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The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,

Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

A Study of the Relationship between Tardiness and Absenteeism, and
Utilization and the Impact of Motivation on Tardiness and
Absenteeism in TravelPal Thailand Co., Ltd.

Rach Wongwisidth , and Sawat Kengchon

Assumption University, 592/3 Ramkhamhaeng 24, Hua Mak, Bangkapi Thailand 10240

The online travel agency (OTA) is one of the popular travel services in Thailand that
competition has increasingly grown in the past few years. There are both local and
international players competing in the same market. TravelPal Thailand Co.Ltd., is among the
top OTAs of the country directly affected by high competition. The business is under
performed in 2012 by several factors. To reverse the situation and create competitiveness,
employee utilization has been identified as one of significant areas to improve for the
company. Due to high tardiness and absenteeism rate of employees in the organization, the
study is intended to identify relationship between tardiness and absenteeism, and employee
utilization. Motivation will be used as the intervention tool and its impact on the focal issues
will be identified.

Keywords: employee utilization, absenteeism, tardiness, motivation, goal-settings

Introduction absenteeism are the two potential issues that

The online travel was forecasted to might create impact on employee utilization.
become one third of the total world market The root causes are assumed by the
value [32]. There is a market study shows that management team of the focal organization
the top three online travel agents (OTA) that such as a long period of stay of the employees,
the travellers use their booking service are Thai culture, family-like atmosphere in the
Expedia, Tripadvisor, and [31]. company could contribute to such behaviors
The other OTA such as was among employees.
reported 21% in revenue and 34% in net
income higher than 2011 [30]. The company Statement of Research Problem
also offers services in many countries The focuses of the study are on the
including Thailand through their primary relationship between tardiness and
brands, and [17]. To absenteeism, and employee utilization and the
operate the OTA business, there are four major impact of motivation on tardiness and
commercial functions recommended to fulfill: absenteeism, in TravelPal Thailand Co., Ltd.
marketing, requisition information, customer
service and electronic transaction [19]. It is Research Objectives
also suggested that the key success factor in The potential solution of the focal issues
operating the agency in particular is to recruit, is to understand the relationship between
motivate and retain competence employees to tardiness and absenteeism, and the current
support the operation of the business [26]. situation, low employee utilization and to
The focal organization, TravelPal experiment the impact that the tool created,
Thailand Co., Ltd., is among the top OTA motivation tool, on the issues. In the study,
players in Thailand. In 2012, the company there are four primary objectives defined:
business performance was dropped overall 1. Identifying relationship between
especially in the area of inbound business, tardiness and employee utilization in TravelPal
which is a core business area of the company. Thailand Co., Ltd.
One of the major contributing factors to the 2. Identifying relationship between
result is employee utilization as identified by absenteeism and employee utilization in
the management team. Tardiness and TravelPal Thailand Co., Ltd.
The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,
Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

3. Identify impact of motivation on Limitation and Delimitation of Research
tardiness in TravelPal Thailand Co., Ltd. In this research, there are both
4. Identify impact of motivation on limitation and delimitation, which might vary
absenteeism in TravelPal Thailand Co., Ltd. an accuracy of the studied result, which are
worth to outline at the beginning.
Research Questions Limitation of the study is time. Due to a
There could be some potential impact of two months period of the study, the behavioral
tardiness and absenteeism on employee change might not be taken effect. The
utilization, which might result to unsuccessful activities are required to continue after the
business performance. There are four study period.
questions raised in the study: Regarding to the delimitation, there are
1. Are there any relationships between two issues, facilitators and rewards.
tardiness and employee utilization? Facilitators: Due to sensitivity of the issues,
2. Are there any relationships between tardiness and absenteeism, the facilitators will
absenteeism and employee utilization? be assigned to internal TravelPal Thailand Co.,
3. What are the impacts of motivation on Ltd. team to conduct and coached by the
tardiness? researcher. For the rewards, the trophy or
4. What are the impacts of motivation on certification will be given to the employees
absenteeism? succeed the program according to plan due to
monetary value cannot be supplied.
Definition of Terms
Focal/Target organization: TravelPal Literature Reviews
Thailand Co., Ltd.
Target employees: Employees of Tardiness and Absenteeism of Employees
TravelPal Thailand Co., Ltd. who are involved Tardiness and absenteeism of
with tardiness and absenteeism issues. employees are crucial issues for many
Employee utilization: ratio of works organizations nowadays. The financial impact
assigned according to role and time spent to generated by absenteeism solely cost 36% of
complete them. payroll according to the survey report by
Motivation tool: a simulated tool created Mercer [10]. Tardiness is excluded. Many
to support enhancement of motivation. It organizations include the topics in the
composes of recognition tool, goal-settings attendance section of employee handbook.
tool, and self-management tool. Additionally the employee assistance program
Recognition tool: type of motivation tool (EAP) has been offered in several companies
purposely designed to create recognition of in order to increase well-beings of employees,
employees. as well as business productivity and
Goal-Settings tool: type of motivation performance [24].
tool purposely designed to support Tardiness and absenteeism are two out of
individual/team objectives or goals. four forms of withdrawal behaviors, which
Self-management tool: type of motivation also include early departure and turnover [3].
tool purposely designed to support self- They can be seen as a sign of organizational
management activity. disengagement [8]. There are two classical
Observed behavior: behavior can be concepts widely used to explain the behavior
seen by sight. absence proneness [7] and emotional
instability [16].
Scope of the Study Not only the employees, those two issues
In order to create an accurate result create several unconstructive consequences to
from the study as much as possible, the organization; expenses, resentment,
research is scoped for travel and tourism productivity, and presenteeism [22]. It is also
industry in Thailand in a segment of online supported by several case studies that
travel agency by focusing on the target motivation creates direct impact to
organization which strong Thai culture has productivity in different degrees [23][25]. The
influenced employees behavior. The result classical theorys motivation hygiene of
from the study can be expanded in the later Federick Herzberg [27] is the strongest support
stage. of the prove.
The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,
Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

Employee and Organization Relationship can be developed over time and life experience
Business organization is a social entity that individual goes through and it was
established by one or more persons and driven categorized as Achievement, Affiliation and
by one or more purposes to generate Power. To reach the goal, people with high
financially growth and productivity growth need of achievement may choose the difficult
toward the entity. The group of people in path to show their real ability of success. For
organization is a key element to drive people who value affiliation, they incline to
organization to its objective. Employees and enjoy interacting with people. They want to
organization have a relationship to each other feel harmonized with the group and be
[13]. There are both external and internal accepted by the others. And for the last, people
contexts linked to the relationship, which also who have high needs for power, tend to take
creates the intersected area, the employee- control of environment to achieve the goal. In
organization relationship [2]. It is an this theory, power can be divided into 2 types.
implication of right balance between life One is individual power and the other is
outside the company and inside the company. institutional power. The former type tends to
In national culture context, family/leisure direct the others as well as environment toward
context, labor market context and occupational his individual goal while the latter looks at
context, the context external to the overall achievement of institution. He will try
organization, they are contributed to to organize the effort in order to support goal
employees state of mind. So are the contexts of organization.
internal to the organization. The relationship of
employees toward organization and in the Thai Culture
opposite direction can be formed according to It is learnt that behavior itself occurred
the context elements. The linkage between due to an influence of normative belief [1],
both, therefore, will be established once some which culture is part of it. People express their
certain context elements are met. behavior toward one particular event or thing
differently depends on the culture in the region
Motivation and Behavior they belong to. Culture varies according to the
Motivation is a driver of behaviors in region, which has impact to value [20].
human beings. However observed behaviors Thailand is one of the countries that,
cannot be presumed as a true self of has a strong culture and is rooted in society.
individuals. The observed behavior has been The culture has also influence to personality of
assumed by the externals, which may not be Thais. The work of Dr.Juri Vichit-Vadakarn
true for a person observed [11]. Even oneself was posted in a website,, titled The
who expresses that behaviors might either Analysis of Thai Personality: Root Causes of
intentionally or unintentionally act and has Development and Problems in Thailand [34].
already been presumed by the third parties. It is supported by previous work of Herbert P.
The behavior is driven by beliefs, values, and Phillips [15] regarding in a book called Thai
attitudes [11]. However it can be interpreted Peasant Personality: The Patterning of
based on the context of the situation. It is Interpersonal Behavior in the Village of Bang
undeniable that motivation is a key of Chan. It describes Thai personalities as high
behavior. It has been defined as a process that flexibility, not to follow the regulation, high
intensity and persistence of individual to individualism, high compromise and low
achieve the goal [9]. commitment. The advantages of these types of
To be motivated, there must be a goal personality are high survival skills and high
that can be anything. The goal can reflect social integration. However the drawbacks also
needs and values of the individual [12]. When exist [33]. Additionally Thai society is
human beings feel hungry, they have to go out hierarchical structure. Paying respect to a
and look for food to fulfill their needs. Goal is person who has higher seniority is very
to find food where hungriness motivates he to important through actions such as listening to
look for food. Eating is basic need of everyone the senior without expressing opinion if not
while types of food can be value hold and asked, bending body forward when walking
developed according to the background. To pass senior persons who respected, etc. Thai
support understanding of behaviors, which is culture has been appeared in all aspects of Thai
an output, the needs are one of the factors that organization and influent to behavior of Thais
motivation. David McClelland [14] describes in the organization [18].
in the Acquired Needs Theory that the needs
The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,
Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

In professional environment, Thai urgency is strongly needed. The sense is raised
personality, Sabai-Sabai (easy going), cannot because awareness. In the Transtheoretical
be fit well due to seriousness is required to model [29], there are 6 steps described the
create credibility of individual and change.
productivity to reflect in performance. The In the first step, Precontemplation, it is
idea of family-like environment is good in unaware by people about the needs of change.
personal interaction because Thais tend to There can be negative reaction in addition to
avoid confrontation and confliction. Somehow resistance toward the change. The
it causes low productivity in several Contemplation, the second step, is a stage
organizations in Thailand due to people are when people start to be aware of the needs of
Sabai-Sabai, which includes non-respect to change but not confine in yet. Weighting
company regulation. between pros and cons are common situation
It is very interesting and challenge to when people reach this stage. In the third step,
combine Thai culture and Thai personality to preparation, it is a stage when the change is
the professionalism and create new Thai about to occur. People at this stage are fully
professional manners. It can be a unique aware about the needs for change and start
culture and can be applied in professional looking for data to support the upcoming
environment in all levels. change activities that might occur sooner or
later. It can be defined as a pre-change stage.
Positive Change Management The Action, which is the forth step, is
In order to move organization forward, the stage when people take real action on
instead of focusing on faultfinding, individual change of their behaviors. This stage is very
strength should be priority of the development crucial because it is a go/no go stage for
of behavior [4]. It comes from belief that people who are in the stage. The willpower of
human beings are a combination of the good them is there. Strong support from people
and the bad. No one is perfect. They possess around them, some reward and any kinds of
both [6] as well as strength and weakness. If motivation are needed to keep this momentum.
strengths are the main focus and combined, There can be pressure or frustration along the
they create imaginations, passions and hopes way. It is the reason that strong support and
[4]. To discover individual strength, it is positive motivation are needed there. After the
important to understand and accept oneself. action complete, the Maintenance stage is the
In Appreciative Inquiry, the 4D model [5] other crucial one. People who reach at this
can helps organization and individuals to stage need to remind themselves about the
discover self-strengths, to dream of the future good move that have occurred to their lives as
goal, to design the path to the dream and to well as to avoid all temptation because they
destine oneself what should be defined for a might revert to the prior habit. However the
milestone check. risk of reversion can be less comparing to the
Deep listening can be the starting point previous one.
of self-discovery. It is a process to listen to An absolute stage, which cannot be often
oneself and perhaps the others [21]. It can also applied, is Termination. People who have gone
help one to escalate his consciousness. Once a through 5 stages of change have no longer
person lives consciously and is aware of things desire to fall back to the previous behavior and
that happen around him, the difficulties and at the same time they would like to share their
challenges in life can seen clearer. To path to the others.
understand the challenges or difficulties are, to
search the root causes of those, to understand Theoretical Framework
results of reducing or eliminating the root Behavioral Change on Thais can be
cause and to act on the path of root cause challenging based on content and context of
termination or reduction, the Four Noble the culture especially the expected
Truths has been clearly described [28] and can outputtargeted to utilization of employees.
be applied from individual to organizational Motivation can be an appropriate tool in order
level. to shift current behavior toward high
utilization related behaviors.
Behavioral Change
As discussed in many change
management theorem, creating a tipping point
is the first process required because a sense of
The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,
Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Model
In the research, the assumption is to Figure 3: Action Research Framework
identify the impact of the negative observed
behaviors, tardiness and absenteeism, toward Research Methodology
employee utilization as well as identify the To provide accurate findings and yield
motivation factors that cause the negative results per expected, the research methodology
observed behaviors in order to use them as a has been designed for implementation.
tool to change their behavior.
The variables, dependent and Action Research Model
independent, are assigned KPIs in order to
measure and to track the change of behaviors Pre-ODI
of the target group. Employee utilization will Mutual agreement between the focal
be measured by the numbers of work assigned organization and researcher regarding to
compared to the time given, actual submission research corroboration has been reached and
time and some specific KPIs defined on each agreement of research scope has been defined
particular role of the focal group members. For and approved. These two processes are defined
tardiness and the absenteeism, there is time in contact and contract steps. In data
stamp recorded in the HR system of TravelPal collection & analysis step, employee data, and
Thailand Co., Ltd. tardiness and absenteeism records from human
resources of TravelPal Thailand Co., Ltd. will
be provided as a background and evidence of
the focal issues.

Figure 2: Conceptual Model

Action Research Framework

In the action research framework, it
composes of three phases, Pre-ODI, ODI and
Post-ODI. The Pre-ODI describes current
situation related to the research focal issue
according to high-level discussion prior the
research starts. The ODI describes a potential
ODI process and activities to bring the target
audience to the desired stage elaborated in the Figure 4: Action Research Model
Post-ODI (see figure 3). However the ODI can
be changed according to the new discovered The primary data collection will be
data and result from further activities. collected through the Employee Engagement
Survey (EES) and the Face-to-Face (F2F)
interview. The questions items and interview
topics are planned and structured in order to
fetch and cross check responds of the
participants of both activities. The EES will be
rolled out to all employees of TravelPal
The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,
Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

Thailand Co., Ltd. in order to identify the Post-ODI
common motivation factors and perception The Employee Engagement Survey and
toward the organization among employees. For the F2F interview will be conducted at the end
the F2F Interview, it will be conducted to 15- again to identify the gap between Pre-ODI and
20 employees who have been involved with Post-ODI to the same group of participants.
tardiness and absenteeism issues both The final report including to recommendation
constructively and destructively. Toward the will be written after data analysis and
end of this step, the analysis results will be intervention evaluation. As a detach process,
produced from the gathered data as well as the Live & Learn session will be organized to
analysis process. Diagnosis of the current present the study to management team of the
situation will be performed based on analysis target organization, proposal of
of data and, as well, the result will be recommendation and to discuss about the
presented to the stakeholders, sponsors and learning occurred within organization during
power sponsors of the research study to agree the intervention. After the meeting, the project
way to move forward. These activities are a should be ended as the first phase.
merger of two process steps, data feedback &
analysis and agree way forward. OD Activities
It can be seen in figure 4 that the red To conduct the study, there are three
arrow moves from top to bottom and in the types of tools designed as well as activities to
other directions. It shows the direction of support, recognition tool, goal-settings tool
process steps to be conducted by starting from and self-management tool.
the tail of the arrow to its head.
1. Recognition Tools is designed to
ODI promote and emphasize recognition culture in
Intervention design and implementation order to increase employees motivation inside
are two main steps in ODI phase. After data organization. There are two activities created
collection and analysis process, the by using the tool.
intervention will be designed according to
objectives of the study as well as baseline data. Good Wednesday Breakfast (GWB)
The designed intervention is required an It purposes to bring management and
agreement and approval from a sponsor of staffs to discuss about ongoing issues or any
target organization. Due to the nature of the staff requests in professional manner but yet
intervention is related to behavioral change by family-like feel over the breakfast. It is
shaping up through organizational wide intended to create a space for employee to
activities, it is crucial that the management raise their voices to management directly.
team has to be involved since the beginning in Simultaneously management will have an
order to understand the objectives and opportunity to discuss with employees in the
expected results of the intervention as well as topics attention needed. The key activity of the
the process of implementation phase. Before it GWB is to show recognition from
rolled out, communication plan must be management toward employees in the meeting
created properly because the intervention may and the breakfast represents a small celebration
generate impact directly and indirectly to the before starting a new day.
employees within the organization. Appreciative Inquiry (A.I.) will be used
During the step of implementation, as an approach to conduct the meeting.
monitoring can also be done and data can also Although professionalism is required during
be collected as a secondary data source to discussion over the breakfast, A.I. will give a
support the analysis in the Post-ODI. In this sense of generosity, friendship and goodwill in
study, the OD activities will be conducted by the session. Invitation will be created and
the focal organization through human delivered by HR department. Agenda will be
resources department. Preparation session set planned ahead among responsible
between HR and the researcher will be management team members who will conduct
organized to coach the HR team and other the session in that particular week. At least
involved parties to conduct the activities and three recognition topics will be needed to
collect data as well. After two months after include. Each session will take around 30
intervention, data will be collected and result minutes before office hour started at 9 a.m.
will be evaluated in Post-ODI phase, which is Meeting facility and breakfast will be
evaluate & learn.
The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,
Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

sponsored and organized by human resource 3. Self-Management Tool purposes to
department. support employees to take action and to learn
The activity is designed to reflect to manage themselves through activities. In
appreciation and recognition within this study, there is an activity designed from
organization between management and staffs this tool.
since it is believed that it will be one of the
ways to create employee engagement and Self-Service Champion
commitment of employees toward The self-service champion is an activity
organization, which can potentially reduce rate to create personal mastery and share it to the
of tardiness and absenteeism. others. At the same time it create self-esteem,
self-respect and self-confidence of a person
Ring It When We Come entitled as a champion. In the process of self-
It is a game designed to encourage and to champion, a person will be entitled as
incentivize any team in TravelPal Thailand champion in any defined categories and hold
Co., Ltd. that arrives the office by 9 a.m. They the title for a given period. During the period,
will be competing against each other in the that person has to demonstrate that he/she
league. The bell will be provided to each team deserves the title as well as needs to create any
and must be rung by 9 a.m. on the working day kind of knowledge or skill transfer to others in
if all team members appear in the office. organization.
Management team members will go to the area Management team of TravelPal
of the team and give applause to daily winning Thailand will define champions categories
team. Photo of daily winner will be taken and and select staffs, who belong to those. The
published in companys Facebook and score champions need to demonstrate area of
will be kept on a public scoreboard. The championship and are required to create the
league will be lasted for 2 months and at the program to transfer their expertise through out
end, the winner will be rewarded by a the organization with a support from HR
certification and prize from the management. department. There will be a board to show
There are two levels of corroboration photos of monthly champions. At the end of
reflected in this activity, management team given period, new champions will be selected
members and the team themselves. A strong and continue. The participation of the
commitment to activity is required by champions in the program will be part of their
management team members because they have performance evaluation review.
to be presented in the office by 9 a.m. every
morning as an example in addition to visit the Table of Respondents
winning team. For the team, corroboration
among team members is majorly required. The Percentage
team leader needs to show commitment toward Level of in
the win as well as convince the team members Participants Population Total
benefits of being achieved in term of personal
Management 11 24.50%
life and career.
Employees 34 75.50%
2. Goal-Settings Tool is used for Total 45 100%
pushing and motivating the employees in focal Table 1: Table of Respondents
organization to initiate and to commit to goal
agree upon. An activity is designed to from the Instruments
Interview Guide
Additional Personal Goal Settings in It is used as a communication tool before
Objective Settings & Performance the F2F Interview session conducted. It is
Evaluation designed to provide a procedure of the
Personal goal settings of individual interview, scope of interview, list of the
employees will be requested to add during the questions, check list of interview preparation
Objective Settings process and reviewed in the and data entry sheet used during the actual
Performance Evaluation process. A personal interview.
goal toward role or organization can be
proposed and agreed on the timeline and
The 28th National Graduate Research Conference,
Assumption University of Thailand, 28-29 June 2013

Questionnaire Data will be grouped according to the

Quantitative Data Analysis

Results from the Employee
Engagement Survey in the section of tardiness
and absenteeism topics will be analyzed by
using the statistical means and correlation to
identify relationship among the variables.

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