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Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Cold Desert Comet

DSL is a point to point public A comet is a bright ball of light

Cold desert refers to an ice sheet
network access technology that faci- with a glowing tail. The head of a
of Arctic and Antarctic regions
litates multiple forms of data, voice, comet is composed of rock particles,
where, because of low temperature
and video to be carried over twisted dust, ice, water, methane, ammonia,
vegetation is deficient.
pair copper wire on the local loop etc.
between a network service providers Quasars
central office and the customer site. CHEMISTRY Quasar is an abbreviated form
Fibre Optics of quasi stellar radio sources. They
Baking Powder are bright source of light consisting of
Fibre optics refers to a method of
directing light down a very thin Baking soda is sodium hydrogen heavenly bodies like stars which emit
carbonate (NaHCO 3 ). Crystals of radio waves much stronger than a
glass fibre. Fibre optics are used
mainly in communication. They also sodium hydrogen carbonate are white radio galaxy.
in colour and sparingly soluble in
find their application in theatre in
water. When heated NaHCO3 gives
star clothes with the ends of optical Meteors are the streaks of light in
fibres poked through in order to carbon dioxide. Hence, used as a
the sky visible only for a few
produce a mass of pin pricks of light. constituent of baking powder. It is
moments. They are also called shoot-
also used as an antacid, an additive in
ing stars. Sometimes they are dust
food and drinks and in fire exting-
GEOGRAPHY uishers.
particles and sometimes pieces of
asteroids which while approaching
Arctic Circle Bleaching Powder the earth burn due to the friction of
The imaginary circular line Chemically it is calcium air/atmosphere and produce light.
parallel to the equator at a latitude of oxychloride (CaOCl2). It is manu-
66 32 N which forms the boundary
factured by the action of chlorine on AGRICULTURE
around the area of the north pole. The
dry slaked lime [Ca(OH)2].
area of the Earth that lies within this Relay CroppingIt refers to
line is also called arctic circle. Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 CaOCl2 + H2O growing of two or more annual
Antarctic Circle It is yellowish white powder crop(s) concurrently on the same
which smells of chlorine and gradu- piece of land in a manner that the
The imaginary circular line succeeding crop is sown/planted
ally loses its chlorine when exposed
parallel to the equator at a latitude of before the preceding crop is
to air. It is used as a bleaching agent,
66 32 S which forms the boundary harvested or reaches maturity or
oxidising agent and in disinfecting
around the area of South pole. The flowering.
drinking water.
area of the earth lying within this
Rust . Harvest Index (HI)Harvest
line, around south pole, is called
Index is the proportion of
Antarctica Circle. When iron is exposed to moist
biological yield (total dry matter
Anticyclones air for a long period of time, its
accumulation) represented by
It is a high pressure system in surface acquires a coating of a brown,
eco-nomic yield (volume/weight
which the winds blow spirally out- flaky substance called rust. Rust is
of plant organs of economic/
ward in the opposite direction to that hydrated iron (III) oxide [Fe2O3 .
agricultural value) expressed in
of the earths rotation. The winds xH2O].
direction is clockwise in the northern Soap Economic Yield
HI = 100
hemisphere and counter-clockwise Soaps are sodium or potassium Biological Yield
in the southern hemisphere. Anti- salts of higher fatty acids, such as (excluding root weight)
cyclones are generally associated oleic acid (C17 H 33 COOH), strearic Food ChainFood chain is the
with calm and settled. Since the air is acid (C17 H 35 COOH), palmitic acid transfer of food energy from the
warm and compressed the sky is (C15H31COOH) etc. The sodium salts source in green plants through a
generally clear and the frost occurs in are called hard soaps whereas the series of organisms with repeated
the morning. potassium salts are called soft soaps. eating and being eaten by either
Birth Rate predators or parasites or sapro-
The Crude Birth rate is PHYSICS phytes.
Cropping SystemCropping
Number of total births
1000 Cryogenic Engine system denotes the cropping
Total Population
It is an engine used in space patterns used on a farm and their
Blood Rain interactions with farm resources,
crafts, in which liquefied oxygen and
Blood rain refers to a rain which other farm enterprises and avai-
is red in colour and leaves a red stain. liquefied hydrogen are used as
fuels. It is used in the last stage of lable technology.
On the ground the red colour is due
to imprisonment of drops in dust geosynchronous satellite launch ClimatologyClimatology is the
particles carried along in the upper vehicle for establishing the satellites branch of science, which deals
air from a desert often over long in the geosynchronous transfer orbit with facts/knowledge related to
distances. of earth. climate. P.Darpan

PD/August/2007/265 For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.

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