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Sunny Nies Career Report

1. My Top 15 Jobs
1. Inventor 6. Exhibit Designer 11. Nurse Practitioner
2. Pharmacy Technician 7. Pharmacist 12. Craftsperson
3. Artist 8. Advertising Account Executive 13. Potter
4. Investment Banker 9. Fundraiser 14. Animator
5. Entrepreneur 10. Industrial Designer 15. Corporate Trainer

2. Top 2 jobs

Top 2 Jobs I am most interested in

1.Entrepreneur (#5)

2. Surgeon (#33)

3. Go to the Interviews on the left side menu. Click on Likes and Dislikes and report on 2 likes and 2 dislikes
from each interview. (See top right of interview page.) Report in point form below. Include your own likes
and dislikes

Likes Dislikes

1. Problem solving and seeking new ideas 1. Dealing with paperwork

2. Persuading and motivating other people 2. Working evenings or weekends
3. Planning on how work is to be carried out 3. Seeking out and analyzing data
4. Selling and encouraging sales 4. Working under pressure

Likes Dislikes

1. Being interested in human biology 1. Being physical active on my feet

2. Providing medical care to people 2. Dealing with paperwork
3. Helping people with problems 3. Working under pressure
4. Getting paid a lot 4. Working shifts in the night

4. In the interview section, there are many gems or insights each interviewee has shared. For each of the
questions below, give some great advice or information.
Career #1: Entrepreneur

a) Can you tell me about your background and how you got into this field?
a. Study two years of business from university. Obtain diploma in marketing.
b. Work in sales and account management for advertising agency
b) What personal characteristics are required for someone to be successful in your job?
a. Being able to work well with others
b. Should strive for excellence
c. Have patience and understanding
d. Communication skills are important
e. Self-discipline
f. Hard work
c) What other jobs could you do with the skills you have gained in this field?
a. Large scale project management
d) Are there many opportunities in your field? What should people do to get started?
a. Business owners in marketing communications can work in a creative occupation
b. Can be employed into sales and marketing
c. Can work in areas of production

Career #2: Surgeon

e) Can you tell me about your background and how you got into this field?
a. Art aspect of this profession and the medical component
f) What personal characteristics are required for someone to be successful in your job?
a. Communication skills
b. Persuasiveness
c. Persistance in important
g) What other jobs could you do with the skills you have gained in this field?
a. Becoming a salesperson
b. Marketing
h) Are there many opportunities in your field? What should people do to get started?
a. There are many areas to focus on, such as hear, brain, or stomach.
b. Four years university, four years medical school

5. Go to Education on the left side menu. This will take A LOT OF TIME TO RESEARCH & it is important to see
the options available to you.

When you click on Education, you need to scroll down until you see the name of the program.

Your screen should look something like this:

Now, glance through the titles of the Programs and click on the one that sounds most interesting. Read about the
content of several programs, the length of time to complete, the cost, and decide whether or not the program might
be the right fit for you. Here you might decide to choose between two schools and report on both. Include the
school information above in this section. Repeat this for your second career option.

6a) Entrepreneur: My Reflection What did you find interesting about this program?

I find the BCIT Entrepreneurship diploma program offered at the University of British Columbia to be a fascinating
program for me. I currently know that it is close to impossible to get rich with a job, and the only way to make a
fortune is to be your own boss. I understand that being an entrepreneur does not provide me with default wealth,
but it is more like gambling. I enjoy taking on significant challenges with my life, and I believe that after completing
this course, I can have a higher chance of becoming a better entrepreneur. I have compared this program to
University of Victorias MBA Entrepreneurship Specialization program and found the program available at UBC to
be superior. This is because UVics program doesnt offer the price of textbooks in their total cost. Otherwise, I
believe that both programs are equally as helpful to me as a student.

6b) Surgeon: My Reflection What did you find interesting about this program?

I find the University Medicine undergraduate degree to be an inspiring program because I am interested in
medicine. Not only is becoming a doctor, which in this case a surgeon, a way to make my parents happy, but I also
enjoy helping people. I believe that his program offered at UBC is a critical program for me to become a doctor. I
compared this program with University of Victorias Medicine undergraduate degree and found that UVics
Medicine program offers UBCs medical curriculum instead of it having its own. Because UBC has an impressive
reputation for being one of the best medical schools in not only BC but in Canada, I will choose UBC over UVic.

7. Grade 11 and 12 courses I will need to take

Career 1: Entrepreneur
Grade 11 Grade 12
English English
Mathematics Algebra and Geometry
Probability and statistics Calculus
Science Economics
Social Studies Law
Accounting Accounting
Business and Management Business and Management
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
Computers/Information Technology Marketing
Computers/Information Technology

Career 2: Surgeon
Grade 11 Grade 12
English English
Mathematics Algebra & Geometry
Probability & Statistics Calculus
Biology Biology
Chemistry Chemistry
Physics Physics
Social Studies Social Studies
Computers Computers

8. Final Reflection. Answer these questions underneath each question. Format neatly. Your response should be
longer and deeper than this.

In this assignment, I found many things to be fascinating. I didnt realize that there is a course to take if one wants
to become an entrepreneur. I thought I being an entrepreneur was to skip school and devote time to creating a
business. I was also surprised about how, even though being an entrepreneur and a surgeon are very different
careers, the courses to take in high school did not differ as much as expected. In this assignment, I learned more
about how I want to spend my time in high school. After completing this assignment, I realize that I should take
computers because both careers as an entrepreneur and surgeon suggest taking that course. After high school, if I
do want to become an entrepreneur, I will possibly take the UBC Entrepreneur program. However, I may also
become a surgeon, which I will go to UBC Medication. For the UBC Entrepreneur program, I will enjoy learning
crucial skills of becoming a successful entrepreneur; however, the price of the study is more than $5 000. The UBC
Medicine program is going to make me a very skilled surgeon if I do get in because it is one of the best programs
in Canada. However, it seems to be entirely possible that the program will be costly, probably way over $5 000.

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