultations before arriving at a decision. 'There has
the initiative of really studying the RGEP. For example, it would not be been, in fact, widespread consultations.
fair if U.P. Diliman decides to study the program for the next two years President Nemenzo said that approval of the proposed G.E.
while the other campuses are keen on the development of new G.E. program will just be a signal for the other campuses to try to innovate or
courses. The latter will be disheartened. Postponing the decision on continue working. He assured Regent Alfonso that the differences
the RGEP is not fair to those campuses which are already prepared to resulting among the G.E. programs of the different campuses will just
implement the program. be minimal. The administration will also see to it that the courses in the
Regent de Jesus appreciated Regent Alfonso's statement that there Social Sciences and Philippine Studies will reflect a historical perspective.
should be enough compulsion and volition in the way the G.E. Program that sense of history which is important in the development of a national
is framed. He also agreed to wait for the other campuses to submit their identity.
recommendations. He underscored, however, the need to set a deadline.
Otherwise, the Board might wait forever and not be able to make a Adoption by U.P. College Baguio of the GE Framework as proposed
decision at all. by the General Education Council
Vice President Dioknc added the information that the University The U.P. College Baguic University Council approved the 3-page
Council of U.P. Diliman in 1986 would have wanted to make very proposal for the Revitalized G.E. Program which enumerates the
fundamental amendments in their G.E. proposal which would allow objectives, methods of inquiry, and competencies to be developed.
for a choice. These were, however, blocked by the administration then. Additionally, the distribution 0115 units in each of the three domains of
for the reason that the other university councils have already approved knowledge, as well as the semi-structured approach were adopted.
the program and amending it would entail going back to everyone else. The University Council, however, deferred endorsement of the
Learning from this past lesson, therefore, Vice President Diokno advised provision requiring passing the Summer Bridge Program before enrolling
that the University Councils should not beconstrained from developing as freshmen, for students who perform below a certain cut-off in UPCAT
their respective academic programs. Math and English proficiency and comprehensive sub-tests. The UC

Regent Marita Reyes informed the Board that she has met with the wanted to see more details of this provision.
four clusters in U.P. Manila. There were no major objections. The Social Board action: Approval. The Board likewise took note of the
Sciences and Philosophy Cluster, however, recommended that there University Council's deferment of their endorsement
should be a workshop to look into the mechanics of implementation. of the Summer Bridge Program.
V.P. Manila is therefore scheduling the workshop in November so that
the program could be submitted for University Council approval in Request of Dr. Benjamin Dioleno for waiver of the rule which requires
December. a two-year active service in U.P. before a professor may be allowed to
The President reported that in U.? Diliman, per information given go on sabbatical
him, out of the 26 units. 19 have endorsed the RGEP program in its Dr. Diokno is a faculty member of the School of Economics. U.P.
present form; three (3) were for it but suggested some modifications in Dillman, who was invited to serve as DBM Secretary. an invitation which
the format; two (2) are opposed; and the rest have not made a decision. he could not refuse. His two years service as OBMSecretary now stands
'These 19 units that have given very enthusiastic support include some in the way of his sabbatical, a privilege he very much deserves. Dr.
of the biggest colleges in U.P. Diliman. Diokno has not availed of this privilege in the past. A waiver of the role
For U.P. Los Banos, Chancellor David clarified that while they have will allow Dr. Diokno to go on sabbatical, as recommended by the Dean
already approved the G.E. framework it will take a year before the and endorsed. by the Chancellor.
program gets implemented. 'The courses that are going to be offered The specific rule on sabbatical provides that the faculty member ..
will have to pass through the same curricular processes. Since UPLB shall have been in the active service in the University at least two years
started in February 2001, implementation can begin by june 2002. before the sabbatical....."
Chancellor David informed the Board that with the RGEP, the Dr. Diokno reported back to the University on 22 January 2001.
campus can decongest. The present G.E. faculty members are He plans to go on sabbatical this Second Semester 2001-2002.
overloaded. They could not study nor engage in research. If they
decongest UPLBcan increase its intake of students by about 20% starting Request for waiver of accumulated interest charges on the contractual
june 2002. obligation of reneging fellow Dr. Joseph Salvacruz
Regent Hernandez noted that this matter Involves a problem of Dr. Salvacruz is a former faculty member of the Deparbnent of
leadership. He stated that it is the duty of the Board of Regents and the Management, College of Economics, U.P. Los Banos.
President as well, to provide decisive action. 'The matter has been 1. Dr. Salvacruz went on study leave with pay to take his M.S. in
October - December2001 U.P. GAZETIE 13

Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University from 1 January for his obligation. However, he will be paying the balance - in his
1981 to 2S April 1982. case, the principal amount - in just two years.
2. After finishing his master's degree, he went back to UPLB and 7. The request for waiver of interest charges, on the other hand, is a
completed 4 years, 3 months, and 13 days of his 6-year return service matter of policy subject to the discretion of the BOR, upon
obligation to the University. recommendation of the President, pursuant to their authority under
3. He then went on another study leave with pay, from 10 August 1986 the existing delineation of authority among University officials.
to 9 August 1990, and on study leave without pay, from 10 August 8. The Office of Legal Services (OLS) pointed out, though, that the
1990 to 31 January 1993, to pursue his doctorate in Agricultural precedent in which the President and the BOR granted a waiver of
Economics at North Carolina State University. interest charges, upon favorable recommendation of OLS and the
4. He failed to return to the University after finishing his Ph.D. Chancellor, refer to instances when full payment of the obligation
According to Dr. Salvacruz, he encountered financial difficulties has actually been made.
because of the health problem of a member of his family. 9. The President endorses the OLS recommendation that the proposed
5. Dr. Salvacruz's total obligation (expensesof the University, plus 20% payment scheme and waiver of interest charges on the contractual
equity) to the University amounts to P265,022.50. The accumulated obligations of Prof. de Castro be granted provided that such waiver
interest on his obligation is P263,949.98. be forma1ly granted. only upon full payment of the obligation.
6. In his letter of 15 August 2001 to Chancellor Wilfredo P. David of
UPLB, Dr. SaJvacruz requested that the interest on his obligation be
waived. He said that as early as 1993, he expressed his intention to Waiver of the rule that only tenured faculty may be appointed to
settle his financial obllgation to the University. He asked for the regular academic administrative positions in favor of Prof. Antonio
computation of his obligation and requested a "workable payment R. Obsioma
plan". Unfortunately, he never received the bill from the University. Prof. Obsioma is presently Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the

7. Dr. Salvacruz has paid a total of P265,022.50 which covered his Vice-Chancellor for Administration of V.P. Mindanao. He has not yet
principal obligation, plus 20% equity. been granted tenure because he does not have an item.
Recommendation of fue Office of Legal Services Justification
1. Pursuant to the Chapter I, Section B(4)and Chapter II, Section C(1.1) The Ll.P. Mindanao Chancellor stated the following in his letter to
of the "Existing Delineation of Authority Among University the President dated 9 October 2001:
Officials," the waiver of payment of accumulated interest charges 1. There are only 26 faculty items, 190f which are filled-up positions
on the obligation of a reneging fellow is within the discretion of the and the rest have been committed to fund the salary of seven (7)
President, subject to confirmation by the Board of Regents. contractual faculty.
2 The University had, in the past, approved similar requests, the most 2. It is therefore very hard to get a faculty item and extremely
recent being the waiver of the payment of accumulated interest difficult to get tenure (assuming the rare vacancy of one such
charges on the contractual obligation of Ms. Leah May Ver (1l50th faculty item).
Meeting of the Board of Regents, 24 May 2001), a reneging fellow 3. Competent personnel for administration ere a rarity, too. but
from U.P. Visayas. U.P. Mindanao is lucky to have one or two and one such person
3. There is no legal objection to the grant of Dr. Salvacruz's request for is Prof. Obsioma.
waiver of the payment of the accumulated interest charges on his 4. Considering his extensive work expenence.jong commitment
financial obligation to the University. He has paid his full contractual to the University and worthy performance in the past six months
obligation to the University, plus 20%equity on account of the breach as OIC of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration,
of his contract. The Chancellor of UPLB has also favorably endorsed the Chancellor believes that Prof. Obsioma has the ability and
Dr. Salvacruz's request. competence to be appointed to the said position.

The President recommends approval, provided Prof. Obsioma's

Request for waiver of accumulated charges on the contractual appointment as Vice-Chancellor for Administration does not go beyond
obligation of reneging fellow Prof. Arnulfo D. de Castro his temporary appointment as faculty.
Prof. de Castro is a former faculty member of the College of
Engineering, U.P. Diliman. Grant of amnesty to faculty and staff who acted as guarantors to
1. He was on study leave with pay and special detail with pay from 29 students who availed of loans under the Student Loan Program from
August 1990 up to 31 May 1997. start of the program to AY 1994-1995
2. His contractual obligation to the University amounted to This is a special request in behalf of faculty and staff who are now
Pl,349,799.88. being held responsible for debts which students have incurred while
3. Prof. de Castro proposed the following payment scheme: they were studying in U.P. Before a student may be given a loan, hel
P 224,966.64 (20% equity charge) within 15 days from approval of she must get a member of the faculty and staff to act as guarantor.
the scheme Oftentimes, the faculty and staff could not refuse the students and they
Pl,124,833.24 (principal obligation) in 4 equal installments of end up signing the loan applications.
P281,208.31 every 6 months starting 15 March 2002 up to 15 While steps are in place to make sure that students settle their loans,
some units have not been as meticulous as others and, therefore, allow
September 2003
students to take examinations or to enroll the following semester. Then
4. Prof. de Castro also requests for a waiver of the interest payable on
there are those students who eventually leave the University without
the diminishing balance.
finishing any course, including those who are dismissed. These students
5. Under existing BOR policy guidelines on the contractual obligations
do not bother to settle their accounts, leaving the faculty and staff to
of reneging fellows, the mode of payment for those whose contractual
obligations amount to PSOO,OOl and above shall be "20% payoff their loans.
To ease the burden on the faculty and staff, it is recommended that
downpayment; Chancellors shall be authorized to make
they be given amnesty and be freed from their obligations ~d be relieved
arrangements with the reneging fellows on the payment of the
of the burden of paying a loan which they did not benefit from. .
balance." This does not free the students concerned from their financial
6. Based on the BOR guidelines, Prof. de Castro's propo~ed
downpayment will thus be a little short of the P269,959.% reqwred obligations.
14 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.4

Board action: Approval. The Chair, however, suggested that the roles MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT
of the Program be reviewed and see if the faculty and
the staff may be exempted from serving as guarantors. The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic
Change of name of the V.P. Extension Program in San Fernando Note: These contrads/agreements /rave gone tlrTOug/r tlte standard University
(UPEPSF) to the U.P. Extension Program in Pampanga processes from the Constihumt Uniwrsities (CUs) concerned and the
At present, the school is located in Clark Field, hence, it seems University System. In cases where there were irregularities or
awkward if it continues to use the name V.P. Extension Program in San inconsistencies with present laws, mles, regulations and processes, the
Fernando, Pampanga. documents were returned for review of or to exad compliance by tIJe
concenzed CU.
Request for Board resolution authorizing the President to represent,
negotiate and sign documents for and on behalf of the University with U.P. System
respect to its remaining claim with Land Bank
Requestfor Boardresolution authorizing thePresident to represent, General Memorandum of Agreement with the Municipality of
negotiate and sign documents for and on behalf of the University with Guihuingan, Negros Oriental
respect to its remaining claim with Land Bank for the proceeds of the General Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between
Basilan Land Grant sale subject of the Deed of Sale between the the University of the Philippines through the Education Research
University and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) on 27 Program (ERP) under the Center for Integrative and Development
December 1999 amounting to approximately P12,443,290.28, exclusive Studies (CIDS) and the Municipality of Guihulngan, Negros Oriental
of interest Project: Collaborative research and development program entitled
Recommended Board resolution: "Integrated Agricultural Development, Health and Nutrition

"RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved that DR. and Comprehensive Education Program"
FRANCISCO NEMENZO, President of the University of Particulars:
the Philippines, is hereby given full power and authority a. The Project intends to attain a strategy for sustainable development
to represent the University in its negotiations with the Land in Guihulngan, Negros Oriental, through increased agricultural
Bank of the Philippines for the release of the remaining productivity and rural income, food security, ernpowerrnentof rural
proceeds of the Basilan land Grant sale subject of the Deed farmers and improvement of the health and nutrition status of
of Sale between the University of the Philippines (UP) and children in the locality.
the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) executed on 21 b. The Project shall be implemented using the technical assistance and
December 1999. expertise of the University. The Municipality, for its part, shall allow
"RESOLVED FURTHER, as it is hereby resolved that its town to be the pilot site for the Project and shall assist and
PRES. NEMENZO or his representative is authorized to cooperate with the University in such manner and at such times
negotiate, sign and deliver any and all documents and deed deemed necessary by the University.
related to the said transaction and to exercise any and all Responsibilities of the MlmicipalihI
powers which may be required in furtherance hereof." a. Select and prepare the communities and sites where the activities
for the Project shall be undertaken.
Request of Prof. Reynaldo Ty of the Department of Political Science, b. Coordinate with the University in order to render its assistance and
College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, U.P. Diliman, for another cooperation in the implementation of the project, on a regular basis.
year of study leave with pay to enable him to work on his dissertation c. Ensure maximum security and safety of the University's personnel
Prof. Ty has been on study leave 'with pay since 1996,or about five and volunteers rendering work for the Municipality in connection
years now. The rule allows only a period of three years.
This recommendation is in line with the faculty development
program which stresses the need for the faculty to have doctoral degrees.
The Department Chair, the Dean and the Chancellor have also endorsed
his request and have explained the difficulty of finishing the degree
within the period allowed by the Board.
Board action: The Board approved the extension of Prof. Ty's study
with the Project.
d. Provide transportation within the locality and accommodations to
the University's personnel and volunteers working for the Project.
e. Identify and provide local resources available for program
development and implementation.
f. Provide other needed technical and logistical support (e.g., project
monitoring and evaluation, supplies/materials/ equipment,

leave for one year, but without pay. communication, etc.) to ensure the success of the collaborative project.
The Chair suggested, that the rules be reviewed, Responsibilities oftheUniversity:
taking into consideration the difficulty of finishing a a. Provide technical assistance in planning, developing and
degree within the three-year period prescribed by the implementing training program and other forms of public service
University. in the various components of the Project.
b. Assist in the preparation of the project sites prior to the
ACADEMIC MATIERS APPROVED implementation of the Project, and render technical assistance in
the development of priority projects.
Establishment of the Jejomar Binay, Sr. Professorial Chair c. Train and field volunteers from among its staff, students and alumni
Establishment of the [ejomar Binay, Sr. Professorial Chair to be who will provide direct assistance in the implementation of the
awarded to qualified members of the faculty of Filipino and Philippine Project under the volunteer service program of the University in
Literature, College of Arts and Letters out of a donation of P500,OOO.00 coordination with Ugnayan ng Pahinungod.
to the College of Arts and Letters Foundation, Inc. (Donee) d. Seek and negotiate with other partners and sponsors for basic support
The endowment fund shall be managed by the Donee and only the and incentive packages.
income from the fund donated shall be used for the said purpose. e. Monitor and evaluate the progress of specific project components
The donation is covered by a Deed of Donation and Acceptance and activities, and prepare regular reports.
between [ejomar Binay, Sr. and the College of Arts and Letters Effectivity: Effective for a period of one year starting September 2001 to
Foundation, Inc., signed on 27 September 2001. 2002
October- December 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 15

Dote signed: 27 September 2001 e. U.P. Visayas shall disburse project funds in accordance with COA
Note: Regent de Jesus noted thatwhile there isaprooision on theownership of rules and regulations; and
theproject output, there is none onthe transfer ofknuwledgejiedlnology. f. D.P. Visayas shall provide V.P. Diliman with semi-annual and
The loiter is important if the objective ofbllildillg the capability of the annual accomplishment reports, and quarterly audited financial
Municipality is to be attained and if the Project is to besustained. reports. .
Tile President concurred with the pointraised by Regent de Jesus. Effrctivity: 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Date signed: 28 August 2001 .
V.P. Diliman
Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Georgia
Memorandum of Agreement with the University of the Philippines Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.
Mindanao Diliman and the University of Georgia .
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between D.P. Project: Educational and scientific exchange and cooperation
Diliman and the University of the Philippines Mindanao Particulars:
Project: Academic exchange and cooperation U.P. Diliman, through its College of Home Economics (U.P.-CHEl,
Implementing Unit: College of Mass Communication and University of Georgia shall develop their relationship and promote
Particulars: academic exchange and collaboration in the fields of Food Science and
The parties agree to develop, promote and undertake academic Technology and Food Engineering through the following programs:
exchange and cooperation in the following fields of mutual interests, a. Joint research activities:
including but not limited to: b. Exchange of information, including but not limited to exchange
a. Joint research activities; of library materials and research publications;
b. Joint broadcast, film and print production; c. Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures,' and

c. Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures, conferences discussion; and

and other related activities; and d. Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students for study and
d. Exchange of information, including but not limited to library research.
materials, publications and audio-visual materials. Effrctivity: Effective for three years beginning from the dale of execution
Effedwity: Effective upon execution and shall remain binding and in Dote signed: 12 October 2001
force until terminated by one or both parties
Dote signed: 19 September 2001 V.P. Los Banos

Memorandum of Understanding with the University of South Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Rice Research
Australia Institute (PhilRice)
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between U.P. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Los
Diliman and the University of South Australia Banos and the Philippine Rice Research Institute (philRice)
Project: International cooperation in education and research Project: Collaboration on riceresearch, training and conununication and
Particulars: extension programs
1. The Agreement covers the following activities: Particulars:
a. Collaborative research projects; a. UPLB and PhilRice shall collaborate on rice research, training and
b. Collaborative staff development programs; extension programs particularly those on transplanted irrigated
c. Exchange of staff and students; and lowland rice, rice for adverse environment, rice-based farming
d. Exchange of publications, reports and other academic systems, rice and rice-based products and policy research and
information. advocacy.
2 These do not exclude the possibility of additional activities which b. There shall be a UPLB-PhilRice Management Committee which will
might be separately agreed upon. serve as a clearing house for all joint activities of the parties. The
Effectivity: Effectivefor a period of 3 years upon execution of the parties Committee is also tasked with fonnulating guidelines and policies
Date signed: 2 October 2001 for prioritizing projects,fund allocation, implementation and review
and evaluation of various collaborative Rice RDEactivities.
Memorandum of Agreement with V.P. Visayas The Management Committee shall be composed of
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. representatives from Phil Rice and VPLB with the VPLB Vice-
Diliman and U.P. Visayas Chancellor for Research and Extension as chair.
Project: Assessment of coastal poly culture systems to reduce c. Project implementation guidelines provide, among others:
environmental impact and increase production 1) Prioritized projects to be implemented shall be subject to joint
Implementing Utllt: Marine Science Institute approval by the VPLB Chancellor and the PhilRice Executive
Director upon the recommendation of the Management
a. The Project is funded by the Department of Agriculture through the Committee.
auspices of the Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR); 2) Funds for the approved projects shall be administered directly
b. V.P. Dillman and V.P. Visayas shall undertake research and by VPLB. Periodic fund release shall be done by PhilRice and
disbursements thereof shall be the responsibility of UPLB.
development necessary to address the objectives of the Polyculture
3) UPLB shall make available the necessary manpower and
Project; expertise for the implementation of the approved projects.
c. V.P. Dillman shall transfer to U.P.Visayas the amountofP950,697.00
4) Incidental income derived from the conduct of any particular
from the project funds for the implementation of the first year of the
project shall accrue to a Trust fund which shall be managed by
Sea Cucumber and Mollusc Culture component of the Polyculture
the Management Committee to support rice research and
Project; . development program relevant to the purview of the agreement.
d. U.P. Visayas shall implement the first year of the pro~ect from July S) All equipment and other non-expendable facilities acquired
2001 to June 2002,which shall be monitored byUPMSI maccordance through the project funds shall remain the property of UPLB
with the approved project proposal;
16 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No, 4

upon project termination; provided, however, that these Effectioity: 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2001
equipment shall be covered by a Deed of Donation. Date signed: 4 May 2001
6) The parties agree to make an annual review of the work done
under the Agreement and to prepare jointly a yearly status report Memorandum of Agreementwith the Philippine Council for Advanced
on the project for effective monitoring purposes during the Science and Technology Research and Development (PCASTRD)
duration of the Agreement. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los
Effectivity: Effective upon approval and shall remain in force for 5 years Banosand the Philippine Coundl for Advanced Science and Technology
but not later than 31 December 2006 Research and Development (PCASTRD)
Date signed: 19 September 2001 Project: .identificationof Molecular and Biochemical Markers in Locally
Isolated Yeast Strains
Memorandum of Agreement with the National Agricultural and Project Ca,t: Pl,138,712.00 to be provided by PCASTRD to UPLB
Fishery Council (NAFC) Parficulars:
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los a. Developmental objective of the project: to identify genetic and
Banos and the National Agricultural and Fishery Council (NAFC) biochemical markers in locally isolated alcohol yeast strains.
Project: Acquisition of some equipment for the Agricultural Machinery b. PCASTRD support for the project
Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) of the College of 1) Grant of financial support, and technical assistance relevant to
Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT), UPLB the achievement of the objectives; and
Project Cost- Pl,595,OOO.OO to be provided by NAFC for the acquisition 2) Assistance in coordinating with other government agencies in
of the equipment matters requiring attention or cooperation relevant to the project
Partiatlars: and within PCASTRD's capability.
a. NAFC shall provide funding assistance to UPLB for the acquisition c. Obligations of the UPLB through the Project Leader:
of the equipment enumerated in the MOA to be used by AMTEC in 1) The project shall be undertaken by the Project Leader in
the testing of tractors. accordance with the Annex A of the MOA and the Guideline, . '
b. UPLB shall maintain financial accounting records for the funds on PCASTRD Grant-in-Aid for Research and Development
provided by NAFC in accordance with generally accepted attached as Annex B of the MOA.
accounting principles. The records shall be subject to the visitorial 2) The Project Leader is expected to fulfill the obligations spelled
audit examination of the NAFC staff and eOA auditors. out in Annex Bwhich is made an integral part of the Agreement.
c. UPLBshall return any amount not utilized or request authority to 3) PCASTRD reserves the right to discontinue support for the
use the savings for related activities added to the project. project at any time for violation of the project terms and
Effectivi~l' Effective upon signing by the parties but not later that 30 conditions or upon determining that the results obtained or
April 2002 reasonably expectable do not justify further activity. However,
Date ,igned: 7 June 2001 no discontinuance of the project shall be made without prior
notification to UPLB by PCASTRD.
Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Small and Medium Effectivity: 15 July 2001 until 14 July 2002
Business Development of the Department ofIrade and Industry (OIl- Date signed: 13 July 2001
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los Memorandum of Agreement with the Municipal Government of
Banos and the Bureau of Small and Medium Business Development of Luisiana (MG Luisiana], Laguna
the Department of Trade and Industry (DTl-BSMBD) Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.Los
Project: Demand-driven Online Information Resources for Small and Banos and the Municipal Government of Luisiana (MG Luisiana),
Medium Enterprlses (SMEs) Laguna
Project Ca,t: Pl,800,OOO.OO to be provided by DTI-BSMBD to UPLB Project: Agro-Industrial Development Program Il-Luisiana (AlDP 11)
Po.rtimlars; Particulars:
Responsibilities of DTI-BSMBD, among others: 1. The project aims to increase efficiency of resource-use and enhance
a. Provide funds to UPLB for the operation and implementation of the capability ofMG Luisiana on agricultural production, processing
the project, payable according to the schedule spedfied in the and enterprise development.
MOA; 2. MG Luisiana will lead in the implementation of the program, source
b. Provide administrative and collaborative support in networking funding for the projects, and make available necessary logistics
the UPLB with agencies involved in APEC and non-APEC needed in the program.
countries with special focus on information, technology transfer, 3, UPLB, through its College of Agriculture, will provide technical staff
training and 5MB programs; and to assist in the planning and implementation of the program,
c. Assist UPLB in liaising and negotiating with relevant parties linkaging and networking with other agencies and monitoring for
and institutions in the Philippines and abroad. the successful implementation of the program.
Responsibilities of UPLB through the College of Economics and 4. Both parties agree to prepare jointly a yearly status report on the
Management (CEM), among others: project for effective monitoring purposes.
a. Disseminate all SME-re1evant APEC initiatives and activities to Effectivity: Effective upon signing for 5 years but not later than 31
SMEs and 5ME associations through the use of appropriate December 2005
information technology; Date signed: 27 September 2001
b. Develop an online feedback feature for the ACTETSMEwebsite;
and create a user-login facility with an integrated mechanism to Agreement with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
get detailed user profile, and integrate the raw data gathered Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Toyota Motor Corporation,
from these mechanisms; Japan
c. Determine the threemost demanded online resources or services Agreement jointly entered into by and among U.P. Los Banos, the
provided through the website and make assessments on how United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
these could be further improved. (UNESCO), and Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
October - December 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 17

Project: Establishment 01 a Toyota/UNESCO Chair in Children's Unit N.... Ad1al Approved AppeAled Justification
Environmental Education Position Position Position
Particulars: before as of
7/110O 7/110O .
1. UPLB shall, in cooperation with UNESCO and Toyota, establish a
The Department
Toyota/UNESCO Chair in Children's Environmental Education at feels that she
the School 01 Envirorunental Science and Management (SESAM), deserves a higher
UPLB. step promotion
2. The purpose of the Chair is to encourage the children's participation after years of
in environment events, develop a Children's Science Club, and committed and
dedicated service.
organize a series of training workshops, seminars and exhibits for CPH SANIEL Assc. Ass<>. Prof. 1 The Department
the benefit of children, and other related activities. UPM OfeJiaP. Prof. 3 Prof. 7 SG264 reiterates its
3. Toyota shall provide financial support for the Chair in accordance SG 23-5 SG 25-5 P277,176 recommendation
with the project proposal submitted by the UPLB and agreed upon P252,552 P273.1BO for her promotion
by Toyota. to Prof. 1 in view
of her meritorious
4. UPLB, in consultation with UNESCO and Toyota, shall appoint the
performance in
Chairholder who shall serve as the Research Team Leader, and shall teaching, research
be selected from among SESAM academic staff. If appropriate and and extension
agreed upon by the parties, Visiting Professors to the UNESCO Chair services.
may be appointed from among Toyota's environmental experts to CPH ONG. Asso. Asso. Prof. 1 Has done several
give special lectures or seminars on environmental issues. UPM Rafaelita A. Prof. 3 Prof. 7 SG26-4 research &:creative
SG 23-5 SG 25-5 P277,176 works. The text-
5. UNESCO may, if requested by UPLB,provide administrative support

P252,552 P273,IBO book which she

in arranging international fellowships for study of environmental co-authored is
issues. being utilized as
Effrctivity: Effective upon signature by both parties unlil31 May 2002 the main refe-
Date signed: September 2001 renee book of the
course PHPE 210
by both the resi-
dential and DE
Appeal for reconsideration of the recently-approved merit promotion students. The
of some facultv members modules which
Actual Approved she developed are
Unit Name Position Position Appealed Justification being utilized as
before as of Position reference mate-
7!11OO 7!11OO rials and are a
eM LEANO, Asso. Asso. Prof. 1 Initially recom- must for the
UPM Ma. Milagros Prof. 4 Prof. 6 SG264 mended by the MPH-DE","",",",
B. SG244 SG 25-3 P277,176 Department to CPH LORENZO, Asso. Assc. Prof. 1 Has published
P256,260 1'260,016 Prof. 1, endorsed UPM Marilyn E. Prof. 2 Prof. 7 SG26-4 several articles,
by theChancellor SG 22-6 SG 25-5 P277,176 chapters of books,
as Asso. Prof. 7 P248,928 P273,IBO etc. She has also
and finally developed

approved at the several modules

System level as beingused bythe
Asso.Prof. 6. Has students of the
served the DEMPH (3rd and
College for more 4th batches on-
than 20years going) and DE-
with competence MHA{3rd and
and excellence. 4th batches on-
The Department going), also by the
feels that she MPH and MHA
deserves a higher residential
step promotion students.
after years of Board action: Approval.
committed and
dedicated service.
Executive Order No. FN-01.06 dated 13 August 2001 of President
CM FSTAOO, Assc. Assc. Prof. 1 Initially recom-
mended by the
Francisco Nemenzo authorizing the Vice President for Development
UPM Rhodora Prof. 4 Prof. 5 SG264
P277,176 Department to to sign a Memorandum of Understanding - Technology Collaboration
SG24-3 SG 25-2
1'250,020 P253.680 Prof. 1, endorsed Program for the development of Java competency in the Philippines
by the Chancellor By virtue of Section 6 of the Resolution Reorganizing theUniversity of
as Asso. Prof. 7 the Philippines into the University of the Philippines System approved by
and finally the Board of Regents at its 828th meeting on 21 December 1972, Vice
approved at the
President Rafael A Rodriguez is being authorized to negotiate and sign
System level as
Assc. Prof. 5. Has
a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding involving a Technology
served the Collaboration Program for the development of Java competency in the
College for more Philippines. . .
than 20 years This authority shall be effective for the duration of the negotiation
with competence and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding.
and excellence. Board action: Confirmation.
18 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.4

The Board noted the following: Unive..ity I. Annual Total Total Budget Budfll;et
Budget Students Students Per Student, Per
(All sources) (Headcount) (Fulltime in US$ (using Student, in
Position paper of the League of Filipino Students, Samaka-
(in US $) Equivalent) Headcount) US$(using
Kababaihan, Student Christian Movement of the Philippines and FTES)
SAMASA.Party Alliance against the proposed Revitalized General University $76M 62,000 56,000 1,226 1,357
Education Program (RGEP) of the (PJ.S B)
Philippines (US$1: PSO)
Certificate of Board Resolution issued by the Philippine Economic University >llUM 21,000 11,000 3,810 7,273
of Science
Zone Authority (PEZA)
Certificate of Board Resolution issued by the Philippine Economic Technology
Zone Authority (PEZA)on ZJSeptember 2001approving the application of China
of the University for the development of its two lots as Information Peking -$100 M 37,000 34,000 2.703 2,941
Technology Parks (IT Parks) University (excluding
As stipulated in the Resolution. the PEZA Board: U. hospital)
University IR2418 37,000 37,000 592 592
1. grants the pre-qualification clearance to D.P. to develop the
of Indonesia (IUS$,IlRp)
following properties as IT Parks: University $230M 20,000 Ugs 23,000 10,000 10,000
a. U.P. Science and Technology Park (North), a 27.95 hectare of Chile 3,000 Grad
property along Commonwealth Avenue, QuezonCity and I Hongkong -$260 M 7,000 6,800 37,143 38,235
b. U.P. Science and Technology Park (South), a 26.01 hectare U.of
property along c.P. Garda Road, Quezon City: Science and
2. authorizes PEZA to endorse the aforementioned IT Parks to the

Tsinghua -$150 M 26.000 23.000 5.769 6,522
Office of the President for the issuance of the required University
presidential proclamation; and Fudan -$110 M 28,000 22,000 3,929 5.000
3. authorizes the PEZA Director General to sign the registration University
arrangement with thedeveloper!operator of theeconomic zone. Waseda $6OOM 50,000 12,000
University (@I20Yen/$,
University -$275 M 19,000 18,000 14,474 15,278
Comparative PerCapita Budgets of APRU-MemberUniversities CY
of Oregon
Kyoto I SI,4ooM 22,000 22,000 63,636 63,636
Annual Total Total Budget Budget University (@I20Yen/$)
Budget Students Students PerStudent, Per University $1.38 29,000 26,000 44,828 50,000
University (All sources) (Headcount) (FuDtime in US$ (using Student, in of Southem
(in USS) Equivalent) Headcount) USS(using California
FTES) Chulalong- -$70M 27,000 -25.000 2,593 2,800
University $35OM 40,000 33,000 8,750 10,606 kom Uruv.
of Sydney
Australian $210M 9.000 7.500 23,333 28,000
National (includes
Annual Report for Year2000 of the U.P. Provident Fund, Inc.
University earmarked
for On the University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors (Ed
Institute of Manguiat, conductor)
Advanced Now celebrating its 21st Anniversary, the University of the

Philippines Singing Ambassadors (UPSA) recently concluded its 3rd
National $700M 29,000 25,000 24.138 28,000
University International European Tour & Competitions covering thecountries of
of Germany, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France and Belgium.
Sinaapore The UPSA is the University's Official Performing Group for
University $1,706 M 30,000 28,000 56,867 60,929 Chorecgraphed Choral Music and has performed aU types of music from
ofTokvo theRenaissance to Baroque, from thec1assica1s to spirituals, international
Osaka $1,000 M 20,000 20,000 50,000 50,000
folksongs, pop/jazz and even rock music. It has represented the country
National $3OOM 25.000 25,000 12,000 12,000 and won awards in international choral competitions and festivals in
Taiwan $650 Arezzo, Italy; Neuchatel, Switzerland; Arnhem, The Netherlands;
University including Wemigerode, Germany;Trencianske,Slovakia; Maasmechelen, Belgium;
University Cantonigros, Spain; andTours, France.
hospital Founded in 1980 by Ed Manguiat, its conductor and musical
University $2,000 M 37,000 36,000 54.054 55,556
director- as something to pass the time in their freshman year it later
of (includes
W two large graduated to become one of the most awarded groups in the country.
hospitals} In its recently concluded 3rd International Tour, it earned the
University $BOOM 33,000 25,000 24,242 32,000 following recognitionsin Germany,Slovakia, Spain, Italy and Belgium:
of British 2nd Johannes Brahms International Choir Competition, July 5-8.
Columbia 2001, Wemigerode,Germany
Seoul $35OM 31,000 30,000 11,290 11,667
1st Prize & Gold Diploma Mixed Choir Category
National (excludes
University University 1st Prizes in Sacred & Secular
hospital) Music
University RM300M 27,000 25,000 2,924 3,158 1st Prize & Gold Diploma FolkloricCategory
of Malaya (Excludes (10down- Conductor'sPrize Special Prize for Ed Manguiat
hospital: size to Special Prize Best Interpretation of a
UMMC 25.(00)
Hungarian Composition
"Eli, Eli!" by G. Bardos
October- December 2001 V.P. GAZETIE 19

"Grand Prix Slovakia" 3rd International Choir Competition, Tuly Carmelita Rosario Eva U. Uwag, Assistant Professor 2, School of
12-15.2001. Trencianske TepUce, Slovakia Urban and Regional Planning, effective 29 November 2001
1st Prize/Cum laude Mixed Choir Category Manuel C. Manuel III, Assistant Professor 1, College of Business
1st Prize/Cum laude Folkloric Category Administration, effective 29 November 2001
Winner GRAND PRIX SLOVAKlA 2001 Iris Ann G. Martinez, Assistant Professor 3, College of Engineering,
XIX Festival Internadonal de Musica de Canlonigros. July 19-22. effective 29 November 2001
2001. CantonigroSr Spain Mary Lou U. Onglatco, Associate Professor 4, College of Social
1st Prize Folkloric Category Sciences and Philosophy, effective 29 November 2001
XUX Concorso Polifonico Intemazionale "Guido d' Arezzo". August Roselle Leah K Rivera, Assistant Professor 1, College of Social
22-26. 2001,Arezzo, Itliy Work and Community Development, effective 29 November 2001
1st Prize Mixed Choir Category Benjamin C. Sandoval, Assistant Professor 3, College of Business
1st Prize Folkloric Category Administration, effective 29 November 2001
Winner GRAN PREMlO 'CTITA d' Violeda A. Umali, Assistant Professor 2, College of Mass
AREZZO' 2001 Communication, effective 29 November 2001
Arezzorepresentative to the
Canto Corali 2002 in AllgJlst
2002, ill Arezzo, Italy. V.P. Diliman
Internationale Koorwedstrijd van Flanders-Maasmechelen, Sept. 28-
30, 2001, Maasmechelen, Belgium Rodolfo Q. Aquino, original appointment as Philippine Stock
1st Prize Mixed Choir Category Exchange Professor of Business Administration, College of Business

UPSA also attended Europa Cantat's Singing Week in Nevers, Administration, effective 1 January 2002 until 31 December 2002
France where it also eamed recognitionsand gave an extra concert Arthur S. Cayanan, original appointment as Jose L. Poe, Jr.
after the festival at the La Maison de Culture in Nevers. It concluded Associate Professor of Business Administration, College of Business
its European Tour with concerts in Geneva and Bern, Switzerland; Administration, effective 1 January 2002 until 31 December 2002
Sora and Rome, Italy. Paris, France; Brussels, Belgium and Frankfurt Gregorio E.H. Del Pilar, original appointment as U.P. Alumni in
in Germany. Wisconsin Diamond Jubilee Associate Professor of Psychology, College
of Social Sciences and Philosophy, effective 1 January 2002 until 31
1156TH MEETING, 29 NOVEMBER 2001 December 2002
Amelia C. Fajardo, original appointment as Gentry Foundation FI
APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor of Education, College of Education effective 1 July
2001 until 30 June 2002
The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments, Rolando G. Garcia, original appointment as V.P. Foundation, Inc.
transfer to permanent status, additional assignments, award of Professor of Zoology, V.P. Extension Program in Parnpanga, effective 1
professorialchairs, extension of serviceand other related matters: July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Ben Paul B. Gutierrez, original appointment as Lawag J. Fonacier
PROMOTION Associate Professor of Business Administration, College of Business
Administration, effective 1 January 2002 until 31 December 2002
V.P. Manila Ma. Delia A. Monares, original appointment as V.P. Foundation,
Inc. Associate Professor of Women and Development Studies, College

Dr. Camilo C. Roa, jr., promotion from Professor 6 (part-time) to ofSodal Work and Community Development, effective 1July 2001 until
Professor 7 (part-time) effective 12 November 2001 for his selection as 30 June 2002
the 2001 Lingkod Bayan Awardee for his outstanding performance and Mary [annette L. Pinzon, original appointment as G.E. Assistant
exemplary conduct in the delivery of public service. This award entitles Professor of Speech Communication. College of Arts and Letters, effective
him to an automatic promotion to the next higher position. 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Arminda V. Santiago, original appointment as Dr. Jimmy Go PueTI
REEMPLOYMENT Seng Associate Professor of Mass Communication, College of Mass
Communication, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
U.P. Manila Vivien T. Supangco, original appointment as Roy Nilo T.
Anonuevo-V.P. BSBA Class 1971 Associate Professor of Business
Cornelio de Guzman Banaag, [r. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Administration, College of Business Administration, effective 1 January
College of Medicine and Attending Psychiatrist, Philippine General 2002 until 31 December 2002
Hospital, effective 29 November 2001 Helena Agnes S. Valderrama, original appointment as Don Emilio
Alfonso Doloroso, Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, College Yap Associate Professor of Business Administration. College of Business
of Medicine and Attending Anesthesiologist, Philippine General Administration, effective 1 January 2002 until 31 December 2002
Hospital, effective 29 November 2001
V.P. Los Baftos
Rea Victoria P. Anundado, original appointment as Metro Manila
Commission Associate Professor of Animal Genetics, College of
U.P. Dillman
Veterinary Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 .
Edward F. Barroga, original appointment as Dr. Jose A. Solis
Simeon A Ilago, Assistant Professor 5, National College of Public
and Dr. Stewart H. Parker Associate Professor of Veterinary
Administration and Governance, effective 29 November 2001
Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 until
Rachel E. Khan, Assistant Professor 3, College of Mass
30 June 2002
Communication.. effective 29 November 2001
20 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.4

Rhina A. Boncccan, original appointment as UPLB Faculty, Staff Alejandro S. De Leon,originalappointment as Dr.VictorViIladolid
& Students Assistant Professor of History, Collegeof Arts and Sciences, Professor of Ophthalinology, College of Medicine, effective 1 July 2001
effective 1 July Z001 until 30 June 200Z until 30 June ZOO2
Nina M. Cadiz, original appointment as San Miguel Corporation Josephine C.Dizon, original appointment as Go-KimPah Equitable
Associate Professor of Botany, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 Banking Corporation Associate Professor of Family Medicine, College
July ZOO1 until 30 June ZOO2 of Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 200Z
Ma. Lourdes O. Cedo, original appointment as Metro Manila Ma. Antonia E. Habana, original appoinbnent as D.P. Invesbnent
CommissionAssistant Professor of Horticulture, Collegeof Agriculture, Portfolio Associate Professor of OB-Gyne, College of Medicine, effective
effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June ZOO2 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002
Rhodelia 1. Gabriel, original appointment as Abelardo G.Samonte Serafin C Hilvano, original appointment as Enrique M. Garcia
Professor of Counseling Psychology, College of Public Affairs,effective Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, effective 1 July Z001 until 30
1 July ZOO1 until 30 June ZOOZ June 2002
Yolanda T. Garcia, original appointment as Development Fund Pura F10rD. Isleta, original appointment as Jose & Maria Sunio
Associate Professor of Economics, College of- Economics and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, effective 1 July
Management, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 2001 until 30 June 2002
Desiree M. Hautea, original appointment asPHIlSURINResearch Angela Aida H. [ao, original appointment as B.F. Fulgendo & C.V.
Professorof PlantGeneticsand Breeding,Collegeof Agriculture,effective Fulgencio Associate Professor of Psychology, College of Medicine
1 July 2001 until 30 June ZOOZ effective 1 July ZOO1 until 30 June 200Z
Marivic S. Lacsamana, original appointment as UPLB Faculty,Staff June Caridad P. Lopez, original appointment as B.F. Fulgencioand
and Students Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, College of Arts and C.V. Fulgendo Associate Professor of Psychiatry. College of Medicine,
Sciences,effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June ZOOZ effective 1 July ZOO1 until 30 June 200Z

Nydia F. Lopez, original appointment as Development Fund Clarita c. Maallo, original appointment as Victor Jr. and Teresita
Diamond Jubilee Assistant Professor of Statistics, College of Arts and Naaagas Prof. of Medicine, College of Medicine, effective 1 July 2001
Sciences,effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 until 30 June 2002
Emmanuel A Natalie, original appointment as Dr. Monkumbo S. Elizabeth G. Martinez, original appointment as Pediatric-
Swaminathan Assistant Professor of Mathematics, College of Arts and Gastroenterology-Hepatology & Nutrition Associate Professor of
Sciences, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 Pediatrics, College of Medicine, effective 1 January 2001 until 31
Mimosa C. Ocampo, original appointment as Metro Manila December 2001
Commission Professor of DevelopmentManagement and Governance, Imelda G. Pefia, original appoinbnent as Maria Cruz -Tancinco
College of Public Affairs, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June ZOO2 Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, effective 1 July
Jovelyn D. Quiton, original appointment as UPLB Alumni ZOO1 until 30 June 2002
Association AssistantProfessorofStatistics,Collegeof Arts and Sciences, Aida M. Salonga, original appointment as -Diamond Jubilee
effective 1 July Z001 until 30 June 2002 Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, effective 1 July ZOO1 until
Roberto C. Reyes, original appointment as Development Fund 30 June 2002
Associate Professor of Zoology, College of Arts and Sciences,effective 1 Mediadora C. Saniel, original appointment as Diamond Jubilee
July 2001 until 30 June ZOOZ Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 until
Leandro R. Rola, original appointment as Land Bank of the 30 June ZOOZ
Philippines Associate Professor of Food and Resource Economics, Salome N. Vias, original appointment as Drs. Manuel & Emelita
College of Public Affairs, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 200Z Veloso Associate Professor of Physiology, College of Medicine, effective
Walfredo R. Rota, original appointment as Metro Manila 1 July ZOO1 until 30 June ZOO2
Commission Assistant Professor of Community & Environmental
Resource Planning, Coilege of Human Ecology, effective 1 July Z001
until 30 June ZOOZ
Maribel D. Sese, original appointmentas JoseR.Velasco Professor
of Botany, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 2001 until 30
June 2002
Madeline M. Suva, original appointment as Metro Manila

V.P. Manila

Letty G. Kuan, Professor 9, College of Nursing, effective 20

Commission Associate Professor of Development Communication, November 2001 until 31 May 200Z
College of Development Communication, effective 1 July 2001 until 30
Sixto A. Valencia, original appointment as Metro Manila
Commission Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of U.P. Los Banos
Engineering and Agro-Industria1Technology. effective 1 July ZOO1 until
30 June ZOOZ Roberto C. Bautista, Professorial Lecturer 2, College of Arts and
Violeta N. Villegas, original appointment as Development Fund Sciences,effective 12 November 2001 until 31 March 2002
Research Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Remedios V. Nartea, Professorial Lecturer 2, College of Arts and
Agriculture, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 Sciences,effective 12 November 2001 until 31 March 2002


Jose Francisco A Aguilar, original appointment as M. Castro Neuro U.P. Los Banos
Anatomy Endowment Fund Associate Professor of Anatomy, College
of Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 Rosario T. Perez, Senior Lecturer II, College of Arts and Sciences,
effective 1Z November 2001 until 31 March 2002
October- December2001 V.P. GAZEITE 21

MATIERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES The Board, at its (l155th) meeting on 25 October 2001, deferred
OF THE llSSTH MEETING (25 OCTOBER 2001) action on this matter. The Vice President for Academic Affairs was
requested to study .further the position paper, taking into consideration
Some clarifications on the Revitalized General Education Program the sentiment that the profession is being dominated by people from
(RGEP) Rehabilitation Medicine.
The following clarifications were made in answer to the questions At the Board's 1156th meeting, Vice President Dioknc informed
that were raised by the Board: the Board that she met with the constituents of CAMP which included
1. To whom would this RGEP apply? the faculty, the students, as well as the alumni representatives.
The RGEP would apply to incoming freshmen. Students who Highlights of the meeting are as follows:
have not yet completed the G.E. program may opt for the RGEP. 1. From 1962until 1988, the College was headed by medical doctors.
This would mean an additional 3 units in the science cluster. 2 It was only in 1988, when the College was reorganized that they
2. When will the RGEP be implemented? had as dean one of their own faculty members.
It will take time before the RGEP gets implemented because 3. All these years, the faculty has been lobbying for what they call
what the Board approves is just the G.. framework. The works "the autonomy of the profession." By this, they mean authority
that still lie ahead would involve a review or reconstruction of for professional therapists to prescribe the modes of therapy that
existing courses and new ones will have to be conceptualized. The are needed by the patient(s). At present, they don't have this
courses that are going to be offered will have to pass through the authority. They simply implernent prescriptions of medical doctors.
regular curricular processes. It is only when these new courses are 4. The sentiment is that in certain instances, they are more updated
instituted that the students can have the real options. than the Rehabilitation doctors, about the latest therapeutic
3. Will the students who are required to undergo the Summer Bridge measures needed by the patient.
Program (SBP) pay? 5. The faculty has been lobbying for the pertinent Bill in Congress.

The SBP has been running already for years and since the In this connection, the Vice President for Academic Affairs
previous administration, students have never paid for it. The budget suggested that this matter be taken up with the V.P. Manila
was even expanded when President Nemenzo took over. It has been officials so that the CU will have a single position on the issue.
noted that students required to take the SBP usually come from the 6. They cannot reconcile the fact that they have been clamoring for
lower brackets. professional autonomy on the one hand and will be headed by a
4. Will the students be allowed to enroll in the University if they fail to medical doctor as Dean, on the other hand.
take the SBP? 7. The constituents of CAMP are open to having as Dean even
The SBPis a one month course that is equivalent to 48 hours. It therapists from outside, or even practitionerjprofessor of another
is required of those who got low scores in the Mathematics, Science university, outside the V.P. System. They do not want, however,
and English portions of the UPCAT. It is actually meant to level the medical doctors as dean. They even cited cases of the Colleges
playing field. "Failure" is not envisioned. In cases, however, when of Pharmacy, Nursing, Dentistry where the dean comes from
the student is unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances, the profession.
(e.g., illness), tutorials will be provided by the University. Board action: The Board agreed to delete from the minimum
The Vice President for Academic Affairs informed the Board that qualifications required from nominees for the Deanship
the SBP is currently under review. Once the review is completed it will of CAMP the requirement that "S/he may also be from
be presented to the University Councils so the faculty will know the Rehabilitation Medicine."
content of the Program. The specific requirement now reads as follows:
"3.2 S/he should belong to the profession (OT, PI and
On the position paper of lhe faculty and staff of the College of Allied SP). S/he may be a practitioner or a professor of

Medical Professions (CAMP) on the recently approved criteria .for the another V.P. unit or another university outside the
selection of the CAMP Dean U.P. System."
At its l1S2nd meeting on 26 July 2001, the Board approved the
proposal to broaden the selection for the deanship of the CAMP for the POLICY MATIERS APPROVED
following reasons:
1. The existing criteria are too restrictive for such a small unit; The Conceptual Framework for the Science and Technology Park in
2. This would preclude inbreeding and raise the chances of selecting V.P. Diliman
a dean from among the most respected practitioners of the three Background
(3) professions (PT, OT, SP); This concerns the two parcels of land in D.P. Dillman for which a
3. The Deanship of CAMP should be open to members of the other Conceptual Plan for Science and Technology Parks has been prepared
units provided the following minimum qualifications are met by the Planning Resources and Operations System (PROS)and for which
3.1 Outstanding academic and or professional credentials BORapproval is now being sought. These parcels of land are:
3.2 S/he should belong to the profession (OT, PI and SP). S/he A 98.5 hectare property in the north along Commonwealth
may also be from Rehabilitation Medicine. Sjhe may be a Avenue designated as the North S & T Park; and
practitioner or a professor of another V.P. unit or another A 65 hectare property in the South along CP. Garcia designated
university outside the V.P. System. as the South 5 & T Park.
3.3 Commitment to serve on a full-time basis The current land uses of these two parcels in the BOR approved
3.4 Unquestionable moral integrity 1994 U.P. Diliman Land Use Plan are Business Development and
3.5 Leadership qualities and administrative or managerial Research Zone, and Technopark Zone, respectively.
capability 1. The North 5 & T Park in the Commonwealth Property
4. The revised criteria shall take effect in the next search for dean a. Immediately after approval of the 1994 Land Use Plan, the
Regents' Committee on Land Use and Development (later
of CAMP.
On 22 October 2001, the faculty and staff of the College submitted renamed as the Regents' Committee on Resource and Financial
its position paper raising very strong reactions and requesting the Board Management) prepared the Terms of Reference for the
Commonwealth Property Development Project or CPDP.
to seriously reconsider the new criteria set.
22 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.4

b. The BOR approved the various versions of the TOR of the CPDP Recommendations
in its 1101st meeting (1996); 1105th meeting (1997); 1106th It is recommended that the Board approve the Plan prepared by
meeting (1997) and 11l1th meeting (1997). The July 31, 1997 Planning Resources and Operations System (PROS) for the S & T parks
version was the one submitted to President Fidel V. Ramos who located in the northern and southern portions of the U.P. Diliman
approved the project in principle on January 6, 1998 subject to Campus, as the official plan of the University for the development and
the conduct of a project feasibility study and further study of management of these Parks as economic zones.
the Project's implementing mechanism. It is further recommended that the President be authorized to
c. The TOR and Bid documents (March 2, 1998 version) were implement the S & T Parks Development Plan which shall form part of
resubmitted to then President Joseph E. Estrada on January 21, the 1994 Land Use Plan, the official U.P. Diliman Land Use Plan.
1999 for approval. In response, the PMS Secretary requested a Finally, upon approval ot the Conceptual Framework, only such
resubmission of the TOR incorporating U.P.'s response to the land use developments and improvements on campus which are
conditionalities set by then President Ramos and consistency of consistent, compatible and in accordance with the 5 & T Parks shall be
the proposal with the Estrada Administration's direction/vision allowed. No proposed development or changes in the 1994 U.P.
and review of the market viability. It appears that no further Development Plan shall be approved which shall impair the integrity of
submission was made by D.P. in response to then PMSSecretary the Plan for the S &. T Parks and prevent or delay its effective
De Jesus' May 19, 1999 letter. No official approval of the project implementation.
was therefore given.
2. The CP. Garcia (South S & T Park) Proposed Establishment of Partial Scholarships for Elementary and
a. In 1993, V.P. established the U.P. Technopark under a High School Teachers from Less Developed Provinces
Memorandum ofAgreement with the Department ofScience and The University offers 20 scholarships for full-time graduate students
Technology. DOST donated funds for the construction of a under the Scholarship Program for Elementary and High Schooi teachers
Technology Business Incubator.
b. On June 1, 2000, U.P. and the Ayala Foundation entered into a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) known as the Joint
Experimental Facility on Technology, Development and
Technology-based Entrepreneurship. The BOR approved the
MOA in its 1143rd Meeting on June 29, 2000.
from Less Developed Provinces. But the slots are frequently unused
because teachers are not able to get away from their teaching assignments
to enroll full-time. To enable teachers from poorer parts of the country
to avail of the U.P. scholarship, the creation of partial scholarships is
therefore proposed, provided the total scholarship fund for this program
is not exceeded. The University Committee on Scholarships and
Financial Assistance (chaired by the VPAA) shall determine the number

3. Summary
Both parcels are available for use as 5 & T Parks without the of full and partial slots, depending on the number of applicants and
need for changing their designated uses in the 1994 Land Use Plan. other factors.
On the Declaration of the S & T Parks as Ecozones under tile Philippine The new category of scholarships shall have the following terms
Economic Zone Authority (pEZAl and conditions:
1. On June 19, 2000, President Nemenzo created a Technical Working 1. Benefits: Free tuition and fees, monthly stipend of P800 (or half
Group for the Science and Technology Parks (fWG-S & 1) to prepare that of the full scholarship), book allowance of P1,OOO/ semester
a Master Plan for the V.P. Diliman Science and Technology Parks, (also half that of the full scholarship), and thesis allowance of
namely the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Complex at P3,000 (same as full-time scholars).
the Commonwealth Property and the southern portion of the 2. Academic load: 3-6 units per semester
campus. 3. Duration of grant: five years, including thesis (double the
2. The TWG-S & T commissioned the Planning Resources and duration of full-time scholars)

Operations Systems or PROS to prepare the Conceptual Framework. All other conditions of the Scholarship Program for Elementary
The latter contains a description of the type of development in the and High School teachers from Less Developed Provinces shall apply to
parks, including technical specifications, evaluation methodologies part-time scholars.
and guidelines to govern the development and management of the
Parks, and a program for its implementation in phases. It was Proposed Changes in Policy on Study Leave With Pay
presented to the TWG-S & T which recommended its approval to From: Faculty members pursuing a master's degree may enjoy a
President Nemenzo. fellowship or full study leave with pay for at most two years (24
3. On December 12, 2000, U.P. through President Nemenzo filed with months). Faculty members pursuing a doctoral degree may enjoy
PEZA its application for the Declaration of the Northern and a fellowship or full study leave with pay for at most three years
Southern 5 & T Parks as economic zones. (36 months) after a masters degree or its equivalent has been
4. On January 19, 2001, the Quezon City Council passed Resolution earned. In the case offaculty on straight Ph.D. Program, the period
NO. SP. 1501-1-2001 approving the U.P. S & T Parks Conceptual of study leave with pay is at most four years (48 months).
Framework Plan prepared by PROS, declaring it consistent with the In very exceptional cases and on the recommendation of the
classification of V.P. as an Institutional Zone under the Quezon City cu APFC, a Chancellor may authorize an extra semester for those
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). This Resolution was later pursuing a master's degree or an extra year for those pursuing a
submitted to PEZA as part of the application requirements. doctoral degree.
5. In the 1148th meeting of the BOR (February 22, 2001), a resolution To: FACULTY MEMBERS ON STUDY LEAVE MAY ENJOY A
was passed, granting President Nemenzo full power and authority FELLOWSHIP OR FULL STUDY LEAVE WITH PAY AS
to represent Ll.P. in the application to PEZA for declaration of these FOLLOWS, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS,
two parcels as economic zones. This Resolution was later submitted EXIGENCIES OF SERVICE AND BASEDON MERIT:
to PEZA as part of its application requirements. 1. FOR [F]faculty members pursuing a master's degree: [may
6. On September 27, 2001, PEZA issued a Certificate of its Board enjoy a fellowship or full study leave with pay for) at most
Resolution approving V.P.'s application for the declaration of the two AND A HALF years ([24J30 months).
Northern and Southern S & T Parks as economic zones. The BOR in 2. FOR [PI faculty members pursuing a doctoral degree: [may
its October 2oo1meeting was informed of this PEZA approval. enjoy a fellowship or full study leave with pay for at most
7. The Office of the President is now in the process of preparing the three years (36 months)] UP TO FOUR YEARS ~ MONTHS)
documents needed for the Presidential Proclamation. after a masters degree or its equivalent has been earned.
October- December2001 V.P. GAZEITE 23

3. FOR [In the case 01] faculty on straight Ph.D. Program: [the different pharmaceutical companies and special allocation from the office
period of study leave with pay is at most four years (48 of Senator Loren Legarda, the Ear Unit was established at the Philippine
months)] UP TO FIVE YEARS (QQ MONTHS). General Hospital. This unit provides multiple functions including
In very exceptional cases and on the recommendation of the CU provision of diagnostic and rehabilitative services to referred and in-
APFC, a Chancellor may authorize an extra semester for those patients and audiologic laboratory for Master of Clinical Audiology
pursuing a master's degree or an extra year for those pursuing a students, resident physicians of the Department ofORL, medical students
doctoral degree. and other ORL specialists during training courses. The facilities of the
Note: Words ill brackets to be deleted; those in capital letters andunderscored unit provides the equipment necessary for clinical research in various
figures to beadded. otologic subjects. The creation of the Ear Institute will be instrumental
!lIs1ijiClllioJl in the expansion of the existing research, training, teaching, and service
Experience shows that the time allotted for graduate study is not programs. Collaborative studies, locally and internationally, will be
sufficient to complete the degree, especially in disciplines that require enhanced which otherwise may not be achieved if the Ear Institute is
extensive fieldwork and experiments. Once recalled to service from study not placed under the National Institutes of Health. Research activities
leave, the taculty member has relatively few opportunities to resume or carried out in the institute will not only deal with clinical but also with
complete his/ her studies. The proposed extension of the allowable period basic and experimental researches. Services to be provided will not only
of study leave with pay will address this problem, subject to three be institution-based but also community-based, after the acquisition of
conditions: that the faculty member deserves an extension (e.g.,graduate the mobile audiologic unit. Training activities will include regular
performance is good. likelihood is high that s/he will complete the courses to practitioners and trainees in ORL thai will result in
degree on time); funds are available; and the department/institute can improvement in the standards of audiological and otological practices
do without his/her service in the meantime. in the country. More specifically the programs will include the following:
1. Patient Service. The Institute will provide hearing and balance

Proposal for the Establishment of the Ear Institute under the National diagnostics, therapeutic, rehabilitative and preventive facilities,
Institutes of Health especially to the less fortunate of our fellowmen. It will maintain
Rationale itself as a cost leader in the industry, able to cater to a range of
The ear is vital for hearing and balance. Both functions are essential hearing and balance tests, from simple tympanometry to
for communication and orientation both spatial and gravitational. posturography, at very affordable rates.
Hearing impairment at birth will not only produce a deaf child but also 2. Research Production. The Institute will conduct researches on
a mute. A child who is unable to hear any word will not learn how to hearing and balance disorders. Normative audiometric and
talk. If hearing impairment occurs at school age, such child will have vestibular values for Filipinos will be established. Experimental,
problems in intellectual and language development. In school, he may clinical and basic researches will be integrated to produce
be branded as one with poor intellect when, in fact, he may only be clinically significant studies. Knowledge derived from institution
having hearing loss which is oftentimes curable and preventable. When based studies will be corroborated by community based
such child grows into adulthood and still carries his hearing handicap, researches that may result in relevant clinical guidelines which
he may have as much as40% less productivity as compared to hisnonnal can be the bases of important health policies. The potential of
counterpart. Adults above 50 years old will often start having hearing alternative medicine will be explored and researches on disease
loss affecting certain frequencies that may affect their communication prevention will be given emphasis.
skills, lessen their social activities and may be irritated by associated 3. Resident's Training. The Institute will be the center of training
symptoms such as tinnitus and dizziness. In fact, dizziness is one of the for resident physicians in otolaryngology, fellows in otology and
most common complaints starting at this age and may be associated practicing otolaryngologists nationwide. It will provide an ideal
with common medical conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, environment for training in the diagnosis, treatment and

diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis and may just be due to the aging process rehabilitation of various hearing, balance and communicative
itself. It is no doubt that disorders of hearing and balance should be disorders.
given serious consideration. Yet in the Philippines, there is no established 4. Teaching. The Institute will be the main facility for teaching
institution that focuses on ear disorders; whereas, an institute for eye students enrolled in the Master of Clinical Audiology Program
disorders has been operational for more than 30 years. and introduce medical students to basic knowledge in audiology.
Globally, 6-10% of the population is suffering from hearing In the future, it will be the teaching facility for the Master of
impairment of various degrees. This means that at least 4 million Filipinos Science in Otolaryngology (Otology) Program.
have hearing loss. The main problem is we do not know who they are, 5. Community Service. With the acquisition of a mobile audiologic
where do they work or study, what intervention may be effectively done laboratory in the future, the development of locally
for them. The affected individuals themselves may not even know that manufactured transportable sound proof booths and other basic
they have hearing loss especially if they are children. On the other hand, diagnostic audiologic tools, will provide hearing tests to school
individuals with normal hearing do not know how to prevent hearing children and industrial workers exposed to noise hazards.
loss particularly if they are at risk. Unfortunately, not enough is known Children and adults at risk of having hearing loss together with
about these problems at present and effective programs are as yet to be risk factors may be identified. Such service activity will be
formulated to solve them. An Ear Institute under the National Institutes integrated with research activities to provide government
of Health that comprehensively approaches hearing and balance institutions data for program and health policy formulation.
problems by integrating research, training, teaching and service activities The programs of the Ear Institute can thus be summarized by the
is the logical answer. following diagram:
Creation of the Ear Institute by expanding the program of the existing
Ear Unit at the Philippine General Hospital
Various clinical ear researches have been done during the past years
at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) of the Philippine
General Hospital despite serious lack of facilities and equipment. Last Tnulllng

year. with equipment donations from the Gerrr~an g~venune~t through

the Private-Public Partnership Program and financial donations from
24 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.4


Request of u.P. Manila for authority to use part of the interest income
from its Special Endowment Fund (SEF) in the amounl of PIO M 10
provide capitaV'seed money" forthe proposed computer loan project
of the University
A maximum amount of P60,DOD shall be made available to qualified
faculty and employees of the academic units and central administration
offices. Minimal interest of 8% per annum shall be charged. Repayment
period shall not exceed 24 months.
All amortizations including interest thereon, shan revert to the
UPM-SEF upon collection.
In this connection, proposal for the establishment of the
Computer Soft Loan for V.P. Manila Employees
Functions: Rationale
1. To conduct institution and community based studies related to AI; a continuing support for IT development program of U.P.
deafness and balance disorders. Manila, there is a need to make ownership of high-quality computers
2 To initiate, conduct, monitor and evaluate researches dealing with among its employees both administrative and academic to be as
the curative, rehabilitative and preventive aspects of hearing and affordable as possible.
vestibular disorders. Mobile computers will also support both the teaching and research
3. To disseminate results of researches to serve as foundations for work of faculty members.
The Program can also support both the ongoing Computer Literacy

decision-making and regulatory policies of health institutions and
other policymaking bodies. Program of U.P. Manila since having their own personal computers-
4. To acquire, maintain, and upgrade the necessary facilities and other both desktop PCS for home use and laptop/notebook PCS for mobile
equipment to attain the stated objectives. computing use . employees can also further advance and hone their
5. To provide an ideal research environment for the staff, residents, computer skills. Having their own computers at home can also provide
fellows, students and other individuals involved in the study of for the computing needs of other family members.
hearing. balance and related functions coming from within and Due to the limited number of terminals and computer laboratories
outside of the university. available in the campus, the program can also augment the needs of
6. To promote, coordinate and integrate research activities between faculty members for computing access facilities. The University only
dillerent institutions nationally and globally. has to provide and maintain lesser space and network ports for mobile
7. To solicit and generate funds and resources necessary for the computing compared with having to establish and maintain computer
maintenance, operation and upgrading of the unit. laboratories at a higher operating cost.
8. To define the extent, distribution and determinants of hearing and Objectives
balance disorders in the Philippines and formulate solutions relevant 1. To provide high-quality and affordable computers to academic and
to the political, social, economic and cultural characteristics of the administrative personnel of the University.
Filipinos. 2. To provide the much needed computing access facilities to support
9. To design procedures, devices, appliances and educational programs teaching, research and administrative work.
necessary for the rehabilitation of hearing and balance impaired 3. To further enhance the computer skills of the D.P. Manila
patients so that they may become productive members of the constituency.

community. Mechanics
FeasibilihJ 1. U.P. Manila shall seek the approval of the Board of Regents through
The feasibility of the proposed Ear Institute is supported by President Francisco Nemenzo to use PhplOM of the U.P. Manila SEF
profitability and risk analyses based on actual data derived from the for this undertaking. All amortizations with interest earnings shall
operations of the existing Ear Unit It is projected that the operations of be channeled back to UPM SEF.
the proposed Ear Institute will exhibit positive net profit for the next 10 2. The Accounting Office, in coordination with the IMS, shall be
years. Hence, the proposed Ear Institute will not be a financial burden responsible in processing loan applications and purchases.
to the university. 3. The computer loan will be available to all D.P. Manila personnel at
Board action: Approval. The Board, however, is requesting for a write- a maximum of Php60,OOO loan for those getting a laptop/ notebook
up on the relationship and delineation of functions of PC and Php40,OOO for those applying for a desktop Pc.
the Ear Institute and the Ear Unit of the Department of QllalifiCJItions of AppliCJIlits
Olorhinolaryngology. 1. All U.P. Manila personnel (faculty and administrative staff) with
regular plantilla item with no pending administrative case and whose
DONATIONS net take home pay is sufficient to cover the monthly installment
through payroll deductions, i.e., net pay after all deductions should
The Board noted the following donations: be no less than Php2,OOO/month including ACA and PERA.
2. They have no pending loan application with all recognized
Donations remitted to the V.P. Foundation, Inc. governmental and non-governmental credit providing and lending
1. P2S0,OOO.OO from the Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. for the service institutions (GSIS,Provident Fund, Credit Unions).
Scholarship in Creative Writing in V.P. Diliman and U.P. Mindanao 3. They have an established need for a computer for capability
2 US$2,SOO.OO from UPAA New Jersey Chapter for the U.P. enhancement as certified by the unit head.
Modernization Fund 4. The amount is payable either in 12 months at 8% interest per annum
3. Additional donation of PlOO,OOO.OO from the Sumitomo Corporation or 24 months at 9% interest per annum through salary deduction 2
for theSumiromo&hoLnsmp months after the release of the loan based on declining balance.
4. PS,OOD.DO from Eduardo C. Salem for the U.P. Modernization Fund S. No cash outlay will be provided to the employees. Instead, payment
October - December2001 V.P. GAZETI'E 25

shall be done to the supplier of his choice. Such supplier shall have U.P. System
been previously accredited by the IMS,
Board action: Approved as amended. The provision which states, Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Science and
among other qualifications, that applicants should have Technology
no pending administrative case, was deleted. Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between the
That portion referred to should now read as follows: University of the Philippines and the Department of Science and
"1. All U.P. Manila personnel (faculty and Technology
administrative staff) with regular plantilla item and Project: "KnEc Philippines: Philippine Research, Education and
whose net take home pay is sufficient to cover the Govemmentlnformation Network (pREGlNET)
monthly installment through payroll deductions, Le., Particulars:
net pay after all deductions should be no less than a. The PREGINEI project shall link academe, research, and government
Php2,OOO/month including ACA and PERA." institutions through a nationwide broadband network to enable e-
governance and strengthen the country's science and technology
Reprogramming of prioryears savings from CY 199&1999Obligations capability. It shall provide a platform for experimentation of
General Fund (101) in the amount of P23,626,789.87, certified as innovative Internet applications and services and encourage much-
available by the V.P. Los Banos Chief Accountant needed research activities by establishing connectivity to
The reprogramming is necessary for: international research and education networks and to the Internet.
1. back pay 01Professor Alfredo de Torres 01College ofPublic Affairs b. Both parties shall cooperate for the successful implementation of
(CPAF) the KnEc Philippines: PREGlNET project. A Project
2 to augment deficiency in MOOE Implementation and Coordination Unit (PlCU) shall be formed
3. construction of new CAS Auditorium, additional classrooms, etc. within DOST-ASfI to handle the implementation and execution

4. various equipment

Reprogramming of prior ye ars savings from CY 1995-1996 Obligations

General Fund (101) in the amount of P12,733,613.36, certified as
available by the UPOU Chief Accountant
The reprogramming is necessary for:
of this project. It shall coordinate with U.P. to ensure the sustainable
operation of the network.
c. To carry out this understanding, both parties shall enter into a
Memorandum of Agreement stipulating the terms and conditions
of the relationship.
Effectivity: Effective upon signing by both parties, and shall remain
1. honoraria and other contingent liability effective unless otherwise mutually terminated by the parties
2 to augment deficiency in MOOE or upon satisfaction of the objectives for which this
3. various equipment Understanding has been forged
4. road construction and other improvements Dale signed: 25 October 2001

Proposal to give Incentive Grant of PS,OOO each to all Ll.P. Personnel Revised Memorandum of Agreement with "theCommission on Higher
for 2001 Education
This is a matter presented from the floor by the President. Revised Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between
The incentive grant is given annually to D.P. personnel. This is in the University of the Philippines and the Commission on Higher
recognition of their dedicated service to the University and to inspire Education
them to be more efficient, creative and caring. Project: Establishment of a functional working relationship with
The President informed the Board that at the start of this year, the conditions expected to institute prompt and punctual delivery

University has already set aside money for the incentive grant ofP5,OOO of services to the beneficiaries of the Student Loan Program
per employee. He said that it is the University's policy to give as much through the assignment of their respective duties, functions and
as it can afford, provided there are no legal impediments. responsibilities
nus year, President Macapagal-Arroyo issued a directive allowing Partiadars:
additional Christmas bonus provided the government agency / One of the goals 01 CHED is to broaden the access 01 deserving
institution can afford it. With this directive, there is no more prohibition and qualified Filipinos to higher education opportunities in accordance
on the part of the University to give additional year-end incentive. If with the Constitutional mandate that "the state shall establish and
funds are available, the P5000 per employee can even be increased. maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs,
Board action: The Board approved the grant of incentive pay of subsidies and other incentives which shall be available to deserving
PSOOO to each tj.P, personnel for 2001. The Board, students in both public and private schools, especially to the
likewise, authorized the President to increase the underprivileged.
amount if funds are available. The grant of the a. The CHED, through a Memorandum dated 5 March 2001, deferred
additional amount should, however, be reported to the implementation of the Student Loan Program for Centers of
the Board in its next meeting. Excellence in AY 2000-2001 for the reason that the Department of
Budget and Management (DBM) did not release the allotment as
MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT well as the NCA for the purpose in CY 2000.
b. The program can now be implemented starting AY 2001-2002 since
the DBM already included in its comprehensive allotment released
The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic
to CHED the funding for the program, but the amount was reduced
Note: These COHtraetslagreemf!1Jts have gone through tllestandard University from P35,OOO,OOO.OO to P24,554,OOO.OO.
processes from the Constituent Universities (eUs) concerned and the
c. In the administration of the program, the CHED and the HEI-COE
shall undertake the following responsibilities:
U1liversity System. 111 cases where there were irregularities or
inconsistencies witllpresent laws, rules, regulations andprocesses, the 1. CHED
1.1 ass formulates the implementing guidelines of the Student
documents were returned for review of (JT' to exact complitmce by the
Loan Program for COEs
concerned CU.
26 V.P. GAZEITE Vol. XXXII, No.4

1.2 CHEDRO orients the HEI-COE on the policies and guidelines proficiency training programs shall be implemented on the basis
governing the program of mutual consultation.
1.3 CHEDRO signs an MOA with HEI-COE regarding the f. In case the V.P. sends interested student groups to study at the
administration of the program BLeU in summer and/ or winter vacation, the BLCV shall
1.4 AFS transfers to the government depository bank of the HEI- provide the arrangements for the study groups.
COE thru the CHEDRO the fund amounting to P880,000.00 g. Any project that is implemented under this Memorandum of
for the educational loan of the students for a period of four Understanding shall be mutually agreed upon in writing.
years, from SY 2001-2002 to SY 2004-2005 h. This MOU is written both in Chinese and in English, and both
1.5 CHEDRD monitors the implementation of the program, shall be valid.
evaluates its effectiveness and submits to OSS-CHED its Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the designated officials of both
report parties. It shall be valid for 3 years from the date of signing.
2. HEI-COE Either party, subject to a six-month written notice, may
2.1 Screens and processes the loan applications in accordance terminate the MOV. Any amendment shall be made by
with the criteria; mutual consent.
22 Enters into loan contract with the student-borrowers; Date signed: 1 November 2001
23 Grants loan to qualified and deserving student-borrowers;
2.4 Orients the student-borrower on the regulations of the U.P.Diliman
25 Submits to CHED within two weeks after the dosing of Memorandum of Agreement with EduQuest, Inc.
enrollment the list of student-borrowers together with the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P.

photocopy of their accomplished certificate of enrollment; Diliman and EduQuest, Inc.
2.6 Submits to CHED the scholastic ratings of the student- Project: EduQuest Program (use of courseware, hardware and associated
borrowers not later than two weeks after the dosing of the equipment, academic support and technical services, and
semester; computers for the UPIScomputer-assisted curriculum programs)
27 Collects loan repayments from student-borrowers; Service Charge: V.P. Diliman shall pay EduQuest the amount of
2.8 Submits to CHED a report on the status of the fund every six Pl,002,830.oo
months of the Calendar Year; Effectivity: SY 2000-2001 (1 June 2000 - 30 March 2001)
29 Keeps a separate accounting records of the fund subject to Date signed: 19 October 2001
periodic inspectorial visit by CHED finance personnel and/
or COA resident auditor; and U.P. Los Banos
2.10 Returns to CHEDRO any unutilized amount during the
School Year or request authority from the Chairman of Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Environment
CHED to use the savings or the income generated from the and Natural Resources (DENR)
fund, if any, and the unexpended balances to Create Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between V.P. Los
additional or new slots. Banos and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Effedivity: Effective upon execution and shall be in full force and effect (DENR)
until the program is terminated due to exhaustion of funds Project: Continued use by UPLB of a parcel of land at DENR compound
Date signed: 7 November 2001 at Pacdal. Bagnio City

Memorandum of Understanding with the Beijing Language and a. DENR grants to UPLB the continued use of the abovementioned
Culture University (BLCU) parcel of land for office building to be used as office, training and
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between the conference facilities for the conduct of the latter's forestry extension
University of the Philippines and the Beijing Language and Culture services in the Northern Philippines.
University (BLCU) b. VPLB shall undertake the task of maintaining, repairing and
Project: Establishment of international cooperation links renovating the building at its own expense. Expenses for the security
Particulars: of the building and its immediate premises shall also be borne by
The Parties agreed to undertake the following: UPLB.
a. Development of friendly cooperation and exchange on the basis c. After UPLB shall have vacated the premises, upon expiration of the
of mutual benefit, respect and equity; agreement or for such other reasons, the said building together with
b. Sharing o(information on educational development, teaching all other improvements shall become the property of DENR.
methodologies and research; Effectivity: Shall be for a period of 25 years from the signing of the
c. Development of academic cooperation in areas of common Agreement, renewable for the same period upon mutual
interest consent of the parties
1) Exchange of faculty and/or students; Date signed: 6 August 2001
2) Joint research and publications;
3) Joint organization of seminars and academic meetings; Memorandum of Agreement with the Medical Executive Check-up
4) Development, publication and promotion of Chinese Center, Inc. (MEDEX)
language textbooks; and Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between UP. Los
5) Development of short-term academic exchange programs. Banos and the Medical Executive Check-up Center, Inc. (MEDEX)
d. In general, faculty members on the exchange program are subject Project: Offer by MEDEX of a complete line of diagnostic test services
to approval by the host institution, and they shall be provided to UPLB Health Service patients
with reasonable acconunodation and living expenses during the Particulars:
period of the exchange. Travel expenses shall be paid for by a. UPLB-HS agrees to send out its specimens to MEDEX for specific
their respective institution or by the visiting faculty themselves. diagnostic procedure and the latter agrees to accept and process the
e. Faculty visits for long-term programs such as language diagnostic procedure accordingly.
October- December2001 V.P. GAZEITE 27

b. MEDEl<agrees to extend 15 %discount to UPLB-HS on all conducted of the College of Public Affairs, shall undertake the project as detailed
diagnostic procedures. in the proposal. It shall see to it that the objectives and outputs are
c. Pick-up by MEDEX from UPLB-HS of specimens fer diagnostic duly followed; provided that all the work and output shall be
procedures and release of results to the latter shall be as provided performed and produced within the period stipulated in Section V
under the Agreement. of the MOA.
d. MEDEl< commits to take extra care to ensure the reliability of the b. DOH shall provide financial assistance for the project chargeable
results especially for the critical laboratory exams such as histology against the funds of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and
and histopathologic analysis of specimens by tapping the services Alternative Health Care. The funds shall be released to ACCI-CP Af
of well-trained and reputable pathologists. in the manner stipulated in-the MOA.
e. Settlement of accounts by UPLB-HS to MEDEl< shall be as defined c. All modules, reports and-other materials produced by UPLB as
in the Agreement. covered by this agreement shall, after turnover or submission to
Effedivity: Effective for one year to commence upon signing of the DOH, pertain in joint ownership to DOH and UPLB. However, DOH
instrument by both parties shall thereafterhave the right to promote said materials to the public
Date signed: 10 October 2001 through the assistance of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng
Pilipinas (KBp).
Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of AgriculturaJ Research, Effrcliuity: 1 August 2001 until 21 December 2001
Department of Agriculture (DA.BAR); and UPLB Foundation, Inc. Date signed: 25 October 2001
Memorandum of Agreement jointly entered into by U.P. Los Banos Memorandum of Agreement with various government agencies and
with the Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture institutions and private organizations in Region 4
(DA-BAR); and UPLB Foundation, Inc. (UPLBFl) Memorandum of Agreement entered by U.P. Los Banos jointly with:

Project: Improving the quality of governance of the agricultural research The Department of Science and Technology, Region 4 (DOST 4)
of the bureaucracy The Department of Trade and Industry, Region 4 (DTl4)
Project Ca,t: P4,275,865.00 The Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Region
Partialtars: N (DENR 4)
a. UPLB shall: The National Economic and Development Authority, Region 4
1) assign UPLB personnel on special detail to DA-BAR to provide (NEDA4)
technical assistance in the planning and implementation of The Department of Agriculture, Region 4 (DA 4)
agricultural development programs; The Department oflnterior and Local Goverrunent, Region 4 (DILG 4)
2) appoint the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension as other government agencies and institutions, and private
Program Coordinator; and organizations in Region IV
3) conduct the program, organize the conduct of the technical Project: Establishment of the Southern Tagalog Consortium for Industry
assistance, and provide administrative and management and Energy Research and Development (STCIERD)
mechanisms necessary for the implementation of theprogram. PartiClllars:
b. The DA-BAR shall: a. The MOA defines the respective responsibilities of the agencies,
1) provide the amount of about P4.3 million to UPLBFl fer the institutions and organizations as parties to the Agreement.
conduct of the activities for a period of 12 months. It is b. All parties agree to commit the services of their researchstaff/ experts
understood that all items fer financing are eligible and allowable to the consortium and to utilize and share research facilities and
under the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations resources in the conduct of collaborative R&D work in the pursuit
of the Goverrunent of the Philippines. of its mandate and goal.

2) have the right to renew or terminate the Agreement on reasonable c. The parties agree to an annual contribution of P5,OOO to be used for
grounds. However, actual discontinuance of the program or its the operation and maintenance of the consortium and is subject to
financial assistance shall not be made without priorconsultation change every year as agreed by the Regional Industry and Energy
with UPLB and UPLBFI. Governing Council (RIEGq as the highest policy making body of
c. UPLBFI shall: the consortium. UPLB's contribution to the consortium shall come
1) manage the funds provided by DA-BAR. It shall keep and from its budget.
maintain financial records of funds provided under the d. The Philippine Council for Industry and Energy R and D (PCIERD)
Agreement in accordance with acceptable accounting principles shall provide an initial fund for the first year operation of the
and practices. These financial records shall be available for consortium and the succeeding years until such stage that the
audit/ inspection. consortium is capable of sustaining its operation.
2) submit to DA-BAR quarterly financial reports as requlied under Effrctivity: Effective upon signing by all parties and shall remain in force
the Agreement. unless terminated by mutual consent of majorityof the parties
Effectivity: Effective upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed and shall Date signed: 7 September 2001
continue for 12 months, but not later than 31 December 2002
U.P. College Baguio
Date signed: 21 September 2001

Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Health (DOH) Memorandum of Agreement with Saint Louis University
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P.
College Bagnio and Saint Louis University
Banos and the Department of Health (DOH)
Project: Utilization of Broadcast Media for Barangay Development with
Project: Assistance by the University to Saint Louis University in the
Mass Based Trainings on Cooperatives, Alternative Health Care field of Education
through the Tulong Ugnayan Radio Prognun . Particulars:
Project Ca,t: P300,OOO.OO to be provided by DOH to UPLB for the project The parties agreed as follows:
a. On request by Saint Louis University, the University of t~e
Particulars: Philippines shall P~rmit Professor Julius Mendoza of the Social
a. UPLB, through the Agricultural Credit and Cooperatives, Institute
28 V.P. GAZETTE Vol. XXXII, No.4

SciencesDivision, U.P. College Baguio to serve at the St. Louis and the rest to be paid upon complianceof some documents which they
University as lecturer for the Second Semester.AY2001-2002; may further require. RegentHernandez suggested that this matter be
b. Faculty and/ or personnel of the U.P.College Baguioserving in studied by the UniversityGeneral Counselso that a lettercan be prepared
Saint Louis University shall be given reasonablecompensation afterwards. addressed to the Bank'sPresident, Mr. Teves, because based
by the latter institution, in accordance with its salary on his experienceswith the Land Bank.the Bank is not likely to pay the
administration plan, policiesand rules;Provided, that the faculty proceeds immediately, unless the University takes a more aggressive
and/ or academic personnel given teaching assignments at the action.
Saint Louis Universitybe appointed thereat to ranks equivalent Board action: Confirmalion of the Deed of Sale and Approval of the
to those in the University of the Philippines; authorization.
c. Any advertisement/announcement in both print andnon-print
issued bySaint Louis Universityon thecourseoffering(s) handled ExecutiveOrder No. FN.(}192 of President FranciscoNemenzo dated
by U.P. College Baguio faculty should include a notation/ 14November 2001 re Authorityforthe VicePresident for Public Affairs
acknowledgment "Visiting Professor from U.P. College Bagllio~' in to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Beijing language
recognition of the home unit of the U.P. Collegefaculty; and Culture University
d. The College Executive Committee headed by the Dean. the Byvirtue ofSection6 of the ResolutionReorganizing the University
Division Chairperson of the Faculty concerned of U.P. College of thePhilippinesinto the Universityof the PhilippinesSystemapproved
Baguio and all the Deans, Heads and Officials of Salnt Louis by the Boardof Regentsat its 828th meeting on 21 December1972, Vice
University shall be informed of this agreement in its entirety; President Jose N. Eodriga is authorized to negotiate and sign a non-
Provided. that. a faculty member and/or academic personnel binding Memorandum of Understanding with the Beijing Languageand
whose services are sought should give his/her written consent Culture University for the purpose of establishing international
to the request; Provided the U.P.CollegeBaguioFacultyshould cooperation links.
seek a perrnitto teach at the Saint Louis University by the U.P. This authority is effectivefor the duration of the negotiation and
College Baguio Dean upon the endorsement of the College signing of the Memorandum of Understanding.
Academic Personnel Committee, the Academic Division Chair Boardaction: Confirmation.
in consultation with the Faculty's Discipline and the Division
ExecutiveCommittee. The Board noted the following:
Effictivity: Effective the Second Semester. Academic Year 2001-2002
commencing from thesigning by theparties Letter of Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Waldo Q. Rores
Date signed: 28 August 2001 Letter ofSeniorDeputy ExecutiveSecretaJyWaldo Q. Flores, dated
16 November 2001, informing the Chair of the Board of Regentsof the
OTHER MATIERS grantof authority to President Francisco Nemenzo, to travel to Tokyo,
Japan on 7-11 December2001. to attend as one of the keynote speakers
Confirmation of the Deed of Sale between the University of the in the "21stInternationalSymposiumon the Role of UniversityEducation
Philippines and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) for Global Civil Society"
Confirmation of the Deed of Sale between the University of the The symposium is sponsoned by Sophia University's Institute lor
Philippinesand the Department of Agrarian Reform(DAR) entered into the Study of SocialJustice and the International Christian University's
on 27 December 1999 covering the remaining claim in the amount of Social Research Institute. The President will likewise meet with the
P12.443.290.28. exclusive of interest, of the University with the Land U.P. Alumni and help revive the U.P. Alumni Association Chapter in
Bankof the Philippines for the proceeds of the sale of the BasilanLand Tokyo.
Grant The President is entitled to pre-departure expenses of One
In this connection, authorization for the President to negotiate, Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Pl,500.oo) and daily travel allowance
sign and deliver any and all documents and deed related to the said of ThirtyUSDollars (US$30.oo). chargeableagainst the U.P.lnternational
transaction and to exercise any and all powers which may be required Linkages Funds. subject to the availability thereof and to accounting
in furtherancethereof. and auditing requirements. Sophia University wili provide the airfare
Note: This call",ls that pottion of tile minutes of tire 1155th meeting Oil 25 and accommodationof Pres. Nemenzo.
October 2001 Olt the request for Board resolution authorizing the
President to represent, Ilegatiate alld sign doallnellts foralld ill beiullf Letter of spouses Fatima Salih and Candelario Verzosa,Jr. to President
oftire Ulliversity regarding tire Basilall Land Grallt Sale fIltered illta by FranciscoNemenzo
and betweell tire University of tire Philippines alld tire Depart,.",t of Letter dated 9 November 2001 of spouses Fatima Salih and
Agrariall Refonn. Candelario Verzosa, Jr. to PresidentFrancisco Nemenzo (to the attention
Reactingon the above Deed of Sale which is being required by the ofChancellorEmerlinda R. Roman) bringingto his attentionsome issues
Land Bank, Regent Hernandez shared his experiences as a private and concerns in connection with the minibus-train collision accident
landowner with the Land Bank, Despite the completeness of the which happened on 29 September 2001 during the class outing of
documents required, he said that the Land Bank has always been Philosophy I to Calamba, Laguna which involved their daughter,
obviously delaying its payments to the landowners by asking the latter Santanina
to submit additional documents. Letter-reply of Chancellor Roman informing Mr. and Mrs.
In this case with the University on the sale of the Basilan Land Verzosaof actionstakenso far by the U.P.Dillman administration
Grant, for example, the above document is just anotherDeed of Sale to
confirm what was alreadyexecutedpreviously in favorof the LandBank Oarification on the meaning of Professorial Chair
beforereleasing the money. The Bank wanted a certification thatthere Professorial chairsarepositions supported by special endowments
are no liens and encumbrances on the titles, whereas, this could easily and awarded to members of the faculty who have distinguished
be determined from the titles themselves which have already been themselves in the field they represent. A professorial chair is a form of
submitted. He therefore took time to discuss this matter with the Bank recognition forachievementin theacademe. If this is so, can professorial
officials,including its President,Mr. Garry Teves. He forwamed them chairs beexemptedfrom thewithholding lax? This isa concernpresented
not to treatV.P. the way they treatprivateaccountsthatshould be paid by VicePresident Diokno to the Board of Regents.
October- December 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 29

Board action: The Board, upon the suggestion of Regent Hernandez, requested, however, for a write up on the relationship and delineation
directed the University General Counsel to seek the of functions of the Ear Institute and the Ear Unit of the Department of
opinion of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), on Otorhinolaryngology. This was submitted on 14 December 2001 in
whether or not professorial chairs and faculty grants compliance thereof. as follows:
maybe exempted from the withholding tax. Relationship and Delineation of Functions Between the Ear Unit and
the Ear Institute
1157fH MEETING, 19 DECEMBER 2001 The Ear Unit, which is presently under the administration of the
Philippine General Hospital-Department of Otorhinolaryngology, will
APPOINTMENTS he one of the components of the Ear Institute. As such, it will be under
the administration of the Ear Institute Director. The Ear Unit will he the
The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments, venue of clinical researches for the Ear Institute and its physical facilities
transfer to permanent status, additional assignments, award of shall remain inside the Philippine General Hospital. In performing such
professorial chairs, extension of service and other related matters: primary and other secondary functions related to teaching. training and
service, it shall collaborate with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS of the College of Medicine and the Philippine General Hospital.
At present, the income generated by the Ear Unit goes to the PGH
Ij.P. Dillman fund. The maintenance of the equipment and other instruments is the
responsibility of the PGH. Under the Ear Institute, a trust fund is
Aleli B. Bawagan, Assistant Professor 3, College of Social Work envisioned to he established such that 70% of the earnings of the Ear
and Community Development, effective 19 Decemher 2001 Unit shall be deposited to this fund. This income shall be used for the
Ma. Linnea V. Tanchuling. Assistant Professor 3, College of Social operation and maintenance and continuing development of the Ear

Work and Community Development, effective 19 December 2001

Josephine c.
U.P. Manila

Dizon, Associate Professor 5 {part-time), College of

Medicine, effective 19 December 2001
Institute. The other 30%shall be retained by PGH to cover administrative
costs and expenses for utilities.
The consultant staff of the Ear Institute shall remain to be the
consultant staff of the Otology section of the Department of
Otorhinolaryngology. The other personnel such as secretaries, technical
staff and research assistants shall he under the Ear Institute.
Alex C. Gonzaga, Assistant Professor 6, College of Arts and
Sciences, effective 19 December 2001 POLICY MATTERS APPROVED

PROFESSORIAL CHAIRS Resolution requesting the President of the Republic for the issuance
of a Special Patent covering identified parcels of land
U.P.Los Banos Resolution requesting the President of the Republic through the
Honorable Secretary of DENR for the issuance of a Special Patent
Leonardo A. Chua, original appointment as Development Fund covering identified parcels of land, i.e. R5 1019 and Pglj . 2053, which
Professor of Agricultural Education, College of Agriculture, effective 1 form part of the lower campus of UPLB
July 2001 unlil30 June 2002 This is being required by the DENR in connection with the request
of UPLB for the issuance of a special patent for two parcels of land
U.P.Manila identified as R5 1019 containing an area of 364.4700 hectares.Jocated

in San Antonio, Los Banos, Laguna and PSU - 2053 containing an area
Junie B. Billones original appointment as Antonio G. Sison of 32.3822 hectares located in Pagitang Ilog, Los Banos, Laguna.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, effective
1 July 2001 un1il30 June 2002 Adoption of the G.E. Framework under the Revitalized G.E. Program
Virginia R. de Jesus, original appoinbnent as Dr. Jose R. Katigbak by the University Council of V.P. Diliman
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, effective Adoption of the G.E. Framework under the Revitalized G.E.
1 July 2001 until 30 June 2002 Program by the University Council of U.P. Dillman at its 76th meeting
Edgardo E. Ortiz, original appointment as Diamond Jubilee held on 12 December 2001 by a vote of 248 for and 105 against
Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, effective 1 July 2001 unlil
Withdrawal of the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Public Administration)
30 June 2002
conferred on Ms. Aileen B. Leycano by the V.P. Diliman University
COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE OF 65 The Fact-Finding Committee presented the following in its Report
dated 26 September 2001:
U.P. Visayas Facts:
1. Dr. Estifania A. Co, College Secretary and Director of the Center for
Public Administration and Governance Education (C-PAGE) of the
Cecilia Corral, Associate Professor 4, College of Arts and Sciences,
National College of Public Administration and Governance
effective 28 February 2002 un1il31 March 2002
(NCP AG) explained in her letter to the University Registrar that the
inclusion of Ms. Levcanc's name in the list of candidates for
graduation that was earlier submitted to and approved .by the
OF THE 1156TH MEETING (29 NOVEMBER 2001) University Council was a mistake resulting from an oversight on
the part of the College in recording her grade in Accounting: .-
On the establishment of the Ear Institute under the National Institutes 2 Although Ms.Leycano's student checklist showed a grade of 25,
of Health a copy of the Report of Grades received by the College sh~w~ a
The Board of Regents approved the establishment of the Ear grade of"5.0". The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) likewtse
Institute at its 1156th meeting on 29 November 2001. The Board
30 D.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXiI, No.4

made a mistake when it cleared Ms. Leycano of any deficiency last Advisory Council (PAq the recommendation was to make it applicable
18 April 2001, thus removing any obstacle to her graduation. Ms. to all employees of Constituent Universities (e.g. D.P. Mindanao) with
Leycano, for her part, could not show any proof (e.g. class card) that inadequate medical facilities.
she passed the course. The following medical services shall be made available for free to
3. At the 25 July 2001 meeting of the U.P. Diliman University Council, all employees of U.P. Visayas and other Constituent Universities
Dr. Co requested the Council to withdraw the BAPA degree similarly situated, effective 1 January 2002:
conferred upon Ms.Leycanolast 22April 2001. TIlls was a reiteration Complete Blood Count (CBC)
of Dr. Co's letter to the University Registrar on 28 June 2001 Urina1ysis
recommending the withdrawal of Ms. Leycano' 5 degree on the Fecalysis
ground that she had not yet completed the academic requirements Chest X-ray
for the BAPA. Electronic Cardiogram (ECG)
4. Before the Council can decide on the College's recommendation to Coverage
withdraw the degree from Ms. Leycano, however, it instructed the 1. All full-time personnel on a permanent, temporary, substitute, casual,
College to first submit a formal report on the case. Acting upon the or contractual status who are still employed in U.P. on the date of
DC's suggestion, Dean Ma. Concepcion P. Alfiler issued a their birthday and with at least three months of service in the
memorandum on30 July 2001 constituting a fact-finding committee. University.
Conclusion: 2. Project based-personnel are also covered by this privilege chargeable
1. Ms. Leycano was not able to remove her grade of "5.0" in ACCOW1ting to their research project funds. Since HRDO has no file copy of their
1. A number of factors contributed to this: the student's personal data sheet (PDS) where information of their date of birth
disinterestedness in actually verifying her grade, deviations from could be found, project-based personnel shall be required to
established (and correct) procedures, failure to regularly update accomplish and submit their PDS to HRDO.
records, and the sheer volume of work. These were aggravated by 3. In cases where an employee has just been employed for three months,
certain factors, including incomplete computerization of records and he/ she is not required to avail of the privilege if his/her birth month
late submission of grades by some faculty members. falls within the three-month period. The new employee underwent
2. This is also a case of two independent layers (College and OUR) a more comprehensive medical examination prior to his/her
failing to serve as a countercheck on each other. When one level employment so the need for another medical examination within a
relied on the other for information, the error of one was transferred short interval of time would be impractical.
to the other. 4. The new employee may also forego the free chest x-ray examination
3. The Committee tried to look into the existence of bad faith or the if he/she has not yet reached one year of service as of the date of
possibility of fraud being committed, but did not find any evidence. his/her original appointment. Result of chest x-ray is usually valid
Recommendations: for one (1) year while other laboratory results are valid only for three
The Committee's recommendations essentially follow from the (3) months.
above conclusions. These are: 5. The employee has the option to avail of free medical examination
1. Complete computerization and continuous updating of student with the University or with the Health Maintenance Organization
records. The mistake or error could have been avoided if records (HMO) where he/ she is a member. In case he/ she opts to avail of
were more regularly updated. With computerized records that the medical benefit through his/her HMO, he/she still has to subject
are regularly updated, more time can be devoted to checking himself/herself to a physical examination by the University
and double-checking of entries. Of course, computerization can Physician and at the same time, submit the results of the laboratory
reduce the possibility of errors but it will not totally eliminate examination taken from their HMO laboratory for interpretation.
sloppy work habits. 6. Special laboratory services like cholesterol test, FBS,etc., which might
2. Better distribution of workload among the stal/ofC-PAGE. The be necessary depending on the results of the preliminary
number of students at NCPAG has grown from 300 to more than examinations, are not included in the free annual medical
700 but the staff complement of C-PAGE has not grown. examination.
Moreover, there is a need to divide more equally among the staff Personnel of U.P. Cebu College and U.P. Tacloban College and
oEC-PAGE the responsibility for keeping the records of graduate campuses with inadequate medical facilities are also covered by the free
and undergraduate students. If the reallocation has already been annual medical examination. To address this, the central administration
started, it should be completed immediately. will seek out for the most accessible government hospitals in the area
3. A longer interval between the deadline for the clearing of that would allow the personnel to avail of the medical laboratory services
students' deficiencies and the submission to the Council of the at the expense of the University, provided the amount involved does
list of candidates for graduation may be needed. This will allow not go beyond P400/person.
for more careful checking and rechecking for possible errors.
4. Staff members responsible for records both at the College and at ACADEMIC MATIERS APPROVED
the OUR should not accept at face value the word of students or
of anyone for that matter when it comes to grades. Always Graduation of students for various degrees/titles from the different
check with the relevant records (Report of Grades). This may schools and colleges of the U.P. System
seem like a very simple rule, but it bears repeating. Graduation of students for various degrees/ titles from the different
Board action: Approval. Regent de Jesus pointed out the necessity of schools and colleges of the U.P. System as of the end of the First Semester,
ensuring that the recommendations of the Fact Finding 2001-2002, or otherwise indicated in the lists, as approved by their
Committee are carried out. respective University Councils
1. U.P. Diliman (with additionai list)
Proposal for Free Annual Medical Examination for U.P. Visayas and 2. U.P. Manila
other Constituent Universities similarly situated 3. U.P. Los Bafios
The proposal for the free annual medical examination was initially 4. U.P. Visayas
submitted by U.P. Visayas. After this was taken up at the level of the Inclusion of the name of MS. DONNA N. SALANGSANG in
Fiscal Policies and Operations Committee (FPOC) and the President's the list of the candidates for graduation with the degree of
October - December 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 31

Bachelor of Science (Management) major in Business Ml. Makiling Foresl Reserve. Also prohibited are: cutting of trees,
Management site occupancy, crop cultivation, construction of any structure, and
Note: The name of Miss Salangsang was inodvertendy omitted from othersimilardestructive activities.
thelist of candidntes for grndualion submitted earlier by U.P. Date signed: 15 November 2001
5. U.P. College Bagnio Deed of Donationand Acceptance with Jejomar Binay,Sr.
6. U.P. Mindanao - as of the end of Summer 2000-2001 and First Deed of Donation and Acceptance entered into by and between
Semester 2001-2002 the V.P. Foundation, Inc. and Jejomar Binay, Sr. for a donation of
Note: The lists ofcandidntes for graduation are onfileat theOSURecords. P5OO,OOO.00 on the establishment of the Jejomar Binay, Sr. Professorial
Chair to be awarded to qualified faculty members of Filipino and
Establishment of a Professorial Chair at U.P.Los Bailosforthe College PhilippIne Literature, College of Arts and leiters, U.P. Dillman
of Veterinary Medicine (CYM) to be named as Dr. Dianne Lieberman The previous Deedof Donation was entered into by andbetween
Professorial Chairin Veterinary Medicine Jejomar Binay,Sr. and the College of Arts and leiters Foundation, Inc.
The amount of P650,OOO.OO has been appropriated for this purpose The Jejomar Binay, Sr. Professorial Chair was established by the
from the share of the CVM, UPLB as one of the beneficiaries of the Board of Regents at its 1155th meeting on 25 October 2001.
Individual Retirement ACC01Ult nRA) of Dr. Dianne Lieberman.
Dr. Dianne Lieberman. an American citizen, is an alumna of the FINANCIAL MATIERS APPROVED
CVM. She graduated from U.P.with the degree of Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine in 1978 and passed away in 1997 at the age of 48. She ReprogrammIng of savings from CY 2000 Unliquidated Obligations
designated the CVM U.P. (30% share), Department of Pathobiology of of U.P. Dillman
the University of Connecticul (30% share) and Southern Connecticut Reprogrammingofsavings fromCY2000Unliquidated Obligations
State University (40% share) as beneficiariesof her IRA. of U.P.Dillman in the total amount ofP3oo,OOO.oo under A.lll.b Research
The College has received from Merrill Lynch, administrator of the Services for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses, certified as
account, theamountof US$34,998.96, representing CVM's shareas one available by the Chief Accountant
of the beneficiaries of the said account The said amounl has already Justification
been deposited at UPLB under account code No. 864652840A-806. This is neceS5iU}' for the printing and publication of two books by
The College has proposed to use the amount to establish a the National College of Public Administration and Governance
professorial chair in veterinary medicine in the name of Dr. Dianne (NCPAG).
Lieberman (amount equivalent to P650,000.00) and the remaining Note: Itisunderstood that the disbursements from tltis reprogrammed amount
amount for the purchase of equipment needed by the College for its shall be subject to the usual accounting andauditiltg laws, nilesand
instruction and research activities, as approved by theChancellor. regulations.
The General Guidelines on Professorial Chairs approved by the
Board of Regents at its 1057th meeting on 25 january 1993shall govern Allocation of the amount of PI Million annually from the Revolving
the selection of the professorial chair holder. Fund for the InternationalLinkages Fund
The Board of Regents approved the establishment of the
DONATIONS International Linkages Fund at its 1150th meeting on 24 May 2001 to
fund themembership feesof theUniversityin international and regional
The Board noted the following donations and deeds of donation: associationsof universitiesand or otherexpenses that may be incurred
by thePresident of the Universityor his representative in attending the
Donations remitted to the V.P. Foundation, Inc. meetings of these associations. In the Board approval, however, the
12' P3,OOO.OO from Ms. Rufina S. Jorge for the U.P.College of Music amounl that will be transferred to the International Linkages Fund was
Additional donation of P470,OOO.OO from Hun. Franldin M. Drilon not determined.

for the Violeta Calvo-Drilon Scholarship Fund

3. P20,684.50from Epson Precision (PhiIs.), Inc. for the 1st semester, Establishment of Endowment Fund for Professorial Chairs from the
2001-Q2 benefits of the EPSON Scholarship Grant tax savings on interest income
In September 2000, the University of the Philippines was able to
Deed of Donation with the Calamba Waler District (CWO) secure tax exemption from the interest income on funds used for its
Deed of Donation entered into by and between U.P. Los Banosand academic programs based on the Bureau of Internal Revenue Ruling
the Calamba Water District (CWO) for a cash donation to the University, (BIR) with referencenumber 5250dated 26September2000. Thisallowed
through the Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems (MCME), of the the University to place some of its funds directly with the Bureau of
amount of P222,560.95, subject to the following terms and conditions: Treasury as a tax-exempt institution. Being a tax-exempt institution,
1. The cash donation shall be used only for the rehabilitation and!or the Universitycanget better rateshom thefinandal instruments offered
by the Bureau of Treasury. The University gets 90% of the weighted
reforestation of an identified portion of Tigbi watershed with an
averageratesawarded to dealersduringauctionswhich eredone every
area of not less than two hectares in accordance with the
week. Since these discounted ratesare not anymore subject to lhe 20%
rehabilitation and! or reforestration plan of MCME.
final withholding tax, the University has, in effect, saved about 10% in
2. The cash donation shall be disbursed by CWOupon presentation of
the plan of activitiesfor therehabilitation and/or reforestation of a taxes from its interestincome.
The approximate 10% tax savings on the interest income earned
portionof Tigbi watershed. .. . from the directplacementswith the Bureau of Treasury is the basis for
3. The UPLB through MCMEshall implement the rehabilitation and! the proposed establishment ofan Endowment Fund to financeadditional
or reforestation plan using indigenous species. professorial chairs in the University. (These may be called D.P.
4. TheUPLBthrough MCME shall prepare a quarterly status report on
Modernization Fund ProfessorialChairs.)
the progress of the project. A copy of this report shall be furnished The 10% t!.x savings will be taken from the earnings of unrestricted
CWO. At the end of the project the MCMEshall prepare a terminal hmds [i.e.,unrestricted revolving funds and endowment funds). As an
report copy furnished CWO. . . endowment, 100% of the interestincome will revert to the fund.
5. No bio-prospecting activity of any formshall be allowed inside the
32 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.4

Transfer of funds (from the unrestricted revolving and endowment Institution of a tuition of P450 per unit for the Master of Public
funds) to the U.P. Modernization Professorial Chair Endowment Fund Management (MPM) program of the U.P. Open University, effective
will bemade every quarter based on the actual interest income earned. year 2002
Note: The Graduate Tuition Structure of lhe UPou effictive year 2002 was
Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 1998 to CYl999) of the U.P. approved by tire Board of Regents at its llS3rd meeting on 30 August
System Administration for the U.P. Modernization - Improvement! 2001. TI-", tuition of P450 per unit for the abovementioned program
Rehabilitation of Facilities was, however, inadvertently omitted by the Open University in tire
Reprogramming of accounts payable (CY 1998 to CY 1999) of the proposal.
U.P. System Administration for the U.P. Modernization-Improvement/
Rehabilitation of Facilities in the total amount ofP30,OOO,OOO as certified MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT
funds available by the V.P. System Administration Chief Accountant
for the following: The Board confirmed the following agreements on academic
Program Proiects Total matters:
Locally Funded 1. V.P. Modernization , Improvement Note: These contracts/agreements have gone through the standard University
Projects /Rehabilitation of facilities processes fram the Constituent Universities (CUs) concerned and the
Equipment Outlay P 2,000,000
University System. In cases where there were irregularities or
Repair and Maintenance
TOTAL P30,000.000 inconsistencies with present laws, rules, regulntions and processes, the
documents were returned for review of or to exact compliJmce by the
Note: It is understood tllat any obligation/disbursement that will be made concerned CU.
against tnis appropriation shall be subject to the usual accounting and
auditing mlesandregulations. U.P. System

Reprogramming of prioryears savings from accounts payable - General Memorandum of Agreement with the International Rice Research
Fund (101) of U.P. Visayas Institute (IRRI)
Reprogramming of prior years savings from accounts payable - Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the U.P.
General Fund (101) of U.P. Visayas in the amount of P7,908,611.01, System and the International Rice Research Institute (lRRl)
certified as correct by the UPV Chief Accountant, broken down as Project: Teaching of bioinformatics by an lRRI expert in any graduate
follows program of the U.P. System
TO: Revolvin Fund (164) AMOUNT Partiallars:
General Advance & Locally- a. Upon request of the U.P. System, a qualified IRRI representative
Adm. Higher Funded TOTAL shall assist in the teaching of Bicinformatics in any graduate
& Support Education Projects program of the U.P. System that needs to strengthen such discipline.
Services Services The mode of instruction, admission of students and general conduct
PS 90,700.00 90,700.00 i of the Bioinformatics course will be agreed upon by all parties
MODE 4,617,911.01 4,617,911.01
COE 4,708,611.01 4,708,611.01
Land & 1,250,000.00 1,250,000.00 b. Whenever requested by the U.P. System and if feasible, a qualified
Land IRRI representative shall participate in developing research
Improvement capabilities involving bioinformatics, by serving as thesis or
Equipment 200,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,450,000.00 dissertation co-adviser or member of a thesis or dissertation panel,
Outlay or research consultant or collaborator.
Building 500,000.00 500,000.00 c. Upon request of the U.P. System, IRRI shall provide mechanisms
& Structures
for training ofU.P. academic or research personnel in bioinformatics,
such as conducting training courses or workshops.
TOTAL CO 700,000.00 1.250,000.00 1.250,000.00 3,200,000.00
GRAND d. This cooperation between lRRI and the U.P. System may expand to
TOTAL 700,000.00 5,958,611.01 1,250,000.00 7,908,611.01 other academic and research endeavors and is not necessarily limited.
JUStiftcatWII to the activities listed above.
The above reprogramming is necessary for the implementation of e. All project outputs, discoveries or inventions produced by the
projects pending for the past few years and to augment deficiency in parties as a result of their joint and cooperative endeavors under
MODE. this agreement and with respect to their other joint academic and
Note: It iSll11derstood thatdisbursements from the reprogrammed amount shall research endeavors, shall be jointly owned by the parties. The
be subject to tile usual accounting and auditing laws, rules and details of the terms and conditions concerning intellectual property
regulations. rights shall be agreed upon by the parties in subsequent specific
agreements, subject to the parties' respective policy guidelines on
BOR resolutions regarding interest earnings of endowment funds the matter, which shall immediately form an integral part of this
1. That 100% of the earnings of the Special Endowment Fund (SEF) Agreement.
created by the Board in 1994 under the Revolving Fund out of the f. All deans, directors and heads of the principal units of the U.P.
20% of interest earnings of investments in various University funds System and concerned IRRI officials shall be informed of this
be reverted back to the SEF, as is being done in practice. There is, to Agreement in its entirety.
date, no formal Board resolution to justify said practice. This is a g. This Agreement shall be deemed modified accordingly insofar as it
good policy consistent with the objective of building up investible may be affected by new policies, rules, procedures or amendments
funds for the U.P. System. to existing ones that may be adopted by the UP. System; provided
2. That a policy to revert back 100% of interest earnings of an that IRRI shall be notified accordingly, and vice-versa.
endowment fund to the same be set by the Board for all Endowment Effedivity: Effective upon signing of both parties for a period of 5 years
Funds held by the U.P. System, such as the Academic Distinction
Fund and the Creative Research Scholarship Fund.
October- December2001 V.P. GAZEITE 33

V.P. Diliman B. Project: Research on Forensic DNA Analysis (under the

Bioinformatics Program)
Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Education, Particulars:
Culture and Sports (DECS) a. Management of the Project
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. 1) The project shall be undertaken by the Program/ Project Leader
Diliman and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) in accordance with and in conformance with the Guidelines to
Project: Summer graduate scholarship program leading to a degree of PCASfRD Grant-in-Aid for Research and Development.
Master of Arts in Education in Science Education for 27 b. PCASrRD Assistance:
elementary science teachers 1) GrantofPl,955,181.oo;
lmpiementing unit: College of Education (UPD-CED) 2) Technical assistance relevant to the achievement of the objectives;
Particulars: and
Obligations of the Parties: 3) Assistance in coordinating with other government agencies in
The DECS shall do the following tasks: matters requiring attention or cooperation in so far as these are
a. Select the teachers who will be the recipients of the program; relevant to the project and within PCASTRD's capability.
b. Promulgate the necessary rules and regulations for the grant of Effectivity: 16 October 2001 to 15 October 2002
scholarships and the terms of conditions thereof; Date signed: 23 October 2001
c. Provide Stipend for teacher-scholars who will participate in the
program; C. Project: Program for the Development of III-IV Optoelectronic
d. Provide funds for the payment of tuition and other school fees, Devices and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits (under the
management fees plus overhead fee (15% of the total amount), Semi-conductor Materials Development and Device
in the amount of P43,125.53 per participant, or a total amount of Fabrication Program)

P1,164,389.31 for the 27 participants; and Particulars:

e. Remit the amount due directly to the UPD-CED in two a. Management of the Project
installments. 1) The project shall be undertaken by the Program/Project Leader
The U.P. Diliman, through the College of Education, shall: in accordance with and in conformance with the Guidelines to
a. Provide a graduate program in Science Education (with thesis) PCASTRD Grant-in-Aid for Research and Development.
and conduct the Summer master's program leading to a degree b. PCASrRD Assistance:
of Master of Arts in Education (MAED) Science Education; I) Grant of P7,435,456.00;
b. Provide the venue, facilities, competent faculty and academic 2) Technical assistance relevant to the achievement of the objectives;
resources for the duration of the program; and
c. Provide the DECS Scholarship Committee periodic reports on 3) Assistance in coordinating with other government agencies in
the performance and status of the scholars and final evaluation matters requiring attention or cooperation in so far as these are
of the program; and relevant to the project and within PCASfRD's capability.
d. Award the Diploma for the degree of Master of Arts inEducation EffectivioI 1 November 2001 to 31 October 2002
in Science Education to the scholars after completion of all Date signed: 23 October 2001
academic and other requirements of the program.
Effectivity: Effective immediately upon its signing by the parties for a U.P. Los Banos
maximum period of three (3) years
Date signed: 9 November 2001 Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Bienvenido O. Juliano

Three Separate Memoranda of Agreement with the Philippine Council

for Advanced Science and Technology Research and Development
Three separate Memoranda of Agreement entered into by and
between U.P. Dilirnan and the Philippine Council for Advanced Science
and Technology Research and Development (PCASfRD)
Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between U.P.
Los Bai\os and Dr. Bienvenido O. Juliano (Grantor)
Project: Establishment of the Bienvenido O. Juliano Thesis Grant in
Agricultural Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Project Cost: P400,OOO to be provided by the Grantor as the thesis grant
a. The thesis grant shall be utilized to support the completion of the
A. Project: Acquisition and Exploitation of AlRSAR and MASTER
Datasets for Applications in Food Security, Environmental thesis research of one undergraduate student and one graduate (MS.)
Management and Natural Hazards Monitoring - Year II student in Agricultural Chemistry. However, if no M'S. applicant is
(under the Space Technology Applications Program) deemed qualified, a total of threeundergraduate thesis grantees shall
Partimlars: be given financial support.
a. Management of the Project: b. Applicants for the thesis grant should meet the qualifications and
1) The project shall be undertaken by the Program/ Project Leader requirements stipulated in the MOU.
in accordance and in conformance with the Guidelines to e. Screening of the applications shall be done by the CAS Institute of
PCASTRD Grant-in-Aid for Research and Development. Chemistry (IC) Committee on Research which will reconunend the
b. PCASTRD Assistance: successful applicants to the IC Director who will then refer them to
1) Grant of P4,180,otXJ.OO; the IC Executive Committee for confirmation, The decision of the
2) Technical assistance relevant to the achievement of the objectives;and' Committee in the selection of the grantee(s) shall be final and not
3) Assistance in coordinating with other government agencies in reviewable or appealable elsewhere.
matters requiring attention or cooperation in so far as these are d. The Grantor binds itself to donate the thesis grant at the start of the
relevant to the project and within PCASfRD's capability. grant period to be deposited by UPLB in a bank. The interest accruing
Effectivity: 1 October 2001 to 30 September 2002 from the said amount shall be used to fund the thesis grant. In no
Date signed: 2'3 October 2001 case shall the "principal" of the bank deposit be withdrawn for any
34 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.4

e. Each undergraduate grantee shall receive PlO,OOO for the thesis grant Resistance and Control of Tropical Crop Diseases and Pests edited
while each M.s. grantee shall receive P20,OOO or more. In case no by Raymundo et al. (1996). In 1998,she authored four chapters in a
M'S. applicant qualifies, the total thesis grant shall be given to three book Patolohiya ng Halaman: Pag-aaral ng mga Prinsipyo published
undergraduate grantees. by Sentro ng Wika, U.P. System. Students taking Plant Pathology
Effectivity: Begirutingthe First Semester of School Year 2002-2003 101 use this book as a reference.
Date signed: 15 November 2001 3. Or. Natural presented 14 papers in annual scientific meetings
sponsored by the Philippine Phytopathological Society, the
Memorandum of Agreement with UPLB Credit and Development Philippine Association of Sugar Technologists and the Department
Cooperative (UPLBCDC) of Agriculture - Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR). These
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between U.P. Los papers were outputs of researches that were foreign and locally
Banos and UPLB Credit and Development Cooperative (UPLBCDC) funded, core projects at the Institute of Plant Breeding, UPLB where
Project: Payroll deduction from the salary of the employee-members of she also serves as Affiliate Plant Pathologist of its Food Legumes
UPLBCDC Division. These projects enabled her to successfully develop
Partirnlars: technologies for detecting low populations of the bacterial wilt
a. UPLBCDC shall pay to UPLBa collection fee for the latter's services pathogen in potato tubers, develop strategies to manage bacterial
in the monthly payroll deduction of dues/amortizations/ deposits blight of anthurium, and identify the casual agent of ratoon-stunting
for the UPLBCDC from the employee-members. The service fee to disease of sugarcane. In recognition of her research accomplishments,
UPLB for themonthly payroll deduction shall be gradually increased she was twice awarded the Jorge Bocobo Professorial Chair, in
every year as follows: January to December 1998and in January to December 1999.
1) One-tenth of one percent(0.1 %) of the total collection for year2001 4. She has the highest workload in the Department of Plant Pathology
2) Two-tenths of one percent (0.2%) of the total collection for year since her appointment as Chair in November 1997. She was re-
2002 appointed. for a second term in October 2001. Her student evaluation
3) Three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) of the total collection for the is one of the highest among the staff teaching the most basic Crop
year 2003 Protection courses and the more advanced course such as Molecular
4) Four-tenths of one percent (0.4%) of the total collection for the Host-Pathogen Interaction. Her lectures are aided with syllabi,
year 2004, and handouts, transparencies and slides that she herself prepared.
5) One-hall of one percent (0.5%) of the total collection for the year 5. In the summer of 1997 and 1998, she co-coordinated two national
2005until year 2010 training courses that drew participants from several regions of the
UPLBCDC shall remit to UPLB the collection fee for the month country. These courses enabled her Department to publish two
on or before the 15th of the succeeding month. training manuals. She is the Project Leader of the Plant Pest Clinic,
b. UPLB shall make the necessary payroll deductions from the salary a unit that helped many farmers diagnose their pest problems.
of the employee-members through its Accounting Office;and remit 6. Based on the UPLB criteria for promotions 2000, Or. Natural should
the said payroll deductions to UPLBCDC not later than the 10th have been promoted from Associate Professor 4 to Professor 3. The
day of the succeeding month. The UPLB shall also provide UPLB promotion 2000 Grievance Committee concluded that the
UPLBCOC a monthly summary of deductions from its employee- College of Agriculture APC erred in recommending her to Professor
members. 1 during Promotion 2000.
c. Any violation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be 7. Thisappeal has been endorsed favorably by the Chancellor of UPLB,
immediately reported, discussed and resolved amicably by both the Officer-in-Charge of the Officeof the VicePresident for Academic
parties. Affairs and the President.
d. The Agreement supersedes the request of UPCA Cooperative Union, Board action: Approval
Inc. approved by the U.P. President on 8 March 1972regarding the
help of UPLB to the Credit Union in deducting the accountability of Appeal on the promotion (approved at the 1149thmeeting of the Board)
its members from the regular payroll. of Dr. Domingo B. Roxas from Professor 3 to Professor 4
Effectivity: Effectiveupon signing by the parties until 11 December2010 1. Or. Roxas was initially recommended for promotion from Associate
Date signed: 12 March 2001 Professor 5 (Salary Grade :5-2) to Professor 3 (Salary Grade 2M;).
2. During the Promotion 2000for the faculty of UPLB, Dr. Domingo B.
OTHER MATIERS Roxas was promoted from Associate Professor 5 to Professor 3, a
total of 5 salary grades. However, a review by the UPLB Grievance
Request for a Board resolution required by the Department of Finance Committee of his scholarly outputs showed that he earned a total of
for tax exemption purposes 135 points and deserved the maximum allowable promotion of 6
Request for a Board resolution authorizing the Chancellor of V.P. salary grades. The College of Agriculture Academic Personnel
Los Banos to accept the donation of four (4) units of used motor vehicles Committee erred in recommending him to the rank of Professor 3
from the Netherlands Government as required by the Department of instead of Professor 4.
Finance for tax exemption purposes 3. This appeal has beenendorsed by the UPLBChancellor, the Officer.
Board action: Approval in-Charge of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
and the President.
Appeal on the promotion (approved at the 1149th meeting of the Board) Board action: Approval
of Dr. Marina P. Natural from Professor 1 to Professor 3
1. Dr. Natural was initially recommended for promotion from Associate Appeal of Professor Liborio S. Cabanilla, UPLB faculty, from the
Professor 4 (Salary Grade 24-3) to Professor 1 (Salary Grade 26-4). decision of the V.P. President granting him one year leave of absence
2. Dr. Marina P. Natural eamed a total of122 points during the period without pay instead of a sabbatical
covered by the evaluation for promotion 2000. She published two This is an appeal of Prof. Cabanilla from the decision of the V.P.
articles in the Philippine Agricultural Scientist. an lSI accredi ted President granting him a one-year-Ieave of absence without pay instead
journal. She was the sale author of one article and a co-author in of a sabbatical This arose from the earlier denial by the UPLBChancellor
another article. She has written two articles in a book Host Plant of his application for a sabbatical
October - December 2001 V.P. GAZEITE 35

On I June 2001, Prof. Cabanilla applied for a one-year sabbatical On 14 December 2001, the Office of the President received a letter
effective I November 2001. Chancellor David, in a letter of 27 July dated 21 November 2001 from Secretary Angelito M. Sarmiento,
2001, disapproved his application"...pending submission of the Presidential Adviser for Agricultural Modernization, supporting Dr.
required reports to UPLBFl regarding [his) PITAS Project and the turn- Cabanilla's application for sabbatical to enable him to go to the United
over of a vehicle acquired thru the project to UPLBFI for its eventual States under a Department of Agriculture-Fulbright Scholarship grant.
transfer to the College of Public Affairs." Secretary Sarmiento also attested that Dr. CabaniJla has been
On 30 August 2001, Prof. Cabartilla wrote Chancellor David to highly instrumental in linking UPLB with the Legislature on matters
seek a reconsideration for his action disapproving his application for pertaining to agricultural policy issues. He has been very active in
sabbatical, citing as reason, that he has satisfied the conditions organizing fora where public policy issues on agriculture are
mentioned in his 27 July letter. Despite this, however, the Chancellor deliberated. He believes that this trip to the Ll.S. under aDA-Fulbright
denied his request, with no explanation cited. It is for this reason that scholarship will be very useful in modernizing Philippine agriculture
he wrote President Nemenzo on 5 October 2001 to intercede in his - an area where Dr. Cabanilla has been actively engaged in.
case. Board action: The Board sustained the decision of the President
PresidentNemenzosent Prof. Cabanillaa Memo on 21November to grant Prof. Cabaoilla a LEAVE OF ABSENCE
2001 on his decision to grant the latter a LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY, instead of a sabbatical. The
WITHOUT PAY rather than a sabbatical. As implied in the Memo, his sabbatical is not automatically given. The rules are
decision was based on information made available after some effort to phrased in general tenns to enable decision makers to
"get the side of UPLB Chancellor Wilfredo David and verify all exercise their best judgment on a case-to-case basis.
allegations." In the case of Prof. Cabentlla, the non-
While Prof. Cabanilla appreciated the effort of President Nemenzo endorsement of his sabbatical by the Chancellor is
to resolve the conflict, he feels that the President's decision, however borne out of his failure to meet some of his
well meaning. actually deprived him of what he deserves under existing obligationS; commitments, e.g., completion of CIDS
University rules. He feels that he deserves the sabbatical on the basis research projects. The University does not want to
of previous performance and service as well as future value to the give the wrong signal that one can enter into a
University. project and then just leave.


U.P.System U.P. Los Banos

Gerardo V. Gonzales, Data Entry Machine Operator 1lI, Budget Catalino R. Alborida, Utility Worker II, College of Agriculture,
Office, effective 1 November 2001 (retirement) effective 2 October 2001 (complllsonJ retirement)
Wilfredo D. Almoro, Buyer IV, College of Agriculture, effective 5
U.P. Diliman November 2001 (optional retirement)
Tomas F. Aquino, Agricultural Technician II, College of
Soledad M. Antonio, Assistant Professor 6, UP1S, College of Agriculture, effective 1 November 2001 (optional retirement)
Education, effective 5 November 2001 (retireme1lt) Corazon F. Azucena, Associate Professor 6,College of Agriculture,
Pascual E. Bolante, Audio-Visual Aids Technician Ill, School of effective 23 October 2001 (compillson) retirement)
Economics, effective 8 November 2001 (retiremellt) Eduardo G. Ballesteros, Laboratory Aide II, College of Engineering

Remedios T. Frianeza, Dormitory Manager IV, Office of the Vice-

Chancellor for Student Affairs, effective II October 2001 (retirement)
Alvin P. Gabuat, Administrative Officer I, College of Science,
effective 15 October 2001 (resignation)
Croseta F. Gabutero, Utility worker Il, College of Social Work and
Conununity Development, effective 2 December 2001 (retirement)
and Agro-Industrial Technology, effective 31 December 2001 (optional
Eugenia S. Barboza, Secretary Ill, College of Agriculture, effective
31 December 2001 (optional retirement)
Martha S. Barril, College librarian Iv. Office of the Vice-Chancellor
for Instruction, effective 20 October 2001 (compulsory retirement)
Irmina N. Garcia, Instructor, College of Arts and Letters, effective Giorginne L. Campos, Instructor I, College of Development
31 October 2001 (resignatiO/,) Communication, effective 31 October 2001 (resignation)
Gregorio M. Gibaga, Painter 11, Campus Maintenance Office, Crispin A Capareda, Assistant Professor 4, College of Agriculture,
effective 9 October 2001 (retirement} effective 5 December 2001 (compulson) retirement)
Leopolda C. Imbang, Property Custodian, Vargas Museum, Eurlyne J. Domingo, Assistant Professor 5, College of Arts and
effective 1 November 2001 (retirement) Sciences, effective 1 November 2001 (resignatioll)
Reynaldo L. Isip, Lecturer 2, TCAGP, effective 2 November 2001 Mario M. Elec, Heavy Equipment Operator II, College of Forestry
(resignation) and Natural Resources, effective 24 November 2001 (compulsory
Chrisma Leysen Manuel, Instructor, College of Science, effective retirement)
14 November 2001 (resignation) Telesforo Galang, Forest Technician L College of Forestry and
Maximo D. Saenz, Medical Specialist Ill, University Health Service, Natural Resources, effective 5 October 2001 (complllson) retirement)
effective 18 November 2001 {retirement} Ely D. Gomez, Professor 12, College of Development
Norman B. Sustuiger, Lecturer 2, College of Fine Arts, effective 31 Communication, effective 31 October 2001 (complllsonJ retirement)
Julio O. Gonzaga, University Researcher I, College of Agriculture,
October 2001 (resignation)
Virgilio C. Ventura, Instructor I, College of Arts and Letters, effective 31 December 2001 (optivnal retirement)
Carlito B. Guevana, Laborer I, College of Agriculture, effective 4
effective 31 October 2001 (resig/latiotl)
Amelia Y. Villaruel, Steward, College of Science, effective 15 December 2001 (optional retirement)
Concepcion B. Madamba, Associate Professor 2. College of Forestry
October 2001 (retirement)
and Natural Resources, effective 12 December 2001 (compulsory
36 V.P. GAZETIE Vol. XXXII, No.4

Rorita S. Maslog, Research Associate Professor 7, Office of the Vice- Ludivina K.Ebido, Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy,
Chancellor for Research and Extension, effective 19 November 2001 effective 1 November 2001 (compulsonj retirement)
(compi//SDn; retirement) Cyril Theresa A. Esguerra, Nurse I, Philippine General Hospital,
Profetiza A. Mercado, Accounting Machine Operator III, Office of effective 15 November 2001 (resignation)
the Vice-Chancellor for Administration, effective 1 November 2001 Ruth V. Esmenda, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine General
(optional retirement) Hospital, effective 23 November 2001 (compulsory retirement)
Lilian 1. Miranda, Midwife It Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Rhea Fallurin, Student Records Evaluator I, National Graduate
Community Affairs, effective 1 November 2001 (optional retirement) School of Health Sciences, effective 15 December 2001 (resignation)
Pacifico C. Payawal, Professor 12, College of Arts and Sciences, Decibel Faustino, Instructor 3, College of Arts and Sciences,
effective 1 November 2001 (complllsonJ retirement) effective 1 November 2001 (resignation)
Lorelei F. Polo, University Research Associate C College of Myra M. Ferrer, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 3
Agriculture, effective 1 November 2001 (resignation) October 2001 (resignatioll)
lanie C. Reyes, University Extension Specialist I, College of Rowena R. Gabat, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Forestry and Natural Resources, effective 17 October 2001 (resigllati011) 1 October 2001 (resignanoll)
Rustieo B. Rodriguez, Laboratory Technician II, College of Isidro L. Gallego, [r., Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Agriculture, effective 29 November 2001 (optional retirement) effective 2 November 2001 (resignation)
Angel B. Vargas, Mechanic III, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Ernesto Gregorio, [r., College of Public Health, effective 16
Community Affairs, effective 2 October 2001 (optioltal renremeltt) November 2001 (resigruln(1ll)
Ma. Socorro Ignacio, Associate Professor I, College of Public
U.P. ManUa Health, effective 1 November 2001 (resignation)
james V. jarabelo, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Rowena S. Aguila, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 11 November 2001 (resignation)
6 November 2001 (traitsfer to DECS) Elizer E. Javier, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, effective 17
Ma. Francia M. Aguilar, Nurse 1II, Philippine General Hospital, October 2001 (resigllanoll)
effective 26 November 2001 (resignation) john Engelbert A. Lagayada, Nurse II, Philippine Ceneral Hospital,
Gertie C. Anagao, Nursing Attendant II, Philippine General effective 11 October 2001 (resignation)
Hospital, effective 3 November 2001 (resignation) Michelle Q. Lantin, Nurse I, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Alain E. Arevalo, Clerk II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 1 5 November 2001 (resignation)
December 2001 (resignation) Ivee S. Lavina, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, effective 5
Arthur B. Artajo, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, effective November 2001 (resignation)
1 November 2001 (resignatio1l) Erwin M. Legaspi, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Roberto D. Atanante, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, 16 November 2001 (resignatioll)
effective 6 November 2001 (resignation) Edna A. Lipardo, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
German P. Azurin III, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, 11 October 2001 (dropped from the rolls)
effective 6 Odober 2001 (resignation) Clarinda C. Lizardo, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital,
Lourdes P. Azurin, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective effective 8 December 2001 (resignation)
6 October 2001 (resignation) Josie N. Llamas, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 6
Gemma P. Bac1aocos, Nurse IV, Philippine General Hospital, December 2001 (resignation)
effective 5 November 2001 (resignation) Ricky S. Los Anes, Mechanical Plant Operator I, Philippine General
jesus T. Baguio, Supply Officer I, Philippine General Hospital, Hospital, effective 18 October 2001 (dropped from therolls)
effective 26 December 2001 (complllsonj retirement) Lorna A. Macabugao, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Elizabeth M. Bayaras, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 8 October 2001 (resigllanoll)
effective 16 November 2001 (resignation) Manny Macapagal, Driver I, National Institutes of Health, effective
Anna Liza S. Cabug. Nurse I, Philippine General Hospital, effective 31 October 2001 (resignation)
31 October 2001 (resignation) Marifi Maglasang, University Research Associate I, College of
Florilla M. CaIaunan, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, Public Health, effective 16 November 2001 (resignation)
effective 16 December 2001 (resignation) Llody Boy Maliglig.. Senior Lecturer 3, College of Pharmacy,
Mal)' Rose Calimoso, Clerk IV, National Teacher Training Center effective 21 October 2001 (appointment expired)
for the Health Professions, effective 12 November 2001 (traltsferred to PGH) Claire Ann L. Mallari, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Christianne Jennifer Carabuena, Nurse II, Philippine General effective 16 November 2001 (resignation)
Hospital, effective 15 November 2001 (resignation) Renato P. Manahan, [r., Nurse It Philippine General Hospital,
Meredith F. Castro, Psychologist II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 2 November 2001 (resignation)
effective 1 November 2001 (resignation) Jovelle L. Manjares, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Noefy N. Caychingco, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, 27 October 2001 (resignation)
effective 1 October 2001 (resignation) Mary Ann N. Manuel, Nursing Attendant I, Philippine General
Theresa G. Chua, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital, effective Hospital, effective 1 October 2001 (resignation)
16 November 2001 (resignation) Nelia P. Maramba, Professor, College of Medicine, effective 6
Mandrick D. Cervera, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital. November 2001 (complllsonJ retirement)
effective 13 October 2001 (resignation) Karen P. Marasigan.. Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective
Tydings Marriam M. Dechavez, Nurse II, Philippine General 6 October 2001 (resignation)
Hospital, effective 8 November 2001 (resignation) Athea Mau U. Mella, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
Esperanza De Ocampo, Professor, College of Medicine, effective 4 effective 3 December 2001 (dropped from tile rolls)
November 2001 (compulsory retirement) Rolly M. Memoranda, Utility Worker II, Philippine General
Raymond D. Dizon, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Hospital, effective 3 December 2001 (dropped from tile rolls)
effective 1 December 2001 (resigllanolt)
October - December 2001 V.P. GAZETTE 37

MicheUe M. Micarandayo, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Administration, effective I October 2001 (expired appointment)
effective I December 2001 (resignation) GraceUe A. Corre, Clerk II, U.P. Cebu College, effective I October
Edmundo Martin C. Monis, Utility Worker II, Philippine General 2001 (resignation)
Hospital, effective 8 October 2001 (resignation) Bonifacio S. Eleperia, Labor General Foreman, Central
Gerardo L. Montemayor, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Administration, effective 6 November 2001 (retirement)
effective I October 2001 (resignation) Elpidio D. Elmido, Bookbinder IV, U.P. Tadoban College, effective
Chona L Ocampo, Nurse IT PhilippineGeneral Hospital, effective 31 December 200l (retirement)
16 Octooer 2001 (resignation) Ma. Rhodah T. Escorpion,Oerk I, College of Arts and Sciences,
Myra T. Padilla, Radiologic Technologist II, Philippine General effective 1 October 2001 (expired appointment)
Hospital, effective 1 October 2001 (resignQtioll) CesarA. Evano,DriverIt College of Fisheries and OceanSciences,
Danilo Panganiban,AdministrativeAssistant,NationalGraduate effective 24 October 2001 (retirement)
School of HealthSciences, effective 15 November 2001 (resignation) Maria Karen G. Gayanilo, Clerk Ill, College of Arts and Sciences,
Luz S. Paraync, Utility Worker II, Philippine General Hospital, effective 14 December 2001 (expired appointment)
effective 1 November 2001 (optional retirement) Cristina D. Gelvezon, Clerk II, NIMB & BIOTECH, effective 1
Virginia L. Parayno, Assistant Chef, Philippine General Hospital, November 2001 (resignation)
effective I November 2001 (optional retimnent) Edmundo R. Golviogo, Utility Worker I, College of Fisheries and
Haidee Corazon P. Plazuela, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Ocean Sciences, effective 15 November 2001 (retirement)
effective 21 November 2001 (resignation) Romulo C. Mandalupe, Instructor I, College of Management,
Crisologo C. Puzon, Utility Worker II, Philippine General Hospital, effective I November 2001 (resignation)
effective 23 December 2001 (compulsory retirement) Cynthia R. Meneses, Clerk II. U.P. Cebu College, effective 7
Elizabeth O. Quiwa, Nurse III, Philippine General Hospital, October 2001 (resignation)
effective I November 2001 (resignation) Ramir J. Molina, University Extension Associate I, Central
Mary Jane S. Rareng, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, Administration, effective 15 October 2001 (expired appointment)
effective 4 October 2001 (resignation) Alex C. Nacionales,Engineer II, Central Administration, effective
Diosdado C. Reyes, Mechanical Piant Operator II, Philippine I November 2001 (expired appointment)
General Hospital, effective 30 November 2001 (optional retirement) Arsenia B. Navarro, Guidance Services Specialist II, V.P. Cebu
Rosvida R. Rosal, CollegelibrarianV, University Library/effective College,effective 14 December 2001 (retirement)
9 October 2001 (comp1l1sonj retirement) Lyra May M. Nordista, Clerk 11, College of Arts and Sciences,
Jennilyn Salubayba, University Research Associate I, Office of effective 30 November 2001 (expired appointment)
Extension and Continuing Education, effective I October 2001 (transJured Regina Concepcion M. Rendal, Assistant Professor1, V.P. Cebu
to CHED) College, effective 1 November 2001-(resigl1atiotl)
Hazel P. Santiago, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital, effective Ernie O. Serino, ClerkII, V.P. CebuCollege, effective5 November
IS December 2001 (resignation) 2001 (resignation)
Erlinda E. Santos, Nutritionist-Dietitian VI, Philippine General Reydian B. Tianero, Instructor I, College of Arts and Sciences,
Hospital, effective10 December 2001 (compulsory retirement) effective1 November2001 (expired appointment)
SusanahSilva, Associate Professor 1,Collegeof ArtsandSciences, Aurora R. Villaflor, Administrative Assistant, V.P. Tacloban
effective 5 December 2001 (dropped from the rolls) College, effective 23 December 2001 (retirement)
[o Winsyl V. Solidum, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital. Ramon V. Zamora, Instructor 1, College of Arts and Sciences,
effective 20 December 2001 (resignation) effective1 November2001 (expired appointment)
Neil P. Sumalangcay, Nurse It Philippine General Hospital,
effective 25 November 2001 (resignation) u.P. Mindanao
Ma. Concepcion P. Tan, Nurse II, Philippine General Hospital,
effective 25 November 2001 (resignation) Anne MarieJennifer E. Eligio, Assistant Professor 2, College of
Erlydia Buena P. Umali, Medical Technologist II, Philippine Humanities and Social Sciences, effective 13 December 2001 (resignation)
General Hospital, effective 16 October 2001 (resignation) Jumer P. Malacao, Laboratory Aide II, College of Science and
Nonnin U. Usares, Statistician Aide,Philippine General Hospital, Mathematics, effective1 November2001 (resignatio11)
effective 28 November 2001 (Iransfrr 10 DOLE) Raul E. Margate, University Research Associate I, College of Science
and Mathematics, effective 1 November 2001 (re~gnatjo1l)
U.P. Visayas Virgilio R. Mora, Planning Officer II, CPDMO, effective 3
November 2001 (death)
Joan M. A1ibango, Clerk II. College of Management, effective I Glendale G. Yap, Information Officer 1II,Office of the Chancellor,
October2001 (resignation) effective 16 November 2001 (rerignatio,,)
Lynna M. Arroyo,Instructor 2, College of Management, effective
U.P. College Baguio
1 November2001 (expired appointment}
Michael RogerC. Bianan, Instructor I, V.P. Cebu College, effective
Eduardo D. Callueng III, Instructor I, effective 1 November 2001
1 November2001 (resignation)
Pablo P. Canumay, Utility Worker II, V.P. CebuCollege, effective (resigllation)
Esperanza B.Jose, AssistantProfessor 3, effective31 October 2001
8 November 2001 (expired appointment)
Maria Lilybeth T. Cartera, University ExtensionSpecialist I, Central (resignatio1l)

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